Cold batik butterfly. Development of the lesson "Butterfly beauty". Cold batik. Discussion of stages of work

Evgenia Semenova

Goals: To acquaint parents and teachers with the option of painting fabric using the “cold batik” technique.

Tasks: to acquaint with the technique of painting fabric "cold batik", to teach the methods and techniques of painting fabric, to form an interest in arts and crafts.

Materials and tools: acrylic paints on silk, a jar of water, a brush, a rag, a simple pencil, a syringe with a fine tip or a special jar for contouring, a medium-sized hoop, a white cotton cloth, PVA glue.


1. We fix the fabric in the hoop.

2. We check that the fabric is stretched well and slightly “drummed”.

3. With a simple pencil, draw the outline of the drawing. You can transfer the drawing through tracing paper, a stencil, or place a black-and-white printout with a drawing under the fabric and circle it.

4. Using a syringe or a special jar for the contour (sold in stationery and art stores), we draw the outline of the drawing along the line of the pencil.

5. The contour of the glue is wide, the child can see it better with further painting. PVA glue can be tinted to the desired color by adding any dye to it, I used a few drops of paint on the fabric.

6. After the contour has dried, you can start painting. The fabric is pre-wetted with water with a brush, trying not to wet the contour of the glue.

7. We apply dyes to the dampened fabric. On a damp cloth, the colors mix well with each other, creating new shades.

8. After the main areas are painted, you can add drawing, small details with a thin brush. By this time, the fabric will dry out a little and the small pattern will not spread much.

9. We paint the background in the same way as a butterfly, after wetting the fabric with water.

10. At the final stage, you can sprinkle a little coarse salt on some parts of the background. Salt draws in water and paint, creating intricate patterns.

The resulting pattern must be ironed through a cotton cloth. To use the resulting image for a pillow or pot holder, the PVA glue can be removed, it will be easy to do if the fabric is moistened. If you draw a picture in a frame, then it is not necessary to delete the outline.

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Summer is coming - it's time for bright colors, good mood! You can add brightness to your life by decorating your clothes and household items.

So the last month of winter has come to an end, and although there is still snow on the street and it is rather cold, we all already feel the approach of spring with its warm, gentle rays of the sun, with young, fresh, silky foliage, a piercing blue sky ... at this time we shake off the winter stupor and begin to flutter like butterflies. I want something bright, light and joyful both in life and in clothes. Today we will create spring jeans with butterflies fluttering on them.

For work we need:

  • jeans;
  • Freedecor stencil;
  • polyethylene film;
  • fabric paints;
  • contours for painting on fabric;
  • brushes.

To decorate jeans, use the Freedecor stencil.

1. So, let's start decorating our jeans.

First, put plastic wrap inside the jeans. This is done so that the paint, after application, does not leak to the other side of the jeans.

2. We spread the stencil on the front side of the jeans and, using fabric paint and a brush, carefully draw butterflies.

While they are not too bright and look more like shadows from butterflies... Let the paint dry.

3. Using the outline for painting fabric with multi-color sequins, decorate the butterflies to your liking.

You can outline only the borders of the picture, or you can outline any patterns on the wings of butterflies.

This is how our butterflies now look after the contour has dried and ironed!

Explanatory note

on the section: "Cold batik".

Theme of the lesson: "Butterfly is a beauty"

Class date: 15.01.2015

Age of students: 10 -14 years old

Number of students in class: 10 people

Target: Development of a sketch for the work "Butterfly - Beauty" with color elaboration, made in the technique of cold batik.


    To ensure that children have an interest in creative activities;

    Introduce students to diversitybutterflies, various patterns on the wings of butterflies;

    To teach how to consistently work on a drawing according to a representation, to use a line of symmetry in drawing a drawing;

    To develop in children a sense of beauty, artistic taste, creativity,cultivate accuracy, aesthetic taste,improve mental health;

    Develop creative imagination, figurative perception of objects of reality;

    To form an emotional and aesthetic attitude to the depicted, to cultivate love and kindness for the world around.

Methods of work in the classroom: conversation, creative activity, gymnastics for the eyes, gymnastics for the fingers.

