How to write that an enterprise owned product drawings. Strong company copy - what's important and how to write it. Description of the company's advantages

A text about a text is always a lot of letters. Go!

Webmasters have been paying more attention to the text content of the site since the "cancellation" of link ranking than 2-3 years ago. Demand for good writers has grown, but average and bad copywriters have also raised prices for services. Let's look at examples of text content on pages to understand which text is better.

If you do not plan to convey information to the site visitor, and your goal is to ensure the percentage of occurrence of keywords on the page, then the article will not interest you. A basic page content analyzer and services from one of hundreds of copywriting exchanges are enough for you.

Consider the content for the "About Company" pages. Let's give up the concept of "Selling texts", I am sure that it is not the text that is selling, but the presence of the information necessary at the moment of reading: price, territorial proximity, characteristics, application - the benefit for the reader. The more accessible we present the information the visitor needs, the more useful the text will be for him, this will increase the likelihood of the actions you need.

Let's denote the basic rules:

  • Do not lie
  • Don't hide
  • Do not round up
  • If you are not sure or do not know - do not write.

By following these rules, you have every chance to write good copy for the site.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

The purpose of the section "About the Company" is to convey to the reader information that will help to make a decision on cooperation. It's important to understand who your target audience is. If the services are aimed at an ordinary citizen, write simply. If your target audience is narrow-profile specialists, write in their language.

Let's take a look at some example text for a construction company. Let's see what information is important for a potential client:

Let's take a site in Yandex search results and analyze the text:

"For more than ten years our company" So-and-so "has been working in the design and construction of cottages and country houses, providing any type of services for low-rise construction."

The question immediately arises: “ more than ten years" - how much is this? eleven? Does it inspire confidence? Is this a great experience for a construction company?

Let's offer a simpler and more understandable option:

« »

It is immediately clear what the company is doing and how much it is on the market.

« The range of activities of the organization is extensive:

  • professional design,
  • budgeting,
  • construction of wooden houses,
    • Round and chopped log
    • Glued and profiled timber
  • block, block-brick and brick architecture,
  • laying of engineering communications,
  • interior decoration,
  • improvement of the territory,

and much more

We will correct it so as not to leave understatement and unsubstantiated estimates. First of all, we will remove “ vast"Is a subjective and unconfirmed assessment. Let's give up “ much more"- this phrase does not convey anything and does not carry value, and - let's simplify:

Our services:

  • Design of houses and cottages (since the phrase "professional design" is also subjective and uninformative)
  • Budgeting
  • Construction of country houses and brick buildings (block-brick and brick architecture is an obscure term coined by the author, what it is, does not even knowwiki)
  • Plumbing and sewerage (we decipher the term "engineering communications" which is incomprehensible to an ordinary person)
  • Interior decoration
  • Improvement of the territory
  • Sale and delivery of building materials

In my opinion, the list has become clearer.

The next block consists of high-flown, vague and meaningless phrases for the reader. This approach is found on every second site. Let's mark up the text right away:

« Honor first

Our competitive advantages are decent quality of services provided, good speed of work performed, competence of specialists, conscientious attitude to business and, importantly, long-term guarantees.

The qualifications of employees are constantly improving, all specialists continue training within the companyand also leave to other enterprises in order to master knowledge in practice

Only prepositions and conjunctions are informative here. We will analyze and rewrite the section in detail.

Let's not fantasize with the title and just write « competitive advantages» .

« decent quality of services provided "- how is it worthy, how much more worthy than that of others? Let's try to prove it with facts:

We comply with the norms of suburban construction in accordance with the regulations on "legislative act such and such" + link. Construction company certificate No. such was issued at that time.

We have documented that we are building in accordance with the norms, which means that we comply with Russian quality standards.

« good speed of work performed» - what is good speed? We understand that each project has an individual estimate of the timing. Therefore, we will not be able to write that we are building in 20 days. Let's use this move:

Out of 40 projects implemented in 2015, we did not meet the estimated deadline 1 time, and we compensated for the penalty.

« competence of specialists "- a mysterious phrase. Let's write the truth about employees in style:

The company employs builders and installers of at least a certain category. Electricians of at least qualification group IV.

"Fair dealing" - we remove. Conscience is immeasurable.

"Long-term guarantees" - we will give the data, we will confirm:

There remains a block on the development of employees within the company. As the saying goes, these are "problems of the Indians ...". The reader does not care that the employees are still learning and improving their skills; the reader is interested in what the company already knows how to do - we remove the block.

