Marketing personnel, briefly about the functions. The main stages of the implementation of personnel marketing technology The concept and functions of personnel marketing

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The term personnel marketing implies a certain type of activity of the personnel services of organizations, aimed at researching the need for qualified personnel, developing a set of measures to meet these needs.

You can improve the quality of products, production technology for as long as you want ... but do not forget directly about the people working in the company.

Modern business is gradually shifting from the language of profit to the language of value. In management, human resources are the most burdensome of all assets. They are varied and unpredictable, capricious and unreliable.

It is man who is the only element with the ability to produce value. Business says that human resources are the most important and most difficult resource to manage.

Systems, standards as the rules of staff work for the implementation of tasks and achievement of goals very quickly become obsolete. Life shows that the long-term direction and reference point is the ideology and philosophy of the company. The main task of the HR service, its essence is the implementation and systematic maintenance of the winning and creative ideology of the company in life.

Management principles

The essence and principles of personnel marketing can be considered both in a broad and in a narrow, specific sense. HR marketing works in several key areas:

  • the operational level of management (the main focus is on personnel work);
  • management at the tactical level (the main focus is on personnel management);
  • strategic level (emphasis on human resource management);
  • the political level of the corporation's management - the development and control of the implementation of personnel policy.

Human resource management as a professional activity is carried out by personnel management, which adheres to the following principles:

The first principle of personnel marketing (as a concept in a broad sense) implies a certain philosophy and strategy of human resource management, considering personnel in the role of external and internal clients of the organization. This principle aims to "sell" the organization to its own employees.

The next principle (in a narrower sense - marketing of the organization's personnel) implies a special direction of the HR service. This is directly identifying, researching, analyzing and covering the needs of the enterprise in personnel.

The essence of a human resource management strategy is the general plan according to which the company conducts its activities. The nature of economic activity depends on it, as well as its reaction to the action of market forces, such as competition and the state of the economy. This definition is effectively superimposed both on the activities of the company, its strategic goal, and on the activities of each of its structural units.

The strategy is based primarily on the mission and values \u200b\u200bof the company. The mission of the company is unchanged, but the values \u200b\u200bare revised and changed to improve the efficiency of the company. The goal, essence and chosen strategy must correspond to the mission of the company, otherwise the company's activities are imbalanced and its efficiency is much lower than its potential and resource allows.

Attracting staff

Personnel can be viewed in the context of the issue under discussion from two perspectives:

  • as a product with an emphasis on consumer qualities,
  • as a buyer who buys a job in exchange for his labor.

Taking this into account, it is worth noting that the types of personnel marketing are divided into internal and external.

External marketing means attracting staff according to their ability. At the same time, the purpose of recruiting depends on the external profile of the enterprise. In order to make potential employees target, the organization is presented to applicants in the most attractive way.

Internal marketing of personnel implies the possibility of an employee occupying a better workplace, a better position, for which only suitable personnel are selected through surveys, interviews and other events. This type of marketing focuses on existing employees.

An integral part of such personnel is the personnel policy in the field of recruitment. HR policy is a set of corporate rules, principles and traditions regarding the main elements of the HR management system.

It includes:

  • Technologies of attraction, or labor: the mission and strategic goals of the company, features of the corporate culture, the remuneration system, the relationship between remuneration and performance, social package, etc.
  • Search technologies: recruitment, mass recruitment, executive search; internal selection, attraction of external service providers; potential candidates (printed "work" media, "work" sites, leaflets, etc.).

The improvement of the candidate search technology involves the expansion of sources of information about vacancies. At present, traditional sources of information (mass media, Internet, job fairs, exhibitions and conferences, labor exchanges, universities and technical schools) are not enough.

It is necessary to use the resources of recruiting agencies that have their own databases and (or) own the technologies of headhunting - "enticing" a particular specialist or manager from one company to another on the instructions of the client company.

Hiring a recruiting agency is necessary for executive search - “finding people who make decisions,” that is, top managers or rare specialists.

The main purpose of recruitment is to attract employees to the company who correspond not only to the position, but also to the corporate culture. The higher the identity of the employee's characteristics and the requirements of the organization and position, the easier and faster adaptation will be. But in all cases, the new employee has difficulty integrating into the new organization.

