Improving business processes: why it is necessary and how to make a conceived. Practical approaches to improving business processes Business processes and methods of improving them
Improving business processes is aimed at improving the value of key (measured) process parameters, such as efficiency, performance and adaptability. Such an improvement determines the improvement of the product quality of the process and the quality of controlling its creation. Modern approaches to quality management and improving business processes are very closely connected and, in principle, are various aspects of the same activity.

Stages of work

1. Organization of business processes improve activities

Under the organization of business improvement activities, the definition of participants in this activity, their roles, duties and responsibilities, as well as the formalization of legal decisions and bring them to stakeholders.

  1. Appointment responsible for all activities to improve business processes throughout the project. This person should occupy a leading position in the organizational structure of the project with direct submission to the project manager. It is this person who must organize and exercise all the work on improving business processes.
  2. Approval of all participants in the work and the distribution of responsibility on areas of work.
  3. Creating a plan of events. This means that all work on improving business processes should have the status of planned.
  4. Methodical support for business process improvement. This includes:
    • The choice of adequate methods and means of solving complex problems;
    • Training team participants with the necessary methods and means.

2. Development of the model of existing business processes

Activities for the development of existing business processes are aimed at creating an image of an existing state of business processes, i.e. creating model as it isand consists of the following works:

  • collecting information about processes;
  • construction of a structural model of processes;
  • detailed modeling of processes;
  • measuring processes.

Collection of information about processes.

Process information is collected by questioning and interviewing. A tool for collecting information necessary for modeling and analyzing processes is the information table.

Approx. Creating a model as it is (AS-IS.) - This is the creation of a non-idealized model. That is, not based on the knowledge of the head, but on the basis of knowledge of a particular performer of work. The head is familiar with how it is assumed to work on guidelines and job descriptions, and often does not know how in fact subordinates perform routine work. As a result, an adhesive, distorted model gets. The most correct way is the questionnaire and collecting information from the direct artist (it is necessary to strive in the process of collecting information).

The process of collecting information should be administratively reinforced Order of the highest leadership.

It is necessary for a successful data collection. The condition is explanatory work with employees filling in informational forms.

The forms of all working documents mentioned in the information table (questionnaire) must also be represented by researchers. To do this, you need to collect them, will be reflected (if it is paper documents) and make an inventory.

Useful information is also a description of the employee of their official duties.

Approx. In practice, it is more difficult to achieve this. Each employee strives to write its job duties, guided by the existing job descriptions to prevent contradictions. In this case, consultants need to find contradictions themselves and use them as arguments to clarify the true picture of the functions performed by the employee.

Based on the information received, if necessary, it is rapidly replenishing and actuating it by conducting additional interviews, you can start modeling processes.

Building a structural model of processes.

At the beginning, business processes are presented in the form of mega processes, which will later decompose on under-processes, etc. At this stage, it is important to determine the organizational borders of business processes, and on the basis of this, those business processes that are external or internal. For example, the internal process is the production, and external - the process of trade or marketing research. Such a separation is necessary to select key principles for the improvement and implementation of target models of business processes described below.

In case of continuing to detail the analysis of the process, each of the works can be described as the regulation of operations, the procedure for filling out the document, the decision-making rules, etc., which reveal each of the smallest details associated with the performance of work. This decomposition is made at the stage of detailed modeling of processes.

In the process of modeling business processes it is necessary to choose the optimal modeling languages (so-called. Notation), that is, the means of describing business processes (for Bpwin.: IDEF 0, IDEF 3, DFD).

Detailed modeling of processes.

Not all processes are subject to detailed modeling, but only those that are in the near future should be subjected to improvement.

Detailed design processes implies a high degree of details of the description of the procedures performed, which make up the process. At this stage, the process can be described not only in the form of detailed schemes of schemes, but also in the form of a text description of the technology of performing individual operations, specification of individual actions.

Approx. If necessary, in the report, existing strict information processing algorithms (in the business process) should be indicated, the computing and office equipment, network equipment, office equipment, software and hardware, consumables are described. It is clearly defined by the nature and intensity of their use, and the second parameter must be estimated quantitatively in natural and cost units.

These actions prepare the information necessary for measuring the process.

Measuring process.

Simulation allows you to analyze the logic of the process. In addition, the three main characteristics of the business process should be measured and analyze:

  • effectiveness;
  • efficiency;
  • adaptability.

Understanding is understood as the degree of compliance of the process of consumer expenditures. The quality of the process's release can be synonymous. Performance This is what affects the process client.

Efficiency is commonly called the degree of minimizing the use of the resources necessary to ensure the desired performance.

Approx. Performance measurement may be performance.

