Fedor sologub little man summary

Sologub Fedor

Small man


Small man

Yakov Alekseevich Saranin was a little short of medium height; his wife, Aglaya Nikiforovna, a merchant, was tall and voluminous. Even now, in the first year after the wedding, the twenty-year-old woman was so stout that next to her small and skinny husband she seemed a giant.

"And if he still grows up?" thought Yakov Alekseevich.

I thought, although I married for love - for her and for the dowry.

The difference in the height of the spouses often caused mocking remarks from acquaintances. These frivolous jokes poisoned Saranin's calmness and amused Aglaya Nikiforovna.

Once, after an evening with colleagues, where they had to listen to quite a few barbs, Saranin returned home completely upset.

Lying in bed next to Aglaya, he grumbled and nagged at his wife.

She was of a very calm and peaceful disposition.

Saranin grumbled:

Don't gorge yourself on meat, don't crackle so much starchy foods, you eat candy all day.

I can’t not eat anything, if I have a good appetite, ”said Aglaya.“ When I was a young lady, I had an even better appetite.

Imagine! Why did you eat the bull right away?

It's impossible to eat the bull right away, ”Aglaya objected calmly.

Soon she fell asleep, and Saranin could not sleep on that strange autumn night.

Long tossed and turned from side to side.

When a Russian cannot sleep, he hesitates. And Saranin indulged in this occupation, so little characteristic of him at other times. He was an official - there was nothing to think about and nothing to do.

“There must be some means,” Saranin reflected. “Science makes amazing discoveries every day; in America they make noses of any shape to people, build new skin on their faces. Is there really no means either for me to grow, or to add some more bodies to Aglaya? Some secret remedy? How can I find it? How? Yes, if you lie down, you won’t find it. The water doesn’t run under the lying stone. But look ... A secret remedy! Maybe he, the inventor, just walks the streets, looking for a buyer. How could it be otherwise? He can't publish in the newspapers ... And on the streets, - peddle, sell anything from under the counter, - it is very possible. He walks, offers it in secret. Whoever needs a secret remedy will not lie in bed. "

On reflection, Saranin began to dress nimbly, purring under his breath:

At twelve o'clock at night ...

Was not afraid to wake up his wife. He knew that Aglaya was sleeping soundly.

Like a merchant, - he spoke aloud; "like a peasant," I thought to myself.

I got dressed and went out into the street. I didn't want to sleep at all. My heart was light, and the mood was the same as that of a familiar adventurer before a new interesting event.

A peaceful official, who had lived quietly and colorless for a third of a century, suddenly felt in himself the soul of an enterprising and free hunter of wild deserts - the hero of Cooper or Mine-Reed.

But, having walked a few steps along the usual road - to the department, he stopped and became thoughtful. Where, however, to go? Everything is quiet and calm, so calm that the street seemed like a corridor of a huge building, ordinary, safe, isolated from everything external and sudden. The windshield wipers dozed at the gate. A policeman could be seen at the crossroads. The lanterns were on. The sidewalk slabs and pavement stones gleamed faintly with the dampness of the recent rain.

Saranin thought for a moment and in quiet bewilderment went straight ahead, turned right.

At the crossroads of two streets, by the light of the lanterns, he saw a man walking towards him, and his heart sank with joyful foreboding.

It was a strange figure.

Dressing gown in bright colors, with a wide belt. High cap, pointed, with black patterns. Saffron-dyed goatee, long and narrow. White, shiny teeth. Black, burning eyes.

Legs in shoes.

"Armenian!" - Saranin thought for some reason.

The Armenian approached him and said:

My soul, what are you looking for at night? I would go to sleep, or to the beauties. Do you want to spend!

No, I and my beauty are too happy, - said Saranin.

And he confided his grief to the Armenian.

The Armenian bared his teeth and whinnied.

Big wife, small husband - kiss, put the stairs. Wai, it's not good!

What's so good about that!

Follow me, I will help a good man.

