How to apply manure to the greenhouse in autumn. Proper land preparation in the greenhouse in the fall. How to cultivate the soil in a greenhouse in autumn

Autumn work in the greenhouse is very important, as it will be very correct to take care of the country assistant, who constantly gives us the opportunity to grow a quality crop. Caring for a greenhouse in the fall is an important step in preparing a summer cottage for winter.

Proper preparation of the greenhouse and careful care will ensure it for many years of life, which means that once purchased or built with your own hands, the greenhouse will serve you for a very long time. In addition, by taking care of the greenhouse in a timely manner and properly preparing it for wintering, you can ensure the safety of future plants, keep the soil in the greenhouse healthy and fertile.

Greenhouse cleaning in autumn

After the crop is harvested, it is necessary to clean the greenhouse well so that nothing superfluous is left in it - roots, crumbling seeds, withered or dry stems, and so on.

All plant residues must be removed from the greenhouse and burned. After that, carefully remove 5-7 cm of soil, since most of the harmful plants are located in this layer.

The greenhouse in autumn also requires the collection of larvae. This is unpleasant, but necessary. Try to develop the soil and pay attention to the collection of larvae, because next year they can seriously spoil the crop.

Digging the soil in the greenhouse, you will not be able to detect and destroy all the larvae, but there is a more effective way to help clean the soil from pests - sifting the soil.

Autumn disinfection of the greenhouse

It is very important to take care of the health of the soil, which can be seriously contaminated. During the entire warm period, we constantly create a comfortable climate (the warmth of the greenhouse and watering creates comfortable conditions) for the reproduction of various microorganisms, and even though we destroy some of them in time, many still remain in the greenhouse. Fighting infections and various pests in the greenhouse is necessary so that next year you start growing crops in absolutely healthy soil.

First of all, the soil layer must be replaced, the rest of the soil must be sifted, and only then the next steps should be taken.

If you remove a layer of soil from the greenhouse, then it is impossible to replace it with earth from the garden or vegetable garden, from under other plants.

Next, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the racks, greenhouse frame, film or other covering, from dust, dirt, and so on. After that, the fumigation of the greenhouse room and the greenhouse structure should be carried out. You can use sulfur blocks or sulfur itself for this, 70-80 g per square meter of the greenhouse. Having spread the sulfur or checkers evenly over the territory of the greenhouse, spray the structures abundantly with water to increase toxicity, and light the sulfur. After, close the greenhouse, but be sure to observe the process.

When fumigating a greenhouse, be sure to use a gas mask and protective gloves.

After fumigation, disinfection of the greenhouse should be completed with the next step - ventilation and additional processing. By opening doors and windows wide, expel toxic gases from the greenhouse after several hours of fumigation. Wash glass or plastic surfaces, greenhouse structure well. This can be done using a solution of pemoxol (1-2%) and nylon brushes. After such washing, it is necessary to rinse all surfaces with clean water, preferably from a hose.

Fertilization and soil protection

Next, we return to the soil in the greenhouse again. It must be fertilized with high quality, using peat, humus, manure, at the rate of half a bucket for each square of the greenhouse. Then, sprinkle the soil in the greenhouse with ashes and sand, about a liter per square, and cover the soil with straw.

When the first snow falls, it must be brought into the greenhouse and abundantly covered with soil, making a layer of 15-20 cm (but more is possible if there is enough snow). In this way, you can provide additional protection of the soil from freezing, as well as spring replenishment of the soil with moisture when the snow begins to melt in spring.

Cleaning and processing of the greenhouse structure

A greenhouse in autumn requires not only soil care, but also special measures in relation to the frame. It must be thoroughly washed and dried, but do not forget about the cover.

First of all, you will need to thoroughly wash the glass or film cover. The film covering is washed on the frame, rinsed, dried and rolled up. Glass is washed as standard, with a frame.

If we talk only about the frame, then it must be treated with bleach. Mix 400 g of bleach in 10 liters of water, leave for 3-4 hours and stir occasionally. The liquid is great for spraying the soil, and the resulting thick at the bottom of the bucket is for coating the frame of the greenhouse.

