Brief information about the activities of the company sample. Writing a business plan: a description of the company. Description of your product or service

Case "Automation of a retail enterprise using the MBS Navision information system"

Grekul Vladimir Ivanovich,

Korovkina Nina Leonidovna,

Dmitry Bogoslovtsev,

Mikhailov Roman Viktorovich,

Sinaiskaya Natalya Nikolaevna.

Moscow 2006

Choosing a tool for graphical presentation of business processes 4

Organizational structure of the company 5

Description of business processes "as is" 8

PRPU Purchasing 8

PRSA. Sales 47

Description of requirements for business processes 79

PRPU. Purchases 79

PRSA. Sales 100

Requirements Analysis 108

PRPU. Purchases 108

PRSA. Sales 124

Description of business processes "as it should be" 137

PRPU. Purchases 137

PRSA. Sales 153

An example of implementation and a list of settings 162

General description of the system 162

PRPU. Purchases 163

PRSA. Sales 197


Description of the enterprise

Trade and intermediary company "XYZ" is engaged in the sale of components for computer technology.

Mission of the company: "To promote the development of the use of new products of technical progress in this country, thereby increasing the level of informatization of the country and making the activities of customers more efficient and competitive."

Procurement is usually made from regular suppliers (usually manufacturers) in large quantities in accordance with the procurement plan. However, the company is actively developing, constantly looking for new suppliers and new products. The price lists of suppliers may change, therefore, when purchasing a product, the price is specified every time, as well as the amount of discounts. Delivery of goods from the supplier is carried out on a prepayment basis. Cost accounting is carried out using the FIFO method. All purchased goods are stored in the warehouse, but since the company's range of goods is relatively small and their turnover rate is high, XYZ managers see no point in maintaining full-fledged warehouse accounting. The company's clients are mainly legal entities or individuals who buy large quantities. At retail, goods are not shipped, with rare exceptions for regular customers. Payment for orders is made according to the terms of prepayment.

Since customers place large orders, sales managers reserve the item when registering a sales order. Reservation conflicts (the client really needs a product that is in stock, but the product has already been reserved for another client) are resolved in favor of regular customers first and secondly in favor of larger quantities. Since sales are carried out at prices close to wholesale, the company makes discounts only to regular customers or when purchasing very large volumes of goods and at the same time tries to change its price lists common to all as rarely as possible.

At the moment, the company does not use enterprise management systems, however, it actively uses the programs of the MS Office software package: MS Word, MS Excel. In this case, the following are used as information channels for sending and receiving information:

  • Email

  • Fax

  • Courier delivery

  • Regular mail
For automation, 2 business processes are highlighted - Purchase and Sales - since they are key for this company and it is their automation that will bring the main benefit from the introduction of information technologies in enterprise management.

Initially, in the information system Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 it is planned to keep financial accounting and accounting of operational activities. The company uses a simplified chart of accounts, accounting currency - rubles.

Choosing a tool for graphical presentation of business processes

To draw up a graphical diagram of business processes, the ARIS tool environment was chosen. ARIS is one of the most used tools for describing the business processes of an organization, as it allows you to create a complete multilateral model of an organization's activities. The created models of business processes and organizational structure of the company are visual and easy to understand.

Using ARIS allows you to:

  • significantly reduce the time frame for projects, improve their quality

  • document (model) business processes using a large number of types of models that describe various aspects of the business - processes, functions, performers, documents, materials, costs, risks, etc. - and thus create a knowledge base about the enterprise

  • work with a single database and store information about the activities of the enterprise "in one place"

Organizational structure of the company

The organizational structure of the company "XYZ" is shown in Fig. 1. The diagram shows only those positions that are involved in the implementation of the considered business processes. The general director, as well as the directors of finance, commercial, business development and general issues, are engaged in general control of the company's activities and do not participate in the implementation of current activities.

Rice. 1. Organizational structure of the company "XYZ"

Of all the listed positions, the following 9 are involved in the implementation of the considered business processes (see Table 1). Each position is assigned a business role depending on the job function.

Tab. 1. Positions and their roles

P / p No.


Business role


Chief Accountant



Accountant responsible for control of accounts


Purchasing manager

Responsible for determining the need for goods

Responsible for approving applications

Responsible for approving the request

Responsible for order approval


Purchasing department specialist

Responsible for work with requests

Responsible for work with suppliers

Responsible for concluding agreements with suppliers

Responsible for work with orders

Responsible for the acceptance of goods

Responsible for checking the quality of goods


Sales Manager

Responsible for work with clients

Responsible for the preparation of commercial offers


Specialist Sales

Responsible for work with orders

Responsible for preparing the invoice


Business Development Manager


Chief lawyer of the company



Responsible for the administration of contracts

Page 1


The meaning of the word "strong" in its figurative sense in relation to the text is defined as "significant in its impact on someone, convincing, impressive." Like what to write about a company to build credibility? What techniques will influence the client's decision to contact you?

The article presents methods - how to write a strong text about a company, based on the research of the American expert in psychology and marketing Robert Cialdini, who studies the mechanisms of influence and the science of persuasion.

Block "Presentation"

Use personalized messages. The more personal the message is, the more likely the client will respond to it:

  • include a message from the owner of the company in the block - text with a photo or in the format of a short video; when choosing a photo, remember the wisdom "To the one who smiles, the whole world smiles back";
  • keep it simple. Ornate speech turns, a pompous syllable will produce the opposite effect, verbosity and verbiage does not convince, and the author is thought of as a narrow-minded person;
  • publish photos of the leading employees of the company (mention of the regalia is required) with their wishes for clients;
  • place pictures of company employees who will communicate with customers, describing their professional qualities, helping to solve the client's problem;
  • Give your message a personal touch by placing a calligraphic handwritten text - the signature of the owner of the company, wishes for customers, the mission of the company at the beginning of the message, words from the heart at the end.
Message from the director of the company

Build confidence when you contact by reminding consumers that their decision to interact with the firm signals that they have confidence in you, and the owner values ​​it.

The company will benefit by saying, “We know there are many products like ours. The choice is great. Therefore, we are grateful that you chose us. "

It must be convincing, for real, so that there are genuine emotions that will always work for the benefit of business development.

