Organization of supplies for a pharmacy organization. Characteristics of supply logistics for a pharmacy organization. Acceptance control in this pharmacy organization

Supplier Analysis

The importance of choosing a supplier is explained not only by the functioning of a large number of suppliers of the same material resources in the modern market, but also by the fact that it must be, first of all, a reliable partner of the manufacturer in the implementation of its production organization strategy.

The main criteria for choosing a supplier for the pharmacy chain of LLC "NAS" pharmacy No. 55 are:

  • · price and terms of financing;
  • · product quality;
  • · reliability of supplies (compliance with contracts regarding delivery times, assortment, completeness, quality and quantity of products);
  • · organization of quality management at the supplier;
  • · good reputation.

Pharmacy No. 55 has entered into agreements for the supply of medicines and other pharmaceutical products with the following companies:

  • · CJSC "SIA International";
  • · JSC "Protek-5";
  • · JSC NPK "Katren";
  • · Pharmkomplekt LLC;
  • · BSS LLC;
  • · Rosta LLC;
  • · Pulse LLC;
  • · Alidi LLC.

All medications and other pharmaceutical products supplied to the pharmacy have certificates issued by federal or local control and analytical laboratories.

A comparative analysis of the arrival of goods to the pharmacy from suppliers with whom an agreement has been concluded for the supply of medicines and pharmacy products is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparative analysis of goods arriving at the pharmacy


Purchase amount

Number of deliveries

Purchase amount

Number of deliveries

November 2016

December 2016

LLC Rosta

LLC Pulse

JSC NPK Katren

LLC Pharmkomplekt


Alidi LLC

CJSC "SIA International"

CJSC "Protek-5"

During the comparative analysis, we can conclude that in November 2016, the supplier Pharmkomplekt LLC was the leader in the purchase of goods with the amount of 555,319.5 rubles, which is 199,719.5 more than in December 2016; the supplier Alidi LLC has little need for the purchase of goods. In terms of frequency of deliveries for November-December 2016, the leader is the supplier ZAO NPK Katren with 20 deliveries, which is 1 delivery more than in December.

Based on this analysis, you can build a rating of suppliers:

  • 1. Pharmkomplekt LLC;
  • 2. CJSC NPK Katren;
  • 3. JSC "Protek-5";
  • 4. Pulse LLC;
  • 5. Rosta LLC;
  • 6. LLC "BSS";
  • 7. CJSC "SIA-International";
  • 8. LLC "Alidi".

Acceptance control in this pharmacy organization

Acceptance control at the pharmacy is carried out by the manager or pharmacists. logistics management pharmacy financial

The supplier's driver brings the goods to the pharmacy. Upon receipt of the goods, the pharmacy representative checks the correspondence of the number of places indicated in the delivery note, i.e., acceptance is made according to the quantity of goods. After completing the check, the accompanying documents indicate the number of accepted places, put the date, the position of the person accepted, his signature along with a transcript and the seal of the pharmacy.

The delivery note and invoice are entered into the 1C Enterprise program. Then, upon opening the invoice, the goods are scanned and verified:

  • · integrity of packaging;
  • · name of the drug;
  • · quantity of receipt with quantity in invoice;
  • · series;
  • · best before date.

Afterwards, the invoice is recorded in the 1C Enterprise program and the goods are capitalized. A protocol for agreeing prices for vital and essential drugs is also printed, if there are such drugs in the invoice, and price tags for over-the-counter drugs are printed. After completing the inspection, the goods are placed in storage areas.

If a shortage or damage to the goods is detected, a complaint is filed “about a discrepancy in the quantity and quality of goods” and a “quality claim” is made to the supplier, and the product is placed in a quarantine zone.


1. Pharmacy. Classification of pharmacies and its functions

2. Basic requirements for a pharmacy and the composition of the premises

2.2 Composition of the pharmacy premises

3. Pharmacy equipment and staff

3.1 Pharmacy equipment



The first pharmacists in Russia appeared in 1547, when the Moscow government sent its ambassador Hans Schmet to Western countries for doctors and pharmacists to serve under the royal family.

The establishment of the first pharmacy in the Kremlin opposite the Chudov Monastery is associated with the arrival of James French. It was open only to the royal family and furnished with royal luxury. The very procedure for manufacturing medicines in the pharmacy was strictly controlled so that there was no bribery of doctors and pharmacists with the aim of poisoning the royal family.

