StartUp, Toolkit, Internet Marketing, Customer Engagement. Sales page and contextual advertising as a tool for sales

How to sell Yandex Direct setup? This question torments all freelancers, beginners, sales managers from agencies and other specialists. For many years I have been selling online advertising. I never wondered how to sell the Yandex.Direct setting. There was only one question in my head - “where to find a client?”. And when he found it, he simply said everything that would come to the brain. But, as it turned out in the future, I did not analyze my sales and meetings with customers in vain.

I propose to consider selling Yandex Direct settings in stages. I say in advance that our sale is divided into 2 blocks. First, we get acquainted with the client and find out what he needs. Then the 2nd stage, when we give the client what he needs, based on the information that the client revealed to us in the 1st block:

  1. First meeting;
  2. The second meeting.

The meeting can be either real or a telephone conversation (skype). And so let's go.

The first meeting on the sale of advertising settings Yandex Direct

Remember the most important thing in the first meeting with the client. This meeting is divided into 4 stages. I'm not talking about some secret phrases sellers. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to follow the stages. Write it down and tick off the notebook as you progress. Do not be shy. On the contrary, when you are in front of a client, you need to record information. This underlines its significance.

What stages exist at the first meeting:

  1. Establishing contact;
  2. Presentation of the company;
  3. Identification of needs;
  4. Presentation of services, depending on needs;
  5. Summing up, fixing agreements.

All. Done. Now let's go through each step. Why is it important to follow just such a communication policy? Because it is logical and safe. If you first start presenting your services, telling what a cool Direct you have, how cool it is to optimize a client’s website, etc., then the client will fall asleep and want to quickly complete this phakap.

Making contact when selling ads

How to establish contact with the client? It’s enough to say hello by phone, to say that you’re glad that the conversation took place and went on point by point.

If we talk about the meeting, then here you need to go into the office or in the meeting room with the client, shake his hand, introduce himself, give a business card, if any. Further, it is advisable to give a compliment about what his modern office is, or what serious security the client has, etc. After that, it is necessary to offer the client the course of the meeting:

Ivan Stepanovich, I propose to conduct our meeting as follows: I will briefly talk about the company, then we will talk about your goals and objectives, choose the best services and summarize the meetings

Typically, customers agree, there are those who offer to go straight to the point. Not the point. Next is the next step.

Presentation of a company or advertising specialist Yandex Direct

Write yourself a presentation of your company. If you work alone, then go wash \u003d). If alone, then write about yourself. If you do not have a presentation text, then write it. There is nothing complicated about it. If it’s difficult, then you should not do your little thing.

And so, I learned the text, and you tell it to the client. In time, the presentation about the company should not be engaged for more than 2 minutes. It often happens that the client interrupts, asking their questions. At such a moment, you must say this:

Ivan Stepanovich, I will answer all questions, only a little later.

If you still answer his question, that's okay. Just check the box so you don’t forget what you said before the client’s question.

Clarification of customer needs for Yandex Direct advertising

After the presentation came the stage where you need to ask questions to the client. How to go to him? Very simple. Must say:

Ivan Stepanovich, now I would like to know your goals and objectives. What is the current situation?

The client will begin to talk about himself, about goals and objectives. This usually happens reluctantly. So far, the client perceives us with hostility, one way or another. And it is through questions that we must inform the client that we are great professionals, and just do not offer our services to anyone without hitting.

What questions should the client ask?

So right away I don’t know what exactly I need to ask. I look at the situation. That is why I give a list of questions that you yourself must apply in the course of the situation.

Your task is to find out from the client how many sales, calls, requests are now. Where do these applications come from. How does he track the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, if any. What counts, how many wants to have calls, sales. If he says that he wants 100 calls a day, specify if he had such a result before? Ask, what was the maximum result? And dig, dig, dig this way.

