Do-it-yourself birdhouse: how to make a reliable and comfortable house for birds (61 photos). How to make a birdhouse: from boards and logs for different birds What can a birdhouse be made of

All over the world there is a tradition to hang birdhouses on Bird Day. This fashion came to us during the time of Peter the Great, who first saw bird houses in Europe. In terms of nesting, starlings are unpretentious and therefore can settle in the crevices of buildings, minks or hollows.

In fairness, it must be said that these beautiful birds are very grateful creatures that provide invaluable assistance to gardeners in the fight against pests. Therefore, many owners of personal plots specifically attract starlings, making birdhouses for this with their own hands. Having the appropriate drawings and having studied the video instructions, everyone can make bird houses.

The most desirable and most frequent inhabitants of birdhouses are common starlings. These are rather large birds, so the house for them must be stretched up, have the appropriate dimensions, a removable roof, a blind bottom, a notch (hole) and a hearth.

The dimensions of the house for feathered friends depend on the type of birds for which it is intended. Standard birdhouse dimensions:

  • 20-40 cm - height;
  • 13-15 cm - bottom width;
  • 3.8-5 cm - the diameter of the notch.

A more spacious building is not recommended. Of course, a large house will accommodate many chicks, but it will be quite difficult for parents to go out and feed them. Only two or three chicks can fit in a compact birdhouse, but they grow up healthy and capable of long-distance flights.

Roof needed make removable so that in the fall it was easy to inspect and clean the house. Of all the birds that can settle in it, only starlings, nuthatches and tits do the “general cleaning”. The rest of the birds leave garbage behind, and no one can move into uncleaned housing for the next year.

Materials for making a birdhouse

It is desirable that the bird house is made by hand from natural materials. The most commonly used dry boards, harvested oak or birch. Coniferous trees are not recommended, as they emit resin.

Boards should be rough at least from the inside, so they do not need to be sanded. On smooth boards, it will be difficult for birds to get out, and therefore the polished material should be scratched with a knife. The thickness of the board should be from 20 mm, in which case the birdhouse will retain heat well.

It is not recommended to use glued or pressed wood for construction, as it toxic and short lived. Also not suitable for construction and plywood. It does not retain heat well and practically does not let in sounds, which are very important for birds.

Do-it-yourself birdhouse: stages of work, video

The design of the house depends on where it will be hung. If to a pole, balcony or under the roof of the house, then in order for feathered friends to have a place to walk, it should be provided additional perches in the form of a triangular shelf or thin sticks.

For a birdhouse suspended on a tree, such perches can be omitted, so the birds will sit on the branches and delight their owners with the chirping.

To build a convenient and compact birdhouse with your own hands, the drawing of which must be prepared in advance, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Boards.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Nails or screws.
  • Two blocks and steel wire for hanging the house.
  • Chisel.
  • A hammer.
  • Drill for wood.
  • Drill.
  • wood cutter.
  • Ruler.
  • Simple pencil.

Work on the manufacture of a tower for starlings should be carried out in several stages.

Stage number 1 - do-it-yourself harvesting of wooden elements

On the prepared boards, according to the drawing, using a simple pencil and a ruler, the dimensions of the walls, bottom, roof and holes are marked. In this case, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. The roof must be made with a slope, so the front wall must be made four cm longer than the back, and the side walls must be cut off at the top under the slope.
  2. The bottom should be made in the form of a square with a side of 13 cm.
  3. The roof is made from two different elements. One of them should look like the bottom of a birdhouse, and the other is made in the form of a large rectangle, with which a canopy will be created.

Having drawn and checked with the drawing all the details of the structure, you can start cutting them out. In order for paired elements to have the same dimensions, it is recommended harvest sequentially.

To make the starling house look beautiful from the outside, the boards on one side can be further trimmed.

tray preferred make round, since then it will look like a hollow, birds live in natural conditions. To protect the chicks from the encroachment of cats, the entrance to the birdhouse must be located five cm from the top edge.

Stage number 2 - assembling a house for starlings with your own hands

First of all, it is necessary fasten the front facade and side walls designs. This is done with the help of wood glue, as it dries, the elements are additionally fixed with self-tapping screws or nails.

Further, according to the same principle, the side ends of the bottom of the birdhouse are attached to the side and front walls. Lastly, it is glued to the structure and nailed back wall. During operation, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps between the elements.

If the roof is removable, then its parts are attached only to each other. It does not need to be glued or nailed to the birdhouse. It is installed on the structure using rubber or door hinges. In this case, the birds will protected from cat visits.