Forms of control over the implementation of the objectives of the lesson: verbal (questions and answers), briefing (current). Review of the completed work (cardboard to the picture).

Tools used in class: patterns on butterfly wings; slide projector; illustrations with images of butterflies; formats corresponding to the finished stretcher; pencil or paint as desired.

Lesson progress

Guys, guess the riddle.

Moved by the flower

All four petals

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away.

What is the riddle about?

That's right, it's a butterfly.

As you probably already guessed that today we will draw butterflies and the topic of our lesson"Butterfly is beautiful."

With the onset of heat in April, May, all nature begins to wake up, and various insects, including butterflies, are born.

I'm at the yellow butterfly

Quietly asked:

Butterfly tell me

Who colored you?

Maybe it's buttercup?

Maybe a dandelion?

Maybe yellow paint

That neighbor boy?

Or is it the sun

After winter boredom?

Who colored you?

Butterfly, tell me!

The butterfly whispered

Dressed in gold

Colored me all over

Summer, summer, summer!

In nature, there are a huge number of butterflies. They are all different and do not resemble each other. There are very tiny ones - with a fingernail, and there are large ones - with your palm.

The smallest butterflyZizylahylax(there is no Russian name). This butterfly lives in Madagascar, Africa, Mauritius, Arabia. Its front winglet is only 6mm long.

PEACOCK EYES With a wingspan of 30 cm, it is very often mistaken for a bird.

The largest diurnal butterfly.

MAAK TAILBOSSER from the family of sailboats.

The most unusual looking butterflyGretamorganemorgane. In English it is referred to asGlasswing, rough translation: "glassfly". She has transparent wings.

Only in our Republic there are about 120 species of butterflies.

Poets composed poems about butterflies, artists depicted them in paintings. (Aleksey Gavrilovich noticed how mother and son admire the butterflies that perched on the hand of the reaper, after which he asked them to pose for him.)

Vincent van Gogh "Poppies and Butterfly"

Ohara Kosan – Japanese print

Eustas Macik "Happiness"

Butterflies have very delicate wings. They are covered with many tiny scales that reflect the sun's rays. The sun makes the outfit of butterflies bright and iridescent. Many butterflies cannot live after being in the hands of a person, because even with a light touch the scales are erased, the butterflies cannot fly after that and die.

Some species of butterflies are on the verge of extinction, there are very few of them left, they need protection.

Are the guys who catch butterflies doing the right thing?

- Butterflies, like natural flowers, are an adornment of our nature.

Let's look at butterflies again. What beautiful dresses they have

Pay attention to the shapes of the wings, patterns and patterns on them. What did you notice? (Children's answers )

Butterflies are always beautiful, as if they were going to a ball.

How many wings does each butterfly have? (Children's answers. )

Please note that each butterfly has four wings: two identical large ones in front and two identical smaller ones in the back.

Wings, antennae, pattern on the wings, everything -SYMMETRIC.

Who knows what the word "symmetrical" means?

That's right, a line (show) drawn through the middle of the body will divide the butterfly into two identical halves. Such a line is calledline of symmetry.

Butterflies are symmetrical about their bodies, which means that their left and right wings are the same shape.(fold wings) and decorated in the same way.

During the practical work of students, an audio recording of the sounds of the forest with classical music sounds.

And now you will try to draw your butterfly yourself, decorating their wings symmetrically with patterns, first with a pencil, and then with paints.

Dream up and “dress up” a butterfly in a beautiful, bright, patterned dress.

And so let's get to work:

    First you need to decide on the location of the sheet: (vertically or horizontally and why?).

    Now you need to correctly compose the sheet, i.e. arrange your butterfly so that our composition is harmoniously located and beautiful to perceive.

    Now pay attention to the pattern that is located on the wings, we can say that the pattern is symmetrical, i.e. the pattern of one wing exactly repeats the pattern of the other. Keep this in mind in your work.

    First draw a pattern on one wing, and then exactly the same on the other.

    When working on a drawing, do not press hard on the pencil, otherwise, if you want to fix something, it will be difficult, because deep and black lines from the pencil will remain, because of which your work will not look neat.