At the beginning of the 17th century, a new era began for Russian medicine, and to manage medical affairs, the Pharmacy Chamber was created, which controlled the treatment of the royal family, the production of medicines in pharmacies, and schools were created to teach pharmacy skills.

Under Peter I, pharmacies appeared in large Russian cities, and at the end of the 19th century, special plants and factories for the production of medicines appeared. The number of pharmacies expanded, and the pharmacy business was gradually formed into an organized system.

In 1993 - 1995 With the establishment of a unified government, the pharmacy system regulated the supply of medicines to the population. It became possible for anyone with sufficient funds and appropriate education to open a private pharmacy.

In the 21st century, medicinal services to the population and the supply of medical institutions with medicines and medical equipment are provided by pharmacies and enterprises. This includes self-supporting pharmacies located in cities, rural areas and regional settlements, pharmacies at medical institutions, branches, kiosks, pharmacy warehouses, pharmacy stores, pharmaceutical factories, etc.

Self-supporting pharmacies provide the population and medical institutions with medicines and dressings.

By the nature of their activities, pharmacy organizations are divided into:

Manufacture of medicinal products according to doctors' prescriptions, standard prescriptions, with their subsequent sale within a legal entity according to prescriptions and without a doctor's prescription, carrying out the sale of finished medicinal products and other goods authorized for sale from pharmacies to the public with prescriptions or without a doctor's prescription. These include: a pharmacy with a production department, a pharmacy with the right to manufacture medications;

Carrying out the sale of finished medicinal products, authorized for dispensing from pharmacies, to the population with or without a doctor’s prescription and health care institutions: these are pharmacies of ready-made forms, a pharmacy without the right to manufacture drugs, a pharmacy kiosk and a pharmacy store.

Relevance of the topic - Pharmacies have been around for about 400 years and their importance has not diminished. We receive a large number of medications through pharmacies. People’s health depends on the organization of the pharmacy’s work and on its provision of the population with medicines and other pharmaceutical products.

Goal of the work- study the work and organization of pharmacies serving the population. To solve this problem you need to do the following:

Define a pharmacy, show its main task and significance;

Classify pharmacies and determine their functions;

Research how a pharmacy should be organized, what premises are needed in it;

Tell us about the equipment of the pharmacy and the organization of its staff.

Pharmacy is a special specialized organization of the healthcare system engaged in the production, packaging, analysis and sale of medicines.

The main task of the pharmacy is the sale to the population and medical and preventive institutions assigned to supply, as well as to other organizations, manufactured and finished medicines, medical products and other pharmaceutical products.

A pharmacy is traditionally viewed as a healthcare institution, and its activities are formulated as “providing pharmaceutical care to the population.” This assistance includes consultation between the physician and the patient to determine the most effective, safe course of treatment.

Pharmacies in Russia traditionally produce drugs according to individual prescriptions, but in recent years no more than 5% of pharmacy enterprises have been involved in the production of drugs. All pharmacies are classified according to the nature of their activities:

- production pharmacies. They contain production facilities where medicines are manufactured and a sales area. Pharmacists and pharmacists can prepare medications according to prescriptions and prescriptions from doctors, under the supervision of a pharmacist-technologist and a pharmacist-analyst. The latter carries out qualitative and quantitative analysis of the prepared forms;

- pharmacy counter for finished dosage forms;

- pharmacies of finished dosage forms- pharmacies of this type are engaged only in the sale of drugs manufactured at the factories of manufacturing companies.

Classification according to the nature of the holiday according to GOST 91500.05.0007-2003.

The pharmacy itself

Sales of finished medicinal products to the population according to prescriptions and without a doctor’s prescription, as well as to healthcare institutions;

Manufacturing of medicinal products according to doctors’ prescriptions and the requirements of healthcare institutions, production of in-pharmacy preparations in accordance with approved recipes and packaging of medicinal products and medicinal plant raw materials with their subsequent sale;

Dispensing medications free of charge or at a discount to certain groups of the population in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

Sales of medicinal plant raw materials in original packaging, medical products, disinfectants, personal hygiene items, optics, mineral waters, therapeutic, baby and dietary foods, cosmetics and perfumes;

Release of items through the rental office in accordance with the established procedure;

Providing health workers of healthcare institutions, education, social security and other necessary information about medications available in the pharmacy;

Providing first aid;

Providing advice to ensure responsible self-medication.