Stage number 3 - installation of a birdhouse

The finished birdhouse can be wired or nailed to the selected surface. To facilitate the exit of the chicks and additional protection, the design is recommended lean forward a little. If the birdhouse will be installed on a tree, then it is better to wind it with wire.

Basic rules for placing an "apartment" for birds:

  • the optimal height is 3-5 meters in a summer cottage or in a village and from 8 to 10 meters in a city;
  • direct sunlight should not fall on the birdhouse in the midday heat;
  • the entrance to the house should be turned to the side with a minimum amount of winds;
  • tilting the structure back is not allowed;
  • it is necessary to make sure that there are no branches near the birdhouse, along which a cat can get to the birds' dwelling;
  • it is recommended to install houses for feathered friends in early April.

The birdhouse is made and installed with his own hands, it remains only to wait for the residents to settle. But what if there are no boards, but you want to make a bird house? In this case, materials that are always at hand will come to the rescue.

Birdhouse made of plastic bottles

To make such a birdhouse, you only need one large plastic bottle, scissors, wire, paper or paint.

In the bottle cap, you will need to make two holes for the wire with which the house will be suspended. At the top should cut a hole for entry. To make the home comfortable and cozy, the outside of the bottle can be painted or pasted over with paper.

In approximately the same way, you can make a birdhouse with your own hands from juice boxes or milk, the capacity of which is more than one liter. Using such materials, they must first be prepared. To do this, the container is well washed and dried.

Having made a birdhouse with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that the birds may not settle in it immediately. It will take some time to develop new housing. It's not worth worrying about this. Sooner or later, the starlings will appreciate your work, and after they settle in, you can enjoy the singing and fuss of the birds, and not worry about your harvest.

Previously, birdhouses were made in schools at labor lessons. Now times have changed, and if a person wants to do a good deed or attract birds to his site, he has to learn everything anew.

Fortunately, making a birdhouse is not difficult if you know what materials, for which birds and according to what drawings.

There are two classifications of birdhouses. According to the material of manufacture, they are divided into:

There is also a very original version of a decorative pumpkin birdhouse, which will be quite comfortable for birds - dry, warm, impervious to drafts, with rough walls - but specific skills are needed to make it and not every pumpkin will do. Most people will find it easier to make a birdhouse out of wood.

The second way of classification is according to which birds the future home is intended for.

  • Birdhouse - for skorts. The most classic version. Height - up to forty centimeters, the diameter of the notch (the hole through which the birds will get inside) is not more than five centimeters.
  • Sinichnik - for tits, sparrows, flycatchers and other small birds. Height - up to thirty centimeters, the diameter of the notch is not more than three centimeters.
  • Wagtail - for wagtails. The height and diameter of the notch are the same as those of a classic birdhouse, but a ladder for entry is required. Wagtails don't have enough paws to climb up the trunk, so they need a platform in front of the entrance on which they can sit.
  • The triangular version is for pikas. Height - thirty cm, tap-hole diameter - three cm, the main condition is a through passage. This option should have two tapholes.

If the birdhouse is being prepared for birds that will have to rid the site of pests, it is best to make it for starlings. In other cases, the choice is solely up to the master.

Basic principles: device and place

It is not enough to choose good material - you need to make sure that the birds are comfortable and safe inside. To ensure comfort, you need:

  • make a sloping roof so that moisture does not seep through it;
  • make the roof removable so that at the end of nesting, remove all debris and prepare for the arrival of the next guests;
  • check that the boards are rough - and, if anything, make notches with a chisel;
  • make the notch round so that the birds cannot be injured on the corners;
  • caulk all cracks so that drafts do not penetrate inside;
  • use the wood of deciduous trees, such as birch or alder, because they do not emit resin;
  • place the birdhouse so that its entrance faces south, from which no really cold winds blow;
  • place the birdhouse, if possible, with a slight slope forward, so that it is more convenient for the birds to get out of it.

Before the entrance, you can make a perch, you can use a simple flat area, but if it doesn’t work out, it’s okay - the birds will be able to use neighboring branches in the same capacity.

In order for the birdhouse to be safe for chicks, you need:

  • take care that woodpeckers cannot ruin it - to do this, make an overlay of wood around the notch, the fibers of which are located horizontally and which woodpeckers cannot peck;
  • take care that stray or domestic cats cannot ruin it - to do this, pick up dry branches, fasten them with wire in the likeness of a wreath and attach it to the trunk so that the ends point down and prevent climbing.