Preparing bleach for autumn processing greenhouses, ensure proper care and for garden tools, which can also be soaked in this solution.

If the greenhouse is made of wood, then in the autumn it is treated with freshly slaked lime, adding copper sulfate to it. The processing of greenhouse containers - glasses, boxes and other items for use, is done with boiling water. It is advisable to do this immediately after harvest.

In addition, the metal parts of the greenhouse can be treated with kerosene before winter, and the wooden parts can be tinted.

Strengthening the frame of the greenhouse

Strengthening the frame of the greenhouse is very important even if the winter in your region is not very snowy and not very severe. The thing is that only some greenhouses can withstand a lot of weight, while the main number of greenhouses can withstand an average of 200-400 g / m2, then the weight begins to put pressure on the frame, it bends, the greenhouse collapses.

The amount of snow in different winters is very different, especially if you take into account some regions. Therefore, the frame of the greenhouse must be strengthened so that it can easily withstand 30-50 cm of snow. This is necessary if the greenhouse is located on a suburban area and you do not have the opportunity to remove snow from its roof.

To strengthen the frame of the greenhouse, props are used, which will take on a certain part of the weight, preventing the frame from bending or breaking due to excessive pressure from above. Supports should be installed under the main frame, as well as its logs. Do not allow the length of any part of the frame to be one and a half meters or more without a special support.

The support is installed under the frame and fixed on it so that, due to pressure, it does not jump out and break through the cover of the greenhouse if the frame drops sharply under weight. The lower part of the support rests on the ground; also, a stone or brick can be installed under it.

If the cover is removed from the greenhouse, it is not necessary to install props.

Preparing the greenhouse for autumn, special work, processing the frame and soil - very important processes, which can not only extend the life of the greenhouse, but also help in the cultivation of quality crops every year.

Today, as in all previous times, the main fertilizer in agriculture is manure. The manure of different animals contains different amounts of the main nutrients - nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5), potassium (K2O), as well as different number of trace elements.

Nutrient content in manure, g/kg

Mullein 5,4–5,6 2,3–2.8 6
Horse 5,9–6,9 2,4–2,6 5,9–7,2
Pork 5–8,4 3,2–5,8 4,2–
Sheep 8,6–14 4,7–4,8 8,8–12
Veal 7 5,5 7,2

The quality of manure directly depends on the quality of animal feed, if, for example, a cow grazes on the side of a highway, then her manure will contain a lot of heavy metals.

The use of manure as a fertilizer.

Fresh manure can only be applied under pumpkin, rutabaga, celery, dill, raspberries, roses. Fresh manure is also used as a biofuel for heating the soil. But for other crops, as well as to increase soil fertility, only rotted manure should be applied!

It is permissible to lay fresh manure under fruit trees - apple trees, plums, pears. This should be done in early spring. When laying manure in the trunk circle, step back a few centimeters from the trunk itself so as not to burn the bark.

All the "fertilizer value" of fresh manure is spent in the year of application, that is, this type of manure does not contribute much to the formation of humus, which is why humus is used to create sustainable fertility.

On a potato field, under fruit bushes and trees, rotted manure is brought in in the fall. It is advisable to bring it to the beds in the spring, on the day of planting. When sowing vegetables with seeds, rotted manure is brought into furrows (500–700 g per linear meter), when planting seedlings - into holes (250–500 g each). Fertilizer should be separated from the roots of seedlings and seeds with a layer of earth.

Usual application dose


Manure on light soils 40–60 kg per m², on heavy soils 30–35 kg per m², application rate


One third less than fresh manure.

Manure in the greenhouse.

The stuffing of greenhouses can be done in the fall, compacting the biofuel to prevent premature heating, loosen it in the spring and pour a layer of nutrient soil on top.

Spring stuffing of greenhouses should be done as soon as the soil inside the greenhouse thaws. In place of the beds, they dig a trench, bring in a loose layer of biofuel, in our case, manure, pour hot water over it, cover it with soil about 20–25 cm thick, then cover it with a film to cause the combustion process.

