Income from agriculture. Promising business ideas in agriculture. Business in agriculture

Agriculture is an ancient branch of business, which can be called quite profitable. Everything that is now sold on the shelves grocery stores- dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, eggs and much more are the result of this activity.

Of course, many can immediately say that now the leading place is occupied by products from abroad, and therefore the opening of such a business will be unprofitable. It's not like that at all! environmentally friendly and organic products are always in high demand. And knowing the right approach, developing a cost-effective idea and finding outlets for finished products are all the main indicators of a competent investment. And in order to avoid difficulties at the initial stage, you can use ideas to open your own business in the field of agriculture.

This is a profitable and fast payback business. First of all, you need to choose a profitable industry.

Breeding rabbits

is a very profitable option. In addition to the fact that the meat of these animals has good qualities and have a high cost, so also the rate of their reproduction is quite high. By about 3-4 months, the animal has a commercial value.

Rabbits are highly prolific. The gestation period lasts about a month. After giving birth, the female is ready for fertilization. At a time, a rabbit can bring an average of 12 cubs. Therefore, you can be sure that this business will pay off in a short time.

It is best to start with 5 rabbits. From this amount per year, on average, you can get up to 300 kilograms of dietary meat.

For divorce, you can use the breed:

  • gray giant;
  • butterfly;
  • Californian;
  • black-brown;
  • Viennese blue;
  • flandre;
  • soviet marder;
  • veil silver;
  • rabbit ram;
  • Russian ermine;
  • downy;
  • silver.

Before you start breeding, be sure to calculate the costs.

Cost calculation:

  • The cost of renting land is from 20 to 100 thousand rubles, it all depends on the region.
  • Acquisition or self-construction of cages for keeping animals - from 10 to 40 thousand.
  • The purchase of rabbits in the amount of 60 pieces - from 20 to 30 thousand, it also all depends on the region.
  • Feed expenses per year - from 50 thousand to 100 thousand.
  • The salary of an employee for the year is about 120 thousand.

On average, for a year of work it will take from 218 to 390 thousand rubles.

Income calculation:

  • Income from the sale of meat products. If you have 40 rabbits and 20 males, then you can get 20 rabbits from each female in a year. As a result, there will be 800 of them per year. Each weighs 1.9 kilograms, which means that 1.5 kg of pure meat comes out. A kilogram of rabbit meat costs an average of 200-250 rubles. From meat per year you can get up to 375 thousand rubles.
  • Income from the sale of skins. 1 skin costs 200 rubles, so 800 skins will cost 160 thousand rubles.

In the first year you can earn about 535 thousand rubles.

Sheep breeding

What you need to open:

  • First of all, you need to implement a milk production plan. It consists of 3 stages:
    • Training. The search for funds for the development of the business, the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and buyers of products. Duration is 5-7 months.
    • Arrangement. At this stage, it is necessary to build a barn, a milking parlor, purchase equipment and feed. This stage will take 4-5 months.
    • Work process. At this stage, direct action is carried out. This includes the production of feed, the sale of milk and dairy products.
  • Feed production. To reduce feed costs, it is better to produce it yourself. For growing fodder crops, land should be used, which will be located near the farm. As fodder crops, it is desirable to use spring vetch, corn, clover, oats, perennial grasses. For production, it is necessary to build a workshop. It will cost about 150-200 thousand rubles. Cows should be fed hay and silage. For deoxidation, soda is added to the feed.
  • Works on the production and marketing of dairy products. To do this, you can purchase your own milk bottling and packaging line. The bottling and packaging process uses high temperature processing. Packaged products are transported to distribution points. Unprocessed milk can be sold to factories that specialize in milk processing.

In the future, it will be possible to expand the farm and increase the number of livestock.

Growing vegetables

Food production is a lucrative business because food is always in high demand and in high demand. Especially profitable is the cultivation of vegetables. At the first stage, you need to consider:

  • Place for landing. First of all, you need to find a plot of land for cultivation. The soil must be of good quality and fertile. Therefore, an analysis is necessarily carried out to identify soil pollution with nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals.
  • Choice of vegetables. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the market for the most popular options. You can choose potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.
  • Variety selection. The variety is selected according to climatic conditions region.

Where can you sell products?