Pharmacy can perform the following functions:

Sale of medicines to the population according to doctor’s prescriptions, except for narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent and toxic substances, and without a doctor’s prescription;

Manufacturing of medicines according to doctor’s prescriptions and in-pharmacy preparations in accordance with approved recipes and packaging of medicines with their subsequent sale;

Dispensing medicines free of charge or at a discount to certain groups of the population;

Providing the population with the necessary information on the proper use and storage of medications at home;

Providing advice to ensure responsible self-medication;

Providing medical workers of healthcare, education, and social security institutions with the necessary information about the medications available in the pharmacy, as well as about new medications;

Pharmacy kiosk can perform the following functions:

Sale of medicines to the population without a doctor's prescription;

Sales of packaged medicinal plant raw materials in original packaging, medical products, personal hygiene items;

Providing the population with the necessary information on the proper use and storage of medications at home;

Providing first aid.

Pharmacy store performs the same functions as a pharmacy kiosk.

2.1 Requirements for a pharmacy serving the public

The basic requirements for a pharmacy serving the population are approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 294 of 1999. In accordance with this order, a pharmacy must be organized in a separate building or within the structure of a building. In the latter case, the pharmacy should be an isolated room with a separate entrance. The pharmacy must have central water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating and telephone.

The minimum number of residents served by one pharmacy in urban areas is 9.5 thousand people, in rural areas - 6.5 thousand people.

The minimum quantity of medicines dispensed by a pharmacy according to doctors' prescriptions and the requirements of medical institutions must be at least 5.0 thousand units per year.

The external design of the pharmacy must contain:

Green Cross;

A sign with the name “Pharmacy”, its name (number, title), indicating the organizational and legal form and mode of operation;

Addresses and telephone numbers of on-duty and nearby pharmacies, medical institutions and private practitioners;

Information about additional services provided by the pharmacy to the population;

Information on providing first aid to the population;

The pharmacy on duty must have an external alarm.

The interior decoration of pharmacy premises is carried out in accordance with their functional purpose. It is necessary to take into account that the interior of pharmacy premises is not only of great hygienic, but also psychological importance. The surface of the walls in rooms associated with the technological process must be smooth, accessible for wet cleaning and disinfection. In rooms with wet conditions (washing room, distillation and sterilization room, toilet, shower), wall panels to a height of at least 1.8 m are lined with glazed tiles or covered with waterproof synthetic materials and oil paint. The walls above the panels and ceilings are painted with water-based paints.

The walls of the aseptic room, assistant room, and pharmacist-analyst's office should not have sharp corners to avoid dust accumulation. In aseptic conditions, the walls and ceiling should be painted with oil paint or covered with synthetic, easy to clean and disinfect materials, and the ceiling with water-based paint. Panels of the walls of the warehouse, pantries, and dressing rooms to a height of 1.8 m are covered with oil paint; above the panels of the walls and shelves are painted with water-based paint.

In administrative rooms, corridors, and staff rooms, the ceilings are painted with water-based paints, and the walls are covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper. It is not recommended to place moldings on the walls and ceilings of pharmacy premises, especially industrial ones, as they are places where dust accumulates and are difficult to clean. Wall painting and panel cladding should be light in color.

The floors in all rooms of the pharmacy must be insulated, smooth, and easy to wet clean. It is not recommended to cover the floor with parquet.

2.2 Composition of the pharmacy premises

The composition, area, layout and equipment of pharmacy premises are determined by the volume of work and production activities of the pharmacy. The minimum area of ​​the pharmacy is 90 sq.m. As the pharmacy develops, its area must correspond to the volume and nature of the work performed. The composition of the premises and equipment of the pharmacy is determined taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and SNiP.

The minimum composition of a pharmacy premises includes: a sales area, a room for preparing medicines, a room for obtaining distilled water, a washing room, a manager’s office, a staff room, a room for storing medicines, a toilet, and a dressing room.

Shopping room. The minimum size of the sales area is 20 square meters. m. In the sales area, depending on the volume of work of the pharmacy, workplaces must be equipped for receiving prescriptions, dispensing manufactured and finished drugs according to prescriptions, dispensing drugs and medical products without prescriptions. Each workplace is equipped with a prefabricated sectional table, which has drawers for storing current supplies of medicines and other pharmaceutical products. There should be a glass window with a transfer window on the front side of each table.

