What are the dark spots on the moon's surface called? Mysterious lights on the moon. Names of seas, bays, lakes and swamps on the visible side of the moon

The science

When the moon is full, the bright light of the moon grabs our attention, but the moon holds other secrets that may surprise you.

1. There are four types of lunar months.

Our months correspond approximately to the period of time it takes for our natural satellite to go through full phases.

From the excavations, scientists have found that people since the Paleolithic era have counted days by associating them with the phases of the moon. But there are actually four different kinds lunar months.

1. Anomalistic - the length of time it takes for the Moon to travel around the earth, measured from one perigee (the closest point of the Moon's orbit to the Earth) to another, which takes 27 days, 13 hours, 18 minutes, 37.4 seconds.

2. Nodal- the length of time it takes for the Moon to pass from the point of intersection of the orbits and return to it, which takes 27 days, 5 hours, 5 minutes, 35.9 seconds.

3. Sidereal- the length of time it takes for the moon to go around the earth, guided by the stars, which takes 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.5 seconds.

4. Synodic- the length of time it takes for the moon to travel around the earth, guided by the sun (this is the time interval between two serial connections with the Sun - the transition from one new moon to another), which takes 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 2.7 seconds. Synodic month is taken as a basis in many calendars and is used to separate the year

2.From Earth, we see a little more than half of the moon

Most reference books mention that due to the fact that the Moon rotates only once during each revolution around the Earth, we never see more than half of its entire surface. In truth, we manage to see more during its elliptical orbit, namely 59 percent.

The moon's rotation speed is the same, but not its rotation frequency, which allows us to see only the edge of the disk from time to time. In other words, the two movements do not happen in perfect synchronicity, even though they converge towards the end of the month. This effect is called longitude libration.

Thus, the moon oscillates east and west, allowing us to see a little further in longitude from each edge. The remaining 41 percent we'll never see from the Earth, and if someone was on the other side of the Moon, he would never see the Earth.

3. It takes hundreds of thousands of moons to match the brightness of the sun

The apparent magnitude of the Full Moon is -12.7, but the Sun is 14 times brighter, with an apparent magnitude of -26.7. The brightness ratio of the Sun and the Moon is 398.110 to 1... So many moons would be required to match the brightness of the sun. But this is all a moot point, since there is no way to accommodate so many Moons in the sky.
The sky is 360 degrees, including the half beyond the horizon that we cannot see, and thus there are more than 41,200 square degrees in the sky. The moon is only half a degree across, which gives an area of \u200b\u200b0.2 square degrees. So you can fill the entire sky, including the half under our feet, with 206,264 full moons and still have 191,836 to match the brightness of the sun.

4. First and last quarter of the moon and half as bright as the full moon

If the surface of the Moon were like a perfectly smooth billiard ball, then the brightness of its surface would be the same everywhere. In this case, it would be twice as bright.

But the moon has a very uneven relief, especially near the border of light and shadow. The landscape of the Moon is permeated with countless shadows from mountains, boulders and even the smallest particles of moon dust. In addition, the lunar surface is covered in dark areas. Ultimately, in the first quarter, the moon 11 times less bright than when it is full... In fact, the moon is slightly brighter in the first quarter than in the last, as some parts of the moon reflect light better in this phase than in other phases.

5.95 percent of the illuminated moon is half as bright as the full moon

Believe it or not, about 2.4 days before and after a full moon, the moon is half as bright full moon... Although 95 percent of the Moon is illuminated at this time, and will appear to most ordinary observers as a full moon, its brightness is about 0.7 magnitudes less than full phase, making it half as bright.

6. Seen from the Moon, the Earth also goes through phases

However, these the phases are opposite to the lunar phasesthat we see from Earth. When we see the new moon, the full Earth can be observed from the Moon. When the Moon is in the first quarter, then the Earth is in the last quarter, and when the Moon is between the second quarter and the full moon, then the Earth is visible in the form of a crescent, and finally, the Earth in a new phase is visible when we see the full moon.

From any point on the Moon (except for the farthest side, from where the Earth cannot be seen), the Earth is in the same place in the sky.

From the moon, the earth appears to be four times larger than the full moonwhen we observe it, and depending on the state of the atmosphere, it shines 45 to 100 times brighter than the full moon. When the full Earth is visible in the lunar sky, it illuminates the surrounding lunar landscape with a bluish gray light.

