Clan culture. Clan organizational culture Clan organizational culture is aimed at

Personnel Management Models Evgeny

Market culture

Market culture

The organization oriented organization, the main concern of which is to perform the task. People are purposeful and compete among themselves. Leaders are solid leaders and harsh competitors. They are not free and demanding. The organization binds the emphasis on the desire to win. Reputation and success are a common concern. Focus perspectives are configured to competitive, solving the tasks and achieving visible goals. Success is determined in terms of market penetration and market share. Competitive pricing and leadership in the market are important. The organization's style is a rigidly conducted line for competitiveness.

Critically important moments.

Management of competitiveness.

Stimulating the activity of hired workers.

Consumer service management.

The role of leadership.

Fighter. The personality is aggressive and decisive, actively seeking to solve problems and achieve goals receiving energy in competitive situations. Achieving victory is the dominant goal, focus of attention - on external competitors and positions in the market.

Production Problems. Personality focused on thinking of tasks and decision-making solutions that seek resistant labor. Leadership is based on persistent and reasonable argument in favor of bringing the case to the end. Actively encourages productivity.

Efficiency criteria.

Market share.

Achieve goal.

Defeat competitors.

Theory of management.

Competition promotes productivity.

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Clan culture makes a bet on interested in the general matter of all without exception of members of the organization, taking into account the rapid environmental conditions. In the company with a clan culture there is no time shortage, conversational works, "burning" and, accordingly, professional burnout. The motto of them can be the installation "The Chief Resource of the Organization - People" or the old "Frames decide everything." Employees working in the organization of this type, and their work is not thinking about the goods, but the basis of the success of the enterprise. The consultant who came to such a company will never hear from the leaders: "How to manipulate subordinates?" Or "How to force them? .." - here are interested in human resource management issues. The most important value for these companies is attention to the person and ensuring it to everyone that is needed to increase its performance.

One of the owners of the manufacturing company (SPB) specially built a workshop for the production of concrete blocks, which employees can use for free to build their country houses in the company's gardening. Moreover, in the same gardening there is a corporate potato field, processed by the Special Agricultural Department of the Company. The harvest is delivering the company's delivery service right to the house to all employees. And in the medical office of the office leads a technician, a psychologist and a massage therapist, there are rooms of psychological unloading and their gym. Regular trips together with families on nature are organized, together there are birthdays and other dates, not to mention regularly conducted trainings and receiving additional education at the expense of the company.

Creative abilities are highly appreciated here, large tools are invested in new developments and research, discoveries are patent. People work and live quietly, confident in themselves, in the company and in the future. The company firmly stands on the legs, emphasizes in the team: "We are a family-owned firm. We are all like relatives. We share each other what worries us and interests. And no one ever leaves from us - only retirement! "

All successful companies are successful in their own way.

There are no cultures of bad or good, it is important for us to distinguish between an unconscious culture and consciously formed, and therefore adequate reality, and we are interested in the last, since it is one of the powerful management tools.

Artifacts, external signs of culture (how people dress and operate, slogans, mottos, myths and ceremonies) only reflect a deeper layer, which is a genuine culture that enlisters invisible: values, beliefs and beliefs.

Compliance with the values \u200b\u200bof the organization - fate (less often a personal choice) of the employee. Propaganda adequate values \u200b\u200binside the collective is the task and responsibility of the company's ideological leader, "Master of Culture, Soul Engineer". Culture business manager corporate

The main task of the manager who wants to consciously form and practically use corporate culture is a clear wording of the company's basic values \u200b\u200band understanding its place in the environment.

Clan culture. Very friendly job, people have a lot in common. Organizations are similar to large families. Leaders or heads of organizations are perceived as educators and, perhaps, even as parents. The organization keeps together thanks to dedication and traditions. High commitment of an organization that contributes to the cohesion of the collective and the moral climate. Success is achieved by a benevolent attitude towards consumers and concern for people. The organization encourages brigadier work, participation of people in business and consent. With excessive development, develops into an "irresponsible country club".

This article discusses the types of cultures of the organization, where separately the characteristic is given separately for each. The author also leads an algorithm for assessing organizational culture. An illustrative example of the Profile of the organizational culture of Rostof NIIAS is given.