All principles are not just good advice, but rules, the violation of which can cost the feathered inhabitants of the birdhouse life. Only responsibility and attention to detail will help to avoid this.

How to make a birdhouse

You need to start by looking for materials.

You will need:

  • wooden boards;
  • environmentally friendly varnish;
  • nails;
  • a hammer;
  • drill;
  • PVA glue;
  • rubber;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • pliers;
  • thick wire.

The simplest design to start with is a triangular birdhouse.

Work on it should be consistent:

  • you need to make or find a drawing that will show how all six of its parts will be combined: two roof slopes, a facade, a bottom, a back wall and a rail for fastening - the height should not exceed thirty centimeters;
  • when the drawing is ready, you need to make parts by sawing them out of the boards with a jigsaw;
  • hammer the roof with a hammer and nails - you can first grind off the inner edge of both slopes so that they fit snugly against each other;
  • with the help of PVA glue - and nails for safety net - the bottom should be attached to the roof;
  • the back wall is attached to the main structure with glue - it is important to let it dry properly before use;
  • a notch is drilled in the facade;
  • with a screw, the facade is attached to the main structure - if necessary, the screw can be easily unscrewed and the wall removed to clean inside;
  • the rail is attached to the back wall - so that it is convenient to nail it to the tree.

The result can be hung in the garden and wait for the tenants to move in.

You should not decorate the birdhouse with sparkles, bright colors, rustling ribbons. All this will make it aesthetic, but will scare away the birds.

A slightly more complex design is implied by the classic birdhouse.

It will require the same materials and the same patience:

  • first of all, you should draw a preliminary drawing, on which there should be - two side walls, a back wall, a facade, a cover, a bottom and a rail (standard dimensions are 30 by 20 for the facade, 25 by 20 for the back wall, 30 by 15 for the side walls, 15 to 20 for the bottom and 15 to 25 for the lid);
  • when the drawing is finished, you need to cut out the details from the board with a jigsaw;
  • using a drill, make a tap hole on the facade and screw in two bolts with ring heads using a screwdriver;
  • using pliers, bend the wire so that it resembles a bolt and does not fall when you try to insert it into the bolt rings;
  • using glue and nails, put together a birdhouse frame - side walls from the back, attach the bottom and lid to them;
  • with the help of two long thin nails, attach the facade so that it leans back easily - to do this, nail the nails two centimeters below the cover so that the facade can turn on them;
  • when everything is ready, you need to varnish the birdhouse and leave to dry;
  • to the back wall of a completely dried birdhouse, a rail should be attached with nails, on which it will be hung.

When hanging a birdhouse, you should make sure that it is held tight enough that no wind can rip it off. It is better to use several screws.

There are two seasons when you can expect feathered residents:

  • in early spring, when migratory birds return from the south, ready to look for a nesting place;
  • in late autumn, when wintering birds begin to nest.

With the right approach, a birdhouse can be a home for birds all year round - the main thing is to have time to clean up the garbage and make sure that it does not rot, warp or collapse.

Proper care and following the basic rules will help to provide birds with excellent apartments for many years.

A video that clearly shows and tells how to make a simple wooden birdhouse from unplaned boards.

Birds are indispensable helpers in the fight against pests of green spaces. The best way to call for their help and attract them to your site is to make a birdhouse with your own hands. By giving the birds comfortable houses, the owner of the suburban area provides himself with peace of mind for the harvest and a good mood from a pleasant neighborhood. The birdhouse will be in demand in any case: swifts, nigella, flycatchers, tits and sparrows also settle in comfortable apartments with pleasure.

Thinking about how to make a birdhouse with your own hands, you should first of all worry about preparing material for building a house.

The material for the manufacture of a birdhouse can be hardwood boards, for example: aspen, maple, oak, birch, alder

Coniferous woods are absolutely not suitable for building a birdhouse, because they are able to release resin, which makes the inner surface of the birdhouse sticky.

For the construction of a birdhouse, it is also not advisable to use chipboard and fiberboard, which emit toxins that are harmful to birds. Plywood is far from the best choice: the material does not transmit sounds well, the sufficient audibility of which is necessary for birds in case of danger, and does not retain heat well, making it difficult for birds to nurse their helpless chicks. The inner surface of the wooden boards should be slightly rough. It is possible to give irregularities to a smooth surface by applying horizontal notches with a chisel, which will make it easier for birds and their chicks to get out of the house.