Representation of the company by employees

Employees of partner firms can represent the company. Explaining why they've been with you for a long time will strengthen your old business ties. Company information will not sound like bragging or self-promotion. This will win over potential customers.

The presentation should be real and understandable, with a clear emphasis on the basics and the main thing.

Advantages block

Creating a unique selling proposition is the perfect way to differentiate yourself from the competition. Rarity and limited access affects the desire to purchase a product. Indication, designation of uniqueness is an effective and ethical technique of influence.

Examples of successful sales proposals that have brought many clients to companies.

After listing the merits and benefits of the company, ask the audience to name a large number of reasons in favor of competitors' proposals. The difficulty of listing will create a background against which the product or service will appear more attractive.

In the benefits of working with a company, show consumers more than just the benefits of cooperation or purchasing a product. Tell us what losses the client will incur, what will lose by not buying your product. This is more convincing. Formulate the sentence as “don’t neglect the prospect of giving it a try”. And convey the text with lively emotions, real, working.

Express your gratitude to a group of clients (first, regular), show that they are dear to you. It can be a gift, additional free service, discounts. What is received does not have to be expensive for the consumer, but meaningful: expert advice on the use of the purchased product.

Do not discount the gift with the words "free", "zero rubles". The logical conclusion of buyers is that they will not give anything for nothing. Preserve the value of the product as a gift by specifying its price.

Make the gift really valuable, so that it will definitely be delighted, like something that has been expected for a long time.

Achievement block

Tell us about the goals the company set for itself and how they were achieved. Write down long-term goals. Public statements about how the company intends to develop for the benefit of the client forces them to fulfill their obligations. This suggests that the company can be trusted.

Submit satisfied customer reviews to convince potential buyers of the product / service. Testimonials from people who resemble your typical customer will be convincing. Start not with the beautiful ones, but with those that are closer to the target audience. The consumer wants to make sure that the product is as beneficial to people as he is.
Within the block, offer to fill out a short questionnaire about the quality of the product or service provided after the first purchase. Include the following in the questionnaire: "If the need arises, will you contact our company again to purchase a product or provide a service?" Ask to explain why.

Customers who answered yes, to some extent, take responsibility for publicly honoring the commitment.

The opinion expressed in the questionnaire is a great strategy for building loyalty to the company.
Show high demand for products, provide impressive statistics on sales growth in numbers. This will serve as a signal to customers that your product is popular. Use illustrations to hint that the company's phones are bursting with calls from other people who want to buy a product.

Growth in sales of goods by 500%

The call to join the ranks of those who do business with the company will generate sympathy. Don't say there are those who haven't joined yet. This mention does not work.

Participate in charity events, make donations and let consumers know that they are doing charity work with you. Sincere and selfless help builds trust and respect. This will increase the likelihood of collaboration and provide consumer support.

Participation in charity

Features of strong text

  • Use cryptic names for several products whenever possible. Unexpected product color names (transparent as the sky) are effective because they are intriguing. This focuses the attention of people who view the product in several ways, which creates a positive backdrop.
  • Use the influence of the phrase "because". The information convinces by reason of the association that after “because” it is customary to be followed by an objective justification. These two words have an amazing impact.
  • Offer a link to a forum (social media page) where company representatives and consumers participate. Show that it is important to hear from customers and business partners. Discussing the company's weaknesses openly is a good strategy. The fact that the company does not hide it convinces the advertising campaign is objective and trustworthy. However, defects must be small... When communicating with customers, the discussion of product shortcomings should flow into dignity, related to the problem, to neutralize the deficiency: baby fruit puree is thin, but no thickeners.

Blame the company's failures on internal causes. Show that when you are wrong, you admit it and correct the employee’s oversight by acting as planned. Make it clear that you are in control of the situation.

About company

Trade and production company "SPA Bell" is an active participant in the market of goods for beauty and health. The company began its activities in 2011, using for a successful start the high innovative and scientific potential of professionals in the field of cosmetology, herbal medicine and hygiene.

Today the company successfully sells exclusive products on the Russian market, which include highly effective natural ingredients. The range of products is promoted under the registered trademarks SPA Belle and Warm Embrace in all federal districts of Russia.

Targets and goals

As a major operator in the wholesale and retail trade of consumer goods, SPA Bell conducts expert and marketing research of the markets. Responding to market demands, the company solves long-term tasks:

  • tracking current trends in consumer demand in key business segments
  • production of unique goods of impeccable quality that are in stable demand among consumers
  • creation and launch of brands leading in their market segment in terms of key parameters
  • achieving maximum efficiency in cooperation with partners, distributors and end users of products

Company's mission- take a leading position in the market of beauty and health products, meeting the needs of society for an innovative and useful product.

The company's assets include warehouses of finished products in the Moscow region and a team of experienced specialists with specialized education, pursuing an advanced marketing policy. To ensure the best delivery conditions, we cooperate with large transport and logistics companies of the full cycle, which guarantees prompt delivery of the ordered assortment anywhere in Russia.

Products are manufactured at contract manufacturing in the Republic of China under the close supervision of specialists. The company's production partners have high-tech European equipment and a modern testing laboratory, which allows us to offer customers an impeccable product of world-class quality. All products manufactured under the SPA Belle and Teplye Embrya TM are certified and meet all the requirements and existing quality standards adopted in Russia and the EU.

Our production

The products meet the needs of the European consumer - individual designer packaging has been developed, the size range has been optimized, and the popular color range of products has been tested. Today the company is successfully developing the following areas, supplying branded products to the market:

SPA Belle cosmetic products for hand and foot skin care. Moisturizing gloves and socks with gel impregnation, a set of moisturizing gloves and socks SPA Belle, colors - blue and pink. For the production of products, materials and ingredients of the highest quality are used. The composition of the gel was developed by the company's specialists and tested with the participation of leading experts in the cosmetic industry. Only natural ingredients are used (grape seed oil, jojoba, olive, lavender) and materials - top quality cotton jersey.

A series of products for beauty and health "Warm hugs". The products are supplied with inserts filled with natural hypoallergenic buckwheat granules and seeds from French lavender buds. They are used to retain heat and create comfort. Attractive toys-warmers for children and adults - attractive characters are used (cow, monkey, ladybug, lamb, duckling, elephant, bear, giraffe). Warm hugs aromatic herbal socks, beige and violet.

