Social advertising on traffic compliance. Development of a social advertising campaign on road safety Banners social advertising on traffic rules vector

The social video "Commentator", produced for the social campaign "Reason for Overtaking", presents a road story reminding of the responsibility of drivers to passengers and other drivers, the importance of assessing all risks when deciding to overtake.

"Safe crossing. Driver" - social campaign "Difficulties of crossing"

Mom, Svetka, a zebra and a truck driver became the main characters of two new public service videos on road safety. The plot is called “Safe passage for two. Driver" talks about interaction on the road from a pedestrian. The videos were filmed as part of the “Difficulties of Transition” campaign launched in November, which is being implemented by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and the “Dangerous Driving” expert center.

"Safe crossing. Pedestrian" - social campaign "Difficulties of crossing"

Mom, Svetka, a zebra and a truck driver became the main characters of two new public service videos on road safety. The plot is called “Safe passage for two. Pedestrian" talks about interaction on the road from a pedestrian. The videos were filmed as part of the “Difficulties of Transition” campaign launched in November, which is being implemented by the State Traffic Inspectorate, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and the “Dangerous Driving” expert center.

"Jaws" - social campaign "Distance"

The video “Jaws” is the central element of the large-scale social campaign “Distance”, carried out on the initiative of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia together with the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) and the expert center “Driving without Danger”. The main goal of the campaign is to draw the attention of motorists to the problem of incorrect choice of distance, as well as to improve the level of culture of road users.

"Pictograms" - social campaign "Slow down"

The “Pictograms” video is the central element of the “Slow Down” social campaign. Organizers of the project: State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Russian Union of Auto Insurers with information support from the expert center "Driving without danger" (bezdtp.rf). The goal of the campaign is to reduce the number of accidents that occur due to drivers violating the rules for passing unregulated pedestrian crossings. The goal is to convey to drivers that it is very important to reduce speed before the zebra crossing in advance.

"Why do we need seat belts?" - social campaign "Buckle up!"

Educational film "Why do we need seat belts?", created as part of the all-Russian social project "Buckle up!" The goal of the Campaign is to reduce the number of casualties among drivers and passengers, including child passengers, on the road due to non-use of seat belts or their improper use to secure child restraints. Organizers: State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Russian Union of Auto Insurers, public organization "Driving without Danger".

Social campaign - "Car seat for children!"

Campaign “Car seat for children!” starts in Russia for the second time - it was first launched on November 1, 2011 and gave positive results. However, the problem is still relevant - the number of children killed and injured in accidents remains high. The goal of the campaign is to explain to parents that a car seat is a necessary thing when traveling with a child. Even the baby’s very first journey – from the maternity hospital – should take place in a car seat. Another expensive toy is not a sign of love. True care is manifested in the responsibility of adults for their children. Child safety is the most important gift!
In Russia, children's car seats are sold in children's goods stores, along with toys. Toys understand its importance, “recognize” its primacy and “hint”, tell people - first of all, buy your child what he really needs and is important, and then you can buy toys: “Even toys understand what is more important for safety your child. The child in the car must be in a car seat.”

"The passenger rules!" - social campaign "Passenger's right"

The “Passenger's Right” campaign is addressed to both the driver and the passenger. Each of them is a road user, and there is always a driver next to the passenger. We want the driver to remember this, and the passenger to know that he, too, has a license. Vehicle passengers are among the most vulnerable road users. About 40% of victims in road accidents are passengers. Nothing depends on them; they get injured and die on the road during the campaign. They have no voting rights. Often they don’t even know what they should do to ensure their own safety. A passenger is an active participant in road traffic. He must be aware of his rights and responsibilities. The passenger has the right to vote. He must wear a seat belt, he must make comments to the driver who violates the traffic rules, and therefore endangers the life and health of the passenger. The driver must remember that he is responsible for the safety of the passenger.