So I put together a general list of questions for the first meeting:

  1. What exactly do you do in the company?
  2. What business challenges are you facing now?
  3. What products / services are currently the highest priority for you?
  4. What are you doing to achieve these goals? What advertising activities are you doing?
  5. Which advertising do you consider the most effective for you?
  6. What was the positive and negative experience in advertising? Or working with RA?
  7. Who is your target audience? What features of your target audience can you highlight?
  8. Who are your competitors?
  9. How do you measure effectiveness? Is there a conversion rate?
  10. What competitive advantages can you highlight?
  11. Working with an agency or on your own?

List of questions on Yandex Direct for a client

And here is a list of questions that can be asked directly on the tool, if the client has already set up contextual advertising, but he is looking for other specialists in the context:

  1. What strategy are you using?
  2. Which phrases do you prefer (treble, midrange and bass)?
  3. Does your contractor provide analytics and recommendations (or just works as an executor)?
  4. Do you use automated systems (bid) or do you work manually?

There may be even more questions, these very basic ones. Not the fact that you will come to these questions. But if necessary. Then be sure to use it!

Presentation of Yandex Direct advertising services

In fact, it is extremely stupid to communicate with a client with only one tool. Even if you work only with Yandex, this does not mean that the client does not need anything else. There are situations when the market in Direct is severely overheated, and it’s stupid for the client to not advertise there. And in Adwords, for example, it would be perfect.

Or there is a situation when a client has low competition in SEO. Well PPC how low. Yes, you can set up an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct, but in SEO - 100% you need to do site optimization. And that’s why you’re obligated to check with the client what’s happening with his last advertising campaign, how it worked, what the conversion was. What is the conversion of the sales department. And also to find out the margin in order to understand how generally it is beneficial for the client to advertise in Yandex.Direct. Maybe here only SEO and Adwords. Or maybe the target is FB and VK.

So, after you ask questions, you should present your Yandex Direct advertising services. It is quite simple to do. The main thing is to speak the language of profit. This means that you don’t need to tell technical details. Do not! Only if the client himself asks. Otherwise, if you start to bazaar in your own language, then the client will feel dumb. Even if the client nods his head in response to your verbal masturbation, this does not mean that he understands you.

What is necessary to tell on Yandex Direct? Say this:

All. Here is the presentation. Very short. After which customer objections may follow. It seems that, and what guarantees will you give me that everything will be of high quality. Etc. This is another question. We will talk about this in the next article.

Remember one thing, when buying contextual advertising that affects the most targeted audience (after all, the visitor searches for your product himself), it makes it possible to set clear targeting parameters, makes it possible to predict the result, payment only for the result - the client receives an increase in sales, a greater likelihood of a response to the advertisement, quick effect and quick sales.

This is what you say to him. This is the language of profit. Without unnecessary information.

Summing up stage and agreements

Just ask the customer the most important questions. What kind? Here they are

  1. What are the criteria for choosing a contractor?
  2. What do we need to do in order to become your contractor (the question is direct and should be asked according to the situation)
  3. Campaign launch dates?
  4. Dates for making a decision on our issue?
  5. Will you consult with someone on our issue?

Then say what you agreed on. And this is what you will make a calculation on Yandex Direct. And show how much the client will need to invest in advertising. And he already in his mind will calculate how much money he can discourage from this setting.

Do not forget that you can offer the client not only Yandex.Direct. Offer a range of services. Your task is not to sell him Direct, but to help solve the problem of lack of customers. Make him fuck ... whose site work and make a profit.

This article is from the section.

Based on the statistics of existing projects, it was possible to calculate the relationship between the total frequency of requests in this. the kernel and the resulting traffic. Here, however, a lot of difficulties arose: how to take into account minus words, which queries to use, what calculation formulas to use for projects with search traffic, and which ones for projects with traffic mainly from YAN and CCM?

I talked about these nuances at a webinar, so now I would like to pay more attention to aspects related to sales.

Step 2: budget forecast

It is also quite possible to calculate the relationship between the predicted values \u200b\u200bthat Yandex gives and the real figures of expense and cost per click. The more projects you have at hand and the more accurately you classify them, the more accurate the calculations will be.