Adaptability is the property of the process of satisfying the future, constantly changing and specific real requirements of consumer products of the business process (i.e. its clients).

To determine the performance of the business process, it is necessary:

  • reveal and clearly identify existing needs and expectations;
  • describe certain needs and expectations in measurable concepts;
  • determine the methods and means of obtaining information that characterizes the needs and expectations of customers and the degree of compliance with them process outputs;
  • production and analysis of information.

At the same time, the needs and expectations should be distinguished. The need usually sets the minimum standard suitable for the client. Waiting represents higher demands on the product of the business process, but less rigid to comply with them. Needs are more specific, expectations are more blurred and common.

3. Determining the directions of improving business processes

After building a model of existing business processes (model as it is) It is necessary to determine how the selected processes will improve. In the practice of improving business processes, a number of key principles are used, the proper use of which ensures the achievement of good results and improve processes.

The main such principles include:

  • several works are combined into one. In modern conditions of functioning of the enterprise, most of the time on the process is not spent on the work itself, but on the interaction between work, while such interaction is most often an unproductive, not adding value. The integration of several works is carried out in order to reduce interfaces between different work, reduce time on expectations and other inefficient procedures;
  • the performers independently decide (delegation of authority). This principle allows you to minimize the number of vertical interactions for the process. For example, instead of contacting the upstream boss and, accordingly, slow down the process, and also take time from the manager, the employee himself delegates (and is prepared accordingly for this) to accept certain decisions;
  • the process of process is performed in their natural order. That is, not to impose on the process of additional requirements, for example, related to the organizational structure or established linear technology;
  • the work is performed where it is most appropriate. The organizational structure or organizational borders of the enterprise should not impose harsh restrictions on the process. The distribution of functions should occur from the process and the need for its effective execution, and not from once assigned duties. If, for example, employees of the marketing department are more convenient to buy a stationery or equipment for themselves, then why should this do other units, although it is assumed (but it does not really happen) that they should do it better;
  • processes have different versions. Instead of rigid and non-adaptive processes, processes focused on the maximum number of possible implementation cases are introduced. Each of the process variants is performed depending on the current situation;
  • it is necessary to reduce the number of inputs into the processes (including rules, strategies, procedures, or standards that are guided by the work). A huge amount of time is spent on mapping and mixing together different forms of representation of the same. Application on vacation is compared with the rations, applications for procurement - with invoice invoices, records of absence at work on illness - with newsletters and so on. All this makes it necessary numerous checks, coordination and creates confusion in the process. To improve the process, you should simply remove the inputs that you need to match other inputs;
  • reducing the share of work on verification and control. Check and control operations are not adding cost. Therefore, it should be soberly assessing their cost in comparison with the cost of a possible error, to prevent or eliminate which they are required;
  • reducing the share of approvals. Approval is another version of work that does not add value. It is required to minimize these works by reducing the points of external (with respect to the process) of contact;
  • the combination of centralized and decentralized operations. Modern information technologies make it possible to regulate the activities of units, simultaneously centralizing and decentralize individual operations. Centralization can be carried out by aggregating information and delimitation of access rights to it. Decentralization can be supported administratively.

In this phase, it is also necessary to finally determine which methods of improving processes will be used - revolutionary or evolutionary.

4. Development of the target model of business processes

After determining the main directions of improving business processes, their desirable image is formed, i.e. This business process is designed, which will have significantly the best performance indicators, efficiency and adaptability.

At the same time, practically the same methods and funds are used as when building an existing business processes model, but now it is used to create a model. it should be. The model that will be in the near future to be implemented. The degree of detail of this model determines the likelihood of achieving the goals. The more detailed model, the more precisely it is embodied in life, but the harder it will be this embodiment. In some cases, the high level of detailing the model is not effective. This happens in cases where the initial process is not at a high level of organization (this is called maturity Process), and at the same time there is a desire to one other effort to translate it to a significantly higher level.

5. Implementation of target models of business processes

The introduction of new business processes is an organizational transformation in which the most important place is occupied by the implementation of previously worked out solutions. To do this, you can use four principal approaches to organizational changes:

  • forced control;
  • adaptive change;
  • extreme management;
  • controlled resistance.

Forced control.

The method that uses the power to overcome the resistance is called a forced process of change.

As a rule, the compulsory change costs very expensive and is socially destructive, but has the advantages of the speed of deployment. Thus, a compulsory approach should be used in cases where the need for quick decision makeup is obvious and a quick result is important.

Adaptive change.

This approach is implemented by step-by-step accumulation of consecutive changes, which for a long period of time lead to the transformation of the structure of the processes associated with the culture, the structure of the distribution of power and a change in competence. This process that sociologists are called organic adaptation, it is not reduced from above and occurs in response to successive exposure from the external environment. It is rarely caused by internal creative forces. Organic adaptation is carried out by samples and errors.