Before making a birdhouse, you should decide on the size of the future structure. The standard dimensions of the birdhouse are: 13-15 cm bottom width and 30 cm birdhouse height, and the entrance diameter is 3.8-5 cm. parents?!

Numerous offspring are much more difficult to go out and feed. Weakened from insufficient food, the chicks grow up sickly and unable to withstand long-distance flights in autumn to warmer climes. In a compact house, capable of accommodating only two or three chicks, the offspring grow up healthy, able to further maintain the power of the population of the species.

Ornithologists say that the interior space of bird houses should not be too spacious, but at the same time too cramped.

The simplest version of a wooden bird house

The configuration of the birdhouse depends on where it will be attached. If the house is suspended under the roof of the house, to a balcony or a pole, then the design should provide for the presence of additional perches in the form of a thin stick or a triangular shelf, necessary for the “walk” of feathered owners.

When deciding how to make a birdhouse out of wood, which will be placed in natural conditions and hung on a tree, you can do without arranging a “walking” perch. On the branches adjacent to the nesting place, the starling will rest, delighting others with pleasant tints of its singing.

When making the simplest bird house, you can use the given drawing of a birdhouse with dimensions, which even a schoolboy can figure out

To build a compact and convenient house for the bird family, you will need:

  • edged unplaned boards;
  • two bars (for hanging a birdhouse on a tree);
  • screws or nails;
  • steel wire d=1mm (for hanging the house);
  • wood glue.

Of the tools you will need:

  • a simple pencil with a ruler;
  • (with middle tooth);
  • drill, drill for wood;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel.

The work is carried out in several stages:

Stage # 1 - preparation of wooden elements

With a simple pencil on the boards, according to the drawing, the dimensions of all wooden elements are marked: the bottom, walls, roof and perches.

As a result, you should get 7 blanks

The bottom is made in the form of a square with a side of 13 cm. The height difference between the front and rear walls is 4 cm, this allows you to create a roof slope angle. For the same purpose, bevels are provided on the upper cut of the side walls. To equip the roof, two parts of different sizes should be prepared: the first part is shaped like the configuration of the bottom of the house, the second is a large rectangle to create a canopy.

Some craftsmen believe that a more successful option in arranging a house is a forward-tilted roof, which is formed due to a shorter front wall.

Stage # 2 - cutting out structural details

Sawing elements should be performed sequentially so that the paired parts have the same dimensions. To add beauty to the product, the outer surface of the boards can be further trimmed.

Using a drill or chisel, a hole is made for the summer of birds d = 3.8 cm (can be increased to 5 cm)

A round hole in the entrance to the house is more preferable than a rectangular one, since in nature a round hollow is closer to the birds, they are more likely to settle in a house with a round entrance. The location of the hole 5 cm from the top edge allows you to protect the chicks from the grasping paws of cats.

Stage # 3 - birdhouse assembly

The side walls and front facade of the structure are first fastened together with wood glue. As the glue dries, the parts are fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. By the same principle, the side ends of the bottom are connected to the front and side walls. Lastly, the back wall of the birdhouse is glued and clogged. There shouldn't be any cracks.

Roof parts are fastened together. It is not worth fixing the roof to the house itself.

Stage # 4 - installation of a bird "apartment"

The finished birdhouse can be nailed or tied with wire. For additional protection and to make it easier for the chicks to exit on a slightly angled surface, the structure should be slightly tilted forward.

When placing a birdhouse on a tree, it is preferable to use wire to hang the structure, which, unlike nails, will not hurt the tree. Additional protection for the bark of a tree can be made by wooden blocks, which will be a kind of lining that takes on the tension of the wire.

The house should “look” towards the east or southeast. The optimal placement height is from 3 to 5 meters

Decorative birdhouses

When planning how to build a birdhouse with your own hands, you want to get not only a functional design that is convenient for birds, but an attractive house that will become a bright touch in the design of the site.

There is a misconception that starlings do not occupy houses painted with bright oil paint. But as practice shows, the bird family feels very comfortable in such colorful apartments.

The material on how to build a decorative windmill for the garden may also be useful:

The houses decorated with decorative details look interesting. Some craftsmen create real palaces for birds with balconies and fences.

Fantasizing about how to build a birdhouse that will become a real decoration of landscape design, you can take the simplest version of the house as the basic basis for the design, which is only complemented by original decor elements and played up with color schemes.

