All overwatch comics

(eng. Searching) - a digital comic strip, which is a continuation of the events of the short film "Assassination" and tells how Zarya was looking for Sombra on behalf of Ekaterina Volskaya.


The head of the Volskaya Design Bureau, Ekaterina Volskaya, gave Zarya the task of tracking down the hacker Sombra, who recently attempted on her life.

In search of Sombra, Zarya visited Lijiang Tower in China, Hanamura in Japan, King's Row in England, and eventually came to Numbani. There, she met with the omnic hacker Lynx 17, who was gathering information about Sombra. After exchanging information, Zarya and the hacker went to Dorado, where the criminal organization Los Muertos, Sombra's longtime allies, operated.

The president of the local corporation Lumerico (affected by Sombra's activities) refused to help, so Alexandra and Lynx simply knocked on doors, showed a photo of Sombra and asked if anyone had seen her. Zarya suspected that people simply did not want to hand over Sombra, and compared her with Stepan Razin. Finally, they met the girl Alejandra, who showed the warehouse where Sombra was hiding.

Before entering the warehouse, a conversation started between Zarya and Lynx 17, in which the girl shared with the robot what she had to endure because of the omniks. Then, opening the door, Alexandra entered the battle with Sombra. The hacker dodged attacks all the time, but then Zarya fired a Graviton Pulse at the Translocator just before Sombra teleported to him. The defeated hacker, whom Alexandra turned to by her real name, revealed to the winner the secret of Volskaya, who was buying technology from omniks, and also said that she just wanted to understand what was happening in the world, and not kill the director of the design bureau. After that, Sombra turned off Lynx 17 and admitted that the warehouse was mined and was about to explode. Dawn let the girl go, but saved the omnik by carrying him out of the building.

In the end, Alexandra contacted Ekaterina Volskaya, reported the search results and promised to keep a secret. To Lynx, with whom she had become friends lately, the girl said that while she was going to return to the Siberian front, and what to do next she did not know yet.

For the first time, Blizzard developers mentioned that a series is planned to launch official Overwatch comics universe at the testing stage of the game in March 2016. How many issues of the electronic magazine will be then not said exactly, but it was planned to release them before the release of the game. As you can see, they are still periodically published on the official Overwatch website, delighting their fans. At the same time, in the spring of 2016, it was announced plans to release short videos, which are also still being released.

Comic # 1 "McCree Stowaway"

In the first comic Overwatch the story of McCree awaits us. Heading to another city by train, he runs into pursuers and single-handedly deals with them.

Comic # 2 "Dragon Storm"

In the second Overwatch comic, Dragon Storm, Reinhardt arrives at the village to protect the villagers from the Dragons gang. The old warrior again takes a heavy hammer in his hands and acts as a knight should: he takes the side of the defenseless.

Comic number 3 "All according to the law"

In the next third official Overwatch comic "By Law", you will learn about the adventures of Junkrat and Roadhog.

Issue No. 4 "Better World"

The fourth issue of the comic will tell the story of Symmetra. The hero will find himself on a dangerous mission trying to uncover corporate espionage.

Issue No. 5 "Main priority"

The fifth issue focuses on Faria Amari, head of security at the private security agency Helix. Farrah enters the battle, where the fate of her homeland is decided.

To be continued…

McCree is a former criminal who made a deal with Overwatch to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison. Over time, McCree became imbued with the values \u200b\u200bof the organization and believed that the guilt for a gangster past can be atoned for by performing noble deeds. When Overwatch disbanded, McCree went low for a couple of years, but recently reappeared in sight - now as a mercenary. His experience and skills are needed by many, but McCree himself cooperates only with those whose cause he considers right.