Just like a forced approach, adaptive changes may be more efficient if they are managed.

Extreme control.

For example. Often a group of major managers are convinced of the inevitability of an impending emergency (crisis), while the rest of the organization does not even suspect its existence. If these managers have enough power and influence, it can resort to the help of the forced method.

If this group is not sufficient for compulsory power transformations, and the crisis is inevitable, then managers have the following alternatives:

  1. Try to convince others in the inevitability of the crisis and in the need to take proactive response;
  2. Obey the inevitability of the crisis and get ready to play a role savioras soon as the crisis breaks out;
  3. Provoke an early artificial crisis, usually by the invention external enemythreatening the existence of an existing business process. This method often used political leaders in history.

The first two options are less risky than the third, which contains not only a personal risk for leaders, but also has a strong ethical color characteristic of creating an artificial crisis that will not necessarily turn into a real one. The advantages of an artificial crisis are that he dramatically reduces resistance, encourages support for decision-making, and increases the chances of successful recovery.

Method of controlled resistance.

Of the three approaches of the above-described extreme management should be taken only in emergency, crisis situations. Forced and adaptive approaches are extremes when transforming.

Forced approach implies to overcome the resistance by the way, which can be expressed in words: a volley from all guns and full forward. Even in this case, it is expensive, devastable and fraught with conflicts, but this is the necessary decision in conditions that are not tolerant.

An adaptive approach can be expressed by the proverb Moscow was not immediately built. It minimizes resistance, but is too slow in the implementation in the case of the urgent requirements of the external environment.

The existing need for intermediate between two extreme approaches that would work in conditions of moderate pressure changes, and could be implemented in the time limits imposed by the environment. This method is method of controlled resistance or accordion method. Its main characteristics:

  1. This method is applicable under conditions of moderate urgency, when there is more than you need for a forced method, and less than necessary for adaptive;
  2. The duration of changes is adjusted under the available time. As soon as the urgency increases, the method moves towards the extremes of the forced approach. And in the event of a decrease in urgency, it approaches the adaptive method. Title Method accordion shows this ability to stretch;
  3. Property accordion makes it possible to use a modular approach: Activities for improving business processes are divided into modules (several processes), and at the end of one module (improvement of several business processes) the following begins;
  4. The generally accepted idea about the sequence of planning and implementation is replaced by the idea of \u200b\u200bparallel transformation planning.
  5. Resistance is minimized at the very beginning and further controlled during the transformation;
  6. The advantage of the controlled resistance method is that it allows you to adjust the response actions to convert business process to external temporary restrictions on the one hand, and to internal capabilities on the other. The disadvantage is greater complexity, rather needed in extreme approaches. Moreover, this method requires constant attention from consultants.

The functions of the consultants with this method should be as follows: promote in the development of the process, to provide tools for analysis, prepare managers, play the role of opponent.

For all types, the organization of the most urgent task is to date the effective management system. The management system should ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Organization, an increase in its effectiveness and receiving the best results in the external environment. The most advanced methods for building management space include a process management approach. The procedure approach to the management of the organization lies the allocation of business processes in the organization and management of these processes.

Business process is one of the powerful tools to improve business efficiency. The business process description technology provides transparency of all business operations, allows you to analyze the possible consequences of failures on one or another stage of work, to find and correct the error.

Describe a business process means:

1) define the owner of the process;

2) to determine the boundaries of the business process (boundaries of responsibility and powers of the process of process management process);

3) identify customers and business process outputs;

4) identify suppliers and business process inputs;

5) determine the resources necessary to fulfill the business process;

6) describe the business process execution technology (IDEF 0, IDEF 3,);

7) develop indicators for which the business process is estimated, its results and customer satisfaction of the business process;

8) Describe the work of the owner on analyzing and improving the business process, as well as its statements to the superior leader.

Business Process Management is the management of the operations that, taken together, create a result that has value for the market and the end user.

The Office is considered as a generalized targeted effect on an object carried out by various methods - by transforming links in the system, introducing new elements or actions, correction of control algorithms, variation of parameters, etc.

Business process management involves their continuous improvement and optimization, therefore, the most important process management tools are approaches and methods for improving business processes.

Improving business processes

Improving the business process is a methodology developed to conduct step-by-step improvements in administrative and auxiliary processes using approaches such as methods of rapid analysis of the decision, the benchmarking process, reflashing and reengming process. The process of improving the process is used to find new business opportunities, especially in the border areas between the organization's divisions. The method organized into a structured process allows you to identify hidden resources and, thereby, find a large number of new unexpected solutions.