Keywords: adhocratic culture, clan culture, bureaucratic culture, market culture, diagnosis of the culture of the organization, cultural profile of the organization.

For the completeness of the picture within the framework of this study, an idea of \u200b\u200bintegrated (combined) cultures should be given, also found widespread when analyzing the corporate spirit of the organization: a bureaucratic, clan, adhocratic, market.

The bureaucratic (in some literary sources is not quite correctly called hierarchical) culture is characterized by a formalized and structured job. What people do, manage procedures. Effective leaders in this case are good coordinators and organizers. It is important to maintain the smooth movement of the organization. Long-term concerns of the organization are in ensuring stability, predictability and profitability. The organization combines formal rules and official policies.

The market culture of the organization is oriented towards the outside environment, and not on their internal affairs. Basically, its attention focuses on operations with external clients, including suppliers, consumers, contractors, licensees, legal regulation authorities. The main focus of this type of organization is configured to carry out operations (exchanges, sales, contracts) with other competitors in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Profitability, final results, power in market niches, tensile targets are the main installations of the organization's business. The basic assumptions of market culture are as follows: the outside environment is not grace over, but a hostile challenge; consumers are picky and interested in acquiring values; The organization is engaged in business in order to strengthen its position in competition; The main task of management is to conduct an organization for performance, results and profits.

The typical characteristics of the clan culture are brigade work, the program of engaging employees in business and corporate obligations to them (the principle of operation of Japanese companies). The main basic assumptions in clan culture are that with an external environment it is best to cope, organizing a brigade work and caring for an increase in the qualifications of employees; that consumers are best to perceive as partners; that the organization acts in a business that creates a humane external environment for a worker; And that the main task is to delegate to employees of authority and facilitating the conditions for their participation in business, manifestations of dedication and devotion to the organization.

The word "adhocracy" comes from the Latin expression AD HOC (on the occasion) and determines some temporary, specialized, dynamic organizational unit. The characteristics of this type of culture are as follows: the absence of any organizational scheme; temporary physical space; time roles; Creativity and innovation. Adhocratic culture is characteristic of the dynamic, entrepreneurial and creative place of work. People are ready to sacrifice themselves and take risks. Success means the production and / or provision of unique and original products and / or services.

New and / or small organizations, as a rule, show a tendency to achieve progress, passing a certain scheme of cultural change. In the earliest stages of their life cycle, the organization strives for the dominant defined by the adhocratic type of culture - no formal structure and an unacted entrepreneurial attitude. They completely do not adhere to some official policies, do not have structures and are often managed by one strong leader-provider. Developing over time, they complement this orientation by clan culture - a sense of family, a strong sensation of unity with a team and personal involvement in the organization. The members of the team satisfy their social and emotional needs in the organization, their feeling of community and personal friendship is. However, as it grows in a similar organization, a potential crisis is often crisis.

The desire for order and predictability causes a shift to bureaucratic culture. Such reorientation often causes the members of the team that the organization loses the spirit of friendly relations, personal sympathy. The satisfaction of people falls working conditions. The bureaucratic organization is gradually complemented by the characteristics of the market culture - competitiveness, the desire to achieve results and an emphasis on external relationships.

Thus, the life cycle of a successfully developing organization includes the passage and / or alignment of one or all types of cultures. And this is very important for the management of organizational culture as part of organizational behavior.

As follows from the above brief analysis of integrated crops, they include an expanded idea of \u200b\u200bthe functioning of an organization, taking into account the structure and management of the management that are written by them. The second positive point of such a presentation is the rationale for the "life cycle" of the organization, which allows predicting both the problems of its development and possible transition stages.

The purpose of the proposed assessment tool is to assist the decision to make a decision (LPR), when identifying the existing and planned culture of the organization.

The expert must be answered by six questions, based on its vision of the organization at the current time and after the expiration, for example, the five years of the planned future. It should be imagined how the organizational culture of the firm should look like that the company becomes more perfect, made the leader on some production indicators, broke out for the average level, won in competition.