Our achievements

The company successfully cooperates with retail outlets, pharmacy chains, online stores of gifts and cosmetics, electronic hypermarkets, perfumery and cosmetic chains and beauty salons. In the nearest future the company plans to open representative offices and active distribution in the Baltic countries and the CIS.

SPA Belle is an active participant in all-Russian and international exhibitions in the beauty industry and modern cosmetology. In the near future we are planning to participate in such specialized exhibitions as "Inter Sharm", the International Exhibition EXPO BEAUTY in Riga and BALTIC BEAUTY.

The main priorities in the activity are the constant development and expansion of the assortment, the implementation of current market ideas and the production of new goods. The competence and professionalism of the company's specialists, a well-thought-out pricing policy are a reliable basis for mutually beneficial and promising cooperation with partners.

The organization I have chosen for research is a limited liability company, the official name of which is LLC Mercury. The organization was founded in accordance with the agreement of December 2, 1992 on the basis of the voluntary consent of the participants. The main task of the company, according to the charter of the enterprise, is to carry out wholesale and retail trade in consumer goods and products for industrial and technical purposes. In accordance with this task, the store is divided into three main departments: grocery department, household chemicals and building materials department. download gta san andreas via torrent. famous all over the area by gangsters

The store is located in a small town. The legal address of the organization: Perm Territory, Chusovoy, st. Cosmonauts, 24.

The company Mercury LLC was created on the basis of the private property of individual individuals - founders (hereinafter referred to as participants), who are financially responsible in the amount of their contributions. The total amount of the authorized capital is 25,000 rubles. The main goal for the founders is to get the maximum profit from their activities and improve the store's operation, keeping the organization at a competitive level.

The supreme governing body of the company is the general meeting of participants. The management of the company's current activities is carried out by the sole executive body - the director, who is elected by the general meeting of participants for a period of three years.

The company is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, accounts in bank institutions, a seal of the established form with its name, stamps, letterheads, a trademark, an emblem and other details.

On the efficiency of the organization of LLC Mercury, the data in Table 1 and Table 2, which show general economic and financial indicators, can be used.

Table 1 - General economic indicators of the company LLC Mercury, thousand rubles

New Authors

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the research object and the main economic indicators of activity. 5

1.1. Brief description of the enterprise. 5

1.2. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the investigated enterprise 8

Chapter 2. Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise 10

2.1. Analysis of the structure of sales. ten

2.2. Analysis of the customer base. 13

2.3. Analysis of the main competitors. 15

2.5 Assessment of the marketing costs of the enterprise by the main functions. 21

Conclusion. 23

Bibliography. 25


French economist J.-B. Even in the era of the industrial revolution, this is how he formulated the basic rule in production management: "It is necessary to reduce production costs in order to increase profits." This is indeed a wise saying in an environment where the industries, markets and product mix that are produced remain stable. But today, in a rapidly changing world, this rule is no longer as true as it used to be.

In the era of the post-industrial society, in the context of the information explosion, companies should pay much more attention to areas such as sales and distribution of products, increase income and improve their financial condition than production management itself, in order to reduce costs.

Companies that operate in a stable market, in industries not subject to rapid change, have typically fought for their fully defined market share. And the markets themselves usually grew as the population grew. And here the classic market strategy of the company was to increase its share in the target market by reducing prices and production costs of its products. The market share controlled by this company could not be very large under these conditions. Partly because any monopoly was viewed by society as evil, and the government believed that competition was necessary to make the prices of goods acceptable to consumers.

Today, if an enterprise is looking for ways to increase profits only by reducing production costs, sooner or later it will go out of business. Soon, the management of this enterprise will be convinced that with all its imagination, using all its creativity, it will not be able to reduce the level of production costs in its company below a certain limit. At the same time, if the management turns their gaze in the other direction and begins to look for ways to increase the company's income through increasing sales, then endless opportunities open up before them.

In this paper, an attempt is made to analyze the main directions of the firm's activities in the field of marketing in modern conditions of competition. The practical relevance of this kind of research indicates the relevance of this problem, which determined the choice of the topic of the course project.

The main purpose of the course project is to organize the marketing activities of the enterprise.

This goal made it necessary to solve a number of interdependent tasks:

Characterize the object of research and the main economic indicators

Analyze the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The subject of the research is the applied problems of organizing the marketing activities of the enterprise.

The object of the research is a set of marketing activities of an enterprise aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprise management.

The informative basis of the research is the works of Ukrainian and foreign specialists in the field of marketing, materials of scientific conferences of the periodical press, annual reports of the enterprise.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the research object and the main economic indicators of activity

1.1. Brief description of the enterprise

A limited liability company was established in 2004 to carry out joint economic activities and make a profit. can carry out any types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main activity of the LLC is construction, dismantling and installation of construction objects. acts on the basis of the Charter. The supreme governing body of the company is the meeting of participants. From among the participants, the Chairman of the meeting is elected, who organizes the keeping of minutes. For the current management of the company's activities, the meeting of participants appoints the director of the company, who is accountable to the meeting of participants and is not entitled to make decisions that are binding only for the participants in the company. The audit of the activities of the company's officials is carried out by the audit commission (auditor) on behalf of the meeting of participants.

The company is an independent business entity and has the rights of a legal entity. owns separate property, as well as an independent balance sheet, can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and non-property rights, conclude all types of civil law contracts with other business entities, bear obligations, dispose of property, be a plaintiff or defendant in an arbitration court.

The main activities are:

Work associated with increased danger of industrial production and facilities

Construction of buildings and structures of the 11th level of responsibility

Civil works. Installation of lightweight enclosing structures

Sanitary works. Works on the arrangement of external engineering networks, communications and equipment

Installation of steel structures

Works on the arrangement of internal engineering systems and electrical equipment

Installation of technological equipment

Commissioning works

Commercial intermediary activities

Trade and procurement activities

Opening shops, departments and other retail outlets

Woodworking. manufacture of joinery, sales of products

Provision of consumer services to the population (repair of household appliances, cars, transport and operational services), including car service

Purchase from the population and the manufacturer, production, processing and sale of agricultural and food products

Conducting foreign economic activity in accordance with the established legislation

Wholesale trade in energy resources.