"Pedestrian, crosswalk!" - social campaign "Pedestrians"

Pedestrian safety is one of the most pressing problems in Russia. Several thousand people die on our roads every year. This is much more than in any civilized country in the world. This situation can only be corrected by changing the culture and behavior of all road users. The video for the social campaign “Pedestrians”, with the help of metaphors, immerses the viewer in a fascinating journey - a city walk along a fantastic pedestrian crossing and in an unobtrusive form we remind him - always walk along the crossing, it will show you a safe path. And he tells drivers: “Be polite, let pedestrians pass at crossings.” The role of a disciplined pedestrian in the video was played by one of the most popular Russian actors, Egor Beroev. He actively participates in social campaigns and has long established himself as a socially responsible person who is not indifferent to road safety issues.

"Don't cross the line!" - social campaign "The Last Encounter"

"Light up!" - social campaign "Light up! Become visible on the road"

Making road users more visible on the road at night is the main goal of the new large-scale social campaign “Light up! Become visible on the road,” which started on December 1, 2010. The campaign was initiated by the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the support of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Implements the Zavod consulting project. According to statistics, every third accident involving a pedestrian occurs at night. It should be taken into account that night accidents significantly exceed daytime ones in severity. As a result of such incidents, thousands of people die every year, most of whom are young, able-bodied people aged 16 to 35 years. The initiative to conduct a campaign aimed at young people was actively supported by representatives of Russian culture and show business. Fashion designer Masha Tsigal has developed a stylish design for reflective bracelets that will help you become more visible on the road and in life, and Dj Leonid Rudenko wrote a remix of his super-fashionable track Everybody especially for the project. The MTV channel was a partner of the campaign; several broadcasts of the popular programs “Trendy” and “Stereo Morning” were dedicated to the launch of the “Light Up” project.

"If you lose patience, you can lose your life"

One in three collisions in oncoming traffic results in death. Don't cross the line!

"Shards" - social campaign "Drank - don't start! You'll crash"

"Damn lucky" - social campaign "Moving without danger"

Driving through a red traffic light leads to the most severe consequences for those involved in an accident. Sometimes it's better to die than to stay alive. A wasted risk - a broken life

"Slow down! They'll wait for you" - social campaign "Moving without danger"

Speeding is the cause of most road accidents. Despite the fact that drivers consider speeding to be the most minor violation of traffic rules, the most severe consequences for the life and health of participants in accidents arise precisely because of speeding.

"Fasten your seat belt! If you want to survive" - ​​social campaign "Move without danger"

The seat belt, according to some Russian drivers, was invented by cowards. These people are probably not fatalists or idiots, they just didn’t study physics well at school. A collision at a speed of 50 km/h is equivalent to a fall from the fifth floor.

"Stop a drunk! Save a life" - social campaign "Move without danger"

Alcohol is the most common cause of serious accidents. Alcohol not only increases the likelihood of accidents, but makes their consequences more severe both for the driver and for other road users. A drunk driver on the road is a suicide bomber.

"Don't lose us! Where cars drive" - ​​social campaign "Move without danger"

Every year, about 1,000 children die on Russian roads and more than 20,000 are seriously injured. Road accidents are the leading cause of child mortality. Children are the most vulnerable road users. Adults are always to blame for the death of children.

"Be human! There are living people in iron machines" - social campaign "Move without danger"

On the road, man is a wolf to man. It’s as if the glass and iron that separates the driver from the outside world are a shell that deprives the owner of the last human qualities - decency, respect for others, patience. And the road - for those under the shell - is a game of survival, where the strongest wins. If you want to change the society in which you live, start with yourself.


Even one sip of alcohol can ruin your life - do not drive while intoxicated. A wasted risk - a broken life

"Buckle up or they'll buckle you up"

Social video about the need to wear a seat belt. A seat belt is not a whim of inspection workers. Every year thousands of people die due to not wearing seat belts. Photos of accidents should be placed in photo frames to remember that seat belts are fastened. First of all, the driver himself needs a seat belt. Take care of your loved ones, make sure that they too are wearing seat belts.

1. When developing any social advertising materials (individual layouts, video or audio clips, advertising campaign concepts), a mandatory stage of work is filling out the brief.