Improving the business process begins with the definition of the desired improvements, developing criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and creating an ideal image of the desired process. Next, we build a functional model of an existing business process. The functional model is verified on the correctness of the participants of the business process. This check reveals internal problems and contradictions. Each employee calls the problems with which it faces in the business process and they are embedded in the functional model. After that, the sessions of the directional generation of ideas are carried out using TRIZ inventive techniques. The proposed ideas are estimated and integrated into the concept of a new business process.

With the help of the method of improving business processes, you can:

· Determine the strengths and weaknesses of today's process

· Eliminate unnecessary work.

· Improve the compliance of the business process to the requirements

· Reduce the reaction time of the business process

· Reduce the cost

· Ensure support for employees of a new process due to the involvement in the development of change

Fig. one.

In modern process management, there are two conceptual approaches to improving business processes:

A gradual (step-by-step) approach to the improvement of processes (on deming) within the framework of the existing organizational management structure, requiring minor investments or not requiring them at all;

The cardinal approach (by Hammer and Champi), leading to significant changes in the process and fundamental changes in the organizational management structure.

Both approaches are based on the general foundation of the process theory and methodology for managing processes (description of the processes' boundaries, a description of the process itself, the establishment of control points in the processes, measurement of the process indicators, analysis of the information received and improved proposals). They are one and in the fact that they are aimed at identifying duplication of functions, bottlenecks, costly centers, the quality of individual operations, missing information, the ability to automate and quality management.

Achieving the goal of improving business processes within the framework of the described approaches is carried out with a number of methods.

Researchers identify five basic methods to achieve the objectives of improving business processes of organizations:

Methods of rapid analysis solution (FAST);

Benchmarking process;

Reflashing the process;

Engineering process;

Reengineering process.

1. The method of rapid analysis of the solution (FAST) concentrates on a specific process during a single or two-day meeting of the process of improving the process to determine how to improve this process over the next 90 days. The Group's decision can be approved or rejected by the management of the organization. This technique is based on intuitive decision making methods: collective expert assessment and collective generation of ideas ("brainstorming" and a destructive assessment method). Typical improvements with FAST are reduced costs and the duration of the process cycle. The level of errors in the event of the adoption of the right solutions is reduced by 5-15% for a 3-month period.

The advantages of this method are the speed of solutions, minimum costs for the implementation of the methodology, orientation to the customer, which largely determines the problem or process as an object of improvement and approves the actions and solutions of the FAST group.

2. The benchmarking of the process is based on a comparative analysis of the economic processes of the organization with the reference processes of organizations performing the same or similar processes, but better than functioning. The purpose of the benchmarking process is to determine the reasons for the best functioning of the business processes of "reference" organizations and the prevention of unwanted discrepancies with them in organizations conducting research.

The main advantages of this method can be considered a slight time, relatively small costs and efforts related to improving business processes. Benchmarking allows you to achieve cost reduction and duration of the process cycle, and the error level is reduced by 20-50%.

3. Process reflats concentrates attention and effort on improving the existing process. Relocation is usually used to the processes that successfully operate and currently, but require correction in connection with the changed requirements and customer needs or consumer needs. When reflashing the process, the simulation model of its current state is developed. Relocation has a fairly wide range of applications.

The attractiveness of reflashing the process is due to the fact that this method allows to reduce costs, reduce the duration of the process cycle, carry out operations from 80 to 100 days and reduce the number of errors by 30-60%.

4. Engineering process as a method for improving the processes of the organization. A number of researchers allocate the concept of business engineering and determine it as designing business processes and management systems with a net sheet. Depending on which engineering process is focused on what kind of management will be oriented, the functional and specialized or process control - its radicality will depend on.

Based on the orientation of engineering, aimed at the processes of activity (business processes), it can be attributed to one of the methods of process management. On the other hand, if the process engineering in the framework of the current organization creates the processes of new activities, then, given the interconnectedness and interaction of all organization processes, ultimately may lead to changes in the existing business system, preferably to positive. If the changes stimulate the effectiveness of the organization, they can be considered aimed at improvement. From this point of view, the engineering process can be indirectly related to the methods of improving the processes of activity.

5. Business Process Reengineering (BPR). For the first time, the concept of "reengineering of business processes" appeared in 1990 in the United States. Authorship BPR belongs to M. Hammera and D. Champi. Under the reengineering of business processes, the authors understand the "fundamental rethinking and radical reflashing of business processes to achieve significant improvements in key performance indicators such as costs, quality, service level and efficiency."

Business process reengineering is the most radical of the above methods for improving business processes, with the exception of engineering, since in the literal sense is not a method of improvement, but to a greater extent method of process management. BPR provides a fresh look at the essence and maintenance of the process and completely ignores the existing process and the structure of the organization.