They walked for a long time along the quiet corridor-like streets, the Armenian in front, Saranin in the back.

Ardalyon Borisovich Peredonov, a language teacher at a local gymnasium, constantly felt that he was the subject of special attention of women. Still would! A state councilor (fifth grade in the table of ranks!), A man in juice, in essence, is not married ... After all, Barbara is that ... Barbarian, in which case, you can side. Here's one thing - without her, perhaps, you won't get an inspector's job. (The headmaster of the gymnasium does not favor him; the students and their parents consider him rude and unfair.) Princess Volchanskaya promised Varvara to plead for Ardalyon Borisovich, but she set the wedding as a condition: it would be inconvenient to plead for her former home dressmaker's partner. However, first the place, and then the wedding. And then just deceived.

Varvara was extremely disturbed by these moods, and she asked the widow Grushina for money to prepare a letter, as if from the princess, promising a place if they were to get married.

Peredonov was delighted, but Vershina, who was trying to pass off Martha, a dowry woman, immediately besieged him: where's the envelope? Business letter - and without an envelope! Varvara and Grushina immediately corrected the matter with a second letter sent through their Petersburg acquaintances. Vershina and Rutilov, who wooed Peredonov's sisters, and Prepolovenskaya, who hoped to find a niece for him, all realized that their case was lost, Ardalyon Borisovich appointed a wedding day. Already suspicious, he was now even more afraid of envy and expected denunciation or even an attempt on his life. Prepolovenskaya added fuel to the fire, hinting that a close friend of Ardalyon Borisovich, Pavel Vasilyevich Volodin, was visiting Peredonov for Varvara Dmitrievna. This is, of course, nonsense. Varvara considers Volodin a fool, and the teacher of trade at the city school gets four times less than the teacher of the gymnasium Peredonov. Ardalyon Borisovich was worried: he would marry Varvara, go to the inspector's place, and on the way they poison him and bury him like Volodin, and he will be the inspector. Barbara does not let go of the knife, and the fork is dangerous. (And he hid the instruments under the bed. The Chinese eat with chopsticks.) Here is a ram, so similar to Volodin, stares blankly, probably malicious. Most importantly, they will report - and died. Natasha, Peredonov's former cook, went straight to the gendarme from them. Having met the gendarme lieutenant colonel, Ardalyon Borisovich asked not to believe what Natasha would say about him, she is lying, and her lover is Pole.

The meeting prompted the idea of \u200b\u200bvisiting the city fathers and reassuring them of their trustworthiness. He visited the mayor, the prosecutor, the leader of the nobility, the chairman of the county council and even the police chief. And he told everyone that everything that was said about him was nonsense. Once he wanted to smoke in the street, he suddenly saw a policeman and asked if it was possible to smoke here. So that the almost already established inspector would not be replaced by Volodin, he decided to mark himself. On the chest, on the stomach, on the elbows, he put the letter P. in ink.

The cat also became suspicious of him. The strong electricity in the wool is the trouble. And he took the beast to the hairdresser - to cut it.

Already many times a gray nedotykomka had appeared to him, rolled at his feet, mocked him, teased him: she would stick out and hide. And even worse - the cards. The ladies, two at a time, winked; aces, kings, jacks whispered, whispered, teased.

After the wedding, the Peredonovs were visited for the first time by the director and his wife, but it was noticeable that they were moving in different circles of the local society. And in the gymnasium, not everything is going smoothly with Peredonov. He visited the parents of his students and complained of their laziness and insolence. In several cases, the children were sekoma for these fictitious guilt and complained to the director.

The story with the fifth-grader Sasha Pylnikov turned out to be quite wild. Grushina said that this boy was actually a girl in disguise: he was so pretty and everything was blushing, the quiet one and the schoolboys were teasing him with a girl. And all this to catch Ardalyon Borisovich.

