Developing your business from scratch. Where to start your business? Change investments to partners

In recent years, it has been possible to get to know closely dozens of successful businessmen who decided to open their business from scratch.
These are people who turn to us to build a sales system or develop sales. Why do entrepreneurs whom I consider successful turn to us? Everything is very simple! They are successful because they have their own business, even if it does not go very well - this is their experience, they can make mistakes, learn from them and become better. This is what distinguishes people with whom you have to communicate from those who only dream of starting their own business.

Each person who opened his own, albeit small, but business, has his own merits, on each project I became better at the expense of communicating with such people. And when the number of people exceeded 50, it seemed to me that I could outline the general principles of starting a business. So, how to open your own business from scratch, which will bring regular income? You will find answers to all questions about opening your own business in this article!

How to open your business from scratch?

1) Action

This is what the most dynamic companies had. The most interesting case was when we talked on the phone with a person about a sales system and identified the need for a call recording system. When we arrived at the meeting the next day, a recording system was already installed. In my opinion, ability to act fast and not to put off important things in a long box - one of the most important factors in starting a successful business.

2) Creating the perfect product from the point of view of the client

The best results were shown by us on projects where owners took the place of the client and created a unique product that meets all the needs of the client. A striking example is the company supplying materials for housing and communal services (housing and communal services).

What conditions are created for customers?

  • It is convenient for companies to buy the entire range in one company, which means we will supply more than 7,000 items of goods that may be required in the maintenance of housing and communal services.
  • Do you need everything yesterday? This means that we will provide free next day delivery, even if you order 1 nail.
  • Not always have money in the account or wait a long time until it comes to the account? Delivery without prepayment and automatic delay of 7 days.
  • Etc.

As a result, the company is one of the leaders in a small but significant niche. No need to possess superknowledge or superpowers, you just need to go the client’s path and make it enjoyable.

3) Starting a business with sales

It is usually customary to start a business with a logo, registering a trademark, renting an office, and God knows what. You need to start with sales. Even if the product is not yet in nature, but there is only an idea. How to sell what is not? Very simple. We decided to sell superstools with superdesign. No problem! Create a business card site on your knee, order a picture of this chair from the freelancer if it’s not already made, or take a photo if you haven’t brought it to our country yet. Run Yandex Direct at the request of a super chair and count the number of calls per day or week. Estimate the volume of possible sales.

I know one entrepreneur who made this approach the beginning of his business, when he received a client, did not run to buy goods, but simply looked for a seller :), reduced them, and without risking anything, received a commission on sales. Over time, finding a profitable niche, he settled on one product.

4) Interest!

Practice shows that the best successes are achieved by those who are burning their own business - opening their own business. When a person is passionate about something, he carries people along with him. Moreover, interest may not be in the product or service itself, but in building a system or monetizing a project.

How to understand whether activity will be profitable in one or another niche?

I do this: I imagine the situation in the future when I achieved what I plan, created an interesting service, customers are satisfied with me. If goosebumps run through my body from thoughts about this achievement, I’ll get down to business, if everyone around says that this direction is promising, but it does not turn me on, I won’t do it.

In any case, there are difficulties. And at the start-up stage, they are “above the roof”, if there is no interest in the matter, then there is no motivation to overcome these difficulties and a person gives up quickly without having made an attempt to open his own business.

5) Recruitment

The conditions for startups are different for everyone. Someone has investments, someone creates everything from scratch. But there is one rule that I noticed: if the owner started from the very beginning, for example, with sales, then the business has a chance of success.

Before hiring staff, walk the path that the hired person must walk. With very few exceptions, the employee will look for the best path for the company. Therefore, in order to control the employee, the manager must clearly understand the work that he controls, he must understand the work algorithm of this person, the optimal process of performing work and the key control points of this employee.

When setting any task, any employee or contractor needs to understand not only the result that a person must come to, but also the specific steps that he must take every day. Only then can the performer be monitored before the deadlines are broken.

6) Where to get the investment?

Suppose a niche is found, a unique selling proposition is clear, there is a readiness for action, but there is no money to implement ideas. For a good idea, money is not needed :). To implement the idea, you must follow two rules:

  • Do not be afraid to do everything on your knee;
  • Change investments to partners.

I will give an example:

Don't be afraid to do everything on your knee

You got an idea to develop a revolutionary stool. A business must be started from scratch; there are no great financial opportunities. For minimal money, you order a layout of this stool from a freelancer, make a simple website on your knee, drop minimal money on the Yandex market, and start selling in passive mode. You print the layout of the stool, drive through all the places where they can sell it. You find buyers, you understand the volume that you can sell.

Change investments to partners

Next, you find the manufacturer who will make your stool. Yes, let you have to share most of the profit with the manufacturer, yes, at least sell it at zero, most importantly you understand the market, find sales channels. And having reached decent sales volumes, you can already open your production either by lowering the price of this manufacturer for volumes, or find another on more favorable terms.

7) Analyze it

Whatever you make, no matter what mistakes you make, the main thing is to draw conclusions from them. There are no unattainable tasks, there are only retreats before the right solution is found. Analyze every day how much he brought you closer to the task, what was done wrong, what did not allow to achieve success, what needs to be changed in your actions, so that tomorrow is different.

Here are just a few, in my opinion, the main nuances of the success of creating and opening your own, new business from scratch. But the first point is most often decisive. There are a lot of people telling how to conduct a business, there are people planning to start work, but very few of them who take and do and even less tech who do before achieving any result.

I hope this article will increase the chance of your success. And if you have any questions, I’m ready to give you some tips, including free ones. Call me

The question of where to start your business from scratch at minimal cost and lack of experience is of interest to many. In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

However, the right beginning of any business is the key to its success and prosperity in the future. And the lack of start-up capital is not a reason to abandon the intended idea.

How to open your business from scratch and not get burned out. Golden rules

In order to minimize the risk of going broke or borrowing money when starting your own business, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • Before you start your own, you need to think carefully about what will be lost in case of failure.
  • Those who have no experience should not take loans to start their own business.
  • All options for the development of events, from the most optimistic to the most unpleasant, should be planned.
  • Under no circumstances should you open a business with money intended for other family purposes (treatment, education of children).
  • Before starting your business, it is important to carefully study the market, analyze your strengths, capabilities and available resources.
  • It is better not to mess with dubious or super-profitable projects that require serious financial investments.
  • It is advisable to meet with experienced, successful in business entrepreneurs, talk with them, take note of their advice.
  • It is best to start your own business in the field closest to you.
  • Each step should be formulated clearly, and all forthcoming actions must be recorded in writing.

Important:do not give up at the first difficulties, be optimistic. Compliance with the described provisions significantly increases the chances of success of the planned enterprise.

Any business starts with an idea.

Before starting your business, you need to carefully think through the idea, find a twist (trick) that can give a little more perspective to your business and make a plan. How successful the idea will be, success and profit will depend.

But the highlight itself will not work. It is necessary to create those values \u200b\u200bthat will bring additional benefits to the consumer. The restaurant business in this regard is a real springboard for the embodiment of ideas.

You can trace this pattern with a simple example. The competition in finance and credit is huge. A certain entrepreneur offered to receive loans and banking, without leaving home.

Such a new move, gave a significant advantage to his bank, because customers could now save their time and nerves.

Both zest and value must be real, feasible. Most often, a business goes bankrupt not because of competition, but because of an error in doing business.

It is important that there is a goal, even if the business has to start without money. She will help make the right decisions, outline a plan and tasks.

Important:only a specific goal and a clear plan can lead to the expected result.

Best Business Ideas With No Money

The lack of equity is not a reason to refuse the opportunity to open a business. There are many options for starting a business without money, that is, from scratch. Here are the most popular ones.