7. Eclipses also change when viewed from the moon

Not only do the phases change places when viewed from the moon, but also lunar eclipses are solar eclipses as viewed from the moon... In this case, the Earth's disk covers the Sun.

If it completely covers the Sun, a narrow strip of light surrounds the Earth's dark disk, which is illuminated by the Sun. This ring has a reddish tint, as it is due to the combination of sunrise and sunset light that occurs at that moment. This is why, during a total lunar eclipse, the Moon takes on a reddish or coppery hue.

When a total eclipse of the Sun occurs on Earth, an observer from the Moon can see for two or three hours as a small, distinct dark spot slowly travels across the Earth's surface. This dark shadow of the moon that falls on the Earth is called umber. But unlike a lunar eclipse, when the Moon is completely absorbed by the Earth's shadow, the lunar shadow is smaller by a few hundred kilometers in width when it touches the Earth, appearing only as a dark spot.

8. Moon craters are named according to certain rules

Lunar craters were formed by asteroids and comets that collided with the Moon. It is believed that only on the near side of the moon approximately 300,000 craters, more than 1 km wide.

Craters named after scientists and researchers... For example, Copernicus crater was named after Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer who discovered in the 1500s that the planets move around the sun. Archimedes crater named after mathematician Archimedeswho made many mathematical discoveries in the 3rd century BC.

Tradition assign personal names to lunar formations started in 1645 Michael van Langren(Michael van Langren ) , Brussels engineer, who named the main features of the moon after kings and great people on Earth. On his lunar map, he named the largest lunar plain ( Oceanus procellarum) in honor of its patron saint Spanish Philip IV.

But just six years later, Giovanni Batista Riccoli (Giovanni battista riccioli ) from Bologna created his own lunar map, removing the names that he gave van Langren and instead gave names to mostly famous astronomers... His map became the basis of the system that has survived to this day. In 1939, British Astronomical Association released a catalog of officially named lunar formations. " Who's Who on the Moon", indicating the names of all entities adopted International Astronomical Union(MAC).

Today MACcontinues to decide what names to give the craters on the Moon, along with names for all astronomical objects. MAC organizes the naming of each specific celestial body around a specific topic.

The names of the craters today can be divided into several groups. As a rule, the craters of the moon were called in honor of deceased scientists, scientists and researcherswho have already become known for their contributions in their respective fields. So craters around the crater Apollo and Moscow seas on the moon will be named after American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts.

9. The moon has a huge temperature range

If you start searching the Internet for temperature data on the Moon, you will most likely get confused. According to the data NASA, temperatures at the Moon's equator range from very low (-173 degrees Celsius at night) to very high (127 degrees Celsius during the day). In some deep craters near the poles of the Moon, the temperature is always around -240 degrees Celsius.

During a lunar eclipse, when the moon moves towards the earth's shadow, in just 90 minutes, the surface temperature can drop by 300 degrees Celsius.

10. The Moon has its own time zones

It is quite possible to tell the time on the moon. In fact, in 1970 the company Helbros Watches (Helbros Watches) requested Kenneth L. Franklin (Kenneth L. Franklin ) , who for many years was the chief astronomer at New York Hayden Planetarium to create watches for astronauts who set foot on the lunar surface... This watch measured time in the so-called " Lunations"is the time it takes for the Moon to orbit the Earth. Each Lunation corresponds to 29.530589 days on Earth.

For the moon, Franklin developed a system called lunar time... He imagined local lunar time zones according to the standard time zones on Earth, but based on meridians, 12 degrees wide. They will be called plainly " 36 degrees Eastern Standard Time"etc., but it is possible that other more memorable names will be adapted, such as" Copernicus time", or " western calm time".

What are the lunar seas

Even with the naked eye, you can see light and dark spots on the moon. Dark spots- these are large and medium-sized, slightly hilly plains of solidified lava, which for 300 years have been called seas, because astronomers of that time took spots for seas. Then they did not yet know that there was no water on the moon. Bright places - these are long mountain ranges, which are called the names of mountains on Earth, So, there are lunar Alps and lunar Apennines.

The most visible formations on the Moon are craters. The diameter of large craters exceeds 200 km , the smallest - this was confirmed by astronauts - only a few millimeters.