However, even people who have completed basic training in the calculation methodology are able to make forecasts with an allowable error of 15-25%.

Step 3: Forecast the number and value of applications

Predicting lidgen is the biggest challenge. This is because the real value of the conversion can significantly swim:

  • most often, the current conversion is simply unknown: they didn’t count, they had never attracted traffic before, goals were not set, there were no analytics ...
  • if the current conversion values \u200b\u200bare known, then the error is caused by the involvement of “dirty traffic” for “garbage” keywords, as well as the deplorable state of the site itself: there are no landing pages, low information content of the catalog, usability, no personalization of content, etc.

That is, most often it turns out this way: the conversion is either unknown or known, but not indicative. Without knowing the conversion, in turn, it is impossible to calculate either the quantity or the cost of the application - these are derivatives of traffic and budget.

Therefore, for some time, we refused to calculate the cost of the application and this immediately negatively affected the sales - people did not want to delve into our difficulties, much less work with categories such as traffic or budget.

Therefore, we have developed two solutions to this problem:

a) When the conversion is possible to predict.

With the increase in the number of completed projects, the accuracy of forecasts increases, since people most often engage in similar businesses. For example, we know in advance that conversion can be assumed in jewelry, at best about 1%, and in microloans - 12-15%, in furniture 1.5-3% are real, in auto parts - from 3 to 7%, in consumer loans - about 5-7%, loans for B2B - from 2 to 4%.

Moreover, conversion changes after site improvements become predictable, whether it’s the introduction of Yagla or clustering.

b) When the conversion is impossible to predict.

Sometimes it happens that we come across a project for which there are no statistics at all. In this case, you have to take the numbers "by eye", usually underestimating the real values \u200b\u200bto be safe.

But there are relatively few such topics: 80% of the businesses that the contextual advertising agency has to deal with fit in 30-40 niches. What doesn’t get there is most often quite specific and therefore converts quite well: “narrow” services and goods with a small and motivated audience most often show a conversion of 2 to 4%.

We have long had an idea of \u200b\u200ba service in which representatives of agencies could exchange anonymized data on the cost of traffic and applications in various niches and regions, but so far the implementation of this service has resulted in a closed chat in Telegram for participants of my contextual advertising course.

Pros: why does forecasting sell?

Free traffic, budget, and application forecasting has a number of key benefits that can allow you to increase sales at your digital agency. When we receive an application at MOAB, we send two letters:

  • a letter with the questions that we need for calculations,
  • a letter with a calculation, comment, KP and the attached semantic core file, compiled on the basis of the client’s responses.

Here is a review of the client to whom these letters were sent:

1. Because people want to plan a business

Most often, people are sent either frankly delusional, or very approximate figures. Many immediately send just KP. Therefore, when you give a person to plan costs - it sets you apart from other agencies. Especially when you specify a very reasonable tolerance of 15-20%.

2. Because they ask for money to collect the sem.kernels, and you collect it for free

This dissonance makes a great impression on many customers - if you have done a good job on the presale, it certainly inspires confidence.

3. Because people like convenient work with semantics

We send semantics in this form: a file with a set of basic queries (masks) and additional information on them. Instead of abstract promises, the customer receives specific numbers and the semantics attached to these numbers.

Of course, these requests do not always exactly meet his needs - somewhere they took something superfluous, forgot some segments - this is normal, because we are not specialists in his subject.

But if 70-90% of the semantics is chosen correctly, then the customer’s impression is definitely positive, and he gets drawn into the game: let's remove these bases, add these ones, and see how the forecast changes?

Here is the time to offer him to make an advance payment, after which - proceed with adjustments.

4. You get customers whom you can really make happy

I will not be original if I say that there are no ideal agencies and ideal clients, no one has canceled individual compatibility. Forecasting is a great tool to increase LTV, because those who are not satisfied with your forecast do not buy from you.

And if you make realistic forecasts, then who doesn’t buy from you?

