Examples of original ads. Examples of creative ads that will take your breath away. FedEx is always ahead

Scientists have determined that before a person spent 11 seconds to get acquainted with visual information, now - only 3. The task of marketers and advertisers around the world is not only to keep attention for more than three seconds, but also to make a person buy the advertised product or service. To do this, you need not only to be bright and original, but also to stand out against the background of abundance. advertising companies.

Money under glass

The original Canadian advertisement for the 3M firm that manufactures Scotchshield bulletproof glass. Marketers suggested constructing a glass safe and filling it with real money. It was installed right on the street, and everyone could try the advertised product for strength. Marketers handed out hammers, shovels, bats for this - everything that could try to break it.

A policeman was constantly on duty near the safe, because little can happen.
The active participants cheated and broke the metal reinforcement of the safe's frame, but the glass was never broken.

Eternal batteries

The famous company Kodak, which produces, in addition to photographic equipment and film, also batteries, for their advertising has created a funny banner with an equally funny inscription: "When did you decide that they had already" died "...".

With home delivery

The American chain of fast food restaurants Papa John, which has offices in almost all major cities of the world, has chosen door peepholes to advertise its brand. Small advertisements with a picture of a pizza peddler were glued to them. Looking through the peephole, one got the impression that a man was really standing on the threshold with a box of pizza in his hands.

Very bright flashlight

American LED flashlight company Maglite made an original photo ad using the art museum. The advertisement says that these are the most powerful flashlights in the world.

Fight odor

For the promotion of Rexona deodorant in India (Mumbai), sliding door makers shopping center pasted a full-length image of a group of people. When a person approached them, the feeling was created that the crowd was parting in front of him. And behind the doors a sign was waiting for them with the text: "People step aside if you smell unpleasant."

Time for coffee

To advertise the American coffee Folgers in New York, marketers used a manhole that steamed all the time. They glued a photo of a cup of coffee to the hatch cover and wrote around: "The City That Never Sleeps, Wake Up!"

Invisible tights

To advertise Sauber's transparent and inconspicuous tights, the advertising agency has developed a series of funny images. They say the tights are so transparent that a burglar no longer needs to cut holes in them for eyes.

German quality watches

In the German company IWC, to announce the release of a new model of IWC's Big Pilot s Watch, they came up with their own original move. In the salon of transfer buses in Berlin, flexible handrails-straps were placed in the form of the same clock.

We listen to music in comfort

Musical electronics company Bosé has created a hilarious ad for headphones at Niagara Falls. According to the advertisement, the headphones are equipped with a noise cancellation function.

Say NO to a hangover!

Alka Seltzer is a world famous hangover cure. His photo ads were placed in public places with a short slogan: "Hangover is dangerous."

Bright headlights

Marketers of the car headlights company M-Tech Plasma HID Lights painted two burned tracks on the wall of the parking lot. Drivers interested, who came closer, highlighted the caption: "M-Tech Plasma HID Lights are 300% brighter than conventional headlights."

Impenetrable helmets

New menu at McDonalds

Crazy original use of a bigboard to advertise a restaurant chain fast food McDonalds. The poster depicted a sundial, which shows which dish is best to eat at what time. The originality is that the shadow of the McDonalds sign does show the time of day.

Stylish jeans

For the popular American jeans brand Lee Jeans, dozens of pants were placed all over the city: on posts along the road, on laces stretched over the heads of passers-by. Such advertising certainly attracted attention.

Sport - is life

German olympic Sports Federation, in order to popularize a healthy and active lifestyle, created a kind of interpretation of the famous sculpture by Michelangelo "David". Attached to it is the slogan: "If you don't move, you get fat."

Silky hair

The international cosmetics brand Timotei has created a funny ad for their shampoo. For her, they used a photo of a lion and photoshop. The advertising campaign turned out to be cheap, but unmistakably attracted attention.