Earnings on the Internet

Today, the World Wide Web is an excellent platform for those who want to start a business with minimal investments, or rather, even without them. There are enough options for making money on the Internet. It remains only to choose the one that suits you. The most popular are:

  • website development;
  • it is beneficial to provide website promotion services;
  • journalism, copywriting, rewriting, commenting for money, publishing materials, etc .;
  • e-commerce (online speculation, online trading);
  • earnings using Twitter;

Consulting and training (Infobusiness)

If something works out very well for you, then there will probably be many who want to learn from experience and knowledge and are willing to pay for it. For example, you can teach foreign languages \u200b\u200bvia Skype, consultations with a lawyer, accountant, doctor, teacher are in demand.

A good option is to create and sell your training course. Having recorded it once, you can sell it repeatedly, while earning good money.

Organization of holidays

This method is primarily suitable for creative people. Starting a business without investment in this area may include working as a master of ceremonies at a wedding or a clown at a children's party. But you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to do everything yourself - from self-promotion and scripting to bookkeeping and tax reporting.

Renting an apartment for rent

This type of business is very relevant in any major city. The essence of the idea is as follows. It is necessary to rent an apartment with household appliances and furniture for a month, and rent it by the day. In this way, you can earn not only the rent for the next month, but also get a good percentage from above.

We open a parking lot

Knowing how to open a parking lot with minimal investment, you can greatly enrich yourself. Costs, of course, cannot be avoided, but they can be minimized. A new project in this area will bring a steady income. To save money, parking can be arranged in an open area, but it is better to provide a canopy.

Private kindergarten

The problem of kindergartens, unfortunately, has not yet been resolved. Not knowing how to open your own business, where to start, how to succeed, you might think about organizing a private kindergarten. The main components of success are a large apartment or your own house (a small one will not work), enormous patience and love for children. But at the very beginning of such a project, it is not worth recruiting many children - nevertheless, this is a big responsibility.

Hotel business

Such a high-profile name of the idea actually implies where tourists can be allowed to spend the night for tourists or city guests. However, in order to implement such a plan, it is necessary to have a living space, otherwise it is impossible to open such a "hotel" business.

  1. Advertising business is relevant in our time.
  2. Business from scratch in the service industry.

The service industry is the best way to open a business without money. It all depends solely on the entrepreneur’s skills. There are many options for what to do, services of a photographer, designer, translator, tutoring, massages, setting up or repairing computers, construction, plumbing, installation works and much more.

Building bussiness

You can also start without money. In this case, you need to outline the circle of your capabilities. What will it be: installing plumbing, laying floors, apartment renovation, design or something else - you decide.

The construction business, even in a small village, can be organized with dignity. Creating your own business, you need to come up with a name for the company, get all the necessary permissions and do self-promotion.

The construction business in this aspect, if it involves start-up capital, is very small.

What business is profitable to do in the village

The issue of earnings is concerned not only residents in the city. This problem is also relevant for those who remain in the village.

It's no secret that in Russia, in a modern village, complete desolation reigns. However, you can open your own business here. Who knows, maybe you will become the person who will establish his own promising agricultural business.

Business in a village or in a small town can be organized in the following areas:

  • Crop production is a common thing in the village. Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, flowers, peas are always in demand in the markets in the city.
  • Sales of dairy products. In the village, many keep livestock - cows or goats. So why not the finished goods received from these pets to sell on the market? Ready-made natural product with pleasure will be bought in the city.
  • Poultry farming is a good option for business in the countryside. In addition to meat and eggs, which are in demand on the market, you can sell bird fluff. They are stuffed with pillows and blankets.
  • Livestock farming is a very common occupation in the village. Breeding rabbits, goats, pigs, sheep, chinchillas, cattle, although fraught with certain difficulties, but still can bring a steady income.
  • In the village you can engage in beekeeping. This type of business also has its own characteristics and is not as simple as it might seem. In addition to honey, which is not cheap, you will still receive wax - a valuable and useful thing. The only drawback of such a business is its seasonality.
  • Growing crayfish, fish farming.

A feature of any of these activities in the village is the ability to start a small business without investing a lot of money.

Flower business without start-up capital

The flower business can be called festive in another way, because the lion's share of the profit falls on the red days of the calendar. Such a thing should be done in the city.

Having mastered the agrotechnical method, you can independently grow plants and get a home-grown “flower harvest” by a certain date.

There are several ways to sell your plants. Perhaps a flower shop will gladly purchase your product. But for this option, customers will have to look in advance.

And, perhaps, it will turn out to organize a flower shop on wheels for independent trading on holidays.

It is better to set aside the profit you make in the future to purchase a flower stall or open a flower one.

To organize a flower business, no serious investment is required. However, all plants, including potted ones, have a low cost price, but the margin on products sometimes reaches 300%. Thus, the flower business promises huge profits during the holidays.

To organize a home flower business without money, you will need good knowledge about the product itself, careful care and patience. In a small town, you can also do this.

We open a taxi business from scratch

Despite the fact that the taxi market is almost crowded, having drawn up the correct plan of action, it will be possible not only to enter this area, but also to stay in it. Taxi business is relevant in both large and small cities.

Before starting your business, you may have to conclude an agreement with the dispatch service. Taxi dispatching service unites all taxi drivers engaged in private transportation.

Taxi drivers from each order pay the dispatch service a certain amount or percentage.

Such an organization may have its own taxi fleet and then it will only be necessary to hire drivers. However, more often dispatchers conclude an agreement with a driver who owns a taxi car.

The advantages of the taxi business are the ability to open a business from scratch, the lack of need for space and a great growth prospect. A significant drawback is a lot of competition, so you need to think through all the ideas, draw up a detailed plan of action and proceed with the implementation of the plan.

Properly organized service, attention to all the details and details when servicing passengers, can make a specific taxi service popular.

Insurance business without investments

The insurance business in Russia is a serious and specific business. However, an insurance broker is able to open a business from scratch and begin to quickly earn money by selling services in this area.

To do this, you need to appear in the insurance company, taking with you only a passport and a pension certificate, and fill out an application for admission. An employee of the insurance company will hand out the policies that you will need to distribute. The insurance agent should advise people in this area and, if necessary, conclude agreements with them.

Another option to open an insurance business involves the presence of initial capital. In addition, you should consider the ideas, and make sure of their viability, this requires the insurance business.

It is important to ensure a good enough influx of people to make a good profit.

Furniture business

The furniture business does not require significant investments only if you make furniture yourself. If the purchase of finished products is required, it must be borne in mind that the payback is about 300%, if, of course, the furniture business is properly organized.

You can start the production of furniture in the garage, and subsequently open a small furniture workshop, which does not require large expenses.

The furniture business is not a narrowly targeted enterprise. To organize such a "home" business, you will need lumber, a set of tools.

The furniture workshop is intended for the manufacture of products according to ready-made sketches or to order.

You can expand your furniture business gradually. First, you can produce products yourself, then you can hire workers, and you yourself will not notice how your furniture workshop begins to cooperate with large retail chains in Russia.

You can do this in a small city or in a big one.

What you need to know about the garage business

No matter how strange it sounds, but in the garage you can open your own business without money. Ideas for small businesses in the garage are constantly updated. Future earnings depend on the originality of the idea.

Cafeteria, of course, cannot be opened there, usually in the garage they arrange production of something. You can not originalize and place in the garage a repair shop for cars. Or engage in the manufacture of turning parts, if you have experience in this matter.

It is possible to provide manual car wash and tuning services in the garage. Or why not offer photo printing or photocopying services in the garage? Many entrepreneurs in the garage set up a wholesale base.

Embodying the ideas of small business in the garage, not having money, you need to think about, drawing up.

The basis of small business can be any activity, either a new project or a well-proven old one. It doesn’t matter if it is a construction, tourism, restaurant, advertising business, whether it will be possible to open a car wash or cafeteria, the main thing is that the idea exists favorably.

