Signalers do what they do. The profession is a signalman. The signalman has the right

A military signalman is a prestigious and interesting profession. The merits of the signal troops in the Second World War cannot be overestimated. And already in those years it was determined that women are quite capable of such work.




Entry barrier



In 1919, signal troops were created in the USSR. Their main tasks were:

  1. Ensuring uninterrupted transmission of information.
  2. Installation and development of communication systems.

During the Second World War, the lives of the soldiers largely depended on the work of the signalmen. The correctness of the transfer of information, the reliability of the coding of information, the correctness of the setting of communication channels - all this directly influenced the possible outcome of each battle. Usually, in the field, Morse code was used, combined with code concepts. Today, with the improvement of communications, the popularity and importance of this profession has only increased.


The profession of a military signalman will cease to be relevant only when the wars end. Military signalmen are responsible for transmitting information at all levels. Communication systems today are automated and very well developed. With their help, information is transmitted quickly, over great distances, sometimes to several objects at the same time. Military signalmen perform daily training tasks on mobile and stationary communication systems. These specialists can communicate in any environment, in any location, with a minimum of resources and tools. The arsenal of a military signalman includes a wide range of equipment designed for receiving / transmitting signals, as well as encoding and decrypting data.

The main disadvantage of the work of a military signalman is as follows: in the event of hostilities, there is a possibility that when retreating, unit commanders may receive an order to destroy their own signalmen along with equipment if there is a high probability of their being captured.


You can become a military signalman by obtaining a corresponding specialty in a civilian university in the profile of a communications specialist, and then going to serve in the armed forces. For example, graduates of such Moscow educational institutions as MTUCI, MGTU, MEI, MADI, MAI or the Higher School of Economics are very willingly accepted into the signal troops. Nevertheless, there are specialized educational institutions that train military communications specialists; for example, this is YOU to them. Marshal S.M.Budyonny or UVTs at MSTU im. Bauman (specialty is called "Repair, operation of ground radio communication equipment".


Often, the work of communications workers is somewhat reminiscent of the work of system administrators. But military specialists of this kind often have to withstand serious physical exertion and, of course, keep themselves in good shape, regularly passing the standards for mastering the skills of conducting ground infantry combat. In addition, a military signalman must:

Who suits

A military signalman must have the following qualities:

  1. Good health, stamina.
  2. Analytical mind.
  3. Attentiveness.
  4. Intelligence above average.
  5. Agility, ability to perform small, painstaking manual work.

Salary, career

The salary of a military signalman can range from 20,000 rubles and more. The size of the salary, of course, directly depends on the region, climatic conditions and the strategic importance of the location, to which the specialist is assigned. In the Khabarovsk Territory, a military signalman (junior officer) receives, on average, 60,000 rubles. If you are not satisfied with the prospect of a military career, after completing military service, you can easily find a job in civilian life. Specialists in the profession are needed by companies providing mobile communications and Internet service providers, as well as many other enterprises related to both small and large or medium-sized businesses. The average salaries of communications workers (not military) range from 19,000 rubles (province) to 48,000 (Moscow).

In modern times, when digital technologies have become widespread, which have completely replaced the old telephone and radio, such a profession as Signal operator is gaining its relevance. Telephone, telegraph, internet, relay, radio communication, all this is in the work of a signalman. In general, the job is to get certain information to the right place. There is also a second name - communications engineer. Those people who usually choose this profession never regret it.

With regard to wages. Immediately after graduation, you will not be hired for a high-paying job. You will have to gain experience and grow in order to have a good position and salary in the future. As a rule, the more responsibility and work performed, the higher the salary. As a plus of this job, the signalmen have a good salary. Stable income. There are many communications workers in need of work, and salaries tend to rise.

Another advantage of this work is that it is very much in demand, because the job of a signalman is to lay cable TV, the Internet, video surveillance and various security systems, in general, everything related to wires and antennas. It will never lose its relevance, because every day thousands of people connect various types of communications that are laid by signalmen.

Another plus is the profitability of the signalman profession, each person needs to carry out communications in the house. The work is interesting for active people who do not want to sit still, after graduation you will not have to languish in the office, more and more workers are sent to service telephone towers, Internet networks and much more.

