Distance course in HR administration. Training courses in HR administration and HR management for specialists from any region of Russia! Who are the distance courses for HR administration?

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management (Higher education)
Training under this program will allow you to master the skills to improve the existing remuneration system, aimed at achieving goals and increasing business performance.

(Higher education)

Human Resource Management (Higher education)
Human resources are the main and most valuable asset of any enterprise. Effective human resource management requires trained professionals with fundamental knowledge in various fields.

(Higher education)
For a small and medium-sized enterprise, human resources appear to be a critical link. The future of the company depends on the coherence and professionalism of the entrepreneurial team. To solve these problems, entrepreneurial structures and small businesses need specialists in personnel management.

(Higher education)
This is one of the youngest and most promising specialties of modern higher education, a new area of ​​professional activity, emerging at the intersection of economics, management and information and communication technologies (ICT).

MAOK. International Academy of Appraisal and Consulting

Human Resource Management (Bachelor) (Higher education)
Human resources are the main and most valuable asset of any enterprise. Effective human resource management requires trained professionals with fundamental knowledge in various fields.

Human Resource Management (Bachelor) (Higher education)
Upon completion of training, graduates of this profile successfully work in companies of various industries and scope of activities in the personnel departments, training organization, organizational development; in consulting, training, research and analytical companies and recruiting agencies.

Human Resource Management (Bachelor) (Higher education)
Having entered the specialty "Human Resource Management", you will be engaged in interesting and exciting management activities. You will be entrusted with personnel management in large commercial and non-commercial organizations, you will learn how to set tasks for subordinates, study all modern approaches related to the selection, adaptation and motivation of personnel.

Human Resource Management (Higher education)
The specialty "Human Resource Management" involves working with the personnel of the organization. In the course of training, you will learn how to study the labor market, hire personnel suitable for your organization, develop a personnel management strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise.

Human Resource Management (Bachelor) (Higher education)
The specialty "Human Resource Management" was created to train professionals with advanced knowledge and are able to carry out highly effective activities in the formation, development and use of the organization's human resources.

Human Resource Management (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
The HR manager ensures the selection of employees for vacant positions, in some cases performs other functions related to personnel management and provision of conditions for improving their qualifications, communicates with people, listens to information and makes decisions, posts vacancies in the media, the Internet, analyzes a large number of resumes, interviews with applicants.

Human Resource Management (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
In the specialty "Personnel Management" you will learn how to interview candidates for positions, identify the personal and professional qualities of candidates, conduct trainings and organize refresher courses, study various ways to motivate personnel.

Human Resource Management (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEL) invites all interested persons and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty "Human Resource Management" in a distance format.

Human Resources Management (Bachelor) (Higher education)
The HR manager identifies the main priorities of employees to build a plan for their motivation, finds an individual approach to each employee and protects the company's labor resources from turnover.

USUE. Ural State University of Economics

Labor Economics (Bachelor) (Higher education)
Graduates of the specialty "Labor Economics and Personnel Management" after graduation from the university easily find a high-paying job to their liking.

Human Resource Management (Bachelor) (Higher education)
Specializing in Human Resource Management, USUE carries out comprehensive training of qualified personnel in the field of personnel efficiency and motivation management, personnel cost optimization, management psychology and management of employees' labor behavior.

Moscow State Industrial University

Personnel Management (Higher education)
The objects of professional activity of a personnel manager are the processes of forming the personnel policy of the organization, planning the number of personnel, technologies for selecting and recruiting personnel, personnel adaptation programs, training and advanced training of employees, methods of assessing and motivating personnel, managing a business career in an organization, personnel consulting.

SAGMU. Samara Academy of State and Municipal Administration

Human Resource Management (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
This specialty will give you all the knowledge you need to become a highly qualified HR specialist. After graduation, you will be able to work as an HR manager, HR auditor, psychologist-trainer, recruiter.

VlSU. Vladimir State University

Human Resource Management (Bachelor's Degree) (Higher education)
On the specialty "Personnel Management" you will study labor law, the basics of organization and labor safety, personnel policy, methods of labor stimulation, conflict management. Studying these disciplines will allow you to effectively develop and implement the personnel policy of the enterprise.

VSUES. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Personnel Management (Higher education)
The specialty "Human Resources Management" prepares for the release of personnel workers and personnel managers. After graduation, you will be able to work in the personnel management service of state and municipal authorities, at enterprises and institutions of various profiles in personnel departments, in employment services, at labor exchanges. And also in the banking, insurance, tourism, trade industry.

