Expert assistance with admission to master's programs at the world's best universities and business schools. Marketing and communications

A modern European business school with over a century of history offers the Executive MBA program for those who:

  • Has already reached professional heights
  • Wants to learn new things and not take a formal course
  • Strives to develop and solve even more complex problems

Our program is designed for those seeking a better understanding of effective business management, needing a structured understanding of the day-to-day functioning of a company, and would like to develop decision-making skills.

Our listeners are focused on:

  • Mastering real business practice, not standard business cases
  • Development of strengths and personal potential
  • Expanding experience through communication with experts from Sweden, Australia, Finland, UK and other countries
  • Using the latest trends for business development and operations
  • Meeting with like-minded people, not formal networking
  • Better understanding of the business environment


for top managers on the Swedish method of interactive learning with a focus on the Russian market.

Upon completion of the program, an Executive Master of Business Administration diploma is awarded from the Stockholm School of Economics.

More than 90% of teachers come from Europe and other countries of the world.

You can learn more about the program, ask all your questions, meet with representatives of the Stockholm School of Economics by visiting the next information session.

Karpov Alexey Borisovich

Director of the Department of Organizational Development and Personnel of NPF "Materia Medica Holding", Ph.D. in Psychology.

I approached the choice of the EMBA program responsibly and consciously. For several years, I have considered various programs that are offered by Russian universities in conjunction with international business schools, studied reviews on the Internet, and talked with alumni. By the time I entered, my experience in management positions in the role of HR Director exceeded 10 years, so I understood that, on the one hand, I needed a serious theoretical base in the field of economics, and on the other hand, an exchange of practical experience with professionals in various fields of modern business. As an alternative, I was considering the option of obtaining a second higher education in economics.

Already 2 years have passed since I graduated from the EMBA at the Higher School of Economics, and so far I have never regretted choosing this particular program and school. A combination of approaches, a variety of life and professional views of teachers, extensive experience in business - all this, together with an interesting and creative presentation of the material, helped me to gain knowledge to the maximum extent.

In my work and life, while still studying, I began to notice many positive changes. First, the horizon of vision has expanded. Now, when planning various actions, I see not only the upcoming events associated with them, but also the system as a whole, in the long and medium term. Second, an understanding of related business functions, which is important in everyday work and in interaction. Thirdly, interest in business literature and all kinds of sources of information useful for self-development has increased.

This contributed to my career growth in the company, expansion of powers, successful solution of more important tasks. Now I work as the Director of the Department of Organizational Development and Human Resources and serve on the Board of Directors, and I am confident that new opportunities lie ahead.

Kuzmina Irina Viktorovna

Head of the Regional Office of Otkritie Bank in the Smolensk Region

The Executive MBA had a huge impact on my consciousness, understanding of many things, economic processes and life philosophy. Communication with the teachers of the business school is a great pleasure, and I remember 2 years spent on the program with special fondness. This communication changed a lot in me, made me think about things that I had never even thought about before, and most importantly, it gave me a feeling of freedom in choosing my future path in life and clearly instilled the idea of ​​the importance of using all the opportunities that life circumstances give you. It allowed me to make a decision to change jobs last year, on the eve of defending my graduation work in the program, to accept a new challenge, to try myself on a very complex project called Otkritie Bank. To be honest, it has never been so difficult, despite my many years of experience in banks in leadership positions. But I don’t regret the decision I made. received such a force on the program that will overcome everything.

I can proudly say that over the past 10 months at my new job I have managed to transform the structure, solve a huge number of complex personnel issues, lay an impressive business foundation for the operation of Otkritie Bank in the region, and build a new flagship office of the bank in Smolensk.

Currently, I am the head of the regional office of Otkritie Bank in the Smolensk region, which is represented by 8 second-level offices. For myself, I set the task of building a conceptually new bank, really useful for business and people, the bank is honest and professional. I believe in success! Thank you business school! I really miss you!