  • "Poor" companies that do not "pull" the market price of the application. Nobody thinks that in the luxury repair and decoration segment it is really possible to attract applications in Moscow for 200 rubles / piece due to the “tuning” of Direct? In each niche there is a certain lower limit, after which further optimization brings minimal results.
  • People with high expectations (we want to receive 200 applications a day, we trade tombstones in Naryan Mare).
  • People who don’t want to work with the agency (such people simply won’t read the “difficult” forecast and adjust the semantics).

The question arises: do you need such clients? Perhaps it is better to do without them?

The mechanics of attracting applications using traffic forecasting

Attraction Features

In RuNet, there are a lot of similar mechanics of attracting applications in complex B2B niches: free audits, webinars, manuals, forecasts of something - in general, expertise before, money back at the stage of flirting with a client, closer to the wedding contract - the hut unfolds.

In this matter, the most important thing is half-tones and accents, although few understand this.

For example, you drive traffic to a free site audit or context audit. It is clear that your interests and those of the customer are diametrically opposed: you need a check from those who came to the “free” audit, they need useful information from you “for thanks”, and then we'll see.

The most reasonable solution in this situation is to cut a funnel.

Work with loyal audiences, i.e. with those who already know you one way or another. For example, on conferences, articles, speeches. Have you performed at Baltic Digital Days? Why not get some traffic from YAN by [Dmitry Shakhov]? Loyal audiences are not only retargeting, they are much more very close to you - but more on that in the course. However, how to look for loyal audiences is a separate topic, it is best to do this through the context, in particular, Yandex.Audience and social networks.

Some of the most loyal user audiences from a common collection of more than 100 segments

  • Filter the messages. Even if your audit is free, do not write anything about “free” in the ad. Write in the announcement for YAN \\ CCM: “Find out the problems of your advertising. Correction from XXX piastres! ” That is, only those who understand well enough that you will ask for money sooner or later will click on this ad. At the same time, having appeared on a landing with a free audit, a person will get something that exceeds his expectations (because instead of a commercial offer, value is offered for free) - and you will get a good conversion of traffic consisting of people who are psychologically ready to part with money. Once again: in the announcement - not a word about “free”, on the landing - write about it everywhere. This is important both in terms of the advertising budget in pay-per-click systems (those who have no money click less) and in terms of the “idle” load on the sales department.
  • The more aggressive you “sell” free of charge in creatives, banners, mailings, the more “dirty” the flow of applications will be, the more there will be more traffic in your market colleagues, notorious beggars, crazy and suffering from a lack of attention and communication.
  • In any case, when you attract leads to some kind of “free” Wellcome activity, you will be dealing with a funnel - it’s unrealistic to “close” some of the leads. Therefore, use post-filters of the audience: for example, we use questions about business, the structure of lidgen, profitability of channels, etc., to “cut off” the very problematic categories of citizens described above. That is, first answers to questions - and only then forecast or audit. Representatives of agencies, madmen, beggars and madmen are rarely ready to talk in detail about their business - because they don’t have it: (If they tell you, it’s immediately clear from the text that a good dose of haloperidol will not hurt here. But DM and owners, professional in -house-house marketers just answer in great detail the questions about what, in what volume, for how much money and to whom it is necessary to sell - and there you can see right away how "pain" this is for a person. work and the sales department.
  • A number of indirect questions perfectly show the solvency of the client. For example, a monthly check, which is really possible to “close” a client, is a derivative of the advertising budget, and it can be accurately predicted in advance, for the regions the figures are slightly lower, for Moscow - a little more.

When something went wrong: difficulties and mistakes

Of course, not everything always goes according to plan. Sometimes we make mistakes in forecasts - now significantly less than at the beginning of the journey - but nothing perfect happens in the world.

