Kuznetsov Igor Vyacheslavovich biography Vedis Capital. Kuznetsov Igor Vyacheslavovich. Waiting for new conflicts

Developers continue to receive approval from the capital’s authorities for projects to build residential complexes in places where this would seem to be impossible, for example, in green areas adjacent to neighborhoods. And this despite the fact that infill development was banned in Moscow back in mid-2007. Who and how such permits are obtained using the example of a site on Zhivopisnaya Street, which became an arena of confrontation between local residents, the mayor’s office and the developer - in an RBC investigation.

Scenic Violation

Zhivopisnaya Street in the north-west of Moscow generally lives up to its name: it is a quiet and green place on the banks of the Moscow River, built up with typical seven-story brick “Stalin” buildings of the 1950s - early 1960s. Nearby is the red arch of the Zhivopisny Bridge - one of the few new buildings in the capital, replicated on postcards and booklets.

Residents of Zhivopisnaya a few months ago were confident that they were not threatened by any large-scale construction, at least on the odd side of the street adjacent to the park and the river - the pine grove along the shore is part of the Moskvorechye Park and has the status of a specially protected natural area ( SPNA), where it is impossible to build in principle.

The stadium "October" located here for 3 thousand spectators belongs to the CSKA football club. About ten years ago, the owner of CSKA Evgeniy Giner considered “October” as a backup option for the construction of a 30,000-seat arena for the army club, but in the end the stadium was built on Khodynskoye Field, and young students of the CSKA Academy train at “October”.

Adjacent to “October” is an area of ​​0.8 hectares, around which battles are currently taking place. In the 1990s, it belonged to the territory of the stadium: it housed utility rooms - garages, workshops, warehouses. In the mid-1990s, all these buildings were bought from the owner - the trade union of nuclear energy and industry workers - by a large metropolitan developer, the Capital Group company, which entered into a lease agreement with the Moscow government for a land plot with permitted use “for the operation of non-residential buildings.”

Of course, the developer had more ambitious plans: in the first half of the 2000s, Capital Group raised the issue of building a high-rise residential building here, but received a refusal from the mayor’s office. The basis was a number of factors, including the location of the site - inside a pine forest, on the border of the protected natural and historical park "Moskvoretsky", the lack of public access roads, and location within the boundaries of the water protection zone of the Moscow River.

In this sense, nothing has changed even now, says Galina Morozova, executive editor and author of the Red Book of Moscow. However, construction equipment has already reached the site - in the next year and a half, three residential high-rise buildings will be built on Zhivopisnaya.

Who managed to do what Capital Group failed to do then?

Builder of parking space

On the last day of the calendar spring 2016, Stroitel LLC (part of the Kortros development group) Victor Vekselberg) received permission from the capital's authorities to build three 22-story buildings of a business-class residential complex with a total volume of 426 apartments with a total area of ​​32.24 thousand square meters on the site adjacent to the stadium. m.

The developer has in his hands the entire necessary package of permits, including the necessary independent examinations. Realtors have already started selling apartments in the complex, called “Serebryany Bor”.

As follows from the set of permitting documents that RBC reviewed, the project was approved quickly: it took the developer just over three months to obtain all the necessary visas - an incredible speed for a project of this scale.

This was preceded by another important event. Last summer, in July, Capital Group received the coveted document from the Moskomarkhitektura - an urban planning plan for the land plot (GPZU) at Zhivopisnaya, 21, which indicated a new type of permitted use of the territory - “facilities for the placement of residential and non-residential premises, engineering equipment of multi-apartment residential buildings " The maximum height was set at 75 m.

Less than two weeks later, the rights and obligations under the site lease agreement, along with the received permission, were transferred to another developer - Stroitel LLC.

The new tenant of the site acted quickly. In February 2016, he signed an additional agreement with the city government to the lease agreement, providing for a change in the purpose of providing a land plot for the construction (reconstruction) of capital construction projects. A month later, in March, the tenant received a positive conclusion from an independent examination that there were no violations during preparation for construction. In May 2016, the last three permits were received: a certificate of approval of the architectural and urban planning solution, a positive conclusion from the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow on the dendrological part of the project, and, finally, a construction permit.

