How to start a flower business at home. How to open a flower business and whether it is profitable. How to choose wholesale suppliers

Flower business It seems attractive for many novice entrepreneurs. In order to start earning, it is necessary for quite a few starting capital. And income during the holidays can be impressive. However, everything just seems at first glance. Flower business requires considerable time and strength. And so that the case really brought profits, it is also necessary to understand the proposed plants.

The basic principle

People most often enter the flower shop in good mood. The task of the business owner is not only to maintain the positive location of the client's spirit, but also to sign it. Flowers in the cabin should always have an attractive aroma and view. The seller must be benevolent with the client. The ability to attract the buyer is a good feature. You need to be able to guess consumer desires, recommend the buyer the most suitable bouquet for a specific case.

Flower business is elegant and sophisticated. There is no place for bad mood and unfriendly handling. If the entrepreneur behaves correctly, he will also have to earn good. The markup range is usually 90-150%. And to open a small shop, no more than 7000 y will be required. e. Quickly quickly can be promoting the flower business. Where to begin? First of all, it is necessary to determine the format of your own business. There are several options for money on colors. It can be a small floral stall on the street, shop, real boutique or online store of colors. All four business formats have their advantages and disadvantages. We will try to figure it out.

Flower pavilion on the street

Small stalls or pavilions with flowers can be found almost near each metro station, in transitions and multiplied streets. A disadvantage of such a format of keeping his case is a huge competition. Two sellers can be only meter from each other. But customers will always be abound. After all, it is usually necessary to work in such a format where there is always a huge stream of people. Get down permanent customers It is not always possible. At the same time, the flowers are perfectly sold not only on weekends and holidays, but also in labor weekdays. The main segment is young people who are rushing on a date. Relying on it, you can put a floral pavilion near a small square or park. After all, it is here that you can most often meet lovers.

It will take a little effort if you need to open floral business from scratch. Entrepreneurs show that all preparatory work takes no more than a month. All you need to do is to agree on renting a place, find colors suppliers and purchase a tent or pavilion. Here it is necessary to take into account the choice of a place where the sale will be made. If you have to sell flowers on the street, preference is worth giveing \u200b\u200bto the heated pavilion. Otherwise, the flower business will turn into a seasonal. Save winter plants require special care. Yes, and the seller will not be able to stay outside at temperatures below zero.

It is worth remembering that the flowers are a product that very quickly loses its appeal. Therefore, the trading pavilion can stand enough long enough if the entrepreneur provides a good turnover. The more people pass by the trading point, the better. And the work stands on the eve of the holidays. At this time, sales will be the largest. Next, people will already know about the flower pavilion and will return to it again the next time. To further increase the number of customers, you can run advertising. During the first month of work, let the hired employee distribute passers-by leaflets with detailed information about the store.

Full flower shop

This option will suit those entrepreneurs who have a starting capital of at least 7000 y. e. It is worth choosing a room with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 30 m 2. The more place will be in the trading room, the better. This allows you to significantly expand the product range. Additionally, you can offer customers in pots in pots, artificial decor, accompanying materials to care for garden plants. The more product range, the greater income will bring flower business. Owners show that buyers come for one plant, and much more goods will be carried away.

If one seller can work in the pavilion, then there must be several in the store. One specialist must be responsible for drawing up bouquets. It can be a trained officer who has non-standard thinking. Can be created both ready-made bouquets for sale and under the order. The most sought-after segment are floral compositions for the wedding. This is not only a bouquet of the bride, but also decorations for the banquet room. You can additionally create a catalog with works made earlier. The client, coming to the store, will be able to pick up the most suitable option.

The opening of the flower business in the store format will require some effort and financial costs. As in the previous case, you will have to find a suitable place for trading. It is also necessary to pay attention to the activities of competitors. You should not open the store, if a hundred meters already have a similar one. People will probably contact the flower, which works longer.

Floral boutique

The most interesting ideas of flower business are associated with the opening of the floral boutique. Everything should be perfect here. This is not only a placement of flowers in the room, but also the design of the most interior, appearance sellers of consultants, catalog for the choice of products, etc. The finished flower business will bring a huge income if the boutique is in big city. For the provinces, this format is not quite suitable. The fact is that professional florists work in such places. They create their masterpieces from expensive varieties. It is clear that the finished work will also cost a lot. Only units are ready to give an impressive amount of money for a perishable product. IN little city According to such a principle, it will work unprofitable.

In order to open a floristic boutique, you should have the amount of starting capital at least 20,000 y. e. For work will have to rent a large room. The trading hall must be at least 60 m 2. To make a business really profitable, it is worth carefully selected by employees. To work in the boutique, you will need: administrator, accountant, several florists, sales assistants and cleaners. If everything is organized correctly, will bring about 3000 y per month. e. net income flower business. Owners show that this is enough for the investment to have paid off during the year of fruitful work.

Entrepreneurs who have a flower boutique can enter corporate clients. In this case, the income will be an order of magnitude increased. Only the design of the banquet hall for the wedding can replace the week of operation of a simple flower shop. All you need is to establish connections with restaurants in which events are regularly held. In the future, the flower business can be expanded. The network of boutiques in the big city will bring really good profits.

Online store color

With development information technologies More and more businessmen refuse to traditional their own business. The floristry sphere is no exception. Already successfully operates several flower shops that offer their products in real time. Today, the delivery service of bouquets is very popular. This is connected with an acute shortage of time. People constantly rush somewhere. And some simply leaned once again to go to the store. The order can be issued before using a home or office computer.

The least costly is like floral business. Where to begin? First of all, you need to choose a room in which flowers will be stored for future bouquets. It can be a room with a square from 10 m 2. An important point is the room temperature. In order for plants to be able to live longer, the air temperature should be no more than 18 degrees Celsius.

Order potential clients will be able to arrange over the Internet. Without your own site, the flower business from scratch cannot be started. Entrepreneurs show that the portal should be colorful. Only in this case, he can attract a large number of visitors. Trust the creation of an Internet resource worth a real professional. You can find a lot of interesting proposals for creating any sites for the minimum price. You should not believe. It is better to contact a good web studio that works on the market for no first year. For a quality site will have to pay about 1500 y. e. This is the largest cost of expenses. Next, the entrepreneur is only worth buying flowers to create bouquets and start work.

Flower Store Equipment

First of all, there will be high-quality furniture on which vases will be with flowers and ready-made bouquets. Exist special companiesthat offer trade software for different species Business. It is worth remembering that the beginning of the flower business involves the attraction of a large number of visitors. And you can interest people only by the colorful interior and the professionalism of the sellers. The highlight of the commercial premises can be designer shelves with flowers. The manufacture of furniture for the store is better to entrust the creative person or team of professionals.

