Pimenov nikolay vasilievich. Doctors, veterinary ophthalmology (treatment of animal eyes). Veterinary surgery, therapy. Kopenkin Evgeny Pavlovich, Komarov Sergey Valentinovich, Kesareva Elena Albertovna. Uveitis of dogs and cats, vetomitin. Results own

Position: Professor of the Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals.
Specialization: Veterinary ophthalmology

Major life milestones associated with veterinary practice:
E.P. Kopenkin is one of the founders of veterinary ophthalmology in Russia, a leading scientist and teacher in the field of veterinary ophthalmology and surgery. For more than 37 years he has been involved in the training of veterinarians for agricultural production, is distinguished by high professionalism, pedagogical skills, creative, innovative approach to improving the teaching methods of veterinary ophthalmology and surgery, a highly qualified scientist and teacher, skillfully combines the achievements of science and practice in teaching students, cadets FPK, preparation and publication of scientific and educational-methodical literature.He published 152 scientific and educational-methodical works, including the State Educational Standard, curricula, fundamental textbooks and reference books on general veterinary surgery (1), diseases of small domestic animals (10), monographs for diseases of the eyes of dogs and cats (12), reports at international congresses. Kopenkin E.P. created a scientific school in a new direction in veterinary surgery - ophthalmology. Scientific developments are devoted to the study of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of eye diseases in cattle, horses and small domestic animals. A large team of scientific workers is working in this direction under his guidance and advice, and candidate and doctoral dissertations are successfully defended. He currently supervises 6 postgraduate students. He is a co-author of one copyright certificate and five patents, one rationalization certificate and instructions on the use of ophthalmic medicinal films in pets, which are of wide national economic importance for the country, has a certificate of a participant of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements on the introduction of ophthalmic medicinal films in the treatment and prevention of infectious eye diseases in cattle. For his scientific contribution to the development of veterinary medicine of small domestic animals, Professor E.P. Kopenkin is a laureate of the Golden Scalpel Award in 2000, was repeatedly awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks as the head of scientific student work, two of which were awarded medals of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific student work. E.P. Kopenkin is a well-known scientist, a member of the European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, presented a report at the XXI World Veterinary Congress in Moscow. Currently, E.P. Kopenkin takes part in preclinical and clinical studies of SkQ group drugs (eye drops "Vetomitin").

Science articles:
152 scientific articles, including those in international publications.

Position: Professor of the Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals
Academic degree: Doctor of Veterinary Science
Specialization: Veterinary ophthalmology, herpetology

L.F.Sotnikova has been working at the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences since 1987. The work of L. F. Sotnikova is devoted to the study of one of the fundamental problems of modern veterinary ophthalmology - diseases of the retina and choroid of animals. Sotnikova L.F., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals, a member of the European Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, regularly takes part in international conferences on eye diseases of small domestic animals and horses. Sotnikova L.F. is the author of 46 scientific works, textbooks and teaching aids devoted to the problems of veterinary ophthalmology and published in leading veterinary publications, such as the journal "Veterinary", the journal "Veterinary medicine", etc. Also has 6 patents for inventions (No. No: 2223756, 2222206, 2228742, 2228741, 2223755 - Method of treating re

equine iridocyclitis), issued by the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks. Every year he is invited to lecture at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding on diseases of the eyes of horses. Under her supervision, two Ph.D. theses were defended on topical problems of veterinary ophthalmology. Currently L.F.Sotnikova takes part in preclinical and clinical studies of SkQ group drugs (eye drops "Vetomitin"). In particular, LF Sotnikova is studying the effect of SkQ drops on the retina of animals by means of electroretinography and retinophotography.

Science articles:
46 scientific articles, including in international publications

Reception room: Clinical building, rooms No. 64, 66

Position: Professor of the Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals
Academic degree: Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences.
Specialization: veterinary microbiology, diseases of pigeons and other birds.

In 2000 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and entered the postgraduate course at the Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Diseases of Young Animals. In 2003 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of biological sciences, worked as a senior lecturer of the department, deputy dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine. Since 2004 - Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Young Diseases.
On December 24, 2012 he defended his thesis with the award of the scientific degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences in the specialties: 03.01.06 - biotechnology (including bionanotechnology), 06.02.02 - veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootology, mycology with mycotoxicology and immunology. Most of the scientific research of N.V. Pimenov is devoted to the treatment and prevention of bird diseases, incl. common to animals and humans. Among the publications of N. V. Pimenov there are works devoted to the improvement of hematological analysis and phage therapy in the practice of veterinary medicine, the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatitis, diseases of the liver and urinary system in small pets, ecology and sanitary safety. More than 100 scientific and methodological works have been published, incl. 2 textbooks, 12 teaching aids, 1 monograph, 7 programs. Received 3 patents for invention. Under the leadership of N.V. Pimenov, 2 dissertations of a candidate of biological sciences were defended, 10 collections of scientific papers were published under the editorship, victories were achieved in All-Russian and international competitions for the best scientific work.
Pimenov N.V. developed, designed and introduced into the practice of veterinary medicine the vaccine against salmonellosis of pigeons and the vaccine "Virosalm" associated inactivated against salmonellosis and Newcastle disease of pigeons and ornamental birds, bacteriophage preparations typhimurium against salmonellosis of pigeons and bivalent bacteriophage treatment, a method of selective salmonellosis and other enterobacterial infections of animals. The author's vaccine "Virosalm" is registered and certified in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is the only domestic vaccine against salmonellosis of pigeons, parrots, pheasants and other birds.
He was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for his great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for the agricultural sector, the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "For the development of students' research work", the honorary title "Honorary Worker of the Russian agro-industrial complex".

