He wears a gray vest and has wings. He wears a gray vest, But the wings are black. Notes about crows

Crows are very intelligent birds, there is a lot of evidence for this. As a result of several experiments, it has been established that crows can count (up to about 7-8). The essence of the experiment is as follows: a person entered the room with food and crows, naturally, the crows scattered. But they did not fly far - they were waiting for the person to leave. Then this experience was repeated with two people - one went out immediately, and the second remained inside - the crows patiently waited for this person. Then there were three, four, five people ... And the crows always correlated the number of people who entered and left the room, straying only to seven or eight.

Ravens have elements of abstract thinking, in particular, they can distinguish between numbers from 1 to 4 and are able to add them. Such an experiment was carried out - the crows were offered two completely closed identical feeders, on which the number of feed units was depicted, and between these feeders there was a card with the image of a number corresponding to the number of feed units in one of these feeders. Soon the crows with a probability of up to 90-95% did right choice, and the statistics were greatly spoiled by some of the untrained crows for some reason.

Almost everyone has seen how crows beat nuts - they fly high and throw the nut down. However, not all nuts break and many crows simply drop them and look for other food. Many, but not all - the smartest of them act more cunningly, they put nuts on the roadway and wait for the nut to crush some car.

In addition to a well-developed brain, crows have something else to brag about. They love to have fun. The habit of crows to roll down from sloping roofs is well known. The crow sits on the very top of the roof and glides almost to the very edge, after which it spreads its wings and takes off. This may be repeated several times. It would seem - a completely harmless and funny habit. Alas, not everyone shares this opinion, especially the caretakers of many temples, churches, cathedrals and museums with gilded baths and roofs. The crows carry away particles of gold on their paws and the roof has to be gilded again, which is not cheap at all.

Crow Riddles

A flock sat on a birch,
Doesn't whistle, doesn't sing, -
Everyone knows, young and old,
The word "Kar" is not sung!
(Crow flock)

Who is sitting on the tree
And Kar! Kar! Kar! Kar! screaming?

Coloration - greyish,
Habit - thieving,
hoarse screamer -
Famous person.
Who is she?...

Wearing a gray vest
And the wings are black.
Twenty couples are circling at once.
Everyone shouts: Kar! Kar! Kar! Kar!

Kar-kar-kar! - shouts the cheat.
Well, a clever thief!
All the shiny things
This bird loves it!
And she is familiar to all of you,
What is her name?...

Proverbs and sayings about ravens

A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.
A magpie to a crow, a crow to a hog, and a hog to the whole city.
Why does a crow need a big mansion?
Not every crow croaks on its own head.
Waiting like a blood crow.
Where does the raven not bring bones?
Once two falcons fight, the crows will have something to profit from.
The raven kissed the chicken - to the last feather.
A crow does not fly like a falcon.

Notes about crows

Whoever sings in the forest and sees a crow will soon stumble upon a wolf.
The cawing of crows flying over the herd portends an imminent attack of wolves.

Crow legends

I once thought to make the devil a wolf. He took the blackest, burnt tree
and let's plan it - only chips fly. Yes, not just chips - they are on the ground
did not fall, but turned into a raven and scattered around the world.

There is also an old legend, still of biblical origin, in which a crow
(or a crow) released from the ark to find out if the flood ended, they cursed
because she didn't come back. As punishment for this, the crow that boasted
once white feathers, became a black and bloodthirsty bird, doomed to feed
carrion. An ancient ban on eating crow meat is also associated with this legend.

Crow Poems

V. Sibirtsev

High on a maple tree
The crow was preparing to sing
Showed a singing gift
Shouted loudly "kar-rr-rr".

O. Alexandrova

"Karr! crow cries.
- Karr! Put, neighbor, samovar-r!
Don't be sorry for the teasing!
Pr-receive gifts!


Anna Salkind

Crow perched on a branch
And gave advice to everyone.

She said to the sparrow:
Decent birds don't drink
From a puddle. After all, you will get sick!
You will regret it, my friend!

She said to the nightingale:
In such weather they sing
Only the most stupid birds.
You, my friend, are no good!

Then she approached the crane:
Why I don't love you
What could be worse than eating
Nasty green frogs?

Read morality to pigeons:
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
You get close to people
For bread crumbs, suckers!

She croaked to the woodpecker, threatening:
Can't be quieter
Hollow this poor tree?
I will soon go deaf as a grouse!