It is worth remembering that cut flowers have a limited shelf life. To extend your life, you will need to purchase special refrigerators and freezers. You can buy a budget option - an industrial refrigerator. Such equipment is widely used in grocery supermarkets for storing meat, cheese, sausages and milk. The refrigerator in the flower shop should be in a storage room, hidden from visitors. People are more pleasant to think that Rosa went on sale directly from Holland or Sweden. At the same time, few people guess that the plant requires special conditions storage.

Flower shop specialists

The personnel question in the flower sphere is quite acute. The selection of personnel is worth paying special attention. From the professionalism of sellers depends on how quickly the investments will be able to pay off. Only people with non-standard thinking and developed fantasy can work in a flower shop or boutique. In addition, employees must have certain skills and cognitions in the field of care for various plants. The seller not only creates design bouquets under the order, but also advises buyers. If the consultant is benevolent, the client will surely want to return to the store again.

It is possible to get a special education on floristry courses. Conduct them almost in any major city. Necessary information You can also find in real time. But the crust, telling that the person graduated from courses, does not give a guarantee of professionalism. The specialist should love his business. Flowers require gentle and careful circulation.

Skill sell - one more positive quality A specialist working in a flower shop. The consultant should be able to attract a visitor. And to stimulate sales, the entrepreneur can use a special payment scheme. Not only the standard rate per working day is set, but also the percentage of realized products. Employee will want to sell more to get more money For your work.

Flower business from scratch is worth starting not only with the selection of qualified florists and sellers. You will also need an accountant and administrator. If this is an online store, do not do without courier and driver. The main qualities of any employee must be decency and honesty. In relation to the workers, the entrepreneur should also behave benevolently. Understanding between the working and employer is the key to a successful business in any field.

Choose an assortment

Depending on what kind of work format was chosen by the entrepreneur, it is worth choosing an assortment. First of all, living cut plants will be presented in any store, pavilion or boutique. Without them, floral business is impossible. Is it profitable to sell plants if there is no suitable place to store them? A good income will be only if a good turnover is provided. In this case, it makes no sense to acquire expensive cut roses, asters and lilies.

How to open flower business from scratch? Initially, it is necessary to negotiate with suppliers. It is much easier to work through intermediaries. These are special organizations that buy flowers with a large wholesale abroad and organize delivery to their own warehouse. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to come here and choose the most suitable plants for sale. This option of cooperation can be beneficial for the owners of small pavilions and shops. But the owners of floristic boutiques, which plan to implement a large amount of products, it is worth making a deal with foreign partners directly.

In the range of flower shop or boutique there may be not only cut flowers or ready-made bouquets. Very many buyers are fond of indoor plants. Such products should also be offered. The seller must know the full information about the flower in the pot, as well as how to care for him. After all, many plants have an impressive price. And the flower can die in just a few days if you put it in an inappropriate place or forget to pour several times.

Additionally, in a flower shop you can sell postcards, soft toys, special chemistry to care for plants, fertilizers, decor, artificial bouquets, etc.

Special remedies against plants

Even with high-quality refrigerators and freezing cameras Flowers can fade enough quickly. This is due to the rapid reproduction in a humid environment of pathogens bacteria. Without special chemistry to care for plants in a store, it is not necessary to do. How to open a flower business, not knowing about special powder probiotics? Initially, it is worth studying all the information about the care of plants, even if the work will be engaged in specially hired employees. Probiotics are useful microorganisms that can be used to combat pests. Special powder can be purchased at a price of about 600 rubles per 100 g. This quantity is enough to care for the colors within a month.

In addition to probiotics, special mineral additives, antibacterial agents, mangalls, aspirin, as well as citric acid can be used in the store. However, it is impossible to overdo it in the matter of care of plants. The problem is that all listed funds are able to kill the native immunity of the flower. After the buyer puts the plant into conventional tap water, it quickly fades. Therefore, special chemistry can be offered to the client when selling. Especially since the cost of powder has a very low.

Let's summarize

So how to start a flower business from scratch? To begin with, it is worth making a plan of action. We must remember the benefits and disadvantages. The mark-up margin is more than 100%. This makes it easy to earn already in the first months. However, plants - a perishable goods. In addition, specialists celebrate seasonality of this type of business. Good flowers are sold before holidays and in the summer months. In winter, it is very difficult to earn even for renting the premises.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

331 000 ₽

Starting attachments

265 000 - 330 000 ₽

53 000 - 111 000 ₽

Net profit

5 months.

Payback period

To open a small flower shop of 20 square meters. Meters will need 331 thousand rubles, which will pay off for 5 months of work. Net profit in the first year of work will be 682 thousand rubles.

1. Flower shop. Summary of the project

Every year the volume of flower business is growing, which indicates the active development of the industry. To date, the business idea of \u200b\u200ba flower store is in demand and very profitable. The goal of the project is the opening of a flower store in the city with a population of more than 1 million people. The main source of income of the institution is the sale of floral products. The target audience of the flower store is the population of the city aged 20 to 50 years with an average income.

The main advantages of a flower store:

    minimum initial costs;

    high profits in the long run;

    business profitability 20-30%.

For the implementation of the project of a flower shop, a room with a total area of \u200b\u200b20 m 2 is rented, located in close proximity to the shopping center. The concrequency of the initial investment is 311,000 rubles. Investment costs are directed to the purchase of specialized equipment: the arrangement of the trading point, the purchase of flower products. To implement the project, own funds will be used.

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Financial calculations of the business plan covers a three-year period of project functioning. It is assumed that after this time is the expansion of the business. In accordance with the calculations, initial investments will pay off on the fifth month of work. According to the results of the first year of work, net profit of 682782 rubles and profitability of sales of 21% are projected. Integral performance indicators of the project are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Main indicators of project efficiency

2. Description of the flower shop industry and company

Flowers are one of the main attributes of the holiday. Tradition to give flowers and decorate them the space firmly settled in Russia. Therefore, flower shops always find their customer, despite the season and economic crises. The demand for flowers acts peculiar reflection financial state societies - than it is richer, the more colors are bought. And at the same time, even during the crisis crises, flower shops actively lead their business - only focus on sales, preference is given to budget options, but the sales of flower shops are not reduced.

Over the past years, the Russian flower market demonstrates active growth. The dynamic development of the flower market is indicated by the statistics of market volumes. Every year the market volumes increase - for the period from 2011 to 2015, the volume of cut colors market in physical expression increased by 1/3.

