Download a presentation on the topic of mathematical fairy tales. Presentation of the project "mathematical fairy tale". So I tried to prove that mathematics and fairy tales can exist side by side, enriching and helping each other. Wild fantasy

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. And he had a son, Ivan Tsarevich. Once, when Ivan became an adult, the tsar said to his son:

Son, it's time for you to get married.

Here's what you take….

- How can I marry a frog?

- Do my tasks, then I will turn into a red girl!

Six funny cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries, but one of them is tired,

He lagged behind his comrades. Now find the answer: How many bears are ahead?

Tasks in verse

Seven funny pigs They stand in a row at the trough. The two decided to go to bed, How many pigs does the trough have?

Four goslings and two ducklings They swim in the lake, shout loudly. Well, count it quickly - How many babies are there in the water?

The seagull warmed the kettle I invited nine seagulls

"Come all for tea!" How many seagulls, answer!

Ivan Tsarevich completed the tasks of the frog. The frog jumped, threw off the frog skin and turned into Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Look for me for the distant lands, in the thirtieth Kingdom at Koshchei the Immortal

I'll show you where Koschey the Immortal lives if you complete my assignments. "

“I will not fight with you, I know that you will defeat me anyway, I read this tale as a child. Let's make an agreement, if you can get to Vasilisa the Beautiful, I will free her, let you go in peace. If not, blame yourself. I will take Vasilisa as my wife, and I will imprison you in prison. "

I will not fight with you, I know that you will defeat me anyway, I read this tale as a child. Let's make an agreement, if you can get to Vasilisa the Beautiful, I will free her, let you go in peace. If not, blame yourself. I will take Vasilisa as my wife, and I will imprison you in prison. "

Tasks of Koshchei the immortal:

Name the items. Use the first letters to form a word.

Think and solve problems:

Who will reach the nest faster than a caterpillar or a sparrow?

Who will swim faster to the bank of a goose or a rooster?

Project on:

with a presentation.

Teacher: Sharikova Lyubov Nikolaevna

The sons drove for a long time, and they met a passer-by. "Is it far to the village?" - they ask "

"You have covered a third of the total distance - that's 6 kilometers" How many kilometers still need to be covered by the sons?

The sons drove to the village and went to the inn to rest.

They asked the hostess to boil potatoes, but they themselves fell asleep. The hostess cooked the potatoes, set the table and left.

Fedor woke up, ate the third part and fell asleep again. Then Yegor woke up, counted the potatoes, ate the third part and also fell asleep. Ivan woke up and ate a third of the remaining potatoes. Then all the brothers woke up and saw that there were 8 potatoes left in the cup. How many pieces did the hostess cook and how much more should each of the brothers eat so that everyone gets the same amount?

The brothers wandered for a long time until they reached the hut of Baba Yaga. They told her where and why they were going.

“Guess my riddles, then I'll tell you where to find living water and rejuvenating apples,” said Baba Yaga

Ducks flew: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks flew?

Which is heavier: a pound of iron or a pound of fluff?

The goose weighs 2 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg?

The brothers guessed all the riddles and Baba Yaga showed them the way to Koshchey the Immortal, and left Fyodor so that he could cut wood for her.

It takes 1 minute to cut one meter off a log. In how many minutes will he cut a five-meter log?

So they drove along the road along which Baba Yaga showed them. Ahead is the river. They see a peasant sitting on the bank of the river, who needs to transport a wolf, a goat and a cabbage.

Only one person can fit in the boat, and with him - either a wolf, or a goat, or a cabbage. If you leave a wolf with a goat without a man, then the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave the goat with the cabbage, the goat will eat the cabbage. In the presence of a man, a goat cannot eat a cabbage, and a wolf cannot eat a goat.

Did the peasant ask the brothers for advice on how to transport his cargo across the river?

The brothers helped the peasant, and then Fedor caught up with them. And they went together to Koshchey the Immortal.

Problem 2. To put up the fence, 20 pillars were dug in a row 2 meters apart. How long will the fence be?

Problem 3. How to fill the barrel exactly half, but without using anything for measurement?

Tasks of Koshchei the Immortal:

Problem 1. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners, he saw three sacks of flour. There were three cats on each bag, and each cat had three kittens with her. The question is, were there many feet in the mill?

The brothers took half a barrel of living water, went to the garden where an apple tree with rejuvenating apples grew. They approached the apple tree and saw that a snail was trying to climb to its top.