Cut out.

2.2. Client base analysis

A customer base is a database containing information about all customers in a company who have ever purchased something from the company. By the client base, one way or another, one can judge the company's policy towards clients: who becomes a client of the company, what work is carried out with clients, who stops cooperation.

In addition, sometimes information about the company's potential customers is also referred to the client base, however, in this article, we will consider mainly working with real customers.

Analysis of the customer base always gives a lot of new, valuable, and sometimes unexpected information. The language of numbers, which is used in the analysis, allows you to see the objective side of the sales situation and go beyond the "subjective picture of the seller" that the transaction was successful. The analysis provides answers to the questions “profitable - unprofitable”, and not “liked it - did not like it”, since it is quite obvious that the seller involved in a complex multidimensional, emotional selling process does not always notice those objective things that can be seen from the outside. , or by analyzing.

In general, when analyzing the company's client base, we get answers to the following questions:

Which customers account for the most sales and revenue

Does cooperation with them bring significant income to the company (does the volume of discounts and benefits exceed the benefits from large purchases)

Which customers purchase the most frequently (provide quick turnaround)

Which of the other clients "devour" income (as a rule, this refers to those clients whose total sales volume does not exceed 15-20% of the total revenue)

Which of your customers are working with your target customer.

Indeed, as sales continue to grow and the customer base expands, a company's margins drop. One of the most common reasons for this situation is the non-targeted activity of the company. That is, either they worked with clients that are unprofitable for the company (for example, due to the specificity of their demand), or they worked on unfavorable terms, agreeing to any customer requirements, just to keep them, or they took a passive position and did not try to make any attempts to “ development "of the client, the expansion of his order.

Cut out.

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The investigated company is engaged in the following activities:

General construction works for the construction of buildings

General construction works for the construction of other buildings and structures not included in other groups

Electrical work

Finishing works.

successfully cooperates with the Municipal Formation "Safonovo", the plant ". The Avangard plant. Among the company's clients are both individuals and legal entities from various regions of Russia, including: Moscow, Tver, Smolensk and other regions.

The name of the work performed by the enterprise: laying the foundation, building the box, building the roof. electrical work. plumbing works, interior decoration, floor finishing, installation of windows and doors, landscaping.

In 2009, there was a significant decline in production, and the activities of the enterprise became less profitable. The enterprise does not manufacture products for its own needs, all products are sold.

The largest volume of the year is occupied by the construction of the box. In the second place in terms of the volume of services provided in the year is the laying of the foundation, in the third place is the construction of the roof.

The largest number of transactions was carried out by the enterprise for the amount of 500 thousand rubles. both in 2008 and in 2009.

The main competitors of the enterprise are:

Construction company "Temp"

Construction company "Megalit"

Construction company "Rant".

The largest market share among them is occupied by:

2. Construction company "Temp" - 25%

3. Construction company "Megalit" - 15%

4. Construction company "Rant" - 10%.

The most prestigious brand is the company under investigation.

Most of the company's products are in the "Stars" segment.

In 2009, marketing costs dropped significantly. This is due to a decrease in the decline in production volumes.


1. Adams S. Successful sale. Practical guide for the seller. - M. Amalfeya, 2003 .-- 224s.

2. Aleksunin V. A. Marketing in industries and spheres of activity. - M. Marketing, 2002 .-- 516.

3. Golubkov EP Marketing research: theory, practice and methodology. - Iz-in "Finpres", 2005. - 464 p.

4. Kumar V. Aaker D. Day George S. Marketing research. - 2004, 848 p.

5. Marketing in industries and spheres of activity: Textbook / Ed. Aleskulina V. A. - M: Publishing and bookselling center "Marketing", 2001. - 516 p.

6. Matantsev AN 600 ways to promote a brand. - Publishing house "Business and Service", 2003. - 352 p.

7. Churchill GA Marketing research. - Publishing house "Peter", 2008. - 752 p.

Sample characteristics for an employee of the company

Characteristics of Nikolai Vasilyevich Zakharov, born in 1981, an employee of the Zarya firm in the city of Svatovo

Zakharov Nikolay Vasilievich has been an employee of the Zarya firm of the city of Svatovo since May 2000. During his work at the firm, he has established himself as a diligent, disciplined, attentive person.

The employee treats his duties with responsibility. Performs its work at a high level.

Nikolai Vasilievich has creative thinking, during his work in the firm, he has received numerous awards. At his workplace, he is always attentive, tidy, and helps colleagues at work.

It treats in good faith before executing the instructions of the administration of the company. Was appointed Deputy Director of Sales. He actively participated in the development of advanced technologies in the production process.

Nikolai Vasilievich, a cheerful, reasonable, disciplined person. Respected by colleagues. Has authority among the leadership. Has no public complaints.

A good family man. Has a family. Zakharova's wife Nina Pavlovna. Children: son Nikolai Nikolaevich Zakharov, daughter Vera Nikolaevna Zakharov.

He had no previous convictions, he was not involved in the police.

The characteristic is issued for submission at the place of demand.

General characteristics of organizations

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A socio-technical system is a working system consisting of a technical subsystem, a personnel subsystem, an external environment interacting with an organization, and organizational design.

Currently, the concept of a sociotechnical system is actively used in macroeconomic analysis and the design of efficient working systems.

An organization is the unification of a group of people to achieve strategic goals or perform a certain amount of work.

The organization unites people who realize their own interests with its help, including in front of society. And society, in turn, contacts them through organizations. According to one of the leading specialists in the field of management of the mid-20th century, Chester Bernard, "people are encouraged to unite in organizations and interact within their framework, the physical and biological limitations inherent in each person individually." In an organization, people complement each other, add up their abilities, which makes them stronger in the struggle for survival.

For successful management, an organization must be able to adapt and respond to problems that arise in the social environment in order to make this environment more welcoming to the organization. The costs of social responsibility are justified by the fact that different segments of society are improving, as well as improving public attitudes towards the firm. This should lead to an increase in consumer loyalty to product manufacturers, a decrease in the level of regulatory interference from the state and an overall improvement in the state of society. Organizations must analyze their own direct actions and their environment and select the social responsibility programs that will help that environment the most.