  • Selling at wholesale and retail market. At these points you can get high profit with fast turnover. But there must be a vehicle for transporting vegetables.
  • Sales of products to wholesalers. This method will save transportation and transport costs, but the cost of vegetables will be lower.
  • Sales to shops, supermarkets, restaurants.
  • Cultivation for a specific buyer.

What will you spend on:

  • costs for planting material;
  • purchase of plant protection products from pests;
  • purchases of fertilizers;
  • the cost of renting land, building and repairing structures;
  • costs for the purchase and maintenance of transport;
  • expenses for payment of utility bills;
  • payment to the working staff.

In general, the level of income depends on the amount of vegetable output per 1 sq. m of land. Subject to all conditions, proper planting and further work for the full growth of plants, you can get a good harvest. Vegetables can always be sold at a good price.


One of the most demanded areas of entrepreneurship is business in countryside. Competition in the industry is low, there are many unclaimed land resources. You can start a business from scratch with the construction of a small agricultural farm for breeding livestock, beekeeping or growing vegetables. The prospect of business development will be the expansion and industrial processing of manufactured goods.

How to choose a direction

Ideas for creating an agricultural business are different. You need to choose, taking into account various factors:

Such areas of business have different profitability, payback period of projects, risks. The prospects of a particular idea are assessed comprehensively.

Promising areas of crop production

Start a horticulture business with clean slate real with minimal investment and risk. Land is purchased or leased. Sowing seeds and tilling the soil of a small area is done manually; agricultural machinery is used in large fields. The cycle of work on growing corresponding crops in open ground is eight months. The use of greenhouses allows you to grow vegetables all year round. Promising Ideas crop development business:

  • Cultivation in greenhouses of dill, parsley, coriander, lettuce, onions, radishes. The greenhouse must be made of polycarbonate, equipped with a side ventilation system. It is recommended to grow greens using the conveyor method: one ton was removed and the same amount was planted. Plants are undemanding to fertilizers and care. The most profitable season for selling greenery is from February to April.
  • Growing potatoes. Agricultural projects for processing large areas involve the use of machinery. Productivity will provide varietal healthy tubers. Culture grows well in any climate. A startup will require significant investments in planting material and equipment, but the return on business will be high. Especially in the presence of warehouses for storing products.
  • Growing berries. Installing greenhouses is where you need to start a profitable berry business. In summer, you can get a crop in open ground, but in winter, heating and lighting of seedlings is necessary. Berries have a short shelf life, but sales in the autumn-winter season provide a profitability of 200-300%.

In addition to the above business options, you can cultivate crops, root crops, cabbage, flax, grapes, fruits.

Your business in the flower industry

Ideas for starting a flower business often come around the holidays. The demand for flowers exists all year round. You can organize a business for growing flowers even in a greenhouse in the attic of your own house, which will require its glazing. The roof slope is equipped with special blinds built into the double-glazed window, along with dormer windows and a heating system. This will ensure the temperature control of the greenhouse for growing plants.

For those who live in a metropolis, it is much easier to come up with a business idea and implement it. A large number of people and a great demand for goods and services in various fields gives rise to interesting and profitable ideas your business. But what about those people who live in small towns or villages? In this article, we will share with you best business ideas in agriculture and tell you how you can start your own business with minimal investment.

The main contribution to the development of business in a small town or village, of course, is made by a small number of people. But do not think that the only way to make money in the village is farming. Thanks to the development of new technologies, the introduction of the Internet, today there are many alternative options for earning money in agriculture.

Speaking about the relevance of business projects in this area, it is necessary to note the demand for agricultural products, which are needed by residents of small and large cities.

Especially the relevance of the development of the agricultural sector and the production of environmentally friendly products has grown now, when the market is ubiquitous large companies that offer products with pesticides and GMOs.

At the same time, the level of knowledge among people is increasing and there is a need for clean production without GMOs, which large companies are simply not able to supply to the market. This is where small business comes to the rescue, which, due to the peculiarities of taxation, small volumes of production, etc. can offer really high quality and pure products.

One article is not enough to list all the effective ways to make money in agriculture. Here we will give preference only to the most popular and cost-effective options.

Feature of business in agriculture

Creating a farm, of course, takes a lot of time and effort. To be successful in this business, you need to work hard. Therefore, rely on passive income not worth it here.