Figure 1. The volume of the flower market in physical terms, billion pcs., 2011-15.

In monetary terms, this growth is more noticeable due to the increase in prices for flowers. For the period 2011-2015, the market volume increased by almost 40%.

Figure 2. Value of the flower market, billion rubles, 2011-15.

To date, the entire market of Russia can be estimated at 160 billion rubles in cash equivalent and in 35.8 tons in physical terms.According to analysts forecasts, the Russian flower market will continue to grow. According to the analytical company Global Reach Consulting, the real capacity of the domestic market is estimated at 40 billion dollars.

Thus, the flower shop is regarded as one of the most perspective business ideas despite the risk component. Average flower business profitability indicators are constantly growing. At the same time, the likelihood of risk is enhanced. The main threats are associated with pronounced seasonality of the business and the high probability of improper planning of the volume of flower products. Flower sales peaks come in February, March, May, September and December, and the summer months are considered the "dead" season, which can cause a significant reduction in profits. In addition, the flowers are not stored for a long time - the maximum term of their implementation is limited to one week. In case of excessive purchases of flower products, the store can incur damages. However, this risk sellers take into account in the formation of the price, assuming that about 60% of the colors will not be sold.

Another risk is the strong dependence of the flower shop from imports. Today, Russia occupies a sixth place to import cut colors, and the share of imports in sales is about 90%. However, there is a positive dynamics in the share of domestic products. According to analysts, in the next ten years, Russia will take second place in Europe in terms of imports after Germany. This risk is possible growth Course currencies, probabilities of banning the import of flower products from some countries, tightening customs policies, etc. Figure 3 shows the structure of the import of colors in the context of the manufacturers. The largest share of imports falls on the Netherlands - 44.7%, the second place and third place is occupied by Ecuador and Colombia with a share of supply of 36% and 12.8%, respectively. There are only 6.5% of supplies to other countries.

Figure 3. Distribution of manufacturers in the volume of supplies in physical terms in the Russian Federation, 2014

In the structure of supplies of colors, 43% falls on roses. The second pains are chrysanthemums - 24%. The top three closes the cloves, whose share of the supply occupies 22%. In general, in recent years, supplies leaders remain unchanged, but there is a tendency to popularize exotic, unusual colors. Recently, flower shops are trying to diversify their assortment and attract the buyer. unique species flowers.

Figure 4. Color structure in total import (in physical terms),%, 2014

Ready ideas for your business

Pricing on the market consists of two components - the cost of costs (currency exchange rate, customs duties, price of gasoline, etc.) and demand fluctuations - increased demand entails price increases. On average, the price policy in the flower market implies an extra charge of 100-300% of the purchase price.

In most cases retail Flowers are carried out in the format of flower pavilions and stalls - 70%, about 10% fall on flower shops, less popular floral salons and boutiques designed for a premium segment. Recently, online stores are gaining popularity, which are a less risky model of flower business.

An analysis of the flower market showed the relevance and demand of this business. The main advantages are to a relatively rapid organization and start of work, the lack of licensing activities, a low market entry threshold, an acceptable level of initial investment, high demand for goods and profitability level. However, the disadvantages of flower business should also be taken into account: non-standard products, high dependency on customs policy. , Currency exchange rate, pronounced seasonality, high level of competition.

3. Flower shop. Description of goods and services

The main type of activity of the flower store is a retail trade in floral cuts. For flower business is important set additional servicesthat form it competitive advantages. As additional services can be:

    courier flower delivery service;

    floral design of celebrations;

    sale of related goods (postcards, soft toys, candy, etc.);

    packing gifts;

    drawing up floristic boxes with flowers and sweets;

    original packaging of bouquets, for example, conical packages with a comfortable handle or crafting paper;

    applying inscriptions and drawings on flower petals;

    creating floral compositions for decor.

Ready ideas for your business

The range of additional flower store services can be much wider - it depends on the store format and its goals. To form a list of services in a flower shop, it is recommended to explore the services of competitors. To date, the sale of standard bouquets is a losing business model. Modern consumers appreciate creativity, original approach and exclusivity of floral services provided.

List of flower store services:

    Sale cut colors (Rose, Chrysanthemum, Tulip, Peony, Ranunculus, Hydrangea, Estoma, Carnation, Gerbera, Alstromeria, Narcissus, Orchid, Lily, Freesia) Taking into account seasonality of colors;

    Gift Packaging Flowers and Bouquets;

    Drawing up floristic compositions and bouquets;

    Sale of concomitant goods (postcards, gift boxes with flowers and candies);

    Delivery of bouquets by courier service;

    Floral design celebrations. Premises design services are under the preliminary order, taking into account the wishes of the client;

    Order bouquet by phone - To save time clints awaiting the compilation of a bouquet, the store provides a pre-order service. The client is enough to come in to pay and pick up a bouquet.

4. Flower shop. Sales and Marketing

Statistics on medium and large cities allows you to form a typical "portrait" of the client of a flower shop: 57.9% of men, 42.1% - women, the average age of the buyer - 35 years old, material wealth - medium. In accordance with the statistics given, determined the target audience The store is a population aged 20 to 50 years with an average income.

At the initial stage should be analyzed competitive environment. This will make it possible to assess the level of demand and threat of business, develop their competitive advantages and decide on the marketing strategy. In order to form competitive advantages and to accommodate your customer base, in the first months of work it is necessary to make a bet on cheap raw materials, available additional services, unusual packaging, Creative services presented in your store.

Planning advertising campaign Flower store, it should be borne in mind that the channels of promotion, as advertising in newspapers, on radio and television in flower business does not bring due effect. This is due to the fact that the purchase of colors is often impulsive phenomenon - a person passes by the flower stall and makes the decision to buy a bouquet here. Therefore, the most effective will be outdoor advertising. In addition, one of the parameters that determine the competitive advantages of a flower shop is a profitable location. The most successful location of the flower store is a pavilion at the intersection of several streets with a lot of traffic passersby.

In addition, it is recommended to create in social networks Group and profile advertising products. The creation of a site for a flower store is completely optional, especially if a small floral strap is planned. Establishing the price of a flower store sold products should be carried out taking into account the prices of competitors. It is important that the pricing policy is quite flexible - this will allow to meet the demand in both the budgetary and expensive price segment for stimulating the sale of flower products can be used bonus cards, various discounts and promotions, loyalty program for regular customers.

It should also be provided to create your own logo and branded packaging that will be business card shop. The development of an exclusive style, the logo and the original name will cost an average of 6,000 rubles. Advertising sign will be within 20,000, including installation. Do not forget about this form of advertising as a sarafined radio. Therefore, the best advertisements will be fresh flowers and professionalism of florists capable of creating beautiful floral compositions.