What affects the accuracy of forecasts:

  • Experience and base of processed clients - after the first ~ 1000 campaigns, the accuracy of forecasts increases sharply, I have already come across most of the niches, and the time of 1 calculation is reduced.
  • Access to the Yandex.Metrica database - most of the data, except for search phrases, is open now, and you can often find a site similar to the one that takes part in the calculation - you just need to be able to search.
  • Knowledge of niche, regional and other nuances. For example, in the regions there is much less traffic, but, strangely enough, the size of the low-frequency tails decreases slightly; and the conversion is often higher than in Moscow - people are not spoiled by the offer; even frankly terrible landing pages can generate orders at a cost-effective price - people from the site need not content, but a phone number.

Alternative energy: how else can you sell digital?

Recently, this question has arisen in the "agent" party more and more often: so how do you sell agency services, be it context, SEO or website development?

I will try to systematize my views on this issue a little.

The fact is that if you are not a Lebedev or Ashmanov studio, then it will be difficult to sell “head-on”. The online store of simulators can pour traffic to the product page, but in retail and margin it is now at best 15-20%. If you are a studio, then you should have a margin of 50% and higher, and you will have to pay for it - you won’t sell it in the forehead. “Cold” traffic from SEO or context will not convert well, or you will need to put “one-night-stand” prices on your services when the client deliberately closes for the first and only payment: 5000 per context, 10000 per site, 5000 rubles per month for SEO.

What to do about it?

There is nothing to worry about. It only seems that in digital you can’t attract leads from the context or “cold” traffic from VK. You can - you just need to close them with some free welk-bonus. Often, the lead processing methods are confused with the channels of attraction, I would like to spread these entities.

Processing Methods:

  • free webinar
  • media article
  • free audit
  • free forecast
  • test period of the product with full functionality,
  • free consulting
  • presentation at the conference,
  • free manual
  • own service with a low entry price and high value of functionality.

Why do I call these points “methods”?

They share one common meaning: they “warm up” the leads, speaking directly - for your content / expertise, etc. you buy trust in you and your business.

The digital market is essentially gypsy. And it is very important to prove to the client before starting work that you understand not only the gold chains, but also the advertising.

There are channels for attracting traffic for each of these methods, and here I’m unlikely to be original:

  • context,
  • social networks (both target and organic traffic),
  • YouTube
  • banner
  • mailing lists
  • Telegram
  • spam (mail, vibera, etc.).

You can combine these methods and channels as you like.

For example, pour traffic from context to your free keyword selection webinar. How can one make sure that only business representatives are present at the webinar and there are no colleagues in the workshop?

Answer: filter the audience so that among it there are business representatives for the most part.

For example, how to reach all or almost all the owners of “living” IP in Russia through YAN?

  • take the top 100 banks of the Russian Federation,
  • make a list of their B2B billing names,
  • pick up all the synonyms of these names, misspellings, translations, etc.,
  • start advertising in YAN for these requests,
  • Profit!

Remember - after all, surely each of you who is served at Alfa-Bank, at one time searched in search?

By the way, on the course I show a list of these requests and not only them - you can get pure B2B traffic at 10-15 rubles per click, you just need to be able to work with it.

Thus, if you create truly valuable "free" and "filter" traffic so that it contains only businessmen with money, then the task of selling in B2B, and especially the context, does not seem so complicated.

Good luck with your sales.

Contextual advertising is remarkable in that it is a powerful tool for Internet marketing and attracts targeted users to the site - visitors who are already interested in the product or service you are advertising. After all, it is shown exclusively to those users whose query area matches the theme of your ads.

The main and most powerful contextual advertising systems:

Yandex.Direct system
   Runner system
   Google AdWords system

Thematic Advertising  is displayed on the page of the site, which is part of the affiliate advertising network, if the subject of advertising meets the user's needs. Subject advertising is shown as additional information to the main content of the pages that the user is viewing.

In more detail, consider the Yandex tool for advertising campaigns - the Yandex system. Direct.

Advantages of contextual advertising on Yandex. Direct

Your advertisements are seen exactly by those users who are looking for the goods or services they need.

You pay only the user’s clicks to your site, and you decide how much to pay. A convenient opportunity to work with small advertising budgets.

GEO targeting - select the city or cities whose residents your ad will be shown to. You can also choose the time of impressions.