Mandatory elements of the brief for the development of social advertising are:

Description of the situation, statement of the problem (reasons for the existence of the problem; what needs to be changed in the perception, attitude or behavior of the target audience to solve the problem)

Description of the target audience (socio-demographic characteristics, motivational sphere)

The message that needs to be conveyed to the target audience through advertising communications

Model for assessing effectiveness (what characteristics of the communicative and final effectiveness of advertising can be measured at each stage of its preparation and implementation).

  • 2. An obligatory stage in the development of social advertising is preliminary testing of advertising materials by the target audience. At the same time, evaluation methods should not only allow drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of the impact of social advertising on the target audience, but also contribute to the formation of recommendations for refining advertising to increase its effectiveness. An example is the SocResponse comparative semantic analysis technique.
  • 3. Recommendations for improving social advertising related to the process of creating advertising materials should be prepared in the language of characteristics available for implementation by various advertising tools - through elements of graphics, composition, music, color, etc. At the same time, the choice of means for implementing recommendations should be made by professionals (advertising producers), without the participation of the advertising customer and the target audience.
  • 4. The development and implementation of social advertising campaigns must be carried out in accordance with the criteria for the effectiveness of the generated communications. One of the important components of effectiveness is taking into account the specifics of advertising media - the rules of effective design in outdoor and print advertising, the principles of developing effective messages for television and radio, as well as online media.
  • 5. The optimal scheme for implementing social advertising campaigns is a partnership of four main parties - NPOs, the state, business and society, based on the resources provided by all parties and the current federal and regional legislation.
  • 6. One of the effective mechanisms for the development of social advertising in Russia is the holding of competitions and festivals of social advertising, with the aim of formulating and broadcasting professional standards in the development of social advertising. An obligatory stage of such events is testing of works by the target audience using special techniques that allow assessing the clarity of the message, the motivating power of the work, compliance with the target audience, etc., as well as by experts (jury members). An important aspect of social advertising competitions and festivals is the subsequent use of winning works in social programs.
  • 7. During the development of social programs and social advertising, it is recommended to hold public hearings based on research and testing of advertising to improve the effectiveness of solving social problems.

In my work, I decided to take on the problem of road safety. Traffic rules are known to every driver, but not everyone follows them. There are a large number of videos on the Internet that call for caution and compliance with such standards as, for example, fastening your seat belt, checking the condition of the vehicle; the lion's share of all companies is warning drivers against driving while intoxicated. In Russia there was a video with a boy in a wheelchair who was hit by a drunk driver. Below are several posters with examples of social advertising dedicated to the topic of driving: “not everyone who becomes a victim of a drunk driver dies. Do not drink and drive".

“46 days in a hospital bed. Speed ​​limit is 25. Slower is better.”

As we can see, all the posted examples speak eloquently about the risks that haunt drivers and their environment. Often, they like to use children in this kind of advertising. Because it is assumed that if a person does not think about himself, he will think about his child.

Things are correct, relevant, and everyone knows about it. But often this kind of information goes unnoticed in the general flow of information. 1 Billboard from dozens that everyone encounters on their way. Since this is still not so popular in Russia, this kind of advertising will simply pass by its client.

Therefore, the first thing we need to do is make sure that advertising is effective, so that it influences a person’s consciousness. In the first example we see the disfigured face of a young girl. The effect in this case

it turns out even more than if they showed a dead person, because the girl has to live with these deformities.

If you pay attention to the advertisement with the belt, where the year of birth is written and the year of death is in question, which covers the seat belt. The advertisement seems veiled, but at the same time it is clear to everyone who sees it.

Such things can also achieve their effect faster than explicitly showing accident victims.

Unfortunately, all other problems associated with the effectiveness of social advertising are reflected in the fact that people have become indifferent to fear, death and illness. Too much violence that pours from all sides has made people indifferent to this kind of thing. Despite the fact that everyone understands the importance of all these measures, not everyone follows it. But we still need them to follow.

In due course, by order of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the administration of the Altai Territory, we will develop outdoor advertising urging drivers to obey traffic rules and be vigilant in different situations.