Pavel Novikov

Director of the Fintech & Blockchain Competence Center, Skolkovo Foundation

Studying at GSOM helped me to reflect on the processes and phenomena of the existence of which I did not suspect before. I got new tools for analysis and strategic business development, which I can share with startups and corporations. Thanks to training at GSOM, critical thinking and a deep understanding of various aspects of business develops, now I take on the most complex projects in the field of innovation and help even more startups enter the international market.

Perhaps the best confirmation of the quality of training was an invitation from GSOM to speak as a lecturer on the topic "Innovative Entrepreneurship and the Ecosystem of Innovations" for students of the EMBA program.

Now I work as the Director of the Fintech & Blockchain Competence Center at the Skolkovo Foundation, I am involved in the commercialization of innovative start-up developments for the financial sector in Russia and abroad, and I also help corporations and venture capital funds find and invest in unique Russian projects.

Among them there are leaders in different market segments. If we take only the price component, we must certainly clarify: is this the price of the MBA or Executive MBA program? Comparing these two programs is like mixing alarms and wristwatches, they are very different things.

I know that functional Executive MBA courses are constantly appearing on the market: Executive MBA Marketing, Executive MBA Finance. However, in the understanding of the Executive MBA professionals in the functional direction - what Gogol called "soft-boiled boots": a complete misunderstanding of the genre. We are often told “Master's degree is the same MBA”. When people don't understand, they start mixing and then they start criticizing.

MBA programs are aimed at middle and middle + management, or for those who work in the functional departments of serious companies: marketing, manufacturing, HR, finance and accounting.

For example, people work in the HR department. They want to move up, become HR leaders and come to the MBA program where they are taught management. Any MBA program in the tree of purpose has an established structure in large strokes: at the base of the business environment of business, a little microeconomics, focused on managers, in a squeeze, without academic messages. Then comes the legal environment of business - an introduction to the legal system. Then the trunk continues with the course of "management": twigs begin to go from it: accounting, finance management, marketing management, personnel management. The twigs have grown - it all comes together in project management, strategic management, and leadership. People are given a general approach to management; at the end of the program there is a specialization (usually it is about 100 hours).

The Executive MBA program is a different genre. It is focused on the top officials of the company, or on people who are "in the personnel reserve", that is, they are ready to rise above the level of the head of the functional unit to the level of the head of the company.

That is why there is a particularly tough selection for the Executive MBA program. Here is an interview, during which he finds out whether the person is ripe to lead the company, whether they really have managerial spatial thinking.

Many times I have attended the conversations that our Belgian colleagues conducted in the framework of the Antwerp Executive MBA program. They can ask absolutely unexpected questions: "What do you think about music?", "Do you think music helps you in making management decisions?" For all the absurdity of the connection between this issue and business, there is a very serious basis here: do you know how to think outside the box? You were taken and taken out of the plane of the applied business in which you work, they asked you an unexpected question. Are you able to immediately react and formulate some convincing position? Are you able to think creatively?

At the entrance, these people are “groped” and a completely different program is built for them. In the description, it may be similar. Item names can sound very close and similar. But the meaning of the program is not to teach management and not to give specific knowledge about the function, but to raise people above functions, to expand consciousness.

Let's say that you were the director of marketing, and then came to the management of the company. What's going to happen? You talk about the company's strategy, but all the time you are trying to pull the blanket towards the marketing, in which you have worked for the past ten years.

It is necessary to rise above this. We need to see the perspective of the company. And the emphasis on the Executive MBA program is always strategy and the development of personal creative potential.

There are many trainings: time management, stress relief, presentation art, leadership development, and other aerobatics. The Executive MBA program is like conservatory for a very good musician: he is helped to hone his personal skills and, in addition, they are taught to look at the system from outside the system, because it is not reformed from within the system.

To carry out a serious reform in a company, you must rise to the height of a bird's eye view, look at the company from the outside, break away from daily problems and, moreover, from a bundle with functions. This is the installation of the Executive MBA program.