The object of reengineering is business processes that define the activities of the organization. As a rule, reengineering can be carried out multiple times until most of the company's processes are completely redesigned. Thus, the work is divided into phases, each of which has a clear goal - to significantly improve the organization.

Allocate five main methods used in improving business processes:

a) the method of quick analysis (FAST);

b) benchmarking process;

c) reverse engineering - a description and refreshering of existing business processes;

e) direct engineering - design of the business process "From pure sheet";

e) reengineering.

a) Fast Analysis Method (FAST)

The method of rapid analysis of the solution concentrates on a specific process during a meeting of the Group to determine how to improve the process for a short time (usually 90 days). It is based on intuitive decision-making methods, expert assessment and generation of ideas. The Group's decision can be approved or rejected by the management of the organization.

The advantage of this method is the efficiency of solutions, minimum costs for the implementation of the methodology, orientation to the customer, which largely defines the problem or process as an object of improvement and approves the actions and solutions of the FAST group. Typical improvements with FAST are reduced costs and the duration of the process cycle. In case of proper decisions, the level of negative deviations is reduced by 5-15%.

To significant disadvantages of this method include the relative locality of the process under study, as research can be carried out without taking into account the relationship and interdependence with other business processes in the organization, therefore the consequence is often eliminated, and not the reason that may be outside the analysis.

b) benchmarking

The term benchmarking (from the English. Benchmark is the beginning of a reference, a cut) in the most general sense means something with a certain amount, quality and ability to be used as a standard when compared with other objects. Benchmarking is a systematic activity aimed at finding, evaluating and learning on the best examples of doing business. For the first time, the method was developed in 1972 to assess the effectiveness of the business by the Institute of Strategic Planning in Cambridge (USA).

The benchmarking of the process is based on a comparative analysis of existing processes with reference processes of organizations that perform the same or similar processes, but better functioning. It lies in a constant comparison of its own activity, technologies and results (products) with the activities of other enterprises, and not necessarily one industry.

The purpose of benchmarking is to determine the reasons for the best functioning of the business processes of "reference" organizations and the prevention of unwanted discrepancies with them in organizations conducting research.

Highlight three types of benchmarking:

1) functional. In this case, the own indicators (technology, production and management) are compared with the company's high results. Comparison is not limited to the industry in which the estimated enterprise specializes;

2) external. With this approach, the company is compared with companies operating in one industry. The search is conducted among the leaders of the economy sector, competitors or partners interested in working together, exchange experience and search for better practices. The advantage of such an assessment is a higher level of comparability of compared parameters;

3) internal. Comparative analysis is carried out within the framework of its own company. Many companies have easily compared affiliates or branches. Comparison is carried out among branches, plants, departments performing similar work or the process better than others.

The diagnosis of benchmarking begins with a comparison of the results with the objectives. The processes producing products are then investigated. Weak places are defined, leading to insufficient results, or dignity that ensure advantages.

The process includes:

The establishment of key areas of improving work;

Identification and study of the best practice of "standards";

The introduction of new processes and systems that ensure productivity and quality growth.

Performers of the work are the team created for these purposes from specialists from various organizations or divisions of this enterprise. There may be managers, technical experts, experienced workers, informal leaders, i.e. Those who are familiar with the problem owns the necessary information and has due qualifications. Often, external consultants are included in the team, helping to develop and implement new systems.

In the process of comparison, four main macroperennye are used: people, strategies, structures and external pressure. According to most professionals, these are key indicators predetermining 75% of differences. The rest of the factors (cultural values, the quality of production, the degree of people's satisfaction with their work, etc.), directly and every minute affecting the behavior of workers, accumulating, predetermine the possibility of key macroperenny lead to the predicted result. Most often, the comparison is made at the weakest places where improvements can be achieved faster.

The main advantages of this method are: a relatively short time, minor costs and efforts related to improving business processes. Experts believe that benchmarking allows you to achieve cost reduction and duration of the process cycle, reduce the level of errors by 20-50%.

An essential disadvantages of this method include a possible transfer of problems and errors that arise in the process of building and functioning the business processes of "reference" organizations hidden by an external form. As a result, a high degree of probability of erroneous solutions is preserved in the development of measures to improve.

Benchmarking is applicable to local (fragmentary) and integration processes. Often leads to more radical changes than when using the previous method.

c) reflashing

When reflashing (reverse engineering), attention and efforts are concentrated on improving the current process. This method is usually applied to those processes that successfully work at the moment, but require correction in connection with the changed customer requirements. When reflashing the process, the simulation model of its current state is developed, and then a new model. According to D. Harrington, this method can be used to improve 70-90% of major business processes. Often, reflashing the process is carried out on the basis of benchmarking so that the process is not worse than the "standard".