We used to think that lunar craters are extinct volcanoes. But even before the cossmonauts landed on the lunar, astronomers were convinced that the craters were scars from the rampant meteorites that had ever fallen on the lunar surface. Since there is no atmosphere on the moon, debris from the universe rush to the moon with incredible cosmic speed.

What is on the moon

In destduring those years of the Moon, when the solar system first appeared, the number of debris in space and the frequency of their impact on the Moon were much higher than today, so many lunar craters are as old as the Moon itself. Lunar landscape it is pre red-preservedlunar history museum. The only reasons for weathering areare sunnyter, meteorite dustand strong dropsday and night themespertur. Weathering affects only a few upper centimeters of the lunar rise. One of the astronauts said that everything on the moon looks like no one has been dusting it for several billion years.

In ancient times, there were active volcanoes on the moon. Probably Lunar seas these are the remnants of broadband lava flows, which, like the earth's lava, consist of deep rocks basalt and olivine ... The lunar surface was destroyed by the fall of large meteorites; this led to such lava flooding in some places.

The surface of the moon is cut with numerous meteorite scars. It shows the Reinhold crater 40 km wide, the Copernicus crater 90 km wide. Pictures of these craters were taken from the comic korbal " Apolon - 12"

How the Moon appeared

Today they already know exactly how old the moon is and how it appeared. The Earth and the Moon are located very close to each other, they are almost the same in size, so we can even talk about double planets. A study of the lunar soil showed that the Moon and Earth appeared at about the same time, about four and a half billion years ago, and probably in the same place. The moon is something like an ancient earth; its constituent parts most likely deviated from the Earth during the collision of the planet with giant meteorites.

Immediately after its formation, the Moon was closer to us than it is today. The distance was equal to two diameters of the Earth, the Moon made one revolution around the Earth in just 2.5 hours. while both tidal forces influenced each other.

Because of them, the speed of the Earth's rotation slowed down by 24 hours in 4.5 billion years. At the same time, the rotation of a huge tidal wave of lava on the then liquid Moon stopped until the Moon froze in this state. At the same time, the Moon always turns towards us only with the reverse side, but our osmic korbals. flew around her and photographed.

Since its inception, the moon has moved further and further away from the Earth. If earlier it was removed at a distance equal to two diameters of the Earth, now it has grown to 30 diameters and gradually it becomes even more painshim.

Moon phases s Sometimes we see the moon in the form of a narrow crescent, then a crescent and then a full moon. We are talking about an waxing or waning moon, that is, the Earth's satellite goes through various phases from a new moon to a full moon and back. The phases are shown in the figure on the left.

Once upon a time there was a woman named Viovio, and she had a son named Ganumi. When he was still a baby, his mother became pregnant again. This spoiled her milk, and Ganumi stopped sucking. He lay hungry and dirty, his mother did not wash him and only sometimes gave him a little sago.

Shortly before giving birth, a corner was drawn for her in the house, and there she gave birth. She did not throw away the mat with blood stains, and one day, when everyone went to work in the gardens, she put Ganumi on it and also left. Ganumi immediately jumped to his feet and shouted:

- Oh, what is it here, so red?

And then Ganumi became a parrot from a boy. His body was covered with feathers, a beak appeared, and he turned red all over - like blood stains on a mat. The parrot flew up to the roof of the hut, and then flew to where Viovio was making sago, and sat on a nearby sago palm tree. The woman thought: "I have never seen such a bird, how beautiful it is!" And the bird cried out in the language of red parrots:

- Viovio, do you recognize me?

The woman threw some sago to the bird and said:

- Why is this bird calling me by name? The parrot flew to another tree, dropped feathers,

became a boy again and said:

- You didn't recognize me? But you gave birth to me - you, not another woman. Now I'll leave you. Trees will become my home, I will eat coconuts, and now my name will be red cockatoo - pyro.

“Don't say that,” said the mother. “Go downstairs, return home.

- Now it's too late, I can't go down, my house will be in the trees. When I was with you, you didn’t care about me, but now I’ll eat bananas and coconuts and laugh at people.

The red parrot flew away and sat on a sago palm tree that grew above the stream. Soon the girls came for water, and one of them, whose name was Gebaye, saw the reflection of a parrot and thought that the bird was there in the water. She jumped into the stream to catch her, but the bird was not there.

- Why did you get into the water? - another girl said to her. - There is a bird, above, on a tree.