Position: Associate Professor, Veterinary Ophthalmologist


Saroyan S.V. has been working at the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences since 2005. Since 1999 he has been engaged in ophthalmology. His work is devoted to the study of etiology, pathogenesis and treating uveitis in dogs and cats, diseases of the retina, much attention is paid to microsurgical operations on the eyes of dogs and cats. In 2002 he was awarded the 2nd degree diploma for active participation and scientific report on the treatment of glaucoma, in 2004 he was awarded the 3rd degree diploma for active participation and scientific report on the diagnosis and treatment of canine uveitis. Saroyan S.V. is the author of 17 scientific works and guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of canine uveitis, presented at Russian and international conferences and published in leading domestic scientific journals such as "Veterinary Medicine", "Veterinary Medicine", etc. He is the co-author of one textbook in veterinary ophthalmology. In 2008 he prepared a Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Clinical and morphological characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of canine uveitis." Saroyan S.V. took part in the international seminar on microsurgery of the eye of small domestic animals. In 2007, he received a certificate from the European Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists for a course in microsurgery of the eye of small animals. In 2007 he also received a diploma for an excellent report and active participation in the 2nd All-Russian Veterinary Conference "Veterinary medicine - theory, training, practice." Saroyan S.V. is the head of the scientific student society of the Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals. Currently, S.V. Saroyan takes part in preclinical and clinical studies of SkQ group drugs (eye drops "Vetomitin"). In particular, S.V. Saroyan is studying the effect of SkQ drops on the retina of animals by means of electroretinography and retinophotography by means of electroretinography and retinophotography.

1. Diploma of the 2nd degree for active participation and scientific report on the treatment of glaucoma.
2. Diploma of the 3rd degree for active participation and scientific report on the diagnosis and treatment of canine uveitis.
3. Certificate of the European Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.
4. Diploma for an excellent report and active participation in the 2nd All-Russian Veterinary Conference "Veterinary medicine - theory, training, practice".

Science articles:
17 scientific articles, 1 guidelines

Reception room: Clinical building, rooms No. 64, 66

Position: Associate Professor, Veterinary Ophthalmologist, Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals
Academic degree: candidate of veterinary sciences
Specialization: Veterinary ophthalmology, eye microsurgery

Komarov S.V. has been working at the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences since 2004. He began his studies in ophthalmology in 2000. His work is devoted to the study of the pathology of the retina and vascular tract of dogs and cats. She also pays great attention to performing blepharoplastic operations in dogs. Currently, Komarov S.V. is taking part in preclinical and clinical studies of SkQ group drugs (eye drops "Vetomitin"). In particular, Komarov S.V. is studying the effect of SkQ drops on the retina of animals by means of electroretinography and retinophotography using electroretinography and retinophotography.

Science articles:
Komarov S. V. is the author of 9 scientific articles on canine blepharoplasty, published in the journals "Veterinary" and "Veterinary Medicine". She is a co-author of one textbook on veterinary ophthalmology.

Reception room: Clinical building, rooms No. 64, 66

Position: Veterinary general practitioner of the Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals

Specialization: Veterinary therapy, homeopathy, dermatology

Graduated from the Moscow Veterinary Academy in 1981. After graduating from the academy, she worked as a junior researcher at the metabolic laboratory.
From 1986 to 1989, postgraduate studies at the Department of Internal Non-communicable Diseases.
From 1989 to 1998, she worked as the head of the zoo-veterinarian department of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Animals and as a veterinarian at the Sopiko Biocentre
Since 1998 he has been working at the Moscow Veterinary Academy at the Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals.

Science articles:
33 scientific articles, textbooks

Reception room: Clinical building, room 71


Specialization: Veterinary therapy, homeopathy, dentistry

Volkova E.V. has been working at the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences since 2001. The main activity is the treatment and prevention of non-surgical pathologies of small domestic and laboratory animals.

Reception room: Clinical building room No. 71

Position: Veterinarian, Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals
Academic degree: Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor
Specialization: Ultrasound, Abdominal surgery.

GG Arslanyan has been working at the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences since 1983. Since 1994 to 1997 worked as a veterinarian at an ambulance veterinarian at the Central Station st. Yunnatov, 16.

Science articles:
20 scientific articles, guidelines.

Reception room: Clinical building, room number 70


Position: Veterinarian, Department of Biology and Pathology of Small Domestic, Laboratory and Exotic Animals
Specialization: Veterinary surgery

A. G. Filippenkova has been working at the Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences since 2004. The main area of \u200b\u200bactivity is abdominal surgery, traumatology. She is a postgraduate student at the Department of Veterinary Surgery, working on the topic of pathological fractures in small dog breeds.

The main scientific provisions formulated by the author based on the research:

  1. The etiological structure of salmonellosis of birds of different species in a comparative aspect.
  2. Production technology of inactivated polyethylene glycol vaccine against salmonellosis in pigeons, its properties and efficiency of use.
  3. Morphological characteristics, biological, adsorption properties and antigenic relationship of Phagum Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophages.
  4. Production technology and efficiency of application of Bacteriophage typhimurium against salmonellosis of pigeons and bivalent bacteriophage against salmonellosis of birds.
  5. Biological properties of the Newcastle disease virus "PN-T".
  6. Production technology and protective efficacy of the "Virosalm" associated inactivated vaccine against salmonellosis and Newcastle disease in pigeons and ornamental birds.
  7. An improved system of antiepizootic measures against salmonellosis of birds of various species, including a method of selective decontamination and methods for the prevention of salmonellosis in birds using the developed preparations of bacteriophages and vaccines.