Peredonov reported to the director about a possible scandal: debauchery would begin in the gymnasium. The director felt that Peredonov was going too far. Nevertheless, the cautious Nikolai Vlasyevich, in the presence of a gymnasium doctor, made sure that Sasha was not a girl, but the rumor did not subside, and one of the Rutilov sisters, Lyudmila, looked into Kokovkina's house, where her aunt rented a room for Sasha.

Lyudmila and Sasha became friends with a tender but restless friendship. Lyudmila awakened in him premature, as yet unclear aspirations. She came dressed up, perfumed, sprinkled with perfume on her Daphnis.

For Lyudmila, innocent excitement was the main charm of their meetings, she said to her sisters: “I do not love him as much as you think ... I love him innocently. I don't need anything from him. " She shook Sasha, put her on her knees, kissed and allowed her to kiss her wrists, shoulders, legs. Once I half-asked, half-forced him to strip to the waist. And she said to him: "I love beauty ... I should be born in ancient Athens ... I love the body, strong, dexterous, naked ... My dear idol, a godly youth ..."

She began to dress him up in her outfits, and sometimes in the tunic of an Athenian or a fisherman. Her tender kisses awakened the desire to do something sweet or painful to her, tender or shameful, so that she would laugh with joy or scream in pain.

Meanwhile, Peredonov was already repeating to everyone about Pylnikov's depravity. The townspeople looked at the boy and Lyudmila with filthy curiosity. The future inspector himself behaved more and more strangely. He burned the cards winking and grimacing in his face, wrote denunciations of card figures, of a lack of accessibility, of a ram posing as Volodin. But the worst thing was what happened at the masquerade. The eternal pranksters and inventors of the Rutilov sisters dressed Sasha as a geisha and did it so skillfully that the first ladies' prize went to him (no one recognized the boy). A crowd of guests, excited by envy and alcohol, demanded to remove the mask, and in response to refusal tried to grab the geisha, but the Bengalsky actor saved her, carrying her out of the crowd in his arms. While the geisha was being hunted, Peredonov decided to set fire on the nedotykomka who had come from nowhere. He brought the match to the curtain. The fire was noticed from the street, so the house burned down, but people were saved. Subsequent events assured everyone that rumors about Sasha and the Rutilov girls were nonsense.

Peredonov began to realize that he had been deceived. One evening Volodin came in and sat down at the table. They drank more than ate. The guest was bleating, fooling around: "They fooled you, Ardash." Peredonov drew his knife and cut Volodin in the throat.

When they entered to take the murderer, he sat dejectedly and muttered something meaningless.

Ardalyon Borisovich Peredonov, a language teacher at a local gymnasium, constantly felt that he was the subject of special attention of women. Still would! A state councilor (fifth grade in the table of ranks!), A man in juice, in essence, is not married ... After all, Barbara is that ... Barbarian, in which case, you can side. Here's one thing - without her, perhaps, you won't get an inspector's job. (The headmaster of the gymnasium does not favor him; the students and their parents consider him rude and unfair.) Princess Volchanskaya promised Varvara to plead for Ardalyon Borisovich, but she set the wedding as a condition: it would be inconvenient to plead for her former home dressmaker's partner. However, first the place, and then the wedding. And then just deceived.

Varvara was extremely disturbed by these moods, and she asked the widow Grushina for money to prepare a letter, as if from the princess, promising a place if they were to get married.