And even the handsome eagle
She announced: you are stupid!
You're flying high, darling.
Why is this sky for you?

That's what the crow said
She was serious and stern
Wishing everyone the best
But the stupid birds didn't listen
The wisest crow's advice,
And jumped from branch to branch,
Under the rain they sang and drank from a puddle,
They fought for crumbs, worms and frogs,
They roared, frolicked and sang.
on the sidelines
Ruffled, the crow sat sadly.

And suddenly I got so angry
What fell from the branch to the ground!

M. Druzhinina

Hey crow!
- Carr-carr-carr!
-Give us back our samovar!
- I'll have some tea first.
- The crow answers us.

"Psychology of color" - Medial rectus muscle 17. Central fossa 27. Internal structure eyes. Orange is undesirable for use in bedrooms and offices. Vorticose vein 24. 90% of the information from the world around us comes through the eye. The cortex of the lens 11. Arteries and veins of the retina 18. Retina. The intensity of the blue color is high, and the effect on a person is much stronger.

"How to draw flowers" - The core of a poppy resembles a barrel. We draw a rose. Poppy is also similar in design to some types of flowers - water lilies, buttercups. Zinnia Poppy Rose. We draw flowers. Sequential execution of the poppy drawing. We draw a chrysanthemum. First of all, define the general, basic form. Zinnia. Garden flowers. Chamomile, marigold, sunflower, zinnia have the same design, but the proportions are different.

"Light and color" - White black gray. Partial absorption and reflection of light. Protective mask. 3D cinema. An opaque object. h - Planck's constant v - radiation frequency. Three basic "pigment" colors. reflected light color. White light falls on. Complete absorption of light. Full transmission of light. Partial absorption and transmission of light.

"White color as a symbol" - We offered a stylish black dress and white. But why only white? Research work. Death was seen as a transformation, a transition to a new quality. Life was presented by ancient people as a sequence of births and deaths. Purpose: The study of the symbolism of white in a mourning event.

"Flowers" - Lilies - the most beautiful flower culture. The tulip looks amazingly attractive. The timing of flowering also coincides: from early to May autumn. Perennial plant from the Borage family, Dicotyledonous class. Perennial plant from the Rosaceae family, Dicotyledonous class. Plants are divided into two groups - lower and higher.

"Color" - Change the saturation of achromatic colors when adding gray paint. Delicate colors combined with neutrals shades of gray. Vincent's bedroom in Arles. Harmonious combination of colors. Van Gogh. Autumn. achromatic colors. Texture. M.A. Vrubel. - Hue - Saturation - Lightness. The main means of artistic expression.

And other miscellaneous animals. And now it's time to see what riddles about birds have been invented. Although for me, for example, the very picture with a bird will already be a mystery for birds πŸ™‚ After all different types there are so many birds - can you remember them all! πŸ™‚ Fortunately, I think our children know the names of birds much better than me, so riddles about birds will be solved with ease. Well, the pictures will certainly help them

In a black satin jacket and take a bright, red

He sits on a tree and hammers it with might and main.

He does not cripple the tree, he carefully heals it.

He is looking for a bug, a bark beetle worm in the bark. (Woodpecker).

He lives on the roof of the house, this old friend of mine.

Long-legged, long-nosed, long-necked, voiceless.

For frogs to the swamp, he flies to hunt.

Bearer of good news. Spouses bring children.

And, probably, a savvy one. I settled down perfectly ... (stork).

Chick - chirp! Chick - chirp! Jump and jump along the path.

Little boy in a gray coat

It flies around the yard, picks up crumbs.

Jumping, frolicking, having fun in the dust,

Bathes in a puddle, plays with water.

Catches all day bugs and insects, worms.

He roams the fields, stealing grains.

The little bird is not afraid of frost.

It does not fly away for the winter, it lives under the eaves.

Jump, jump, don't be shy! He is an experienced ... (sparrow).

A small bird is a small bird.

He has a couple of paws, but he can't jump.

If he takes a step, it turns out - a jump.

Jump, jump, jump, jump - a very small jump. (Sparrow).

A gray bird, small in stature.

Always twirls his neck. And what is the need for that? (Wryneck).

He walks importantly in the meadow, comes out of the water dry.

White-white, like snow, and puffed up like fur.

Wears red shoes, gives soft feather beds.

It has a long neck and can hiss with might and main.

Maybe even pinch. Run away somewhere. (Goose).

Red beret, black vest. Light shirt.

Nose like a chisel. Tell me, who is he? (Woodpecker).