You need to determine the specifics of business development. This can be implemented in two directions: in a highly specialized breeding of animals, birds, etc. Or simply create your own agriculture, which is considered the most attractive direction in terms of profitability and profitability.

To open a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and get your hands on permits. It is also necessary to draw up a detailed business plan that will help analyze the competitive environment, see the pros and cons entrepreneurial activity, understand the threats and development prospects.

You will especially need to create a business plan if you plan to attract investors to start a business. No investor or bank will issue a loan if they do not familiarize themselves with detailed business a plan reflecting the production, organizational and financial part.

When creating a business plan, do not ignore hidden threats, calculate all possible weaknesses of the project.

Considering the specifics of business in agriculture, seasonality, weather conditions, etc. play an important role. Also, do not forget about the competitive environment, which will dictate its own rules and largely affect profits. Therefore, before entering the market with your proposal, analyze it and find a niche that is not filled.

Calculate the payback, the cost of purchasing equipment, raw materials, outline the way to sell products. It is quite possible that after writing a business plan, you will see that the available capital is not enough for you to open a business. Then you have to contact the bank or investors. This, in turn, will entail a new factor affecting the payback and miscalculation of profitability. Calculate these now economic indicators taking into account new inputs.

After drawing up a business plan, it will be necessary to resolve the issue with the land in local authorities authorities. If you decide to involve business partners, neighbors, relatives, etc. to open a project, be sure to conclude a farm agreement certified by a notary. This will make it possible in the future to avoid judicial strife and misunderstanding regarding the division of property, profits, etc.

After that, start building the structures that you will need to implement the project (shed, workshops, greenhouses, sheds, office buildings, etc.). It is necessary to conduct electricity, water, heat.

The next step will be the search for personnel, which will also require a lot of effort. Given the countryside, you won't have much choice in hiring staff. At the same time, the success of the enterprise depends entirely on the efficiency and specialization of employees. Therefore, before you start looking for staff, clearly outline the list of necessary requirements.

Top 10 Farming Ideas

Idea number 1. Greenhouse

To implement this idea, it is necessary to rent a small plot of land, build a greenhouse, purchase equipment and seeds.

For greenhouse farming and growing vegetables, herbs, it is necessary to purchase special equipment that will provide the plant with heat and light. In addition, it is necessary to think over the irrigation system in the greenhouse.

Before embarking on the implementation of this idea, you need to decide on the format of the business and the type of product that you plan to grow. To do this, you need to conduct a market analysis, study the competitive environment and determine distribution channels.

The analysis will allow you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project, calculate the payback and profitability of the business.

For different regions, depending on climate and saturation competitive environment, may be in demand different types vegetables and greens: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce, parsley.

To expand the sales market, you can take into account the seasonality of products and grow different vegetables in different seasons.

A well-equipped greenhouse allows you to get up to 5-6 crops per year.

To implement this type of business, it is necessary to pay attention not only production plan, greenhouse equipment and recruitment, but also marketing. It is important to think over distribution channels, find intermediaries.

One of the optimal solutions is to conclude a contract for the supply of products to a supermarket chain. This will allow you to reach financial stability and think about expanding your business.

We have already written about how this plan will allow you to calculate the payback of the business, profitability and assess the competitive environment.

Idea number 2. sunflower cultivation

One of the advantages of this type of business is little competition with high demand.

At the same time, sunflower cultivation does not require huge investments and can be implemented even by a novice entrepreneur.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to purchase seeds, rent a plot of land, equipment for sowing and workers. You also need to take care of the storage of seeds.

As for paperwork and taxation, a simple form of IP is suitable for this type of business.

If we talk about the very specifics of the cultivated crop, then it is very unpretentious, not subject to weather conditions, pests. Harvest after sowing occurs after 5 months. At minimal cost can count on good profit.

But if you decide to take on the cultivation of sunflowers, you must consider one factor. This culture completely selects all useful substances from the soil, therefore, within 5-7 years, nothing can be sown in this area. Therefore, take a plot in long term rental for sowing sunflower is not worth it.

If you want to focus only on growing sunflowers, you will have to rent a new plot every year.

Many entrepreneurs who invest in agriculture do the following. In the first year, they sow the field with sunflowers. And in the next 7-8 years, a greenhouse will be equipped on this site.