Despite the fact that much effort and time will be spent on such projects, the result can be expected no less profitable than with options with significant initial capital.

Own business from scratch, organized not only in a small city, but also in a large metropolis, has one important advantage - you can avoid the risk of losing money.

How to start a business from scratch

Many citizens of our country who want to raise their income above the average level begin to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Anyone can open their own business. The most important thing is to find a profitable idea and ensure a competent approach. We will tell you how to build your business from scratch and get yourself started during the crisis in this article.

First steps

Before starting a small business from scratch, you need to find a working idea, and preferably not one. An entrepreneur must constantly invent, test and take risks, of course, within reasonable limits, that is, test ideas in practice. If something does not work out, you need to try your hand at a different field of activity.

So where do you start a business from scratch?

Most often, the basis for starting your own business is knowledge or skills in a particular area. Carefully consider what you can do best and outline options on which you can apply this knowledge with minimal investment. Of all the ideas chosen in 2019 to start your business from scratch, test 2-3 of the best projects. If an idea does not work, do not waste time on it. You can always find another, more promising option.

Now, let's look at several popular ideas on how to start a business from scratch, which have repeatedly proved their performance in practice.

Taxi service

If you live in a city, you can arrange a taxi dispatch service. To do this, you do not have to buy cars or hire drivers by agreement with your own cars.

To start, it is enough to rent a small room in which dispatchers will work. To save on office rental, you can find a suitable room somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

As for equipment, you will need:

  • Telephone line with a memorable number;
  • Computer;
  • Internet access;
  • Chairs and tables.

For all this you will spend 1-3 thousand dollars. In the future, if you promote your business, it can grow into a full-fledged transport company.

Taxi dispatch service is a great idea how to organize your business from scratch. To attract customers, offer them various discounts and bonuses - free trips or ordering a taxi via smartphone.

Cleaning agency

This is a great option,. All you need is to purchase cleaning products, rent professional cleaning equipment and hire qualified personnel. This area of \u200b\u200bactivity is highly profitable, so you can return all the initial investments in the first month of work.

Before starting a business, it is advisable to find several regular customers whom you will visit 2-3 times a week. It can be a small shopping or business center. In order to organize a cleaning company, approximately 150 thousand rubles will be needed. But at first, as mentioned above, you can get by with minimal investment.

Business with China

Recently, Chinese products have become in great demand among domestic consumers. The main reason for this popularity is affordable prices and reasonable quality. Goods from China can be purchased at a low price from the manufacturer and sold with a good margin. On this, you can build a business from scratch with minimal investment.

The easiest way is dropshipping, that is, direct deliveries. This type of entrepreneurial activity has appeared in our country relatively recently. It began to develop along with the opening of the first online stores. Dropshipping attracts many enterprising people in that they do not need to purchase bulk products and pay money for them. You buy the goods after the customer places an order in your online store and pays for the purchase. All you have to do is agree with the Chinese supplier on cooperation. After you transfer the money to the seller’s account, he will send the goods to the address you specified. This scheme has been working for many years and brings decent profit to dropshippers.

Training courses

Selling training video courses is one of the most common ways you can build a business from scratch on the Internet. Almost every person has knowledge in a particular area.

It could be:

  • Growing indoor plants;
  • Breeding rabbits;
  • Playing guitar;
  • Soap making;
  • Handmade crafts and much more.

Modern people strive to learn something new, so they are happy to buy educational video courses. These can be detailed lessons or small master classes. In order to create such a video course, you need a computer, camcorder and headphones with a microphone. Another option is to conduct online lessons via Skype. This is a great way to start a business from scratch without money and say goodbye to work "on the master." If you organize this business correctly, success is inevitable.

Delivery service

Do you want to open your own, but do not have money to start? Do not be upset. There are many ideas that allow you to start your own business without initial investments, for example, your own.

This type of activity does not require any special knowledge or skills, so it is perfect for beginners who are limited in financial capabilities. It is better to open a courier service in a big city, because in small towns your business will not bring good profit.

If you plan to deliver correspondence and small parcels, you can do without transport. For delivery of larger cargo, you can hire drivers with their own cars. In addition, you need to take care of the computer and telephone network. You will spend 10-15 thousand rubles on this. All initial investments will pay off in the first month of work. If you are looking for ideas on how to start a business from scratch, pay attention to this promising and quite profitable line of business.

Growing vegetables

Do not know, ? Try growing vegetables in your own garden. Decide which products are in the greatest demand and get to work. At first, you can grow vegetables in the open field.

Profits from the sale of crops can be invested in the construction of the greenhouse. In this case, you can sell fresh vegetables and herbs all year round. In warm regions, it is more profitable to engage in gourds - melons and watermelons. A good income comes from growing green onions, dill and parsley in a greenhouse.

Another profitable option is growing flowers for sale. The profitability of such a business reaches 300%. At first, in order to save money at the start, emphasis should be placed on “standard flowers” \u200b\u200b- petunias, chrysanthemums, tulips. When the business begins to flourish, you can try to grow expensive exotic plants. According to experts, own greenhouse is a great option, without major financial investments.

Pillow restoration

This is one of the easiest. Developing your own business in a small village is much more difficult than in a large metropolis. But if you choose the right direction of activity, it will bring you excellent profit. In order to open a pillow restoration workshop, you need to rent a room and purchase special equipment. The cost of this unit is 1–1.8 thousand dollars. In addition, you will need another 300-350 dollars for the purchase of additional equipment and paperwork. Such a business can be opened under a franchise. Its starting price is 3 thousand dollars. If you execute 15 orders daily, you can earn $ 2.5 thousand per month. With the deduction of monthly expenses, net profit will be approximately 1.5 thousand dollars. And this is a good indicator for a novice entrepreneur.

Many beginning entrepreneurs are interested in how to build a business from scratch so that it brings not only good income, but also pleasure?

  1. Starting your own business without financial investments in the manufacturing or trading sector is not so simple. But saving at the initial stage is quite realistic. For example, at first you can organize an office in your own home, advertise your business using free advertisements in the media or on the Internet, and independently perform all the basic functions without involving hired employees;
  2. After you choose the idea to start a business from scratch, make a plan for the implementation of the project and draw up all the necessary documents, you can proceed with the promotion of your enterprise;
  3. If you want to start a new business from scratch, it is impossible to do without an effective advertising campaign. Thanks to this, you can attract potential customers and bring your company to a new, higher level;

We all know that in the capitalist world it is impossible to live without money. More precisely, without a certain number of them, which will be sufficient to satisfy at least basic human needs for food and a roof over his head. For me, this is a very simple and rather cynical fact, which should be taken for granted, since the world is so arranged.
I introduce myself - Vitaly Larin, an active businessman, I want to tell my story how to start a business from scratch.
Realizing that I needed a lot of money, I began to think about how and where to get the amount of money that would allow me and my family to live in abundance.
The first thing that occurred to me was that I needed to get a job as an employee. As for me, this is the easiest way to earn money and it is quite good, because it has a number of advantages:

  1. Essentially speaking, it is not you who earn the money, but your boss, because the main entrepreneurial burden falls on him;
  2. The employed employee does not risk anything other than his time, a maximum salary for the last month of work;
  3. If you don’t like the job, you can always quit and look for something better - everyone will have enough work.

As you can see, being a wage worker is really easy, from the point of view of the obligations undertaken. And one could say that this is just a great way to earn money, if it were not for one huge minus - the boss gives out salaries to employees and their size is almost always insufficient. Which is quite normal - the higher the worker’s salary, the less profit the employer has.

But what should a worker do if he is not really satisfied with the monthly salary or if he simply wants more? The answer is very simple - he should become the boss. Understanding this path is more difficult, but the benefits of this kind of activity more than compensate for all the difficulties:

  1. First, you decide what, how and when to do it.
  2. Secondly, you will be financially independent.
  3. Thirdly, opening your own business is a great incentive for self-development and self-realization.