Every day the snail climbed 3 inches up, and every night it slipped 2 inches down. Up to the top of the apple tree 12 vershoks. How long does it take to get to the top?

Having collected living water and rejuvenating apples, the brothers went home. They safely reached their kingdom-state. They brought to my father what he asked for. And since then the king has not been sick, and everyone lived happily ever after.

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Once upon a time there was a king. The tsar had three sons: Fedor, Yegor and Ivan. The king had riches - not to count. Yes, he began to get sick. So he sends his sons for living water and rejuvenating apples. The sons set out.

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The sons drove for a long time, and they met a passer-by. "Is it far to the village?" You have traveled a third of the entire distance, and if you still drive 2 miles, you will be exactly in the middle - a passerby answered. How many miles still need to be covered by the sons? Solution: 2 versts is 1/2 - 1/3 \u003d 1/6 of the total distance between villages, which means that the entire distance is 1 i.e. 6/6 is equal to 2۰6 \u003d 12 (versts). 1 / 3–4 versts, and 12-4 \u003d 8 (versts) remain. Answer: 8 versts

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The sons drove to the village and went to the inn to rest. We ordered the hostess to cook potatoes, but they themselves fell asleep. The hostess cooked it, put it on the table and left. Fedor woke up, ate the third part and fell asleep again. Then Yegor woke up, counted the potatoes, ate the third part and also fell asleep. Ivan woke up and ate a third of the remaining potatoes. Then all the brothers woke up and saw that there were 8 potatoes left in the cup. How many pieces did the hostess cook and how much more should each of the brothers eat so that everyone gets the same amount?

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Solution: Ivan left 8 potatoes for the brothers, i.e. 4 each, so he ate 4. It turns out that Yegor left 12 for the brothers, 6 for each and ate 6 himself. It follows that Fyodor left 18 potatoes to the brothers, 9 for each, and ate 9 of them himself. So, the hostess served 27 potatoes on the table. The answer is 27 potatoes

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The brothers wandered for a long time until they reached the hut of Baba Yaga. They told where and why they were going. “Guess my riddles, then I'll tell you where to find living water and rejuvenating apples,” said Baba Yaga

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Answer: 1) 3 2) the same 3) 100 Ducks flew: one in front and two behind, one behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many ducks flew? Which is heavier: a pound of iron or a pound of fluff? Divide a half in half

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The brothers guessed all the riddles and Baba Yaga showed them the way to her middle sister, and left Fyodor so that he could cut wood for her. Sawing off one piece takes 1 minute. In how many minutes will he cut a five meter long log? Answer: 4 minutes

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Meanwhile, Egor and Ivan reached the dense forest. In that forest there is a hut on chicken legs. The middle sister of Baba Yaga lived in that hut. She had 20 girls in her service

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In the evenings, she went around the house and checked if everything was in order? There were 7 girls on each side of the room. 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2

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But one day 4 girlfriends came to the girls and stayed with them to spend the night. There were 24 of them. They were placed so that on each side there were again 7 girls. How did the 24 girls fit if there were 7 girls on each side? 24 girls were placed like this: 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5

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The next day 4 girlfriends left, 4 more girls went to see them off. There are 16 girls left. And they were positioned so that on each side there were again 7 girls. How did the 16 girls fit if there were 7 girls on each side? Here's how they fit: 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

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The middle sister of Baba Yaga found out what the brothers were going for, and decided to help them. She sent them to her younger sister. They drove, drove, saw - the hut was standing on chicken legs, turning. And in the hut younger sister Baba Yagi.

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She has a cow, a goat and a sheep. The younger sister is sitting, wondering how to feed her animals? A cow eats a cart of hay in a month, a goat in 3 months, a sheep in 6 months. How many days will a hayload of these animals last?

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Solution: If there are 30 days in a month, then in 1 day the cow eats 1/30 of the hay load, the goat - 1/90 of the cart, and the sheep - 1/180 of the cart. Together they eat 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 hay in 1 day. 1/30 + 1/90 + 1/180 \u003d 1/20 This means that in 20 days they will eat 20/20 carts, i.e. 1 or all of the hay. And for a month you need 30/20, that is, 1.5 wagons. Answer: for 20 days.