In this advertisement, they used one of the standard excuses from drivers before the traffic police, “I was in a hurry,” the ghost of the girl does not directly blame the driver, which also creates a psychological effect that allows a person to feel that he can become the cause of someone else’s misfortune. Similar posters were hung throughout the Altai Territory. Regarding drunk drivers, it is logical that they usually do not care about themselves or others. Therefore, some advertisers suggest approaching this problem with humor.

It looks funny, and as a reminder that drinking and driving can lead to the loss of your license. There is no point in scaring people with death or injury, they are used to it and it seems that it will not affect them. Therefore, our goal is also to convey to the client that this problem can affect him too. If he is a driver.

Activities to promote road safety in our country as one of the areas of work to improve the legal culture of road safety have a history of more than half a century. At the initial stages of this work, forms of propaganda for lawful behavior on the road were various publications in newspapers and magazines, radio broadcasts and conversations of State Traffic Inspectorate employees with labor collectives of motor vehicles. Methods of social influence and control over violators of traffic rules were used very widely and effectively. In the second half of the 20th century. With the widespread spread of television, this resource began to be widely used in this work. However, as the number of individual vehicle owners grew, such forms of influence as various conversations with State Traffic Inspectorate employees partially lost their effectiveness, and as a consequence of the collapse of socialist ideology, the collapse of the USSR and large-scale socio-economic transformations of the 90s of the 20th century. in fact, the previously existing mechanism of social influence on violators became completely ineffective. A study of foreign practical experience, as well as research by domestic scientists, shows that in market conditions one of the effective ways to promote road safety is social advertising aimed at developing the legal culture of road users, as well as stereotypes of lawful behavior among drivers and pedestrians. The main purpose of social advertising in the field of road traffic is to ensure the safety of its participants and compliance with the Traffic Rules. Social advertising is an important way to improve the legal and general culture of drivers and pedestrians, however, it must be recognized that at present its capabilities are far from being fully used. In such a specific area as road traffic, for several decades there has been an increase in the aggressive component in the advertising of all products related to road transport. This is reflected in various advertising materials that contain arguments in favor of a “sports management style”, which in many cases is perceived by a person’s subconscious as an aggressive style of behavior. At the same time, it is much less common to find materials that would pay attention to such aspects of road traffic as the efficiency of transport or mutual respect among road users. An analysis of modern social advertising in the field of road safety shows that most of its texts are built on the pattern of intimidation and arousal of negative emotions. For example: “driving a car while drunk, you risk leaving a solid memory”, “this horsepower needs at least one head”, etc. Even despite a certain mentality of Russians, it seems that an approach based only on intimidation is not may be effective. Such advertising is rejected by a person under the influence of psychological defense mechanisms. It seems that a more effective approach is to create patterns of positive advertising aimed at establishing “cooperative behavior” in drivers, since negative types of advertising destroy this attitude. In such social advertising, it seems advisable not to call, but to indirectly and delicately show the advisability of complying with the Traffic Rules, pointing out, for example, the insignificance of time gained when violating the speed limit. It must be remembered that advertising of traffic culture has certain socio-psychological specifics, differing significantly from various types of commercial advertising. Moreover, in the case of social advertising dedicated to road safety, we are talking about public values, such as mutual respect on the road and caution when driving. A completely different situation arises in the case of commercial advertising - there specific material values ​​are offered to a certain group of people. It is more effective to improve the road discipline of road users in stages, starting with focusing on the need to take care of yourself and your health. At the next stage, an attempt may be made to encourage compliance with traffic rules using social advertising. At the same time, it should be tactful and soft in order to minimize a possible reaction in the form of a “spirit of contradiction.” It seems that an effective technique could be to reformulate the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules from the language of the document into a more understandable language (without changing the meaning of the phrase). When developing such advertising materials with a social orientation, it seems necessary to verbally or visually demonstrate the benefits of compliance by drivers and pedestrians with the Traffic Rules. An equally important area of ​​work in the field of social advertising in the field of road safety is the formation of the image of the “ideal driver” and the orientation of citizens to increase their self-esteem and self-esteem in their lawful behavior. An important aspect of this work is the placement of social advertising dedicated to road safety. Despite the fact that the most obvious place for placing such advertising is the roadside area, this is far from the only place for its placement. Such advertising can be placed at public transport stops, in large shopping centers in the form of posters or multimedia videos on special video panels. Currently, one of the most effective places for advertising is the Internet. Thus, social advertising, which takes into account the basic psychological processes and mechanisms of human mental activity, is a real way to increase conflict-free traffic culture, which is one of the components of the work to reduce accidents and road traffic injuries on Russian roads.