1. Kurylenko A.N., Pimenov N.V., Lenev S.V., Tolpygin M.A. Specific prevention of salmonellosis in chickens // Veterinary medicine. - 2002. - No. 2. - S. 29-30.

2. Pimenov N.V., Bubnova L.V. Bacteria of the genus Salmonella - the etiological factor of acute intestinal disorders in hooded crows // Veterinary medicine. - 2002. - No. 2. - P. 29.

3. Kurylenko A.N., Pimenov N.V., Lenev S.V., Malakhov Yu.A., Yakovlev S.S. Recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of chicken salmonellosis. - M .: MSH-MGAVMiB. - 2002 .-- 34 p.

4. Pimenov N.V., Lenev S.V., Kurylenko A.N. Protective activity of bivalent salmophage against salmonellosis enteritis and pullorosis-typhus of chickens // Coll. scientific. works of VGNKI. - M .: FGU VGNKI, 2003 .-- T. 64 .-- S. 178-182.

5. Pimenov N.V., Lenev S.V., Malakhov Yu.A., Kurylenko A.N. A new stage in improving the prevention and treatment of salmonellosis in chickens // Materials of the XI Moscow International Veterinary Medicine. Congress. - M .: Ass. practical. vet. doctors, 2003. - S. 228-229.

6. Pimenov N.V., Kapustin A.V. Mixed infection - salmonellosis and New Castle disease of pigeons // Veterinary medicine. - 2004. - No. 4. - S. 23-24.

7. Danilevskaya N.V., Pimenov N.V. The problem of antibiotic resistance on the example of the treatment of salmonellosis in domestic pigeons // Russian veterinary journal. - 2005. - No. 4. - S. 21-24.

8. Pimenov N.V. The main directions of the fight against salmonellosis of pigeons // The contribution of young scientists to solving the problems of agricultural science: Materials of mezhreg. scientific-practical conf. pier uch. - Voronezh: FGOU VPO VGAU im. K. D. Glinka ", 2005. - Part 2. - S. 144-147.

9. Pimenov N.V., Danilevskaya N.V. Antibiotic resistance of Salmonella isolated from domestic pigeons // Veterinary medicine. - 2006. - No. 9. - S. 20-24.

10. Pimenov N.V. Epizootological features of salmonellosis in pigeons // Materials of the XIII Moscow International Congress on Bol. chalk. house. alive. - M .: Ass. practical. vet. doctors, 2005. - S. 153-155.

11. Pimenov N.V. Salmonellosis of synanthropic birds - the problem of human toxicoinfections // Problems of rational environmental management of the technogenic region: Collection of articles. scientific. tr. Intern. school-conf. - Kemerovo: FGOU VPO KGSKhI, 2006. - S. 206-210.

12. Danilevskaya N.V., Pimenov N.V. New in antibiotic therapy: antibiotic resistance - the threat is real // Latest developments in veterinary medicine. Cell therapy: Materials sovm. conf. - M .: GU RONTS im. N.N. Blokhin, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2006. - S. 16-22.

13. Pimenov N.V., Chirkova I.V. Biological properties of Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophages and their therapeutic efficacy against salmonellosis in pigeons // Youth and Science of the XXI Century: Materials of the II Open All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. pier uch. - Ulyanovsk: FGOU VPO UGSKhA, 2007. - Part 1. - P. 336-340.

14. Pimenov N.V., Chirkova I.V. Specific prevention of salmonellosis in pigeons // Golubevodstvo. – 2007. – № 12. – С.29; 2008.– No. 1.– P.29.

15. Pimenov N.V., Chirkova I.V. Phage excretion, prevention and therapy of salmonellosis in pigeons // Veterinary medicine. - 2007. - No. 10. - S. 24-28.

16. Pimenov N.V. Creation and necessity of application of an inactivated vaccine against salmonellosis and New Castle disease of pigeons // Veterinary Medicine. - 2008. - No. 2-3. - S. 11-12.

17. Pimenov N.V., Kurylenko A.N., Chirkova I.V., Yakovlev S.S. Recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of salmonellosis in pigeons. - M .: MSH; "MegArt" - 2008. - 43 p.

18. Chirkova I.V., Pimenov N.V. Biological properties of bacteriophages against Salmonella typhimurium and their use in the fight against salmonellosis in birds // Veterinary medicine and feeding. - 2008. - No. 3. - P.32-34.

19. Pimenov N.V. Prospects for the use of bacteriophages in veterinary medicine // Veterinary medicine and feeding. - 2009. - No. 5. - S. 34-35.

20. Zheludeva E.V., Pimenov N.V. Man and nature: "biological" and "social" // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2009. - Issue. 5. - S. 206-210.

21. Pimenov N.V., Buriko B.Yu. The main methods of combating Newcastle disease in pigeon breeding // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2009. - Issue. 5. - S. 132-138.

22. Pimenov N.V., Chirkova I.V. The drug against salmonellosis in pigeons and a method for treating salmonellosis in pigeons: Patent for invention No. 2366456 // Official Bulletin of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property. - 2009. - No. 25.

23. Pimenov N.V. Virus for the manufacture of inactivated polyethylene glycol vaccine against salmonellosis and New Castle disease of pigeons // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2009. - Issue. 5. - S. 138-141.

24. Pimenov N.V. The prevalence of infectious diseases in pigeon breeding // Veterinary medicine and feeding. - 2009. - No. 6. - S. 69-70.

25. Pimenov N.V., Chirkova I.V., Subbotin V.V., Danilevskaya N.V. Method for treating birds with salmonellosis caused by Salmonella typhimurium: Patent for invention No. 2375075 // Official Bulletin of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property. - 2009. - No. 34.