The ok tool is designed to evaluate the six key measurements of organizational culture. By assessing this tool, the expert will receive a picture of how your organization works and what values \u200b\u200bit is characterized. There are no correct answers to the proposed questions, just as there is no correct or improper culture. Each organization is likely to give a set of answers characteristic only for her. Therefore, that the diagnosis of organizational culture is as accurate as possible, to answer questions carefully and, if possible, objectively.

Each of the six questions included in the SOK tool involves four alternatives of answers. It is necessary to distribute the scores of the 100-point estimate between these four alternatives in the weight ratio, which is most complied with the organization under study. The largest number of points is given by the alternative, which is more and more complied with the organization. For example, if, when answering the first question, the expert believes that an alternative to the alternative is very similar to this organization, the alternative to and with something is equally characteristic of it, while the alternative D is hardly characteristic of it, then 55 points should be given 55 points alternative A, There are 20 points alternatives to and C, and only 5 points alternative D. It is necessary to make sure that when answering each question, the amount of points you have affixed are 100.

According to the column having a hat "there", the organization is estimated to be this, what is it for the current time. According to the response column having a header "necessary", an evaluation of what, on the understanding of experts, the same organization should be in five years to be on top of success.

The calculation of the EFC assessment requires very simple arithmetic (Table 1).

Table 1 - calculation of the estimate of PO Ioo

In the first step, it is necessary to fold the scores of all responses and in the "there is" column, and then the amount obtained is divided by 6, i.e., calculate the average alternative estimate A. The same calculations are repeated for alternatives in, C and D.

The second step is the addition of points of all responses and in the column "It is necessary" and dividing the amount by 6, i.e., the average estimate is calculated again by alternative A, but for the column "necessary".

The ok tool is based on the theoretical model, called the "Framework of competing values".

The plane shows four quadrants (Figure 1).

Each given is the designation that determines its most remarkable characteristics,

Clan, adhocracy, market and bureaucracy. On it, the clan is at the top of the left, adhocracy - upstairs on the right, the bureaucracy - at the bottom of the left, and the market is at the bottom right.

First, they will deal with numbers from the column "there". An assessment of an alternative A represents a clan culture. Note the corresponding value on the diagonal line extending up to the upper left quadrant of the form. An assessment of an alternative to an adhocratic culture. We note the corresponding estimate on the diagonal line, going up to the upper right quadrant. An assessment of an alternative to represents market culture. The appropriate assessment is simple to diagonally directed down to the lower right quadrant form. An assessment of the alternative D defines a bureaucratic culture. We will note the appropriate, it is an assessment on the diagonal line "going down to the lower left quadrant.

Fig. one

Connect the points marked in each quadrant so that the four-sided polygon turns out. This profile simulates the culture of the organization under study, which expert perceives it right now (solid line). The built profile allows you to immediately see the strongest and weak aspects of the culture of the organization.

Averaging data on the ensemble of opinions of various experts, one can determine the opinion of the entire team, and, not less important, the opinion of its individual groups. That will allow to develop individual technologies for working with critical customized employees. This will ensure conflict management in the organization.

An important characteristic of the organization is the measure of scattering of expert opinions. It appreciates the team spirit of the team, the degree of unity of positions and goals, the ability to act is minor and efficient.

Also, by analogy with the studies of the previous subsection for highlighted corporate cultures, it is useful to build a spectrum of cultures.

Promising and effective for research is the following approach:

  • - on the basis of a statistical and expert analysis of the activities of the participants in the relevant market, typical of the activities of the studied organization (internal and external conditions) and successful (reference) enterprises are selected;
  • - for each of them is built a profile of organizational culture;
  • - There is an average (reference) profile, which is recommended for "imitation" in the near future;
  • - is identified by the profile of the organization under study;
  • - comparing an existing organization profile with a reference profile, determine the necessary directions for the correction of corporate culture of the organization.

Organizational culture - These are the norms and values \u200b\u200bthat are divided by the absolute majority of members of the organization or enterprise, as well as their external manifestations (organizational behavior).

Main functions:

  • internal integration (gives the concept to all members of the structure about the form of their interaction with each other);
  • external adaptation (adapts the organization to the external environment).

