Ernest Hemingway: wallpapers. Ernest Hemingway - sayings, quotes, sayings There are things worse than war cowardice

Wise thoughts

(July 21, 1899, Oak Park, Illinois, USA - July 2, 1961, Ketchum, Idaho, USA)

One of the most popular and influential American writers of the 20th century, best known for his novels and short stories, winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Quote: 35 - 51 of 162

If the spectacle captivates you only because of the money, then it is not worth looking at.

If a writer writes in the first person and declares his creation to be a work of art, then critics will try to prove that nothing like this happened to him. This is as silly as trying to prove that Dafoe was never Robinson Crusoe, and therefore this book is also bad. ("Miss Mary The Lion")

If a writer knows well what he is writing about, he can omit much of what he knows, and if he writes truthfully, the reader will feel all that is omitted as much as if the writer had said it.

If you allow yourself to joke, people don't take you seriously. And these same people do not understand that there is much that cannot be endured, if not joking.

If you are lucky and you lived in Paris in your youth, then wherever you are later, he will stay with you until the end of your days, because Paris is a holiday that is always with you. (From a letter to a friend)

There are worse things than war. Cowardice is worse, betrayal is worse, selfishness is worse.

There is only one political system that cannot produce good writers, and that system is fascism. Because fascism is a lie spoken by bandits. A writer who does not want to lie cannot live and work under fascism.

There is only now, and if now - only two days, then these two days in your life will be fully calculated. This is how you live for two days. And if you stop complaining and asking yourself * what is all this for? * - you will have a good life.

You lose a woman in the same way as your battalion: due to an error in calculations, an order that is impossible to carry out, and inconceivably difficult conditions. And also because of his bestiality.

Life is generally a tragedy, the outcome of which is predetermined. (* Farewell to Arms! * (A Farewell to Arms), 1929, from the preface to the 1948 edition)

Life breaks everyone, and many later, only stronger at the break. She kills the kindest, the strongest and the most gentle. And if you are neither one nor the other, nor the third, then be sure that they will kill you too, only without much haste.

Only lovers who have loved not enough to hate each other can forget about each other.

It is the writer's job to tell the truth. His level of fidelity to the truth must be so high that what he has invented from his experience must give a more truthful depiction than any description of facts.

The earth eventually erodes, and the dust flies away with the wind, all its people die, disappear without a trace, except for those who are engaged in art. The economy of a thousand years ago seems naive to us, and works of art live forever.

And what will you do with such a tan?
-Wear it. It looks great in bed. ("Garden of Eden")

Of all the animals, only man knows how to laugh, although he has the least reason for this.

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On the grave of Hemingway it is written: “Most of all in his life he loved autumn. Yellow warm autumn leaves floating on the river on the backs of trout, and above the blue calm sky. Now he will be part of it all forever. "

website recalls the wise quotes of the Pope - that is how his sons, beloved and grateful fans from all over the world called Hemingway.

  1. Do not lose hope. Never be discouraged. The secret of my success. I never lose heart. I never lose heart in public.
  2. By being sober, fulfill all your drunken promises - it will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
  3. Travel only with those you love.
  4. If you can render even a small service in life, you should not shy away from it.
  5. Don't judge a person just by their friends. Remember that Judas's friends were impeccable.
  6. Look at the pictures with an open mind, read books honestly and live your life.
  7. The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them.
  8. You have to buy either clothes or paintings. That's all. Nobody, except very rich people, can afford both. Do not attach much importance to clothes, and most importantly, do not chase after fashion, buy durable and comfortable things, and then you will have money for paintings.
  9. Of all animals, only man knows how to laugh, although he has the least reason for this.
  10. All people are divided into two categories: those with whom it is easy, and just as easy without them, and those with which it is difficult, but impossible without them.
  11. An intelligent person sometimes gets drunk in order to spend time with his stupidity.
  12. If you allow yourself to joke, people don't take you seriously. And these same people do not understand that there is much that cannot be endured, if not joking.
  13. Man is not made to fail. A person can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
  14. Smart people are extremely rarely happy.
  15. Truly brave people do not need to fight in a duel, but many cowards do it all the time to assure themselves of their own courage.
  16. A man alone cannot ... All the same, a man alone cannot do a damn thing.
  17. The most important gift for a writer is a built-in shockproof shit detector.
  18. All good books are alike: they are truer than life.
  19. What's stopping the writer? Booze, women, money and ambition. And also a lack of booze, women, money and ambition.
  20. What the writer wants to say, he should not say, but write.
  21. Write drunk, edit sober.
  22. We grow stronger where we break.
  23. Happiness is about good health and poor memory.
  24. Anyone who flaunts erudition or scholarship has neither the one nor the other.
  25. Better not to have an ideology than not to have a job.
  26. I don't care what the world is. All I want to know is how to live in it. Perhaps, if you figure out how to live in it, you will thereby understand what it is like.
  27. There are things worse than war: cowardice is worse, betrayal is worse, selfishness is worse.
  28. It’s not that hard to settle in life when you have nothing to lose.
  29. The one who wins the war will never stop fighting.
  30. There are so many women to sleep with and so few women to talk to.
  31. There can be nothing shameful in what gives happiness and pride.
  32. The world is a good place to fight for, and I hate to leave it.