The profitability of the sunflower growing business covers investments by 2-3 times.

Idea number 3. Growing hazelnuts

This is enough profitable business, which is characterized by little competition with high demand. Hazelnut grows in Russia, mainly in the foothills.

As a home culture, this tree is not very common, which explains the lack of much competition in this segment. At the same time, hazelnuts do not take up much space, do not require much care, and tolerate weather fluctuations well.

And it’s not worth talking about the benefits and excellent taste of hazelnuts. Rich in fiber and high in fat, this nut is very popular among the population, used as a raw material for the manufacture of confectionery, cosmetic products.

In addition, interest in this business is due to the fact that hazelnuts can be sold in several directions:

  • raw;
  • in a purified form;
  • packaged and fried.

The nut kernel occupies about 50% of the total mass of the nut.

Before acquiring a plot of land for sowing hazel, it is necessary to analyze the soil. It should contain a rich composition of magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, the pH should not go beyond the limits of 6.8-7.2 units. Otherwise, you will not have to count on a high yield of hazelnuts.

Seedlings for hazelnuts should be only from vegetative propagation, and the interval for planting seedlings within 3-4 meters. For sowing one hectare of hazel, you need to purchase about 600 seedlings.

To reduce risks, use several varieties of hazel that will cross-pollinate. If you plan to implement a large-scale business, then select 2-3 rows for each type of plant.

During the first 5 years, while the hazel has not grown very much, it is recommended to plant the space between the rows with other crops that are in demand on the market. This, firstly, will allow you to immediately start making profits, and secondly, it will minimize risks as much as possible. Pay attention to early vegetables and herbs, such as onions, beets, potatoes, herbs. In any case, you will receive income from hazel only in the fifth or sixth year.

Idea number 4. Breeding meat breeds of chickens

From good points immediately it is necessary to note the profitability of this type of business. For breeding, broilers are considered the best breed. Chickens, depending on the species, may vary in color and weight.

To implement this business idea, you need to rent or build a room, buy cages, an incubator, food and the birds themselves.

To minimize the risk, choose your chicks very carefully.

Vegetable food is suitable as feed. At the same time, to reduce costs, you can rent a small plot of land and grow potatoes, greens, pumpkin, beets and carrots on your own.

The main type of risk this business is a common disease of chickens. Therefore, much attention must be paid to care, examination by a veterinarian, and high-quality feed.

Idea number 5. Breeding dwarf cows

This is a very exotic type of business that can bring good profits. The advantage of this entrepreneurial activity is the lack of competition, which will allow you to take a leading position in this niche in a short period.

One cow gives approximately 6-8 liters of milk per day. Milk yield depends on the breed, on quality care and feed.

To ensure this business, it is necessary to immediately take care of a good pasture, where dwarf cows will have good nutrition. The advantage is that the pasture for feeding dwarf cows needs 2-3 times less than for standard ones. From an economic point of view, keeping a standard one cow is not justified today. But dwarf cows show a very good business profitability with proper organization.

Another distinctive feature of keeping a dwarf cow is the taste of milk. It is much healthier and tastier and retains its freshness up to a day, without a refrigerator.

Idea number 6. Freezing vegetables and fruits

This type of business today is considered very promising and in demand. Despite the great competition, it has a good payback.

This type of production allows you to save useful vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables and store them for a long time in the freezer.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to rent a room, purchase equipment, a plant for cleaning and drying vegetables and fruits, a shock freezing chamber and a packaging machine.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately consider where it will be stored finished products until the moment of sale. A very important stage is the search for distribution channels, because each freezer costs a lot of money, so storing a large amount of products will be unprofitable.

Practice shows that the average payback of a business is 3-4 months.

Idea number 7. Implementation of chicken eggs

This business is similar to broiler farming. In terms of costs and equipment, it is necessary to purchase incubators, cages, and light for laying hens.

To start the project, you can purchase from 15 to 20 chickens. The principle of the business is simple - selling eggs on the market or through a chain of stores.

Given the great competition in this niche, it is necessary to think over the marketing strategy and distribution channel in advance. This business is distinguished by the fact that it makes a profit all year round, which allows you to receive a stable income and contributes to the establishment of stable trade relations.