The process of forming an organizational culture is an attempt to constructive influence on personnel behavior. Engaged in the formation of certain settings, the valuables system of employees within a certain organizational structure It is possible to stimulate, plan and predict the desired behavior, but it should take into account the corporate culture of the organization, which has already developed. Often, leaders, trying to form the philosophy of their organization, declaving progressive norms and values, even investing in some means, do not receive the desired results. This is partly due to the fact that actually existing values \u200b\u200band norms enter into conflict with the organizational regulations implemented. Therefore, they are rejected by most teams.

Elements of orgulture

  • Behavioral stereotypes (Slang, common language, which is used by members of the organization; traditions and customs, respected by them; rituals committed in certain cases).
  • Group standards (samples and standards that regulate the behavior of members of the organization).
  • Proclaimed values \u200b\u200b(well-known and declared in the organization of value and principles that are adhered to and which is implemented by the organization. For example, "quality of products".).
  • The philosophy of the organization (general ideological and even perhaps political principles that define the actions of the organization for employees, customers, intermediaries).
  • Rules of the game (rules for the behavior of workers at work; restrictions and traditions necessary for assimilating all new members of the team).
  • The organizational climate ("Spirit of the Organization", which is determined by the composition of the team and the nature of the interaction between its members, as well as with clients and other persons, quality mugs).
  • Existing practical experience (technical techniques and methods that are used by members of the team to achieve the given goals; the ability to implement certain actions in certain situations that are transmitted to the team from generation to generation and which do not require indispensable written fixation).

Types of organizational crops

The most popular typology was created by K. Cameron and R. Quinn. It is based on four groups of criteria that define the basic values \u200b\u200bof the organization:

  • discreteness and flexibility;
  • control and stability;
  • integration and internal focus;
  • differentiation and external focus.

Clan organizational culture.It implies a very friendly team, where his members have a lot in common. The organization's divisions are similar to large families. The leaders of the organization are perceived by its members as educators. The organization is inseparable due to tradition and devotion, inside the moral climate and the cohesion of the collective. Success in activity is defined as concern for people and a good feeling of consumers. With this type of organizational culture, brigadier work is encouraged, agreement.

Adhocratic organizational culture.It implies active entrepreneurial and creative work. To achieve overall success, employees are ready to take risk and personal sacrifices. The leaders of such an organization consider innovators and risky people. The binding element of the organization is devotion to innovation and experimentation. Emphasizes the obligation to work in the front turns. In the long term, the organization focuses on the acquisition of new resources and growth. Success is the production of unique products or providing new services. At the same time, leadership in the market of services or products is important. The organization encourages creativity, freedom and personal initiative.

Hierarchical organizational culture.This type of organizational culture takes place in formalized and structured organizations. All the activities of workers are managed by procedures. Managers - rationally thinking organizers and coordinators. The organization appreciates maintaining the main movement of its activities. The uniting fact is official policy and formal rules.

Market organizational culture.This type is dominant in organizations that are focused on achieving the result. The main task is to perform the intended goals. Employees of such an organization are always targeted and constantly competed with each other. Managers are harsh competitors and solid administrators. They are always demanding and unshakable. The organization combines the purpose of always to win, for her success and reputation - the main values.

Along with the levels and elements, the types of organizational culture are highlighted. One of the most popular typologies is offered K. Cameron and R. Quinn. It is based on four groups of criteria that determine the rod values \u200b\u200bof the organization:

Flexibility and discreteness

Stability and control,

Internal focus and integration,

External focus and differentiation.

Clan organizational culture: Very friendly job where people have a lot of people. Organizations (divisions) are similar to large families. Leaders or heads of organizations are perceived as educators and even as parents. The organization keeps together thanks to devotion and tradition. Her assignment is high. The organization focuses on the long-term benefit of personality improvement, gives the value of the high degree of collective cohesion and the moral climate. Success is defined as a good feeling for consumers and concern for people. At the same time, the type of organizational culture organization encourages brigadier work, participation of people in business and consent. The organization is similar to a large family, connecting all employees with devotion, friendship and tradition. With excessive development turns into an "irresponsible country club".