Peredonov was delighted, but Vershina, who was trying to pass off Martha, a dowry woman, immediately besieged him: where's the envelope? Business letter - and without an envelope! Varvara and Grushina immediately corrected the matter with a second letter sent through their Petersburg acquaintances. Vershina and Rutilov, who wooed Peredonov's sisters, and Prepolovenskaya, who hoped to find a niece for him, all realized that their case was lost, Ardalyon Borisovich appointed a wedding day. Already suspicious, he was now even more afraid of envy and expected denunciation or even an attempt on his life. Prepolovenskaya added fuel to the fire, hinting that a close friend of Ardalyon Borisovich, Pavel Vasilyevich Volodin, was visiting Peredonov for Varvara Dmitrievna. This is, of course, nonsense. Varvara considers Volodin a fool, and the teacher of trade at the city school gets four times less than the teacher of the gymnasium Peredonov. Ardalyon Borisovich was worried: he would marry Varvara, go to the inspector's place, and on the way they poison him and bury him like Volodin, and he will be the inspector. Barbara does not let go of the knife, and the fork is dangerous. (And he hid the instruments under the bed. The Chinese eat with chopsticks.) Here is a ram, so similar to Volodin, stares blankly, probably malicious. Most importantly, they will report - and died. Natasha, Peredonov's former cook, went straight to the gendarme from them. Having met the gendarme lieutenant colonel, Ardalyon Borisovich asked not to believe what Natasha would say about him, she is lying, and her lover is Pole.

The meeting prompted the idea of \u200b\u200bvisiting the city fathers and reassuring them of their trustworthiness. He visited the mayor, the prosecutor, the leader of the nobility, the chairman of the county council and even the police chief. And he told everyone that everything that was said about him was nonsense. Once he wanted to smoke in the street, he suddenly saw a policeman and asked if it was possible to smoke here. So that the almost already established inspector would not be replaced by Volodin, he decided to mark himself. On the chest, on the stomach, on the elbows, he put the letter P. in ink.

The cat also became suspicious of him. The strong electricity in the wool is the trouble. And he took the beast to the hairdresser - to cut it.

Already many times a gray nedotykomka appeared to him, rolled at his feet, mocked him, teased him: he would stick out and hide.

A summary of the works of Sologub - a short retelling of the Little Man
Ardalyon Borisovich Peredonov, a language teacher at a local gymnasium, constantly felt that he was the subject of special attention of women. Still would! A state councilor (fifth grade in the table of ranks!), A man in juice, in essence, is not married ... After all, Barbara is that ... Barbarian, in which case, you can side. Here's one thing - without her, perhaps, you won't get an inspector's job. (The headmaster of the gymnasium does not favor him, the students and their parents consider him rude and unfair.) Princess Volchanskaya promised Varvara to plead for Ardalyon Borisovich, but she set the wedding as a condition: it would be inconvenient to plead for her former domestic dressmaker's partner. However, first the place, and then the wedding. And then just deceived.
Varvara was extremely disturbed by these moods, and she asked the widow Grushina for money to prepare a letter, as if from the princess, promising a place if they were to get married.
Peredonov was delighted, but Vershina, who was trying to pass off Martha, a dowry woman, immediately besieged him: where's the envelope? Business letter - and without an envelope! Varvara and Grushina immediately corrected the matter with a second letter sent through their Petersburg acquaintances. Vershina and Rutilov, who wooed Peredonov's sisters, and Prepolovenskaya, who hoped to find a niece for him, all realized that their case was lost, Ardalyon Borisovich appointed the wedding day. Already suspicious, he was now even more afraid of envy and expected denunciation or even an attempt on his life. Prepolovenskaya added fuel to the fire, hinting that a close friend of Ardalyon Borisovich, Pavel Vasilyevich Volodin, was visiting Peredonov for Varvara Dmitrievna. This is, of course, nonsense. Varvara considers Volodin a fool, and the teacher of trade at the city school gets four times less than the teacher of the gymnasium Peredonov. Ardalyon Borisovich was worried: he would marry Varvara, go to the inspector's place, and on the way they would poison him and bury him like Volodin, who would be an inspector. Barbara does not let go of the knife, and the fork is dangerous. (And he hid the instruments under the bed. The Chinese eat with chopsticks.) Here is a ram, so similar to Volodin, stares blankly, probably malicious. Most importantly, they will report - and died. Natasha, Peredonov's former cook, went straight to the gendarme from them. Having met the gendarme lieutenant colonel, Ardalyon Borisovich asked not to believe what Natasha would say about him, she is lying, and her lover is Pole.
The meeting prompted the idea of \u200b\u200bvisiting the city fathers and reassuring them of their trustworthiness. He visited the mayor, the prosecutor, the leader of the nobility, the chairman of the district council and even the police chief. And he told everyone that everything that was said about him was nonsense. Once he wanted to smoke in the street, he suddenly saw a policeman and asked if it was possible to smoke here. So that the almost already established inspector would not be replaced by Volodin, he decided to mark himself. On the chest, on the stomach, on the elbows, he put the letter P. in ink.
The cat also became suspicious of him. The strong electricity in the wool is the trouble. And he took the beast to the hairdresser - to cut it.
Already many times a gray nedotykomka appeared to him, rolled at his feet, mocked him, teased him: he would stick out and hide.
Already many times a gray nedotykomka had appeared to him, rolled at his feet, mocked him, teased him: she would stick out and hide. And even worse - the cards. The ladies, two at a time, winked; aces, kings, jacks whispered, whispered, teased.
After the wedding, the Peredonovs were first visited by the director and his wife, but it was noticeable that they were moving in different circles of the local society. And in the gymnasium, not everything is going smoothly with Peredonov. He visited the parents of his students and complained of their laziness and insolence. In several cases, the children were sekoma for these fictitious guilt and complained to the director.
The story with the fifth-grader Sasha Pylnikov turned out to be quite wild. Grushina said that this boy was actually a girl in disguise: he was so pretty and everything was blushing, the quiet one and the schoolboys were teasing him with a girl. And all this to catch Ardalyon Borisovich.
Peredonov reported to the director about a possible scandal: debauchery would begin in the gymnasium. The director felt that Peredonov was going too far. Nevertheless, the cautious Nikolai Vlasyevich, in the presence of a gymnasium doctor, made sure that Sasha was not a girl, but the rumor did not subside, and one of the Rutilov sisters, Lyudmila, looked into Kokovkina's house, where her aunt rented a room for Sasha.
Lyudmila and Sasha made friends tenderly, but b