According to the rules, there is a book of reviews and suggestions in the sales area, and advertisements are posted. Copies of the license and the following information must be posted:

On extraordinary services for disabled people and WWII participants;

About the shelf life of medicines prepared in a pharmacy;

About the work of the duty administrator;

About the hours of reception of the population by the director of the pharmacy;

About the help desk;

On supervisory and control authorities;

About employees serving visitors, indicating their last name, middle name and position.

A pharmacy with a minimum sales floor size may have one workplace. Payment for the cost of medicines by the population must be carried out through a cash register.

Square premises for the preparation of medicines must be at least 15 sq.m. and is equipped with special pharmacy furniture, instruments, equipment for the preparation, mixing, filtering, packaging, labeling, packaging and capping of medicines, as well as safes for storing poisonous and narcotic medicines, ethyl alcohol, rods, means of measuring weight, volume, specific gravity, reagents for chemical control of drugs.

In the room for the preparation of medicines, workplaces should be organized for the preparation and quality control of medicines. Depending on the volume of work and the increase in the area of ​​the assistant’s room, specialized workplaces for the production of various dosage forms can be created.

The manufacture of medicines requires the most favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions. Penetration of dust, microorganisms, cold air currents, noise, etc. from the street. will inevitably affect the health of workers and the quality of medicinal products. Therefore, when planning and constructing pharmacies, much attention is paid to entrances through which various contaminants and cold air can enter the pharmacy.

Pharmacies have two entrances: for visitors and staff and for receiving goods. The entrance for visitors to pharmacies of categories 1 and 2 must have two doors, and in pharmacies of categories 3 and 4 - one single door with a width of at least 0.9 m. The door for the service entrance and receiving goods must be 1.2 m wide.

The entrance for visitors is equipped with a vestibule that acts as a protective barrier. The doors in the vestibule should be located at an angle to each other so that the cold air has time to warm up before it enters the sales area. If there is an air thermal curtain in the vestibule, the usual arrangement of doors is possible: one door against the other. The temperature of the supplied air should be within 30-35°C.

Minimum area premises for distilled water production- 5 sq.m. Its equipment must ensure compliance with the sanitary requirements of the pharmacy and it is prohibited to carry out other work not related to the distillation of water. The premises must be equipped with devices for receiving and containers for storing distilled water in accordance with the current rules for the sanitary regime of pharmacies. Square autoclave- at least 10 sq. m.

If there is no separate room, it is necessary to isolate the receiver for distilled water so that dust and microorganisms from the air do not enter it. This is achieved by placing the receiver in a glass box, painted inside and out with white oil paint.

To additionally protect the distilled water from contamination by volatile substances, there are several devices: a glass cap with a glass tube that is connected to the refrigerator, a special sulfuric acid protective lock attached to the receiver, a stopper with a calcium chloride tube attached to the condenser.

Some pharmacies have special installations for automatically supplying distilled water through a glass or polyethylene pipeline directly to assistant tables. This eliminates the need to manually deliver distilled water to work sites and eliminates the risk of contamination. To disinfect water, individual sections of the pipeline are mounted from quartz glass tubes, through which the water is irradiated with a bactericidal lamp.

Wash room has a minimum area of ​​5 sq.m. Its equipment must ensure compliance with the requirements for the sanitary regime of pharmacies. In the washing room there should be designated and marked sinks for washing dishes intended for the preparation of dosage forms:

Injection solutions and eye drops;



Premises for storing stocks of medicines and medical products must have a minimum area of ​​at least 36 sq.m. and are equipped with racks, cabinets and other necessary equipment to ensure the safety of poisonous, narcotic, potent, flammable, thermolabile and other medicines, medicinal plant materials, medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties. Subject to separate financial responsibility, each pharmacy department must have one or more such premises.

The procedure for storing medicines and medical products is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 1996 No. 377. Compliance with this instruction allows us to ensure the preservation of the high quality of medicines and create safe working conditions for pharmacists when working with them.

Particular attention is paid to the storage, prescribing, recording and dispensing of poisonous and narcotic drugs. Proper storage of medicines depends on the correct and rational organization of storage, on strict recording of its movement, and regular monitoring of the expiration dates of medicines.