5. Flower shop. Production plan

The opening of the flower shop includes six main stages, including registration, selection of umospitations and premises, selection of personnel, equipment purchase, search suppliers of flower products, sales planning and purchasing goods. Next, consider each of them.

1. Registration in government bodies. Retail Flowers are not licensed to activities, which simplifies the process of collecting documents necessary to open a flower store. The organizational and legal form of the enterprise may be IP or LLC. For a flower store, it is recommended to register an IP with a simplified tax system ("Revenues" at a rate of 6%). Types of activity according to OKVED-2:

    47.76.1 Trade retail flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers in specialized stores. This is the main activity. When diversifying the flower business and the availability of additional services, you can specify the following codes:

    47.78.3 Trade retail souvenirs, folk artworks

    64.12 Courier activity, except for national mail

    74.10 Activity specialized in the field of design

    82.92 Packaging activities

Ready ideas for your business

It is not necessary to indicate the entire list of codes, but if further business expansion is planned, it is recommended to make all the listed codes that may be required in the future.

List of documents for opening a flower store:

    permission to trade colors;

    the program of sanitary and production control is obtained once after agreeing in Rospotrebnadzor;

    contract for deratization, disinsection and disinfection;

    contract for maintenance of the ventilation and air conditioning system;

    contract for the removal and disposal of MBS;

    internal documentation: Journal of Accounting Disinfectants;

    hygienic resolution of SES or corresponding quality certificates.

2. Location and selection of commercial premises. The main criterion for choosing a location is a high traffic of people. It can be an intersection of streets, the territory near the shopping center or bus stop, lively streets in the bedrooms. A commercial premises on the first floor of a residential building are also suitable - as a rule, such premises are relatively cheaper. For a flower shop, a room of 20 m 2 is suitable - this will be enough for the trading space and a small room for storing colors. To implement the project, it is planned to rent a room near the shopping center. The area of \u200b\u200bthe leased premises is 20 m 2, the average cost for the city with a population of 800-1 million is 20000 rubles.

3. Selection of frames for a flower store. The main staff of the flower store are florists. It is recommended to respond with the choice of florist and hire professional employees, since it is precisely the quality of the services provided. With the daily work of the store from 9:00 to 21:00, two florists will need, which will work alone.

4. Acquisition of equipment. In a flower shop, you must maintain the temperature from + 5º to + 8º C, which is comfortable for colors. To do this, you will need to install a specialized refrigeration chamber. The cost of such equipment is 500,000-70000 rubles, and an average of 20,000 rubles. To save, we should consider the option of acquiring used equipment - it will cost 20-25% less. You should also consider a small worker inventory, which will need florists to compile bouquets - it is laid on rubles. Another important point is the installation of security and fire-fighting equipment, the cost of which will be an average of 30,000 rubles.

5. Finding suppliers of flower products. This moment is one of the key in the organization of floral business, since the reliability of suppliers depends on the work of the store and the quality of final products. The search for partners can be carried out through thematic forums and sites. The choice of suppliers is a fairly responsible and painstaking work.

6. Sales planning and purchasing colors.The planning of sales volumes is a very important stage, since the supply of flower products depend on it. Incorrectly designed deadlines can lead either to a shop, or to losses due to productive products. From this, one more task is to be an adjustable flower products delivery system. It should be borne in mind that fresh cut flowers must be brought every 4-5 days. Thus, it is planned to exercise 5 purchases per month every 5 days. To fill the trading area at 15-20 m 2, the initial purchase of approximately 70,000 rubles will be required. At the same time, the dosakup of the assortment will be 10,000-15,000 rubles.

Flower store sales planning is based on floral business seasonality. Sales peaks fall on the following dates - February 14, February 23, March 8, May 9, September 1. Profit for these days can be 20-25% of total profits for the entire month. In summer, demand falls significantly, although the period of graduation and wedding days should be taken into account. An approximate schedule of revenue volumes by month is shown in Fig. 5 - on it marked peaks and decay of color sales.

Figure 5. Dynamics of sales of flower products by months

It is quite difficult to predict the income of the flower store. In each case, it is necessary to carefully plan sales volumes, given the price segment, region, competitors, etc. For forecast B. this project Meeting indicators will be used. According to statistics, sales in a stationary store for the month is 200-250 bouquets. Based on the fact that various colors will be presented in the store - both inexpensive and premium-class - sales planning is built on a ratio of 60/40%: i.e. The number of inexpensive bouquets will be 120 pieces, and expensive - 80 pieces. The average price of bouquets in an inexpensive segment will be 300 rubles, on the road - 1500 rubles. On average, the monthly revenue will be 267150 rubles.

Table 2. Planned sales of a flower shop


Inexpensive segment

Dear segment

Revenue in the month, rub.

Sales, pcs.


Revenue, rub.

Sales, pcs,


Revenue, rub.


Revenue for the year:

6. Flower Store Organizational Plan

For the functioning of the flower shop, you will need to form staff:

    Director- Managing store, combining the work of an accountant and a specialist in the logistics of procurement. The director may be the owner of the business;

    Florists - employees who are engaged in the preparation of compositions and sale of bouquets;

  • Cleaner (part-time), carrying out the room cleaning 3-4 times a week.

It is supposed to hire two florists who will be shifted. Work schedule: 2 After 2. Practice shows that for a successful businesswomen business, flowers should not only be able to make bouquets and get along with buyers, but also to know the psychology to offer that bouquet that will want to buy a client. This moment should not be neglected, so when choosing florists it is worth considering it. The overall wage fund will be 72,000 rubles, and taking into account insurance payments - 93,600 rubles per month.

Table 3. Flower Store State

Since the delivery of bouquets is indicated in the list of services, it is necessary to cooperate with the courier service. Currently, the market offers various service options. courier servicewho are interested in collaboration with legal entities. The average delivery rate of 1 city is 250 rubles. Usually shops, providing such services, make a markup of 50-100 rubles. Since it is quite difficult to predict the popularity of this service, in this project a profit from it is not taken into account. When successful development Business is planned to hire a courier driver who would deal with the delivery of flower products. At the initial stage of business, it is not profitable in the state of such an employee.

7. Flower Store Financial Plan

Financial plan Consides all the income and expenses of the project, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this period, the institution will require expansion of business. To start the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investment. Approximately 43% of the initial investment falls on technical equipment and shop furniture; 45% of investments - on the initial purchase of flower products and the formation of a fund of funds for the payment of rental and salaries in the first months of work, advertising and registration - 12%. Thus, the total amount of the initial investment will be 311,000 rubles. To implement the project, own funds will be used.