Opponents of the construction on Zhivopisnaya are confident that the rapid approval of all documentation is due to the fact that the head of the “parent” company of Stroitel LLC - the Elitkompleks company - Igor Kuznetsov came to this structure from the Moscow mayor’s office. Since 2011, Kuznetsov has headed the Moscow garage construction directorate (responsible for the implementation of the People's Garage program), then headed the State Public Institution “Administrator of Moscow Parking Space” (dealt with paid parking in the capital).

According to Pavel Blokhin, the chief consultant of the office of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, a lecturer at the HSE Faculty of Law, the procedure for a tenant to obtain a plot for construction raises big questions. The lawyer notes that in such cases the city must hold an auction. According to him, this norm in Russian legislation was specifically established to develop competition and effective management of state property. “Yes, owners of objects on a specific site can obtain land for rent without a competition,” says the expert. - But only if their goal is to ensure the possibility of operating such facilities. On Zhivopisnaya, the old buildings were demolished immediately after the developer received permission to build a house.”

“I can only explain the developer’s receipt of permission by Igor Vyacheslavovich’s connections in the city’s urban planning complex,” says one of RBC’s interlocutors from among the activists of the group against the construction of a residential complex on Zhivopisnaya, who asked not to give his name.

The Kortros press service left unanswered RBC's request to receive a personal comment on this version from Igor Kuznetsov.

Moscow City Duma deputy Andrei Klychkov believes that in Moscow, in principle, there are no “accidental investors.” In his opinion, there is a stable pool of construction companies that in a short period of time can obtain the right to build almost any project in the capital. These include the Kortros Group of Companies.

The Elitecomplex company headed by Kuznetsov (according to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, belongs to RGS International Ltd, Cyprus) also manages another scandalous capital construction project. A high-rise hotel in the Teply Stan district should appear on the site of the Rodnichok square, in the improvement of which last year the city invested 40 million rubles for the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The park is already surrounded by a fence and construction equipment has entered it. Since the spring of 2016, rallies of local residents have been taking place near the construction site, which from time to time escalate into brawls with the police and security guards of the site. The last action took place on December 12 - opponents of construction blocked traffic on Profsoyuznaya Street for 15 minutes.

Construction on the site of the Rodnichok public garden, December 15, 2016
“According to residents, construction began without public hearings. Citizens are paying attention to the fact that under the guise of building a hotel, an elite residential complex is being built, which is openly reported on the website of the developer Kortros Group of Companies,” an interlocutor at the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation told RBC.

Realtors actually sell “hotel” housing. Officially, this facility is called “Apart-hotel “Konkovo”. One- and two-room apartments are offered for sale.

How much will the developer of Serebryany Bor earn?
In advertising brochures, sellers emphasize the advantages of the site on Zhivopisnaya, 21. “The project is located just 150 meters from the picturesque bank of the Moscow River, surrounded by centuries-old pine trees. The unusual architectural solution is dictated by the natural characteristics of the place,” emphasizes the website of the real estate company Metrium Group.
The planned cost of construction of the residential complex is 4.26 billion rubles. The current average price per square meter is 208.22 thousand rubles. If the developer manages to sell all the apartments in the complex at current prices (and they will rise as the building is completed), the revenue will be 6.713 billion rubles, the profit will be more than 2.5 billion rubles. And that's not counting 1605 sq. m of commercial real estate.
Proximity to a park area, although not a determining factor when choosing housing, does increase the attractiveness of the property and its cost, experts from real estate companies confirmed to RBC. According to the director of the exclusive real estate agency Usadba, Nadezhda Khazova, there are a number of “expensive parks” in Moscow, which includes the territories of the Moskvoretsky Protected Area, where, provided there is no roadway between the house and the park, the cost per square meter in a new building can add up to 20% compared to an equivalent property without green space nearby.

Expertise from beyond the Amur

A representative of the Kortros group, which includes the developer of Zhivopisnaya, Irina Opimakh assured RBC that the company had received all the necessary approvals, which were repeatedly verified by the relevant authorities at the request of residents. According to her, Muscovites’ fears that the areas of the Moskvoretsky Park adjacent to the new building will become their local areas are groundless.

Experts also have comments about the work of designers. In particular, they claim that the location of the site does not physically allow the laying of the necessary infrastructure (roads and utility networks) bypassing the forbidden lands with the status of protected areas. Advisor to the head of the Moscow Traffic Management Center (TCO) Andrey Mukhortikov agrees with this. “The main thing that needs to be decided first is how cars will leave the yard - either through the park, or through the stadium territory,” says the expert. “There is no other option, because the roadway for exit will still have to be built.” At the same time, Mukhortikov is confident that the appearance of several hundred cars of residents of the new complex on Zhivopisnaya will not lead to a transport collapse in the area. “Traffic here is relatively free,” he notes.