"Best of the best

The choice of high-quality building materials is one of the most important tasks that the specialists of "Such-and-such company" solve. Before using the materials of any manufacturer, their quality is always checked. Leaving the enterprise, the employee undergoes an introductory course about the product and examines the technology of its production. Thus, all competitive offers are studied and, as a result, a choice is made in favor of the best. "

We got the idea - the company uses high-quality materials. The reader does not care where the specialists go (what kind of specialists? Director, cleaner, programmer?). The conclusion in the current version is unconvincing - the company chooses “ any manufacturer».

Let's write openly:

We use building materials that comply with GOST standards. (We will give the standards and certificates. If possible, we will reveal the suppliers.)

Consider the last block, which is, in my opinion, the most successful:

“The main thing is the customer's benefits

At the moment, our organization has a strong position in the market for the construction of suburban real estate. Nevertheless, we continue to actively develop and expand the range of services provided.

We opened our own showroom and building materials store. Many items are in stock, which allows customers not only to familiarize themselves with and purchase the goods, but also to pick them up right away. "

Phrases in the style “ we are leaders, one of the leaders, high positions"By themselves do not mean anything. They need to be confirmed.

Here are the numbers that will allow the client to form an opinion about the company's place in the market.

In 2015, we built 40 out-of-town facilities, which is 15% of the turnover of suburban construction in the region. For comparison, in 2014 our share was 11%. In the rating of such and such, we occupy the 3rd line + link.

We opened our own showroom and building materials store (link), where the buyer can evaluate the quality of building materials, make a purchase, order delivery.

Further text is a repetition of the above items in word forms. There is no particular value in this. We remove.

How the text changed

Thus, from a long, uninformative text, we got a short, impartial content that contains enough information for the client to form an opinion about the company. Let's collect and read:

The company "Such and such"

We have been building and designing cottages and country houses in the region such and such since 2006.

Our services:

  • Design of houses and cottages
  • Budgeting
  • Construction of wooden houses from logs and beams
  • Construction of country houses and brick buildings
  • Plumbing and sewerage
  • Interior decoration
  • Improvement of the territory
  • Sale and delivery of building materials

Competitive advantages:

  • Quality

We comply with the norms of suburban construction in accordance with the regulations on "legislative act such and such" + link. Construction company certificate No. So-and-so was issued at that time.

  • Timing

Out of 40 projects implemented in 2015, we did not meet the estimated deadline 1 time. The penalty was compensated.

  • Competencies

The company employs builders and installers of at least a certain category. Electricians not lowerIV qualification group.

  • Warranty

Warranty for work 10 years, warranty for installed equipment according to the manufacturer's warranty card from 3 years.

  • Quality materials

We use building materials that meet GOST standards from such and such suppliers.

In 2015, we built 40 out-of-town facilities, which is 15% of the turnover of suburban construction in the region. For comparison, in 2014 our share was 11%. IN rating such and such (link) we are on the 3rd line.

Real details and contact details.


Use the techniques given in the article to describe goods and services so that the site is understandable and useful to the reader.

To check the text for "water", "robustness" and stop words, I recommend the service

Explore the infostyle from the editing guru on Maxim Ilyakhov's blog ( - this is the best source with practical advice in Russia (IMHO).

P.S. Let us know in the comments if you are interested in an article about writing content for service and product pages. I am happy to prepare material for the next release of the Rookee Spotlight.

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on the topic: Description of the scope of the enterprise on the example of LLC Investment and Construction Group "Stroyinvest"

The main activity is the construction of residential buildings and commercial real estate, the fulfillment of state and municipal orders for the construction of preschool, secondary educational and sports and recreation institutions.

From the first days of its foundation, the following were identified as the main activities of the Stroyinvest ISG:

* investing in housing construction;

* execution of a complex of construction works as a general contractor; real estate business communication

* creation of a material and technical base to provide high-quality building materials, products, structures and semi-finished products;

* organization of road transport with the aim of delivering materials, structures and products to objects;

* mechanization of construction and installation works (lifting mechanisms, heavy earthmoving equipment).

The main consumers are the population of the Primorsky Territory, which has different material wealth, as well as municipal organizations that use the state budget.