Table 4. Investment costs



Cost 1 thing, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Equipment, Furniture, Technique

Refrigeration showcase

Split system (for commercial premises)

Floral table

Security and Fire Equipment

A computer

Plastic vases

Decoring, tools (scissors, stapler, wrapping paper, etc.)

check in

Registration of IP

Printing, opening p / s


Flowers and plants for floristics

Payout salary, rent in the first months of work

The constant costs taken into account in the business plan consist of rent, utility payments, wage fund, advertising costs and depreciation deductions. The size of the depreciation deductions is determined by the linear method, based on the useful use of fixed assets in 5 years. TO constant costs The flower store also includes tax deductions that are not submitted in this table, since their amount is not fixed, but depends on the volume of revenue. In the cost structure, the fraction of the phot is 47%, the purchase of flower products - 25%.

Table 5. Monthly expenses Flower Store

8. Evaluation of efficiency

The payback period of the color store at initial investments in 251,000 rubles is 5 months. The net monthly profits of the project when leaving the planned sales volumes will be 156,000 rubles. Exit to the planned sales volume is scheduled for the third month of work. Profitability of sales in the first year of work - 21%. The net present value is positive and equal to 88312 rubles, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.

9. Possible risks of a flower store

Flower business is associated with various risksTo be considered when planning:

    Flowers are a perishable goods. To avoid losses, it is necessary to constantly monitor market monitoring and predict demand;

    The probability of obtaining poor quality or defective goods.Reduce this risk possible when choosing reliable suppliers and competent compilation of the contract;

    The cyclicity of the flower market and the supply episodic (seasonality).Fully exclude the risk will not work, but it is possible to smooth its impact, opening new business segments and introducing additional services;

    Errors in the assessment of sales volumesWhat can lead to a disposal of 60% of all flower products. Level this risk is possible if you collect statistical data: set the sensor at the entrance to the store, considering incoming visitors. These indicators and sales statistics will calculate the optimal volume of purchases and make a week plan. Small flower shops are adapted to the work format for 1-2 months;

    High level competition in the market. Reduce this risk possible with thoughtful marketing Strategy flower shop and achieving certain competitive advantages;

Flowers and bouquets of them are always associated with gifts and holidays. Probably, that is why more and most of the people come the idea to create a flower business.

And you must admit that she, this idea is quite good. After all, trade plants have their advantages:

  • Minimum funds for creation and development;
  • Cheat on flowers, features on bouquets, can be from 200 to 400%.

But another question arises: what is needed, where to start to open a color shop from scratch? So, we will examine on points, step by step.

What you need to open a flower shop

1. Starting capital. This business requires investments. For different areas of activity, the amount, of course, is different, but how much money do you need to open a flower shop?

It exceptionally depends on how the store will be. And we are not talking about the product, but about the room for it, since the cost of colors will depend on the supplier.

How much money is needed

On the opening of the flower pavilion The subway will require up to 10 thousand dollars (option with minimal investments). Due to the rental place for the year and its arrangement (design, shelves for the goods, warehouse). The cost of a full-fledged store begins from 20 thousand dollars. As for the popular now boutiques, they need to be at least 50 thousand dollars.

2. Equipment. It is worth understanding that cut flowers can be stored shortly, then the goods will be unsuitable.

Extend the "life" refrigerators will help. The cheapest option will be purchased by industrial equipment, but if you wish, it is possible to order and special colors storage facilities. If with the money tight, then you can buy 2 used Soviet refrigerators, for example, Avito.

Also, the equipment should include the lamp to create the desired lighting for plants, for the care of flowers. The accurate list of equipment for a flower shop, of course, will depend on the range.

Cut flowers require much less than plants in pots. But the latter are able to provide business stability.

3. Staff. In a simple pavilion or a small store, you can hire the seller and without much experience (and it will work not worse than experienced, you can teach the intricacies of the flower business from zero of any person). Such a specialist is able to give the client a predetermined bouquet or wrapping liked the plant in packaging.

For more serious institutions to work, it should be hired if non-florist professionals, then experienced employees. They should have an idea of \u200b\u200beach of the plants, to know how to care for them and, of course, be able to make bouquets.

Important ! Here attention should be paid to the appearance, as the seller will be a "face" of the store. Requirements are simple: Friendship, politeness, accuracy, execution and that is no less important - your seller must love flowers.

How much flowers are wholesale, what are the purchasing prices?

Wholesale price of roses in Russia (Central region) about 50-70 rubles (1 dollar). Retail they are sold at 120-140 rubles.

Before the 8th March, prices for roses (wholesale) grow up to 80-90 rubles, and they become 130-170 rubles in retail. I will not say about the rest of the flowers, there is really no information.

By the way ! It is much more profitable to buy in bulk flowers in a nearby major city than on the flower base of your city.

For example: At the wholesale database of my city of roses, 60-80 rubles per 1st thing. But in the nearest major city (80 km from mine) prices 40-60 rubles. And it is really advantageous to ride in a major city (at least I know that 2 of my city's flower shop is purchased precisely in that city that in 80km. From us).

Based on the above data, it is easy to calculate the profitability of flower business and a net profit.

Delivery and Expansion of the range

It is worth considering and the possibility of delivery of flowers. If the goods from the store can be ordered remotely, then you need employees for its delivery.

At first, you can hire a driver and courier in one person, but later, if there are many orders, the number of employees will have to increase.

It is also worth thinking about hiring administrator. Naturally, the staff directly depends on the size of the business.

What else can you sell

In addition to flowers in a flower shop, you can sell: small soft toys, candy bouquets, beautiful and stylish flowers for flowers, dear sets of candy, bonbonnieres, flowers in pots, artificial flowers, different small gifts for girls and women, etc.

That in the end

All of the above is the main one. But do not forget that the pre-business should be registered.

Better as IPThis is easier and cheaper in terms of taxation. But if you open a network of floral salons, then LLC is the optimal choice.

Open the flower shop is not difficult. However, the minuses should be known in the face and take them into account:

  • Flowers are a consuming goods;
  • Defective goods in the party are not uncommon;
  • There is no stable demand, the sale of flowers is inherent seasonality.

How much does the flower shop earn on March 8

As already wrote above, the flowers are pretty seasonal. There are peaks of profitability - this is March 8, September 1, New Year. My friends have a small flower shop in a small town (10 square meters. - Market Square), so for the past on March 8, they for 1 day they made a revenue of 450 thousand rubles.