However, all this was not revealed by an independent examination of the project documentation, without which the developer would not have been able to obtain a construction permit. It was conducted in March 2016 by the capital's Forensic Expertise and Research LLC. Theoretically, it could be challenged in court. However, as follows from SPARK data, in October the expert company began the process of reorganization by merging with another legal entity - Boyd LLC, registered in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in an apartment on the outskirts.

SPARK contains information that the founder of Boyd LLC, Evgeny Kachanov, has registered 49 different LLCs at the same address since March 2016, each of which was then joined by companies operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. Two of these reorganized companies have already started liquidation processes; perhaps a similar fate awaits “Forensic Expertise and Research”.

“The reorganization procedure allows us to shift responsibility for the results of the examination to a new legal entity and its management, since responsibilities to the client are transferred to the latter by succession,” lawyer Oleg Sukhov explained to RBC. “With the liquidation of a legal entity, all its obligations also cease.”

A representative of Forensic Expertise and Research LLC, by phone listed on the company’s website, confirmed to RBC that an examination of the project documentation for Zhivopisnaya, 21 was carried out, noting that “they did not see any deviations from the legislation in the project.” The fact of the reorganization in the company was also confirmed, but they could not explain its reasons.

As for the responsibility of the body that issued permission to build a house on Zhivopisnaya, 21, Mosgosstroynadzor, its function is only to check with the developer that all the necessary documents are available, but not their validity and legality.

Mosgosstroynadzor reported this in response to an appeal from State Duma deputy Gennady Onishchenko. The ex-head of Rospotrebnadzor became interested in construction on Zhivopisnaya not by chance - his current voters live here. According to Onishchenko, he went to the site of the future construction twice in the last month and wrote requests to the supervisory authorities. “I received an incomprehensible, I would even say, half-insulting answer,” the deputy told RBC. - Some behave in the best traditions of the 1990s. Apparently, in the expectation that all this is permitted.” Onishchenko promised that he would defend the interests of voters “right up to the court.”

Federal issue

Lawyer Pavel Blokhin, who, at the request of RBC, studied all the project documentation for the construction at Zhivopisnaya, 21, came to the conclusion that the state property department made a change in the type of permitted use of the land plot automatically according to the parameters contained in the urban planning plan of the land plot. In turn, the type of permitted use of the territory indicated in it is predetermined by the decision of the urban planning and land commission of the city of Moscow. Its decision is independent and is not based on territorial planning and urban zoning documents.

The leadership of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Architecture claims that the possibility of building a residential building here and the permissible height of 75 m were established by the State Land Planning Committee on the basis of the General Plan of Moscow adopted in May 2010 and therefore do not contradict the law.

The executive editor of the Red Book of Moscow, Galina Morozova, does not agree with this. According to her, the General Plan states that the purpose of the site at Zhivopisnaya, possession 21, “belongs to functional zone No. 59 “specialized sports and recreational public areas” with a height of up to 15 m and has an index of the planned functional purpose of zone No. 100 “public business".

“You can be sure that if the draft of the current General Plan of Moscow provided for the placement of a high-rise residential complex on a plot of land located inside a pine forest on Zhivopisnaya, vl. 21, residents of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki and Shchukino districts would have clearly expressed their protest at public hearings in August 2009,” she believes.

There were no hearings before the issuance of a building permit for the residential complex. “This site is located outside the boundaries of residential areas, therefore, in accordance with Article 44 of the Urban Planning Code of the City of Moscow, public hearings on the draft urban planning plan were not held,” explains the mayor’s office’s official response to RBC’s request.

However, hearings can still take place, Anton Khlynov, head of the public monitoring group on environmental issues and forest protection at the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Moscow region, told RBC. According to him, the confrontation around the project on Zhivopisnaya is not just a local conflict.

“From the point of view of spatial development, this is a political and federal issue,” Khlynov is sure. - This is the same case when if you can’t, but really want to, then you can. We are seeing a case of absolutely unacceptable urban planning policy, when there is no holistic vision of the city’s development, and the decision is made in the interests of a particular developer. At the same time, the opinion of citizens is ignored, because the legislation, for formal reasons, allows not to hold public hearings.”

