Wood lathe devices. The device of a lathe for turning wood. Use in the classroom

Device lathe for wood processing

The manufacture of cylindrical parts by hand is a labor-intensive and time-consuming work. And it's hard to get the product good quality. It is much faster and more accurate to make a cylindrical part on a lathe. On it, wood blanks are processed by turning. The main parts of the lathe are the bed, the headstock with an electric motor, the tailstock and the handpiece.

Woodworking lathe STD-120M and its parts:
1 - base; 2 - electric motor; 3 - bed; 4 - belt drive guard (casing); 5 - magnetic starter; 6 - headstock; 7 - spindle; 8 - handpiece; 9 - tailstock.

A spindle is installed in the headstock - a shaft that receives rotation from an electric motor using a belt drive, as well as bearings.

1 - headstock body; 2 - belt drive pulley; 3 - washer with locking screw; 4, 7 - shaped covers; 5 - thrust ring; 6 - spindle; 8 - special nut.

The end of the spindle has a thread, special devices are screwed onto it for fastening the left end of the workpiece. Depending on the size of the workpiece, different devices are used: a trident, a faceplate, a cartridge.

tailstock serves as a support for the right end of long workpieces. The tailstock is brought to the workpiece along the bed guides and fixed motionless with a bolt and nut. Finally, the end of the workpiece is pressed with a special part - the center. It is moved by rotating the flywheel and secured with a clamp.

1 - body; 2 - center (Morse cone); 3 - quill; 4 - clamp handle; 5 - hole for lubrication; 6 - quill nut; 7 - quill screw; 8 - threaded bushing; 9 - flywheel; 10 - screw fastening to the bed; 11 - cracker.

The tool holder serves as a support for the cutting tool. It can move both along and across the bed, fixed by turning the handle.

The transmission of movements in mechanisms and machines is shown by conventional signs on kinematic diagrams.
They depict details that are directly involved in the transmission of movement. For clarity, the contours of other details are often given.
The kinematic diagram of the lathe is shown in the figure.

Turn on the lathe and work on it only with the permission of the teacher. Do not place tools or foreign objects on the machine bed. Parts of the belt drive of the machine must be protected
do not lean on parts of the lathe.
Report any malfunctions in the machine and wiring immediately to the teacher.

Modern factories are equipped with lathes (more complex and productive than those you will work on in a training workshop). They are serviced by machine operators of woodworking machines. In addition to mastering all the methods of turning on the machine, they must know the properties of wood, the design of machines, be able to read drawings and diagrams, sharpen tools, and set up the machine. Working on machines requires accuracy and precision, attentiveness and caution, consistency of hand movements.

TOPIC: The device of a lathe for woodworking.

PURPOSE: Consolidation of knowledge of safety regulations when performing work in

carpentry workshop. Familiarization of students with the turning device

woodworking machine.

LEARNING QUESTIONS: 1. Rules for safe work in the carpentry workshop.

2. Components of machines.

3. The device of a lathe for wood processing. 4. Ex.r. "Study

lathe devices for woodworking.

EQUIPMENT: Safety instructions, textbooks, poster, lathes

chisels, STD lathe - 120 M.

METHOD: Conversation; story; briefing; practical work..

PLACE: Carpentry workshop.

TIME: 2*40.

M.S. Natural history, mathematics.

R.K. Woodworking enterprises of Georgievsk.

Course progress.

V.Ch. Organizing time.

Repetition: - what is technology;

Section tasks.

O.Ch. 1. Safety regulations when performing practical work in a carpentry workshop (according to safety instructions No. 27, 22).

2. Components of machines.

The main parts of the technological machine: engine, push-button station, transmission mechanism, actuator - working body (spindle).

Movement transmission mechanisms: toothed (cylindrical, conical), belt (flat belt, V-belt), rack, chain, friction.

Rack - fixed link of a mechanism or machine.

Leading - one of the links that transmits the movement to another. Driven - link that receives movement from the leading link.

gear ratioi the ratio of the speed of rotation of the driving link to the speed of rotation of the driven link or the diameter of the driven link to the diameter of the driving link

i = n 1 /n 2 = D 2 /D 1,

where n 1 is the speed of the drive wheel (rpm, i.e. min -1); n 2 - frequency of rotation of the driven wheel (rpm); D 1 is the diameter of the driving wheel, D 2 is the diameter of the driven wheel (mm).