So there is a big reason to open the store somewhere in the middle end of January. 2 months before the peak, so that as many people you learned about your store. Well, or in November and July.

If you open the color store with the mind, then after a year all costs will be dumped. The main thing is not to hurry to get from just started the case as much as possible.

Stable can be provided by taking into account the demand of buyers and satisfying their needs.

Flower Store Business Plan

And lastly, promised ( is free).

Flower business - the direction of retail trade, in which more than other activities intersect risk and prospects, as the demand for flower products can serve as a certain barometer of people's well-being.

According to experts, the volume of bouquets sold and compositions directly depends on the level financial well-being Region, but the mentality of the nation also plays a certain role in this issue.

Like any other, the flower business is characterized by its specificity, which is not dangerous to underestimate. In the country, for example, the norms for written off flowers are not established, although, according to professional florists, this indicator is approaching 10%.

But even with such obvious losses in flower business, a decent profitability (from 50%), therefore, there are enough wishing to try themselves in this matter. In addition to good profits (the average surcharge on flower products in the domestic market is about 200%), it also brings aesthetic satisfaction.

Attracts this type of business and a relatively small amount of start-up capital, which depends on the type of the trading point and its location.

Where should flower business be started

check in

The registration procedure is probably the easiest stage in this business. An individual entrepreneurship is registered in accordance with 52.48.32 OKVED "Retail Trade Flows". It is necessary to determine the tax system (UNVD or). If a businessman is more expensive than money, you can entrust this stage to legal firms.

After registration, IP or LLC is purchased to the tax. Independent efforts take two weeks. With the service that Sellers KKM are offered, the whole process takes up to 3 days.

It is worth remembering about printing. Can work without it. However, there is one nuance: not always suppliers agree to let go products without a stamp on documents.


In the outlet of any format there must be documentation available to customers:

  • Permission to trade (it can be obtained in municipal organs in accordance with federal law № 381-F3).
  • Conclusion of the SES.
  • Book of reviews.
  • Price (optional).
  • Commodity invoice (for buyers is not important).

Other papers ─ cash register, lease agreement, certificate of registration of KKM. ─ Also better to keep kept in the store. The staff accepted only with Sannipers (Order No. 302 H), for employees, make Badges with photos and name.


Certificates in flower business are not mandatory, but there is one condition. These documents inspire confidence in buyers, especially since this formality is the cost of photocopy. After all, many solid providers undergo voluntary certification, and in procurement partners need to ask them a copy of the certificate.

Formats of flower business

Conditionally business on colors is divided into four formats:

Small floral tents

Most often, they are located near the subway or transport junction. Competition here is high, but also buyers with the right choice of place enough.

So that the small pavilion brings good and regular income, it is necessary to consider that the flowers are fragile and short-lived goods, so first of all it is necessary to worry about good turnover.

In such a format, the basis of sales ─ Cut. An estimated range of mini-pavilions ─ 20 types of colors. Important role Plays packaging.

Small flower shops

They are placed in shopping centers and other busy places. Here, compared with the tent, more trading space, and therefore the possibility of expanding the range.

In addition to traditional cuts, ready-made compositions of florists, potted flowers, ceramics and souvenirs (serial and author), gifts, floral soil, plant care products and related goods are offered.

With an increase in the range with the goods of a long shelf life, there is a good chance to balance all costs. In such a situation, it is no longer so unequivocally dependent on the volume of turnover, which will sell a fewer colors during periods of a decline in the decline periods, receiving stable profits at the expense of concomitant goods.

Such format and investments require the corresponding - at least $ 20,000. The payback time of such a store depends on the opening season, but in any case he will obvious advantagestable business With a wide range and regular customer base.

Floral online store

It is best to create, having a real experience in the current flower shop. Modern rhythm of life has turned the delivery of flowers in a completely sought-after service. In addition to stationary boutiques, this type of service provides online stores in which customers draw up orders without leaving home.

Of all the formats of flower business, the last option requires minimum starting investment. Without experience in sales of the specific product of a perishable group, accumulated partnerships with suppliers and customer base, the likelihood of a successful start in such a form of flower business is low.

Floral specialized boutiques

Open in a separate built-in room on the first floors of the red line of houses, in shopping centers and other crowded places. Such boutiques allow the entire aesthetic value of flower business.

It is necessary to be everything here - from the design of the room developed by stylists to exclusive compositions created by florist masters.

Experts' opening costs are estimated at least $ 80,000. With competent investments, such a business promises to be stable, give people joy, have good prospects for development.

Profit of salons Experts rate at $ 5,000 per month. And if it is located near the business center and has permanent corporate clients, issuing all their events, its profits will be even more.

Choosing a place

Find the perfect place for a flower store ─ The question is paramount and not the easiest, because in this business there is a high competition, and if the tenant's tempting offers are found, the rental price will be appropriate.

The average price in the central regions for the shopping area with a high flow of buyers is $ 1000-2000 per square meter. m per year. And since the key to success in the flower business largely depends on the choice of its chocolate site, at this moment it is necessary to pay attention, attracting if necessary to consult specialists with trading card cities.

The outlet can be arranged:

  • In Tonara, a small "house" - autograph.
  • In the pavilion from modular sections.
  • In a separate building (if lucky).
  • In the built-in room in the houses on the red line.
  • In the mall.

The most profitable rental is in the shopping center, the pavilions are a bit more expensive. The fate of the flower shop largely determines the choice of space.

Underwater rocks

The metro station will not necessarily be another plus. Important Direction of flow: people go home or vice versa.

Good stream from the highway. If the location is closer to the center, then powerful traffic is obtained where the direction of movement towards the region, when location in the bedroom areas, the center is chosen.

Among the nuances - for a quick start, it is necessary to monitor double-competitors, as well as the possibility of parking in the store area.

When discussing the conditions and design of contracts, specify whether the total rental is included communal payments - Another solid cost of expenses. It is necessary to check the existence of a contract for garbage collection, otherwise get rid of packaging containers will be problematic.

For repair, arrangement, window design, you can ask for rental holidays - the standard need for a trading organization. It is also worth clarifying whether the architectural plan provides for the placement of outdoor advertising.

At the conclusion of the contract, it is advisable to use the help of a lawyer. It is not so expensive, but to see all the pitfalls, right up to the end of the land valve for the landlord, can only be able to see a specialist. After all, if after six months the building will go under demolition, such savings will come sideways.

Depending on the size of the room, the type of store, layout and equipment of the trading room, warehouse, other service premises are chosen.

The device of the workplace of florists in the zone available for the ferris of his work will be an additional advantage.