Market analysis:

In the Primorsky Territory, at the expense of all sources of financing, according to preliminary data, in 2013 7791 apartments with a total area of \u200b\u200b614.2 thousand square meters were commissioned. m, 0.5% more than in 2012.

In the total commissioning of housing, 39% (241.1 thousand sq. M.) Are residential buildings commissioned by individual developers. Housing commissioning by the population in comparison with the previous period increased by 19%.

The largest growth in housing commissioning was achieved in Shkotovsky, Chernigovsky, Mikhailovsky, Pogranichny, Anuchinsky, Khankaisky and Krasnoarmeisky districts, as well as in the cities: Dalnerechensk and Artem. In 17 urban districts and municipal districts of the region, housing commissioning has decreased compared to last year.

Of the total area of \u200b\u200bhouses commissioned, Vladivostok accounts for 58% of housing, Artem - 11, Ussuriisk - 10, Nakhodka - 7, Dalnerechensk - about 2, Nadezhdinsky and Khasansky districts - 1% each. In the regional center, 353.5 thousand square meters were built. m of residential buildings, 3.8% less than in 2012.

The average area of \u200b\u200bone apartment, commissioned in 2013, was 79 sq. m (including built by organizations - 59 sq. m, population - 165 sq. m).

Many experts believe that the market value of a square meter in the regional center and the purchasing power of the population restrain the pace of construction. With the existing ratio of housing prices and incomes of citizens, builders have no need to increase the volume of construction. A huge number of people today do not have the opportunity to purchase an apartment, even in installments or under mortgage schemes. So now the price is clearly coming out on top and builders need to fight for its reduction. Developers will simply have to achieve maximum efficiency in terms of price-quality ratio. Stroyinvest pays great attention to the regulation of prices per square meter, which allows people with average incomes to purchase apartments in convenient areas of the city.

For 10 years of operation, the Stroyinvest construction holding has built about fifty multi-storey buildings, which is over 100,000 square meters of housing.

1. Organizational life cycle

The investment and construction group "Stroyinvest" was created in the first half of 2003 as a holding company, the core of which is made up of diversified companies, united by common founders.

Construction of residential buildings and commercial real estate, fulfillment of state and municipal orders for the construction of preschool, secondary general education and sports and recreation facilities - these are the main directions of the company's activity.

We offer our clients a convenient way to purchase an apartment in new micro-districts of the city and region with a developed infrastructure, purchase or rent of retail and office premises at an affordable price.

Our main task is to provide you with comfort and reliability!

Among the largest construction companies in the Primorsky region, the name of the construction holding "Stroyinvest" is engraved in golden letters in the history of the development of the Far East.

For ten years the company has been actively working for the benefit of its native land. In its hometown, Artyom, the closest neighbor of Vladivostok, Stroyinvest has established itself as a brand of modern high-quality housing. Apartments are purchased directly at the company's office. By increasing the dynamics of construction of multi-storey housing stock, Stroyinvest has managed not only to stabilize prices per square meter, but also to significantly reduce the cost of housing in some housing projects.

The basic enterprises of ISG "Stroyinvest" were the companies LLC "Stroyinvest" and LLC "Frekht". By 2014, the ISG includes already 8 enterprises. For 10 years of operation, the Stroyinvest construction holding has built about fifty multi-storey buildings, which is over 100,000 square meters of housing.

Entrepreneurship stage 2003-2004

The company is established on the housing construction market, includes the following companies: LLC Stroyinvest, LLC Frekht, LLC Santekhnik. 2003-2004 the volume of production amounted to more than 70 million rubles.

Growth stage 2004-2005

LLC "Stroyinvest" ceases to exist, turning into CJSC "Stroyinvest". During this time, more than 100 apartments are being commissioned, the volume of construction production of the company is about 200 million rubles. Entering the Primorsky Territory market.

The stage of formalization of business processes 2005-2012.

Having survived the economic crisis of 2006-2009, the company is expanding, a management company "Novosel" is created, which is responsible for the operation of residential buildings, social and cultural facilities and infrastructure. LLC "Stroymekhanizatsiya" was created, which provides objects with lifting mechanisms, small mechanization means for construction and installation work. In 2009, the establishment of the private security company "Rubezh" for the protection of facilities under construction and commissioned. In 2011 Vladstroygroup LLC - general construction works.