Birds can populate the “apartment” prepared by them far from immediately. It can take a year or more to develop a new home. Do not worry and be patient: your good deeds will certainly be rewarded over time.

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There are indispensable attributes of a good garden: well-groomed fruit trees, trimmed shrubs, luxurious flower beds. And if you have all this, but there is a feeling that something is missing, listen. Does the sound of birds please your ears? Not? And what about without them! How to lure flooded singers to the site, and at the same time protect it from insects dangerous for planting? Today we will discuss how to make a birdhouse with your own hands from wood. Drawings, materials, decor and installation, as well as many creative ideas on this topic in our material.

The little singer is also a diligent helper in the garden

First of all, let's deal with the concept of "birdhouse". This is a housing for small birds, made of wood or improvised materials, having a notch, a perch, a roof from the sun and rain, and, most importantly, a place for a cozy nest. Titmouse, fussy sparrows, flycatchers, wagtails and, of course, starlings can settle in such an apartment.

What can you make a birdhouse with your own hands? Moreover, to build it in such a way that this house would not only attract birds, but also become a landmark and decoration of the garden? What are the dimensions of the birdhouse, drawing and design ideas?

The best materials for making a birdhouse


You can weave a birdhouse out of jute rope or use a ready-made small basket. It is necessary to fix the roof on it to protect the nest from the sun and rain and carefully cut out the notch so as not to damage the bearing axis of the weaving.

To give the product strength and shape, treat it with acrylic varnish and leave to dry, stuffed with polyethylene. The polyethylene film will easily separate from the walls after the product dries. Acrylic water varnish is safe for birds.


After autumn pruning of trees and grapes, leave thin branches. You will have something to do in winter - this material can be used to make apartments for titmouse and sparrows.

Important! Using self-tapping screws, make sure that their sharp tips do not protrude into the nest. Otherwise, they will hurt the birds.


Wood is an ideal material for making a birdhouse. It is closest to the natural living conditions of birds. You can make a house from boards or from a log. An old stump, thick bark, trimmings of commercial wood are suitable for a birdhouse.

dried pumpkin

Place large bottle gourds in a dry, dark place for the winter. In the spring you will receive a dry vessel in which seeds will rattle. A hole is cut out in the pumpkin and the dry insides are scooped out with a spoon through it.

Advice! Dry pumpkin is a rather fragile material, it is better to use not a drill, but a dremel with a small drill to cut a notch. You can use dental drills for this purpose, they will carefully cut out a notch of any shape and size. If you cover the surface of a dried pumpkin with stain, and then use the same tool to make shallow patterns on the surface, you will get not just a birdhouse, but a real work of art.

Birds will love this home. They will enthusiastically clean it of the remnants of dry pulp and bring you chicks to the delight. The photo shows examples of such bird houses:

What materials should be discarded

First of all, consider materials that are not very suitable for this purpose:

PlasticTransparent plastic will not allow the birds to feel in privacy and security. The sun's rays will penetrate the nest, and the chicks will be in full view of possible predators. In addition, plastic is poorly breathable and, when heated in the sun, can release toxic substances. This material is more suitable for making a feeder.
Juice and milk packagesSparrows and titmouse, although they are small birds, will not be able to arrange a nest in a liter package of juice, there is too little space. They will fit in a two-liter box, but they will not hatch chicks. The masonry will die from the fact that there is foil inside the package. It will retain the heat of the sun, and the eggs will overheat, and the birds may die with them. So, although the temptation to use these improvised materials is great, it is better to abandon this idea.
Chipboard, plywood and fiberboardIt may seem strange, but these materials are also not the best choice. The fact is that formaldehyde resins are used in the manufacture of sheets. These are toxic compounds that can be detrimental to the health of the bird family. Plywood and fiberboard do not hold heat well, and chipboard is too heavy and rough material for a small house.

Features of manufacturing from different materials

Wooden birdhouse

What you need to know to make a bird house out of wood with your own hands? Even if there is no experience in carpentry, it does not matter. A student can cope with such a simple design.

The following tools will come in handy for the job:

  • ruler and pencil for marking;
  • saw, planer, hammer or screwdriver;
  • fasteners: self-tapping screws or ordinary small nails;
  • drill and drill for making a hole (letka);
  • sandpaper, tow, wood glue.
Important! For the manufacture of a bird's nest, it is undesirable to use resinous coniferous wood. The resin will cause the inside walls of the birdhouse to become sticky. The resin will stain the feathers and down of the chicks, and the inhabitants of the house can be seriously injured from this.