Ernest Hemingway became famous for his great stories and novels, and his life was full of adventures and surprises. He was a chauffeur for the American Red Cross in World War I. For military valor he was twice awarded Italian orders. In Paris he met the writers Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, Scott Fitzgerald and began to write according to the principle "the main thing is to compose one sentence of truth, and then he will go on." He spent a lot of time on safari in Africa, bullfighting in Spain and fishing in Florida. Ernest was a war correspondent in the Spanish Civil War, the Sino-Japanese War, and then in World War II. He was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery.

Hemingway soon wrote The Old Man and the Sea, a lyrical tale of an old fisherman who caught but missed the biggest fish of his life. It was an overwhelming success - the writer received the Pulitzer Prize, then he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In 1960, Hemingway was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of depression and a serious mental disorder. Convinced that he could no longer write, he returned to his home in Idaho. On June 2, 1961, Ernest Hemingway committed suicide.

There are so many impossible things around that one can lose heart. Still, you can do a lot, despite the despondency. Enjoy everything unusual and funny, catch the moment of your happiness and admire the surrounding beauty.

Of all the animals, only man knows how to laugh, although he has the least reason for this.

Every year, something dies in you when leaves fall from the trees ... and their bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring is sure to come, just as you are sure that the frozen river will be freed from ice again ...

When something ends in life, whether good or bad, a void remains. But the emptiness left after the bad is filled by itself. The void after the good can be filled only by finding something better ...

The one who humbles his spirit is stronger than the one who conquers cities.

All good books are alike: they are truer than life.

When spring came, even if it was deceiving, there were no other worries except one: finding a place where you would be best. The only thing that could ruin the day was people, but if you managed to avoid invitations, the day became limitless. People have always limited happiness - with the exception of a very few who brought the same joy as spring itself.

A good book is like an iceberg, seven-eighths of which is hidden under water.

They say that happiness is boring, but this is because boring people are often very happy, and people who are interesting and smart manage to poison the existence of themselves and everyone around them.

If your whole life has passed in a lie, you must die with it. The best reason for telling the truth is that it is easiest to remember.

Not a single victory in life will overshadow a defeat in love.

There is nothing noble about being superior to someone else. True nobility is manifested when a person becomes higher than his former self.

Geography is a weak remedy against what is eating you. You cannot run away from yourself.

Happiness is the most wonderful thing in the world, and for those who know how to be happy, it can be as deep as sadness.

Today is just one of many, many days that lie ahead. But maybe all these days to come depend on what you do today.

Why do old people wake up so early? Really in order to extend this day for yourself at least?

We all have fears. But those who look them in the face also have courage.

Never make fun of love. There are simply people who will never have the happiness of knowing what it is.
And all the same, whether it will last a day and a half or many years, it will remain the most important thing that could only happen in a person's life. There will always be people who claim that it is not because they have not had to experience anything like this.

Anyone who flaunts erudition or scholarship has neither the one nor the other.

If you stop doing things just for fun, consider that you are no longer living.

Trust autumn. She will become your melancholic, a friend who, like no other, will support you on a quiet evening and will delight you with the last rays of the sun. Trust autumn. Give her your palm and she will whirl you in a frantic rhythm of a waltz, which will make you change your views on some of the simplest things, teach you to enjoy the little things. This is the time of romantics. Time for thoughtful walks and gatherings by the fireplace with a large family or in splendid isolation. Get to know yourself better. Fall in love with autumn.

Truly brave people do not need to fight in a duel, but many cowards do it all the time to assure themselves of their own courage.

If something hurts you, then you care.

Do not lose hope. Never be discouraged. The secret of my success. I never lose heart. I never lose heart in public.

All people are divided into two categories: those with whom it is easy, and also easy without them, and those with which it is difficult, but impossible without them.

It’s not that hard to settle in life when you have nothing to lose.

What's stopping the writer? Booze, women, money and ambition. And also a lack of booze, women, money and ambition.

Anything really bad starts with the most innocent.

By being sober, fulfill all your drunken promises - it will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

Give the person what they need and they want the comforts. Provide him with amenities - he will strive for luxury. Shower him with luxury - he will start sighing for exquisite. Let him receive the exquisite - he will crave madness. Give him whatever he wants - he will complain that he was deceived, and that he did not get what he wanted.

If you think about work all the time, you can lose interest in it even before you sit down at the table the next day. It is necessary to get physical activity, get tired of the body, and it is especially good to indulge in love with the woman you love.

Travel only with those you love.

If the spectacle captivates you only because of the money, then it is not worth looking at.

If you can render even a small service in life, you should not shy away from it.

Life is generally a tragedy, the outcome of which is predetermined.

Don't judge a person just by their friends. Remember that Judas's friends were impeccable.

Every year, something dies in you when leaves fall from the trees ... and their bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring is sure to come, just as you are sure that the frozen river will be freed from ice again ...

Look at the pictures without prejudice, read books honestly and live as you live.

Every person is born for some business.