Control functions

The creation of an information basis as the basis for planning in market segmentation and interaction by target groups constitutes the information function. Its components:

  • analysis of the requirements for positions and jobs;
  • analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization;
  • labor market research;
  • analysis of the manifestations of the organization's image as an employer.

Within this function, personnel marketing regulates the collection of information for personnel planning. The information function implies the study of the requirements for a profession, a workplace.

The next function of personnel marketing is the analytical function, which is responsible for processing the information received using special methods to increase the company's competitiveness and development prospects.

The communicative function involves establishing contacts with the external labor market and with the company's employees to meet the organization's need for personnel.

In addition to the above, there are also such functions of personnel marketing: career guidance, social, personal, organizational characterize the labor market as an area that operates according to market laws and is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the organization in this segment.

Activity stages

The organizational activity of personnel marketing consists of certain successive stages. Moreover, these stages are in themselves a separate, directed activity.

Personnel marketing technology includes:

  • development of a personnel management system;
  • analysis of the domestic market, planning of personnel needs;
  • personnel audit, monitoring the activities of the HR service;
  • analysis of the external market;
  • study of the behavior of applicants, study of the motives that keep staff in a certain position;
  • division of the labor market into groups of potential employees based on the following characteristics: psychophysical, personal, demographic, geographical, professional;
  • studying the requirements for the employee of the employer;
  • identification of the main competitors in the labor market, comparative analysis;
  • research of the organization's image;
  • search for major partners;
  • determination of the main sources and ways of personnel selection;
  • personnel development, the formation of an official personnel policy;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Personnel marketing technology allows the HR service to be viewed as a business unit that provides its service and satisfies the needs of heads of structural divisions of companies (internal clients).

Recruitment is an integral part of the work of a HR manager in any organization. Correctly selected employees with the necessary competencies and appropriate to the culture of the company are the key to the success and prosperity of the company.

Personnel marketing is a type of management activity aimed at meeting the needs of the parties in the process of their labor relations through equivalent exchange in various forms.

Personnel marketing means meaningful expansion of the production marketing function into the area of \u200b\u200bhuman resource management.

The essence of personnel marketing is reflected in the scheme of interaction between participants in labor relations in the labor market (Figure 5.7).

Personnel marketing treats the workplace as a product that is sold in the labor market. From this point of view, the conceptual elements of personnel marketing can be represented as follows: it acts as a direction of strategic and operational planning of personnel; creates an information base for working with personnel using methods of researching the external and internal labor market; is aimed at achieving the attractiveness of the employer through communication with target groups (market segments).

Fig. 5.7. The strategic triangle in HR marketing

In the existing approaches to determining the composition and content of personnel marketing tasks, two main principles should be distinguished.

The first principle involves considering the tasks of marketing personnel in a broad sense. In this case, personnel marketing means a certain philosophy and strategy of human resource management. Personnel (including potential) are considered as external and internal clients of the organization. The purpose of such marketing is the optimal use of human resources by creating the most favorable working conditions, contributing to the increase in its efficiency, the development of a partner and loyal attitude towards the enterprise in each employee. In fact, this is a "sale" of the enterprise to its own employees. The principle of personnel marketing in its broad interpretation is based on market thinking, which distinguishes it from traditional administrative concepts of personnel management.

The second principle assumes the interpretation of personnel marketing in a narrower sense - as a special function of the personnel management service. This function is aimed at identifying and covering the needs of the enterprise in human resources.

The main difference between the above principles is as follows. A broad interpretation of personnel marketing implies its attribution to one of the elements of the organization's personnel policy, implemented through the solution of a complex of tasks of the personnel management service (development of a target system, planning needs, business assessment, career management, motivation, etc.). In a narrow sense, personnel marketing involves the allocation of certain specific activities of the personnel management service, and this activity is relatively isolated from other areas of work of the personnel service.

Hence, the marketing concept of personnel management is the statement that one of the most important conditions for achieving the goals of an organization is a clear definition of the requirements for personnel, their social needs in the process of professional activity and ensuring that these requirements and needs are met in more effective ways than competitors.

5.3.2. Personnel Marketing Information Function

Targeted product sales activities require a comprehensive knowledge of the external environment, relevant markets, consumers, and the desired seller image. This applies equally to personnel marketing.

The information function of personnel marketing is to create an information base, which is the basis for planning in the field of market segmentation and communications by target groups (market segments). It can be differentiated into the following more specific functions: the study of the requirements for positions and jobs; study of the external and internal environment of the organization; labor market research; studying the image of the organization as an employer.