The best material for work is oak, birch, linden or aspen wood.

Note! The inner walls of the house do not need to be sanded to smoothness. Small roughness will help the birds get out of the nest.

To make a birdhouse, you will need drawings with dimensions. Usually an apartment for small birds has standard dimensions in centimeters: 30 (height) x 15 (width). The diameter of the hole for the notch is five to six centimeters.

Birdhouse, drawing and dimensions

Note! For each type of bird there are separate requirements for the size and design of the house. If you want titmouse or wagtails to settle in the garden, find the appropriate drawings.

A few tips for working with wood:

  • Put on gloves, they will save your hands from accidental splinters and soften the blow with a hammer if your hand trembles.

  • Before work, sharpen the planer and hacksaw. Blunt tools will not only make the job harder, but they will also prevent you from carefully fitting parts.
  • Never saw or drill anything on your lap. Firstly, it is inconvenient, and secondly, it is fraught with serious injuries.
  • If you do not know how to make a birdhouse out of boards, choose a simple option - a hollow. For this purpose, you will need a simple log of the desired diameter and height.

A drill with a pen attachment will help facilitate the work. For the bottom, a cut of the same log is used. Letok can also be made with a drill. In the photo examples of such work:

Birdhouse made of cardboard

Cardboard bird houses are a product for one season, no more, and they are more of a decorative function. For this purpose, it is better to use thick corrugated cardboard, such as on postal parcels.

The whole job will take a maximum of half an hour, and this process will be a fun and rewarding activity for children with their parents.

Advice! To seal the walls of the house, they should be made milky or even triple. To do this, the blanks are glued together with wallpaper paste or PVA.

A notch in a cardboard house can be made square, so it is easier to cut out the cardboard. The side of the square is six centimeters. Holes are made on the back wall for a rope on which the house will be hung. Outside, the house can be wrapped with jute rope and coated with acrylic varnish. This technique will allow the structure to last the season, despite the atmospheric humidity.

The film can also be pasted over the walls. The film should be positioned so that there is a centimeter overlap. So water will not get into the joints.

Below is a template with dimensions for a cardboard birdhouse:

More details on how to make a cardboard nest with your own hands on the video:

Paper birdhouse

Paper birdhouses are purely decorative items. They can be used for Easter decoration at home or as gift wrapping. As a material, you can use scrap paper, stationery cardboard and colored sheets.

Master class on how to make paper birdhouses with your own hands:

Birdhouse from a bottle

Plastic is not the best material for making bird housing, but if there are no other options, take a five-liter bottle of drinking water for work.

In a plastic bottle, a round hole should be cut. Sharp edges should be burnt gently. They will melt a little, and it will be easier for the bird to hold on to the edge of the notch. A long bolt is suitable for making a perch. It is fixed with a screw and washer. The metal should not heat up in the sun, it must be carefully wrapped with a harsh thread or rope.

To make the inhabitants of the house feel comfortable, it should be painted on the outside with water-based paint. In two or even three layers, so that the light does not penetrate inside.

Advice! Use light paint for this purpose, so the bottle will heat up less on hot days.

Two holes should be made in the bottle cap and a rope should be threaded through them for fastening.

Another mounting option is through the holes on the side of the bottle opposite the entrance. If you make four holes and thread two ropes, you can firmly tie the house to the tree trunk. It will not be swayed by the wind, as in the first method of fastening.

Advice! For good ventilation in the plastic bird housing that you make with your own hands, perforation of the walls will be required. Small holes on the side walls are made with a red-hot knitting needle. Do not make too many holes, a dozen on each side is enough.

If the starlings like your design, they themselves will bring material for the nest. You can make it easier for them by putting dry grass, pieces of cloth or small twigs inside.

Ideas on how to make birdhouses from plastic bottles, photo:

Plywood birdhouse

Birdhouses made of plywood are very common in garden plots. The multilayer structure of plywood makes the bird housing reliable and durable.

Advice! For work it is better to use moisture resistant plywood. Such a design will safely survive more than one season.

To build a nest with your own hands, you will need wood glue, self-tapping screws and a jigsaw. How to make wall mounts? For this purpose, a frame is first made of small bars.

For the manufacture of structures of complex shape, you can make your own drawings. The main thing is to observe the minimum dimensions necessary for a bird's dwelling.

To attach the house to the tree, you need to screw the rail to the back wall. It is better to do this in advance, before the final assembly of the parts.