It is advisable to carry out such stuffing under cucumbers, and plant tomatoes next year, otherwise they will fatten - give a lot of greenery and few fruits.

Manure is rotted manure.

When rotting, manure loses about 50-60% of its mass, in addition, during this process, all nitrogen evaporates. To prevent the loss of the initial volume of organic matter, it is necessary to block the access of oxygen from the air to the manure mass. This can be achieved by a strong compaction of the manure heap, then the manure will not heat up much and quickly decompose, and even with long-term storage it will be in the semi-decomposed stage.

How to make a quality humus.

When there is no goal of quickly obtaining humus, it is advisable to first put the manure in a loose pile to allow it to burn out within a week, and then strongly compact the pile to block oxygen access, cover with polyethylene. In this case, the combustion process slows down, then completely stops. After that, the manure can be stored without fear of a significant loss of its volume.

Top dressing with diluted manure (mullein).

Slurry or mullein (1 bucket of fresh manure per 10 buckets of water) is a well-known potassium-nitrogen fertilizer in which all nutrients are in a dissolved state. Even in winter, mullein is applied to the frozen ground at 1.5–2 liters per m². In the summer they are used for composting and for top dressing. One part of the slurry is diluted with 3-4 parts of water (the proportion depends on the strength of the slurry), plants are fed with the resulting solution at the rate of 1-2 liters per m².

The unpleasant smell of slurry can be reduced by adding valerian along with the root to the container.

Discussion of ways and methods of application of manure.

To harvest a rich crop of cucumbers and tomatoes from the greenhouse, you need to take care of the quality of the soil. To enrich the soil, it is recommended to use special mixtures that can be purchased at gardening stores. If it is not possible to buy ready-made mixtures, you can use other methods of soil preparation in greenhouses. Farmers will tell about the secrets of preparatory work on the site in the greenhouse.

Autumn work

Soil preparation in the greenhouse begins in the fall immediately after harvesting. From the site it is necessary to remove all the remnants of sprouts and branches. The soil should be dug up with high quality, removing the roots and leaves that could remain in the depth of the soil. To disinfect the structure, it is necessary to dilute lime in warm water and treat metal and wooden elements with the resulting solution. Glass or film must be treated with chlorine solution. To disinfect the soil, you can also use bleach, which is introduced into the soil and distributed with a rake.

spring processing

Before sowing crops, biofuel must be introduced into the soil. It could be:

  • Horse or sheep manure.
  • Cow or pig waste.

In order for top dressing to bring maximum benefit, it must be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the greenhouse. The thickness of the mass must be at least 30 cm. After even distribution, we cover the manure with a layer of earth. Then, at a distance of each meter, we make holes, and pour hot water into each of them. Under the influence of hot liquid, the manure heats up and releases a large amount of heat, which contributes to an increase in the temperature in the greenhouse. After a week and a half, the temperature regime will be set at +35 degrees.

10 days after laying the manure, the soil should be moistened with warm water and beds should be formed. A week before the proposed planting of seedlings, the soil must be fertilized with ammonium nitrate or potassium sulfate.

Preparing for planting cucumbers

Soil preparation in the greenhouse for cucumbers begins in the fall. Immediately after harvesting, the area is cleared of stems and other debris. For cucumbers, it will be useful to fertilize the soil with ash from burnt stems and dry leaves. Moreover, fertilizer is applied before digging the earth. Thanks to this approach, useful substances are evenly distributed over the surface and in the depth of the soil.

To harvest a rich crop of cucumbers, in the fall, the soil must be fertilized with compost and superphosphate. This is especially true for depleted areas. If top dressing was not carried out in the fall, this can be done in the spring, pouring fertilizer directly into the wells. Well enriches the earth with humus, used at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 sq. area meter.

In autumn, during the period of digging up a plot in a greenhouse, clods of earth should not be broken. In this case, the moisture accumulated during the winter will seep out and moisten the lower layers of the soil. This will allow the cucumber seeds to sprout faster and grow with strong stems. If you dig the soil to the depth of a bayonet, and do not break the clods, then insect larvae and weed seeds will die under the influence of frost.