3. The device of a lathe for wood processing.

Lathes are designed for manufacturing (turning) wooden products having in cross section circle shape.

The main parts of the machine: 1 - base; 2 - electric motor; 3 - bed; 4 - belt drive guard; 5 - push-button station; 6 - lamp; 7 - headstock; 8 - spindle; 9 - handpiece; 10 - tailstock; 11 - protective screen.

Spindle fixtures for fastening workpieces during turning: chuck, faceplate, trident.

Tools used for turning wood - chisels:

Grooved semicircular convex and concave are used for roughing wood;

Oblique is used for finishing, finishing surfaces, as well as for cutting ends and turning cones.

4. Practical work"Studying the device of a lathe for processing wood."

Z.Ch. Summary of the lesson. Answers on questions. Evaluation of student work.

Woodworking requires tools with different functions. Simple manual equipment may not be enough here. For a detailed study of wood products, a lathe is required, but it is difficult to find a suitable option that would be suitable in terms of cost and size. As a result, many craftsmen come to the conclusion that wood for the home is easier and more reliable.

Features of the lathe

Making a home lathe with your own hands is easy if you follow the recommendations of the experts who are involved in this business. This option will help save not only money, but also a lot of time that is spent looking for a suitable turning unit. Usually there are such problems:

  • A small number of factories that sell or keep mothballed mini-woodworking machines.
  • The equipment can lie in conservation for 10-25 years, which means that its condition leaves much to be desired.

Considering all the problems of buying and searching for lathes, it remains to make reliable and durable equipment for home use. It will exactly match the specified functions and not be inferior to the factory models in terms of technical indicators.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the device, you should study the various drawings and diagrams depending on the function requirements, and prepare all necessary materials and tools. We must not forget about safety, because in the absence of any protective elements, the risk of injury increases significantly.

Structural details

In the Elements of Mechanical Engineering section, the device and principle of operation of a screw-cutting lathe of representatives of a huge family of machines designed for processing materials is studied, an idea is given of typical parts and mechanisms widely used in technology. It will help to acquire technical knowledge and skills to better understand the material, to realize its significance for the practical activities of people. right job with study guide. This will help you understand the material more deeply, highlight the most important thing in it and realize the meaning of technical ...

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W.O. Pinsk State

course project

by subject:

"Organization and methods of labor training"

Pinsk 2007

W.O. Pinsk State

Industrial Pedagogical College

Explanatory note


"The device of the lathe

for wood processing"



Document No.


the date

Labor training methodology











In VII VIII classes complete the study of the subject " technical labor”, improve the skills and deepen the knowledge gained in IV VI grades.

When studying the section "Woodworking", graphic knowledge is expanded, an idea is given about the methods for determining the moisture content and drying of wood, about the cutting process, about the main methods of processing wood by cutting. You will learn how to sharpen woodworking tools, study the design of hand-held electrified tools and how to work with them, and on a lathe you will produce products with external and internal conical and shaped surfaces.

In the section "Elements of Mechanical Engineering" the device and principle of operation of a screw-cutting lathe are studied - representatives of a huge family of machines designed for processing materials, an idea is given of typical parts and mechanisms widely used in technology. You will get acquainted with the controls of machines and technological devices that are used in the machining of materials.

In the section "Electrical work" you will get acquainted with the design of electromagnets, widely used in automatic devices, and will manufacture some of them. Most modern cars are inconceivable without electric motors, a very profitable source of propulsion. Therefore, their device and principle of operation are considered, the equipment for controlling electric motors, ways to include them in the network, technical inspection and repair are studied.

In the school workshops you will make products to order industrial enterprises, and from the textbook you will learn how the work of workers is organized, by what indicators the quality of products is assessed, what is labor productivity and how to increase it, what is self-supporting and profitability, get acquainted with management modern enterprise and the organization of socialist competition.

To master technical knowledge and skills, to understand the material more deeply, to realize its significance for the practical activities of people, the correct work with the textbook will help.