And frankly, it will not be so difficult if you know in advance what and how to do it. With this I will try to help you, describing how I decided to start my business from scratch, what I needed for this and what might be required of you if you decided to become an independent entrepreneur.

I want to be the boss!

Frankly, I quickly threw off the path of a simple worker and decided to become a boss, because I did not want to work 10-14 hours a day and get a small salary for it.

In addition, I was always scared by the thought that they would deprive me of bonuses or be fined at the whim of my superiors, at the very moment when I urgently needed money. What has already happened to me.
Realizing this, I began a futile study of everything that concerned how to start a business with minimal start-up capital and with even less experience in self-employment.

Here I was a little lucky, having very extensive and deep knowledge in the economy, I clearly understood that the generally accepted opinion that you need to engage in some kind of production in order to earn a lot is a lot of stupidity. Money in modern capitalism is made in two ways - through speculation and through the provision of services.

It should be mentioned here that I used my economic inclinations mainly for forecasting the exchange rates of the CIS countries. Thanks to which he had a stable additional income, trading binary options.

This may seem like a complicated activity, which is partly true. However, if you look at this issue, then even a beginner will quickly realize one thing - in the long term, the price of the dollar can only increase, since this is the way the world financial system works.

Therefore, anyone who wants to make money on binary options should only predict how much the dollar will rise in price in the near future. What is done through technical analysis, which is easy to learn if you are diligent and patient.

Experienced tips - 7 basic principles from those who started their business from scratch and achieved success!

1 . Henry Ford - Ford Car Brand Founder: “Everything can always be done better than it has been done so far.”
In other words, you always have the opportunity to start your business from scratch in any field of activity.

2. Elon Musk - Founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors: “Study the sciences thoroughly - learn to reason according to fundamental principles, not through analogies.”
The pioneer of outer space, as a market for commercial activities, speaks of a simple law - you cannot copy the success of another person without understanding what caused it.

3. Steve Jobs -founder and CEO of Apple: “It makes no sense to hire sensible employees, and then tell and order what they should do. "We hire smart, educated, and experienced employees to speak and indicate what to do."
If you need to hire a person, then take only sensible people and do not stand over their soul, commanding them.

4. Grant Cardon - the founder of What ever It Takes Digital Network and the best author who describes the methods and sales methods according to the New York Times: “The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself.”
That's what Grant's grandmother said, and one eminent grandfather said something similar: “Learn, study and study again.” And I completely agree with them - a businessman should develop by reading a lot, improving his skills and communicating with successful people.

5.Mary Kay Ash - Founder and CEO of Mary Kay Cosmetics: “If you think you can do what you have in mind, you can. However, if you doubt and are not sure, you cannot. ”
The most successful business woman of the XX century speaks of confidence; without her, you will be at a loss at the first difficulties.

6 . Bill Gates -microsoft co-founder: “Your most unsuccessful customers are your richest source of knowledge.”
In business, not only experience of success is important, but also experience of failure. Realizing this and analyzing your mistakes, you will understand what is not worth doing, and where you can do much better.

7. A lot of ruined entrepreneurs : “You should not take money on credit if you are planning to start a business from scratch. Also, do not use funds intended for children's education, treatment, or mortgage payments. ”
You must be aware of all the risks and understand that there is always a chance of failure. Therefore, do not go all-in.

Dream on! Go ahead! Rejoice!

So, I decided to become an entrepreneur. But can I, do I have the makings of a businessman?
Looking for the answer to this question: “How to start a business from scratch”, I read a lot of literature and several autobiographies of successful businessmen. And here is what I understood:

  1. First, you need to thoroughly go to the question of choosing the scope of your activity.
  2. Secondly, one cannot do without strong motivation and willingness to overcome difficulties.
  3. And thirdly, it is always necessary to set clear objectives - the common good and a happy life is not the goal of the business, its main task is to profit from its activities.

Motivation is 95% success!

At first I decided to deal with my motivation. To do this, I asked myself the following questions:

1. What do I want from life in the material plane?
My answer: an apartment, a car, many, many books and wealth for their loved ones.

2. Can I get what I want through business?
The answer is yes.

3. Are there simpler or faster ways to achieve the goals, in addition to personal business?
Answer: you can try to win the lottery, but I’m unlikely to be lucky.

4. Can I make difficult decisions on my own or have I transferred these decisions to others in the past?
Answer: yes, I got used to it from early childhood.

5. How fast do I make decisions?
Answer: with a slight delay, I like to think it over, but I do it quickly enough.

6. Do I have the strength to overcome possible difficulties?
Answer: I am not 100% sure, but I definitely don’t like to give up.

As for me, these are the answers of the average person, except that I want to have a large collection of books with the works of philosophers and key scientists.

You should also ask yourself these questions and think carefully about the answers. Remembering that lying or embellishing is not worth it - you do it for yourself, and no one will know about it.
Because at this stage you, like me, should find out what motivates you.

This may be a desire to buy a car that you dreamed of since childhood, an apartment for your family, the ability to travel, or a strong desire to prove to yourself and everyone around you that you are capable of more than living your whole life at work from 8 to 18:00.

Essentially speaking, the reason for your “I want !!!” not significant. The main thing is that this is a desire with three exclamation points - the strength of motivation and its consistency are important.

My main “I want !!!” - these are books, each time overcoming difficulties, I thought about a new rare edition or a whole series of books. Which gave me an incentive to continue after the first difficulties with suppliers appeared and when I was just tired of daily minor troubles.
By the way, I spent my first serious profit on the Philosophical Heritage cycle from the Thought publishing house. As far as I remember, it cost me two or two and a half thousand dollars.

And what will you buy for the money from your first revenue?

What makes a profit - Business ideas!

Having realized that I have enough incentives to start my business from scratch, I moved on to the next stage - the business idea. With my resources and capabilities (no experience, no connections, almost no money), I picked up the following options.

1. Training and consultation.
This is a good way to earn money if you are well versed in something and can teach other people about it. Moreover, it does not require a lot of money. Let me explain with two examples how people make money in this area.

Example No. 1. You are a professional plumber, locksmith, welder of the highest level, working in the housing department and you are not satisfied with your salary. I would buy a good camcorder in your place and take some training videos on how you repair or do something.

Next, I would create my YouTube channel and post the captured video there. After through the social. Networks and specialized forums began to advertise their training. If you do this systematically and do well, then over time you will have a sufficient number of subscribers and your YouTube channel will begin to make a profit.

Later, having gained considerable popularity (from 20 thousand subscribers), you can do hidden advertising using or mentioning certain tools, brands or store names in the video.
You may come up with the thought that nobody needs it, but you are mistaken! I myself recently changed the fittings in the drain tank, guided by the video instruction. In addition, doing such a business, you do not need to leave your main job.

Example №2 . I have a friend by the name of Eugene, the proud owner of an honorary diploma of a psychiatrist from one of the eminent universities, specializing in human archetypes and family psychology.

So, two years ago, when the 2014 economic crisis hit, she lost most of her customers, as people began to save on everything and her services in particular. And she has two small children in her arms and a husband who has great chances to lose his job.

Realizing the deplorable nature of her situation, she decided to take everything into her own hands, opening her own small seminar business. To do this, she phoned her colleagues and classmates, found among them those who also experienced financial difficulties, and invited them to her home for a cup of tea.

At the meeting, Eugene talked about her situation and invited them to unite to create a company for training and counseling people through seminars. But she did it wisely, having learned in advance:

  • How much do such teachers earn;
  • How many competitors they will have;
  • How much does it cost to rent a room with an open area for lectures;
  • How to formalize such activities from a legal point of view;
  • What is in demand among the local population, what are their problems.