Reading is fashionable

Mint Vinetu Bookstore
in Vilnius, for his advertising, he created not only a series of incredible new book covers, but also a whole photo project posted throughout the city. The idea behind the advertising campaign is that by reading books, in your imagination you can become someone else. He promotes not only the store, but the culture of reading itself.

Insure your car

Allstate Auto Insurance Company
reinforced her slogan "Are you in good hands?" a good example in a multi-storey parking lot.

Super soft

To promote the Ariel laundry detergent in America, an unusual billboard imitating a soft towel was designed. The ad slogan is very simple: "Super soft".

Big jump

The company that produces Smart cars has made a drawbridge advertising space. When the bridge is closed, it is just a billboard. But when parts of the bridge open, it looks like the car is making a jump.

MK together with the expert of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights Vladimir Prigozhin found out - "what tricks are used by unscrupulous sellers of double-glazed windows". We decided to join an expert company and express our opinion on each point, as manufacturers and sellers of PVC windows.

By the way, you cannot call the entire window a double-glazed unit (very often the media are guilty of this). A double-glazed window is what is shown in the picture, it is part of the window. It's like talking about a car - a gearbox. Have you seen how beautifully designed all our gearboxes in the shipping department are?

Plastic windows:

1. Absolutely sealed and due to this they do not let the cold into the apartment!

Expert:there are no such windows. Another question is that modern windows are about twice as successful in conserving heat than the old "Soviet" ones. In addition, they are much better compacted. However, there is another side of the coin: a room with such windows must be ventilated more often.

Plastic windows: The word "absolutely" is already superfluous, or it is sealed or not. Determination of tightness - tightness, the ability of the shell (body), its individual elements and connections to prevent gas or liquid exchange between the media separated by this shell. We can say this about high-quality PVC windows: they do not allow water to pass through, and gas is gas, the exchange between media will occur, but so insignificant that, indeed, it is necessary to ventilate more often.

2. Completely isolate any street noise.

Expert:That's another trick. Low-frequency sounds - tram, jackhammer, traffic hum, especially from multi-ton tractors - will still be heard. But good windows can make them smaller.

Double-glazed windows with glasses of different thickness will give an additional effect due to the partial elimination of resonance phenomena. In addition, double-glazed windows, broken into several sections, will help to weaken the resonance - solid large glasses only increase it in this.

Plastic windows: This is not even a gimmick, this is an outright lie. The most correct definition is that PVC windows minimize the noise level as much as it is possible to do with the help of windows, when modern development window industry :-). Here's a little secret knowledge that adherents of the translucent structures industry are familiar with :-).

3. The vacuum inside the glass unit provides additional sound insulation.

Expert:during the manufacture of a double-glazed window, a certain vacuum is actually created inside so that the glasses are pressed more tightly against the frame. However, this is not a vacuum in the conventional sense.

Plastic windows:once our reader asked this question:

How to understand - vacuum in a glass unit or not?

It is very easy to understand that there is a vacuum in your double-glazed unit - it must be torn to pieces by pressure.

4. The thicker the window, the better.

Expert:not the most correct statement based on the fact that air is the best heat insulator. Remember from the course of school physics the law of convection - warm air rises up and cold air goes down. Roughly the same principle works in the airspace between the outer and inner windows. Air rises along the inner (warm) glass, and its place is taken by cold air, which has descended down along the outer (cold) glass. An air circulation forms between the glasses. This type of heat transfer gives the greatest heat loss.

To prevent this from happening, the distance between the glasses is made just small, increasing it can lead to a deterioration in the thermal characteristics of the glass unit. And the double-glazed window is thickened due to the greater number of chambers (layers of glass). But the more cameras in the package, the more expensive it is. For Moscow, the best option (price - quality) is a double-glazed unit (three glasses).

Plastic windows:it is necessary to achieve the optimal ratio of the width of the glass unit, at which the air convection in it is small. With a small chamber width, heat loss is no longer due to convection.

5. We have the cheapest windows - from $ 40 per square meter!

Expert: high-quality "plastic" cannot be cheap. All self-respecting manufacturers have about the same window prices. And the concept of "square meter" is abstract. Modern windows are a complex structure consisting of several dozen components. And their price cannot be determined only by the area.