Human Resource Management (Bachelor) (Higher education)
The need for specialists of this profile is growing due to the emergence of a personnel manager in many institutions, banks, firms, etc., as well as the formation of stock exchanges, employment centers, state labor and employment committees, etc. staff.

We invite you to undergo professional retraining at the distance course "Human Resources Manager".

It is convenient - the training takes place through the Personal Account of distance learning, you yourself plan your schedule.

Professional retraining program Human Resources Manager ", developed on the basis of the Professional standard "Personnel Management Specialist" (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation N691н), qualification level -6.

Issued documents:

    A diploma of professional retraining, with the assignment of the qualification "Personnel manager", of the established form, which gives the right to conduct professional activities in the field of personnel management of an organization.

This professional retraining course will be a real step towards large-scale professional change and development.

Target audience of distance learning: Specialists in organizational and management activities involved in ensuring the activities of personnel and the organization for personnel development Form of study: Distance (correspondence) Number of hours: 350 hours Issued documents:
  • Diploma of professional retraining, with the assignment of the qualification "Personnel manager".

  1. Professional management of the organization.
  • Personnel management concepts.
  • Personnel policy of the organization and the basics of personnel management.
  • Personnel-technologies and their implementation.
  • Legal regulation of the activities of an enterprise (institution, organization).
  • Labor potential and intellectual capital of the organization and the individual employee.
  • Personnel employment management.
    • Personnel planning, controlling and personnel accounting.
    • Job profile, job requirements and staff qualifications.
    • Staff development. Fundamentals of andragogy. Career management principles.
    • Appraisal activities and methodology of business appraisal of personnel.
    • Principles of formation of the system of motivation for labor activity and payment for labor, vocational guidance and professionalization of personnel.
    • Foundations of Sociology in Labor Relations.
    • Ergonomics of the labor process and labor rationing. Basics of statistics.
    • Business ethics.
    • Professional risks, their assessment and forecasting.
    • Optimization of the number of personnel, professional activities.
  • Legal regulation of labor relations.
    • Legislation in the field of administrative, civil, corporate, social and migration law governing labor relations.
    • Implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the legal acts of the enterprise.
    • Consequences of violation of legal acts containing norms governing labor relations.
  • Documentation support for personnel management.
    • Information as an object of legal regulation. Information (data) protected by the state.
    • A document as an object of legal regulation from the moment of its creation until its proper destruction.
    • Documenting the management of the organization.
    • Documenting personnel - technologies.
    • Documenting personnel costs, monitoring the use of working time.
    • Documenting labor relations.
    • Documenting interaction with government services and non-government organizations.
    • Documenting citizens' appeals.
    • Information technology in documenting labor relations.
  • Psychology of communications.
    • Communicative competence. Perception, collection, generalization, analysis of information and organization of interaction.
    • The main types of interaction in professional activities. Fundamentals of conflict management.
    • Professional deformation and professional burnout.
    • Self-management in the performance of work duties.
  • Management as a kind of activity.
    • The content and meaning of management activities.
    • Management models. Professional management markers.
    • Object and subject of management. Control system functions. Units of accounting for management impact.
    • Formation of the management system, its revision and modernization.
    • Management dynamics and budgeting. Distribution of management operations in space, finance and time.
    • Leadership, authority and authority. Leadership.
    • Integration management mechanisms. Diversification of management.
    • Management result. Objectivity, formalization, bureaucratization and informality in management.
    • Administration in management, its types, forms and methods.
    • Psychology of managing a group, team, team.
  • Social policy of the enterprise.
    • Object and subject of social policy of the enterprise. Functions and principles of social policy.
    • Social partnership and social responsibility of the parties to labor relations.
    • The dynamics of social groups as an indicator of the effectiveness of social policy.
    • Social security of employees of the enterprise.
    • Social policy and social security of the enterprise.
    • State social policy and guarantees in the field of labor relations.
  • Final testing.
  • Availability Secondary vocational education - training programs for middle-level specialists (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Order "29" October 2013 No. 1199 "On approval of the lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education") or Higher education.