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The brothers helped Baba Yaga's sister, dung hay for her animals, and she told them how to get to Kashchey the Immortal, who had living water and rejuvenating apples. Here they went again along the road. Ahead is the river. They see a peasant sitting on the bank of the river, who needs to transport a wolf, a goat and a cabbage.

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Only one person can fit in the boat, and he is either a wolf, or a goat, or a cabbage. If you leave a wolf with a goat without a man, then the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave the goat with the cabbage, the goat will eat the cabbage. In the presence of a man, a goat cannot eat cabbage, and a wolf cannot eat a goat. Did the peasant ask the brothers for advice on how to transport his cargo across the river?

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Solution: First, the peasant needs to transport the goat to the other side, leaving the wolf with cabbage, then return, take the wolf, transport him to the other side, and take the goat back with him. Leaving the goat on the shore, you need to transport the cabbage to the wolf, then transport the goat.

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The brothers helped the peasant, and then Fedor caught up with them. And they went together to Kashchei the Immortal. But it is not easy to cope with Kashchei. He does not want to give away living water and rejuvenating apples. He began to set tasks. Tasks of Kashchei Bessmertny: Task 1. The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners, he saw three sacks of flour. There were three cats on each bag, and each cat had three kittens with her. The question is, were there many feet in the mill?


Mathematical tales


student of grade 3-A

Lisyak Anastasia

Objective of the project:

Find out what role numbers play in our life.

Once an unpleasant story happened to the numbers.

So what happened?

We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Important figures"

There were numbers in the mathematical kingdom

0 to 9. Digits as digits.

Some of them

were thin

such as, and Some are full, rounded.

These included

Some of the numbers were with a tail,

such as,

and Someone with a circle like

In general, they were different, unlike each other.

Despite this, the numbers were very close.

between themselves

But one day, at a holiday, the letters told the numbers that they are more important. Without letters and words, no one would understand anything. And the numbers were offended and scattered in all directions. And such chaos began!

Letter AND , for example, stands on 1 place in the alphabet,

letter D - on 5 and the letter I - on 33 location.

And now, when there are no numbers, it is not clear where

get them up.

Such a confusion!

- ? - ? - ? - ?

In the mathematical realm, no one could really count anything, and panic began.

Then the letters apologized to the numbers, and asked them to continue to fulfill their digital duties.

And everything fell into place.


Solve examples:

A * D \u003d D L + M \u003d U K-B \u003d I H: D \u003d D

__*__=__ __+__=__ __-__=__ __:__=__

REFERENCE This game is extracurricular activity for 7th grade students. The purpose of the game is both to develop students' interest in mathematics and to test knowledge and skills. Before starting the game, you need to introduce the jury, tell about the criteria for scoring (both the speed of the task and the correctness are evaluated). This presentation presents only a part of the tasks (stages) of the game. If desired, you can add them and, preferably, play with the audience (with the fans). Teams are awarded at your discretion.

... How long or short they galloped, there is a huge stone on the road. And you can remove it if you correctly solve the problem, which is written on the stone ... (the teams solve the problem) The obstacle disappeared from the path and the riders rushed on ... It is known that Leo lies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and on all other days he speaks the truth. And the Unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and speaks the truth on all other days. Once Leo said: "Yesterday was one of the days when I lie," to which the Unicorn remarked: "Yesterday was one of the days when I also lie." Name the day of the conversation

... a woman sits - Fraction, grieves. The princes asked what was the matter, and she answered them: “Yes, the snake Modul flew past. I complained to him that my mirror had deteriorated: it was showing some kind of terrible and oblique grandmother, and he laughed, wrote something on a piece of paper and flew away. I don't even know how to read, but here in general there are only squiggles and badges. Help me, and I will thank you. " The princes took the leaf and see ...

E AND YR A N J P O VL P W T K b (-4; 2) (- 6; 6) (5; -3) (3; 4) (-4; 2) (3; 4) (- 5; -4) (- 6; 6) (8; 5) (3; -7) (3; 4) (- 2; -2) (6; 0) (0; 0) (- 6; 6) (-4; 2) (0; 5) (0; -6) (- 9; 0), (3; -7) (6; 0) (- 2; -2) (2; 8) (8; 5) (6; 0) (4; 1) (3; 4) (3; -7) (8; 5) (2; 8) (1; -2) (3; 4). TASK It is necessary to substitute the corresponding letters instead of these coordinates and get a proverb.


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