The EMBA program is clearly focused on the development of personal leadership and strategic potential and on autofunctional despecialization - this is the first distinguishing feature of the Executive MBA from the MBA.

The second distinctive feature is that on the Executive MBA program representatives of middle management should not be... The homogeneity of the group composition is very important here. A heterogeneous group (where there are representatives of small and large businesses, people holding middle positions in the company and top managers) is destructive.

If I work in the marketing department, what do I want? I want to gain practical knowledge, which I will bring to my company tomorrow, implement it, it will give additional profit, I will be noticed by the bosses, encouraged - career growth, etc. I work for functions and I need specific tools to increase sales.

Once you have risen to the level of the head of the company, you are interested in strategy. Your sales director is in charge of sales. And you no longer need the technology of its work. Imagine that the group includes middle management and executives who need a strategy (which, from the point of view of middle management, is chatter that does not allow progress). And for managers, work technology is a waste of time.

Therefore, a good Executive MBA program is always homogeneous and targeted at people who either already work in the management of the company or are moving to the management of the company.

If the Executive MBA program is focused on despecialization, on the exchange of experience, on personal development, on the development of a strategic vision, if it has a homogeneous composition and is supported by a very strong team of teachers, played over many years, it becomes a product that provides very serious career opportunities.

Note: The contents of the EMBA modules below are indicative and may be changed by the Dean of SSE Russia

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

  • Module 13. Leadership

    You are constantly faced with the need to lead, manage and influence people. This module focuses on the art and science of leadership and people leadership. Particular attention is paid to the competencies of the manager. We will look at effective leadership models and discuss influential leaders in various fields. Practical exercises will help you improve your decision-making and negotiation skills. To improve your persuasion skills, you will be placed in a situation in which you will have the opportunity to improve your speaking skills. This final human relations module is mainly based on practical exercises. Analysis and feedback from your classroom presentation to an audience is designed to help you improve your rhetoric, negotiation, and personal strategies for success.

  • Module 14. Strategic Business Planning

    Recent events have shown that the only thing we know for sure about the future is that it is uncertain. This uncertainty can be broken down into two parts, which will form the basis of this module. First, we look at “measurable uncertainty” through marketing strategy and tactical decisions, including pricing and investment analysis, that are used in management accounting. Second, we will not stop there and go further, because we believe that the creative imagination of “unmeasurable uncertainty” is even more important for our future success. Questions will be discussed such as: "What compromise should be made regarding the short and long term when drawing up a strategic business plan?" As part of this module, you will also have the opportunity to develop and defend your strategic business plan, tailored to the current difficult economic situation.

  • Module 15. Learning experiences

    A distinctive feature of this module is that its content is based on the wishes of the participants expressed during the two-year course of study. The module includes a business game on the management of companies in knowledge-intensive industries and integrates the knowledge and experience gained during several previous modules of the program. You will be able to prove yourself by participating in a detailed examination of a successful role model - you will have to analyze the activities of a well-known company. As a rule, this module takes place abroad, so its specific content will depend on the venue. An example of a question that a manager will have to answer: "What important lessons can be learned from analyzing a model company and how to apply this knowledge in your day-to-day work?"

  • Project of implementation of changes "Leading Change"

    The Leading Change project is primarily focused on the development of conceptual thinking and effective change management skills in various areas such as strategy, human resources, business processes and corporate culture.
    It is based on an algorithm for finding and diagnosing a "problem" in an organization. Using causal analysis under the prism of various management tools, the team of participants develops and implements a coherent strategy to identify and solve the "problem" in response to any challenges of the organizational environment.

  • Leadership Development

    Leadership is the ability to change the world with and with other people. A leader needs knowledge and skills. In order to lead others, you first need to learn to understand yourself. It is also very important to creatively create your own leadership approach from the entire set of knowledge and skills and use it effectively at every moment of organizational development.