It is also very important to maintain optimal temperature and humidity, and protect certain drugs from light.

Rooms and safes with narcotic and especially poisonous drugs must have an alarm system, and there must be metal bars on the windows.

The equipment of storage rooms must ensure the safety of medicines. These rooms are provided with fire-fighting equipment, and the required temperature and humidity are maintained.

Heating of the room should be carried out by central heating devices; the use of gas appliances with an open flame or electrical appliances with an open spiral is excluded.

Staff room- at least 8 sq.m. and is equipped with furniture for employees to eat and rest. Square dressing room must ensure the storage of home and work clothes in accordance with the sanitary requirements of pharmacies.

Additional premises. To perform its main task, the pharmacy must have additional premises:

Aseptic block for the preparation of aseptic and sterile dosage forms;


Office of a pharmacist-analyst;

Room for obtaining pyrogen-free water;

Premises for storing flammable, thermolabile and other medicines that require special storage conditions in accordance with their physicochemical properties.

The location of production facilities should exclude counter flows in the technological process of manufacturing sterile and non-sterile medicines.

3.1 Pharmacy equipment

pharmacy medicinal healthcare

The equipment of a pharmacy serving the population is regulated by the Approximate Standards for the Technical and Economic Equipment of Pharmacies and Pharmacy Points, which recommend:

An approximate set of production equipment and special pharmacy furniture;

Apparatuses, instruments, small-scale mechanization for manufacturing, mixing, filtering, packaging, capping, labeling;

Industrial and household equipment.

To carry out in-pharmacy quality control of drugs manufactured in a pharmacy, the pharmacy must be provided with instruments and reagents. All instruments and apparatus must have technical passports, maintenance and repair of equipment must be carried out in a timely manner, control and inspection of weighing instruments must be regularly carried out by metrological services.

In industrial pharmacies producing eye drops and sterile dosage forms, physical, chemical and microbiological quality control of distilled water and medicines must be carried out.

The surface of pharmaceutical equipment, both outside and inside, must be smooth, made of materials resistant to medications and chemicals.

Equipment and pharmacy furniture should be located so as not to leave areas inaccessible for cleaning and not to block the light source or block passages.

It is prohibited to place equipment in production premises that is not related to the work being performed at a specific site, as well as storing stocks of medicines, parapharmaceutical products, etc. in corridors and production premises.

Equipment intended for the manufacture of sterile dosage forms must be subject to validation - confirmation of the ability of the equipment and auxiliary systems to operate reliably, taking into account permissible deviations.

3.2 Pharmacy staff and requirements for pharmacy staff

All pharmacy staff can be divided into the following groups:

Managerial employees;


Production personnel.

To management personnel include: pharmacy director (pharmacist), deputy director (pharmacist).

Specialists- this is the chief accountant, accountant, accountant, economist, senior cashier, cashier.

Pharmaceutical staff divided into pharmacists and pharmacists. Persons with higher or secondary pharmaceutical education can carry out pharmaceutical activities in pharmacy organizations if they have a specialist certificate.

Provisional staff– this is the head of the department (pharmacist), deputy head of the department (pharmacist), pharmacist-technologist, pharmacist-analyst.

Nursing staff– head of department (pharmacist), deputy head of department (pharmacist), pharmacists, kiosk seller, etc.

Support staff consists of packers, nurses, washers, and drivers.

The number of pharmaceutical and support staff is determined by the pharmacy independently and depends on the type of pharmacy and the volume of its work.

The pharmacy must be headed by a person with a pharmaceutical education and at least 5 years of work experience. The working hours of the personnel should ensure the restoration of the workers’ strength and conditions for rest.

Managers at all levels are obliged to take care of the correct placement of specialists and support staff, ensure their training and retraining in the rules of personal hygiene and safety, as well as staff undergoing a preliminary medical examination upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations.

Pharmacy workers are required to comply with the following rules:

When arriving at work, take off your outerwear and shoes;

Before starting work, put on sanitary clothing (gown and cap) and sanitary shoes, wash and disinfect your hands (in industrial pharmacies);

Before using the toilet, take off your robe, and after visiting the toilet, wash and disinfect your hands;

Do not go outside the pharmacy in sanitary clothing and shoes.