Role: Assault Real Name: Jesse McCree Age: 37 Occupation: Bounty Hunter Base of Base: Santa Fe, USA, New Mexico Affiliation: Past - Overwatch Hero Link: Reaper Location Link: Route 66

Reinhardt was at the origin of Overwatch - he was part of the first strike team that ended the Rise of the Machines. When the war ended, Reinhardt continued his service - he devoted his entire life to Overwatch. This last knight of the era zealously defended the values \u200b\u200bof Overwatch, but if something went wrong, he did not hesitate to openly criticize the organization - it was for this directness and honesty that Reinhardt was greatly appreciated. But when Reinhardt was over 50, he was dismissed. He could no longer influence Overwatch from the inside, but only watched as his life's work was mired in corruption and scandals. The disbandment of Overwatch was the last straw for Reinhardt - the knight once again donned the "Crusader" battle suit to protect Europe and its people from injustice.

Role: Tank Real Name: Reinhardt Wilhelm Age: 61 Occupation: Adventurer Base of Operations: Stuttgart, Germany Affiliation: Past - Overwatch Hero Link: Angel, Torbjorn Link to Locations: Watchpoint: Gibraltar

Mako Rutledge was a peaceful solar collector from Australia, but his life changed after the war. The government handed over the lands where he lived to the possession of robots, and the indigenous people were evicted. The victims raised an uprising, which ended in a terrible catastrophe - the rebels blew up the nuclear reactor of a new colony of robots, which turned the earth around into a nuclear wasteland. This event finally changed Mako - he made an oxygen mask, saddled a motorcycle and engaged in robbery. Gradually, Mako lost his human form and became a bloodthirsty killer, nicknamed Roadhog.

Role: Tank Real name: Mako Rutledge Age: 48 Occupation: Bodyguard, formerly a bandit Base of operations: In the past - Junkertown, Australia Affiliation: In the past - vultures Links with locations: Dorado, Kings Rowe Link with heroes: Junkrat

The nuclear wasteland, formed in Australia after the explosion of a nuclear reactor, did not become deserted - it was inhabited by crowds of easy money lovers. The so-called Vultures earned money by mining and selling valuable trash from the vast wasteland. Junkrat was one of them. Because of the residual radiation, he went crazy and turned into a real maniac explosive, but no one cared about this. They only started talking about Junkrat when he found something very valuable in the heart of the wasteland. The hunt immediately began for the crazy fan of explosions and his prey. To save himself, Junkrat hired Roadhog as a bodyguard. Together they left Australia and embarked on a world crime tour.

Role: Protection Real name: Jamison Fox Age: 25 Occupation: Anarchist, thief, demolition, mercenary, marauder Base of operations: In the past - Junkertown, Australia Affiliation: In the past - Vultures Link to locations: King's Row Link to heroes: Roadhog

Symmetra is one of the few who are able to work with "hard light". This revolutionary technology was used by the South Indian corporation Vishkar to rebuild self-sustaining cities in the place of villages destroyed by the war. Representatives of the company tore the girl out of terrible poverty and gave her a place in the architecture academy at the corporation. Symmetra turned out to be one of the most talented students - she was not afraid to experiment with "hard light", thanks to which she became one of the leading architects of the corporation.

Role: Support Real Name: Satya Washwani Age: 28 Occupation: Architect Base of Operation: Utopia, India Affiliation: Vishkar Corporation Hero Connection: Lucio.

Farrah is a hereditary soldier. There were many heroes of various wars and conflicts in her family, and from an early age the girl herself dreamed of following in her mother's footsteps and becoming an agent of the international peacekeeping organization Overwatch. Farrah went to her goal stubbornly - she joined the Egyptian army, where, thanks to her innate leadership qualities and a sharp mind, she quickly advanced in the service. But as soon as Farrah got the opportunity to join Overwatch, the organization was disbanded. Farrah did not despair and after a while found something to her liking - she was offered a position at the private security agency Helix Security International. There, Farrah learned how to use the experimental Raptora Mark VI combat suit and became a security officer at the underground research center in Giza.

Role: Assault Real name: Faria Amari Age: 32 Occupation: Security Chief Base of Operations: Giza, Egypt Affiliation: Helix Security International Hero Link: Ana Link to Locations: Temple of Anubis.