26. Pimenov N.V. Inactivated vaccine against salmonellosis of pigeons and method of its use: Patent for invention No. 2377015 // Official Bulletin of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property. - 2009. - No. 36.

27. Pimenov N.V. Antigenic and immunogenic properties of the inactivated virosalm vaccine associated with salmonellosis and Newcastle disease in birds // Materials of Intern. scientific-practical conf. "Youth, talent, knowledge - veterinary medicine and animal husbandry." - M.-Troitsk: FGOU VPO UGAVM, 2010. - T. 3. - S. 107-112.

28. Pimenov N.V. Young people offer new methods and preparations // Newsletter of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.– 2010.– No. 4.– P.50-52.

29. Pimenov N.V. Salmonellosis of birds: promising directions in medical and recreational activities // Veterinary medicine and feeding. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 24-25.

30. Pimenov N.V. Diagnostics, prevention and control measures for major infections in pigeon breeding. - M .: Kolos, 2010 .-- 96 p.

31. Zheludeva E.V., Pimenov N.V. Ecological problems: the ability to think on a planetary scale // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2011. - Issue. 7. - S. 275-277.

32. Pimenov N.V. An innovative method for the prevention of salmonellosis and Newcastle disease of birds in the conditions of small and medium-sized farms // Actual problems of agro-industrial complex development in scientific research of young scientists: Proceedings of All-Russian. council mol. uch. and specials of agricultural educational and scientific institutions. - M .: Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2011 .-- S. 146-149.

33. Pimenov N.V., Zotova Z.V. Immunobiological properties of the "Virosalm" vaccine in comparison with live vaccines against Newcastle disease in pigeons // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2011.– Issue 7.– P. 164-178.

34. Zheludeva E.V., Pimenov N.V. Social ecology: axiological reorientation of scientized thinking // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2011. - Issue. 7. - S. 278-280.

35. Zotova ZV, Pimenov N.V. The problem of Newcastle disease of pigeons and the ways of its solution // Veterinary medicine and feeding .– 2011.– № 5.– P.35-36.

36. Pimenov N.V. Bivalent salmophage against salmonellosis of birds // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2011. - Issue. 7. - S. 168-174.

37. Pimenov N.V. Vaccine "Virosalm" - a new biological product for the specific prevention of salmonellosis and Newcastle disease in birds // Innovative trends in the development of Russian science: Materials of the IV Intern. scientific-practical conf. pier uch. - Krasnoyarsk: FGOU VPO "Krasnoyarsk GAU", 2011. - Part 1. - P. 139-142.

38. Zotova ZV, Pimenov N.V. Risk factors for the spread of epizootics of orthomyxvirus and paramyxvirus infections of birds in the Moscow region // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Coll. scientific. tr. pier study - M .: FGOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2011. - Issue. 7. - S. 145-151.

39. Pimenov N.V. The specific efficacy of the "Virosalm" associated inactivated vaccine against salmonellosis and Newcastle disease of birds // Youth and Innovations - 2011: Materials of the International Conference. scientific-pr. conf. - Gorki: Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, 2011. - Part 1. - P.309-312.

40. Pimenov N.V. New ways of solving the medico-social problem of salmonellosis in birds // Life without dangers.– 2011.– No. 2.– V. 6.– P. 56-60.

41. Pimenov N.V., Zotova Z.V. Construction of the "Virosalm" vaccine based on paramyxovirus type 1 of the pigeon variant of the "PN-T" strain // Veterinarian. - 2011. - No. 4. - S. 2-4.

42. Pimenov N.V., Zotova Z.V. Guidelines for preventing the spread of avian influenza and Newcastle disease of pigeons in private farmsteads, poultry farms and pigeons. - M .: FGBOU VPO MGAVMiB. - 2011 .-- 56 p.

43. Pimenov N.V. New methods and means in the fight against salmonellosis of birds // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGBOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2012. - Issue. 8. - S. 138-143.

44. Pimenov N.V. The effectiveness of recreational measures against salmonellosis of birds in a zoo // Russian veterinary journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 22-24.

45. Pimenov N.V. Vaccine prevention of salmonellosis in pigeons and ornamental birds // Veterinary medicine. - 2012. - No. 8. - S. 20-22.

46. \u200b\u200bPimenov N.V. Improvement of means and methods of combating salmonellosis in birds // Veterinary medicine and feeding. - 2012. - No. 4. - P.32-33.

47. Pimenov N.V. The effectiveness of the method of selective decontamination in the conditions of poultry keeping facilities, unfavorable for salmonellosis // Questions of veterinary medicine and veterinary biology: Sat. scientific. tr. pier uch. - M .: FGBOU VPO MGAVMiB, 2012. - Issue. 8. - S. 143-147.

48. Pimenov N.V. Improving the system of antiepizootic fight against salmonellosis in birds // Veterinary medicine. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 38-40.

The invention relates to veterinary biotechnology. The drug as bacteriophages contains a suspension of strains of Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 T3-DEP with a concentration of 3.6 × 10 8 PFU / cm 3 and Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP with a concentration of 1.0 × 10 7 PFU / cm 7 in equal volumes in the culture medium, preserved with quinosol, at the following ratio of components (per 1 liter of culture medium): suspension of particles of the Phagum Salmonella typhimurium strain No. 5 T3-DEP - 3.6 × 10 8 PFU / cm 3, suspension of particles of the Phagum Salmonella typhimurium strain No. 8 ME-DEP - 1.0 × 10 7 PFU / cm 3, quinosol - at a final concentration of 0.01%, The drug is drunk to pigeons at a dose of 0.25-0.5 ml with an interval of 48-72 hours or added to drinking water at the rate of 5-10 ml per 1 kg of poultry weight per drinking. Before drinking the drug, the bird is kept for three hours without water. The drug and the method of its use are safe, allow effective treatment of salmonella infection, provide protection from the disease from the first days of life, prevent post-vaccination complications and increase the safety of the livestock. 2 n. and 2 c.p. f-ly, 2 tab.