What is the difference between a good driver and a bad one? Despite the common answers, such as the ability to take a sharp turn at a speed of “80” or drive from Kiev to Odessa in 3 hours (this record was set by one of the people’s deputies, grossly violating all conceivable and inconceivable traffic rules), we are of the opinion that a good driver - one that has not had an accident for many years. And neither through your own fault nor through the fault of another road user. Of course, there are exceptions when there is no way to avoid an accident. But in most cases, before the moment of collision, one driver believes that he will overshoot, and the second - that no one has ever overshot him. As a result, an overly principled driver, just like a dashing one, spends several hours of his life first on registering an accident, and then on restoring the car.

Is it possible to drive without accidents at all? “Today” found three drivers, each of whom has not been involved in a single accident over the past 10 years, although he “drives” 25-50 thousand km per year. Dmitry is a professional truck driver who drives a truck tractor (he drives along the highway), Sergey is a sales representative (he drives around the city), and Alexey is a university teacher (he drives along the home-to-work route, and goes to the dacha on weekends). We've collected tips from them on how to avoid accidents over the years.

Let us note that in communication they are all calm people, but without any hint of inhibition. Our heroes admit that from time to time they commit minor traffic violations, like almost all Ukrainian drivers. They consider their main “secret” to be that they are not distracted while driving by any extraneous actions, and also do not take unnecessary risks by overtaking in closed turns or slipping into a “pocket” among cars in traffic. After all, the situation on the road changes every second, not even a second, but a fraction of a second - any distraction or dangerous maneuver can lead to a serious accident with a fatal outcome. Let us add that today the accident rate on our roads is off the charts - every two hours in Ukraine one person dies under the wheels of a car.

Air shield

“The greater the distance between mine and neighboring cars, the safer driving on the highway,” says truck driver Dmitry. The higher the flow speed, the greater the distance you need to keep from the car in front: if something suddenly breaks down or, for example, the driver becomes ill and the car stops abruptly, it must be possible to stop safely. On wet roads, the distance must be increased by a third from normal.

At the same time, Dmitry adds that the location of vehicles on the road (it’s not for nothing that traffic rules require leaving the far left lane free) also matters - it’s optimal to drive in the middle row, trying to take a place so that there is protective space on the right, left, in front and behind. In the event that the road situation changes sharply (for example, a child jumps out onto the road) and there is no way to safely brake, the driver will still have the chance to turn the steering wheel left or right to safely avoid the “obstacle.” If the seat on the side is occupied, there will simply be nowhere to steer and a traffic accident cannot be avoided.

Reading other people's thoughts and forecasting

The modern upscale driving style is active. The driver must be able to constantly monitor the road situation, subtly sense the behavior of the car and evaluate its capabilities in specific conditions, accurately determine the quality of adhesion of the wheels to the road and, of course, predict the behavior of the car on various surfaces. He must see and predict the development of the situation always one, or better yet, several steps ahead.

“When driving in the city, I always put myself in the shoes of the drivers around me and look at the road not only through my own eyes, but also through theirs. This allows me to understand their desires and predict maneuvers,” says Sergei. For example, it is logical to predict that when choosing a lane for driving, a driver will prefer to change lanes into the one that is the most open, but at the same time will always strive to occupy the far left one - as it is the fastest. It is not difficult for an experienced driver to predict the likelihood of an accident - it increases if one of the drivers rushes from lane to lane or creeps unimaginably.

Accidents: top 5 reasons

According to official statistics from the Ukrainian traffic police, among the causes of road accidents with serious consequences, speed is in first place. The second and third are violations of the rules for driving through intersections and pedestrian crossings. The fourth and fifth places are occupied by such violations as driving into the oncoming lane and driving while intoxicated.