The advantage of the profession is the fact that in addition to those people who directly lay the wires, there are also providers, people who work in cellular networks. People who once got a job with equipment and technology, over time, do not look for another, simply because they know what they are working with with the back of their 5 fingers.

But, as in any other profession, there are some drawbacks here. One of the drawbacks may be the weather conditions in which those who lay the cables have to work, and it is not for nothing that they say "Who works in the rain and in the mud? Our valiant connection !!!".

Another disadvantage is the fact that your brain is under constant stress, you have to make quick decisions, and this even threatens to have a nervous breakdown. And besides, you will need to work tirelessly, answer phone calls, and there may not be an opportunity to even be absent for a short time.

This work is one of the most non-standardized, you can be called at any time. This type of work is suitable only for responsible and conscientious people, because the work of all areas of communication depends on the result of their work.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The signalman belongs to the category of technical workers.

1.2. Qualification requirements:
Primary vocational education or secondary (complete) general education and special training in the specialty, without presentation of requirements for work experience.

1.3. The signalman should know:
- fundamentals of telegraphy, schematic diagrams of serviced equipment and apparatus;
- the purpose and rules for the use of the most common universal and special means of communication;
- power transmission and signaling circuits;
- measurement and testing of channels and wires;
- ways of laying wires;
- principles of switching and protection devices;
- general information about air and cable communication lines;
- instructions for the current repair and prevention of relays, searchers, keys;
- methods of testing and adjusting apparatus and equipment;
- the main types of damage and ways to eliminate them;
- the procedure for drawing up schematic diagrams for new prototypes of devices and equipment, automation and communication means;
- rules for the technical operation of equipment;
- the operating mode of the enterprise;
- internal labor regulations;
- the organizational structure of the enterprise;
- safety and fire safety regulations;
- rules and norms of labor protection.

1.4. Appointment to the post of a signalman and dismissal from office are made by order of the general director on the proposal of the head of the AXO.

1.5. The signalman is subordinate to the head of the AXO.

1.6. During the absence of a signalman (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

Signal operator:

2.1. Provides trouble-free and reliable operation of devices and communications in the enterprise.

2.2. Examines the operating conditions of devices, identifies the causes of premature wear, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

2.3. Controls the correct operation of devices and communication facilities, etc.

2.4. Conducts daily preventive maintenance and inspection of serviced equipment, instruments and equipment.

2.5. Reveals damages in the serviced equipment and eliminates them.

2.6. Replaces faulty equipment and apparatus, blocks it, regulates faulty telegraph and telephone relays, checks and seals cords, etc.

2.7. Carries out assembly and adjustment of individual units of start-stop devices.

2.8. Carries out planned preventive maintenance of switching devices TT, AT, PS (keys, finders, cords, etc.), performs work on the installation of equipment (terminal points of AT, PS, ventilation and electrical installations).

2.9. Performs routine repairs and all types of preventive maintenance in the serviced equipment and equipment.

3. Rights

The signalman has the right:

3.1. Request and receive from structural divisions information, reference and other materials necessary to perform the duties provided for by this Job Description.

3.2. Prohibit the use of faulty and dangerous service objects (equipment, machinery, structures, mechanisms, devices, structures).

3.3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

3.4. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Instruction for the management's consideration.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The communicator is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties, provided for by this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Purchase books on HR administration

Handbook of a personnel officer (book + diskM)

This publication contains practical recommendations for organizing the work of the personnel department and personnel records management. The material is clearly systematized and contains a large number of specific examples and sample documents.
The book is accompanied by a disk with forms of documents and regulations in the Garant system, regulating various issues of labor relations and personnel work.
The book will be useful to a wide range of readers, personnel workers, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

The author explains in detail what the labor inspectorate is and what the limits of its powers are, how inspections of compliance with labor legislation are carried out and how they can end, what violations can lead to a fine, and which ones will entail disqualification of the head of the organization. The book provides practical recommendations for employers-organizations and individual entrepreneurs, which will help to avoid the claims of labor inspectors. When preparing the book, all the latest changes in legislation were taken into account.
Author: Elena Karsetskaya
The book is addressed to the heads of organizations of all forms of ownership, employees of personnel services, accountants, individual entrepreneurs, as well as everyone who is interested in compliance with labor legislation.