Seedling feeding

Soil preparation in the greenhouse in spring should include fertilizing the soil with fertilizers. When planting cucumbers and tomatoes, fertilizer should be applied to the wells. If this has not been done, the first feeding is carried out 7 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Then, after another two weeks, a second portion of fertilizers is applied.

If there is a weak growth of seedlings, it is recommended to use organic compounds in addition to mineral supplements. In polycarbonate structures, soil preparation in a greenhouse for tomatoes in spring is carried out using manure. Manure is pre-soaked in water and settled for 2-3 days. Then, after thoroughly mixing the composition, for every 10 liters add 20 grams of superphosphate and fertilize the seedlings.

Basic Rules

In order for tomatoes and cucumbers grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse to have an excellent taste, it is recommended to carry out the following actions every season:

  • After harvesting in autumn, carefully clean the area from dry branches and leaves.
  • Greenhouse construction treated with bleach.

  • When digging the soil, do not break the blocks.
  • Apply fertilizer.
  • In the spring, re-dig the site and fertilize with mineral additives.
  • To enrich the soil, use green manure plants.

You can learn about the proper preparation of the soil in greenhouses from the video clip.

As a result

Getting a large crop with excellent taste depends on the correct and timely preparation of the land in the greenhouse. Given the depletion of the soil, it is important to carry out autumn and spring top dressing of the soil. It is not recommended to plant the same crop on the site every season. The change of crops and the use of green manure plants, in combination with top dressing, will allow you to get a large crop of tomatoes and cucumbers.

After harvesting, the question arises: what to do with the soil in the greenhouse in the fall, is a complete replacement of the fertile layer required, or do you just need to clean, disinfect, and feed the soil? Proper preparation of the land in a greenhouse for winter will make the soil for the next crops loose, saturated with useful substances, trace elements, moisture, air, safe, free of viruses and pests, so that the next harvest season will be fertile.

How to prepare the land in a greenhouse for winter - a set of measures

Pathogenic insects and infections are very tenacious, they settle not only in the ground, but also spread throughout the greenhouse. In order to completely get rid of diseases, you must first carry out general cleaning premises:

  • take out tools and equipment;
  • clean the soil from plant residues;
  • wash walls, ceiling, joints, knots, interfaces with soapy water;
  • treat the frame with copper sulphate, cover the wooden frame with slaked lime, metal - clean the rust, prime it, paint it with paint, wash the polycarbonate with a solution of potassium permanganate.

A greenhouse made of wood should be fumigated with sulfur bombs, which disinfect well not only the structure, but also the ground, metal buildings should be pickled again with a concentrated solution blue vitriol. And only after these measures to decontaminate the structure, the preparation of the land in the greenhouse begins in the fall.

Watch the video on how to properly wash and prepare the greenhouse.

How to prepare land for a greenhouse - general rules

  • Thermal, involves heating the soil up to 700 ° C with a special thermogenerator, for private greenhouses it is unprofitable to buy expensive equipment, so steaming is replaced by solarization. The beds are abundantly watered with boiling water, covered with a thick black film, the edges are pressed down with a load, the process lasts a day. Next, the film is opened, the soil is dug up, loosened, and the remains of the roots are manually selected. For complete disinfection, the procedure must be repeated at least 3 times.

For solarization, it is correct to use a black, opaque, dense film

  • Chemical disinfection is carried out in 3 stages: first, bleach is scattered on the surface of the beds, 100 g per 1 m 2, then it is well watered with a manganese solution, then they are dug up and harrowed.
  • The biological method is considered the safest, it allows you to destroy infections, enrich the soil, improve its structure, therefore the biomethod is most popular among experienced gardeners. After harvesting, the land is enriched with EM preparations: azotophyte, trichodermin, phytosporin, stubble biodestructor, phytocide, etc., then green manure is planted on the beds.

See how the land is cultivated in a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall.