    When your drawing is ready, you can start working with color. Please note that on the wings of many butterflies there are both very bright colors, as well as brown and even black.

7.-What does a butterfly eat? (flower nectar)

You can draw a flower or some beautiful environment.

Lesson summary

1) Exhibition of students' works and their discussion.

And now we are organizing an exhibition of our butterflies.

What new did you learn at the lesson today? (Learned about different beautiful butterflies .)

What did you learn in the lesson? (Draw a pattern on the wings of butterflies. )

What mood did it evoke in you?

Thank you. The lesson is over.

More about butterflies

Butterfly legends.

    The ancient Romans believed that butterflies were flowers that were plucked by the wind.

    In Japan, they believe that seeing a butterfly in your house is good luck.

    Butterflies symbolize all the best in human life.

    In China, the groom still gives the bride a living butterfly for the wedding - a symbol of unchanging love.

    The Slavs also believed that butterflies are the pure souls of angels and they convey our wishes to heaven.

    Among Christians and Catholics, a butterfly is often depicted sitting on the hand of the infant Christ and is a symbol of the rebirth and resurrection of the soul.

The science of butterflies is called lepidopterology.

There are clinics in Stockholm where patients are treated for stress in greenhouses with flowers and butterflies

We admire butterflies and completely forget what will happen next. Perhaps this is the secret and power of beauty!

Today our theme is cold batik, butterfly and dahlia pattern. A stunning image on silk can be a great scarf or cape, or you can leave the picture as a picture and not invent a functional role for it.

To create a drawing you will need:

  • silk;
  • reserve tube;
  • reserve;
  • aniline paints for steaming;
  • brushes of different sizes - columns;
  • simple pencil.

First, stretch the fabric on any surface - the frame, the surface of the table, it doesn't matter.

Place the pre-made template under the fabric so that it shines through it and transfer the drawing with a pencil. You can not do this if you are confident in your artistic abilities - draw immediately with a pencil on the fabric, without a template.

When the entire drawing is applied, separate the colors and colors needed to create the picture and start drawing.

It will take about a day for the paints to dry, then steam the fabric for 3 hours and boil it. Then lightly rinse first in soapy water, then in clean water, and then in water with a small part of vinegar. Remove the cloth from the container and let the water drain for some time. Next, wrap it in a terry towel and right in it, gently wring it out.

Lay the fabric on a flat surface and, with a damp towel, smooth it out. Wait for it to dry and your composition is ready. Now we draw butterflies on fabric only together with dahlias!

We present to you a lesson in technology in the 4th grade, which was held by Galina Alekseevna Dzhurabaeva, teacher at school No. 6 in Reutov, Moscow Region.

Lesson on technology in grade 4 on the topic “Cold batik. Butterfly"

Lesson Objectives:
- mastering the technique of performing cold batik;
- development of fine motor skills of hands;
- development of taste and color perception.

Developed UUD
Cognitive: analysis of the sample with the selection of essential features; extracting essential information from cognitive texts.
Communicative: the ability to cooperate and enter into a dialogue with the teacher and with the children.
Regulatory: follow the established rules in planning and controlling the solution method.
Personal Outcomes: development of interest in arts and crafts and nature.

Equipment: textbook “Technology. Manual creativity. Grade 4 "(ed. Tsirulik N.A., Khlebnikova S.I., Nagel O.I., Tsirulik G.E..), white cloth, gouache, PVA glue, stained glass paints (optional), a hoop or a box with an elastic band, a pencil, carbon paper, matches or a toothpick.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Check readiness for the lesson.
2. Determining the topic of the lesson.

The teacher reads the riddle:
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
Soared up and flew away (butterfly)
The teacher shows different types of butterflies on slides.

Looking at butterflies, children pay attention to the variety of colors, shapes and symmetrical structure.

Teacher's story.
“The ancient Romans believed that butterflies originated from flowers detached from plants. The four membranous wings of butterflies are covered with scales. Scales are flat sacs with transparent ribbed walls. When carelessly touching the wings, the scales fall off. Then the butterfly looks faded. In rare cases, there are no or very few scales on the wings. Then the wings of butterflies are transparent.”