In 2007, in the commercial port of Vladivostok, a multi-level parking lot was put into operation, a six-storey building on the street. Cooperative, Artem, residential building on the street. Cosmonauts - the commissioning of these objects brought the Stroyinvest ISG to the "first league" of Primorsky construction companies. The main construction and installation work was carried out by LLC Primorskiy Holding, established in 2005.

Improvement stage 2012 - present. Intensive participation in construction throughout the Primorsky Territory. Creation of LLC "Ocean" together with Chinese partners. Commissioning of the residential complex "Polyarny" in the city of Artem, the first high-rise (14 floors) building in the city of Artem.

Currently, work is underway on new projects involving innovative technologies and equipment for the construction of underground and surface multi-level parking lots. Specific tasks for the further development of the company are clearly defined. The development of the housing stock is being worked out, for its implementation, work is underway to develop projects, the qualifications of specialists are being improved. Contracts for the next year have been concluded to attract construction industry specialists from abroad. The company has modern heavy equipment, tower cranes, excavators and trucks on its balance sheet.

ISG "Stroyinvest" pays special attention to solving the most important socio-economic problems of the city of Artyom and the Primorsky Territory, contributing to the implementation of such important programs for society as the resettlement program from dilapidated housing, "orphans", "housing for veterans", "young family ”, reconstruction of utilities, construction of public utilities.

Over the years of its existence, the ISG "Stroyinvest" has achieved significant success, but the dynamics of growth are demonstrated more clearly than any words by the figures of indicators of construction production. (see fig. 1). From 2003 to 2013, 890 families received turnkey apartments under social state programs.

Annual production volume, mln. Rub.

Indicators of construction production, number of apartments put into operation.

2. Goals and strategy of the organization

The long-term goal of the company is to become and be the best investment and construction company performing the functions of a customer, developer, investor in the Primorsky Territory in terms of construction volume, profitability, quality level, based on corporate values \u200b\u200band principles.

Fulfillment of state and municipal orders for the construction of preschool, secondary general education and sports and recreation institutions.

The main resource goal is to bring advanced technologies and modern building materials to the real estate market, to constantly improve the quality of construction work;

Using the knowledge and experience of leading domestic and foreign construction companies.

The mission, like many basic concepts of modern management, does not have a single generally accepted definition. There are many interpretations of this concept, for example, we will give some of them:

Mission is a strategic (general) goal that expresses the meaning of existence, the generally recognized purpose of the organization. This is the role that the enterprise wants to play in society (L. Gitelman "Transformative Management"); The mission (purpose) of the organization is the answer to the question of what the company is and what it intends to do. The transition to professional corporate management based on procedures is fundamentally impossible without developing a mission, since it is at the top of the organizational programming pyramid. It is thanks to the mission through building a tree of goals and strategies, as well as a list of areas of commercial activity, that a company can determine its functionality - a list of constantly reproducible business functions, management functions and support functions. This allows the formation of basic corporate regulations - a regulation on the organizational structure of the company as a whole and a package of regulations on individual divisions that fix the areas of responsibility of management.Further detailing of these documents makes it possible to obtain regulations for personnel management, regulations on functional responsibilities, job descriptions and job descriptions.

Investment and construction group "Stroyinvest" sees its mission primarily in the economic and social development of the Primorsky Territory and providing residents of Primorye with affordable housing that meets the most modern requirements.

Brief description of the strategy

The main strategy is the leader's strategy. The company always strives to be the best in its industry in terms of customer service and the quality of services provided. An individual approach to each client, clear control of the management over construction projects, well-coordinated interaction of all structural divisions of the company, the use of potential opportunities and accumulated knowledge and experience in business.

The investment and construction group "Stroyinvest" sets as its primary task the provision of simple Primorye residents with high-quality housing that meets all modern technological requirements and standards.

3. Building maps of value streams

A business process (process) is a cumulative sequence of actions to transform the resources received at the input into the final product that has value for the consumer at the output. All activities of an organization represent a business process. At the entrance, the enterprise consumes resources of a certain type, so that later, as a result of the production process, at the exit to receive transformed resources, resources of a different use value.

Business processes exist within every organization, whether they are formalized or not.

Scheme 1. Business process. Commercial real estate for sale

To develop business processes, a working project team is created from the company's employees. Usually, one work team is not enough. Then a temporary team of customer and supplier units of a specific business process is involved in its activities, which provide the inputs, outputs and resources of the business process.