The collection includes job descriptions drawn up in accordance with the qualification characteristics contained in the Qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations on tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
The collection consists of two sections: the first includes industry-wide job descriptions of managers, specialists, technical executors, the second - job descriptions by industry (editorial and publishing, transport, banking, trade, research, education, healthcare).
For heads of organizations, employees of human resources and legal services.


For friends!


Modern communication is a constantly evolving industry. Until recently, we lived in the era of the telephone Internet. But with the advent of optical fiber, telephone companies were finally able to separate the phone and modem. And this work was performed by such specialists as signalmen. We are grateful to them for the introduction of mobile Internet, without which we can hardly imagine our life.

Wired communication helps to exchange data over long distances. At the beginning of the history of communication, electrical signals could only transmit short messages, but over time it became possible to quickly spread information of any type. Modern wire systems are laid by communications over the earth, underground and even in the ocean, connecting continents.

Today, no signalman can claim that he knows everything about his profession, because modern technologies are changing and developing.

Description of activities

Signalers are specialists in demand today. They work for telephone companies, cellular corporations, and organizations that provide users with Internet access. There are also military signalmen, but the specifics of their work differs from civilian signalmen. And, as a rule, they graduate from a university.

The work of a signalman is not suitable for everyone. He has to spend most of his working time outdoors, extreme weather conditions are not a reason not to go to work. It is especially difficult in emergency situations when it is necessary to repair a breakdown in a downpour or frost. There is a saying about communications workers: “Who works in the rain and in the mud? Our valiant connection! "

Weather conditions are not the only challenge the communications operator faces. He has to work on tall structures, climb into emergency attics, enter dark basements and work with bare wires. The signalman is putting his health and life at great risk - bruises and bruises are a common thing for him.

Of course, when working at height, this specialist takes care of his safety - he puts on a protective helmet, uses a safety harness, and puts all the necessary tools in a mounting belt. He touches objects under electrical voltage only when wearing insulating gloves (they contain rubber - it does not conduct electric current and protects the signalman from shock).

During the day, a signalman can perform different types of work: it can be the elimination of breakdowns and damage to the cable, telephone line faults, a preventive check of communication and the installation of new equipment. In fact, this specialist performs technical work, and can perform the functions and, and, and. Sometimes a signalman has to be a little - setting up the Internet on a regular computer is part of his normal duties.

The working day of the signalman is irregular. Although his work is in shifts (the duration of a shift is on average 8-10 hours), it so happens that you sit around all day, and at the last moment a call arrives at the station, and you have to go to the place of breakdown. And if a major accident occurs on the line, the signalman can work 24 hours a day.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

Labor responsibilities

Most often, the signalman is engaged in looking for and eliminating damage in the cable, wiring, telephone equipment, which ensures the reliable operation of communication and all its devices at any enterprise. To do this, you need to learn how to use special devices, for example, an reflectometer (a device that determines the parameters of fiber-optic communication). You also have to splice cables, for which there are also special tools. Well, for the good operation of all equipment, it is necessary to carry out preventive work on time and with high quality in order to avoid its frequent failure.

If the signalman has great professionalism, then he is trusted not only to monitor the equipment and repair it, but also to control all the work.

But the work of a signalman is connected not only with equipment. He must be able to understand diagrams, drawings, because without them it is impossible to imagine, for example, a telephone or Internet network. It is obligatory to systematically maintain a special journal, which records all types of work carried out on the prevention and repair of equipment.

The main thing is that the signalman must clearly and skillfully maintain telephone and Internet communications, and be engaged in programming automatic telephone exchanges. Often it is necessary to establish communication between several enterprises of the same concern. This is necessary for the well-coordinated work of the entire large association, and internal communication is always cheaper and more profitable for the enterprise.