The parrot flew to the girls, fluttered over them, and they caught him. Gebaye joked:

- I'll take him home and hide him there, it will be our husband. She put the parrot in the basket, and when she returned

home, hung the basket near the place where she slept. The girls lay down and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Ganumi became human and woke Gebaye.

- Who is it? - she exclaimed.

- It's me, pyro. You caught me and put me in a basket.

Gebaye said to herself: "I thought it was a parrot, but this, it turns out, is a man!" The young man went to bed with her, and in the morning he returned back to the basket. The next night, he again came to sleep with her, and Gebaye became pregnant. Soon other girls began to say: "Look at Gebaya, her nipples darkened - she's probably pregnant." Everyone found out about this, and some women began to scold her, and the rest were silent. Her father and mother also learned that Gebae would have a child. They got very angry, gathered their fellow villagers and went with them to kill Ganumi.

The red cockatoo flew to the sago palm, threw off its feathers and laid them in the hollow of a palm leaf. People cut down the palm tree on which he was hiding with axes, but Ganumi managed to jump to another, and when they began to chop it down, then to the third, and from it to the fourth. He saw his mother from above in the crowd and shouted:

- Viovio, where can I hide? They are about to kill me. Where is my staircase, mother?

The mother untied the rope that held her skirt and threw the end of Ganumi, but the rope was too short, and then she took out Ganumi's umbilical cord, which she had saved. Ganumi shouted:

- They called me pyro, mother, and now they will call me differently! Ganumi will always call me when I shine brightly. Throw me the end of the umbilical cord, mother!

The mother firmly grasped the end of the rope with the umbilical cord tied in her hand and threw another one to him - she wanted to pull her son from the tree and hide in her basket. Ganumi grabbed the end of the umbilical cord, and Viovio pulled it with all her might. But Ganumi held on tightly to the tree, and from Viovio's jerk it first bent towards her, and then straightened up again - with such force that it threw Ganumi's mother into the sky, and after her, Ganumi himself, holding on to the end of the umbilical cord. There Viovio caught him and put him in her basket, and in it she carries him in heaven to this day.

On the leaves and trunks of sago palms, there is a white coating that looks like flour. Ganumi, when he jumped from palm to palm, smeared his face in it, and since then it is white. When Ganumi looks a little out of his mother's basket, people see a young moon; then he pokes his face out more and more. Sometimes the mother hides the basket behind her back, and then the moon is not visible at all. You cannot see the mother, only her fingers are sometimes visible in front of Ganumi's face - these are the spots that we see on the moon.

There is another story about why Ganumi's face is white. They say that once, when he was still small, his mother fried sago, and he cried and asked to be given him. Angry, she threw a handful at him, the sago covered Ganumi's face, and where the burnt was hit, there are now dark spots.

Ganumi threw off a part of the sago that had stuck to his face, and it fell on the palm trees and even on the ground - crumbs of this sago are still found, and if the young man eats such a crumb, all the girls will love him. For this, the crumb is sometimes placed under the boy's arm, or rubbed with the shell that the young man wears around his neck, or smeared with it a long feather that adorns his head - it sways back and forth and lures the girls. The "crumble moon" is also sometimes smeared if they want to kill the fat dugong, the rope to which the harpoon is tied, and they also give one of the dogs if the hunter wants to drive the fat wild pig.

Everyone knows how Ganumi appeared, and sometimes lovers, having met, repeat his conversation with Gebaye. "Who are you?" The girl asks. "I am pyro," the young man replies, "I am Ganumi."

For many millennia, people have been watching the amazing celestial body called the Earth's satellite - the Moon. The first astronomers noticed dark patches of various sizes on its surface, counting them as seas and oceans. What are these spots really?

Characteristics of the Moon as a satellite of the Earth

The Moon is the closest to the Sun and the only satellite of our planet, as well as the second well-visible celestial body in the sky. This is the only astronomical object visited by humans.

There are several hypotheses for the appearance of the moon:

  • The destruction of the planet Phaethon, which collided with a comet in the orbit of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Part of its fragments rushed to the Sun, and one to the Earth, forming a system with a satellite.
  • During the destruction of Phaeton, the remaining core changed its orbit, "turning" into Venus, and the Moon is the former satellite of Phaeton, which the Earth captured into its orbit.
  • The moon is the surviving core of Phaethon after its destruction.
With the first telescopic observations, scientists were able to see the moon much closer. At first, they perceived the spots on its surface as water spaces similar to those on Earth. Also, through a telescope on the surface of the Earth satellite, you can see mountain ranges and bowl-shaped depressions.