HR Marketing Information System is an information exchange system that allows HR marketing specialists to analyze, plan and implement marketing activities. The basis of the personnel marketing information system is the sources of this information, namely:

Curricula and plans for the graduation of specialists in educational institutions;

Training programs for additional training and retraining in commercial training centers of various types;

Analytical materials published by state and commercial employment centers;

Specialized magazines and special editions dedicated to employment issues, as well as general problems of personnel management;

Exhibitions, conferences, seminars;

Sites of specialized print media, recruitment agencies, employing organizations (especially competing organizations);

Publications of informative and eventful content about employing organizations;

Company presentations, job fairs, career days and other events;

Internal reporting system of the organization on personnel issues;

Analytical materials on the study of the requirements for positions and workplaces, as well as on the study of the content of labor at workplaces;

Conversations of HR specialists with potential employees of the organization, with external partners, with employees of their organization, etc.

Study of the requirements for positions and jobs. Analysis of the requirements for workplaces forms a system of requirements that the employing organization imposes on personnel applying for certain vacancies. Requirements for personnel are expressed, as a rule, in groups of parameters given in table. 5.2.

When analyzing the requirements for a workplace, one should take into account the tasks of the work process at the workplace, as well as the relationship of this workplace with other links of the organizational structure.

The subject of analysis and forecasting, in addition to requirements for the workplace, is the related qualifications of an employee, expressed through the parameters of requirements for personnel. Measures for its development are based on the interaction of analytical information about the requirements for the workplace and the actual qualifications of personnel.

The study of requirements for positions and jobs should be based on regulatory documents such as:

All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades.

Table 5.2. Personnel requirements

Parameter group


Level of education received; necessary knowledge (basic and additional); practical skills in a specific area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity; work experience in certain positions


Personal qualities necessary for a certain type of activity, the ability to perceive professional loads; the ability to concentrate memory, attention, effort, etc.

Motivational attitudes

Sphere of professional interests; striving for self-expression and self-realization; ability to learn; interest in working in a certain position, clarity of professional prospects

Professional conduct

Willingness to work; independence in work; skills of cooperation and mutual assistance; communication style and efficiency, etc.

Study of the external and internal environment of the organization. The subject of research in this case is the factors or conditions in which the production activity of the organization takes place. The value of the study of environmental conditions is determined by its influence on the preparation of activities: on interaction with the labor market, on the development of personnel within the organization, on communication both inside and outside the organization.

The external and internal environment of the organization is revealed through the content of the corresponding external and internal factors. External factors are understood as conditions that the organization as a subject of management, as a rule, cannot change, but must be taken into account in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources of covering this need. The external factors that determine the content of personnel marketing include the following factors, presented in table. 5.3.

Internal factors are those factors that are largely amenable to control.

Table 5.3. External factors of the organization's environment

Factor name

Factor characteristic

General economic situation and the state of the industry

Analysis of this factor shows trends in economic development, a competitive situation, interaction with trade unions, the situation in the field of education.

Technology development

Determines the change in the nature and content of labor, its subject orientation, which, in turn, forms a change in the requirements for specialties and workplaces, training and retraining of personnel

Features of social needs

Taking this factor into account allows us to represent the structure of the motivational core of potential employees of the organization, determined by the nature of the social, industrial relations developing at a given time.

Development of legislation

When solving personnel marketing issues, one should take into account the issues of labor legislation, its possible changes in the foreseeable period of time, the peculiarities of legislation in the field of labor protection, employment, etc.

Personnel policy of competing organizations

Studying the forms and methods of working with personnel in competing organizations in order to develop their own strategy of behavior aimed at changing personnel policy

by the organization. The main internal factors are presented in table. 5.4.

Table 5.4. Internal factors of the organization's environment

Factor name

Factor characteristic

Organization goals

This factor can be considered common to production marketing and personnel marketing. The clarity and concreteness of the goal-setting system determines the strict direction of the organization's long-term policy. Its goals and objectives form a marketing strategy both in the field of production and sales of products, and in the field of personnel.

Financial resources

An accurate assessment of the organization's need and capabilities for financing personnel management activities determines the choice of alternative or compromise options in the field of planning personnel needs, covering it, using personnel, training and retraining, etc.