In other words, Eugene did not propose an idea, but a normal business project with sufficient justification. Several of her colleagues decided to try and after a couple of weeks of preparation they held the first seminar on the topic "How to survive the crisis."

I’ll miss the details of how they prepared for the seminar, because these things are individual. I can only say that a year later their small "troupe" began to be invited to other cities. And that says a lot.

2.Trade on the Internet.
This is probably the easiest way to make money. Since this is the usual purchase and sale of goods (speculation) only in this case, customers do not come to your store, but to your website.
Therefore, for such an activity you need:

  1. Analyze possible options regarding what you will trade;
  2. Establish a legal entity face;
  3. Create your own website or page in the social. Networks where you will offer your product to visitors;
  4. Find suppliers and make first purchases;
  5. Advertise your store and product by all available means;
  6. Make the first deal and continue in the same spirit, building up the pace.

This creates a medium or large online store. But there is another option for speculation on the Internet - trading on avito or Olkh. These are web portals where people post ads about what they want to sell or want to buy.
For such trading you need to do only four things:

  1. Understand what you will be trading;
  2. Register on and / or another similar site;
  3. Post an announcement that you are selling;
  4. Wait for the buyer and make a deal.

As you can see, this is easy and accessible to everyone. The only difficulty is to understand what you will be trading with. But given the audience of such sites, which amounts to tens of millions of people, it’s best to choose what you know. And to do business on this.

3. What I can do, I do it, but without bosses!
This section includes all types of entrepreneurial activities to provide a wide variety of services. For example, if you are a gas equipment repairman and work for an intermediary company, then you can refuse an extra link and communicate directly with your customers.

I will give an example from my personal life. I have a friend Victor, who used to work as a car mechanic on a large automatic telephone exchange, he made relatively good money, but he got enough for his own car. And after another conversation with the boss about the increase in salary, he got angry and quit.
When the anger passed, he was a little scared and even thought about the humiliating return to the automatic telephone exchange with which he quit with all the pathos of the offended employee.

But he can say lucky. One of the leaders of a construction company, which often repaired his equipment at the mentioned automatic telephone exchange, was surprised that there was no Victor. Remembering the professionalism of my friend, he found him and suggested that he repair several cars at their stations. So another private entrepreneur appeared.
I must have been wrong. Victor was not lucky - it was entirely his merit.

5. Banal, but very simple income on the Internet - advertising!
Surely you already understood everything about what I will write from the headline. Yes - it is commonplace, yes - everyone is doing it and sundry, yes - this advertisement got you. But, it brings money and considerable. Therefore, this method of earning fits into the category of how to start a business from scratch.
So what is needed for a novice advertiser?

  1. Firstly, you need to create a place where advertising will be placed - a page in the social. network, blog or your site.
  2. Secondly, you need to attract as many people as possible who will regularly visit your site or page - to create interesting and constantly updated content.
  3. Thirdly, after you need to find advertisers and make them the appropriate proposal for the complaint of their goods and services on your portal.

The last point can be done independently, or you can use special advertising banners from Internet search engines. By placing them on your page, you will make a profit without making any effort to find an advertiser.
This is one of the easiest ways to earn money, but it has one significant minus - a lot of competition. What is natural - the easier it is to enter the market, the more people are willing to enter it.

6. What can you earn if you have a lot of money?
The options listed above suited me and may suit you if you have little experience and almost no money. However, if your resources are not as limited as mine, then probably you should consider other, more costly options.

  1. Startups - this is, roughly speaking, making money on other people's business ideas. There are two types of them: the first is the search for people with ideas and the implementation of their ideas; the second is to mediate between people with ideas and investors.
  2. Classic production - this is the creation of goods by processing any raw materials. For example, the creation of clothes, cast-iron frying pans or children's toys.
  3. Agriculture - Except for growing mushrooms in the basement, this is a difficult and very expensive affair, requiring very specific knowledge of what you will grow.
  4. Mining - This is the removal of fossil resources from the bowels of the Earth. It is difficult, expensive, requires connections.

Which one of me is an entrepreneur. And which of you?

So, we determined that we have a reason and motivation to start our business from scratch, and we examined possible options for how to make money.
Our next step is to highlight among the types of entrepreneurial activities that are most suitable for us.
To do this, I used one method, borrowed from psychologists. It consists of the following actions:

  1. We take a piece of paper and divide it vertically into three parts: my pluses, minuses and what causes me enthusiasm. Regarding the latter, this is something you can do for a long time, and it does not cause you negative emotions. Fill in all the columns.
  2. After, in a similar way we divide the A4 page into MS Word and send it to all our relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues, clients. At the same time, we kindly ask you to spend a little time and fill out the document with all seriousness and honesty. Justifying the request by the fact that you decide your fate or, as an option, it is necessary to participate in a training seminar.
  3. After receiving the answers, analyze them, highlighting duplicates. Compare the result with your answers.

This simple method will help you understand how you see yourself and how others perceive you. Among the answers, we are most interested in observing people about what you are interested in and what is enthusiastic about you. Having found this, you will understand what is worth doing.

Given the answers, my skills and education, I came to the following conclusion:

  1. The only services I can provide are teaching philosophy or consulting from an economist.
  2. But making money on sale is not new to me. For several years I worked in a construction company, engaged in wholesale trade. And judging by the reviews of my colleagues and former clients, I did pretty well.

I decided to become a speculator. Understand in the best sense of the word.
After reading many success stories of entrepreneurs and tips on how to start a business from scratch, I selected for myself the easiest and at the same time the most budget option for starting a business - this is an online store selling clothes and shoes.

And that's why:

  1. Firstly, the cost of opening such a store is very small. It is enough to buy office equipment, open an IP and make a small supply of goods.
  2. Secondly, ease of entry into the market, combined with ease of management. Of course, there is competition in this segment, but it does not satisfy all existing demand. And management comes down to technical solutions, sorting out which is enough once.
  3. Thirdly, shoes and clothes are in stable and steady demand. I decided to trade in clothes that are considered to be branded with us, although in reality they are not. That is, this is what we cost from 50 dollars, and in Europe from 5 euros.

Using the scientific method to build a business from scratch.

You probably already realized that I have a technical background, and I love philosophy. Because you are unlikely to be surprised by my approach to the process of creating my own business.

To achieve my mercantile objectives, I applied the Scientific Method of cognition to solve the tasks. Which proved its effectiveness 2 thousand years ago and has been successfully used to this day.

It consists of 5 steps:
1. Definition of a task, goal or problem.
2. Observation.
3. Put forward hypotheses on how to accomplish a task or solve an existing problem.
4. Conducting experience, that is, the implementation of the hypothesis in practice.
5. Summing up: if the goal is achieved, then this leads to the end of the process, if not, go to the first paragraph and start a new cycle.

Next, I will tell you how to adapt the Scientific Method for starting a business. But first, I advise you to read Robert Pirsig’s book entitled Zen and the Art of Caring for a Motorcycle. This is a bestseller, the best-selling book of American literature of the last century, which, according to many people and publications like The New York Times, is among the top 100 books in world literature.
In this case, it will be useful to you for two reasons:

  1. It tells a lot about how to apply the Scientific Method of cognition in everyday life;
  2. Also in the book there is a whole chapter about estimates.

Regarding the latter, this is an old word combining three concepts: will, desire and enthusiasm. The book describes how to work with ingenuity so that it does not disappear, and you always have the motivation to do what you need.

Step one - understanding the task.

Where to get money to start your own business? It is this problem that 95% of beginning entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to get start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

After we have decided which business is best to open, we must take the next step - to set clear and very specific goals. Both intermediate and final.
In my case, this is a monthly stable profit of 2 thousand US dollars, buying an apartment, creating a collection of books.

