Swat analysis presentation. SWOT-analysis of the activities of the Coca-Cola LLC: identification. Drivers of industry change

The completion of the SWOT analysis is the correct presentation of its results, the formation of conclusions and the vector of development of the analyzed product, service or company. The SWOT analysis presentation should contain a detailed report in order to avoid mistakes in the interpretation of the prepared information.

Presentation plan

The presentation of the results and conclusions of the SWOT analysis has clear semantic blocks described below.


The first section is Summary. It is a summary of all the key suggestions and conclusions that emerged from the SWOT analysis. This format for providing data is the most effective and generally accepted in world practice. It allows you to understand the vector of your presentation.


The second section is an introductory section. In this paragraph of the presentation, tell us about the main goals of the SWOT analysis and what factors of the external and internal environment were analyzed and considered.

Basic SWOT Form

In the third section, demonstrate the basic form of SWOT in a simple matrix of four quadrants: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This form has historically been a convenient format for presenting all results on 1 page. It is advisable to immediately arrange the factors in the order of importance and priority in the form of SWOT (from the most important to the least important). Importance and high priority are easy to define: the higher the impact on sales and profits, the higher the priority.

You don't need to include many factors. It is enough to focus on 6-8 key factors for each category (maximum). Too many confuses the audience and also prevents them from prioritizing and focusing on important elements. The factors that are currently relegated to the background due to their insignificance can be used in the next wave of analysis.


Data speaks first is the key slogan of all presentations. Prepare an illustration of the evidence for each factor in the SWOT analysis. This will help with the justification of the selected factors and their priority.


The fifth section is the key findings of the SWOT analysis. One of the convenient presentation formats is.

Tactical action plan

The final section of the presentation should always go - an action plan with approximate deadlines and required resources. Without such a plan, all of the above was just words. In a SWOT analysis, concrete guidance is expected from you.

allows you to identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses of the internal sides of the company, as well as the potential opportunities and threats that exist in the external environment

Slide 2: For what?

“SWOT-introspection”, in order to understand where to move next in career development. It will help you to really assess your strengths and capabilities, to clearly determine what points you will need to focus on. A simple technique will help you find the correct solution to the situation. Stage

Slide 3: The acronym was presented visually by Professor Andrews as a SWOT matrix

Weakness Threats Strengths Opportunities Abbreviation: Strengths - strengths Weakness - weaknesses Opportunities - opportunities Threats - threats

Slide 5: SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis can be carried out: for the company as a whole, for individual business areas, for individual markets in which the company operates,

Slide 6: SWOT Analysis

before conducting a SWOT analysis, it is necessary to determine the study period within which the interaction between the company and the external environment will be studied. This can be: the current period - the existing strengths and weaknesses of the firm and the current market situation are investigated, short-term prospects (traditionally, within 1-2 years, in general, it is determined by the degree of turbulence of the environment), medium-term prospects (traditionally, within 3-5 years) , long-term perspective (forecast for more than 5 years).

Slide 7: The main stages of a SWOT analysis

"Scanning" the context "of the environment (search and establishment of the main problematic trends that may affect the development of the subject). Preparation and inventory of possible actions External analysis of opportunities and threats (identification of the parameters of the company's "environment" that are not available for its control, but can significantly affect its activities) Internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses (identification and analysis of controllable factors that can accelerate or slow down the development of the company in the area of \u200b\u200binterest) Planning possible actions (highlighting actions that will maximize the use of the company's strengths and neutralize weaknesses) Assessment and choice of strategy

Slide 8: SWOT Analysis Matrix

Slide 9: Opportunities and Threats

Market opportunities are favorable changes in the external environment that put the company in a better position on the market than today (deterioration of competitors' positions, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new technologies for the production of your products, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc.) Opportunities are not all opportunities that exist in the market, but only those that the company can use to gain an advantage. Market threats - events, the occurrence of which may have an adverse effect on your company (new competitors entering the market, tax increases, changing consumer tastes, declining birth rates, etc.)