But over time, when they learned about the temperature on the moon reaching + 120 ° C during the day and -160 ° C at night, and about the absence of the atmosphere, they realized that there could be no talk of water on the moon. By tradition, the name "Lunar seas and oceans" has remained.

A more detailed study of the Moon began with the first landing of the Soviet Luna-2 spacecraft on its surface in 1959. The subsequent Luna-3 spacecraft made it possible for the first time to capture its reverse side, which remains invisible from Earth, for the first time. In 1966, the structure of the soil was established with the help of the Lunokhod.

On July 21, 1969, a significant event took place in the world of astronautics - the landing of a man on the moon. These heroes were Americans Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. Although in recent years, many skeptics have been talking about the falsification of this event.

The moon is located from the Earth at a huge distance by human standards - 384 467 km, which is approximately 30 times the diameter of the globe. In relation to our planet, the Moon has a diameter slightly more than a quarter of the Earth, makes a complete revolution around it in an elliptical orbit in 27.32166 days.

The Moon consists of crust, mantle and core. Its surface is covered in a mixture of dust and rocky debris from constant impacts with meteorites. The Moon's atmosphere is very rarefied, which leads to a sharp fluctuation in temperatures on its surface - from -160 ° C to + 120 ° C At the same time, at a depth of 1 meter, the temperature of the rock is constant at -35 ° C. Due to the thin atmosphere, the sky on the moon is permanently black, and not blue, as on Earth in clear weather.

Moon surface map

Observing the Moon from the Earth, even with the naked eye one can see on it light and dark spots of various shapes and sizes. The surface is literally dotted with craters of various diameters, from a meter to hundreds of kilometers.

In the 17th century, scientists decided that the dark spots were lunar seas and oceans, believing that there is water on the moon, just like on Earth. Light areas were considered dry land. The map of the seas of the moon and craters was first drawn by the Italian scientist Giovanni Riccioli in 1651. The astronomer even gave them his own names, which are still used today. We will learn about them a little later. After Galileo discovered the mountains on the Moon, they began to give names in the likeness of the Earth.

Craters are special ring mountains called circuses, also named after the great scientists of antiquity. After the discovery and photographing by Soviet astronomers using spacecraft of the far side of the Moon, craters with the names of Russian scientists and researchers appeared on the map.

All this is detailed on the lunar map of both hemispheres, used in astronomy, because a person does not lose hope not only to land on the moon again, but also to build bases, establish a search for minerals and create a colony for full-fledged living.

Mountain systems and craters on the Moon

Craters on the Moon are the most common landform. These multiple traces of meteorites and asteroids working over millions of years can be seen on a clear full moon night without the aid of optical instruments. Upon closer examination, these works of space art are striking in their originality and grandeur.

History and origin of "moon scars"

Back in 1609, the great scientist Galileo Galilei constructed the world's first telescope and was able to observe the Moon at multiple magnifications. It was he who noticed on its surface all kinds of craters surrounded by "ring" mountains. He called them craters. Now let's find out why there are craters on the moon and how they formed.

All of them were mainly formed after the emergence of the solar system, when it was subjected to bombardment of the celestial bodies left after the destruction of the planets, which rushed through it in huge numbers at an insane speed. Almost 4 billion years ago, this era ended. The Earth got rid of these consequences due to atmospheric influences, but the Moon, devoid of an atmosphere, did not.

Astronomers' opinions about the origins of craters have constantly changed over the centuries. Considered such theories as volcanic origin and the hypothesis about the formation of craters on the Moon using “ space ice". A more detailed study of the lunar surface, which became available in the 20th century, nevertheless proves, in its overwhelming majority, the shock theory from the impact of a collision with meteorites.

Description of lunar craters

Galileo, in his reports and works, compared lunar craters with the eyes on the tails of peacocks.

The ring-shaped appearance is the most important feature of the lunar mountains. You can't find such people on Earth. Outwardly, the lunar crater is a depression around which high round shafts rise, which dot the entire surface of the Moon.

Lunar craters bear some resemblance to terrestrial volcanic craters. Unlike the terrestrial ones, the tops of the lunar mountains are not as sharp, they are more round in shape with an oblong shape. If you look at the crater from the sunny side, you can see that the shadow of the mountains inside the crater is larger than the shadow outside. From this we can conclude that the bottom of the crater is below the very surface of the satellite.