    The leadership development program focuses on three blocks:

    • Learn to better understand yourself through individual coaching and creating a personal development contract.
    • Learn to better understand yourself and others through a variety of group tasks and training.
    • To provide program participants with theoretical models of modern leadership.
  • Executive MBA Dissertation

    An important part of the program is the dissertation for the Executive MBA degree, the work on which contributes to the development of students' deep understanding of the basics of management and critical thinking skills, as well as increases the level of their analytical abilities. The Executive MBA thesis builds on the knowledge gained from the modules, but expands and deepens them in part by systematizing the participants' work on collecting and analyzing data. The main requirement for graduate work of the Stockholm School of Economics is the presence of both theoretical and practical parts. Therefore, the topic of such work may be, for example, an actual business problem faced by a participant's own company or the industry as a whole. The work on the dissertation begins in the first semester with the choice of a topic. Then, over the next semesters, the project develops, and the results of its development are discussed with the leader. Thus, the quality of work is constantly improving. At the end of the last semester, an Executive MBA thesis is defended before a panel of invited examiners who are not staff members of the Stockholm School of Economics.

  • Exams and graduation

    The knowledge of the program participants is systematically tested through assignments performed between modules and during modules, and special exams are taken at the end of each semester. The results of these exams and the Executive MBA thesis constitute the final marks at the end of the program. The program concludes with a graduation ceremony, where all participants who have successfully completed the requirements are awarded an Executive Master of Business Administration diploma, confirming the Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree.

Recently, we have been receiving more and more questions about MBA programs, so in this article we will talk about the main features and the difference between a classic MBA program and an Executive MBA.

By the way, if you are thinking and choosing between an MBA and a master's program, it will be useful for you - here we will talk about the key differences and who these programs are suitable for.

In general, both programs (MBA and EMBA) are very similar in content and learning objectives, but they are conducted in completely different formats and are aimed at different target groups.

PeculiaritiesMBA programs:

  • The program is designed for professionals and managers of the middle level (low to middle level management) with 3-5 years of work experience. The average age on the program depends on the school - in the USA it is usually slightly lower - 25-26 years old, in Europe and Asia - 27-28 years old.
  • The goal of the program is to provide a set of skills and knowledge necessary for a manager that will make it possible to make a significant leap in a career and / or change the industry immediately after the end of the program.
  • Most of the programs are full-time - intensive, full-time, full immersion training
  • Duration of most MBA programs: 1 year in Europe, 2 years in North America
  • For top schools, it is compulsory to pass the GMAT, the GPA is approx. 700

Features of the programsExecutive MBA:

  • The program is designed for top-level managers with work experience of 9-10 years. Most candidates have an average of 14-15 years of work experience. The average age for EMBA programs is 39-40 years.
  • If for MBA most students want to change the company / industry, then for EMBA it is assumed that you grow within the company (many EMBA students are sponsored by employing companies). Of course, a post-EMBA field is possible, but this is not the main goal of the program.
  • The format of training for EMBA programs is part-time, most students combine work and study. Be sure to look in more detail about this format in each school, because it can vary significantly - in many schools it is assumed that about once every two months you fly to study for several days, but there are also a number of programs where studies take place almost every weekend (for example , at London Business School or ESADE)
  • Also, in some schools, a significant part of the study is supposed to be done independently online, with a minimum number of classes directly at the school (for example, for the Executive MBA at IE Business School and IMD).
  • For top schools, you need to take a GMAT or Executive Assesment (an alternative GMAT test created specifically for applicants for EMBA programs), although many schools make exceptions (for example, you already have an MBA or a first business education, or seeing your experience the commission believes that it will not be necessary to pass the exam). At the same time, there are quite a few strong schools where you will not need to take the GMAT.

Our clients successfully entered the MBA and EMBA programs at schools: INSEAD (France, Singapore), HEC Paris, IE, EADA, LBS, Cass Business School, EMLYON, Babson College, HKUST and many others. other.


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