Children themselves determine that the object of today's work will be a butterfly.

Teacher: Let's remember in what ways we have already made butterflies (the guys remember that in the 1st grade they made origami, in the 2nd - "accordion"). And today we will get acquainted with the new technology.
The children are invited to consider the image of a butterfly on p. 54.
Teacher: What is she drawn on? (on fabric)
- What do you think, what fabric is better to take for our work?

Children answer that it is better to take a plain cotton fabric, although silk fabric can also be used for batik.
Here you can again refer to the material on p. 48-49 of the textbook and repeat how fabrics were painted in eastern countries.

Teacher: What paints will we use? (gouache, gouache colors are brighter than watercolors, and when dried, the color of the product will be saturated)
Since the children have already painted fabrics, they are invited to compare the “Butterfly” with the previous work “Patterns of Santa Claus”.

Children read the task of the textbook:
- Compare "Patterns of Santa Claus" and "Butterfly". In which picture are the patterns clearer?
Children note that the "Butterfly" patterns are clearer.

Teacher: Why do you think the paint does not bleed and the edges of the drawing are sharper? (children can answer that there is another layer between the layers of paint)
Children read: To prevent the paint from spreading, use a reserve.
Teacher: It is needed to keep the paint within the specified boundaries.
The teacher adds that the use of PVA glue will be such a reserve in our work.

3. Discussion of the stages of work.

Children are readingsteps outlined in the textbook.
1. Transfer the design to cotton fabric using carbon paper and tracing paper, or use a template.
US. 99 has a butterfly pattern. Children determine how to lay the fabric so that the image is exactly in the middle. From experience I will say that it is better to carefully cut out the sheet with the image of a butterfly in advance from the textbook, otherwise the image will be displaced. Copy paper is placed on the fabric with a glossy side down, and an image of a butterfly is placed on the copy sheet. Since many children have little experience with carbon paper, check which side the children put it on to avoid mistakes.
Also, there are always children who want to make their own image, for example, a bird, a simple plot picture. I always allow them to do this, having previously discussed how interesting their work will be.

2. Stretch the fabric on the hoop or box.

3. At this stage, it is necessary to apply a reserve to the circuit. PVA glue is used as a reserve, it will not let the paint through. It is convenient to apply the reserve through a narrow slot in the lid of the bottle with PVA glue or with a match. Make sure that the reserve line is not etc discontinuous, otherwise the paint will penetrate the contour. When the glue dries, check if it has soaked through the fabric. If the fabric is dense, it is necessary to apply a reserve from the wrong side along the contour line. Let the glue dry.

Children may suggest using other material as a backup, although PVA glue is more readily available. The students of our class suggested using stained glass paints as a reserve. They just used such paints in art classes. It turned out well, as the paints are bright, saturated colors.

4. Now mo it's okay to color. Start with small details. Try moistening a small detail with a wet brush, and then drip the paint and let it spread.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the wings of a butterfly are symmetrical with respect to its body. Symmetrical parts should be painted in the same color. To make the work interesting, bright, the children were asked to carefully consider the color ratio of the details of the picture, to combine colors in contrast and tone. The children worked with great pleasure. According to them, it was one of the most interesting lessons. Sasha E., Kolya M., Katya D., Liana K. Did the job exactly according to the instructions. Their work turned out bright, colorful, neat. Shahzod loves technology, he drew a car and painted it, it turned out very well. Olesya L., Veronika P., Lera B. drew whole plot pictures, enthusiastically shared their impressions after the lesson. The guys thought about how to finish this work. Most of the children used purchased frames and put their works on their desks, or presented them to relatives and friends. Some of the guys made cardboard frames in the form of a window. In our class there is a true connoisseur of this type of insect. Kolya M. was interested in insects from early childhood, he began to collect the first collection of butterflies at the age of 3. At the end of the lesson, the children listened with interest to the story of his observations on butterflies. I liked the instructions in the textbook. The material is presented in an accessible way. After reading it, the children were able to cope with the work almost independently. In the next lesson, we continued to work in the batik technique.


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