The sizes of craters on the Moon can vary in diameter and depth. The diameter can be either scanty, up to several meters, or huge, reaching more than one hundred kilometers.

The larger the crater, the deeper, respectively. The depth can reach 100 m. The outer wall of large "lunar bowls" over 100 km rises above the surface up to 5 km.

Of the relief features that distinguish lunar craters, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Inner slope;
  2. Outer slope;
  3. The depth of the crater bowl itself;
  4. System and length of beams radiating from the outer shaft;
  5. The central peak at the bottom of the crater, which is found in large ones, more than 25 km in diameter.
In 1978, Charles Wood developed a kind of classification of craters on the visible side of the moon, differing in size and appearance:
  • Al-Battani C - a spherical crater with a sharp wall, up to 10 km in diameter;
  • Bio - the same Al-Battani C, but with a flat bottom, from 10 to 15 km;
  • Sozigen - impact crater 15 to 25 km in size;
  • Trisnecker - a lunar crater up to 50 km in diameter, with a sharp peak in the center;
  • Tycho - craters with a terrace-like slope and a flat bottom, over 50 km.

The largest craters of the moon

The history of the exploration of lunar craters can be read by the names given by their researchers. As soon as Galileo discovered them with a telescope, many scientists who tried to create a map gave them their names. The lunar mountains Caucasus, Vesuvius, the Apennines appeared ...

The names of the craters were given in honor of the scientists Plato, Ptolemy, Galileo, in honor of St. Catherine. After the publication of the map of the reverse side by Soviet scientists, a crater appeared. Tsiolkovsky, Gagarin, Koroleva and others.

The largest crater officially listed is Hertzsprung. Its diameter is 591 km. It is invisible to us, as it is located on the invisible side of the moon. It is a huge crater in which smaller ones are located. This structure is called multi-ring.

The second largest crater bears the name Grimaldi, named after the Italian physicist. Its diameter is 237 km. Crimea can be freely located inside it.

The third huge lunar crater is Ptolemy. Its width is about 180 km across.

Oceans and seas on the moon

Lunar seas - it is also a bizarre form of relief of the satellite's surface in the form of huge dark spots, attracting the eyes of more than one generation of astronomers.

Concept of sea and ocean on the moon

For the first time the seas appeared on the maps of the moon after the invention of the telescope. Galileo Galilei, who first examined these dark spots, suggested that they were bodies of water.

Since then, they began to be called seas and appeared on maps after a detailed study of the surface of the visible part of the moon. Even after it became clear that there is no atmosphere on the Earth's satellite and there is no possibility of the presence of moisture, they did not fundamentally change.

Seas on the Moon - strange dark valleys on the visible part of it from Earth, are huge low-lying areas with a flat bottom, filled with magma. Billions of years ago, volcanic processes left an indelible mark on the relief of the lunar surface. Huge areas stretch from 200 to 1000 km across.

The seas seem dark to us because they reflect sunlight poorly. The depth from the surface of the satellite can reach 3 km, which can boast the size of the Sea of \u200b\u200bRains on the Moon.

The largest sea is called the Ocean of Storms. This lowland stretches for 2000 km.

The visible seas on the Moon are located within the ring-shaped mountain ranges, which also have their own names. The Sea of \u200b\u200bClarity is located near the Serpentine Ridge. Its diameter is 700 km, but it is not remarkable for that. Of interest are the various colors of lava that stretch along the bottom. A large positive gravity anomaly is found in the Sea of \u200b\u200bClarity.

The most famous seas, bays and lakes

From the seas can be distinguished such as the sea of \u200b\u200bHumidity, Abundance, Rains, Waves, Clouds, Islands, Crisis, Foam, Poznennoe. On the back side The Moon is the Sea of \u200b\u200bMoscow.

In addition to the only Ocean of Storms and Seas, the Moon has bays, lakes and even swamps that have their own official names. Let's consider the most interesting ones.

The lakes received such names as the lake of Awe, Spring, Oblivion, Tenderness, Perseverance, Hatred. The bays include Loyalty, Love, Tenderness and Good Luck. The swamps have corresponding names - Rot, Sleep and Epidemic.