Do not save on the design of the room, so that the atmosphere and interior create an excellent background and the conditions for sales.

Video - practical advice for flower business:

Choosing equipment ─ on clothes meet


Trade Point Equipment

For the arrangement of a flower shop of any type need a special trade furniture and equipment. Catalogs of finished sets for different retail space can be found on the Internet on the sites of manufacturers and wholesalers.

By purchasing furniture and equipment from a well-known brand, you can count on high-quality installation and warranty service maintenance. Give preference to suppliers with the possibility of serial configuration.

In addition to typical models of showcases, racks, counters and refrigeration equipment of different costs and different manufacturers, you can make a kit for individual orderIdeal for the selected area and the general concept of the institution, because not every industrial refrigerator universal destination will win in the trading floor of the flower shop.

In any case, the selected kit must be checked for strength and environmental safety. If the interior of the VIP-level, the specification of its equipment can be sent at once to all accessible to the suppliers, waiting for them commercial offers. A thorough choice of a potential partner allows him to understand that it is made on the conditions of the tender.

Without a refrigerator, even in a favorable season, it is dangerous to open. Ready refrigeration chamber get uncomfortable. If you make it for yourself, you do not need to rush to suppliers. It is advantageous first to build a camera, the rear side of which will be "deaf", while others are plastic "shop windows", made by order. Doors are mandatory.

After the arrangement of the box, the cassette split system is installed. The total cost of a special refrigerator ─ 120 - 200 thousand rubles.

In minor stores you can install (at the price of mounting the air conditioner) split system with a winter option.

Vases and floral racks are needed. In large refrigerators, set racks with shelves on which glass vases arrange. Special designs will cost 4 thousand rubles. For a unit, plastic flasks - 80 - 150 rubles.

The price of the CCM varies within 9000 - 15,000 rubles.

Related costs. Without packaging there is no colors store, first of all, it is a transparent cellophan number 1 ─ the most relevant packaging. You can first select the universal shades of the color range of mesh, chickens, felt, tapes, sisal.

For the design of the compositions, you will need tools and materials: wire for gerberas, Teip-tape, tape, adhesive thermal, secator, scissors, special knives, nippers. Such a minimum set is about 5000 rubles.

Purchase of cutting on a small point costs about 40 thousand rubles. Full filling in a large store product ─ from 300 to 400 thousand.

Recruitment - what frames and what decide

The personnel question in the flower business is also sharp as in any other. The success of the business of a flower shop of any type create talented specialists who are able to invent design bouquets and compositions from dried flowers, decompat with flowers and plants any solemn event, advise the most picky buyer.

Florists-designers with experience and solid portfolio can count on a high salary. If the entrepreneur is difficult to pay for the work of four such professionals at once (working in turn and two shifts), you can replace students with appropriate responsibilities, part-time work and adequate salary.

In general, the salary of employees should be put into directly proportional dependence on profits: the minimum rate, and the rest is ─% of the revenue. Professional training Must be traders, which will depend on the mood of buyers and the final result.

In order for the seller's salary not higher than the owner's income, it is necessary to establish tough control of their work - for example, organize video surveillance.

Nevertheless, the creative favorable situation for staff is very important, because this type of activity is simply filled with emotions from permanent contact with beautiful.

The functions of the manager can take over the owner of the business, the management of accounting can be transferred to a firm specializing in similar services. For a complete set, you will need a driver and courier to deliver colors.

Assortment of colors and related goods

In which store, what flowers it is better to sell? If there is no experience, a win-win version ─ mono-bouquets of roses or chrysanthemums of one color (white, red, motley). This is especially true for small retail space. Potted plants here are rarely looking for, and they occupy a precious place to increase the range.

For Tonara

The range is minimal as area:

  • Carnation (ordinary and bush) main shades.
  • Chrysanthemum (bush and one-headed) ─ three species.
  • Rose (ordinary and bush) - white and burgundy color ─ necessarily.
  • Gerbera - different.
  • Tulip (spring season).

For Pavilion

If the pavilion on dimensions is not very different from the tent (up to 10 sq.m), then the range will be the same as in the previous version. If over 18 square meters. m, you can add orchids, anthurium, irises, other varieties of roses.

For shop

Potted cultures (soils, pots, drawers) trade, starting with 30 square meters. m. from 50 square meters m ─ full range:

  • The whole slice in the spacious refrigerator.
  • Dry and artificial flowers. Potted cultures, large-scale.
  • Pots of all types.
  • Soil, fertilizers, care products.
  • Vases: Standard, Designer.
  • Postcards.
  • Popular decor for indoor plants.

In a large store, there must be a gift packaging service. Designer postcards from dried flowers, beads, beads, ribbons, floristic paper and fantasy masters are welcome.

Today, designer compositions from cut colors are very popular with the addition of fruits, dried flowers, sweets, souvenirs. The combined version is expensive, where in one set cut flowers and potted.

Purchase of goods

The main rule is not limited to one supplier, even if he has an ideal product. With force majeure, you can lose profit plus the cost of staff salary and lease.

The perfect option ─ the choice of three main suppliers. The flower market is widely represented: Russia, Ecuador, Holland. If one has a problem, two thirds of the order will save the situation.

In Russia, the products of Colombia are very available. This product is suitable for pavilions, as it is necessary to implement it quickly and cheap. Russian flowers are always more expensive. Potted cultures - Holland and Russia.

The remaining suppliers will have to choose at their discretion, focusing on the prices and quality of the goods supplied.

Experienced businessmen who have achieved certain success often say they do not care what to trade. Flower business is characterized by selling a very beautiful product, while the profitability of such a business with its correct organization is quite high.

At the same time, with violating contractual obligations, loss can be rather significant. At the same time, experts predict the high rates of the development of flower business in Russia in the coming years. That is why those who wish to engage in flowers are not too late to begin their activities.

How to open a flower business?

Before seriously engaged in the realization of colors, it is necessary to thoroughly think about how to organize a flower business. Of course, the flowers are a popular product, but at the same time sufficiently perishable, so its implementation should be carried out in the most short time. Otherwise, the flowers are simply covered, and they will not be reanimed.

Therefore, trading points for the sale of such goods should be placed in lively places, desirable not far from the business center. The fact is that in any organization it is customary to celebrate the birthdays of employees, and these days it is customary to give flowers. If you start floral business from scratch, then first you need to register as an IP and rent a tent on the market. Remember that registration of activities - required conditionotherwise you may be fined for illegal entrepreneurship.