Production personnel are prohibited from storing personal items other than handkerchiefs at their workplaces and in the pockets of their gowns. Persons engaged in the manufacture, control, and packaging of medicines must cut their nails short, do not cover them with varnish and do not wear rings.

Service personnel must be provided with sets of sanitary clothing and replacement shoes. Sanitary clothing should be changed at least twice a week, towels - daily.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population,” pharmacy employees engaged in the manufacture and control of medicines, packaging of medicines and processing of pharmaceutical glassware, as well as those in contact with finished products, undergo a preliminary medical examination upon employment and periodic medical examinations in accordance with current regulatory documentation. The results of the examinations are entered into the employee’s personal medical record.

The contingent of persons subject to preliminary medical examination and periodic medical examinations, as well as the frequency of their conduct, is established by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision bodies in administrative districts in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated March 14, 1996.

Managers at all levels are obliged to take care of the correct placement of specialists and support staff, ensure their training and retraining in the rules of personal hygiene and safety, as well as the personnel undergoing periodic and upon entry to work medical examinations.

Pharmacy employees involved in the production and quality control of sterile medicines must undergo certification to assess knowledge and practical skills in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

Pharmacy workers involved in the manufacture and control of medicines, packaging medicines and processing pharmaceutical glassware, as well as those in contact with finished products, upon entering work undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with current regulatory documentation. The results of the inspections are recorded in the sanitary book.

Identified patients, as well as bacteria carriers, are sent for treatment and sanitation. Admission of persons to work related to the production, packaging, quality control, and dispensing of drugs is carried out only if they have a certificate from a medical institution about negative results for bacterial carriage.

Every year, pharmacy employees are required to take part in classes on the topic “personal hygiene” organized by the pharmacy administration.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The main task of a pharmacy serving the population is the manufacture and sale of medicines. The pharmacy must perform the following functions:

Logistics (reception, storage and inventory management);

Production (acceptance of prescriptions, production, control and dispensing of drugs according to doctor’s prescriptions and the requirements of health care facilities);

Information (providing the population and doctors of health care facilities with information about medicines);

Marketing (formation and implementation of assortment and pricing policy);

Medical (providing medical assistance if necessary).

All pharmacies are classified into production pharmacies, which deal with both the preparation of drugs and their sale, and pharmacies, which sell finished dosage forms. There are pharmacies themselves, pharmacy points, pharmacy kiosks and pharmacy stores, each of these organizations performs its own specific functions.

To implement the functions assigned to it, the pharmacy must create the following departments: prescription and production, finished dosage forms, dispensing drugs without prescriptions, parapharmaceutical products, optics, etc.

Each pharmacy has certain premises: a sales area, a room for preparing medicines, a room for obtaining distilled water, a washing room, a manager’s office, a staff room, a room for storing medicines, a toilet, a dressing room. Any pharmacy must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards introduced in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 1997 No. 309.

1. Loginova R.A., Novikova I.M. Guide to practical exercises in hygiene. M.: Medicine, 1977. 184 p.

2. Minkh A.A. Handbook of Sanitary and Hygienic Research. M.: Medicine, 1973. 400 p.

3. Construction norms and rules (SNiP) //-69-78. Medical and preventive institutions. M.: Stroyizdat, 1978. 56 p.

4. Shcherbo A.P. Hospital hygiene. Guide for doctors.

5. Dorofeeva V.V. Organization of a pharmacy sales floor // Pharmacy chain of Russia: Collection of reports. – M.: MCFR, 2000.- P. 100-106.

6. Levinshtein I.I. History of pharmacy and organization of pharmaceutical business. – M.; L.: Medgiz, 1939. – 223 p.

7. Lopatin P.V., Prokhorov F.V. Organization and economics of pharmacy as an object of research // Pharmacy. – 1992. - No. 2. – p.8-10.

8. Pavlov E.Kh. Occupational safety in pharmacy organizations. – M.: MCFR, 2000. – 368 p.

9. Modern management: Encyclopedic reference book: In 2 volumes - M.: Publishing center, 1997. - T.1. – 585 pp.; T.2. – 576s.

10. Social hygiene (medicine) and healthcare organization: Textbook / Ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyn. – M.: VUNMTs Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 1998. – 698 p.

11. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 01.09.94 Pharmacy serving the population. Collection of basic regulations on pharmaceutical activities / Ed. Chakchira S.P.: Santa, 1996. 74 p.

12. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 1997 No. 309. On approval of instructions on the sanitary regime of pharmacy organizations.

13. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 309 dated October 21, 1997 “On approval of instructions on the sanitary regime of pharmacy organizations (pharmacies).”

14. Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.”

15. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated March 14, 1996 “On the procedure for conducting periodic and primary medical examinations of workers and medical regulations for admission to the profession.”

Shopping room

material room

Information stand

We are opening a series of articles devoted to the analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of pharmaceutical logistics. Let's consider the theoretical aspects of supplying pharmaceutical organizations: the concept of product distribution in the pharmaceutical market, the content and significance of pharmaceutical logistics.

Currently, 18 thousand drugs and 40 thousand medical devices are approved for medical use in the Russian Federation, of which only about 3 thousand drugs and 7 thousand medical products are produced at Russian medical industry enterprises. The Russian pharmaceutical market is import-dependent, and making adequate management decisions in this area is complicated by the variety of socio-economic, natural, climatic and other conditions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

All this predetermines the relevance of studying the current state and prospects for supplying pharmaceutical organizations. First of all, it is necessary to define the concept of product distribution in the pharmaceutical market.

The pharmaceutical market is a set of economic relations that arise between its subjects regarding the purchase and sale and prescription and consumption of medicines and other pharmaceutical products.

The functioning of the pharmaceutical market is aimed at achieving social (preserving the health of the nation) and economic goals. At the same time, subjects and objects of the pharmaceutical market interact in an inextricable relationship with the factors influencing them.

Basic economic laws of the pharmaceutical market (objective economic laws):

Law of demand (an increase in the market price, other things being equal, reduces the volume of demand, and vice versa);

Law of supply (an increase in the market price, other things being equal, increases the volume of supply, and vice versa);

Law of value.

The pharmaceutical market is an open system, a set of interconnected components, among which the following stand out:

1 Structural elements of the system (external environment, internal environment, input-output system).

2 Connections between elements.

3 Pharmaceutical industry environment.

At the same time, the functioning system “pharmaceutical market”, due to the interaction between its elements, acquires properties that are absent with a simple summation of these elements, i.e. the principle of synergy is fulfilled. A change in the properties of any of the elements entails a change in the characteristics of the entire system as a whole (Fig. 1).

The effect of objective economic laws in the pharmaceutical market is limited by factors related to the characteristics of pharmaceutical activities, the characteristics of relationships in the “seller-buyer” chain, and the characteristics of medicines and other pharmaceutical products. Therefore, market relations are not always fully manifested in the pharmaceutical market.

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows. In the field of drug provision, economic efficiency must be combined with social justice. The social orientation of the pharmaceutical market presupposes the mandatory functioning of a social protection system for certain categories of the population who themselves are not able to pay the full cost of the medical care they need. At the same time, it should be remembered that social justice as a moral and ethical category does not exclude the principles of a market economy.

The prescription of drugs cannot be made dependent on the patient’s income level.

The product on the pharmaceutical market is pharmaceutical products, most of which are prescription drugs that differ in the specifics of consumption, therefore an important place in their sales is given to the intermediate consumer - the doctor. In this regard, the pharmaceutical industry is more significantly affected by the asymmetry of information regarding the consumer properties of drugs among manufacturers, pharmaceutical workers and consumers compared to other industries. For the consumer, the vastness and scientific capacity of information create additional difficulties when choosing pharmaceutical products.

A significant part of the drugs belongs to the list of vital and essential drugs, i.e. strategic products that determine the health of the nation. In connection with this, the state has introduced a number of restrictions and benefits in pricing and taxation.

The pharmaceutical sector is characterized by increased costs of entering the industry (licensing and special training of personnel are required) and compliance with the conditions for carrying out pharmaceutical activities. The labor costs of pharmaceutical workers in providing pharmaceutical care cannot be accurately quantified. Demand, supply and price remain the main instruments of the pharmaceutical market.

From the point of view of the marketing approach, the pharmaceutical market can be considered as a set of existing and potential consumers of pharmaceutical products and goods and services that meet the needs for pharmaceutical care.

The difference between the pharmaceutical market and other markets is that, along with institutional and final consumers, there is a group of intermediate consumers in its structure.


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