Scheme 2. Business process. Share building

To understand how the system functions and to preserve the accumulated experience, first write down how the process actually functions now.

4. Organizational structure of ISG "Stroyinvest"

Currently, the structure of the company consists of two blocks (see diagram # 3)

Diagram 3. Functional structure

Diagram 4. Legal structure of the organization

5. Organization management structure

Any organization, and often not without difficulty, decides how to build itself, and almost every company at some stage of its existence undergoes transformation. Structural change becomes necessary to reflect a new strategy or respond to changes in any other situational factors: environment, technology, size and life cycle or culture.

A structural diagram is a visual representation of a coherent set of fundamental activities and processes in an organization. An organizational chart can be very helpful in understanding how a company operates. It reveals what parts the organization consists of, how they are related to each other and what place each of the positions and each of the divisions occupies in the integral structure of the organization.

6. Communication in the organization

Top-down organizational communications represent the flow of information from the highest levels of management to the lower ones. Almost half of the contacts of managers are with subordinates, and the second is divided between bosses, colleagues and external actors.

To build effective top-down communications, managers, firstly, must develop a positive attitude towards communications, communication with subordinates is the most important part of their work. Secondly, they are working on obtaining information that will be of interest to employees. Third, managers consciously plan communications. Managers are called upon to gain trust, which is essential to all kinds of communication.

In order to timely receive information from employees of the organization, managers should take a number of preventive measures:

1. Work briefing on the implementation of work assignments. It involves the formulation of instructions by managers within the framework of objective requirements.

2. Feedback on performance results. Employees are in dire need of management feedback on the results of their work assignments. Strong feedback allows them to assess the correctness of the chosen direction and track progress towards their own goals; shows how interested other people are in the results of their activities.

3. News. Downstream messages should be live news, not belated confirmations of information received from other sources.

4. Social support. Social support also belongs to the communication needs of the organization's employees, i.e. a person's desire for a sense of care, respect from others, their high assessment.

Since the degree of decentralization of the Stroyinvest ISG is quite high, horizontal communication processes are of particular value.

Horizontal - communication between persons of the same status or level in the social hierarchy. For example, between the deputy heads of the company, members of the board of directors of the company.

7. Organizational culture

The formation of corporate culture is influenced by two categories of components. The first is external adaptation: it is associated with the organization's achievement of its goals and interaction with representatives of the external environment. The factors of external adaptation include: The mission of the organization; The future of the organization; Objectives that reflect the mission; Clients of the organization; Organization partners.

Leading consultants in the field of strategic planning argue that without a vision, a precise definition of a goal, a concrete statement of intent, an organization will not be able to maintain a stable position in a market niche. So that the vision of the future is not the prerogative of only the management, it must be shared by all employees as well.

Developed companies have become convinced of the impossibility of achieving high performance only through price competition and are increasingly choosing a differentiation strategy. This leads to a confusion of management emphasis from resource management to management of the organization. The need for frequent and significant structural changes exacerbates the need for a mission as a carrier of ideological values \u200b\u200bthat preserve the integrity of the organization. In addition, through the values, ideals and principles of relations, a model of ideal production behavior is formed - the basis of personnel management. The personnel management strategy is implemented both through resource management - the formation of the necessary personnel potential, and through the management of the organization - personnel motivation.

To maintain a stable position in the construction services market, Stroyinvest must have a certain vision, which would be shared by both management and employees.

The appearance of the office, the atmosphere in the office, the appearance of the office staff reflect the main goal of the company, namely the client should feel the attention to himself, see the desire of the company's employees to help him in solving his problem. Each employee of the company must know and remember that the quality of the work provided is the expected quality of the client.

The visible manifestations of corporate culture are rituals. They serve as a means to visually demonstrate the value orientations of the firm and are intended to remind employees of the standards of behavior and norms of relationships that the company expects of them.

It is the rituals, traditions and events of the company that are the most effective means of managing corporate culture: through the system of events, you can not only maintain culture, but also resolve conflict situations, take preventive measures (for example, before making unpopular decisions), set people up to solve problems, support corporate spirit in difficult times for the company.

The rituals performed upon joining the collective are called initiating rituals. The ritual of hiring an employee is a mandatory interview. Each new employee receives initial introductory information and job descriptions.

Corporate holidays are held annually: Builder's Day, Company birthday.

The partners of ISG "Stroyinvest" also receive congratulations every year.