Human resources of the organization

This factor applies to both the marketing environment and personnel management in general. It is associated with the assessment of the capabilities of HR specialists, with the correct distribution of responsibilities between them, which largely determines the success of the implementation of the personnel marketing plan

Sources of coverage of staffing needs

This factor can be considered as internal from the point of view of the organization's ability to choose those sources of coverage of personnel needs that correspond to the state of other internal and external factors: the goals of the organization, financial resources, technology development trends, etc.

Full and accurate accounting of all of the above factors determines the level and features of the implementation of marketing activities in the field of personnel. Analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization is necessary to clarify the specific areas of research of the labor market.

Labor market research. The subject matter of the labor market is the entire exploitable potential of the labor force. This potential covers both the external labor market and the existing team, i.e. internal labor market.

Let us list the essential areas of analysis of the external labor market: structure of the labor market, including sectoral, regional, age, qualification, professional; labor mobility; sources of coverage for staffing needs; ways to cover the need for staff; the behavior of competitors in the labor market; labor cost. Analysis of these areas allows you to establish the quantitative and qualitative state of such parameters of the labor market as the demand for personnel and supply in the field of personnel.

The study of the internal labor market is aimed at covering the need for personnel at the expense of intra-organizational sources. The most important directions and tools for studying the internal labor market are presented in table. 5.5.

Labor market research forms a system of modern and promising relationships between the organization and various sources (both external and internal) to cover the need for personnel. Analysis in various areas that characterize the external and internal labor market, lays the foundation for the development of measures for the organization's communication in the labor market.

Studying the image of the organization as an employer. The subject of studying the image of an organization is its image on the internal and external labor market. This study should provide starting points for actions to improve the employer's image, so that it is seen as advantageous over competitors in terms of both potential employees and employees in the organization.

The organization's image is shaped by external influences from the business environment, as well as individual attitudes and preferences. Basically, the image exists as a subjective picture of preferences and advantages in relation to the employing organization on the part of potential employees.

The main task of image research is a correct understanding of those social and psychological factors that influence the decisions of potential applicants for jobs or the consolidation of existing employees of the organization.

These factors include the requests or requirements that potential or full-time employees make of the employing organization. These demands arise from the basic functions of labor: monetary and non-monetary incentive functions, as well as the functions of self-realization and social function.

Image research tools include:

Conducting a survey of the opinions of employees of the organization, its partners, consumers and other groups of people;

Interviewing applicants about their views and expectations;

Compilation of statistics, differentiated by the main forms of turnover, loss of working time, etc.;

Direction of analysis


Personnel structure, including the number, qualification structure, age structure, groups of employees by length of service in the organization, groups of employees by development potential, groups of employees by role status in the organization and its divisions

Permanent and variable personnel accounting and statistics
Information on personnel training outcomes
Business assessment (certification) of personnel

Personnel development structure

Staff planning
Vacancy planning
Personnel development planning

Organizational structure, including formal hierarchy, informal structural groups

Organizational charts
Function execution diagrams
Communication diagrams
Employee and executive surveys

Organization of work, including the placement of personnel, workplaces and their relationship

Job and job plan (staffing table)
Description of jobs and positions (job descriptions)
Workplace diagnostics Employee surveys

Management culture, including leadership style, socio-psychological climate, job satisfaction

Empirical Social Research Methods Working with Released Employees

Motivational attitudes

Employee surveys
Group discussions
Analysis of the application of theories of motivation

Analysis of recruitment campaigns, in particular unsuccessful recruitment activities, as well as recruitment activities;

Study of complaints made by employees in the process of business assessment, adaptation, or within the framework of a specially organized complaints handling system.

With the help of the information function of personnel-marketing, it is possible to identify those areas that may make long-term provision of human resources difficult.

The influence of personnel marketing on the solution of such situations is the performance of a targeted communication function.

5.3.3. Personnel marketing communication function

The purpose of all communication activities within the framework of personnel marketing is to establish and implement ways to cover the need for personnel, as well as to present the benefits of the organization as an employer.

The objects of the communication function are:

Employees of the organization who act as participants in the internal labor market, and also serve as carriers of the organization's image;

External labor market as a complex source of potential applicants;

The openness of the management system (in particular, its information component) as the main factor influencing the formation of judgments about the organization.