Having studied new material, try to answer all questions and complete all tasks placed at the end of paragraphs and sections. This will help you understand the material more deeply, highlight the most important thing in it and realize the meaning. technical knowledge for the practical activities of people.

In science and technology, special words and phrases are used to refer to various phenomena, devices, concepts, terms, for example, metal cutting, milling machine, product quality, etc. For ease of remembering, all new terms are printed in study guide in italics. If, while reading new material, you come across a term whose meaning you have forgotten, refer to the "Terms Index". It has a page next to each term, where its explanation is given. Pay attention to the accents. An explanation of the basic technical concepts that are studied in labor lessons is given in the Glossary of Technical Terms.

After most of the paragraphs in the "It's interesting" section, information is given from the history of technology, information about its news is given, the origin of the terms is explained, and prominent figures in technology are described.

You are entering a time in your life when you need to seriously think about choosing your life path. The Constitution of the USSR states: “Citizens of the USSR have the right to work ... including the right to choose a profession, occupation and work in accordance with their vocation, abilities, vocational training education and taking into account social needs”. In order to exercise this great right with full responsibility, one must first of all become familiar with the world of professions and specialties.

The textbook provides brief information about many technical professions and specialties, such as a carpenter, machine operator, finisher, locksmith, turner, milling machine operator, thermist, adjuster, mechanical assembly work fitter, electrician, electric fitter, etc. Classes in school workshops will help! us to check the presence of certain qualities in ourselves and develop many of them.

When working in a school workshop, it is necessary to observe following rules internal regulations, organization of the workplace, culture and labor safety.

Bring overalls, a diary, a notebook, a textbook, a pen and drawing accessories to classes.

Enter the workshop, start and finish work, and leave your workplace only with the permission of the teacher.

Do not press buttons or turn the handles of machines without the permission of the teacher.

At the beginning of the lesson, check the condition of the workplace, the availability and serviceability of tools.

During the performance of a labor task, constantly exercise self-control.

Strictly comply with the established for each type of work special rules labor safety.

If you are injured, seek immediate help from a teacher.

At the end of the work, clean the tools, clean the workplace, remove overalls, clean them, wash your hands, put yourself in order,

Acquired knowledge and skills must be constantly improved. Equip a work corner at home for making useful things and doing simple repairs.

Calendar thematic plan

No. p \ p

Topic name

Number of hours

Uraka type



Wood harvesting

wood structure

Obtaining and using lumber

Obtaining and using sheet wood materials

Detail drawing of a prismatic shape

Product design

Product Modeling

Prismatic workpiece marking


Production of a cylindrical part with a hand tool

Finishing products with oil paints

Movement transmission and transformation mechanisms

Machinery and its main parts

Making parts on a lathe

Forestry and woodworking industry

Protection of Nature

Presentation new mater.


Presentation new mater.





Presentation new mater.



Presentation new mater.






Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.


Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.


Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.

Mill. STD-120

Poster. Proc.

Poster. Proc.


Practical work

Practical work


Practical work


Practical work

Practical work

Practical work

Characteristics of the topic of the lesson

Topic: "The device of a lathe for woodworking" is studied in grade 6. It belongs to the section "Wood processing" for the study of this topic, the program is given two hours. Selected combined type lesson. Methods of explaining new material story explanation, showing the labor process. Topic: "The device of a lathe for wood processing", provides for a practical part, independent work of students, which includes the manufacture of a file handle according to the proposed instructional technological map. A lesson on this topic is held in a carpentry workshop, using a STD120 lathe.

When studying this topic, students acquire new knowledge and consolidate it in the practical part.

Topic: "The device of a lathe for working wood" is a new topic for students and therefore it can be difficult to master to some extent. With a good presentation of this topic by a teacher, students should not have problems in mastering and consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities.

The main objective of the topic is to teach and consolidate knowledge on the device of a lathe for woodworking.

To conduct a lesson, the teacher sets three main tasks:

  1. Educational to teach students how to use a woodworking lathe "

Requirements for the organization of the workplace of teachers and students

Workplace The teacher occupies a special place in the workshop. It allows you to explain the topic well and in an accessible way, observe the work of students, prevent one or another emergency situation when students work at the machines.