Huge coverage of the Internet audience.

Reports on the effectiveness of your advertising campaign for each advertisement, for each key phrase and for every day.

A personal system manager will help you conduct an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct, if you do not have the ability or desire to understand the details and settings.

Don't have a website yet? No problem! Make your own virtual business card on Yandex with your contacts and a description of goods or services. It is completely free!

What is it - an effective advertisement?

The higher these two indicators are, the more effective the ad is, and therefore, as a result, it brings you more successful framed sales and even more potential customers.

Clickthrough rate (Click- ThroughRate) – a certain indicator of the relevance (demand) of your advertisement for other users. Let’s say differently - this is the ratio of the number of clicks on your ad to the total number of its impressions (how many times the ad was shown on the search itself and on sites - partners of its ad network).

In Yandex.Direct, the higher the CTR of an ad, the lower the cost-per-click, which is more profitable for you. It is ALWAYS NECESSARY to TEST your ads and improve their CTR in order to reduce advertising costs and thereby increase revenue.

For example, if your ad was shown 100 times for a campaign, and you clicked on it only 1 time, then, therefore, its CTR parameter will be 1%. The formula is simple: 1 click divided by 100 impressions and multiplied by 100% - it turns out CTR 1%.

Conversion is calculated using the same formula as CTP.

In order to make the CTR and conversion parameters of your advertising campaign more successful, I recommend that you stick to the following   rules:

RULE No. 1. Always make true announcements

Your advertisements should tell the truth and again the truth! Even if you make the one that will have a super-duper CTR and a huge number of clicks, but the information when you go to the site will not correspond to reality, then visitors will most likely leave your Internet resource without finding the information they need there.

There is a certain “SUCCESS FORMULA” when working with the Yandex.Direct system:

The key phrase that the user requests in the search should match the ad as closely as possible, and the ad itself should correspond to the site to which it refers. Key phrase >>> Advertisement \u003e\u003e> Site content

RULE №2. Choose keywords wisely and carefully

Key phrases or words are those queries that users request in a search engine. For example, "create a website", "How to promote the site"  etc. For the best effect and final result, select as many keywords as possible on the subject of your ad.

Your main tool for selecting key phrases will be the Yandex Statistics tool. The principle is simple: drive a search query into a string and see how many times the specified keyword was requested per month). Clarification: if you simply drive in a key phrase, then the exact number of requests for the phrase and the data where your request goes in context with something else will be shown. If you take the passphrase in quotation marks, then the result will be the exact number of queries for exactly that spelling of the passphrase. Remember this, as the picture can be quite different.

Keyword Technique

You need to select as many keywords and phrases as possible that will match the selling ad.

Key phrases

For example, let it be such search queries: "website promotion","How to promote the site"...

We narrow the subject

We make requests more detailed.

"How to promote a website on the network", "How to promote the site yourself", "Website promotion from scratch" ...

Related Searches

We select key phrases that are appropriate in meaning for our topic.

"Site traffic has dropped," "Increase site traffic", "How to increase site traffic" ...

Slang and slang words

Pay attention to the use of possible slang. The main thing here is to select the keywords qualitatively, because it is precisely on them that the success of your advertisement will largely depend on them.

Save all found key files in a separate file, so it will be easier for you to work with them later.

Use minus words

This technique allows you to sort out the unnecessary visitors who are not interested in buying.

The more you can select these negative keywords for each of your keywords, the higher the CTR of the ad and its overall performance.

Be sure to select a minus - words to each of your key phrase, this is very important!

The next important step in creating effective ads for Yandex.Direct is to attract the attention of potential visitors:

Rule number 3. Headings and Subheadings

We remember that our ad, in order to be effective, must comply with the formula:

By following this simple formula, you can get much greater results from advertising. But this is not enough to ensure that your ads bring maximum profit and benefit.

For the best CTR, you should also use key phrases in both the headings and the text of the ad itself.