The invention relates to veterinary biotechnology. The aim of the invention is to provide a preparation for the effective treatment of salmonellosis in pigeons caused by Salmonella typhimurium.

Among bacterial infections of pigeons, salmonellosis occupies one of the leading places. The death of pigeons from this infection can reach 20-25%, and young animals - up to 80% (Gusev Val.V., Gusev Vik.V. Salmonella infection in pigeons / Poultry keeping No. 5; 2003. - P.48-53). The disease causes significant damage, which, in addition to losses from the death of a bird, lags behind the growth and development of recovered pigeons, a decrease in egg fertilization, and a loss of sports, service and decorative qualities. Sick and recovered wild and domestic pigeons are a possible source of infection for poultry, animals and human toxicity.

Salmonellosis in pigeons is most commonly caused by serogroup B salmonella, which is a serovariant Salmonella typhimurium. S. typhimurium is the main causative agent of salmonellosis in ducks, geese (80-90%) (Osidze D.F. Biological and chemotherapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of diseases of productive animals / Sat. Art. VGNKI, 1983. - 122 p.) And one of the main serovariants causing foodborne toxicoinfections in humans (Gusev V.V. Development of technology for the production of a vaccine against salmonellosis in pigeons. Dissertation at the Candidate of Biological Sciences, Obolensk, 2005 - pp. 48-53).

The system of measures for the treatment of salmonellosis in pigeons provides for general veterinary and sanitary measures, the use of various antimicrobial agents and probiotic drugs. However, these measures are not always effective, as Salmonella rapidly develops resistance to antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic drugs. The uncontrolled use of antibiotics contributes to the aggravation of the situation and the selection of antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms.

Among the measures for the specific prevention of salmonellosis in pigeons, the main role belongs to vaccination. But, unfortunately, most of the vaccines against salmonellosis of birds existing in our country are not suitable for pigeons due to the difference in the antigenic composition of vaccines for industrial poultry farming and pigeon breeding (the former are based on S. enteritidis and S. gallinarum-pullorum strains, while as the main salmonella serovariant that causes salmonellosis in pigeons, it belongs to serogroup B - S. typhimurium (Georgiades GK Prevalence of Salmonella in pigeon, canaries and psittacines, 53 (2), 2002. - C.113-118).

However, even effective vaccination does not solve the problem of salmonella transmission, does not protect young animals (pigeons up to 30 days of age) from infection, does not exclude the exacerbation of the chronic course of salmonellosis.

One of the promising and safe therapeutic and prophylactic drugs against salmonellosis of birds caused by S. typhimurium is a bacteriophage.

The closest to the preparation of the bacteriophage typhimurium are salmophages entertidis and pullorum. They are effectively used in industrial poultry farming for the treatment and prevention of salmonellosis in chickens (Kurylenko A.N., Pimenov N.V., Lenev S.V. and others. Recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of salmonellosis in chickens. - M., MGAVMiB, 2002 - 35 s). But these drugs are not effective for the treatment and prevention of salmonellosis typhimurium in pigeons.

The aim of the invention is to create an effective phage preparation for the treatment of salmonellosis in pigeons, as well as to develop a rational method for the treatment and prevention of the disease.

For this purpose, the preparation of bacteriophage typhimurium was proposed to combat salmonellosis of birds caused by Salmonella typhimurium. The proposed drug, in comparison with the existing drugs for combating salmonellosis of pigeons caused by Salmonella typnimurium, has a number of advantages: the use of highly active lytic phages is effective and environmentally safe, provides protection from the disease from the first days of life, prevents post-vaccination complications and superinfections, and improves the safety of the livestock, The phage preparation has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, sanitizes the body from salmonella carriers, and is a promising component of a comprehensive system for the prevention of Salmonella infection.

The goal is achieved by creating a preparation containing a suspension of highly active bacteriophage strains Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 T3-DEP with a concentration of 3.6 × 10 8 PFU / cm 3, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP with a concentration of 1.0 × 10 7 PFU / cm 3 in a culture medium (meat-peptone broth) preserved with quinosol, with the following ratio of components (per 1 liter of culture medium):

Phage particle suspension:

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 TZ-DEP - with a concentration of 3.6 × 10 8 pfu / cm 3,

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEPP - with a concentration of 1.0 × 10 7 pfu / cm 3,

Quinozol - 1% solution at a final concentration in a phage lysate of 0.01% and a method for treating salmonellosis of pigeons caused by Salmonella typhimurium, characterized in that the medicinal preparation containing, vol.%:

Suspension of phage particles in equal volumes:

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 T3-DEPP - 3.6 × 10 8 pfu / cm 3,

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP - 1.0 × 10 7 PFU / cm 3,

Chinozol - 1% solution at a final concentration in the phage lysate of 0.01%, fed to adult pigeons orally at the rate of 0.5 cm 3 of the drug with an activity of 10 8 individually, young animals up to 14 days of age - 0.25 cm 3 of bacteriophage typhimurium or added to drinking water at the rate of 5-10 ml per 1 kg of bird weight per drinking at intervals of 48-72 hours, and the bird is kept without water for three hours before drinking the drug.