What’s interesting: all over the world (and here too), drivers aged 18 to 30 get into accidents twice as often as older experienced people. Among the reasons for this state of affairs, the American Road Safety Foundation cites a series of SMS messages while driving, conversations without a headset, and the desire to get carried away, characteristic of young people.

Economical drive

A safe driving style combined with economical driving techniques allows you not only to avoid accidents, but also to save on fuel. We have collected 5 tips on how to reduce consumption by a third.

EGG RULE. Imagine that there is a fragile chicken egg between your foot and the gas pedal. Your task is not to crush it, that is, press the gas pedal gently and smoothly.

START GREAT. When accelerating, immediately shift into higher gears. If you handle the gas pedal delicately, you can move absolutely calmly in traffic even in 5th gear at a speed of 60-70 km/h. If you need to accelerate, for example to overtake, briefly engage a lower gear.

DON'T RACE. For economical driving, the speed should not exceed 90 km/h. This manner is especially relevant for traveling long distances.

Note that dynamic driving can be considered as an economical alternative style if a number of conditions are met. For example, smooth accelerations at the lowest possible speeds are replaced by short, energetic accelerations. Then follows a long “coast” with virtually no pressing on the gas pedal.

NO EXTRA MOVEMENTS. You need to get into the rhythm of the traffic flow and avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking. Anyone who accelerates sharply before a red traffic light only to start braking literally a second later doubles their fuel consumption. It should be remembered that the larger the engine volume, the more fuel consumption depends on driving style. For example, if you “fire up” a car with a three-liter engine, in which, in a normal driving rhythm, the average consumption does not exceed 10-12 liters per hundred, you can easily double it, reaching 25 liters.

AUTO - NORMAL. A technically sound car - from correct tire pressure to timely replacement of spark plugs, oil with filters and high-quality fuel - is the key to success. After all, even some little thing can lead to overspending by up to 30%.

Secrets of safe overtaking

“When traveling to the countryside, you constantly have to pass trucks and agricultural machinery on the highway, because they move too slowly and smoke a lot. Over the course of several years, I’ve seen enough options for unsuccessful overtaking - each time either the driver starts the maneuver, taking into account not the speed of the nearest car in the oncoming lane, but the distance, or makes it in a closed turn,” Alexey shares his experience. For himself, he developed an algorithm that allows him to bypass the slow moving vehicle without unnecessary nerves.

START OF OVERTAKING.“In order to have an advantage in speed, you need to start accelerating in advance on your side. And only after making sure that the oncoming lane is clear and the road itself is straight (there is no chance that the section allowed for overtaking will end abruptly before the closed turn. - Author), begin the maneuver. Moreover, this needs to be done in a lower gear, for example, in 3rd,” says the driver.

COMPLETION OF OVERTAKING. Alexey adds that when overtaking, you should not cuddle up to the person being overtaken, provoking him to rash actions, and after overtaking, you should not immediately occupy your lane. It’s better to pull it forward a little so as not to cut it.

You should never overtake “in company” with another car: it significantly limits visibility, and if an oncoming car appears, the one in front will have time to quickly return to the right lane, but the one following it (that is, yours) will not.

IF THEY OVERTAKE YOU. You should never stop a car from behind from overtaking. On the contrary, it is better to help him. After all, the track is not a racing track, and the drivers are not rivals, but colleagues.

So, if the driver of the car behind has turned left, look ahead and assess the road situation. If the path is clear, take a little to the right and turn on the right flasher. By doing this you will inform the driver that you have guessed that you intend to overtake you and are ready to provide assistance. And then he will safely pass you and, perhaps, turn on the emergency lights for 2-3 cycles: his rear direction indicators will wink at you, thanking you for your help.

If there is an obstacle ahead, it is better to inform the rear driver about it by turning on the emergency lights. Or if you also want to make a maneuver (for example, turn around), turn on the turn signal.