  • If your actual place of residence does not coincide with the place of your registration according to your passport, and at the same time you want to receive from us a document of education at the actual address of residence, then indicate this circumstance in the Application for admission.
  • We prepare a contract, invoice and send them to you.
  • You pay the invoice and send us by e-mail a scanned contract signed by you.
  • From the moment the payment is received, you will be sent a login and password to enter your Personal Account for distance learning.
  • In the distance learning room, you independently study the materials and undergo intermediate and final certification, in accordance with the chosen training program. If necessary, communication with the teacher is carried out by e-mail.
  • Upon completion of training and successful certification, we send you by mail a Certificate of Continuing Education or a Diploma of Professional Retraining, a copy of the license and the originals of the contract and certificate of services rendered.
  • After receiving the documents, you send to our address:
    • 1 copy of the contract (signed by you);
    • 1 copy of the certificate of services rendered (signed by you);
    • original Application for enrollment in courses.
  • 1. Human Resource Management and Work Ethics
    • Principles, models and methodological foundations of personnel management
    2. The essence, purpose and main goals of the personnel management strategy
    • Development of personnel management, personnel policy, effective use of human capital
    • Intellectual capital: essence, structure, assessment
    3. Human resource management in practice: rights, responsibilities, assessment methods
    • Organization of work, organization and functions of the personnel service
    • Assessment of labor and changes in the economic indicators of the organization under the influence of HRM
    • International HRM Issues and International HRM Policy
    4. Organizational context of HR management
    • Individual system of motives and factors that determine human behavior at work
    • Forms of material incentives and methods of influencing employee motivation
    5. The role of employee commitment to their organization
    • Developing a strategy of mutual commitment: goals, plans, resources
    6. Various functions of organizations
    • Organization theory and organizational process
    • The basis of group behavior, human development and teamwork. Types of power and leadership
    7. Corporate ethics of the organization
    • Role and structure of corporate culture
    • Classification, assessment and consolidation of organizational culture
    8. Concept of work
    • Labor process theory, organizational factors and their influence on the work of employees
    • The concept of "labor relations" and different models of work
    • The psychological contract and transformations leading to its changes
    9. Practical application of the theory of organizational behavior
    • Design of workplaces and roles and types of organization landmarks
    • Theory of models of organizational change and management of change and innovation in the organization
    • Reorganization of a legal entity
    10. Personnel management process
    • HR policy theory, concept, essence and factor that determine competence and competence
    • Social capital, organizational culture, intellectual resource management
    • Analysis of jobs and roles, competencies, role analysis, types of surveys
    • Repertoire Grid Technique and Key Competency Models
    11. Labor resources of the enterprise
    • Fundamentals and tasks of human resource planning
    • Personnel turnover management and resource planning
    • Recruitment rules, methods of attracting and retaining staff
    • Recruiting candidates on websites, selecting profiles, types of interviews
    12. Documents, rights and obligations for employment and dismissal
    • Screening interview, appraisal interview, interview methods
    • Professional selection and psychological tests, analysis of results, introduction to the organization
    • Legal regulations for redundancy and dismissal
    13. Performance management in practice
    • Labor efficiency indicators, purpose and principles of labor indicators management
    • Implementation of performance management
    14. Processes for performance management
    • Main activities and performance evaluation criteria
    • Performance agreements, paperwork and performance reviews
    • Pros and cons of assessing labor indicators
    • Management of continuous learning and achieving consistency in the work of all levels of management
    15. Method of current personnel assessment "360 degrees"
    • Definition, methodology, pros and cons of 360-degree feedback
    16. The most effective methods of human resource development
    • Human Resource Development System
    • Organization of the personnel training process. Methodology and options for learning styles
    • Definition and characteristics of a learning organization, organizational behavior
    17. Vocational training system
    • Professional training within the organization. Methodology for drafting curriculum plans
    • Strategic management and features of the vocational training process
    • Classification of teaching methods. Features of training sales and office workers. Technical and vocational training
    • Responsibility for training and assessment of the quality of vocational training
    18. Personal development planning
    • Setting goals and identifying the need for personnel development planning
    19. Qualifications of the leading personnel of the organization
    • Role, approaches and activities to improve the skills of managers
    • Emotional intelligence and leadership qualities
    • Role and Responsibility of the Human Resource Development Specialist
    20. Career management of the organization's personnel
    • Overall goals and career management process. Supply and demand planning
    • Assessment of performance indicators and potential, career planning methodology
    21. Management of remuneration
    • Remuneration management systems. Remuneration policy and changes in remuneration management
    • Determining the salary level and an effective staff compensation strategy
    • Changes in personnel payment systems
    22. Evaluation of the work of company personnel
    • Introduction of job appraisal and classification of different types of work activities
    • Factors affecting the ranking of labor activity and methods of labor assessment
    • Creation of a point-factor scheme for assessing labor and a system of measures for assessing types of work
    23. Analysis of the level of market rates
    • Introduction to the concept of "market rate"
    24. What is the salary built of
    • Classify the types of pay structures and determine the structure that suits your business
    • Pay structure for manual workers and complex pay structures, rates by age scale
    25. Features of the use of dependent payment
    • Dependent pay strategy and criteria, variable part of labor remuneration
    • Targeting pay on performance, on competence, on skills, on contribution
    • Team pay and incentives to pay production workers
    • Organization-wide methodology and frameworks
    26. Features of remuneration of special groups
    • Remuneration of directors and senior managers, employees working abroad, personnel involved in trade
    • Remuneration commissions
    27. Classification of benefits for employees of the enterprise
    • The main types of benefits. Types of corporate pension schemes, allowances and other payments
    28. Management of the wage system
    • Wages fund, revision of budgets, salaries. Informing staff
    • Assessment of the wage system. Responsibilities and procedures related to remuneration
    29. Building relationships with employees
    • We form the structure of relations with employees. Concept, structure and processes of industrial relations
    • Features, levels and agreements of collective bargaining. Relations between organizations and trade unions
    • Building rules and processes in the field of employee relations
    • Management with and without trade unions. Non-recognition by employers of created trade unions
    • Creation of a climate of trust and the involvement and participation of employees in the management of the organization
    • Proposal systems, business councils, communication systems
    30. Fundamentals of labor protection at the enterprise
    • Labor protection, safety engineering. Auditing and risk assessment
    • Comprehensive health programs for employees of the institution. The right to social security and its varieties
    31. Provision of recruitment and management of human resources
    • Conclusion of employment contracts when hiring, attendance control
    • Equal Opportunity in HR Policy and Ways to Combat Discrimination
    • Key procedures in the human resource management system
    • Automated Human Resource Management Information Systems and Application Programs
    • HRM System Parameter Assessment Process