Advice! If you care about your garden trees, do not nail the birdhouse. It is better to fasten it with a thick wire, placing rubber or other dense material under it. This way you will not cut the bark and keep the plant healthy.

Birdhouse out of the box

A simple and easy-to-implement idea is a bird house out of the box.

There are many tutorials online on how to make a nest out of a box with your own hands.The algorithm for building a birdhouse out of the box is simple. A notch is cut out in the lid, a perch is made from a long bolt. The installation site of the perch needs to be strengthened. This can be done with two pieces of durable plastic. They should be fixed from the outside and inside. So that the birds do not break off the edges of the cardboard notch ahead of time, they need to be strengthened with tape or make a frame out of a plastic cover. After all these manipulations, the front of the house is firmly glued to the box. To strengthen the back wall, use a suitable piece of plywood: it can be glued with PVA glue.

Birdhouse options from the box in the photo:

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You probably also, like many garden owners, want to know what you can do with your own hands for garden decor, because decorative decorations in the store are so expensive. In this review, we will tell and show what can be created from improvised materials.

Birdhouse dimensions

A lot has been said about the materials for the birdhouse. It's time to talk about drawings and dimensions. How to make a drawing?

We make the bottom of the nest with a side of fifteen centimeters. Such an area will appeal to starlings. In a small cozy house for birds, the height of the walls is from thirty to forty centimeters. The standard diameter of the hole in the birdhouse for the notch according to GOST is six centimeters. Before the entrance, you need to provide a perch with a length of at least five centimeters.

The house must be built with a roof, it will protect the bird family from the rain. The view at the roof can be any, but its edges should go beyond the level of the walls by at least five centimeters. Moreover, the roof should also protrude above the entrance to protect it from oblique rain.

In the photo there are examples of what the drawings of houses built with their own hands should be:

Now about how to build a home for different types of birds.

Sizes of the birdhouse for starlings

Starlings are not capricious birds. They willingly settle in small hollows, in cracks under the roof and even in holes. So a do-it-yourself house for starlings is luxury housing. In gratitude for such an apartment, the little singer will diligently delight your ears with flooded singing and watch over your garden trees, saving them from leaf-eating insects. In a week, he is able to detect and eat about one and a half thousand beetle larvae, as well as caterpillars and other insects.

Drawing of a house for starlings:

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the size of the hole in the birdhouse and its location relative to the bottom. Too large a hole is undesirable, as the bird will feel uncomfortable. The optimal diameter of the hole in the birdhouse for the starling is five centimeters, the height relative to the bottom is fifteen centimeters.

So that the chicks do not freeze on cool days, there should be no cracks and drafts in the house. The inside of the nest should not be slippery; birds cling to the roughness with their paws.A perch for starlings is not a mandatory attribute. They'll do just fine without it.

Advice! It is better to make the roof of the house removable. So at the end of the season, you can clean up the birdhouse and prepare it for the arrival of new residents.

A birdhouse made of wood can last a decade and a half, and with proper care and periodic repairs, even longer. Bird dwellings should be periodically painted for safety, and in natural tones, avoiding bright colors.

Advice! In early spring, to draw the attention of birds to your site, hang a feeder. Birds will be happy to settle next to the free canteen.

Sinichnik: drawing and dimensions of the correct structures

How to make a house for yellow-breasted titmouse? The shape of the house is the same as that of the birdhouse. The difference is only in size. The dimensions of the birdhouse for tits are slightly smaller, about a couple of centimeters in all respects.

Drawings options for a small titmouse:

Note! Sparrows, flycatchers and tiny redstarts can nest in a small titmouse. Larger feathered sizes of the house will not attract.

Apartments for birds should be located at a distance of at least fifteen meters from each other. If it is reduced, the birds will prefer other places to settle.

Important! The house is fixed in such a way that it has a light pendant towards the notch. The slanting rain will not fall into the nest, and it will be easier for the chicks to make their first flight.

Wagtail house: drawing and dimensions, manufacturing features

The wagtail is an invaluable helper in the garden. She runs around the plantings and collects May beetles, caterpillars and other pests. With such a garden nurse, the harvest will at least double.

Consider how to make a house for birds with your own hands. The wagguzonic differs from the usual birdhouse in shape and size. Instead of a perch, it has a balcony, and the house itself is stretched in length and less in height.