Slide 10: Opportunities and Threats

Competition factors (the number of your main competitors, the availability of substitute products on the market, the height of the barriers to entry and exit from it, the distribution of market shares among the main market participants, etc.) Demand factors (market capacity, the rate of its growth or decline, structure of demand for your company's products, etc.) Sales factors (you need to pay attention to the number of intermediaries, the availability of distribution networks, the conditions for the supply of materials and components, etc.) Economic factors (the ruble (dollar, euro) rate, inflation rate, change in the level of income of the population, tax policy of the state, etc.) Political and legal factors (the level of political stability in the country, the level of legal literacy of the population, the level of law-abidingness, the level of corruption in the government, etc.) Scientific and technical factors (the level of development of science , the degree of implementation of innovations (new goods, technologies) in industrial production, the level of state support for the development of science ki, etc.) Socio-demographic factors (size and age and sex structure of the population of the region in which your company operates, birth and death rates, employment levels, etc.) Socio-cultural factors (traditions and value system of society, existing culture of consumption of goods and services, existing stereotypes of people's behavior, etc.) Natural and environmental factors (climatic zone in which your company operates, the state of the environment, public attitude to environmental protection, etc.) International factors ( the level of stability in the world, the presence of local conflicts, etc.)


Slide 11: Matrix of Opportunities


Slide 12: Threat Matrix


Slide 13: Strengths and Weaknesses

An enterprise's strengths are what it excels at or a feature that gives you additional opportunities. Strength can lie in the experience you have, access to unique resources, the availability of advanced technology and modern equipment, highly qualified personnel, the high quality of your products, the popularity of your brand, etc. Weaknesses are the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or something that has not yet been possible in comparison with other companies and puts in a disadvantageous position (too narrow range of products, bad reputation of the company in the market, lack of funding, low level of service, etc.) n.) Strengths and weaknesses should be considered in relation to competitors.


Slide 14: Expanded Matrix


Slide 15: Expanded Matrix

OPPORTUNITIES 1. The emergence of a new retail network 2. Etc. THREATS 1. The emergence of a major competitor 2. Etc. STRENGTHS 1. High quality products 2. 3. Etc. 1. How to take advantage of opportunities Try to enter the number of suppliers of a new network, focusing on the quality of our products 2. How to reduce threats Keeping our customers from moving to a competitor by informing them about the high quality of our products WEAKNESSES 1. High cost of production 2 3.etc. 3. How to overcome weaknesses at the expense of opportunities In the new network to find a buyer who is ready to buy at the offered price 4. The biggest dangers for the company An emerging competitor can offer the market products similar to ours at lower prices


Slide 16: Purpose of the analysis

What to do Directions that combine advantages and opportunities What to fight Directions in which the company has advantages, but there are threats What to exclude Directions in which the company has weaknesses and serious threats What to develop Directions in which the use of opportunities is limited by the company's weaknesses


Last slide of presentation: SWOT Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Method

Advantages Disadvantages Simplicity Insufficient instrumentation: it is not very clear what to do with the resulting lists Gives many options for the development of events Lack of selection criteria from the list of options

The main directions of development of SWOT analysis, mapping in the model of dynamic changes in the firm and its competitive environment, taking into account the results of the analysis of the firm and its competitive environment using classical models of strategic planning;

SWOT Analysis Rules 1. Carefully define the scope of each SWOT analysis 2. Understand the differences between the elements of SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats 3. Strengths and weaknesses can only be considered as such if they are perceived as such by buyers 4. Be are objective and use a wide range of input 5. Avoid lengthy and ambiguous language

Stages of SWOT analysis 1. Defining the purpose of the SWOT analysis 2. Identifying strengths and weaknesses 3. Identifying market opportunities and threats 4. Ranking and clarifying the wording of strengths and weaknesses 5. Ranking and clarifying the wording of market opportunities and threats 6. Forming the SWOT matrix 7. Formulation of criteria for choosing a strategy 8. Analysis of "rejected" strategies 9. Rough estimate of the cost of the chosen strategy 10. Approval of the strategy

Stage 2 Strengths may look like this: Good reputation of the company with regular customers Highly qualified employees Market awareness Competence of the management Availability of financial resources Protection from strong competitive pressure Technological superiority Cost advantages ...

Stage 2 Example of weaknesses The presence of obsolete equipment in some areas Low profitability of the main product Poor monitoring of the strategy implementation process Intra-production problems Lagging in research and development Insufficient knowledge of the market and market innovations ...