The attractiveness of reloading is due to the fact that it allows to reduce costs, reduce the duration of the process cycle, carry out work in 80-100 days and reduces the number of errors by 30-60%.

The disadvantages of the method are related to the fact that when orientation to improve business processes providing management functions, it can strengthen the positions of traditional functional and hierarchical structures without changing their content.

d) direct engineering

Direct engineering process as a method for improving the organization's processes is perceived ambiguously. According to Volodina V.V., it can be considered as a method for improving business processes in the design of new types of business in existing organizations, taking into account the best practices and the principle of optimality in processes management. Given the relationship between existing and introduced new processes, this may lead to changes to improve activities in general. In addition, the process description of the process contributes to the understanding of its essence and establish more effective control over the results. In this regard, direct engineering can be considered one of the methods of improving business processes.

e) business processes reengineering

Business Process Reengineering, BPR (Business Process Reengineering, BPR) implies radical changes in the activities of organizations conducted to a sharp increase in efficiency. His developers Macla Hammer and James Champs believe that in our time the cardinal rethinking and radical transformation of business processes based on value creation is the most effective method that allows companies to sharply increase their competitiveness. Other approaches are based on the established traditions, which does not allow you to look at business problems and solve them in a new way. Consider this method more.

The management of the organization's business processes involves their continuous improvement and optimization, so the most important tools of process management are approaches and methods for improving business processes. In modern process management, there are two conceptual approaches to improving business processes:

  • a gradual (step-by-step) approach to the improvement of processes (on deming) within the framework of the existing organizational management structure, requiring minor investments or not requiring them at all;
  • the cardinal approach (by Hammer and Champi), leading to significant changes in the process and fundamental changes in the organizational management structure.

Both approaches are based on the general foundation of the process theory and methodology for managing processes (description of the processes' boundaries, a description of the process itself, the establishment of control points in the processes, measurement of the process indicators, analysis of the information received and improved proposals). They are one and in the fact that they are aimed at identifying duplication of functions, bottlenecks, costly centers, the quality of individual operations, missing information, the ability to automate and quality management.

Despite a number of common features, these approaches have significant differences:

  • The first is more focused on improving fragmentary processes within the framework of functional and specialized management structures in order to unification and standardization within the ISO. As a result, the urgent problem of management is not solved - care from functional specialization, on the contrary, ISO standards strengthen the basis of a functional and hierarchical model of management of organizations, deepening the problems of weak adaptability, flexibility and high bureaucratization in management. There is a general tendency to implement this approach from the "Structure to Process". Therefore, in practice, the improvement of processes within the framework of this approach is to transfer the functions of structural units into the process divisions created, that is, to simply rename them, and not change in content and destination.
  • The second fundamental approach to improving processes implies, above all, the study of the processes of activity as a set of operations with value for the consumer. Its logic is to study the process as an object of management, followed by the transition to a process-oriented management model, that is, "from the process to structure". Within the framework of this approach, process management is fully implemented, it is possible to avoid functional specialization in management or significantly reduce its role through the integration of business processes.

Achieving the goal of improving business processes within the framework of the described approaches is carried out with a number of methods. Researchers identify five basic methods to achieve the objectives of improving business processes of organizations:

  • methods of rapid analysis solution (FAST);
  • benchmarking process;
  • reflashing the process;
  • engineering process;
  • reengineering process.

1. Methods of quick analysis solution (FAST)

Caution Concentrates on a specific process during a single or two-day meeting of the process of improving the process to determine how to improve this process over the next 90 days. The Group's decision can be approved or rejected by the management of the organization.

This technique is based on intuitive decision making methods: collective expert assessment and collective generation of ideas ("brainstorming" and a destructive assessment method). Typical improvements with FAST are reduced costs and the duration of the process cycle. The level of errors in the event of the adoption of the right solutions is reduced by 5-15% for a 3-month period.

The advantages of this method are the speed of solutions, minimum costs for the implementation of the methodology, orientation to the customer, which largely determines the problem or process as an object of improvement and approves the actions and solutions of the FAST group.

The most important disadvantages include the relative locality of the process under study; Studies are carried out without taking into account the relationship and interdependence with other business processes of the organization; often the result is eradicated, and not the reason that can be outside the analyzed process; Measures to improve business process can be effective short time.

The FAST technique has a wide range of applications in different organizations, even in those who do not seek to radical changes in the corporate nature.