Tobriorn is an ingenious inventor whose weapon systems have made a huge contribution to the victory over robots. Torbjorn, even before the Rise of the Machines, did not trust his inventions to robotic systems, which led many to consider him paranoid. But when the Rise of the Machines began, the talented engineer was immediately invited to the first Overwatch team. After the war, Torbjorn continued to work in the organization - he supplied agents with his best inventions. Unfortunately, after the collapse of Overwatch, some of Torbjorn's development went around the world. The designer feels responsible for his inventions and by all means prevents them from falling into evil hands.

Role: Protection Real Name: Torbjorn Lindholm Age: 57 Occupation: Weapon Designer Base of Operations: Gothenburg, Sweden Affiliation: Formerly Overwatch.

Ana Amari is one of the best snipers in the world. For her skillful use of the rifle, shown by Ana during the uprising of the machines, she was included in the very first Overwatch roster, which also included Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Morrison (Soldier 76) and Rice (Reaper). When the war with the Omniks came to an end, Anya was promoted to captain and appointed to the post of deputy commander of Morrison. Throughout the existence of Overwatch, Ana has been involved in combat operations, even when she was in her 50s. Everything changed when Ana flinched in a duel with Widowmaker - this mistake almost cost her her life. However, all relatives considered her dead. Having recovered from severe injuries, Ana decided not to return. But when the world was on the verge of a new catastrophe, Ana realized that duty is more important than her own interests and again took up arms.

Role: Support Real name: Ana Amari Age: 60 Occupation: Bounty Hunter Base of Operations: Cairo, Egypt Faction: Past - Overwatch Characters associated with hero: Farrah, Widowmaker, Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Reaper ...

Widowmaker is the best killer of the Talon terrorist organization. In the past, she was the wife of Overwatch agent Gerard Lacroix, whose main task was to fight the Claw. After the terrorists carried out several unsuccessful attempts on Gerard's life, they decided to change tactics and kidnapped his wife. The woman was subjected to a course of neural modification that suppressed her personality and turned into a "sleeping agent", and then allowed Overwatch to rescue Mrs. Lacroix from captivity. A week later, Gerard Lacroix was found dead and his wife disappeared. After completing her mission, Widowmaker returned to Claw. There she completed a course in neural modification and underwent a training program for fighters, thanks to which she turned into an ideal living weapon.

Role: Protection Real name: Amelie Lacroix Age: 33 Occupation: Assassin Base of Operations: Annecy, France Affiliation: Claw Link with heroes: Tracer, Reaper, Winston, Teckhart Mondatta Link with locations: King's Row, Numbani.

Tracer was a test pilot of the Superflare experimental fighter as part of the Overwatch flight program. But the first flight ended in disaster - the fighter disappeared, and Tracer was considered dead. The girl returned only a couple of months later and confused the scientists and doctors of Overwatch. Its molecules were out of sync with the time stream, which caused Tracer to jump uncontrollably in time. The case seemed hopeless until Winston took over. The scientist invented a chrono accelerator, which not only returned Tracer to its normal state, but also endowed the girl with the superpower of time control.

Role: Assault Real Name: Lena Oxton Age: 26 Occupation: Adventurer Base of Operations: London, England Affiliation: Formerly Overwatch. Hero Bond: Winston, Widowmaker, Reaper Location Link: King's Row

Winston is a genetically modified gorilla scientist. He was born on the lunar colony "Horizon", where gorillas were used to reveal the effects of prolonged stay in space. But Winston was special - his brain was developing rapidly. The intelligent gorilla was noticed and taken into care by the scientist Harold Winston. The professor taught the monkey various sciences and described life on earth in an exciting way. But one day the other Gorillas of Horizon mutinied and killed all the scientists. Harold Winston's ward remained the only sentient being on the lunar colony. The gorilla took the name Winston in honor of her mentor, made a rocket from scrap materials and went to Earth.

Role: Tank Real name: Winston Age: 29 Occupation: Scientist, adventurer Base of operations: In the past - the lunar colony "Horizon" Affiliation: In the past - Overwatch Link with heroes: Tracer, Reaper, Widowmaker Link with locations: Post Observations: Gibraltar, Numbani.


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