Segmentation of the labor market. A prerequisite for the effective performance of the communication function is the segmentation of the labor market. Segmentation is the process of dividing the demand for personnel and its supply into separate elements that differ in a similar response to a certain motive of employment. These elements represent the target groups that the employer is guided by in their relationship with the labor market. The target groups formed should be as homogeneous as possible in their internal content, but heterogeneous in their external composition.

The main methods of segmenting the labor market are factorial and cluster analyzes. Factor analysis identifies the criteria for the formation of target groups. The types of segmentation criteria accepted in the world practice of personnel marketing are geographic, demographic, economic, psychographic, and behavioral. Cluster analysis identifies carriers of certain features that are homogeneous.

An example of the allocation of some target groups according to the criteria (factors) of segmentation is presented in table. 5.6.

Combining several target groups according to one or more segmentation criteria can increase the internal homogeneity of the target groups. Given in table. 5.6 segments are related to both external and internal labor markets.

Effective segmentation allows you to more clearly define the main subject of the employer's relationship with the market

Table 5.6. Identification of target groups in the labor market (fragment)

labor - the establishment and practical use of sources and ways to cover the need for personnel.

Sources and ways of covering the need for personnel. Sources of coverage for staffing requirements can be external and internal to the employing organization.

External sources are objects of professional and social infrastructure that cover the needs for the organization's personnel. Internal sources are the ability of the organization to self-sufficiency in staffing.

Staffing paths are ways of acquiring staff from a specific source of staffing coverage.

The ways to cover the need for staff can be as follows:

The organization recruits personnel directly from educational institutions through the conclusion of bilateral agreements both with this educational institution and with the training participant;

The organization submits applications for vacancies to state employment services;

The organization uses the services of specialized intermediary recruitment firms (recruiting and recruiting agencies, recruiting agencies, etc.);

The organization is recruiting new staff through its staff. This is mainly done in three ways: recruiting candidates from the family circle of employees; recruiting candidates from other organizations; recruiting in educational institutions;

The organization concludes leasing agreements with other employers on certain conditions for the provision of human resources;

The organization announces its vacancies through advertisements in the media and special editions;

The organization posts advertising materials or analyzes information about employment on the websites of specialized publications or recruitment agencies, and also uses its own website to post the necessary information about the need for personnel;

The organization awaits applicants following a local advertising campaign.

The listed options for attracting personnel are associated with external sources of covering the need for personnel. Your own organization can be viewed as an internal source. The ways to cover the need for personnel in this case are: the movement of employees within one or more departments, and it can occur either with the appropriate retraining or without it; moving employees to a higher hierarchical level of the organization (usually with additional training); formation of a new functional role of an employee within the framework of the previous workplace with appropriate additional training.

The essence of marketing work on the choice of ways to cover the need for personnel is reduced to the following main stages: 1) establishing the sources of covering the need; 2) determination of ways to attract personnel; 3) analysis of sources and ways from the point of view of their compliance with the requirements of qualitative and quantitative parameters of potential employees, as well as the costs associated with the use of one or another source and ways of attracting personnel; 4) selection of alternative or combined options for sources and paths.

Internal communication in personnel marketing. One of the manifestations of the communication function of personnel marketing is the implementation of intra-organizational links. The main task of these connections is to highlight the informal elements of relations in the organization, which are formed within the formal structure. Thus, the employees of the organization develop a positive image of their employer.

This image can affect the consolidation of human resources within the organization, and can also work to improve the image of the employer outside the organization, since own employees are considered as carriers of the image.

In personnel marketing, there are two main areas of communication: communication within the production process; communications independent of the production process.

Possible communications support activities to meet production objectives may include:

Formation of a management style that would ensure employee involvement in decision-making processes:

Ensuring the completeness and objectivity of personnel assessment;

Regular meetings and conversations with employees, during which the activities for managing the organization are discussed;

An effective intra-organizational system for receiving and considering employee proposals, etc.