Yakov Alekseevich Saranin was slightly below average height. Aglaya Nikiforovna, his wife, on the contrary, was voluminous and tall. Saranin recruited because of such a discrepancy, especially since he constantly heard jokes about him. The wife did not pay attention to the rumors, was kind and not conflicting in nature.

Lying in bed at night, Saranin could not sleep. Everyone pondered that there must be some kind of scientific means to reduce the height of his wife. Deciding that he would not recognize anything in bed, he went out into the night street. An Armenian in a colored dressing gown and a cap came to meet him. Saranin shared his misfortune with him, he agreed to help. He assured that there is a remedy. The Armenian brought Saranin to a five-story building, led him to apartment No. 43. He took out one bottle from the cabinet: one drop of this liquid will make you fall asleep and will not wake up. Saranin got scared. He doesn't need that. It is necessary to reduce growth. The Armenian showed another bottle. Forty drops removes a pound of weight. Expensive, but Saranin is willing to pay. I counted how many drops are needed. The Armenian counted out.

My wife had a headache. Saranin invited her to drink a drop of wine. But Aglaya Nikiforovna changed the glasses. Saranin is terrified, wants to find an Armenian to return everything to its place. But he had already left. Saranin began to decrease every day. He had to alter the costumes. The vice-director of the department where Saranin served, ordered to take leave. It’s not decent to go to work like this. The servants and porters stopped paying attention to him. Saranin was already walking under the table without bending. The chair had to climb.

Once a representative of a trading company came to them. He offered Aglaya Nikiforovna money for the fact that Saranin would live in their shop window. Not listening to her husband's protests, the wife agreed. She was paid more and more every month, Saranin was getting smaller, and the trading company was doing well. One day our hero became the size of a grain of sand. The wind blew, Saranin was lost among the dust particles. He was not found, and soon completely forgotten. The department unsubscribed by sending Saranin on a scientific trip.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary of Little man Sologub

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Summary Little man Sologub


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