The teacher's workplace includes:

  • Desk
  • Table workbench to perform the necessary operations when explaining introductory briefing
  • School board with poster mounts
  • Push button station to disable existing machines
  • Breaker for complete disconnection from the network of all machines
  • Cabinets with buttons for storing tools

To conduct a lesson on the topic: “The device of a lathe for woodworking”, you need to prepare a STD 120 machine, the necessary posters and essential tool. In order for the topic to be well absorbed by students, the teacher's workplace must be cleaned. The workplace should contain only what is necessary for the explanation. new topic. Show how this or that operation is performed correctly in compliance with safety regulations.

By fulfilling each of these conditions, the teacher submits good example for students, which will positively affect the performance of independent work, will contribute to the education of students in accuracy, order in the performance of work.

The workplace for students in the carpentry workshop includes the presence of an individual workplace a carpentry workbench equipped with a vice, seats, a case for storing tools, an entrance.

Methodological requirements for the organization of the workplace of students.

  • The workbench contains only what is needed to complete the task.
  • Order and cleanliness in the workplace, speeds up the work of students
  • What is taken with the left hand should be on the left, and vice versa
  • Frequently used tools are placed closer, rarely used further.
  • Cutting tools are placed on special stands
  • The measuring tool must be in the case
  • After work, the vise, workbench, are cleaned and lubricated
  • In toolboxes, all tools must be kept in their sockets

Preparing the teacher for the lesson

Preparation of the teacher for classes on the next topic begins with viewing the calendar thematic plan.

An analysis of the work of leading teachers shows that when building a lesson system on a particular topic, it is necessary to be guided by the following:

  • The place of the topic in the subject and the range of knowledge, skills and abilities that students must master
  • The connection between theory and practice
  • The value of the topic material for the development of cognitive abilities of students
  • Readiness of students to master a new topic
  • Logical presentation of the material
  • Opportunity for student creativity
  • Waiting for the result of studying the topic
  • Linking lessons with extracurricular activities of students

In the preparation of the teacher for the lesson, it is possible to single out activities of an organized and methodological nature, as well as activities to improve qualifications.

In preparing for the upcoming lesson, the teacher should:

  • Select the type of lesson that is indicated in the calendar thematic plan
  • Study new methodological literature
  • Determine the goals and objectives of the lesson
  • Analyze students' knowledge of the previous topic
  • Determine ways to test knowledge, skills and abilities
  • Determine the methods and techniques for conducting the upcoming lesson
  • Draw up a lesson plan, a summary of the introductory briefing, a technological map for the manufacture of the product
  • Selection of visual aids
  • Financial preparation technical equipment, tool check
  • Determine the system of exercises, practical tasks

It is quite clear that the knowledge of the teacher should be more extensive than is required of the students. The teacher should be prepared to answer student questions that go beyond curriculum. It is necessary to have a solid knowledge of the relevant professional skills.

Accordingly, books on plumbing, carpentry and electrical work, designed for production masters, serve as a source for the personal preparation of a teacher of technical labor for a lesson.

Methodological preparation of the teacher for the lesson begins with work on educational literature. The teacher reviews student manuals to take this material into account when presenting new information.

This orientation is necessary for two reasons:

  1. The manual contains a minimum of material sufficient to complete the curriculum
  2. In the manual, the training material is presented at the level of the corresponding common development students and their knowledge of the basics of science, which will help the teacher prepare for an accessible presentation of the material for students.

Lesson Plan

Topic: "The device of a lathe for woodworking"

Target: Educational to teach students how to use a woodworking lathe "

Educational to cultivate the desire to comply with the rules for safe work on a woodworking lathe

Developing develop technological thinking

Material technical equipment:Lathe screw cutter

STD 120, visual aids, textbook.

Methods: story explanation, showing the labor process.

Time: 90 min

During the classes

I . Organizational part: 3 5 min.

1. Checking for students

2. Appearance check

II . Induction training. 15 minutes

1. Message topic, lesson objectives

2. Checking knowledge and skills on the previous topic.

a) Why sharpen woodworking tools?

b) What are the basic rules for sharpening a tool?

c) How to check the correct sharpening of the tool?

3. Explanation of new material.

BUT) General information about the elements of engineering.

B) Purpose, principle of operation and general device

lathe screw-cutting machine.