Communication links outside the production process can be ensured, for example, through the following activities:

Consulting employees on personal problems;

Formation of free time groups;

Organization of sports events;

Publishing of an in-house printed edition;

Organization of internal company holidays, etc.

human Resources Director
resources of the Aleko group of companies

Already the usual tasks of the personnel management service of any company (small, medium, large in number of employees) are the selection and recruitment of employees, assessment and certification of personnel, organization of training and career development, policy development in the field of personnel management and ensuring discipline, organization of personnel records management and implementation corporate events, layoffs and others. The difference lies only in the depth of the task development (performance of functions, the required and obtained results) and coverage: in a small company, one HR manager with knowledge and experience in all areas is engaged in all this, and in a large company - several departments specializing in a certain area ... But we should not forget about marketing in the field of personnel management, which is necessary for the effective operation of the company. This direction can be considered as:

If we consider marketing in the field of personnel management as a type of activity aimed at meeting the requests and needs of the company, then the knowledge of HR specialists and heads of departments of the basics of marketing in the field of personnel management is a prerequisite for the effective functioning of any company. This direction is directly related to concepts such as "need", "request", "exchange", "market", "demand", "product", "deal", "contract", "marketing management", "manager (manager ) on marketing in the field of personnel management ".
It should be remembered that the situation on the labor market more and more often creates an inverse correlation of the relationship "employee - employer - employee". As in the market, a buyer chooses a product, so a candidate who has positive results in a previous job chooses a company and decides for himself which company he is most interested in, depending on:

Marketing in the field of personnel management as a direction of activity of an HR manager consists of:


development of professional requirements for candidates (employees), taking into account the general competencies and results required by this company (economic analysis of the workplace and the result from the performance of the assigned tasks);

determining the qualitative and quantitative needs for personnel (planning the optimal number of the company);

calculation of costs for the acquisition and further use of candidates (employees);

selection of optimal sources and ways to cover the need for personnel;

researching the needs of the personnel market (for timely motivation of own employees, reducing staff turnover);

studying the environment, groups and categories of personnel (for the timely motivation of own employees, reducing staff turnover, the emergence of competitive advantages);

assessing the demand potential in the labor market for a given company (availability of competitive advantages);

segmentation of the labor market for a given company (availability of competitive advantages);

preparation for the target segment of marketing activities (study and creation of the company's image, creation of information channels, etc.);

staff incentives (availability of competitive advantages).

The essence of HR marketing is ensuring "sales" of jobs candidates and employees who depend on the capabilities of the company and the willingness of employees to work in it.
Let's consider it as follows:

Product market: product - buyer

Labor market: the company is an employee

Labor market: employee - company

If in the first case the employee “sells” himself, his knowledge, experience, ideas, then in the other he “buys” the conditions (income, compensation package, social guarantees, conditions for further motivation) offered by the company. Therefore, the 4 "R" in the field of personnel management can be considered as follows:


product (Product) - an employee and (or) a candidate who has the quality (result of work) required by the company, trademark (name, education, work experience), properties (competencies, personal and business characteristics); packaging (image, appearance, ability to present oneself, age);

pricing (Pricing) - the cost of a position and (or) a specific employee (candidate) in the labor market;

promotion of goods to the market (Promotion) - PR personnel, speaking at conferences, publications, summaries, results achieved;

place - the demand for this position in the labor market and the purchase (retention) of an employee (candidate) by the company.

The HR manager should from time to time compare the company's personnel with the personnel of competitors and analyze it according to the above 4 "R".
The purpose of providing information to the heads of departments and the company's management and the projected result is the timely motivation and retention of key employees, as well as cost-effective selection of personnel for opening vacancies. This analysis allows you to timely adjust the level of income of key employees, optimize the remuneration system in the company, provide a motivating effect on staff, reduce staff turnover (if necessary), up to a change in the company's personnel policy.
The marketing need for HR is most often addressed in the following HR processes:

I. Recruiting personnel for the company
Job opening

Staff recruitment
Conclusion of an employment contract
Passage of the probationary period
Appraisal interview
Human Resources Marketing
II. Choosing a motivation system (remuneration, compensation package) for staff in company
Human Resources Marketing
Optimization of the wage system
Carrying out certification
Certification interview
Human Resources Marketing
The possibility of changing the terms of the employment contract

The general slogan of marketing is customer satisfaction, in our case it is formulated as “satisfaction of the company with the results of the work of employees”.
“Consumers” of personnel are companies that need to perform certain functions, solve project problems and achieve the required results. Consequently, they are interested in retaining the existing staff, if it meets their requirements, and finding new ones to introduce innovations, optimize activities, and more efficiently solve problems. In both product marketing and HR marketing, getting the right call comes with an extremely dangerous side effect - over-expanding product lines. An unjustified increase in the number of the company, the race for highly qualified employees when lower qualifications are required to perform the required work ... leads to a sharp increase in overhead costs, costs and non-optimal use of working time by employees, looking for more interesting work in other companies. As a consumer, the company should not buy the employee, but the benefit that the employee can provide.
To determine the needs of the company, one should start with such internal market factors as