According to Khlynov, this situation was discussed in the ONF at a round table, following which a representative of the developer promised that he would submit documents for a state environmental assessment of the project. “In addition, public hearings should still take place in January,” the ONF representative is confident.

Waiting for new conflicts

The Human Rights Council under the President of Russia (HRC) told RBC that Muscovites are receiving a huge number of complaints about the allocation of plots for construction on dubious, from the point of view of residents of the capital, grounds.

The HRC sent recommendations to the Moscow government and the prosecutor's office to introduce a moratorium on the execution of decisions of the town planning and land commission; The council recommends checking their legality and abolishing the commission itself. The HRC believes that it is not accountable to the population, its activities are closed and opaque. The protocols are not published and are not publicly available. At the same time, all subsequent urban planning decisions and documents are based on them.

The HRC has still not received a response from the mayor's office and the prosecutor's office.

According to the findings of the Russian Ministry of Construction received by the HRC, one of the main reasons for conflicts between developers and local residents is the lack of approved Land Use and Development Rules (LRU) in Moscow. This “creates the preconditions for carrying out urban planning activities “at the discretion of the authorities” and without taking into account the opinion of the population,” the letter from the Ministry of Construction says.

Land use and development rules are an urban planning zoning document that determines what, where and when will be built. As RBC was informed by the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the draft rules have already been prepared and will be submitted for public hearings on December 22. They will be held in every administrative district of the city. The hearings and subsequent approval of the rules by the city government will become the “approval” for new construction in the neighborhoods.

“In theory, the rules of land use and development should comply with the General Plan, but representatives of the city’s construction complex have already indicated that on average 17% of Moscow’s territories are awaiting a change in functional purpose,” Alina Engalycheva, a member of the Public Environmental Council of Moscow, told RBC. - And, alas, these changes are not in favor of the residents. In recent years, there have been cases when, amid protests from citizens over illegal construction projects, they were suspended. People calmed down, although the permits themselves were not revoked. So, all these construction projects are included in the PZZ project. Therefore, I think that in the future loud conflicts at construction sites in the city will continue.”

Conflicts in connection with the development of recreational areas in Moscow

Development of lands of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
When did it arise: in March 2016
What caused it: The Moscow government transferred 100 hectares of land of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, located along Larch Alley and Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, to the RHD Foundation for residential development due to “the ineffectiveness of their use.”
Current status: On April 14, during a direct line with the population, when asked about the fate of the experimental fields of the academy, Vladimir Putin said that all the lands would remain with the university.

Residential complex near the park "Dubki"
When did it arise: in March 2016
What caused it: construction of a 22-storey building with underground parking on the site of a kindergarten, which is an example of early 20th century architecture, near the Dubki park in the Timiryazevsky district of Moscow
Current status: construction has begun, the commissioning of the residential complex is planned for the fourth quarter of 2018; the initiative group launched a collection of signatures for a petition demanding to stop construction

Football fields in Druzhba Park
When did it arise: in August 2015
What caused it: construction of two football fields and a playground with a total area of ​​4.59 hectares in the Druzhba Park in the Rechnoy Vokzal metro area. The park is a cultural heritage site of regional significance
Current status: an inspection by the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage revealed that construction work was carried out with deviations from the design documentation, but work continued; delivery of the facility was scheduled for October 2016

Temple in the park in 1st Krasnokursantsky Proezd
When did it arise: in October 2016
What caused it: initiative of the Russian Guard to approve the construction of a temple on an area of ​​900 square meters. m in the park on 1st Krasnokursantsky Proezd. The square is located in the protected zone of the federal architectural monument "Catherine's Palace"
Current status: the project is undergoing approval

Construction of a temple on Lodochnaya Street
When did it arise: in April 2016
What caused it: plans for the construction of a temple complex and stadium with changes in the boundaries of the park along the Khimki reservoir along Lodochnaya Street
Current status: protests continue, tree cutting has begun

Monument to Prince Vladimir on Sparrow Hills
When did it arise: summer 2015
What caused it: plans to install a 24-meter monument near the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory
Current status: the decision to place the monument was put to a vote in the “Active Citizen” application, after which the monument was placed on Borovitskaya Square