Adhocratic organizational culture (from Lat. Ad Hoc - "On the occasion"): Dynamic entrepreneurial and creative place of work. For the sake of common success, employees are ready for personal sacrifices and risk. Leaders are considered innovators and people who are ready to risk. The binding essence of the organization becomes devotion to experimentation and innovation. Emphasizes the need for activity in the forefront. In the long run, the Organization focuses on the growth and acquiring new resources. Success means manufacturing / providing unique and new products and / or services. It is important to be the leader in the market of products or services. The organization encourages personal initiative, creativity and freedom.

Hierarchical organizational culture: Very formalized and structured job. It is often called the bureaucratic type of organizational culture. What people do, manage the procedures. Leaders are proud that they are rationally thinking coordinators and organizers. Maintain the main movement of the organization's activities is valued. The organization combines formal rules and official policies. The management of employees implies concern about the guarantee of employment and ensuring long-term predictability. Army culture, universities, industrial enterprises. The purpose of such a company is to maintain stability and formalization of relations. In the working process, the role of the procedures is high.

Market culture. This type of organizational culture dominates in the results-oriented organizations. Her main concern is the fulfillment of the task. People are purposeful and compete among themselves. Leaders are solid leaders and harsh competitors. They are unshakable and demanding. The organization binds the emphasis on the desire to win. Reputation and success make up the subject of general wound. The organization's style is a rigidly conducted line for competitiveness. The organization is focused on the result, the desire to win. In such companies encouraged internally rivalry. Good at the stage of rapid development, seizure of markets.

table 2

The main characteristics of the four types of culture

Developed by Kim's Cameron and Robert Quinn on the material of Western organizations. With repeated practical use by the author of this technology, it has proven itself as the most resource-saving, holistic and visual.

With all the visible difference between Western and domestic organizations, it is striking that in common, which makes them similar. Organizations are forced to adapt to the environment, and changes in organizations should be carried out in proportion to the depth and speed of environmental changes. The conditions in which organizations operate require a response, in the absence of which the organization ceases to exist.

Working with this technique helps to identify theoretical foundations of the typology of organizational crops, find out how the framework design of competing values \u200b\u200bis built, determining one or another type of organization.

This design is based on the measurement and correlation of organizational indicators characterizing the actual level of the state of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the organization. At the same time, these indicators are the rod values \u200b\u200bof the organization, the focus of basic assumptions, orientations and values, those elements that form its organizational culture and on which one can endure a judgment about the company.

The key criteria were 39 indicators that accounted for a determining set of organizational efficiency meters. This list was analyzed to establish certain samples, or indicators group characterizing certain types of corporate culture of organizations.

"These indicators allowed to distinguish two basic measurements, one of which was the reflection of the criteria that emphasize the characteristics of the level of flexibility, discreteness and dynamism in comparison with the level of stability, order and control ...

The second dimension is the effectiveness criteria that determine the level of internal orientation, integration and unity along with the level of external orientation and rivalry. Thus, some organizations can achieve maximum efficiency if they have the characteristics of internal harmony. Others - if the focus of their activities is configured to cooperate or competition outside their own borders "(Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1. Scheme of measurements of organizational culture according to K. Cameron and R. Quinna

So, the continuum of the first measurement extends from organizational polyphalosis and plasticity in one edge to organizational non-stability and durability on the other.

Consequently, some organizations can be considered effective if they differ in the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment. The management of such organizations is constantly in finding new forms of management, quality standards, ways to optimize production technology and changes in the range of products or services produced. Other organizations can become effective if their forms of management are characterized by stability and predictability, and the production process is characterized by durability and consistency in both the structure and the assortment of produced goods or services.

The continuum of the second dimension extends from the organizational force and consistency in one edge to the organizational one-time and independence on the other.

Thus, some organizations can be effective if the focus is on the requirements of the smoothness, progress and smooth operation of all functional departments, whose employees are obliged to clearly follow the prescriptions and rules of the intra-coronting device.