Idea number 8. Growing oyster mushrooms

Growing mushrooms will allow you to reach a stable income in a fairly short time. Despite the high competition, there is a great demand for this category of goods. In addition, oyster mushrooms, unlike other varieties of mushrooms, are unpretentious.

The most minimal cost method is growing mushrooms on stumps. But the disadvantage of this method is low yield and long waiting time. In addition, you will be dependent on weather conditions, which increases financial risks.

Hemp for growing mushrooms must be clean, with a flat surface, without mold. The cultivation technology is quite simple. The stumps are soaked for three days in water, which allows you to create the necessary level of humidity. This level of humidity will be enough to lay the mycelium (seed).

Starting from May, the stumps are taken out into the garden, into the garden. This should only be done after the risk of frost has completely passed. Stumps should be in a shaded area. To increase productivity, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the stumps.

To implement this business idea, it is necessary to prepare a basement, a greenhouse.

Idea number 9. Harvesting and packaging of black soil

This startup is original and will help bring a good income, given the low competition in this area.

The principle of the idea is as follows. Elaboration and harvesting of black soil, which is characterized by a high content of nutrients for growing various crops. The main emphasis here must be placed on determining the target audience, which will allow you to properly organize the sales channel and reach a stable income.

The target audience of this business will be gardeners and farmers. Chernozem is a unique product that will allow farmers to increase their yields. The fact is that there are not so many fertile regions in Russia, so the purchase of high-quality black soil for growing plants, flowers, vegetables is relevant for many farmers.

Idea number 10. Breeding rabbits

Rabbit farming has become a popular farming business option in recent times.

The advantage of animal breeding is high profitability and quick payback, as well as ease of care. This makes rabbit breeding an ideal start-up for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Rabbit meat is a dietary product with high digestibility (90%). This favorably distinguishes it from the same pork, which is digested by 60%. Rabbit meat is low in fat and cholesterol, which makes it popular among young mothers, pregnant women, and people who are on a diet.

Business pays off within 8-9 months with proper planning. In addition to the direct supply of meat, farmers can breed rabbits for sale to other farms. This will allow you to organize business in two directions and eliminate the seasonality factor.

Another line of business activity may be the sale of rabbit skins. The disadvantage of this entrepreneurial activity is the high mortality among animals, which necessitates the purchase of high-quality feed, payment for veterinarian services.

Depending on the line of business, it is important to purchase the right breed of rabbits. Among a large number of breeds of rabbits, there are pure meat breeds, intermediate and skin.

It will be difficult for people who do not understand this area to purchase the right equipment and breeds of rabbits, so it is best to seek the help of experts. So, for example, meat breeds are not suitable for selling skins, since their wool is not good enough.

In this article, we have provided only a small list of business ideas for the agricultural sector that will help you start your own business with minimal investment.

Video. Profitable business ideas for agriculture

Since the early 2000s, a significant part of local agricultural products has disappeared from store shelves in Russia. They were replaced by imported vegetables, fruits and meat. Modern buyers are sincerely perplexed why it is easier to bring food from abroad than to produce the same in their own country. Moreover, the environmental friendliness of imported products often raises doubts. In the last decade, agribusiness has begun to regain lost ground, but is not yet able to fully meet the needs of the population.

The agricultural business in the Russian Federation is on the rise. Organs state power strongly encourage its development. Such a political decision is dictated by purely practical goals, because. most villages in the country are in a state of decay.

The development of business in the field of agriculture will bring additional revenues to the budget, and will also solve the problem of desolation of villages.

Small business operating in agriculture receives state support, which is expressed in:

  • obtaining soft loans to open a business;
  • gratuitous allocation of vacant territories for breeding animals or growing plants;
  • ensuring favorable conditions for the purchase of planting material;
  • subsidizing the development of agricultural business.

Despite the significant assistance for business from the authorities, new ideas in agriculture are difficult to implement. And for the most part, the difficulties are not associated with the presence of competitors in the industry, but with the actual implementation of the idea. To begin to receive a stable income, you will have to spend a lot of time and physical strength.

According to statistics, the average payback of an agricultural business is six months when growing vegetables, fruits, berries or herbs, and 2-3 years in animal husbandry. It is problematic to determine exactly which is the most profitable business in agriculture. The difficulty is due to the fact that two identical farms located in different regions of the country will be characterized by different profitability.