Stage 3 Example of opportunities Entering new markets in two neighboring regions Expanding the range of products by purchasing a number of products from partners Release of related products Deeper market segmentation and flexible pricing policy Using credit resources to promote a new project Connecting to a new government program at an early stage Using friendly media for the "promotion" of a new series of goods Opening a service center for the repair and renewal of old models, etc.

Stage 3 Example of threats Real possibility of new competitors from other industries Growth in sales of a substitute product Slowdown of market growth Unfavorable business policy of the authorities Increase in the role of suppliers due to their enlargement Changing needs and tastes of buyers Unfavorable demographic changes, difficulty in recruiting new employees, etc.

Stage Compensating measures for the main threats Threats Compensating measures The increasing role of suppliers due to their enlargement Active monitoring of foreign suppliers, the search for similar raw materials Growth of sales of substitute products and their aggressive advertising Special training program for merchants and dealers, publications in friendly media about the dangers of substitute products Leaving of strong specialists to other industries, the difficulty of finding new ones Developing a contract system to retain strong specialists and attract new people from the market ... ...

Stage Format of the SWOT analysis matrix Opportunities Threats Entering the regions Service center Offer for VIP Supplier pressure Substitute products Care of specialists Strengths Strategic actions 1 Strategic actions 2 Reputation Cost management Financial cushion Weaknesses Strategic actions 3 Strategic actions 4 Pricing policy Aging assortment Lack of feedback

Stage Main questions for the formation of boundary strategies Opportunities Threats Entering the regions Service center Offer for VIP Supplier pressure Substitute products Care of specialists Strengths Strategic actions 1 Strategic actions 2 Reputation Cost management Financial cushion How to use strengths and opportunities? How to repel threats at the expense of strengths? Weaknesses Strategic actions 3 Strategic actions 4 Pricing policy Aging assortment Lack of feedback How to use market opportunities to neutralize weaknesses? What to do if weaknesses and threats coincide. Maybe change the business fundamentally?

Stage 6 An example of the formation of a field of boundary strategies Opportunities Threats Entering the regions Service center Offer for VIP Supplier pressure Substitute products Care of specialists Strengths Strategic actions 1 Strategic actions 2 Reputation Cost management Financial cushion Search for partners in the regions Conducting an interregional seminar ... Development of special prices for new regions Creating a service -center and groups for collecting information from customers ... Weaknesses Strategic actions 3 Strategic actions 4 Pricing policy Aging assortment Lack of feedback Organization of a large warehouse, purchasing raw materials "for future use" Transition to a contract system with leading specialists ... Search for alternative suppliers A sharp reduction in the range, concentration on one segment market ...

Stage 10 SWOT analysis allows testing the strategy by the goals of the owner with the budget, estimate (it is necessary to assess feasibility at the expense of own and borrowed funds) by the availability of material and human resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy (own and newly attracted)

Slide 2


1965, Harvard Business School

Slide 3

"Docking" of the internal and external environment Tool for a comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors Comparative analysis A wide range of uses

Slide 4

Strengths are the resources and capabilities of the company that are essential for the implementation of the strategy in which it surpasses competitors Weaknesses are the resources and capabilities of the company that are essential for the implementation of its strategy by which it is inferior to competitors Opportunities are such conditions in the external environment that can help the company to successfully implement its strategy Threats are such conditions in the external environment that may hinder the company's efforts to successfully implement its strategy

Slide 5

SWOT analysis matrix Main stages of analysis: primary and elementary Problems: all factors are taken into account; "What is what" SWOT matrix. S-strengths O-opportunities W-weaknesses T-threats

Slide 6

Advanced SWOT analysis (SWOT strategies) О - opportunities - Т - threats S - strengths SO ST W - weaknesses WO WT

Slide 7

Saint Petersburg State University Graduate School of Management SWOT - analysis of the Astoria Hotel.

Slide 8

Tasks and goals of work

The purpose of this work is to conduct a SWOT analysis of Astoria Hotel. SWOT analysis will help to determine the real strategic position of the company and show whether the strategy matches the real opportunities and position in the relevant market. As a result of the work, the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the external environment will be highlighted. As a result, possible development strategies for the hotel will be proposed.