2. Benchmarking process

The benchmarking process is based on a comparative analysis of the economic processes of the organization with the reference processes of organizations that perform the same or similar processes, but better than functioning. The purpose of the benchmarking process is to determine the reasons for the best functioning of the business processes of "reference" organizations and the prevention of unwanted discrepancies with them in organizations conducting research.
The main advantages of this method can be considered a slight time, relatively small costs and efforts related to improving business processes. Benchmarking allows you to achieve cost reduction and duration of the process cycle, and the error level is reduced by 20-50%.

To significant disadvantages include the transfer of problems or errors arising in the process of building and functioning the business processes of "reference" organizations hidden by an external form. As a result, a high degree of probability of erroneous solutions is preserved when developing measures to improve business processes.

Benchmarking is applicable to local (fragmentary) and integration processes of the organization, but sometimes requires greater degree of radicality in changing organizational activities.

3. Record process

Recording the process concentrates attention and effort on improving the existing process. Relocation is usually used to the processes that successfully operate and currently, but require correction in connection with the changed requirements and customer needs or consumer needs.

When reflashing the process, the simulation model of its current state is developed. Relocation has a fairly wide range of applications. According to D. Harrington, this method can be used for 70-90% of major business processes. Often, reflashing the process is carried out in parallel with comparative analysis (benchmarking) so that the reecked process is not worse or better than the relevant reference.

The attractiveness of reflashing the process is due to the fact that this method allows to reduce costs, reduce the duration of the process cycle, carry out operations from 80 to 100 days and reduce the number of errors by 30-60%.

The disadvantages of the method are associated with the fact that it is more focused on improving business processes or processes that ensure certain control functions. Thus, it strengthens the positions of traditional functional and hierarchical structures without changing their content.

In the practice of managing the economic organizations of the post-Soviet period, in particular Russian enterprises, reflashing processes are often perceived as reengineering, as a result of which there are no radical changes in most organizations.

4. Engineering process

As the method of improving the organization's processes is perceived in ambiguous today. The very concept of "engineering" is borrowed from engineering activities (from Engineering - to design, to invent, invent). Some researchers are considering engineering processes as a general concept that includes business processes reengineering and business improvement. Another position is held by A. Bolshakov and V. Mikhailov, who consider engineering a new way of thinking, forming a look at the construction of a company as an engineering activity.

A more detailed study of engineering was undertaken by P. Kutelyev. In particular, he highlights the concept of "organizational engineering" and characterizes it as designing business processes united in a single information field. A number of researchers allocate the concept of business engineering and determine it as designing business processes and management systems with a net sheet.

Engineering as a method of improving the processes of the functioning organization, in our opinion, it is difficult to submit on the basis of the fact that if an organization is functioning, then activities are already carried out, it means that we want whether or not, there are processes of activity. As far as they are integrated and optimal - this is a question of another order. It can be solved by various approaches to design. Therefore, the engineering process (processes) would be fair to consider the design of business processes of newly created organizations or business processes of new types of business in existing organizations, taking into account best practices and principle of optimality in the management of processes.

Depending on which engineering process is focused on what kind of management will be oriented, the functional and specialized or process control - its radicality will depend on. However, based on the orientation of engineering, aimed at business processes (business processes), it can be attributed to one of the methods of process management.

On the other hand, if the process engineering in the framework of the current organization creates the processes of new activities, then, given the interconnectedness and interaction of all organization processes, ultimately may lead to changes in the existing business system, preferably to positive. If the changes stimulate the effectiveness of the organization, they can be considered aimed at improvement. From this point of view, the engineering process can be indirectly related to the methods of improving the processes of activity.

5. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

For the first time, the concept of "reengineering of business processes" appeared in 1990 in the United States. Authorship BPR belongs to M. Hammera and D. Champi. Under the reengineering of business processes, the authors understand the "fundamental rethinking and radical reflashing of business processes to achieve significant improvements in key performance indicators such as costs, quality, service level and efficiency." From this time, BPR causes the active interest of specialists in the field of management and information technology.

The conducted studies in the field of BPR characterize the reengineering of business processes as "revolutionary", "substantial", "cardinal", "radical", "fundamental" reflashing of business processes of organizations. The meaningful orientation of the keywords "revolutionary" and "essential" contains that general that reflects significant changes aimed at a qualitatively new level of organizational development. Radical reflashing means the appeal directly to the roots of phenomena: not cosmetic changes and not shuffling already existing systems, but a decisive refusal of everything that has learned.

The last keyword "fundamental" in its content is associated with a thorough and deep awareness of something. Deciding on the application of reengineering, the head must put on the agenda of the fundamental issues relating to its company and the nature of its activities: "Why do we do what we do? And why do we do this exactly? "

I ask for such fundamental questions, people are often forced to look in a new way for the established segless rules and assumptions, based on which they manage their business. And very often, such rules for verification are outdated, unreasonable, and even unacceptable.