In summary, social responsibility for an enterprise means more than just philanthropic activity. The organization is understood to act responsibly and in harmony with the concerns and hopes of the general public. Based on the foregoing, the topic of the work has a fairly high degree of relevance. Purpose of the work: is to study the consideration of the organization as a socio-technical structure.

In accordance with the set goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Define the concept, types, signs, general characteristics of the organization

Explore the main types of organizations in relation to their members

Find out what is included in the internal and external environment of the organization

Analyze the interaction of a person and an organization

Study the organizational culture and philosophy of the company

Learn all aspects of social responsibility

Determine what is the ethics of business, organization

Analyze all of the above on the example of a specific organization. The object of the research is the organization, and the subject of the research is the socio-technical aspect within the organization and surrounding it. The structure of the work: this work consists of an introduction, 10 chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography containing 3 sources. The list of used literature consists of: textbooks.

1. Concept, types, signs, general characteristics of the organization

Organization is a multifaceted concept. In management theory, an organization is understood as a group of persons interacting with each other with the help of material, economic, legal and other conditions for the sake of solving the problems they face and achieving a common goal.

The organization, in this understanding, has the following requirements. Firstly, it is the presence of at least two people who consider themselves part of this group. Second, there must be at least one goal (i.e., a desired end state or result) that is accepted as common by all members of this group. And, thirdly, in order to achieve a goal that is meaningful for everyone, a certain relationship of group members is necessary.

Organizations are divided into 2 types:

Social - designed to meet the needs, interests of the population.

Production and economic - organizations that create material values ​​in society.

The principles of the organization are:

1) Having at least one goal, which unites the members of the organization. The officially declared purpose gives meaning to the establishment of an enterprise and determines the main direction of its activity. One of the main goals of any commercial organization is the receipt of profit

2) Isolation is included in the closedness of external processes and the presence of boundaries separating this organization from the external environment. Boundaries can be both material - in the form of walls and fences, as well as intangible - in the form of prohibitions, limitations, rules

3) The division of labor assumes that the members of the organization perform different functions

4) The existence of connections between the elements of the organization is capable of providing them with mutual support. Relations between the elements of an organization are economic, technological, informational, social and management

5) Self-regulation - this is the ability of the organization to independently solve the issues of internal life, taking into account the situation and external instructions. This activity is realized by an external center, the purpose of which is to coordinate the efforts and work of people to achieve the integrity of the organization

6) Organizational culture is a system of values, symbols, patterns of behavior and warnings that determine the nature of the power supply and the supply line The fusion of subjective and objective elements forms the basis of a management culture, which can include leadership style, ways of solving problems, and the nature of managers' behavior. Vesnin V.R. Management M. 2006 - 54 p.

For any organization to achieve the intended goals, it is necessary to have pec- The basic resources used by the organization are people (human resources), basic and working capital, technology and information. The main task of the organization in the field of using peasants is to achieve the goals with: minimum costs and maximum efficiency.

Organizations are completely dependent on the surrounding world, both in relation to their peasants, as well as in relation to consumers. The term "external environment" incorporates into itself the economic conditions, consumers, trade unions, legal acts, legal acts, concoctions, concoctions

The division of all work into the constituent parts of the workforce is a horizontal division of work. The work is distributed according to professional activity. A classic model of a horizontal division of labor at a production facility is production, marketing and finance. They represent the main types of activity that must be successfully carried out in order for the organization to achieve the desired goals.

The vertical division of labor separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. The activity on the coordination of the work of other people constitutes the efficiency of management. The vertical division of work is carried out according to the following directions:

general guidance

technical guidance

economic management

operational control

staff management.

All organizations, independent of the spheres of activity, have a structure that gives them integrity, the ability to realize their mission (purpose).

2. The main types of organizations in relation to their members

If we talk about the status of an organization in relation to its members, then in this sense, organizations are primary and secondary. Primacy means that the organization for the people united by it acts as a kind of external given, formed and existing independently of them. By joining an already operating organization, people recognize its primacy over themselves, the impossibility of influencing the solution of fundamental issues obey its requirements, act in accordance with the rules established by it, which indicates the primacy and absolute priority of the organization over them. An example of a primary organization is a state institution, which, as a structure, arises on the basis of the decision of higher authorities, and then is filled with people.

Secondary organizations are created, on the contrary, by their members, who endow them with certain rights and resources, establish the "rules of the game", to which, under certain conditions, they are ready to obey. They exist in two forms: corporate and associative organizations. Let's consider them in more detail.

Corporate organizations are those whose members are willing to sacrifice their own sovereignty to a certain extent in order to achieve their goals. The organization coordinates these individual goals and contributes to their achievement by subordinating a common goal, formally serving as its goal. To do this, it must have some independence from the participants and a temporary priority in relation to them. An example of this kind of organization is a joint-stock company, which in the interval between meetings of participants dictates its will to them, and the latter obey its decisions. At the same time, at the meeting itself, they determine the fate of the organization, strategy and prospects for its development. Therefore, the priority of the corporation is conditional.

An organization of an associative type is created by its members for the daily coordination of their activities without losing their sovereignty, therefore they do not even have a conditional priority over them. Decisions are made here by consensus, and the principle of alignment of interests, protected by the right of veto from the minority, is strictly applied. This ensures the predominance of the interests of the members of the organization over the interests of the organization itself.

Based on the characteristics of the interaction of individual elements, organizations are divided into mechanistic and organic. The former are characterized by the inviolability of borders, the predominance of rigid "vertical" ties, the official nature of relations, comprehensive regulation and programmed activity, reminiscent of the operation of technical devices, such as clocks. When solving simple repetitive tasks in a stable environment and a certain perspective, this is often even useful.

Such organizations usually require unconditional loyalty from their members, restrict freedom of information, action, expression, and ignore people's opinions and their very personality. All government organizations, as well as large and medium-sized commercial firms operating in traditional sectors of the economy that are weakly exposed to scientific and technological revolution and competition, are mechanistic in nature. However, today these zones of quiet existence are becoming less and less. Today's life is characterized by the instability of the economic conjuncture, the uncertainty of situations, a constant change of priorities, connections, landmarks. Organizations operating on the basis of completely different principles - the so-called organic ones - can achieve success here.