At the same time, I should get such a profit already a year after starting a business, I planned to buy an apartment in five years at most, and the collection of books should be updated monthly.
As you can see, according to the scientific method, goals should not only be distinguished, but it is also necessary to set a time frame for their achievement. Without doing this, you will always have a reason to postpone something important for later.
Regarding the ultimate goal, then I have the wealth and well-being of my family. You may have something similar or something more specific. For example, earn $ 222 million and retire. You can also wish to become a leader in your market segment.

Step Two - Surveillance (Market Analysis)

After setting the goal, it is necessary to understand the environment in which we will act, highlighting the subjects and objects, cause and effect in it. What in our case will be a marketing analysis of the market.
In other words, it is necessary to conduct a study on your own or apply to a marketing campaign. During which we must understand the following:

1. Who is our consumer and what are his needs;
2. What about the competition;
3. What we will sell - specific names of goods or services.
4. Where do we get the goods from if we trade;
5. What are the advantages of our product and what are the advantages in my organization compared to competitors;
6. How to attract customers and how to stimulate sales by increasing the average check;
7. How to increase the number of regular customers;
8. In what legislative field will we operate.
9. Who is the most successful among my competitors and why.
10. What is the stability of the market, and what are the risks in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

In my case, the answers will be as follows:

1. Women from 15 to 45 years of average income, men from 20-35 years of average income, parents and guardians of children from 15 to 18 years of average income. Their need that I focus on is the purchase of branded, high-quality clothing at low prices.

2. My competitors are divided into two types: shops and private sellers who trade via the Internet, as well as ordinary boutiques. I decided to select customers in the latter.

3. Sports shoes and clothes from famous sports brands, budget category. And the outerwear is mainly female from well-known brands. I don’t remember the exact names anymore, it was a year and a half ago, and fashion, as you know, is highly variable.

4. We bought goods almost directly from manufacturers and transported them on our own, also bought goods at great discounts on Aliexpress and similar portals.

5. Our main advantage is the price. We also offered many discounts for customers and made generous draws of coupons for free purchases in our store.

6. It was decided to attract customers via the Internet and acquaintances. In addition, opposite several boutiques, we bought banners and showed them a couple of goods that are sold in boutiques nearby and here. Comparing prices. Very effective, but there may be problems with the owners of the boutiques.

7. We attracted regular customers with the quality of service and its speed, as well as with promotions and discounts.

8. To open a business, it was required to establish an IP and hire a contractor to provide accounting services. In general, nothing complicated.

9. The most successful competitors are boutiques in crowded places (we cannot repeat their success) and several online stores operating for a long time. The latter were successful, thanks to excellent (I would say expensive) advertising. They also had a huge assortment and big seasonal discounts. From this, at the beginning we took only seasonal discounts and some of the positions of their Sales Tops.

10. Given that our segment is budget clothing and footwear, we can say that the market is very stable and there is always demand. But there are risks, for example: blocking the border for trucks, changes in legislation in terms of duties and customs clearance rules. I bet you will get something similar in many respects. And like any aspiring entrepreneur, you will earn in the market by offering too, but: cheaper, faster and better. All as Gerald Ford said.

Step Three - Prediction and Hypothesis. Business planning!

Having understood what our environment is, you can start laying the foundation - creating a business plan. This is a fundamental document for any enterprise. Since it prescribes what, how and why you need to do in a particular situation. In other words, this is an instruction on which you will act when opening your business. As a rule, a business plan consists of the following sections:

1. Description of goals, objectives, environment, current state.
2. Description of what you will do, what services or products your company will offer customers.
3. The marketing part. How will you sell, to whom will you sell, and in what ways., Including advertising and other marketing tools
4. Where will you get the goods from or how will you create services for sale.
5. The organizational part. It describes everything about the staff and the technical aspects of your work.
6. The budget. More precisely, his planning for several years ahead.
7. Control methods and methods for summing up the final results.
8. Description of critical situations, such as the ruin or the onset of force majeure.
9. In what ways, if necessary, the legal form of your business will change.
It is necessary to draw up a business plan so that it prescribes the most likely development options, as well as extreme options. With the addition of instructions for action to each of these options.
It is important to note that a business plan is very often a document of internal (secret) use. You understand - do not disclose your plan of action to potential or existing competitors.

Step Four - Practice!

I will not describe this step much, because a scientific experiment in our case means putting the business plan into practice. And everyone at this stage will have their own personal and unique experience. I will describe only the basic details.

I didn’t want to get involved in legal issues, so I used the services of a company that specializes in this. Their employees opened an IP and took up my bookkeeping.

That was more than a year and a half ago. There were no problems with the tax service and other government agencies, so I have no desire to refuse this cooperation and hire a full-time accountant. After creating the IP, I bought the necessary office equipment and set up an office at home. I also hired an assistant. Having lured him from a successful competitor, offering partnership, if the store starts to make a profit.

Incidentally, this helped me a lot, both with the creation of a client base and with the search for suppliers. And frankly, at first I was a subordinate, and my future junior partner was a boss. Which surely saved me from many growth problems.

In parallel with resolving legal and technical issues, I also started a small advertising company. Which mainly consisted of distributing postcards on the Internet.

On the one hand, they showed celebrities in ordinary clothes, and on the other, a photo with an assortment of boutiques. At the same time, price tags were drawn on the image showing how much the cost of buying clothes for celebrities and how much it costs in boutiques. And at the bottom of the picture there are small slogans like “feel the difference” or “not all that gold is expensive”.

We also placed such pictures on banners at boutiques. What gave a double effect. We have more customers, but the owners of these boutiques “noticed” us and decided to “help” us. Sending tax and fire services to us for a cup of coffee was fun.

Step Five - preliminary results and amendments to the primary plan of action.

This step, according to the Scientific Campaign, is carried out to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks and to draw conclusions about the success of hypotheses.
In entrepreneurial activity - this is the preparation of quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports. What is necessary to understand the general situation and control the level of sales, profitability, availability of goods in warehouses, etc.

Having compiled a report, it must be compared with the forecasts described earlier in the business plan. If there is such an option for the development of events, then you need to do everything further, as prescribed in the instructions. However, if the results achieved and the state of affairs are beyond the scope of the forecast, it is necessary to make adjustments to the planned action plan.

At the same time, it is necessary to once again compare the assigned tasks and your resources, because sometimes everything changes so much that you will not have the opportunity to make a profit even with the optimal development of events. In addition, sometimes risks appear that outweigh the possible benefits - this means that you need to close your business and start from scratch in another segment of the market.

In my case, everything was very successful. Having organized everything and having bought the goods, my store started work.
The first clients were my friends and acquaintances who knew that I would not deceive them. After that came acquaintances of acquaintances, and then their acquaintances, and in such a simple way, my store found the backbone of the customer base. Which gradually grew over time, thanks to advertising and satisfied customers.

After a year and a half, my online store ceased to be just mine - I had two partners. Which made it possible to increase the turnover, and more importantly, it freed up a lot of time that I can spend on what I like.
I have not changed my plan for the development of the online store, it still works.

The big problem is where to get money for start-up capital.

As you can see, my example turned out to be very simple and easy to repeat. The only thing you may have difficulties with is the formation of start-up capital.

Frankly speaking, it is money for creating your own business that is the main obstacle for most new beginnings. For this reason, I missed this point in the description of my experience as a novice entrepreneur.

However, I did this not to get around this detail, but to give it more attention, highlighting a whole section for it.

Where can I get the right amount?

To begin with, let's consider all possible options, from where at least theoretically it is possible to get money for start-up capital.

1. The first option is take a loan from the bankor lend money to relatives, friends, or private lenders. I will write more about this a little lower in the text.

2. The second option - use of personal funds and savings. As for me, this is the best option if you have free money or savings without a specific purpose to use them.