Beware of "standard" accidents

Many accidents in the city are “accidental” - they occurred not because the driver deliberately violated the rules, but because he incorrectly assessed the road situation and ultimately made the wrong decision. With the help of the director of the driving school, Evgeny Serednitsky, we analyzed the causes of the three most common accidents.

EXIT TO THE MAIN. The driver in front started moving, but doubted whether he would have time to leave and suddenly braked. The driver behind him sees that the car in front of him has moved. He also started to move away and looked to the left to make sure that he was not creating an obstacle for those driving along the main road. And he drives into a car that has stopped.

Tip: Don't look to your left until the car in front of you leaves.

MANEUVERS IN THE FLOW. The habit of constantly rearranging from row to row can end badly. Drivers often cut off trucks that have longer braking distances. An emergency situation can also arise when changing lanes with each other - when two cars get into the same “pocket”. The one to the right will be right (according to clause 10.3 of the traffic rules), but this does not save you from injury as a result of an accident.

Tip: Pause for a split second before changing lanes.

REVERSE. Often, when maneuvering in a narrow yard, a driver reverses (into a driveway between houses or into a gateway). But the other driver has no idea about this, who immediately lined up behind the first one and literally “propped” him up in the blind spot. The result is an accident, and the question of guilt depends only on the testimony of witnesses.

Advice: before starting to move, ask a passenger or a passerby to ensure the safety of the maneuver. There may be not only a car behind, but also small children...

Always be on guard

The drivers we interviewed say that they are always in a special state behind the wheel - the body is relaxed, and the brain automatically calculates the options for developing the road situation. As a result, as soon as a potential threat arises, the driver is prepared for it.

For example, when driving past a public transport stop, you need to be prepared for the fact that a pedestrian will suddenly appear from behind a standing bus (a few meters before the dangerous area, just move your foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal - the speed is not lost, but the car stops happens a fraction of a second faster). Or that a car approaching the intersection will not slow down, but will try to rush through the red light and drive out in front of you (you don’t need to start from a standstill when it’s green, but look around for a split second). You also need to take into account that a neighboring car can “cut you off” or the one in front may brake - you should always be ready to use counter-emergency techniques.

By replaying the development of such situations in your head, you will learn to always leave enough room for maneuver. It is very important to maintain a safe distance, not only when moving at a constant speed, but also when accelerating, and most importantly, when braking. For example, when you see a car from behind, do not brake sharply, but pull forward a little - if the driver behind you is a little hesitant, he will have a few meters in reserve to prevent an accident.

Let us also note the importance of visibility: you always need to navigate using the mirrors, analyzing the situation not only in front of you, but also behind you (360 degrees).

You also need to take into account the interests of other road users when parking. Before you get out of the car, ask yourself a few questions. Did you limit your visibility by parking your car at the exit of a minor road or in front of it? Will a pedestrian be able to cross the road safely after you park your car in front of a zebra? Is there enough space for the truck to pass between the curb and your car?

The debate about how to get people to obey traffic rules has been going on for a long time. They said that drivers need to be careful while driving and pedestrians need to be careful on the road. There were calls to wear seat belts and carry children in child seats. But, almost from the moment mass motorization began, it became clear that the prevention of road accidents should not be limited only to calls.

Those who previously stimulated the development of trade came to the service of promoting safe road traffic. Advertising agencies have become the largest authors of “social advertising”. Their works are no longer inviting – they make you think, and sometimes even shock. A small selection of videos and posters gives some idea of ​​how Road Safety social advertising has developed around the world.

Film almanac “Nowhere to rush”

Always follow the rules for crossing the road

Wait until traffic comes to a complete stop before crossing.
Road safety depends on you.
You don't see what you don't expect.
.Expect the unexpected.
The percentage of fatalities without a seat belt is 56%.
Don't be stupid, be safe.
Thanks for missing me.
Always come to a complete stop before a crosswalk.
Get enough sleep before you drive.Don't let your friendship die on the road.
Keep an eye on your comrades.

At a speed of 60 km/h, the braking distance is 8 meters longer than at 50 km/h.
Turn signal not turned on - 27 victims per day.
In the city, not only cars get into accidents.
Don't talk to him on the phone while he's driving. Crossing a red light - 15 victims per day.
In the city, not only cars get into accidents.