The latter are characterized by such features as blurred boundaries, significant independence of individual links, their broad specialization, weak hierarchy, few rules and procedures, freedom of choice of options for activities, evaluation of results based on real market effect, and not centrally established indicators, the predominance of informal relations.

At the same time, they are not free from many shortcomings, therefore, in practice, depending on the nature of production and economic activities, traditions, the abilities of the team and leadership, there is often a reasonable combination of both forms.

From the point of view of the legitimacy of the activities of the organization can be divided into official and unofficial. Officials are created to solve specific production, economic and other tasks, are legally legalized, exist in a certain legal space, and their activities are regulated by the relevant regulations. In such organizations, there are two types of relationships: formal - between positions and informal (informal) between living people, individuals.

Informal organizations develop spontaneously and exist as a set of legally unrecorded, mostly unofficial contacts between people pursuing certain personal goals, the achievement of which is not ensured by their membership in official organizations. Based on the nature of their connections, such organizations are often called informal. Vikhansky O.S. Management. - M., 2006 -108 p.

3. Internal and external environment of the organization

Each social management system has its own internal environment and is associated with the external environment in which it exists. The main internal variables of an organization are goals, structure, objectives, technology and people.

Goals are the desired result that a person or organization seeks to achieve. During the planning process, management develops goals and communicates them to members of the organization. This process is a powerful coordination mechanism because it enables members of the organization to know what they should be striving for.

The structure of an organization is a logical relationship between levels of management and functional areas, built in such a way that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

Tasks are prescribed work, a series of work, or a piece of work that must be completed in a predetermined manner within a predetermined time frame.

Technology is any means by which elements entering into production are transformed into outgoing ones. It encompasses machines, mechanisms, tools, infrastructure, skills and knowledge.

People are central to any governance model. The results of the organization's work, the quantity and quality of products (or services provided) ultimately depend on their activities.

All internal variables are interconnected. In their totality, they are considered as socio-technical subsystems. Changing one of them to a certain extent affects all the others. Improvements in one variable, such as technology, may not necessarily lead to increased productivity if those changes negatively affect another variable, such as people.

Information about the internal environment of the company does not need a manager to determine the internal capabilities, the potential, which type can be used to count the number of Analysis of the internal environment will also allow you to better clarify the goals and objectives of the organization. It is important that in addition to the production of production, the provision of services, the organization provides the opportunity for the maintenance of its workers, creates a product for the production of

Analysis of the internal environment is carried out according to the following directions:

ppoizvodctvo: obem, ctpyktypa, tempy ppoizvodctva nomenklatypa ppodyktsii ppedppiyatiya obecpechennoct cypem and matepialami, ypoven zapacov, ckopoct THEIR icpolzovaniya, cictema kontpolya zapacov nalichny papk obopydovaniya and ctepen ego icpolzovaniya, pezepvnye moschnocti, texnicheckaya effektivnoct moschnoctey mectonaxozhdenie ppoizvodctva and nalichie infpactpyktypy ekologiya ppoizvodctva kontpol kachectva, cost and quality of technical patents, trade marks, etc.

staff: structure, capacity, qualification, number of employees, labor productivity, staff flow, work capacity and power

management organization: organizational structure, management system management level management, qualification, capabilities and specifications of higher performance image management system

mapketing: tovapy, ppoizvedennye fipmoy, dolya nA pynke vozmozhnoct cobipat neobxodimyyu infopmatsiyu o pynkax kanaly pacppedeleniya and cbyta mapketingovy byudzhet and ego icpolnenie mapketingovye plany and ppogpammy novovvedeniya image pepytatsiya and Clarity tovapov ctimylipovanie cbyta, peklama, tsenoobpazovanie

financy and ychet: financovaya yctoychivoct and platezhecpocobnoct ppibylnoct and pentabelnoct (Po tovapam, pegionam, kanalam cbyta, pocpednikam) cobctvennye and zaemnye cpedctva and THEIR Aspect effektivnaya cictema ycheta in tom ycheta izdepzhek chicle, fopmipovaniya byudzheta, planipovaniya ppibyli.

The success of an organization is also critically dependent on forces external to it and acting in the global external environment. Organizations have to adapt to their environment in order to survive and remain effective.

External factors are usually divided into two large groups: the forces of direct and indirect impact on the organization from the outside (Fig. 1.1).

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Rice. 1.1 Elements of the environment of direct and indirect impact

The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the activities of the organization. These include suppliers, shareholders, workforce, laws and regulatory agencies, trade unions, consumers and competitors.

The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization, but affect its functioning. We are talking about such factors as the state of the economy, scientific and technological progress, socio-cultural and political changes, the influence of group interests and significant events for the organization of events in other countries.

The following main characteristics of the external environment are distinguished:

interconnectedness of environmental factors - the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. A change in any environmental factor can cause a change in others

the complexity of the external environment - the number of factors that the organization must respond to, as well as the level of variability of each factor

mobility of the environment - the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. The environment of modern organizations is changing at an accelerating rate. The mobility of the external environment may be higher for some organizational units and lower for others. In a highly mobile environment, an organization or department must rely on more diverse information to make effective decisions

uncertainty of the external environment - the ratio between the amount of information about the environment that an organization has and the confidence in the accuracy of this information. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

4. Person and organization, their interaction

Systematically, human behavior in an organization can be represented from two positions: 1) from the position of human interaction with the organizational environment (in this case, the person is in the center of the model) and 2) from the position of an organization that includes individuals (in this case, the organization as a whole is starting point of consideration).

If a person acts as the starting point in considering the interaction between a person and the organizational environment, the model of this interaction can be described as follows (Fig. 1.2).

* A person, interacting with the organizational environment, receives stimulating influences from him that induce action.

* A person under the influence of stimulating signals from the organizational environment carries out certain actions.

* Actions carried out by a person lead to the performance of certain jobs and at the same time have a certain impact on the organizational environment.