Popular destinations include:

  • crop production;
  • growing flowers or mushrooms;
  • animal husbandry;
  • poultry farming;
  • beekeeping.

When deciding how to open a business in agriculture, experienced farmers recommend taking into account not only the proximity of the territorial location of product sales outlets, but also the climatic conditions necessary for growing plants.

There is a standard scheme for how to start an agricultural business from scratch. The first obligatory point is the choice of the direction of business development.

There are several possible ways here:

  • general farming to grow several in-demand products;
  • transition to a highly specialized field (for example, from animal husbandry to the creation of an ostrich farm);
  • non-standard business ideas in agriculture that can generate a product that is not available from competitors;
  • work under the agriculture franchise scheme.

When choosing a direction for future activities, one should rely not on personal preferences, but on specific factors external environment which will have an impact on performance in the future.

First-order factors that determine the level of profitability of an agro idea:

  • value of own start-up capital, access to borrowed resources;
  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • staffing (as a rule, in the village there is an acute shortage of qualified and disciplined personnel, you should be ready at first to perform most of the functions yourself);
  • availability of state support in the selected industry.

If a small business is planned, then the processing of agricultural products is considered a promising area. Although more capital investment is likely to be required, weather conditions will have less of an impact on performance than with a standard farm.

Agriculture as a business is associated with impressive capital costs. However, not all farmers have the opportunity to implement the idea at the expense of only own funds. Therefore, it is necessary to look for investors and creditors.

No financial investment is possible without finished business plan, revealing comprehensive aspects of the functioning of the planned enterprise.

Entrepreneurs who have been working in the field of agribusiness for more than a year recommend what is the best way to start an agricultural business. Beginners should give preference to the crop direction. It requires minimal initial investment, and, therefore, there are no financial risks (especially if you manage to enlist state support). You will need a small plot of land and high-quality seeds for growing crops. Crop production is the most profitable business in agriculture, if you have your own private house with a large backyard garden, because allows you to save on purchase or rental payments. You can process one farm manually, while a larger business will require the involvement of equipment to work with plantings.

Popular areas of crop business for agriculture

  • growing berries (minus - low shelf life of products, plus - high profitability during the off-season);
  • cultivation of greenery (the advantage of the direction is the organization of a business at home, the assembly line method of work and the possibility of obtaining super-profits in the winter, the disadvantage is the presence of great competition);
  • planting potatoes (minus - significant costs for a startup, plus - profitability of the idea);
  • fruit growing (advantage - meager costs after planting trees, disadvantages - competition, long waiting period for the harvest).

Taking into account the specifics of the Russian climate, one production cycle in the middle lane will be 6 months. The rest of the time becomes a period of forced downtime. This shortcoming can be corrected if there is financial opportunity for the installation of greenhouses.

Your business in the flower industry

The second most popular business idea with agriculture is floriculture.

The advantage of this direction is the possibility of full-fledged year-round operation.

Plus, growing flowers requires a compact area.

Recently, the conversion of the attics of their own houses into greenhouses has become popular. In such places, flowers are provided with optimal growing conditions. The advantage of such a non-standard solution is the ability to save some of the funds for heating the greenhouse.

The organization of a flower garden in the attic will require installation:

  • glass ceilings through which the sun's rays can penetrate to the plants;
  • regulation of space heating;
  • dormer windows and blinds.

On average, it takes 180,000 rubles to equip an attic greenhouse with an area of ​​​​80 m2. The cost will pay off within six months.

During the holidays, of which there are many in Russia, floriculture is the most profitable and profitable business. Peak periods of sales will bring the greenhouse to full capacity in 2-3 years. The logical result of this is the opening of your own store selling fresh flowers, which eliminates the need to search for points of sale for goods.

Growing mushrooms is one of the profitable areas of agro business. The return from it is at least 40% of net profit. However, not every beginner can implement such an idea, because. industrial cultivation of mushrooms requires expensive equipment.

Artificial cultivation lends itself to:

  • Champignon;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • White mushrooms;
  • a number of other less popular types.

Each of them requires standard cultivation conditions.

To equip a mushroom greenhouse, you will need a suitable room in which a heating, ventilation and humidification system is installed.