4. Fixing the material of the introductory briefing.

a) Why are lathes classified as technological machines?

b) What are the main parts of a lathe?

Q) How is the main motion and the feed motion transmitted?

5. Issuance of tasks and distribution in places.

"Making a File Handle"

III . Independent work of students, current instruction. 65 70 min

1. Student exercises

2. Targeted rounds of the teacher:

A) Observation

B) Checking the correctness of the task

C) Bug fixes

D) Accumulation of material for a survey, assessment

IV . Final briefing.

1. Summing up the lesson

A) Grade for completing the task

B) Demonstration of the best works

C) Error analysis

2. Cleaning the workplace and study room.

3. Issue homework

Designed by: teacher T/O

Muraveiko Sergey Mikhailovich


Summary of the introductory briefing


Lesson provision


General information about the elements of machine science.

Purpose, principle of operation and general arrangement of a lathe screw-cutting machine

Parts that are bodies of revolution are widely used in technology: shafts, axles, pins, pulleys, handles, etc. Most often they are made on special technological machines - lathes.

At present, the STD-120 model machine is being produced for school workshops. Like industrial machines, it consists of the following main parts: headstock, tailstock, electric motor, spindle, handpiece, push-button station, etc.

The headstock is designed to fasten the workpiece and impart rotational movement to it. The spindle is located in the headstock.

The tailstock is designed to support the end of long workpieces using the center.

The electric motor is designed to drive, the rotational movement of the engine is transmitted by means of a belt drive.

The push-button station is designed to control the machine.

The handpiece serves to support the cutter. The handguard should be fixed no more than

3-5mm from the workpiece.

All main parts of the machine are mounted on a bed. It is a massive cast-iron base, which has guides on the upper part along which the caliper and tailstock move.

The frame rests on two pedestals. On the right is the electrical equipment of the machine, and on the left The electric motor.

On modern machines, you can perform any, the most complex turning work. Such types of work are mechanized as fixing the workpiece, tools, moving the tailstock, etc.

More and more automatic machines are produced that independently perform all operations according to a given program (feeding and fixing a workpiece, clamping a tool, changing it, switching spindle speeds, feeds, turning a part, cutting off, etc.)


Visual aids


STD 120


Visual aids


STD 120

Visual aids


STD 120

Visual aids


STD 120

Visual aids


STD 120


For interest


Explain new material as clearly as possible

Designed by: teacher T/O

Muraveiko Sergey Mikhailovich


Instructional routing file handle making

Developed by T/O teacher

Muraveiko S.M.

Written Instruction Documents


Chairman of the trade union committee ___________ Principal of the school _____________

«» _____________ 200__

Instruction No.

on safety for students when working on a wood lathe

Hazards at work

1. Injury to eyes from flying shavings.

2. Injury to the hands when they touch the workpiece.

3. Injury to the hands due to improper handling of the cutter.

4. Wounded by splinters of poorly glued, cross-layered, knotted wood.

Before work

1. Correctly put on overalls (an apron with armlets or a dressing gown and a headdress: beret or scarf).

2. Check that the belt guard is securely fastened.

3. Check the reliability of the protective grounding (zeroing) fastening to the machine body.

4. Remove all foreign objects from the machine, place the tools in their designated places.

5. Check for knots and cracks in the workpiece, dress the workpiece to the desired shape, and then securely fix it in the rotating centers on the machine.

6. Install a handpiece with a gap of 23mm from the workpiece and fix it at the height of the center line of the workpiece.

7. Check the serviceability of the cutting tool and the correctness of its sharpening.

8. Check the operation of the machine at idle, as well as the serviceability of the starting box by turning its buttons on and off.

9. Put on protective goggles before starting work.

During work

1. Feed the cutting tool onto the material only after the work shaft has reached full speed.

2. Feed the tool smoothly, without strong pressure.

3. Timely move the handpiece to the workpiece, do not allow the gap to increase.

4. To avoid injury while operating the machine:

a) do not tilt your head close to the machine;

b) do not accept or transfer items through a running machine;

c) measure the workpiece only after its rotation has completely stopped;

d) do not stop the machine by braking the workpiece by hand;

e) do not leave the machine without turning it off.