This is guaranteed to attract the attention of visitors to the ad, and, consequently, the chances are that the visitor’s click will come precisely to your ad. If you still use the key phrase in the body (text) of the ad, then this is guaranteed to double the click-through rate!

Words that attract attention

How to increaseClickthrough rate?

  • skida
  • inexpensively
  • present
  • sell-out
  • is free
  • freebie

Use flashy headers

Some of the most "working" samples:

  • Attention!
  • Sensation
  • Unbelievable!
  • NEW!
  • Shock!

Use a call to action

Phrases should ideally encourage clicks on an ad, implying further development.

  • Find out HOW right now!
  • Click here!
  • Click here!

Use withfishing gear - magnets!

  • easily
  •   quickly
  • unbelievable
  • effectively

Ask a question in the title - and give the answer yourself!

For example:

Want to learn Spanish?
  Easy! Learn how to quickly learn Spanish!

Show the benefits of your offer to the visitor

In this technique, you show the benefits that a person will receive if he orders your product or service.

Promote a site inexpensively!

Promotion by position, traffic. Payment for the result. From 9000 r!

Brevity is the soul of wit! Write short and informative announcements!

The shorter your ad, the easier it will be to read. However, the meaning should remain clear.

Creation of effective sites!

Turnkey website development. The best solution for business!

Use punctuation marks in the title and body of the ad

It is the presence of various punctuation marks that positively affects the conversion of an ad.

Video: “5 rules of battle”
  Rules for a win-win battle in the video! Watch…

Use heading numbers

Also increases the CTR very well, especially for some reason uneven numbers

Learn English in 12 weeks!
  Learning English for $ 1.7 per hour! Guaranteed knowledge!

Also works well in ad text reference to personal experience . That is not, "earn a million without leaving home." And, like that: “I earn a million without leaving home. Find out how right now! ” Or “I was able to lose 10 kg in 3 weeks. Find out my secret! ”

Rule number 4. Request frequency

Use the following formula for the frequency of keywords:

  • less than 500 requests per month - these are low-frequency (LF)
  • 500-2000 requests are mid-frequency (MF)
  • more than 2000 - HF

Why? Because if you have a lot of impressions and very few clicks, then, therefore, the CTR of your ad will inevitably approach zero (. For midrange and treble, try to compose separate announcements.

Rule number 5. Response

Get ready for the fact that you still have to prove that your advertising is high-quality, and when planning an advertising campaign, set an additional specific time for search engines to evaluate it for relevance for a while. When you start new advertising campaigns, you start saving and gaining so-called karma. At first, clicks can go very hard and slow. To pass this period as quickly as possible, temporarily raise prices. Then the so-called response will be much faster.

After the response passes, then, most likely, the so-called lumbago will occur. This is when instead of the usual 100 clicks per day you will have 2000 of them. Carefully monitor the results - as soon as this happens, then immediately reduce prices back. And do not initially put a large amount on your balance, especially if you work in niches where click prices are more than a dollar, otherwise the lumbago can destroy your entire advertising budget.

Rule number 6. First advertise in the local market

Avoid total large-scale coverage of the territory. First, set up the context for your local market.

Good evening, my dear readers!

Today I want to talk about this topic - a selling page and contextual advertising as a tool for selling any product on the Internet. What do you need to know first? What mistakes do beginners make? What DOESN'T NEED to be sold in this way?

I’m not just asking this because such tools are not suitable for many entrepreneurs on the Internet. They will simply be unprofitable. So, will they be unprofitable or not - with a probability of 95% we can say even before the start of the entire advertising campaign.

How are friends rated? I will not consider the costs of the selling page and setting up contextual advertising, because they are one-time and this, tentatively, is 40-50 thousand rubles. This I'm talking about a quality marketing page and a well-tuned advertising company.

The most important thing that we need to understand is whether constant investment in advertising will be blocked by our profit from the sale of services or products. In fact, this is not difficult to understand, you need to know basic mathematics and understand how the whole process goes.