Given the semantic content of the above keywords, you can try to clarify the concept of "reengineering of business processes" and formulate it as "fundamental understanding and radical reflashing of business processes aimed at a qualitatively new level of organization development."

Business process reengineering is the most radical of the above methods for improving business processes, with the exception of engineering, since in the literal sense is not a method of improvement, but to a greater extent method of process management. BPR provides a fresh look at the essence and maintenance of the process and completely ignores the existing process and the structure of the organization.

The object of reengineering is business processes that define the activities of the organization. As a rule, reengineering can be carried out multiple times until most of the company's processes are completely redesigned. Thus, the work is divided into phases, each of which has a clear goal - to significantly improve the organization.

The implementation of the business reengineering involves several stages:

  • development of an image (Vision) of the future organization, that is, building a picture of how business should develop to achieve strategic goals;
  • analysis of the existing business involves the study of the organization and drawing up the schemes of its operation at the moment;
  • development of a new business - new and / or modified processes and supporting their information system, the selection of prototypes and testing new processes;
  • the introduction of a new business.

In this regard, it should be noted that the listed steps are executed not consistently, but in parallel, and some of them are repeated.

According to experts, in the case of the proper reengineering of the process, the costs are reduced, the duration of the cycle is reduced by 60-90% and the level of errors - by 40-70%.

Methods of improving business processes

In the process of analyzing literature and publications devoted to the problem of improving the processes of organizations, the general characteristic features of various methods have been revealed. These features reflect a number of requirements that take into account teams, improving processes.

  • Improved processes must meet modern requirements for quality, service, flexibility and low cost, and also understandable. Despite the integration of work, in business processes, the requirement of simplicity of a particular task is preserved.
  • Several works are combined into one. Various previous operations (tasks) are integrated. The functions of several specialists entering into different units are combined into work performed by one person who has access to an expert system with a database.
  • The process client must perform a variable process. This requirement to take into account when improving processes, assumes that the process client must be more involved in the process than before. This is achieved by taking into account the client's requirements for the result and course of the process.
  • The role of the supplier (suppliers) of the process should be as if they are part of a variable process or organization. The change in the role of the process provider is achieved as a result of establishing partnerships with participants in the process or attracting external suppliers to perform individual parts of the process.
  • Various versions of processes are created. Each variant of the process is focused on one corresponding situation (case). For example, in the IBM project, the process has three versions: simple cases (data is processed by a computer, without the participation of specialists); average cases of cases (processed by experts using an expert system and database); Complex cases (processed by a specialist attracting experts). Creating various versions or processes - the most important stage of improvement; It is achieved by modeling the process. As soon as the simulation model shows that the newly developed process corresponds to the formulated representation, the theoretical model is physically implemented to confirm the concept.
  • The desire to reduce the number of inputs to the processes is aimed at simplifying the process and is one of the ways to improve the control and manageability of the process. To improve the process, you just need to remove those outputs that need to be compared with other inputs, thereby decreases the number of checks and reconciliations that do not add products to the necessary customer.
  • Orientation to increase the autonomy of processes by expanding decentralization with the simultaneous deepening of the centralization of the exchange of information. Expanding decentralization in improving business processes, increase the authority to make decisions responsible for the process, which leads to an increase in autonomy and reduce bureaucratization in management. This approach allows not only horizontal, but also the vertical compression of the processes. Vertical compression occurs as a result of the fact that in the points of the process, where, with the traditional organization of work, the Contractor should contact the higher management levels, making decisions, here the performer does it independently.
  • Creating a centralized database that provides access to managers or participants in processes, and also expands the possibilities of using information technologies to ensure the adoption of effective management decisions.
  • The focus on reducing the time parameters of the process. Reducing the duration of the process is an important criterion for optimizing business processes, directed primarily on improving the performance and performance of the process.
  • Eliminating unnecessary or long threads. Improving eliminates unnecessary, unproductive work. The maximum orientation on the care of the process of process operations with the inclusion of parallel operations to it allows you to speed up the process of activity.
  • Troubleshooting in business processes. This kind of focus allows you to eliminate the "gaps" and "blind places" in business processes that often happen in companies in the natural organization of activities.
  • Involvement in the business process as few resources as possible. In each task that makes up a business process, you need to reduce as much resources as possible, for example by combining tasks in such a way that the employee performs the greatest amount. The key task here is the release of employees and the combination of different functions, as a result of which the entire divisions are output beyond the process.

Analysis of differences and determining the general provisions of methods to improve business processes reveals the possibilities of their application, depending on the tasks set to give preference to specific methods of improvement and changes in business processes or combinations thereof.

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