    HR courses at the University of Business will allow you to study the specialty of HR director "from scratch" or improve your qualifications. Personnel Management courses for executives are distance learning in personnel management for true professionals in their field. How to motivate company employees? How to create an atmosphere of trust? What is social marketing? How to manage the remuneration system? You will find the answers to all these questions at the retraining courses in personnel management at the University of Business # 1! Apply for training right now - and soon you will learn all the features of professional management! Become a successful HR specialist with the # 1 Business University!

    Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna
    - Lawyer by profession

    Array (=> 12888 => Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna => 5395 => Array (=>

    Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna
    - Lawyer by profession
    - She is the scientific editor of the profile publication "Personnel Solutions"
    - Advises on issues related to work: labor disputes, labor legislation
    - Developed a practical distance learning course for HR workers (center "RUNO")

    => HTML) => 547518 => Array (=>

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

    => HTML) => 547519)

    Olga Fedorenko

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

    Array (=> 73710 => Olga Nikolaevna Fedorenko => 53412 => Array (=>

    Olga Fedorenko
    - Professional teacher-practitioner
    - Experience in preparing for the inspection of the GIT, participation in the resolution of labor disputes
    - Work as HR Director, 1200 staff

    => HTML) => 541066 => Array (=>

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

    => HTML) => 541067)

    Course program - skill level 6“Activities for the provision of personnel. Activities for the organization of payment and labor of personnel. Activities for the organization of work with foreign personnel "

    For admission you need: - Diploma (Higher education or specialized secondary)
    *Attention! If you have a diploma in a foreign language, in accordance with Federal Law 273 "On Education", Art. 107, translation of the diploma into Russian is required.
    - Passport

    Upon completion of the course, you will receive: -Professional retraining diploma,which gives the right to conduct a new type of activity

    We also recommend that you study:

    Who are the distance courses for HR administration?

    Distance learning courses for personnel officers suitable for novice HR professionals, accountants and business owners. At the end of the course "Fundamentals of HR administration 1C ZUP" each student has the opportunity to receive additional professional education. And distance courses in HR administration provide an opportunity for residents of any part of the Russian Federation to receive professional education in the direction of HR administration online.

    Online HR courses - what is it?

    This is a completely new unique product in the educational services market, created by practicing specialists in the field of HR administration and personnel management.

    Remote training for a HR specialist in our center is a combination of video lectures, tests, visual materials and much more. Nowadays, due to the lack of time, distance courses for personnel officers in Moscow have become very popular.

    Online HR courses include a large amount of in-depth practical materials and tasks. Small blocks of theory are fixed by practical work in the 1C program. Thus, new information is easily assimilated, and an important skill of working with documents, which is so necessary for a young HR specialist, appears. For even greater effect, we offer our students to conduct paperwork using the example of a real company. This allows the listener to feel himself in the role of a personnel officer - a practice and to work out theoretical knowledge.