It is obligatory to have cultivated chambers and a special substrate in which spores ripen - mycelium. Sowing takes place in special cells, where the water supply is automatically regulated and the balance of carbon dioxide suitable for mushrooms is maintained. Points of sale of products - chain supermarkets, classic format stores and counters. For this area of ​​agriculture, the franchising scheme is relevant.

The advantage of the mushroom growing business is the low need for labor resources. Modern greenhouses able to automate basic functions crop care. Thus, insignificant costs of doing business and high demand for products lead to excess profits.

animal husbandry

According to statistics, the consumption of meat and dairy products is increasing every year. The growth rate of livestock profitability exceeds the level of annual inflation, which makes animal breeding attractive for small and medium business sectors.

For a beginner in agriculture, three areas of animal husbandry are suitable:

  1. Breeding large cattle(cows, calves, goats and sheep). The main products for sale will be milk and meat. Additionally, leather and wool are subject to sale. To organize a business, it will be necessary to build cattle pens, purchase milking equipment and animal feed. To increase profitability, hay is harvested, which will save an impressive amount on feed. In the future, a complex for processing milk into fermented milk products, cheese and other food products is being organized at the cow farm. The disadvantage of the industry is a high risk of loss of livestock with improper care.
  2. Raising rabbits is attractive due to the small production cycle and the high cost of the final product. At rational organization business pays off after 1 year. Along with meat, skins and rabbit down are sold.
  3. Pig breeding is popular because pork is considered the most sought-after type of meat. However, due to significant initial and associated costs, the business will be able to pay off only after 3 years. In addition to building pens and taking into account the cost of purchasing feed, vaccination will require funds to pay salaries to workers and a veterinarian. For getting additional income a smokehouse is being built at the pig farm.

For a person who is little versed in animal husbandry, it is better to look at the breeding of rabbits and pigs. Raising cattle requires a lot of knowledge. Improper maintenance of animals is fraught with losses.

Raising birds is another profitable area of ​​agribusiness, which is allowed to be engaged in any climatic zone of the country. The goal is to get poultry meat and eggs. It is possible to run a small farm on your own personal plot, where the bird moves freely during the day, as well as large poultry farms, where aviary keeping is practiced to speed up weight gain. Points of sale - own counter or store, as well as work with resellers.

As a rule, Russian farmers grow:

  • turkeys;
  • ducks;
  • geese;
  • quail;
  • partridges;
  • pheasants.

Exotic direction - breeding ostriches. The difficulty lies in finding a source for the purchase of young animals and points of sale for poultry farm products (ostrich meat, eggs and feathers).

To start breeding chickens or other poultry, it is recommended to purchase healthy young animals (100 laying hens and 20 broilers), acquire land plot and a poultry house for keeping chicks and adults. Estimated costs will amount to 450,000 rubles. The poultry farm will be able to fully pay off in 3 years. The amount of profitability depends on the geography of product sales. So in Moscow and the region, the profitability of business will be an order of magnitude higher than in other regions.

For central Russia, bee breeding is relevant. The profitability of the business ranges from 15 to 27%, depending on the climatic conditions that have fallen in the summer. Sales points for bee products will be shops and market stalls, as well as enterprises specializing in the production of medicines and cosmetics. It is recommended to start a business with the purchase of 100 bee families.

In beekeeping, income comes after the sale of:

  • honey;
  • wax;
  • royal jelly;
  • bee glue;
  • bee bread.

To organize a business, you will need to acquire land with an area of ​​​​at least 1 hectare. Hives are installed on it (for industrial volumes, it is recommended to purchase from 10 pieces) and melliferous plants are sown.

Most honey plants are characterized by good germination, so sowing is carried out on their own.

You will also need a warm place to keep the hives in the winter. For such purposes, an omshanik is being built. Average start-up costs will be 250,000 for land rent, 28,000 for the purchase of hives, 3,000 for the purchase of bees and 150,000 for the construction of a omshannik. A total of 431,000 rubles is the amount of the required start-up capital for organizing a beekeeping farm.

Each direction in agriculture allows you to organize a break-even business. To do this, before starting construction and procurement, plan the course of business and take into account possible risks external environment. A business plan will help anticipate the impact on the farm negative factors and develop an algorithm of confrontation.


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