After finishing work

1. Stop the machine.

2. Put the tools in their place.

3. Remove chips from the machine with a brush.

4. Give the machine to the teacher.

Deputy director for teaching and educational work _________________

Labor education teacher ___________________


Labor Inspector _______________________

« » ____________________ 200___

Organization and methodology of the lesson

The teacher greets the students, notes those who are absent and checks appearance in terms of safety; the organizational part lasts 3 5 minutes.

  • Familiarization with the topic and purpose of the lesson
  • Restoring in the memory of students the knowledge and skills acquired earlier. It is advisable to conduct a survey of students on the previous material in order to find out how well they learned it.
  • Providing students with the necessary theoretical information on the topic of the program
  • Explanation and demonstration of techniques and methods for the implementation of educational material
  • Explanation of ways to control the correctness of the implementation of techniques and check the quality of work.
  • Acquaintance with drawings and instructional maps.
  • Checking the assimilation of the acquired knowledge of the methods of trial execution by the student of the shown techniques
  • Repetition of safety regulations
  • Issuing assignments to students and placing them in their workplaces

In planning this part of the lesson, the methodological maturity of the teacher is reflected, and his past experience is of particular importance. It is extremely important to think over the form in which new knowledge will be presented, highlight the most important thing in the forthcoming presentation, mark those places where it would be useful to put a question to the student, carefully formulate its content, etc. No less important is the beginning of the lesson, which often takes on a stereotyped form, but sometimes it is useful to start the lesson with a question to the students, with a problem statement. Sometimes it is not easy to find such a beginning, the search for the most interesting approach to the topic will require effort, but the result of this work will reward the teacher.

Thinking through questions to students, the formulation of which provides constant contact with the audience, mobilizing their attention, the teacher can make changes not only to the very topic of the lesson, but also to its content. It is impossible to foresee the content of all the questions that will be put to the student, because sometimes the answers to them can change the very nature of the questions. However, it is important to note in advance those moments when the teacher will seek a response from the students.

The management of the work of students must be planned by a system of targeted rounds:

  1. Checking the organization of workplaces
  2. Checking the correct clamping of the workpiece
  3. Checking the correctness of the receptions
  4. Verification of implementation, compliance with safety regulations
  5. Checking the knowledge and skills of students
  6. Acceptance of completed works
  7. Checking jobs
  8. Checking the health of tools and equipment

for ongoing training

  • Do not interfere with student work unnecessarily
  • The help of a labor education teacher should be timely
  • You should not immediately give students ready-made instructions on how to correct the error, you need to ensure that he himself understands and realizes it, finds a way to eliminate and prevent it.
  • It is necessary to practice conducting individual demonstrations and methods of work at the workplaces of students
  • Not finishing the work for the students, this teaches them to be irresponsible towards the task assigned
  • It is necessary to correctly alternate work with rest, as for frequent mistakes are the result of their fatigue
  • From the first days of training, it is necessary with all strictness to demand from students the correct and high-quality cleaning and organization of their workplace, to accustom them to cleanliness in the workshop
  • To instill in students a love and respect for the tool

This section can be quite varied. These may be final questions addressed to students on this topic, there may be a brief record of the most important conclusions in workbooks. When performing such work and reinforcing exercises, their usefulness should be assessed not by the time spent on their implementation, but by the need to mobilize the new information that students have received.

During the final briefing, the teacher of labor training sums up the lesson, highlights best work, sets as an example those students whose work was done with the highest quality, in compliance with all norms and requirements, notes the shortcomings and points out the mistakes made by other students in the work.

After that, the teacher of labor education assigns grades. Finishes the final briefing with the issuance of homework assignments, an explanation of its implementation


  1. "Textbook "Technical work" Minsk Narodnaya asveta 1986.
  2. "Classes on labor training" Moscow Enlightenment
  3. Methods of labor training "D.A. Tkhorzhevsky 1981
  4. "Technical reference book of the teacher of labor" Moscow Enlightenment 1966.
  5. "Fundamentals of labor training" A.I. Kachegov 1989
  6. "Method practical exercises in the workshops "Moscow Enlightenment 1966.
  7. Textbook "Technical work" 1989.
  8. Journal "School and production"

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