I will not bother you with financial ratios such as ROI or CTR, etc. All these bourgeois symbols can be clearly and intelligibly explained in Russian, which I will try to do for you, and let them advertisers and marketers hammer their heads, the entrepreneur needs to understand the essence, this is enough.

So here. You got a landing page and set up a direct, let's say that the average click price in your subject is 35 rubles. Maybe 5 rubles, maybe 70 rubles, it all depends on the theme of your business, the main thing for me is that you catch the point.

To analyze and collect statistics, we need at least 1000 clicks on our advertisements. It will turn out 35,000 rubles - this is your first, so to say, trial advertising budget. Trial because we will then need to watch in fact which ads to leave, which to delete, and which to correct. Those. it was in contextual advertising that we invested 35,000 rubles, we remember this figure.

A good selling page has a conversion of 5% to 20%. This means that with 100 TARGET (from Directly ONLY targeted clicks should go) clicks on your advertisement you should leave from 5 to 20 applications, take an average figure of 10. These are exactly the people who are interested in your product or your service, and you must take this into account and understand that here the client is TARGET, the client is EXPENSIVE and you CANNOT allow yourself to let him go, he must become exactly your client!

As a rule, a good sales department or a competent entrepreneur who processes orders himself will transfer these 10 applications to 2-5 clients. Take the average - 3 clients. Next, simple math - with 100 clicks 3 clients received, with 1000 clicks we get 30 clients. I think everything is clear to everyone here.

Now we need to calculate how much profit we have from one unit of goods or services that we sell. For example, we sell fashionable iPhone 6 cases for 1600 rubles, of which our profit is 600 rubles from one sale of our case. And what do we have, my friends ???

600 × 30 \u003d 18,000 rubles! Oops !!! And they spent 35,000 rubles on advertising and ended up in the red 17,000 rubles! These results are often encountered by young entrepreneurs who are not serious about business. Inexpensive goods can be sold in this way, but only in the case of a low click price, not more than 6 rubles per click in this case!

SALING CHIP !!! Your profit from one sale should not be less than the price per 100 clicks !!! Remember this, that is, if your topic has a cost per click in Yandex.Direct 35 rubles, then your profit from one sale should be at least 3500 rubles !!! If less, it will be harder to recoup the investment!

So what should you do if the cost-per-click is high and the profit from one sale is not as high as needed? You have 3 options, the first is the landing page! We considered above that the average% of capture on a good selling page is from 5 to 20 and took 10 for the average. So, there are cases, i.e. examples, when with 100 visits to the landing page 30 people leave applications ... 40 people !!! Can you imagine? This is 4 times more customers and profits, you can survive a high click price, and a small profit from one sale! BUT...

There is one BUT! You must have SUCH a landing page that can collect so many requests! What should be? Perfect, beautiful, interesting design! Literate, clear and understandable to everyone selling texts! High-quality and popular goods! Special offer! You’ll do it at the HIGHEST level, you can count on an increase in profit by 3-4 times!

The second option is to raise the qualifications of the sales department or the personal qualifications of a direct salesman! This will increase profits not 3-4 times, but 2 for sure! And we can quite count on 6 clients from 10 applications instead of 3 which we considered earlier!

And the third option is to sell only WHOLESALE! Suitable for the occasion and with expensive goods, and with cheap! Only you need to initially evaluate the advertising company in terms of demand for this product, namely at the WHOLESALE!

My friends, and imagine doing ALL AND IMMEDIATELY !!! Great landing, expensive product, competent sales team, wholesale deliveries! I think you understand? what income you can have ... such as you yourself want!

This chapter is for those who want to open their own business and create a successful contextual advertising agency. Features of this business are captivating ...

No investment needed, all necessary tools are free;

Absolute legality and transparency;

Demand for the services provided by customers;

Support and respect for large companies - Yandex, Google, "Runner" and others;

Stability and serious growth prospects. Clients have been working with a good agency for many years.

Where to start, what to do next, what to strive for? ..

Summarizing the experience of well-known agencies, we will talk about the main stages of this difficult but interesting way.

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