Plastic windows:neither add nor subtract. What is really important is to find the optimal price-quality ratio.

6. Our insulating glass units are filled with argon!

Expert:This may be true. But it is rather difficult to check what is inside the glass unit in reality. You will not break glass and use a special device to determine whether there is argon or air.

Besides, it doesn't really matter. The thermal conductivity of gases depends on their pressure. And the air or argon inside does not matter.

Plastic windows:it is really difficult to check, buy windows from a trusted manufacturer. And this is a comparative table of the thermal conductivity of gases:

And the most important thing is the conclusion :-):

7. The thicker the profile and the more cameras it contains, the better.

Expert:the profile initially transmits heat much worse than glass. Therefore, it makes no sense to increase its thickness. If the window is going to "freeze", then on the glass. And we just don't have such frosts to freeze a profile.

The standard scheme - a three-chamber profile, two sealing circuits and a double-glazed unit - is the best option. Choose any well-known manufacturer - you won't go wrong.

Plastic windows:In addition to the window itself, the quality of installation plays a huge role (50% success). About the profile: all you need to know about the thickness of the profile walls, when ordering, is its class, if it is A, then everything is fine. As for the number of chambers in the profile, they still affect which glass unit will stand, the wider the profile, the wider the glass unit.


Expert:some sellers quote prices without VAT. Remember this. Specify how much it will cost you to install and deliver the ordered windows and all the necessary equipment for them (window sills, ebbs, transition profiles, etc.), including VAT.

Plastic windows:most likely - very "some", Usually the buyer is called the amount that he pays. It so happens that buyers rely on the cost calculated by them on their own on calculators according to their size, but we already wrote that only the measurer will say the final cost!

Examine the labeling:

Expert: The quality of the profile cannot be determined by eye. Carefully study the factory markings on the inside of the window frame (some foreign manufacturers make it directly on the profile). It should have a stamp with the name of the manufacturer (each company has its own) and a number of numbers - the shift number, the number of the extruder (devices for the production of PVC profiles) and the date of manufacture.

Plastic windows: exactly.

The advertisement is engine of the trade. We are all familiar with this concept. However, few people think that this engine sometimes needs special fuel, which will give maximum exhaust. We are talking about creative ideas that will make the viewer turn from an average person into a client.

Now, during advertising campaigns, most manufacturers strive to saturate the market with the maximum number of TV spots and banners on the streets, often forgetting exactly what the purpose of such companies is. The "smartest" owners try to promote their products on their own, relying solely on their own strengths. And for the most part, they receive a minimal response from such actions, since now it is not enough to show your product, you still need to interest the consumer in it. Or they can get ridiculous advertising moves like this.

Sane managers listen to the opinions of their employees and turn to advertising agencies... An example of such positive work can be seen on the site narugka-pos.ru. It is here that you can see the whole process of fantasy and creativity, which will allow not only to apply the most original and creative approaches to product promotion, but also to diversify the selection of the advertising media... And in addition to traditional lightboxes, light panels, signboards and stands, you will be able to see such original approaches as stylizing public transport stops and unusual design of elevators.

Creative advertising of public transport stops

Such an example original idea, which created a bright advertising concept from an ordinary boring stop, can be seen in this photo.

Here, consumers will be able not only to maximally experience the promoted new line sandwiches, but also appreciate its warmth in the winter. The heating elements on the ceiling of the stop were appreciated by many passengers.

Original ideas for elevator decoration

It turns out that elevators can get interesting and effective method to popularize your product. If you get creative with such advertising, you can get a fascinating effect at the exit. Especially it can be achieved if you use the main advantages of the elevator - movement. Below you can see a number of successful and effective advertising campaigns.

The most exciting banner ads

At the end of the article, I would like to show a selection of the most striking advertising banners that can be seen on the streets of cities around the world. It is this kind of advertisement that can be considered the most creative and original, and it is it that consumers most often remember.


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