How to improve the soil in a greenhouse

After disinfection, the land should be prepared, which takes place in several stages:

  • sprinkled with wood ash;
  • apply fertilizers, the choice of which is determined by the cultivated crop;
  • abundantly watered with potassium permanganate, copper sulfate;
  • a layer of compost, sawdust, peat, sandstone is poured on top; 1 bucket of fertilizer per 2 m 2 of land is recommended to enrich the fruitful layer.
  • they dig, loosen, manually select the remaining roots - the measures will help to better freeze the soil in the cold.

The soil must be dug up and plant residues selected

Important: Enriching the earth with organic fertilizers: peat, manure, compost, it is necessary to understand that with these useful components it is possible to infect the soil with phytophthora. To avoid contamination of the land, experienced gardeners limit themselves to ash, sandstone and sawdust, coupled with a stubble biodestructor.

How and how to disinfect the earth in a greenhouse in the fall

If the greenhouse was not infected during the season, then general preventive measures to decontaminate the land are sufficient. In the case of diseases and pests, it is necessary to adopt more stringent methods of disinfection.

Good to know: Abundant cultivation of land in a greenhouse with copper sulfate reduces the intensity of soil respiration by 2 times, increases the release of nitrous oxide into the air, and makes it difficult for plants to access phosphorus and iron.

Land cultivation in a greenhouse in autumn with a solution of 40% formalin is considered one of the effective ways destruction of harmful bacteria, infections, the composition even kills eggs and insect larvae. For high-quality disinfection, it is necessary to shed the beds in the greenhouse well, per 1 m 2 / 1 liter of solution.

Biopharmaceuticals are another successful way preparation and disinfection of the land in the greenhouse in autumn. They destroy diseases, larvae, insect eggs, successfully fight infections, and also:

  • have a positive effect on soil structure;
  • bind heavy metals;
  • help to decompose organic matter;
  • stimulate the action of fertilizers;
  • reduce the effect of pesticides.

Considering the question of how to fertilize the land in a greenhouse in the fall, you should pay attention to phytosporin. This is a universal means of biological action, one of the best preparations, and will neutralize it from phytophthora, black leg, powdery mildew, gommosis, fusarium, various fungi and mold. The substance must be dissolved in a small amount of water, as indicated in the instructions on the package, dilute 100 ml of the concentrate in 200 liters of water, stir, shed the beds well.

Photo advice on how to properly feed closed ground

Phytocide is the most powerful biofungicide of antimicrobial action, 5 liters of a substance diluted according to the instructions are enough per hundred square meters. More often it is used for seed treatment and spraying of plants, watering the land in the greenhouse with the preparation in the fall allows you to speed up the processing of complex mineral and organic matter, I stimulate the production of useful substances from them for plants: humus, nitrogen, phosphorus.

Still not sure how to cultivate the land in a greenhouse? A fairly useful drug is azotophyte, which increases soil fertility. The beds are dug up, treated with a preparation of 1 m2 / 10 g of azotophyte, harrowed so that useful substances get 50-100 mm deep. Such treatment will improve the germination of seeds in the spring, the survival rate of seedlings, the plants become more resistant to infectious diseases.

The scourge of greenhouses is pathogenic microorganisms. The accumulation of spores of dangerous fungi and bacteria leads to severe infectious diseases of agriculture, the problem is especially relevant when growing tomatoes. Green manures help to neutralize, treat the earth in the greenhouse, their developed roots allow useful macro- and microelements to be moved to the surface from the deep layers of the soil. For closed ground, it is optimal to sow mustard.

On the diagram helpful tips how to feed the soil

Important: Phytophthora is the most tenacious infection in the greenhouse. The cultivation of land in a greenhouse contaminated with phytophthora should take place in several stages: thermal, chemical and biological control methods. Before disinfecting the soil in the greenhouse from phytophthora, it is necessary to make solarization, shed copper sulphate, and then disinfect, enrich, treat with biological preparations.

The video presents expert advice on how to disinfect the soil in a greenhouse, the video tells in detail how to properly disinfect.

Replacing soil in a greenhouse in autumn

Despite the huge number of modern, potent drugs that help to effectively fight diseases and insects, experienced experts recommend replacing the contaminated land in the greenhouse:

  • if desired, renew, improve the fertile soil - 50 -100 mm;
  • if the soil in the greenhouse is heavily affected by the infection, then it is necessary to change the layer of earth 200-300 mm.