Flower Business Plan

Any business begins with a thoughtful business plan. It can be drawn up on paper, and maybe just in the head, but in any case it is necessary to think about the business plan of the business.

With it, it is usually repelled from expenses for the purchase of main products - colors, then it is necessary to take into account all the obligatory payments that need to be paid to the budget and extrabudgetary funds, as well as other necessary expenses (rent, wage employees With accruals and other expenses).

At the initial stage of the business, the price of the sale of goods, which will form a flower business income, must be installed, taking into account the prices of competitors, sometimes to attract customers their level may even lower. However, the pricing in flower shops-salons is carried out in a slightly different principle than in the kiosks and in the markets, since the cost of the goods is also included in the price of the goods - that is why it must be well debugged.

To increase profits and create additional facilities for buyers in most floral salons, the reception of orders on the Internet is practiced, delivery of bouquets directly to the buyer, some of them have established cooperation with wedding salons.

Flower business has a seasonal character, and the provision of additional services allows you to compensate for the drop of revenue in the low season.

Business Plan of Flower Salon-Shop

With a certain capital, it is best to open a flower shop or salon. Due to the expansion of the range and implementation of related goods, this business will have a higher profitability. However, it will be necessary to rent either to purchase (which is quite difficult) the room at least 50.0 square meters. meters.

In addition to the shopping hall, it must be here warehouse space. The presence of a split system supporting the optimal temperature mode is also necessary. Fresh-cut flowers are best stored in a gastronomic refrigerator. The trading room needs to be equipped with racks, do not forget also about the need to acquire simple office equipment.

If you do not understand the compilation of floral compositions, it is not bad to think about the workplace of the florist. In addition, you will need a variety of packaging material for design bouquets.

All these costs must be carried out from own fundsSince banks practically do not give loans to open a new business. As for planning activities,, of course, you can spend money on the finished business plan of the flower store, but it is not so difficult to compile it to himself, having thought over all the details of this business.

Example Flower Store Business Plan

For clarity, we will show how to make a business plan for a flower shop. So, we need a room at least 50.0 square meters. meters. The minimum list of equipment required for its opening includes the following:
№№ Name of equipment | Number | Price per one. (rub.) | Price all (rub.)
1. Gastronomic refrigeration chamber 3 42500.0 127500.0
2. Racks 20 2800.0 56000.0
3. Split system Fujitsu Genera »2 20800.0 41600.0
4. Stand 1 5600.0 5600.0
5. Office chair 3 2900.0 8700.0
6. Office Table Ergonomic 2 3200.0 6400.0
7. Computer table "Classic" 1 3050.0 3050.0
8. System block, monitor, printer 29000.0
9. Specialized workplace Florist1 12500.0 12500.0
10. Vases, specialized colors stands, consumables 25000,0
Total 315350.0

Thus, the initial minimum capital costs for the acquisition of equipment for a flower salon-shop will be 315.4 thousand rubles. The amount is not so big, but do not forget that the main costs will be purchased for the purchase of goods and current costs.
Suppose that 3 people operate in the salon store (1 seller, 1 florist, 1 accountant under the contract). The owner of the business itself speaks as a manager.

At extra charge of 90.0% (which is an average indicator in such business) and the average daily revenue of 34.2 thousand rubles, the gross monthly income will be 855.0 thousand rubles.
Now we will calculate the average monthly expenses:

  • purchase of goods - 450.0 thousand rubles;
  • salary with accruals - 97.5 thousand rubles;
  • rent - 120.0 thousand rubles;
  • communal payments (including average annual heating costs) - 56.0 thousand rubles;
  • consumables for current needs - 15.0 thousand rubles;
  • taxes (ENVD) - 15.0 thousand rubles.

Total costs - 753.5 thousand rubles.
Clean monthly income profit will be 101.5 thousand rubles. Thus, the profitability of the flower business will be 11.9%. (In the calculations, minimal income was assumed that the non-promoted flower shop and real costs could be obtained.

Flower Kiosk Business Plan

The flower kiosk, unlike the store, has a smaller trading area, it does not provide a florist, and the product range is less wide. If in the store, in addition to colors, the sale of related goods - potted plants, souvenirs and gifts, ceramics, soil, then in the kiosk, as a rule, implements only the main product.

The profit of the flower kiosk is in full swap. In general, the compilation of a flower-making business plan is no different from the compilation of the business plan of the color of the colors, only here are the numbers, naturally, will be varied.

With the same revenue, the profitability of the activity of the kiosk will be significantly lower due to much higher costs and quite large losses. Obviously, the organization of the work of the flower kiosk will require smaller investments.

Purchase of flower business

Sometimes you can see the ads of the following character: "I will buy a finished flower business", which is not surprising with regard to its high profitability. If you are already engaged in a certain business, you have experience and, most importantly, considerable capital, you can buy a ready-made flower business.

However, in this case, it will have to evaluate it, which means you know all suppliers, the terms of delivery of goods, average monthly income and expenses, main buyers, relationships with tax Inspectorate, creditors and debtors and many other nuances.

Buy flower business in Moscow, and besides successful, is a rare enough, therefore, without knowing the real reasons for his sale, the owner does not carry a deal.

However, if it is well examined by the state of affairs in the flower business, which is proposed for implementation, you can thoroughly bring down the price, and the purchase transaction may be very profitable.

Sale of flower business

Flower business sell in completely different reasons: unprofitability, disputes between co-owners, the need to receive funds to pay payable debt, repayment of bank loans. Today on the Internet it is often possible to see ads for the sale of flower business in Moscow.

When making such transactions, it is very important that the real estate, where shops or salons are located, was owned by the business owner. In this case, the transaction price repeatedly increases.

This is due to the fact that the rent in the capital is extremely high and increases every year. As a result, the flower business in Moscow in some cases may even have a negative profitability, which is one of the reasons for its sale.

Flower business at home

If you live in a private house with a fairly large land plot, love flowers and understand them, then the optimal version will be the organization of flower business at home. One of the most common colors grown on the nursery plot are roses, dahlias and asters.

Such a business will be fairly cost-effective, because you are only the cost of buying seeds, tubers or seedlings, however, seeds and tubers can be obtained independently, but the rose saplings need to be purchased in nurseries.

In order to engage in the flower business at home all year round, it is necessary to have a greenhouse, the costs of the construction of which will not be so big.

True, the costs of electricity will increase, but, as practice shows, they will pay off with more than. The main thing is to find buyers: they can be floral kiosks, shops, you can also implement flowers yourself.

One of my acquaintances, engaged in the cultivation of flowers at home, every year changes foreign cars.

So think: is the flower business?

Interesting video how to make money on colors "!


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