Fig 1.2 Model of human inclusion in the organizational environment

In this model, the organizational environment includes those elements of the organizational environment that interact with a person. Stimulating influences cover the entire spectrum of possible stimuli, which may include speech and written signals, actions of other people, light signals, etc. In the model, a person appears as a biological and social being with certain physiological and other kinds of needs, experience, knowledge, skills, morality, values, etc. The results of the work consist of two parts. The first is what a person has achieved for himself, responding to stimuli, what his own problems caused by stimulating influences, he solved. The second is what he did for the organizational environment, for the organization in response to the stimulating influences that the organization applied to the person. In the case of considering the interaction of a person with the organizational environment from the position of the organization as a whole, the system model of this interaction is as follows (Fig. 1.3).

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Rice. 1.3 The model of including a person in the organizational environment from the standpoint of the organization

An organization as a single organism that has an input, a transformer and an output, interacting with the external environment in a certain way, corresponding to the nature and content of this interaction, includes a person as an element of the organization in the process of organizational and material exchange between the organization and the environment. In this model, a person is considered as an integral part of the entrance and acts as a resource of the organization, which it, along with other resources, uses in its activities.

In this paper, the consideration of human interaction with the organizational environment will be given from the standpoint of the first model. The work of a person in an organization is a process of his constant interaction with the organizational environment. This is a very complex and multifaceted process that is extremely important for both sides. This process is often painful for both parties. It is very difficult to debug it.

Each person entering a new organization faces many problems of interaction with the organizational environment. Many collisions also arise in the organizational environment, since it necessarily undergoes deformation and changes with the appearance of a new member in the organization.

In the future, painless interaction between the individual and the environment within the organization can be established. In its most general form, the organizational environment is that part of the organization that a person encounters during his work in it. First of all, this is the workplace and its immediate surroundings.

However, for most people, the organizational environment is much wider than their workplace and includes such characteristics and components of the organization as production profile, position in the industry, market position, size of the organization, its location, leadership, organizational structure, rules of conduct and internal regulations, working conditions. , payment system, social guarantees system, philosophy of organization, communication, labor relations, colleagues and much more.

The possibilities of including a person in the organizational environment, called socialization, depend not only on the characteristics of this environment, but also equally on the characteristics of the person. Each person has a multifaceted personality structure, and he enters into interaction with the organization not as a mechanism that performs specific actions and operations, but as a rational and conscious being with aspirations, desires, emotions, mood, having an imagination that shares certain beliefs and follows a certain morality ...

In each specific situation of the emergence of difficulties and problems of human interaction with the organizational environment, specific reasons corresponding to the given situation can be found that gave rise to these problems.

However, despite the situational nature of these problems, it is possible to point out two fundamental points that underlie most of the reasons that cause misunderstanding, opposition and conflicts in the interaction of a person with the organizational environment.

These points are:

* expectations and ideas of the individual about the organizational environment and its place in it

* expectations of the organization in relation to the individual and his role in it.

Having a certain idea of ​​himself and his capabilities, having certain knowledge about the organization, having certain intentions in relation to the organization and, finally, based on his goals and current capabilities, the individual enters into interaction with the organization, intending to take a certain place in it, to fulfill a certain work and receive a certain remuneration.

The organization, in accordance with its goals, organizational structure, specification and content of work, assumes to take an employee with the appropriate qualifications and personal characteristics so that he plays a certain role in the organization, performing a certain job, giving the required result, for which a certain remuneration is relied (Fig. 1.4 ).

Rice. 1.4 The basis of the conflict in the interaction of the individual and the organization

Very often, it is the discrepancy between the role that the organization offers to the person and his claims to occupy a certain place in the organization that is the basis of the conflict between the person and the organizational environment.

There are two possible approaches to establishing the correspondence between role and place. The first approach consists in the fact that the role is fundamental in establishing this correspondence, in the second approach the starting point is the place for which the person applies, and his potential for performing roles. In the first approach, a person is selected to perform a certain job, perform a certain function, i.e. to fulfill a specific role in the organization. In the second approach, the job is selected for a person in such a way that it best suits his capabilities and his claims for a certain place in the organization (Figure 1.5)

Brief description of the organization

Andrey Nesterov. 05/11/2010

When completing a term paper or a diploma in economic disciplines, it is necessary to characterize the base enterprise that is the object of the study.

The characteristic of an organization in a term paper or in a thesis is a kind of report on the enterprise, on the basis of which a study of a specific subject is carried out.

The section Brief description of the organization summarizes the main characteristics of the organization, which are given in the assignment for a term paper or diploma.

In addition, a brief description of the organization must be supplemented with information that more fully discloses certain aspects of the organization's activities.

The functions of management, the planning system and the long-term and short-term goals of the organization are revealed.

Brief description of the organization - content

A brief description of the organization is usually the first paragraph of the analytical or practical part of a diploma or coursework. When writing a term paper and a diploma, it is necessary to take into account the following: in the entrepreneurial business, there are two types of organizations: an enterprise and a firm. The difference between them is that:

  • An enterprise is an organization in the form of a plant, factory, store, bank, etc., which performs one or more functions of production, commerce, and rendering of services.
  • A firm is an organization that owns one or more enterprises and carries out its activities there.
  • A brief description of the organization in the course work and diploma is drawn up according to the following scheme:

  • General information about the company: name, address of the company, country of registration.
  • Form of organization of the company.
  • Type of economic activity of the company: industrial trade, freight forwarding consulting, etc.
  • The range of products manufactured, services rendered: basic goods or groups of goods, specialization services.
  • The most important counterparties and competing firms for the main types of manufactured or sold products.
  • Number of employees, incl. management personnel.
  • A brief description of the organization necessarily contains a description of the form of the organization, which determines the general conditions for the functioning of the enterprise. In a brief description of the organization, it is necessary to describe how this form of ownership (for example, an individual entrepreneur, partnership or limited liability company, closed or open joint stock company) differs from the rest.

    Brief description of the organization - management aspect

    Besides, in a brief description of the organization it is necessary to consider the functions of management and planning. These are the fundamental aspects of the activity of any enterprise, without which its existence is impossible. You need to rely on the real state of planning and the use of management functions in the enterprise, and not describe "how it should be".