In order to isolate S. typhimurium bacteriophages, we studied samples of litter and wastewater from pigeon houses using the Adams enrichment method. The obtained filtrates were tested for sterility, harmlessness, lytic activity according to the methods of Appelman and Grazia. Two of the most lytically active bacteriophages were used to prepare the bacteriophage preparation typhimurium.

For the preparation of the preparation, isolated strains of bacteriophages Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 TZ-DEP, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP were used. In addition, 6 more reserve highly active strains of bacteriophages were isolated, which can be used to improve the prepared by us preparation of the bacteriophage typhimurium.

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 TZ-DEP, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP and one reserve strain of Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 9 MM were deposited in the collection of microorganisms of the All-Russian State Center for the Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed, certificates of deposit have registration numbers Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 TZ-DEP 2738/19, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP 2739/19, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 9 MM-DEP 2740/19.

Bacteriophage strains have the following properties. Virion morphology. According to the classification of A.S. Tikhonenko (1962), all three deposited bacteriophages belong to the fourth group. These phages with a long, non-contracting process and isometric heads ranging in size from 50 to 100 nm, containing double-stranded DNA inside, belong to the Siphoviridae family.

Sizes of structural elements of the virion, nm.

Bacteriophage isolate Head diameter Caudal process length Caudal process width Phage morphotype
No. 5 TZ-DEP50 225 11 IN 1
No. 8 ME-DEP64 120 11 IN 1
No. 9 MM-DEP37 117 10 IN 1

Morphology of negative colonies. Bacteriophages, when inoculated on the host strain for 18 h of cultivation at 37 ° C, were formed on a bacterial lawn No. 5 TZ-DEP - round, transparent colonies with even edges 1.5-2.5 mm in diameter, No. 8 ME-DEP - large , transparent colonies with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 mm with secondary growth of the indicator culture, No. 9 MM-DEP - round, transparent colonies with even edges with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 mm.

Cultural properties

Bacteriophage strains have high lytic activity, the phage titer determined by the Appelman method No. 5 TZ-DEP - 10 -10, No. 8 ME-DEP - 10 -8, No. 9 MM-DEP - 10 -10, the lytic activity by the Grazia method is:

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 TZ-DEP - 3.6 × 10 8 pfu / cm 3,

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEPP - 1.0 × 10 7 pfu / cm 3,

Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 9 MM-DEPP - 1.4 × 10 8 pfu / cm 3.

Spectrum of lytic action. The strains have a wide spectrum of lytic action in relation to Salmonella typhimurium isolates isolated in dovecotes unsuccessful for salmonellosis, lyse more than 80-90% of the isolated Salmonella. In addition, the isolated bacteriophages lyse S. enteritidis (90-100%), S. gallinarum-pullorum (75-100%), S. dublin (85-100%).

The Salmonella typhimurium strain M-2pht is a host strain used for the accumulation of bacteriophage particles.

The Salmonella typhimurium M-2ph t strain is a control and production strain, deposited in the collection of microorganisms of the All-Russian State Center for the Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed, certificate No. 2742/19 dated October 16, 2007, by N.V. Pimenov.

Properties of the Salmonella typhimurium strain M-2f t.

By morphology - Salmonella typhimurium М-2ф t - gram-negative mobile rods with rounded ends, not forming spores and capsules, 2-4 microns in size.

Enzymatic properties - ferments glucose with the formation of acid and gas, beckons, maltose, sorbitol, arabinose, rhamnose, dulcite, grows on Simmons medium, forms hydrogen sulfide, does not form indole, is oxidase-negative, catalase-positive, does not ferment sucrose, lactose.

Antigenic structure - agglutinated by monoreceptor salmonella sera 04, H-i, 1, 2,

The method for the treatment of salmonellosis in pigeons provides for the introduction into the body of a bacteriophage preparation containing a mixture of suspensions of phage particles of Phagum Salmonella typhimurium strains No. 5 TZ-DEP with a concentration of 3.6 × 10 8 PFU / cm 3, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP with a concentration of 1, 0 × 10 7 PFU / cm 3 in equal volumes in the culture medium, with the following ratio of components (per 1 liter of culture medium): suspension of phage particles Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 5 TZ-DEP - 3.6 × 10 8 PFU / cm 3, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEPP - 1.0 × 10 7 PFU / cm 3, Chinosol - 1% solution at a final concentration in the phage lysate of 0.01%.

The preparation was prepared by sowing the host strain Salmonella typhimurium M-2ph t-DEP and filtrate of Phagum Salmonella typhimurium phages No. 5 TZ-DEP, Phagum Salmonella typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP in a preheated to 37 ° C diluted 1: 5 MPB host strain. The control was the absence of growth when inoculating phages in the diluted MPB and separately the growth of Salmonella (by pronounced turbidity). After the onset of bacterial lysis, the bacteriophage was preserved with a solution of quinosol to its final concentration in the preparation of 0.01%, after which the preparation was filtered and filled into vials. The finished preparation was tested for sterility by plating on MPA and in MPB and for activity on white mice.

Application example

Bacteriophage typhimurium was fed to pigeons orally at the rate of 0.5 cm 3 of the drug with an activity of 10 8 individually using an automatic pipette-dispenser, or the number of doses of the drug required for the treatment of the pigeon population is added to drinking water at the rate of 5-10 ml per 1 kg of bird weight per one drinking with an interval of 48-72 hours. Three hours before feeding the bacteriophage typhimurium, the bird was kept without water.

The use of a bacteriophage drug is possible in combination with treatment with probiotics against the background of antibiotic therapy and vaccination.

Example of drug use 1

A laboratory test of the bacteriophage preparation typhimurium in an acute experiment was carried out on 30 pigeons of 3-4 months of age. For this, three groups were created: two experimental (10 pigeons each) and a control (10 pigeons), which were fed and kept according to the principle of analogues.