Temple in the park "Torfyanka"
When did it arise: in April 2013
What caused it: plans for the construction of a temple in the Torfyanka park in the Losinoostrovsky district as part of the “200 temples” program
Current status: it was decided to move the construction of the temple, but the street to which the construction was announced does not exist in Moscow

Temple in the park on Green Avenue
When did it arise: in 2012
What caused it: plans for the construction of a temple on the territory of natural complex No. 72-VAO
Current status: construction has not started; Protests by residents continue. Activists agree to move construction to the historical location of the temple, on Lazo Street

Temple in a forest park between Kronstadt Boulevard and Bolshoi Golovinsky Pond
When did it arise: at the end of 2011
What caused it: plans to build a temple in a forest park between Kronstadt Boulevard and Bolshoi Golovinsky Pond as part of the “200 temples” program. The territory of the park belongs to the regulated development zone
Current status: at the end of 2015, the project was agreed upon in a second vote, and a temporary wooden chapel was built

Presumably, Igor Vyacheslavovich Kuznetsov is the head of the companies, the list of which you see below. It is also possible that these companies are managed by different people with similar first and last names. This information was obtained on the basis of an analysis of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, may be outdated and does not violate Federal Law 152 “On Personal Data” in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".



Region: Arkhangelsk region

Address: 163000, ARKHANGELSK, TROITSKY Ave., 106, office. 70

Design, design and survey and survey organizations


  • . Carrying out civil works for the construction of buildings;
  • . Carrying out civil works for the construction of other buildings and structures not included in other groups;
  • . Installation of buildings and structures from prefabricated structures;

Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for the city of ARKHANGELSK



Region: Moscow region

Address: 141982, MOSCOW region, DUBNA, st. UNIVERSITY, 19



Region: Ryazan region

Address: 391550, RYAZAN region, SHATSK, st. REPUBLICAN SQUARE, 9B, apt. 6



Region: Moscow

Address: 117342, MOSCOW, st. BUTLEROVA, 17B, room. XI, office 142



Region: Moscow

Address: 117513, MOSCOW, BAKULEVA ACADEMIKA st., 4, bldg. 1



Region: Krasnodar region

Address: 353020, KRASNODAR region, st. NOVOPOKROVSKAYA, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 101

Mechanical engineering for livestock and feed production



Region: Moscow

Address: 129626, MOSCOW, st. NOVOALEXEEVSKAYA, 1, board room

Alexander Grivnyak has been appointed as the new General Director of the State Public Institution of the AMPP.

Igor Kuznetsov left the post of general director of GKU "" (AMPP). This was announced on Thursday, October 24, by the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the capital.

“By order of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development Maxim Liksutov dated October 23, 2013, General Director of the State Public Institution “ Administrator of Moscow parking space» Grivnyak Alexander Ivanovich was appointed, previously held the position of vice-governor of the Murmansk region,” the department said in a statement.

The department also clarified that Kuznetsov, who headed the institution, left his post “due to a transfer to another job.”

One of the main areas of work of the AMPP, created in October 2012, was the organization of paid parking space within the Boulevard Ring from June 1. To pay for parking, special parking meters were installed there, and drivers were also given the opportunity to pay for parking via mobile phone.

To pay for parking, special parking meters were installed there, and drivers were also given the opportunity to pay for parking via mobile phone.

Another important innovation implemented by the State Civil Institution of the AMPP was the introduction of paid car evacuation. Drivers are now required to pay for transporting their car to the impound lot, while previously violators only had to pay a traffic police fine.


Ksenia Brodulenko, press secretary Administrator of the Moscow parking space»:

Igor Vyacheslavovich resigned from the position of General Director of the State Public Institution " Administrator of Moscow parking space"in connection with the transition to a new job. He did not disclose the new place of work, but it will be outside the activities of the Department of Transport.

Igor Kuznetsov was appointed CEO of AMPP at the beginning of 2012. Before heading AMPP, Igor Kuznetsov headed “ Directorate for construction and operation of garage facilities».


In 1991 he graduated from the Lomonosov Naval School of the Navy, and in 2001 from the Institute of Management and Economics, with an MBA at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Until July 2012, Gryavnyak worked as executive director, development director of the company " Sebastes" (Moscow). Member of the General Council " Business Russia ».

Until February 2013, Alexander Ivanovich served as deputy governor of the Murmansk region.

Married, has three children.

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