Slide 9

Primary SWOT Analysis Matrix

Strengths Service standards as Astoria is part of the Rocco Forte Hotels chain. Developed hotel infrastructure. Unique atmosphere of the hotel. Team spirit, shared values \u200b\u200bof the staff. Unique location of the hotel. The historical value of the hotel. Weaknesses Russian staff mentality, which hinders the service sector. Insufficient use of Soft management technologies. Lack of hotel promotion using marketing tools. Insufficient positioning in the business segment.

Slide 10

Primary SWOT Analysis Matrix

Opportunities The increasing attractiveness of St. Petersburg as a European capital. People's interest in unusual phenomena (the unique phenomenon of "white nights"). Investment in the hotel business from the government. Innovative programs to attract tourists. Attracting a new group of clients, such as city residents. Threats Weakened labor market and lack of experienced staff. Legislation that complicates the development of the hotel business. Underdeveloped urban infrastructure. Possible aggravation of foreign policy relations Business with seasonal fluctuations. Reconstruction of the seaport and attracting a large flow of "one-day" tourists. The arrival of new players on the market.

Slide 12

WO Conclusion of contracts with major Western tour operators to promote hotel programs on the international tourism market. Organization of a Training Center for grassroots personnel. Development of staff retention programs, effective incentive packages. Development of a special program for researching the expectations of hotel customers.

Slide 13

ST Creation of your own training center for maids. Development of 5-day (and more) programs for tourists. Development of ties with large business centers in order to attract the Russian part of business people (accommodation, round tables, seminars, etc.) WT Together with the Employment Committee, create programs for retraining unclaimed categories of employees for the needs of the hotel

Slide 14

SWOT analysis results

The company occupies a stable position in the market and has a fairly high market share. The company has many strengths, but there are also weaknesses that need to be addressed. Using opportunities to translate into strengths. The company's external environment is in many ways contradictory, it provides great opportunities, but also fraught with threats. Their constant monitoring is required. Subject to forecasting the market situation and choosing the right development strategy, the hotel will only strengthen its position in the future.

Slide 15

SWOT analysis problems:

Are all factors taken into account? What is what? Doesn't give specific answers (basis!) Rather - reaction

Slide 16

Analysis of the Five Forces of Competition

M. Porter, 1980

Slide 17

General characteristics:

Application of microeconomics to the analysis of firm strategies The five forces of competition in an industry Assessing the attractiveness of an industry Basis for developing competitive strategies

Slide 18

The threat of the emergence of new competitors (newentrants). How easy or difficult it is for new entrants to start competing, what are the barriers. The threat of substitutes. How easy it is to replace a product or service, in particular, to reduce the cost. The bargaining power of customers. How strong is the position of buyers. Can they order large quantities together. Bargaining Power of Suppliers. How strong are the sellers' position. Are there many potential suppliers or only a few - a monopoly? The level of intensity of rivalry between existing players. Is there strong competition between existing players? Is there a dominant player or is everyone equal in strength and size?

Slide 19

Industry Competition Analysis Scheme:

The threat of substitute products Market power of customers Market power of suppliers The threat of new competitors coming Substitutes Competitors Rivalry between existing firms Potential competitors Suppliers Customers

Slide 20

The threat of the arrival of new competitors:

Economies of scale Required capital investment Lack of access to technology Lack of access to distribution channels Consumer commitment Legislation and government activity Lack of learning effects

Slide 21

Threat from substitute products:

Replacement of a product by a product Replacement of a need Replacement of a product category

Slide 22

Threat from substitute products (2):

Availability and availability of substitutes Competitiveness of substitutes in quality and other characteristics Costs of the consumer when switching to a substitute: - higher price - the need for new (additional) equipment - time for testing - moral costs

Slide 23

Market strength of suppliers:

Supplier concentration High costs of switching to another supplier Probability of direct competition between supplier and buyer

Slide 24

Market power of buyers:

Concentration of buyers Low costs of switching to another supplier Threat of supplier takeover by the buyer

Slide 25


Concentration level High barriers to exit from the industry Product differentiation Industry life cycle

Slide 26

Porter's model. Answers on questions:

Is the industry attractive compared to others? What factors in the macro environment affect the strength of competition? Can these forces change? How? What is the position of our main competitors in relation to these forces? How can the forces of competition be influenced?