For children the road looks different.
Parents of children injured on the roads.
For children the road looks different.
Parents of children injured on the roads.

In Russia, about 1,000 children die on the roads every year, and about 20,000 are injured. In most cases, children were transported in a car without special car seats. Many parents consider a car seat to be an expensive and useless thing that they can easily do without. But at the same time, they buy their children a lot of extra toys without thinking about their cost.

They decided to remind about child mortality in New Zealand right on the street. But not a billboard or sign. Cardboard figures of a sad little girl appeared along the roads, near fences, and at the entrances to shops. During the day, people could meet this girl more than once or twice. And two weeks later, a road sign appeared in her hands with the inscription: “The children you killed never leave you. Slow down near schools.”

One of the social advertisements is based on a documentary filmed by an English schoolboy in 2005. He filmed on his mobile phone as he and his friends walked home from school. They joked, fooled around, and then one of them was hit by a car, because while crossing the road he simply did not look to the left. And a mobile phone camera accidentally filmed this tragedy. Naturalistic shocking shots. At the end of the video, it is summarized that in the UK, 55 teenagers a week regret that they were inattentive on the road. In Russia, this figure is several times higher, although there are no exact data: in our country they do not keep such detailed statistics.

In the Czech Republic, they are trying to draw the attention of drivers to the problem of child injuries on the roads in an unconventional way. The purpose of this outdoor advertising is to show drivers that children, when they get carried away, sometimes continue to play on the roadway, and drivers should always be prepared for this. (picture 1)

Picture 1.

To explain simple things to adults, you have to resort to complex structures like this. The purpose of this exterior illustration is to clearly show that you need to buckle up not only in the front seats, but also in the rear ones. (Figure 2)

Figure 2.

There are public service announcements encouraging people to obey the speed limit. This is still an original move - to promote careful driving using humor. Typically, concepts such as misfortune, grief and death are used for this. Although some experts argue that advertising showing the consequences of severe accidents is no longer so effective. In addition, most people, even after watching such videos, are of the opinion that this will never happen to them.

An example of a public service announcement about following the speed limit: “Even such a slight reduction in speed by 5 km/h can save someone’s life. The statistics are that when struck at a speed of 65 km/h, in 80% of cases a pedestrian dies. When hit at a speed of about 50 km/h, in 80% of cases he remains alive. Your child is also a pedestrian” (Figure 3).

Figure 4.

The bulk of traffic police videos and posters are made in dark colors, which most people associate with the pain and bitterness of losing loved ones.

The greatest danger on the road is the drivers themselves and their careless attitude towards safe driving. Failure to comply with the speed limit, not fastening seat belts, inattention, alcohol, lack of a child seat - all this can cause death. According to research conducted by the Naturally agency, in 42% of cases people do not wear a seat belt because the belt “gets in the way.” It turns out that the threat of wrinkled clothes is more serious for them than the threat of losing their lives.

“Fasten your seat belt if you want to survive”, “Slow down and they will wait for you”, “Stop a drunk - save a life”, “Be human: there are real people in iron machines” - these are some of the many slogans of social advertising.

At the beginning of June 2009, a series of billboards with the slogans: “Children? Buckle up? Why?”, “Our daughter is already quite big. She never wears a seat belt,” “Our son cries in his child seat. It’s easier for us to pay 500 rubles.” Billboards were designed for our region by a famous Russian designer Artemy Lebedev. Their goal is to make drivers think, as A. Lebedev himself writes: “Turn on your head and be outraged by the way the question is posed.” The State Traffic Inspectorate hopes that there will be more outraged people than indifferent ones. Inspectors will fine those who do not think about the safety of children for violating the Rules for the Transportation of Children. For 500 rubles. Daily. The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Tyumen Region states: “We value every child’s life. Think about it too: this year our child passengers received the following injuries in road accidents: open head injury, severe brain contusion, ruptured spleen, fractured pelvis, leg, forearm, collarbone, lacerated forehead wound, concussion , stress, etc.” (Figure 5).


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