For contaminated land from the greenhouse, it is necessary to allocate a separate area, away from the garden, it is desirable to enclose the site. The soil is formed with a layer of no more than 200 mm, wakes up with bleach, mixes well, spills with a 10% solution of copper sulphate and is left to freeze for the winter. Processed, disinfected soil can be returned to the greenhouse in 1-2 years. In case of severe infection, it is not recommended to re-use the soil; after freezing, it is better to scatter it over the area with a thin layer.

To replace it, you can buy a fertile, balanced soil mixture from a company that specializes in the preparation of different compositions, based on the characteristics of agriculture. It is much more economical to prepare the composition with your own hands. The best recipe for replacing land in a greenhouse is a mixture prepared according to the recipe:

  • sod land or soil from the garden - 1 part;
  • river sand - 1 part;
  • humus, depending on the quality of the land - 2-3 parts;
  • peat - 5 parts.
Good to know: To avoid soil fatigue, rotate your crops. Properly selected plants, for example, tomatoes, basil and sweet peppers, also have a beneficial effect on the harvest, and dill favorably affects cucumbers.

In order to prepare the soil of the greenhouse with your own hands for the winter, you need to take into account the problems that have occurred in the current season. If your tomatoes or cucumbers have been susceptible to such diseases, then a neglect of this fact will leave you without a crop in the next season.

Greenhouse cleaning

The most reliable option is to remove large tops with your own hands and remove a five-centimeter layer of earth with a shovel. This will save the soil from a large number of pests that hibernate at shallow depths, such as pupae of the Butterfly Scoop or Medvedka. In addition, most of the weed seeds that can cause a lot of trouble next summer are eliminated in this way. The soil taken from the greenhouse must be folded in the designated place, sprinkled with a small amount of lime. In this state, it must be kept for at least a year, after which it can be brought back into the greenhouse.

We treat the soil

Preparing the greenhouse for winter must be accompanied by this stage. Since there are a lot of diseases that affect our plantings, the methods of their treatment are also diverse. Some tools can be purchased at the store, and some do it yourself. We will consider only some of the sores that affect tomatoes and cucumbers, as these are the most common greenhouse crops in our area.

To save work time in the spring, when there are already enough worries, it is advisable to start fertilizing the greenhouse in the fall. The composition of fertilizers applied to greenhouses in autumn depends on the crops that are planned to be cultivated in the next year.

When preparing fertilizers with your own hands, it is very important not to overdo it. An excess of some mineral and organic substances leads to the fact that the quality of the soil in the greenhouse drops so much that you can not even think about a good harvest.

In addition, be sure to consider soil properties such as acidity and friability. To reduce the acidity of the soil during work on its fertilizer, you can add eggshells, lime. To improve friability, sawdust or sand can be added to the soil. This measure is usually used for heavy clay soils with poor moisture absorption. Here again, the measure must be observed, since an excessive decrease in acidity can lead to the fact that the soil will become alkaline, and an excessive amount of sand or sawdust will disrupt the water exchange in the soil.

Strengthening the frame structure

All soil preparation work in a greenhouse or greenhouse can go to waste if you do not take care of strengthening the frame before the onset of winter. Winters in our area are long and snowy. This leads to the fact that a large amount of snow sweeps up on the roofs of buildings. In some areas of our country, the estimated snow pressure on the roof in winter reaches 560 kilograms per square meter. Of course, if the roof of the greenhouse has a large slope angle, then this figure is much less. But we should not forget that the materials for greenhouses are light, and the frames are made of their thin profiles. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen the greenhouse with additional arcs or props. Props are easy to make with your own hands from wood, the main thing is that they are securely fixed. If the lower end rests on the ground, then you need to put something flat under the prop, otherwise the prop will begin to sink into the ground.

If the frame design provides for a flat roof, then you can cover it with thick plywood. In this case, the supports can be installed at a large interval.

For greenhouses and greenhouses made of polycarbonate with a rounded roof, it is necessary to strengthen the frame with additional arcs, which, as a rule, are included in the kit.


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