Wagtail drawing:

Previously, children made such houses at labor lessons. It's not difficult at all. For the floor, you need to prepare a board 12 by 40 centimeters, for the walls - two pieces 14 by 30, one 12 by 140 and another 8x12. The roof should be wider than the bottom, 50 by 22 centimeters. It remains to fasten the wooden parts with self-tapping screws, and the wagtail is ready.

Note! Wagtails arrive in early spring, when the ice begins to drift. By this time, you need to place the house on outbuildings at a height of three meters.

How to make a birdhouse

Anyone can make a bird house. This task can be done with children. The manufacture of a birdhouse is carried out according to different schemes and using almost any materials that can be found at home.

The simplest drawing of a birdhouse with dimensions is with a sloping roof. We make such a bird house from scraps of industrial wood. In the photo are examples of such beautiful houses:

Work algorithm:

  • on the board it is necessary to mark all the details of the future construction;
  • saw all the details and process the outer walls of the house with a planer;
  • in the front part of the birdhouse, a round or square notch is cut out no lower than five centimeters from the roof level. Such a gap will be sufficient for the bird, but will prevent the cat from destroying the nest without hindrance;
  • to assemble parts of the house, carpentry PVA or small self-tapping screws are used. The back wall is fixed last. All connections must be free of gaps;
  • it is better to make the roof open, so that in the off-season it is possible to carry out cleaning in the house. One part of the roof is attached to a rubber band, and the simplest lock is installed on the second so that cats or a gust of strong wind do not overturn a small roof.

How to build a birdhouse with your own hands: step by step instructions

The video described in detail how to make a birdhouse with your own hands. This simple design will brighten up any area. You can give such a house to friends and neighbors, or donate to a kindergarten. It is possible to buy sets of birdhouses with your own hands, such sets are sold in garden supply stores. Each kit comes with detailed drawings and assembly diagrams that detail how to make a bird house.

Birds are orderlies not only of the forest, but also of the garden. Every summer resident knows this, in which fruit trees and shrubs grow on the site. All year round, birds not only delight the ear with their singing, but also help gardeners in their hard work of protecting trees from pests, destroying small insects and feasting on their larvae. To attract birds, they hang feeders on trees and feed voluntary helpers in the cold winter season, when finding “prey” is not so easy, and they also arrange a home for them. A solid wooden house will appeal to any bird, in which she can not only live and hide from the weather, but also breed.

Nuances that are important to know before you get started

As it is already clear, the best birdhouse is made of natural materials, in the sense of wood. Some craftsmen make houses from cardboard boxes or plastic bottles, however, this is not at all the same. In the first case, the dwelling will be temporary and will last one season if it does not get wet earlier in the rain. Plastic containers are more suitable for manufacturing, besides, there is no question of their naturalness. It will scare away birds and the smell of chipboard or plywood, the latter is also too thin and the house will be cold.

For a bird house, it is worth using hardwood boards, but in no case coniferous - they contain resin that will stick to the plumage, which is fraught with the health of birds. The thickness of the boards should be at least 20 mm so that they retain the heat needed by the chicks.

Planing boards, achieving their perfect smoothness, is not necessary. A rough surface, especially inside the birdhouse and under the entrance, will help the birds get inside and move around without difficulty.

We make a birdhouse step by step

First of all, you should draw up drawings of the future home. This will facilitate the process of manufacturing blanks and make them even, so that in the future there are no gaps between the walls.

Birdhouses can be of different sizes and shapes - it all depends on which birds will live in it. Too spacious "apartments" do not need to be made, because the bird family is small and the young can freeze or grow weak. The standard dimensions of the house are approximately as follows:

  • bottom width - 15 cm;
  • birdhouse height - up to 30 cm;
  • roof - approximately 20x24 cm;
  • the diameter of the protrusion (notch) - no more than 5 cm.

It is better that the back wall is a couple of centimeters lower than the front panel - such a slope is necessary for water to drain. Accordingly, then on the side walls the upper cut will go obliquely. The roof should protrude a little, so its dimensions are somewhat larger than the bottom.

Now you can get to work:

  1. Transfer the drawing with a pencil to the boards.
  2. Cut out all the details.
  3. Trim the outer surface of the blanks.
  4. In the front panel, cut out the “entrance” in the form of a circle.
  5. Assemble the birdhouse in the following order: facade, side walls, bottom, back wall, roof, notch. All parts must fit snugly together. It is better to fix them on self-tapping screws or nails.

It remains to attach a fastener in the form of a bar on the back wall to the birdhouse and install it on a tree, wrapping it well with wire. Do not paint - the smell of paint will scare away the birds.


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