Slide 27

Drivers of industry change:

Development of the Internet and e-commerce Growing globalization Changes in cost-effective firm size New role of the time factor in competition Growth (decrease) in demand for standard goods Changes in government policy and regulation Changes in social values \u200b\u200band norms of life

Slide 28


Industry factors account for less than 20% of cross-industry differences in profitability The industry definition problem

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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SPb GBPOU "College of Culinary Arts" Zozulina Viktoria Viktorovna Lecturer SPb GBPOU "KKM" Saint Petersburg 2017 OP.07 "Fundamentals of Economics, Management and Marketing" SWOT analysis

2 slide

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SWOT is a method of analysis in strategic planning, which consists in dividing factors and phenomena into four categories: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

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SWOT analysis can be presented in the form of a table: Positive impact Negative impact Internal environment Strengths (strengths) Weaknesses (weaknesses) External environment Opportunities (opportunities) Threats (threats)

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SWOT analysis was first introduced in 1963 at Harvard at a conference on business policy issues by Professor Kenneth Andrews. Initially, SWOT analysis was based on the articulation and structuring of knowledge about the current situation and trends. Since SWOT analysis does not generally contain economic categories, it can be applied to any organization, individual and country to build strategies in a wide variety of areas. History

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Slide Description:

The analysis is in two parts. Opportunities and threats represent an analysis of the external environment, all factors that can affect the company, but do not depend on it. Strengths and weaknesses are internal analysis of the company / product. When drawing up a SWOT analysis, you need to indicate at least 5 global external threats and opportunities that can both develop and destroy a business. SWOT Analysis Methodology

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1) Company reputation 2) Product quality 3) Service quality 4) Market share 5) Price 6) Logistics 7) Promotion efficiency 8) Quality of sales agents 9) Geographic coverage The list of factors that are often found in the analysis of strengths and weaknesses:

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10) Implementation of innovations 11) Costs 12) Financial sustainability 13) Employees 14) Technical equipment 15) Ability to meet deadlines 16) Flexibility, quick response to events 17) Range 18) Experience 19) Resources 20) Knowledge of buyers

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1) Economic situation in the country and the world 2) Demographic situation 3) Political 4) Social movements 5) Technological progress 6) Competitor analysis 7) Legislation 8) Cultural factors 9) Social issues External opportunities and threats include:

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Express SWOT analysis is the most common type of qualitative analysis that allows us to determine which strengths of our organization will help to fight threats and use the opportunities of the external environment, and which weaknesses will prevent us from doing so. Some business schools like to show this type of analysis, because the scheme of its implementation has an undoubted merit: it is very clear and simple. However, in practice, this technique has drawbacks: only the most obvious factors fall into the points of all cells of the table. Forms of SWOT analysis

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Summary SWOT analysis, which should present the main indicators that characterize the company's activities at the moment and outline the prospects for future development. The advantage of this form of analysis is that it allows, in some approximation, to give a quantitative assessment of the factors that have been identified. Another advantage is the ability to go directly to the development of a strategy and develop a set of measures necessary to achieve strategic goals. An obvious drawback is the more complicated procedure for conducting the analysis (during strategic sessions in which the top management of the company participates, it can take 1-2 days, depending on the depth of the factors elaboration).

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Mixed SWOT analysis is an attempt to combine the first and second forms of analysis. For this, at least the main three types of strategic analysis are preliminarily carried out (usually STEP analysis, analysis according to Porter's "5 forces" model and analysis of the internal environment according to one of the methods). The advantage of this form is the depth of analysis. The disadvantage should be attributed to the psychological factor: in practice, very often the case ends with the construction of a beautiful matrix and complacency

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There is also the “Anti-SWOT” method, which is based on SWOT, but its essence lies in the analysis of the consequences of not fulfilling the intended statements, indicated in the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

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A practical example of a SWOT analysis of a cafe Strong sides Opportunities in the external environment Low pricing policy available to the population with an average income A large number of services provided compared to competitors Young, active staff Organization is cost-effective Continuous updating of the range of dishes Loyal customers Interior renewal Availability of regular suppliers of products Low level of conflicts Enterprise image Increase living standards of the population The emergence of new customers in connection with well-developed transport communications Increase in the number of able-bodied population Increase in demographic potential Development of a set of measures to attract visitors on weekends Implementation of advanced technologies in service Application of innovative technologies in production and service

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