In order to integrate the team, public holidays are celebrated: New Year, February 23, March 8, May 9

Incentives are paid in the form of bonuses, vouchers.

Contests are being organized, such as: "Contest for the best name of a new microdistrict", where employees of the company can also participate.

Core Values:

· We always act in the interests of our clients and partners, fulfilling our obligations to them.

· In our work, we try not only to meet their expectations, but to exceed them.

· We strive for trusting long-term relationships with our partners, realizing that this is the key to our success.

· We value our business reputation, therefore we do our best so that the company is always perceived by our clients and partners as reliable, responsible and honest.

Workmanship quality

· We strive to provide the highest standards of work and do not stop there.

· We strive to provide services of higher quality and on more favorable terms than our competitors.

· Our employees are the most valuable resource of the company and its main competitive advantage.

· We value the professionalism of our employees and encourage everyone to strive for continuous learning and self-improvement.

· We are proud of the atmosphere of mutual trust and involvement in a common cause that prevails in the team.

8. Implementation of innovations in the organization

Development, introduction into production of new products are of great importance for the company as a means of increasing competitiveness and eliminating the dependence of the company on the mismatch of the life cycles of the products. In modern conditions, products are being updated at a fairly rapid pace.

In the construction field, the macro-level diffusion model of innovation is appropriate throughout the enterprise.

Construction innovation can be viewed in terms of:

* changes in the appearance of objects

* a fundamental change in an already known product (objects) (improvement of certain characteristics, quality improvement, reduction of production costs as a result of the use of new materials or new technological means)

* the company has new technical solutions in construction, their significance (scientific and technical aspect)

* influence on the market, i.e. market novelty (economic aspect).

Staff resistance to organizational innovation should be viewed as a special case of employee response to any organizational change. This means that this phenomenon exists according to the same psychological laws and it is possible and necessary to work with it according to the same basic principles as with any other organizational changes. The consequences of organizational changes are: tense psychological atmosphere in the organization; a noticeable decrease in the loyalty and loyalty of employees in relation to the organization; decrease in the innovative activity of employees (new ideas, willingness to take on projects with a certain level of risk); an increase in the number of conflict situations between employees and management; changes in the requirements of employees to the level of remuneration; leaving "of their own free will" of some valuable workers; decrease in labor productivity; an increase in the number of conflict situations between employees, etc.

Ways to overcome employee resistance to innovative change stem from its causes:

The most open and honest communication of management with subordinates of all levels;

Bringing to all the maximum information about what is happening;

Involvement of employees in the decision-making process;

Extra education.

The conceptual model of the process of organizational change can be the scheme "unfreeze - change - freeze".

The first stage - "defrosting" occurs automatically, but further ones require significant efforts. At the second stage - "change", it is necessary to clearly define the desired transformations, and at the third stage - "freezing" - to introduce serious incentives to follow the new principles.

Among the main practical tasks that must be solved at these stages are - conducting an information campaign (providing, among other things, emotional support of the staff); building a single team (including downsizing, if required) and additional training for employees.

The innovations planned by the Stroyinvest ISG: construction of multi-level underground parking lots in the city of Vladivostok, which will accordingly require the development of a technical base, training and advanced training of employees. Cooperation with construction companies of foreign countries (China).

9. The decision-making process in the organization

Decision making is an integral part of any management function. The need for decision-making arises at all stages of the management process, is associated with all areas and aspects of management activities.

In terms of organizational design, management decisions are distinguished: rigid, unambiguously setting the further path of their implementation; orienting, determining the direction of development of the system; flexible, changing in accordance with the conditions of the functioning and development of the system; normative, setting the parameters of the course of processes in the system.

In the process of managing an organization, a huge number of a wide variety of decisions are made with different characteristics.

Repeatability of the problem

Traditional - Atypical

Purpose significance and duration of action

Strategic - Tactical - Operational

Scope of influence

Global - Local

Duration of implementation

Long Term - Short Term

Predicted consequences of the decision

Adjustable Uncorrected

Solution development method

Formalized Unformalized

Number of selection criteria

Single-criteria - Multi-criteria

Form of acceptance

Sole - Collegiate

Solution fixation method

Documented - Undocumented

The nature of the information used

Deterministic - Probabilistic

Basis for the decision

Intuitive - Judgment Decisions - Rational

Place and functions in the management process

Information - Organizational - Technological

The circle of responsible persons for decision-making in the organization is allocated in accordance with the structure of the enterprise and depends on the type of problem.