He builds his nest in the field. It meets its sunrise there.

If he wants, he will fly straight or hang in the air.

Falls like a stone from the heights. And sing, sing, sing. (Lark).

She is sitting on a branch

And all "Ku-ku" repeats his own.

For all of us, he counts the years.

She does not keep her chicks.

Other birds raise them.

She doesn't know worries herself.

Sits nonchalantly on a bitch

And the score is: β€œKu-ku! Ku-ku! (Cuckoo).

Even if he sleeps, even if he bathes, he never takes off his shoes.

Both day and night have red boots on their legs. (Goose).

On the claws on the trunk of a pine tree, a red-headed fitter.

Although he worked with might and main, the light did not flash in the forest. (Woodpecker).

Kar - kar - kar - the cheat screams. Well, and a clever thief!

This bird loves all shiny little things.

He wears a gray vest, and the wings are black.

The bird is curious, very perceptible. Doesn't leave for the winter.

Look, the black flock fly over the trees,

Everyone knows this bird, it flies in the spring.

There are no birds, her blacks. He loves worms very much.

She flies through the fields, collecting worms there. (Rook).

The motley crested is a caring mother.

Kvohchet, calls the children, collects them under the wing.

He will eat a bug, a worm and drink some water.

Wings will shake and lay an egg. (Chicken).

The house was at first whole - nice, round, white.

And, as it finally cracked, the tenant immediately jumped out.

It is all golden - soft and fluffy.

Our chicken is a child, and his name is ... (chicken).

He is arrogant and boastful, because the tail is beautiful.

Lives in hot countries and in many zoos.

The magnificent tail of this bird sparkles with a bright rainbow.

He admires them himself and shows us.

The tail will open instantly, like a catchy bright fan.

The tail has a master. And his name is ... (peacock).

A palace stands on a pole, and a singer sits in the palace.

Arrives every year. There is a house waiting for him.

And we consider him the first herald of spring. (Starling).

He gets up early at dawn and wakes everyone in the yard.

He will knock on the ground with his beak and scream at the top of his lungs.

Bawls from the very morning: β€œIt's time to get up! It's time to get up!"

He sings so loudly about how the sun rises.

About how the wind blows, how cool it is to live in the world.

All his life he is friends with the sun and faithfully serves him.

He screams even when sleepy, a restless screamer. (Rooster).

Has a tail with patterns and boots with spurs.

He sings songs loudly, he counts time for people.

He will proudly show his spurs and straighten his comb.

Who is it, who will tell us? This is Petya - ... (cockerel).

And this bright bird has an interesting habit:

When the cold comes, it rushes to us from the north here.

Black-winged, red-breasted, he is not afraid of a cold

And in the cold winter here, we will find shelter.

With the first snow on the mountain ash, it will appear again.

To peck with the freshness of frosty sweet berries. (Bullfinch).

This little bird, clumsy, small.

Lives in thick bushes. And she sings so well!

Even the heart stops. Trill everyone knows her.

Without an orchestra and without notes, she sings best of all.

Tinvin, tinvin, fuyin, yuyin, teh-teh!

Her crystal monologue rings. (Nightingale).

The bird is talkative, the most talkative,

Fidget motley, very long-tailed.

He visits everyone everywhere, spreads gossip to everyone.

And it crackles and spins like a windmill.

Thief, white-sided. So after all, this is ... (magpie).

This bird - no matter where! Never flies.

But it runs like the wind. Everyone in the world knows her.

And I want to tell you - it is unlikely that you will catch up with her.

Long-necked, long-legged, you, look, do not touch her.

If it strikes with its beak, its victim will instantly die.

Everyone knows her trick - to hide her head in the sand.

But do not think that her head is in the sand from fear,

So she can hear the noise and clatter in the distance. (Ostrich).

Importantly, a sharp-billed crocodile walked around the yard

He shook his head menacingly and muttered angrily.

He fluffed his magnificent tail, spread his sharp nose.

Don't touch this bird, everyone here is afraid of it.

He is the king for everyone around, our pompous ... (turkey).

He comes to us with warmth, having come a long way.

Blinds a house under a window of grass and clay.

Guess what kind of bird, cute, small,

Black back, white belly

And the black sharp tail is parted at two ends. (Martin).

Solving such riddles about birds, even those kids who used to get confused will probably remember the names of the birds better. And we strongly advise you to look at others on our site. Believe me, there are simply masterpieces! πŸ™‚


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