Features of career growth

The work of a signalman is in great demand today. These are various telecom operators: Megafon, Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), Beeline, Rostelecom. Large Russian concerns have a full-fledged communication network: Gazprom, Rosneft, Russian Railways. And, of course, a signalman is necessary in modern conditions at any, even the smallest enterprise, in any settlement, be it a million-plus city or a small village.

In a large company, if a signalman works in a narrow specialty, then career growth is possible for him. With the improvement of professional training and obtaining (for example, in the specialty ""), he can get the position of chief and communications expert. In a small enterprise, a signalman usually works either independently or as part of a small team, and then there is an opportunity, as well, increasing his qualifications and experience, to get the position of a foreman or a leader.

Employee characteristics

The signalman is a very responsible person, since the work of many people and the whole enterprise depends on him. The signalman must be able to correctly read the communication installation diagrams, understand them, and quickly identify where some kind of equipment failure has occurred. Since you have to work with the connection of wires, the signalman must have good eyesight. In order not to miss anything in the work, you need to have a good memory, because often the diagram of the entire communication system can be very voluminous, and you need to remember where you need to check the operation of the connection or make repairs.

And the work of a signalman requires patience and endurance from him, because he can be called up for troubleshooting at any time of the day, in any weather. But no one, except him, will be able to establish a connection that is so necessary in modern society!

Alina from Petrozavodsk knows firsthand how to use a grenade and what you feel when you lie under a tank. The girl serves in the army. Alina is a signalman. Unfortunately, in the military profession, all secrets cannot be given out, therefore we do not publish the photo of the heroine and her last name. But Alina frankly told us how girls serve in the army, how men treat them, how their normal working day goes and what sacrifices have to go to always look good. We read!

I got into the army a year ago. My parents are military personnel. I dream of entering the Military Academy of Communications, and for admission I needed military training. Unfortunately, this year I failed to enter the academy: I was on a long business trip, but next year, I hope, everything will work out.

Requirements for enlisting in the army for men and women are the same. You need to contact a military registration and enlistment office or a military unit, undergo a medical examination, determine physical fitness and check psychological qualities, and then get a place.

There was a time when all women were dismissed from service. Now the opposite is true: many young girls serve in the army. Some go to work in medical centers, some in special forces, some elsewhere.

The army is stability which is very important in our time. Servicemen have many benefits: free travel across Russia once a year, rations, incentive payments for physical training, military mortgages, and the opportunity to get housing. Military service means new acquaintances, interesting business trips, and competitions. My life is very busy.

Not so long ago, I went to a survival school. We lived in the barracks. Men and women, of course, are separate. From morning until late evening, they went to the training ground, where they underwent reconnaissance training, fire, physical, went on marches for 30 km, lay under tanks and hid from grenades. Of course, this is difficult, but terribly interesting. I have been involved in sports all my life, so it is not difficult for me to endure all this. Although other girls may need more patience.

It's hard in the army with personal time. I can call to the service in the middle of the night, and on holidays, when everyone is resting, we hold competitions and go in for sports. Everyone serves according to their position. But we learn every working day: be it fire training or chemical protection.

I mostly spend my time underground. There is no connection. Of course, in our time we can purchase equipment that will provide the Internet and other things, but this is useless in the army.

During the year of service, I have never heard from men, that the army is not a woman's business. On the contrary, we are often praised by the leadership for giving any man a head start! Of course, whatever one may say, there is indulgence towards women. But we, on a par with men, enter combat duty, take over the outfit. Everyone understands where he is and is responsible for his actions.

The field uniform we wear is only sewn on men. The smallest size is 44-46. Therefore, we, girls of the 40th size, have to suture the uniform so that it is not only comfortable, but also beautiful. We also use cosmetics, it is not prohibited. It is clear that the war paint would look wild. But we always want to look good.

The army now occupies the main part of my life. I communicate mainly with military personnel. Here both interests and hobbies are similar. But in civilian life, we try not to discuss work, we are completely different. I prefer shoes to birch boots, but like all girls I want to go to shops and salons.

Now I have one goal: leave the academy as a lieutenant, and then make a career and, perhaps, become an officer. Immodest desires, but quite real!


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