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Brief description of the organization ………………………………… ..

General Provisions…………………………………………………..

Legal status of the company…………………………………….

The purpose of creation and the subject of the company…..

Description of the company's departments ……………………………………….

Sales department……………………………………………...

Accounting department…………………………………………….

ABOUT department of processing of wild plants……………………………………………...


Organization of accounting activities …………………… ...

Conclusions and suggestions …………………………………………………… .. 7

Brief description of the organization

Company name: LTD ""

Company address: LLC "" Nizhnevartovsk district, village Vata, st. 9, apt. 6., tel. (Fax), tel.

Head of the enterprise: General director

Bank details:TIN, settlement account, Zapodno-Sebirsky Bank of the Russian Federation, Tyumen, Nizhnevartovsk branch No. Nizhnevartovsk


LLC "" was created on the basis of a memorandum of association on voluntary pooling of contributions for the purpose of carrying out economic activities provided for by the company's charter.

The company has its own corporate name in Russian - LLC "";

The authorized capital is made up of the par value of the company's shares acquired by the shareholders and is 20 rubles per share.


LLC "" is a legal entity, has an independent balance, can conclude contracts on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights and bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in an arbitration court, court and arbitration court.

LLC "" has a round seal, may have a stamp and letterheads with the image of its name in Russian, an emblem and a trademark, as well as other attributes of a legal entity, opens settlement and other bank accounts.

LLC "" is liable for its obligations with all its property, and its shareholders bear the risks of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of the shares they own.

LLC "" carries out all types of foreign economic activity in the manner prescribed by law.

The purpose of the Creation and the subject of activity of the ENTERPRISE

The purpose of creating and the activity of the organization, according to the charter of the company, is making a profit.

The subject of activity of the company, according to the charter, is:

Collection and processing of wild plants;

Production of consumer goods;

Production and sale of building materials;

Production, procurement, processing and sale of agricultural products;

Food production;

Carrying out other types of activities not prohibited by applicable law.

LLC "" certifies manufactured products (goods, works, services) in accordance with applicable law and is responsible for the sale of products (goods, works, services) that cause harm to consumers.

Description of company departments

LLC "" has four departments:

Sales department;

Accounting department;

Department of processing of wild plants;

A visual representation of the organizational structure of the company is shown in diagram 1.

Organizational structure of LLC "".


There are three people working in this department. The department office has 2 computers and a fax.

The commercial department of LLC "" is engaged in the purchase of building and finishing materials and the sale of goods and services. Also, the functions of this department include the search for buyers (clients) and sellers (the search is carried out according to the principle of "cheaper to buy - more expensive to sell"), establishing contacts with buyers (clients) and sellers, searching for regular customers and drawing up some documents: power of attorney cargo, etc.


Only two people are employed in the work of this department: ch. accountant and accountant. There is no cashier in the department, since a non-cash form of payment through banks is used, but if necessary, the functions of a cashier are performed by Ch. accountant.

The office has 2 computers; 2 printers; Xerox; machine for counting money, which provides complete automation of accounting. All operations performed by the accounting department are performed on a computer using specialized programs: "1C Accounting: v.7.7".


The work of the department is supervised by the deputy. director for wild plants. The formed work teams are subordinate to him.

The main activities of the department are: processing of pine nuts into the final product - pine nut oil, and since the production of pine nut oil is associated with the cleaning of pine nuts from the shell, then the packaging of unrefined and refined fractions of nuts.

Thus, on the market today:

Pine nuts - the most complete complex of vitamins and minerals donated to man from nature, in a purified and unrefined form, packaged and by weight;

Pine nut oil is an accumulator of ideally selected and balanced biologically active substances contained in the kernel of a pine nut;

Flour from the kernel of a pine nut, obtained from the cake after receiving cedar oil - an excellent food supplement with medicinal properties;

Pine nut shell flour is a raw material for cosmetics and a basis for medicinal-vitamin tinctures. Products for the summer-autumn season 2000-2002:

Dry berries are raw materials for the food and pharmaceutical industries, a finished food product that does not require special storage conditions;

Fresh frozen cranberries and lingonberries - available on request - excellent food;

Dry mushrooms - a delicious and nutritious reminder of summer;

Salted and pickled mushrooms in barrels - perfect ready-made


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