3. The third option - investor search. That is, you need to find someone who will give you money to implement your business plan. A good option, but, as a rule, this is how you lose some control over your business before it opens.

If you want to find an investor, you can contact the special structures involved in startups or put your business plan on one of the sites involved in crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is a group financing of something on a voluntary basis.

In the CIS, these are sites such as Kickstarter and Boomstarter. By the way, having laid out your idea on one of these sites, you can understand how realizable it is and how much investors believe in it. Big and small.

4. The fourth option is to earn. It's hard to add something here, just work and accumulate funds until there are as many as you need to open a business.

5. The fifth option - sell unnecessary property, but such without which you can do. For example, a house in the village, a cottage, a car or unnecessary decoration. In this case, carefully weigh everything and think - is it worth the risk of what you already have.

6. The sixth option - few people know, but there are many international funds that donate various kinds of undertakings. As a rule, this is all related to the environment, the fight against poverty, the development of society and the like.

If your business project directly or indirectly affects these goals, then you can get a grant to create your own business.

How to start a business from scratch without loans?

Remember the advice from those who created their business from scratch? Among them, there is one who says that you should not take a loan to form start-up capital. This is really not worth doing for beginners, and here's why:

  1. Firstly, without experience as a novice entrepreneur, the risk of ruin is very high. By taking a loan, you assume financial obligations that will remain, even if you burn.
  2. Secondly, loan payments will eat up the lion's share of your revenue, which will hinder your development or even deprive you of income.
  3. Thirdly, taking money on credit, you by and large become controlled by the lender.
  4. Fourth, the need to pay money to the creditor every month almost always adversely affects the emotional state. Because of which, the quality of decisions is reduced.

Where did I get the money?

After calculating in the business plan how much money I need at the initial stage: about 10 thousand dollars for solving technical problems, about 5-10 thousand dollars for promotion and another 3-5 thousand dollars in order to live until the store will start to make a profit. I realized that I was missing half of this amount - 10-15 thousand dollars.
I didn’t want to take out a loan - it is unlikely that they will give it to me without collateral, and if they do, then the interest rate will eat up all the profit.

There was another option with loans to relatives, but as smart men say on television "modern economic realities did not allow this idea to be implemented, and therefore we need to look for other options that can achieve optimal development of this situation." Therefore, I decided to follow a proven track - I began to trade more actively on binary options.

For those who do not know what it is - I will explain. Binary options - this is a kind of tool for trading contracts for the purchase of goods with a predetermined time for their execution at a cost specified in the contract. With this trade, the trader makes a profit if he correctly determines the movement of the value of the goods.

In other words, if you bought an option on Rosneft shares for $ 100 with a forecast up, and before the contract was executed, the price of these shares increased by 40%, then you will receive a profit of $ 40. If the value of the shares has fallen, you will lose 100 dollars in full, or most of them, depending on where and on what conditions you are trading.

As you can see, earnings on binary options comes down to predicting the movement of the value of the goods. And this is actually not so difficult. In addition, trading can be delegated to a third party, in which the percentage of successful transactions in binary options is quite high - 85-95%. And just make a profit, as with investments, but faster.

Examples of successful stories from new entrepreneurs who built their business from scratch!

To summarize my story with beautiful words and praise itself, I probably will not. Let me tell you better two more stories of a successful business launch from scratch, which can serve as a good example for you and perhaps you will repeat them.

Masha, who could!

I have a great acquaintance Masha, who received a diploma of an ethnologist historian a couple of years ago. When asked why he wanted her and how she would make money, Masha always answered - I like it, and somehow I’ll get the money.

So, after graduating from college, she got a job as a waitress, which is why many made fun of her. And why dissemble - I also often did this. And at least henna, she was always cheerful and self-confident. What we attributed to her friendly character. But after some time we realized how we were all wrong. It turned out that in her charming head all this time there was a grandiose plan, which she gradually embodied in secret from all of us.

The essence of her ideas was simple - to find those who do authentic things of the 16th-19th centuries and find those who need them. You will say that it is simple and everyone can do it! However, having done so, you only show that you do not know what this is about.
Yes, there are many copies and surrogates of antiques, but there are very few really authentic, authentic antiquities. It's like trading Katanas - there are genuine swords from masters of their craft, the manufacture of which takes months, and sometimes years. And there are simple stamped copies in souvenir shops.

Let's continue the story. Masha took a little more than one year to execute her plan. During this time, she traveled the darkness with a cockroach of towns and villages, where she looked for blacksmiths and craftswomen needlewomen, doing everything the old fashioned way. When a sufficient number of them gathered, Masha arranged an exhibition of these products, inviting there representatives of the press, owners of companies involved in organizing various celebrations. In addition, there were many lovers of historical reconstructions.

At the exhibition, our heroine invited everyone to try on everything and with extraordinary generosity gave out her business cards “Representative of the best craftsmen and blacksmithing”. As a result, the idea was a success. Six months later, she put the case, which is called "on stream." And now it makes fun of us, sometimes.

From a photoshop to the head of an art studio.

The second story will be about a simple guy named Dima. He did not stand out for anything special and lived a quiet, calm life, working in a photo studio, receiving quite normal money for this. Dima, as they say, was a professional "photoshopper." But as often happens, he was not lucky - he met my friend Alla. I love her completely, but frankly, I still need to look for such a “saw”. And her requests are not small.

And when everything became serious for them, she began to eat his brain with talk about the future, about children and the need to strive for more, and therefore earn more. Dima as a true man, of course, resisted for a long time. About a week, but at the end unconditionally capitulated.

At first he began to earn extra money on freelance, fulfilling orders that he received on specialized exchanges. And very quickly he began to add money. Literally after two months of working as a freelance mercenary, his salary increased two to three times.
During this time, Dima acquired regular customers and began to work with several freelancers like him, only they were engaged in programming and copyright. Together, they occasionally made websites for one customer.

Surely you already understood what was going on. Yes - Alla achieved her goal and Dima opened an Art Studio.
I will not talk about what happened next, as they say - this is a completely different fairy tale, but with a happy end.


I’ll probably end my story with one of my favorite quotes: “In baseball, as in business, there are three types of people: those who create what is happening; those who look at what is happening and those who are surprised that this is generally happening. ” This was said by the famous basketball coach Tommy Lazorda.
Of course, he talked about his - about baseball. But, as for me, this is the best parting word to a novice entrepreneur. How to start your business from scratch you have learned, now act!
Be those who surprise, not those who surprise!

How to create your own business from scratch: 10 steps to create a business plan + the procedure for registering an IP and LLC + 3 directions for a business from scratch.

How to create your own business from scratch? The question that all aspiring entrepreneurs asked.

The main secret of a successful start is to identify key stages and their sequence.

The motto “I'll figure it out along the way” does not fit at all in this case.

Opening your own business, you need to make a plan, and only then get to work.

In order to open your company from scratch, you need to make a lot of efforts, take into account all the risks.

Own business is a rather unstable way to make money, but it has advantages.

How to create your own business plan?

Creating a business plan is the basis for preparing to start your own business.

Not only the success of the implementation of a business idea, but also whether investors will want to invest in the project depends on how well the document is compiled.

Step-by-step algorithm to help create a business plan:

  1. Write a description (summary) of the business project. It is necessary to indicate the purpose of this enterprise, choose a specific strategy for it, and generally briefly familiarize with it.
  2. Describe in detail the range of goods or services.
  3. Conduct market research, determine the target audience of the business.
  4. Take into account the main competitors (their advantages, weaknesses, assortment).
  5. Present a complete business development strategy from scratch, and indicate methods for its implementation.
  6. Take into account possible risks, as well as give ways to minimize them.
  7. Create a production plan, which will describe the process of creating the product.
  8. Develop a sales plan.
  9. Make a calculation of expenses: capital and monthly investments in the business.
  10. Calculate approximate profits and determine the profitability of the business.