If you apply method for evaluating investment projects (cost-benefit analysis), that is, compiling a list of all costs and possible benefits, which are given a quantitative (value) expression, you can see that often companies select employees based not on their own needs, but on the positioning of the employees themselves (candidates).
Often, when recruiting, they choose the most highly qualified employee, determine for him a higher income than planned according to the application, without thinking about using the employee after achieving the result, about the timing of the tasks, further motivating the employee, and about economic benefits.
Customer volume \u003d net benefit provided to the company (easily calculated on sales managers).
Customer volume \u003d technical volume + service volume + ratios / reputation volume - price.
Positioning in the field of personnel management- this is the process of finding such a market position for the product (personnel) and the company, which will distinguish it from the position of competitors.
However, it should be remembered that this process is often based on emotional and subjective factors and does not always depend on the specific competencies of the employee (candidate) or clear criteria for evaluating the company. Let's try to use positioning to divide employees (candidates) into groups A, B and C (see table).


Personnel groups

High salary (80%)
- small variable
component (20%)

Average salary (60%)
- average variable component (40%)

Small salary (20%)
- high variable component (80%)

A - highly qualified specialists and managers who must and can perform complex intellectual (managerial) tasks, since the result is stretched over time

Employees who position themselves in Group A prefer stability

B - managers and specialists performing specific tasks, the result of whose work is visible within 3 months (1 quarter)

Group B employees - they know their capabilities and want to have a higher income

C - sales staff

This is how employees who are ready to "earn" position themselves

The company must answer the question: what kind of employees does it need?
To solve the problem facing the company, it should use focused positioning methods, the instrument of which is PR, the basic rules of which are as follows:

Additional attention of the HR manager and heads of departments is also deserved by the factors of influence of the external market, which may be of interest to the company's employees, especially to the key ones (which the company is not ready to part with):


the situation on the labor market - the demand for a specific position, the level of wages, labor legislation;

the demographic situation in the country (“washing out” of middle-aged specialists and “brain drain”);

development of technologies (improvement of equipment and the emergence of new information technologies, optimization of business processes lead to a reduction in the deadlines for completing assignments, the emergence of new professions, changes in the requirements for qualifications, business qualities and competencies);

development of the education sector and the availability of trained specialists in the market;

personnel policy of competing companies.

The results of labor market monitoring can be obtained through:

In marketing for personnel management, the need of business and production in personnel qualifications (internal and external training) is significant. The HR manager should remember that highly qualified specialists are required less, and the resources spent on their search, attraction and retention are more. And more and more often in the labor market there are imbalances between supply and demand due to a shortage of skilled workers and an overabundance of specialists in "fashionable" professions.
Segmentation in the field of personnel management is the process of analyzing consumers (companies), costs and competitors to determine when, where and how “collision” with competitors will begin or describe the competitive environment in terms of business segments. In our case, segmentation is performed by employees (usually key for the company and in demand in the labor market) who are considering new areas of activity and (or) the management of the company together with HR specialists who prefer to retain personnel to work in their company with the help of timely motivation.
Different companies require different characteristics of employees (focus on results - performance of job tasks and functions, manager - specialist), and they provide different levels of service (workplace, compensation package, etc.) to meet their needs. The value of specific services (and hence the customer's willingness to pay a given price for them) may vary from customer to customer. The requirements of the consumer (company) for services (speed, schedule, location) change over time and the labor market.
When choosing a job and recruiting personnel for a company, one should imagine what the consumers of personnel (companies) are:


who they are (field of activity, goals of recruiting staff and opening a specific vacancy);

why they buy an employee (position, application (task-result), benefit, value for the customer). The value for the consumer of personnel is equal to the net profit received by the consumer when purchasing a certain product (employee). Manifestation of value (price, price volatility, information (complaint-praise), reputation, profit margin, competitiveness);

what source they use when buying (head hunting, recruiting agencies, the Internet, advertisements in the press, their own database);

when they buy (seasonality, the need to urgently fill a vacancy, opening a new vacancy, a project);

how they buy (quantity, conditions, selection procedure, labor legislation).