Pigeons of the first experimental group were orally injected with a bacteriophage at the rate of 0.5 cm 3 of the preparation individually using an automatic pipette-dispenser. After 12 hours, pigeons were infected with a mixture of 3 S. typhimurium isolates (with virulence for white mice when 2 thousand microbial cells were injected subcutaneously) in the same amount of each isolate orally at a dose of 10 million microbial cells (the dose was determined using optical turbidity standards of enterobacteria ).

The pigeons of the second experimental group were fed the bacteriophage according to the developed temporary instruction. To do this, the number of doses of the drug required for the treatment of the poultry population was added to the drinking water, pre-boiled and cooled to 20-30 ° C, at the rate of 10-20 ml per pigeon per drinking. Three hours before the feeding of the bacteriophage, the typhimurium pigeons were kept without water. The infection was carried out after 12 hours, similar to the infection in the first group. Pigeons of the control group were not treated with the bacteriophage typhimurium and were infected with a mixture of cultures of S. typhimurium in the same doses as in the experimental groups.

The bird was observed for 15 days, after which the slaughter was carried out. Bacteriological examination of corpses of fallen and killed pigeons was carried out according to the scheme: inoculations from parenchymal organs, blood of the heart and red bone marrow on MPA, MPB, Endo agar, bismuth-sulfite agar, staining of smears-prints and smears of growing cultures according to Gram, agglutination reaction with O -complex and O- and H-agglutinating monoreceptor salmonella sera. The results of laboratory tests are presented in the table.

Efficiency of using the bacteriophage typhimurium against salmonellosis of pigeons in laboratory conditions
Group Number of pigeons in a group, head Sick and fell, goal. Safety,% Pigeons from which S typhimurium is isolated
The first experimental 10 0 100 0 0
Second experimental 10 1 90 1 10
Control 10 9 10 10 100

As can be seen from the data presented in the table, the bacteriophage drug has a pronounced lytic activity against Salmonella in vivo, protective properties of 90-100% when directly infected with virulent isolates of S. typhimurium in high doses. Moreover, the safety of pigeons in the group with the oral administration of the bacteriophage drug individually using an automatic pipette-dispenser was higher than when the drug was added to drinking water. The pigeons that were fed the bacteriophage had no clinical manifestations of salmonellosis.

All the dead pigeons had characteristic clinical signs and pathological changes: shortness of breath, loss of appetite, diarrhea, enteritis, rhinitis, etc. S. typhimurium was isolated from the liver with gallbladder, heart blood, blood of the bone marrow, brain, spleen of these pigeons , possessing properties characteristic of S. typhimurium.

The therapeutic efficacy of the typhimurium bacteriophage was tested on two dovecotes in Moscow, located in the Maryino and Kuzminki regions.

The clinical picture of pigeons was manifested by disheveled plumage, depression, impaired coordination of movement or loss of ability to fly, refusal to feed, droppings became liquid green with an admixture of blood and mucus, some pigeons showed shortness of breath and rhinitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by bacteriological and serological (PNR) studies. In the first case, the incidence was 70%, with a mortality rate of 20% before the start of treatment (mainly young animals of 2-4 months of age), in the pigeon house in Kuzminki, clinical manifestations were noted in 16 out of 125 pigeons (13%), 3 died (mortality 19%). It should be noted that the owner of the bird in the second dovecote was fed baytril when signs of infection appeared (when determining the antibiotic sensitivity, the culture of S. typhimurium isolated from these pigeons had a low sensitivity to enrofloxacin).

The feeding of the bacteriophage typhimurium in dysfunctional dovecotes was carried out according to the scheme developed and used in the laboratory experiment. The treatment was carried out three times with an interval of 48 hours. On the third day after the start of phage therapy, the state of most of the sick birds improved, activity appeared, appetite recovered, the consistency of the droppings gradually returned to normal, the color of the droppings became light brown by 4-6 days. The death of pigeons has ceased. After 14 days, bacteriological analysis of washings from the cloaca in 23 pigeons (24%), selectively examined on the dovecote in Maryino, and 20 pigeons (16%) on the dovecote in Kuzminki, did not isolate bacteria of the genus Salmonella.

The safety of the method of using phages (including for young animals, from the first days of life), ease of use, therapeutic and prophylactic effect, high economic efficiency, the possibility of solving the problem of salmonella transmission are a promising component of a comprehensive system for the prevention of Salmonella infection.


1. A preparation for the treatment of salmonellosis of pigeons caused by Salmonella typhimurium, containing a suspension of bacteriophage particles, characterized in that it contains a suspension of Phagum Salmonella typhimurium strains No. 5 T3-DEP with a concentration of 3.6 × 10 8 PFU / cm 3 and Phagum Salmonella as bacteriophages typhimurium No. 8 ME-DEP with a concentration of 1.0 × 10 7 pfu / cm 7 in equal volumes in a culture medium preserved with quinosol, with the following ratio of components (per 1 liter of culture medium):

2. A method of treating salmonellosis of pigeons caused by Salmonella typhimurium, characterized in that the preparation according to claim 1 is drunk to pigeons in a dose of 0.25-0.5 ml with an interval of 48-72 hours or the preparation according to claim 1 is added to drinking water at the rate 5-10 ml per 1 kg of poultry weight per drinking, and before drinking the drug, the bird is kept for three hours without water.

3. A method of treating salmonellosis of pigeons according to claim 2, characterized in that the preparation according to claim 1 is drunk for adult pigeons in a dose of 0.5 ml.