The best way to know if you can trust someone is to trust them.

When something ends in life, whether good or bad, a void remains. But the void left after the bad fills up by itself. The void after the good can only be filled by finding something better.

You have to buy either clothes or paintings. That's all. Nobody, except very rich people, can afford both. Do not attach much importance to clothes, and most importantly, do not chase after fashion, buy durable and comfortable things, and then you will have money for paintings.

Of all the animals, only man knows how to laugh, although he has the least reason for this.

When you rule, you have to be cruel sometimes.

Everyone who walks the earth has responsibilities in life.

An intelligent person sometimes gets drunk in order to spend time with his stupidity.

The holiday should always be carried with you.

If you allow yourself to joke, people don't take you seriously. And these same people do not understand that there is much that cannot be endured, if not joking.

People don't get smarter with age. They just get more careful

Man is not made to fail. A person can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.

Moving from one place to another, you still cannot escape from yourself

Smart people are extremely rarely happy.

If you want to get rid of a thought, write it down.

Truly brave people do not need to fight in a duel, but many cowards do it all the time to assure themselves of their own courage.

In the old days, they often wrote about how sweet and wonderful it was to die for the homeland. But there is nothing sweet and beautiful about modern wars. You will die like a dog for no reason.

What the writer wants to say, he should not say, but write.

Write drunk, edit sober.

We grow stronger where we break.

Happiness is about good health and poor memory.

Anyone who flaunts erudition or scholarship has neither the one nor the other.

Better not to have an ideology than not to have a job.

I don't care what the world is. All I want to know is how to live in it. Perhaps, if you figure out how to live in it, you will thereby understand what it is like.

There are things worse than war: cowardice is worse, betrayal is worse, selfishness is worse.

The one who wins the war will never stop fighting.

There are so many women in the world to sleep with and so few women to talk to.

There can be nothing shameful in what gives happiness and pride.

The world is a good place to fight for, and I hate to leave it.

I am grieving no agreements will help. Only death can cure him, and everything else only dulls and anesthetizes. They say that time also heals him. But if healing brings you something other than your death, then your grief is most likely not real. One of the means that dulls him temporarily, dulling all other feelings in you in general, is drunkenness. There is another thing that distracts from thinking about him - and this is work.

There are worse things than war. Cowardice is worse, betrayal is worse, selfishness is worse.

The great misconception is about the wisdom of the elderly. Old people are not wise. They are only careful.

Geography is a weak remedy against what is eating you. You cannot run away from yourself.

They say that happiness is boring, but this is because boring people are often very happy, and people who are interesting and smart manage to poison the existence of themselves and everyone around them.

The greatness of the iceberg's movement is that it rises only one eighth above the surface of the water.

All good books are similar in one thing - when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will always be with you: good or bad, delights, sorrows and regrets, people and places, and what it was weather.

There is only one political system that cannot produce good writers, and that system is fascism. Because fascism is a lie spoken by bandits. A writer who does not want to lie cannot live and work under fascism.

The earth eventually erodes, and the dust flies away with the wind, all its people die, disappear without a trace, except for those who are engaged in art. The economy of a thousand years ago seems naive to us, and works of art live forever.

There is no person more lonely than the one who survived the beloved.

Nothing takes more spirit from a person than cowardice and fear.

A writer, if he is a real writer, should touch eternity every day or feel that it is passing by him.

There is nothing more difficult in the world than writing simple, honest prose about a person.

The past is dead like a broken gramophone record. Chasing the past is a thankless task, and if you want to be convinced of this, go to the places of your past battles.

Work is the main thing in life. From all troubles, from all troubles, one can find one deliverance - in work.

Among all the impossible, something is still possible - and above all the ability to feel the happiness that has fallen to you and rejoice in it, while it is and while everything is fine.

There is the concept of honor among pickpockets and the concept of honor among whores. The point is that different measurements are applied.

Every person is born for some business. Everyone who walks the earth has responsibilities in life.

When you love, you want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice myself. I want to serve.

Happiness is the most wonderful thing in the world, and for those who know how to be happy, it can be as deep as sadness.

A writer, if he works well, involuntarily educates many of his readers.

The one who humbles his spirit is stronger than the one who conquers cities.

Anyone who flaunts erudition or scholarship has neither the one nor the other.

Man was not created to suffer defeat ... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.

Prose is architecture, not the art of a decorator.

When people bring so much courage into this world, the world must kill them in order to break them, and therefore it kills them. The world breaks everyone, and many then only get stronger at the break. But those who do not want to break, he kills. He kills the kindest and the most gentle and the bravest indiscriminately. And if you are neither one nor the other, nor the third, you can be sure that they will kill you too, only without much haste.

Don't judge a person just by their friends. Remember that Judas's friends were impeccable.

Those who fight in war are the most wonderful people, and the closer you get to the front line, the more wonderful people you will meet there; on the other hand, those who start, incite and wage war are pigs who think only about economic competition and that you can cash in on it. I believe that everyone who profits from the war and who contributes to its incitement should be shot on the very first day of hostilities by the trusted representatives of the honest citizens of their country whom they send to fight.


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