In a situation of equilibrium offers on the labor market for pay and remuneration, candidates pay attention to other criteria for choosing jobs, such as an interesting job, stability, an individual compensation package, elements of the company's corporate culture, and so on.
What to keep in mind about company personnel is that not all employees are the same! They can target:


For this category, it is necessary to establish:

what candidates (employees) are needed at each hierarchical level? (management, design work, process optimization, performance of functional duties);

what are candidates (employees) interested in (motivating)?

competitor (competitive advantages, interesting work, training and career opportunities, income, individual approach).
For this group, the answers to the following questions are significant:

who is the competitor of this company in the labor market (pros-cons of competing companies)?

what is the position of this company in relation to competitors in terms of preference for choice?

what is the competitive advantage of this company that is significant for the staff (candidates)?

Summarizing the proposed approaches to marketing in the field of personnel management, two main principles can be distinguished:

The main difference in the above principles is that the first is one of the elements of the company's personnel policy, implemented through a complex of personnel management tasks (development of a target system, planning needs, business assessment, career management, motivation, and so on), and the second involves the allocation of specific activities of the personnel management service - marketing in the field of personnel management.

As an aid to HR specialists, the section "PAPERS" provides the forms of documents developed in the Aleko group of companies: applications for the need for a specialist and job applicant questionnaires used in recruiting personnel (see pages 85, 86), an employee's personal assessment sheet and a sheet for assessing the competencies of a specialist (designer) used to determine the motivation of personnel (see pages 88, 89).

See also on this topic.

7.3.1. Essence, principles and functions of personnel marketing

Personnel marketing - a type of management activity aimed at long-term provision of the organization with human resources that form a strategic potential, with the help of which it is possible to solve specific target tasks.

Personnel marketing treats the workplace as a product sold in the labor market.

Personnel marketing is viewed as:

The basic principle of market-oriented management;

Method of systematic search for solutions;

A means of achieving competitive advantage.

In the approaches existing in foreign organizations to determining the composition and content of personnel marketing tasks, two main principles or approaches should be distinguished.

First principle.IN broad sense - it is a certain philosophy and strategy of human resources management, and personnel are internal and external clients of the organization. The purpose of such marketing is to use human resources by creating the most favorable working conditions to increase its efficiency. With this approach, personnel marketing is attributed to the elements of the organization's personnel policy.

Second principle. In a narrow sense - this is a special function of the personnel management service, aimed at identifying and covering the needs of the enterprise in personnel. In this case, personnel marketing is only a specific activity of the personnel management service, which is relatively isolated from other areas of work of the personnel service.

Thus, marketing concept personnel management is a statement according to which one of the most important conditions for achieving the goals of an organization is a clear definition of the requirements for personnel, their social needs in the process of professional activity and ensuring that these requirements and needs are met in more effective ways than competitors.

The general areas of personnel marketing include the following:

Marketing research;

Strategic and tactical planning;

Segmentation of the labor market, positioning of subjects of market relations;

Determining the price of labor potential;

Stimulating the employment of personnel;

Formation of the image of the organization as an employer in the external and internal labor market.

The main functions of personnel marketing are as follows.

1. Information function - creation of an information basis as the basis for planning personnel and communications for target groups (market segments). It includes:

Study of the requirements for positions and jobs;

Research of the external and internal environment of the organization;

Labor market research;

Studying the image of the organization.

2. Analytical function. Study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise through the content of the relevant external and internal factors. External factors include: general economic situation and the state of the industry; technology development; development of legislation; personnel policy of competing organizations. The main internal factors: the goals of the organization; financial resources; human resources.

The main areas of study external labor market are:

Labor market structure (sectoral, regional, age, qualification, professional, etc.);

Labor mobility;

The behavior of competitors in the labor market;

Labor cost.

Main directions of study internal labor market:

The number of personnel and its structure - qualification and age;

Personnel development structure;

Organizational structure;

Organization of labor at the enterprise;

Management culture;

Motivational attitudes.

3. Communication function. Establishing and implementing ways to cover the need for personnel. The objects of the communication function are:

Employees of the organization who act as participants in the internal labor market;

External labor market as a source of potential applicants;

The openness of the management system as the main factor in the formation of the company's image.


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