4. A method for the treatment of salmonellosis in pigeons according to claim 2, characterized in that the preparation according to claim 1 is drunk in a dose of 0.25 ml for young animals up to 14 days of age.

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research development

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study NOT development

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# study


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For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

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For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values \u200b\u200bare a positive real number.

Interval search

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Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

Place of work: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - M.I. Scriabin

Position: Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assistant Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation

Location: Tula

Scientific achievements: The system of measures to combat Salmonella infection in birds and animals has been improved, means and methods for the prevention and treatment of salmonellosis in birds have been developed, which improve the veterinary and sanitary examination of poultry products that prevent human infection, the etiopathogenesis of diseases of young animals has been studied.

He carried out deep scientific research in the field of combating salmonellosis, a widespread disease of birds, animals and humans, dangerous foodborne toxicity of people and causing significant damage to agricultural production. Scientific research Pimenova N.V. were aimed at studying the pathogenesis of the disease, epizootological data and etiological aspects, namely the serovariant belonging of pathogens for different species of birds. These studies made it possible to actualize the problem of multiple antibiotic resistance of Salmonella, which are the causative agents of the disease in birds, young farm animals and in humans. Thus, a serious danger of exhaustion of pharmacoceutical reserves in the treatment of the disease with antibacterial and other chemotherapeutic agents is indicated.

The work was consistently continued with the development and implementation of biological products of other groups, namely, the vaccine associated with inactivated pigeons and ornamental birds against salmonellosis and Newcastle disease, preparations based on specific bacteriophages and the method of selective decontamination to combat salmonellosis of birds in conditions of industrial and private, aviary, zoo maintenance. The author has isolated and selected highly active bacteriophages against Salmonella, which are certified, deposited as production and used to design effective drugs against Salmonellosis. The advantage of these studies was the creation of bacteriophage drugs that can effectively fight Salmonella infection, which is dangerous in the ecosystem of a metropolis. The developed drugs caused a complete reorganization of the sick organism and the elimination of bacterial carriers, which cannot be achieved with antibiotic therapy. The use of these drugs does not cause complications, the most environmentally friendly and safe. In addition, the prospect of using phage drugs in the real sector of the economy is associated with the introduction of restrictions on the use of chemotherapeutic drugs in poultry farming. Bacteriophage preparations can be used on synanthropic birds to prevent the spread of salmonellosis infection in the social environment of the city of Moscow. The developed drugs have no analogues.

For the prevention of salmonellosis, vaccines against salmonellosis of birds have been developed, designed, tested in laboratory conditions and tested in poultry farms, dovecotes, nurseries and zoos. The creation of vaccines is based on the author's strains of Salmonella and Newcastle disease virus, the isolation, selection and study of the biological properties of which are serious scientific achievements of the author.

A lot of work has been done to systematize and improve the schemes and methods of treatment and prevention of salmonellosis in poultry farming, new methods have been proposed that are included in the recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of salmonellosis in chickens, recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention and elimination of salmonellosis in pigeons, approved by the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federation. Patents protected: a method for treating birds with salmonellosis caused by Salmonella typhimurium, a preparation against salmonellosis in pigeons and a method for its use, an inactivated vaccine against salmonellosis and a method for its use. Another development of N.V. Pimenov. - the vaccine "Virosalm" associated inactivated against salmonellosis and Newcastle disease of pigeons and ornamental birds is certified and registered, is actively used in the Russian Federation and allows to restrain the circulation of Salmonella infection in the social environment, protects birds of various species from infection with salmonellosis and highly contagious Newcastle disease.

These developments by Nikolai Vasilyevich Pimenov have significantly enriched the practice of veterinary medicine with means of combating dangerous infections, develop biotechnologies that make it possible to increase the economic efficiency of poultry farming, which have social significance, since protect the health of domestic birds and animals, prevent human salmonella infection, serve the sanitary and environmental safety of society.

Research Pimenova N.V. multifaceted and are of undoubted scientific interest, include both fundamental biological research at the level of morphology and biology of viruses and bacteria, and applied innovative developments in the field of biotechnology of vaccines and phage preparations against salmonellosis, their introduction into practice, allowing to improve methods of combating a dangerous disease, common for animals and humans. The author is working on other preparations of bacteriophages against socially significant animal diseases. It is planned to register phage preparations against endometritis and mastitis in cows, which will serve to free dairy farms from the use of antibiotics and improve the quality of the milk sold; experimental series of polyphage preparations against diseases of exotic birds and young farm animals are being tested, and a vaccine against anaerobic enterotoxemia is being developed.

Expert of the Skolkovo Foundation;
Expert of RAS;
Chairman of the All-Russian Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Agrarian Educational and Scientific Institutions;
Deputy Chairman of the Working Group on Monitoring the Activities of RAS Professors;
Member of the Expert Council for monitoring the activities of FANO institutions.

Member of the Editorial Board of the Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences (AGRIS).

Awards and awards:

1. Honorary title "Honorary Worker of the Agroindustrial Complex of the Russian Federation", 2012.

2. Medal of the government body "For Valiant Labor", 2012.

3. Medal of the authority "For Valiant Labor", 2012.

4. Certificate of honor of the Governor of the Vladimir region, 2007.

5. Letters of thanks from the Prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, 2005, 2007, 2008.

6. Letters of thanks from the Director of the Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2009.

7. Letters of thanks from the General Director of the Association "Agroobrazovanie", 2008,2009, 2013.

8. Diploma and letter of thanks of the Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2011,2012.

9. Medal of the Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences "For Merit", 2014.

10. Medal of the Russian Municipal Academy "For contribution to the preparation of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War", 2015.


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