    A brief description of the organization does not allow the use of theoretical texts from textbooks. Only an independent description of the base enterprise.

    The management functions in the organization's brief contains the rationale on which approach the choice of management functions is based. Describe who is responsible for implementing governance functions and delegating authority, if any. You should also describe the management methods used in the enterprise. If this is discussed in more detail in other paragraphs of the diploma or coursework, then it is not required to specifically talk about this within the framework of a brief description.

    Planning in the enterprise can be organized in several forms, and also be centralized, decentralized or combined. A brief description of the organization should contain a description of the features of the planning system at the enterprise; it is also necessary to single out those responsible for planning at the enterprise. In addition, planning distinguishes between two main stages: strategic planning and implementation of the chosen strategy. A brief description of the organization may also include a description of these stages. But again, if the elements of the planning system are analyzed in detail in another section of the coursework or diploma, then it is inappropriate to describe them within the framework of a brief description.

    Brief description of the organization - results

    At the end of the paragraph, you should summarize the results, which are expressed in the form of a statement of general company goals. Company-wide goals are formulated and established based on the organization’s overall mission and specific values ​​and goals for which top management is guided. A brief description of the organization ends with the formulation of the mission of the enterprise and the derivation of goals. At the same time, the goals should be specific, as far as possible measurable, time-oriented, long-term or short-term, achievable and cross-supported.

    To do this, in a brief description of the organization, you must:

  • Formulate and divide the goals of the organization into long-term, medium-term and short-term /
  • Formulate the goals of the performers based on the construction of the goal tree.
  • The following:

    • Feature for wtc student sample fill
    04 January 2020

    A newsletter is a kind of business documentation that serves to notify partners, customers, contractors, as well as team members about any news, changes, achievements and other aspects of the organization's activities.

    Writing informational messages is a necessary part of the work for representatives of business structures and government agencies.


    Required or not

    This type of documents is optional, since informing someone about the current affairs of the organization is at the mercy of its management and administration. Nevertheless, many enterprises, especially large ones, do not neglect the formation of such letters, thus achieving several goals at once:

    • inform interested parties about all current events;
    • motivate them to further cooperation and fruitful work;
    • enhance the company's image.

    Who composes the newsletter

    Usually, the responsibility for drawing up an information letter lies with the head of the structural unit, who resolves the issues raised in the letter. This could be, for example:

    • the head of the marketing department (when it comes to new marketing proposals for partners);
    • deputy director (if through a letter the administration of the company informs its employees about something), etc.

    In any case, the author of the letter must be a person whose job function includes writing such letters or authorized to draw them up by a separate order of the director.

    The text of the information letter must be agreed with the immediate supervisor of the originator or the head of the company.

    Whom to address a newsletter about the activities of the company

    A newsletter can be sent to a specific person or group of persons: the director of a potential partner organization, the customer - an individual entrepreneur, team members, etc.

    Letters can be:

    • confidential (intended to be read by a specific person);
    • open, public (to inform the widest possible circle of people).

    General rules for all letters

    When forming a newsletter, you need to scrupulously monitor the spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

    We must remember the fact that recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information communicated to them is described.

    An illiterate letter can reduce the value of the information contained in it and even undermine the recipient's trust in the sender.

    The letter should be written short, succinctly, to the point, keeping in mind that “brevity is the sister of talent,” and not spreading thoughts along the tree. It has been proven that recipients of this kind of letters are not ready to spend more than one minute reading them, which is due to the high pace of modern life. The addressee will surely notice that the sender values ​​his time, and if he is interested in the information contained in the letter, he will find a way and time to contact the author of the message.

    What is forbidden in the letter

    There are some absolute taboos in the rules for writing newsletters. In particular, a cheeky, rude or overly familiar tone is categorically unacceptable. It is also advisable to avoid "cliches" or unnecessarily cold, "dry" formulations, special terminology, an abundance of numbers, a large number of participial and participial phrases, etc.

    You can not enter in the letter inaccurate, unverified or false data. It should be remembered that a newsletter under a certain set of circumstances can acquire the status of a legally significant document.

    Highlights and writing sample

    Information messages, regardless of their author and addressee, should only relate to the activities of the sending organization or related circumstances. At the same time, they must meet certain requirements in terms of structure and content:

    1. First of all, it should be noted that the information letter must always contain:
      • date of its compilation,
      • details of the sender and recipient,
      • correct address address (for example "Dear Petr Semenovich", "Dear Irina Viktorovna", "Dear colleagues", etc.). But if the addressee is not determined, which sometimes happens, then you can limit yourself to the greeting "Good afternoon!"
    2. Next comes the main, informational, part of the letter. Here you need to indicate the reason and purpose for writing it, as well as everything else that is relevant to the described case: news, suggestions, changes, requests, explanations, etc.
    3. Below in the letter it is necessary to write a conclusion, which should summarize all of the above.

    If any additional papers, video and photo files and certificates are attached to the letter, this should also be noted in its content as a separate item.

    How to issue a newsletter

    There are no special requirements for the design of the letter, as well as for its content. It is permissible to write it both on the company's letterhead and on a standard sheet of any convenient format. The first option is preferable, since there is no need to manually write the details of the organization. Moreover, such a letter looks much more solid and once again underlines his attitude towards official correspondence.

    The information letter can be typed on a computer (good if you need several copies at once) or written by hand - letters written in calligraphic handwriting with a pen look especially advantageous.

    The message must be certified by the signature of its compiler. If it is a printed letter, you can use a facsimile signature, if it is "live", then only the original one.

    There is no strict need to stamp the message with the help of printing, because since 2016, legal entities have the right to use stamp products in their work only when this norm is enshrined in the company's internal regulatory legal acts.

    If necessary, before sending a message, it should be registered in the journal of internal documents or the journal of outgoing documents.

    How to send a letter

    A newsletter can be sent in several ways:

    1. The first and now the most common: through electronic means of communication. It makes it possible to send information of almost unlimited volume in a short period of time.
    2. The second way: send it by Russian Post by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (relevant if the information message refers to official documentation and is certified by "live" signatures and seals).
    3. You can also send a letter via fax or modern instant messengers, but only if the relationship between the sender and the recipient is somewhat informal and allows such correspondence.


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