There are some facts related to the seas on the surface of the Earth's satellite:
  1. The Sea of \u200b\u200bTranquility on the Moon is known for the fact that it was on it that a human foot first set foot. In 1969, American astronauts carried out the first landing on the moon in human history.
  2. The Rainbow Bay is famous for the exploration of the Lunokhod-1 rover nearby in 1970.
  3. At the Sea of \u200b\u200bClarity, the Soviet Lunokhod-2 conducted its surface studies.
  4. In the Sea of \u200b\u200bPlenty, the Luna-16 probe in 1970 took lunar soil for a sample and delivered it to Earth.
  5. The Poznannoe Sea became famous for the fact that in 1964 the American probe "Ranger-7" landed here, which for the first time in history received a photo of the lunar surface from a close distance.
What is the lunar sea - look at the video:

The seas and craters of the Moon, thanks to modern research and images, are mapped in great detail on the lunar surface. Despite this, the satellite of the Earth keeps in itself a lot of secrets and mysteries that still have to be solved by man. The whole world is eagerly awaiting the dispatch of the first colony, which will slightly lift the curtain of this amazing place in our solar system.

Why do we see circles, dark spots, mountains on the surface of the moon? Dark and light spots can be seen on the moon. The bright ones are the lunar seas. In fact, there is not a drop of water in these seas. Previously, people did not know this, therefore they called them seas. Dark spots are flat areas (plains). On the moon, lunar craters are visible everywhere, which were formed from the impact of meteorites - stones that fell from space. The entire surface of the Moon is covered with a thick layer of dust. It looks like it hasn't been dust-wiped for years. On the surface of the Moon during the day there is a heat up to 130 degrees, and at night - frost - 170 degrees. The moon moves around the earth and goes around it once a month.

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The world around us grade 4

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"Moon" - The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. And human understanding is broader. Again the dress is small. “I guess I’m wrong now,” said the tailor. The secret of the moon .. Indeed, the moon is in close connection with the earth. The influence of the moon on humans and plants. At different times, the Sun illuminates the Moon in different ways. What was the tailor to do? Moon. Why the Month doesn't have a dress (Serbian fairy tale). And all why? "We are all from the moon ..."

"Human Nervous System" - Nervous System. Neurons: wonderful cells. Thinking and speaking. The autonomic nervous system regulates the internal activity of the body - blood circulation, respiration, digestion. The human nervous system. Spinal cord and human spine. Arbitrary movements and reflexes. Peripheral system. Motor neuron. Natural science grade 4 Author of the presentation Elena Bredikhina, Tammiku gymnasium. 2009 Why We Feel Pain. Brain.

"Lesson of the CIS Countries" - Which country is included in the CIS as an observer? What unites the CIS countries? The CIS also includes Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The most recent state to join the CIS was Georgia. The population density in Turkmenistan is 9.6 people per square kilometer. Georgia joined the CIS two years later. What is the CIS. Lesson on the Commonwealth of Independent States (conducted in grades 3-4

"Quiz for Grade 4" - Baby frogs Froglets Tadpoles Leeches. Water builder Perch Bear Beaver. What plant is the cloth made of? Test for grade 4. Quiz. Bivalve molluscs 2. Pikes 3. Algae. Main inhabitants of the meadow Birds Insects Mammals. The orderlies of the reservoir Caddis flies Crayfish Frog. "Living filters" of the reservoir.

"Russia spreads its wings" - Correct. Western. Southeast. Ivanovsky. Kolchuzhniki. Grade 4 Serkin V.L. - teacher primary grades MOU " high school No. 6 ", Kogalym. What happened on the site of Red Square under Ivan Kalita? What artisans were especially valued in North-Eastern Russia? Marketplace. Ryazanskoe. Which lands were safer for life? Eastern. North-east. Moscow. Potters. Why did the Moscow prince get the nickname Ivan Kalita? Princely Chambers.

"The world around the Tundra" - What natural area did we learn in the last lesson? Occupations of the tundra population. Beasts. Tundra zone. Tundra and man. Illegal hunting is poaching. Adaptations for life: thick fur, wide hooves. Lesson plan. Severe winter (frost down to -50 ° C) Cool short summer. Natural conditions of the tundra. Fauna of the tundra. Deer. R a h to i. Reindeer husbandry. Reindeer pastures are trampled down due to the untimely transfer of reindeer to other places. Birds.


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