    After completing courses on personnel records management remotely, you will learn:

    • Hire, fire employees, take vacations, etc.
    • Competently draw up all personnel documents
    • Form personnel documents in program 1 C ZUP 8
    • Interact with the accounting service

    Benefits of our online courses

    What are the advantages of the course - training for a specialist in the HR department remotely

    • Practical work with 1C ZUP simultaneously with theory
    • Practice with real company documents
    • Electronic abstracts and links to Legislation
    • Electronic database of sample documents, etc.

    What are the advantages of distance learning in our center:

    • Ability to view lessons as many times as necessary to fully master the program
    • Convenient access to the material - a single window of the classroom
    • Communication with the teacher throughout the training period
    • The period of access to distance learning is much longer than full-time
    • Savings in tuition fees

    You will be able to use all the training material after you have completed the distance courses in HR administration. You will have at your disposal carefully designed notes and lectures, which contain the complete program of the course.

    Online HR administration courses are an affordable and practical way to master a new profession in demand on the labor market.

    All these skills and knowledge will allow you to raise your professional level and give you additional chances to get the desired high-paying job.

    What were you looking for on the page:

    Online HR courses from scratch. Training courses in personnel records management. Refresher courses personnel management. Professional retraining in personnel management. Distance learning in HR administration. Distance learning personnel management and HR records management. Online training in personnel management. Online training in HR administration. Training for a HR specialist. Personnel specialist training. Professional development of personnel records management. HR administration courses. Refresher courses in personnel records management. Refresher courses office work. Personnel courses. Refresher courses in office work. Refresher courses personnel management. Refresher courses in personnel management. HR administration course. HR administration training online. Online HR administration courses. Advanced training courses okdp. Advanced training courses for personnel records management. Refresher courses HR manager. Refresher courses for personnel officers. HR specialist training. Personnel management professional development. Professional development license. Personnel management retraining. Personnel management professional retraining. HR manager courses. Refresher courses for personnel managers. Human resource management courses. Human resource management distance courses. Professional development in office work. HR administration from scratch 2019. State diploma. State certificate. Advanced training in HR administration. Retraining of personnel distance learning. Retraining courses on the basis of higher education for personnel officers. Retraining of personnel records management. Professional development courses for personnel officers. HR administration professional retraining. Retraining of a human resources specialist remotely in Moscow. Professional retraining HR manager remotely. Re-qualification for HR manager. Personnel courses for education. Professional retraining of a personnel officer. Professional retraining of HR specialists. Professional retraining for a personnel officer. Professional retraining staff office work in-person. Retraining courses office work. HR courses from scratch in Moscow with a diploma. Office work retraining. HR specialist courses. Retraining program in the specialty of personnel business. Free courses for personnel officers. Online clerk courses free of charge. Professional retraining clerk. HR manager distance learning. Professional retraining on the basis of higher education in St. Petersburg HR office work. Retraining specialist of the personnel department. Professional retraining remotely specialist in personnel in education. Type of license for professional retraining of personnel records management. Online courses for clerk. HR courses 1c from scratch in moscow with a diploma. Personnel management professional development. Advanced training course on personnel records management and accounting of St. Petersburg 72 hours. Distance learning to be an inspector of the personnel department. Professional retraining office work. Personnel business training courses. Personnel record keeping correspondence course Pushkino. Professional training of personnel officers. Office work online courses. Personnel training. Sales manager retraining distance 250 hours. Courses for personnel officers from scratch in Moscow. HR specialist courses. Professional development of the personnel officer. Professional retraining for the head of the personnel department. HR manager training program 250 hours. Personnel management retraining distance learning. Ugatu retraining of personnel personnel records management. Personnel management professional retraining remotely inexpensive. Additional education for the personnel officer. Personnel courses. HR specialist distance learning retraining. HR specialist courses in Moscow. Personnel training department. Professional training personnel manager full-time courses. Courses for a personnel officer in Moscow. Personnel management professional retraining diploma. Personnel department specialist retraining in Moscow universities. Educational center video tutorials site for personnel officers. Online courses in personnel management. HR manager courses 1.8 months Personnel management training remotely. Personnel management refresher courses. Courses for the heads of the personnel department. HR administration course. Courses of personnel records management samara from scratch and personnel management show on the map. Advanced training courses management. Advanced training in personnel management. HR specialist training with employment. Retraining in personnel management remotely. Professional development of personnel. Seminars for personnel officers. Seminars for personnel officers in Moscow. Personnel management courses for executives in Moscow. School of personnel officer mitrofanov. Vacancies for the developer of training courses remotely.


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