How to create your own business from scratch: the registration process

In order to create a business from scratch, it is not necessary to be an experienced lawyer - general knowledge is enough.

Most often, an enterprise is registered as a limited liability company or as an individual business.

The choice depends on the features of doing business in your particular case.

- a more suitable form of organization when the owner is one, and LLC - when there are several owners (on partnership terms).

But this is not the only key difference:

There is also a difference in the process of business functioning:

What is needed to register a business?

To register an IP, it is enough to apply with a passport to the department of the Federal Tax Service at the address of registration (in some cases, to any department).

Details and relevant information you can find on the state website of the Federal Tax Service:

- a more complex process. Everyone is able to cope with it, but beginners may have many questions.

For most of them, answers should be sought on the official website of the Federal Tax Service: There you can clarify the list of documents and any innovations.

In case of problems that cannot be resolved independently, you can turn to any legal office for help or advice.

The form of taxation of the enterprise is also worth choosing based on the characteristics of the business.

Compare the main taxation systems for business in Russia:

What kind of business can you create from scratch?

To begin with, it is worth noting what is meant by the concept of "business from scratch."

Most believe that this is a synonym for the concept of “no start-up capital”.

At the same time, it is forgotten that for entering the world of business, the availability of the material base (premises, tools), useful connections and other factors are also important.

Consider the main areas of business in which a beginner can be implemented from scratch without a significant starting capital and material base.

How to create your own online business from scratch?

The Internet provides great opportunities for those who are taking their first steps in the business world.

However, it is worth noting right away that it is impossible to conduct online activities from scratch without any knowledge.

You have to either get the necessary skills yourself, or get ready to look for specialists to do the work (which, of course, entails expenses).

Consider several popular business ideas from scratch on the Internet, for the implementation of which you do not need a large start-up budget:

    Thematic blog.

    If you are well versed in some topic (for example, cooking, fitness), then you can develop your resource.

    On the "promotion" from scratch will have to spend a lot of time and effort. But when you reach a significant audience, you can earn money by advertising and using affiliate programs.

    The key to success is high-quality, interesting and unique materials.

    Business of printing clothes, utensils.

    To do this from scratch, you don’t even have to have equipment.

    You can act as an intermediary between customers and large printing houses, with whom you agree to cooperate at wholesale prices.

    An example of such a business:

    Create an online flea market.

    You can start with your own things, gradually "connecting" acquaintances (each in the closet will find more unnecessary clothes, shoes).

    It is difficult to consider this idea as a serious business idea.

    However, the implementation does not require any investments + at least it will bring at least a small income.

    The resulting profit can be directed to the organization of another source of income.

Business from scratch in the provision of services

Another option for a business that does not require a serious launching pad is the service sector.

To begin with, you only need to master any skill that is in demand at the moment.

What are some examples from scratch?

  • sewing and repairing clothes;
  • manicure and pedicure at home;
  • massage (you will need to take training courses);
  • makeup, hair styling and the like.

As a rule, many skills can be mastered independently.

Fortunately, it’s really possible to find detailed manuals and even video tutorials on the Internet about almost any option for providing services.

This area also allows us to assume development, moving forward along the “career ladder”.

To do this, you need to study, study and study again.

Consider in practice:

The girl-cosmetologist is engaged in mechanical cleaning of the face, applying masks, performing non-therapeutic massage.

All these types of employment are available without taking courses and obtaining certificates. However, she does not want to stand still and decides to receive a medical education at the school.

Having received the appropriate diploma, the girl can expand the list of services by adding such items (which bring very good profits):

  • performing therapeutic massages;
  • injections of botex;
  • procedures for rejuvenating the skin (both the face and the whole body);
  • the provision of small services in the field of medicine (injections, droppers);
  • care for the elderly.

Of course, the sphere of beauty is not the only option for undertakings in a small business from scratch.

You can also share not the fruits of the acquired skill, but the skill itself.

We are talking about educational courses, which are now in great demand.

To start you need a little: possession of some skill at a high level + the ability to find a common language with people, to convey new information to them.

At first, training can be organized via the Internet, studying in your own home, or visiting students.

If the thing goes well, you can scale it - hire other teachers, rent a studio, etc.

What options can become business ideas from scratch?

  • learning foreign languages;
  • web design courses for beginners;
  • massage courses (both wellness and cosmetic);
  • teaching yoga, martial arts, personal training;
  • a school for teaching the art of visage from scratch.

The basis for developing such a business from scratch is, of course, advertising.

You should not spare money on it, since the options for free promotion give a not-so-outstanding and quick result.

Learn to find an individual approach to each client.

Control the quality and speed of work - both yours and employees later.

As soon as you have the opportunity, take courses on working with clients and personnel management - this will be a great help in starting a business from scratch.

Business from scratch in manufacturing

When it comes to business from scratch, there’s no need to talk about large-scale manufacturing at the factory premises.

Rather, we are talking about non-wholesale manufacturing of handmade products in a small workshop or just at home.

Nevertheless, although the scale of translating a business idea at first will be modest, it will still be a business in the manufacturing sector.

What ideas can be implemented from scratch?

  • sewing leather goods (accessories, wallets, purses, bags, even shoes);
  • production of photo albums, cards and panels (scrapbooking, origami, other types of needlework);
  • (to realize even on the balcony in an ordinary apartment), berries, mushrooms;
  • breeding poultry for the sale of eggs, meat, livestock (a great option for those who live in their home).

Risks of starting a business from scratch

Risks are any losses for a businessman, from a decrease in sales to a complete liquidation of a project.

They can arise both because of the mistakes of the entrepreneur himself, and because of external circumstances.

Having decided to implement your business from scratch on the Internet, you may face the following risks:

  • An uninteresting idea that will not find a response.
  • Low quality execution, which entails the creation of a bad reputation.
  • Increased competition associated with the growing popularity of online businesses.

If we are talking about the scope of services, it is worth considering the following risks:

    Unstable economic situation in the country.

    Not all ideas will endure such a period steadily.

    People in the financial crisis are ready to give up many things - cosmetic services, in the first place.

    Word of mouth is particularly active in the service industry.

    This is not only a plus, but also a minus.

    After all, any slip will not be forgotten for a very long time.

Consider the potential risks that may arise in the case of production:

    If consumables (for creativity, plant seeds, some small equipment) are imported from abroad, there is a dependence on the exchange rate.

    There may also be problems on the "customs clearance" of the goods and their delivery.

    Mechanical breakdowns can occur that slow down the manufacturing process.

    This leads to loss of profit.

    Therefore, experienced people advise, if possible, to buy only high-quality equipment for their business.

  • At first, profits may not cover expenses.

These are only the main of the possible risks.

It will be correct to identify potential problems for a specific business idea, before its implementation.

It is necessary not only to compile a list of possible "punctures", but also to understand how to minimize the likelihood of their occurrence.

And, of course, create instructions in case risks are translated into reality.

If you are too lazy to spend time on such precaution, it may not make sense to try to open your own business at all.

The main list of risks in the book "Business Strategies: An Analytical Reference":

Do not forget the positive point: a business from scratch is good because large investments are not at stake.

Therefore, the most valuable thing you can lose is your own time.

To summarize all the above information, we recommend watching this video:

Conclusion on how to create your own business from scratch

The answer to the question how to create your own small business, it’s not so much about creating a business plan and registration (although these steps are also very important).

The main task is to find a worthy idea that you can implement from scratch.

It should be in demand and not have incomprehensible moments for you (an entrepreneur must understand what he is going to earn).

And if you already have an idea, don’t hesitate and start implementation!

As you know, if you do nothing to implement the idea within 72 hours after its appearance, the chances of returning to it begin to tend to zero.

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