Other organizations should focus on professional competence, the ability of individual workers whose actions can increase the level of competitiveness of the organization in the market and ensure the speed of the reaction to the change of consumer preferences. Individually appreciating the contribution of each employee to the final result of the organization, providing the possibility of independent choice of the optimal form of work, management stimulates internal competition, which reveals the intellectual and professional potential of each employee.

Both the above dimensions form four squares, each of which is a clearly distinguishable set of organizational efficiency indicators.

These four groups of criteria determine the rod values \u200b\u200bfor which the judgment is made about the organization. The rod values \u200b\u200blying on different parts of each continuum reject each other, that is, the flexibility contradicts stability, the internal orientation is an outer orientation. As a result, both measurements form squares that deny one other and competing with each other. Each of these squares was assigned a name corresponding to its most notable characteristics: clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy (Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.2. Framework. Models of organizational cultures in K. Cameron and R. Quinna

Each square is the focus of basic assumptions, orientations and values, elements that form an organizational culture. Consider each of these types.

Hierarchical culture. The earliest approach to the interpretation of the organization in the modern era was based on the work of the German sociologist Max Weber. He suggested seven characteristics, with time recognized by classical attributes of bureaucracy (rules, specialization, estimated selection system, hierarchy, separate ownership, depletion, accounting). Compliance with these characteristics guaranteed high efficiency. They were widely used by organizations, the main purpose of which was to ensure cost-effective, reliable, smoothly current and predictable output. The key values \u200b\u200bof success considered clear lines of distribution of decision-making powers, standardized and formalized rules and procedures, control mechanisms and accounting.

The principle of rationality (rational choice) ensures the progress of the development and effectiveness of the organizational system. And the expansion of the principle of influence dominates the ability to use innovations and organizational flexibility. Organizations with such culture seek to ensure that the functioning stability and the progress of development by rationalizing management decisions, formalizing administrative, production and behavioral norms. The question of compliance and following employees of procedures, rules and job descriptions is strategically important. Ways to promote the service are predetermined by the organizational hierarchy and the status occupied. The stability and respectability of the employee's position is no less value for the organization than its competence. The main problems of this organization arising in the process of its operation can be attributed to the absence of this system to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment and lack of flexibility of the management system.

Market culture. Another form of organization began to gain popularity in the late 60s of the 20th century, as the company increasingly turned out to be in the face of new challenges of competition. This form of the organization was largely based on the work of Oliver Williamson and Bill Occi. Scientists specializing in the study of organizations established an alternative set of activities, which, as they claimed, can serve as a foundation for providing organizational efficiency. The most important they considered the operating costs. This new design has received the name of the organization's market form. Its attention mainly focuses on operations with external clients, including suppliers, consumers, contractors, licensees, trade unions, legal regulation authorities.

Profitability, final results, strength in market niches, tensile targets and safe consumer bases are the main installations of companies. Rod targets dominant in market type companies are competitiveness and productivity. They are achieved through a strong accent in external positions and controls.

The organizational structure and management system are dynamic, vary depending on the nature and specificity of the target or task facing the organization and employees. The organization is easily adapted to changes in the external environment.

Clanted culture He received its name because of its similarity with the organization of a family type. Forms of clan type are imbued with shared by all values \u200b\u200band targets, cohesion, complicity, individuality and feeling of the organization as "we". They look more like big families than on objects of economic activity. Instead of the rules and procedures of the hierarchy or competing profitable market centers, the typical characteristics of clan type firms are brigadier work, the programs involvement of employees in business and corporate obligations in front of them.

The main basic assumptions in clan culture are that: with an external environment it is best to cope, organizing a brigade work and caring for raising the qualifications of employees; consumers are best to perceive as partners; The organization operates in a business that creates a humane external environment for a worker; The main task of management is to delegate to employees of authority, manifestation of dedication and devotion to the organization.

Such companies are distinguished by high commitment, they focus on the long-term benefit from personality improvement, give the importance of a high degree of collective cohesion, following the traditions and moral climates.

"A person who is in the center of power must have intuition and be able to think with shared categories."

Adhocratic culture Formed as the world passed from the industry's era in the era of information. Organizations with this type of culture are most adequately reacting to rapidly changing external conditions.

The main assumptions are that innovative and leading time solutions are exactly what leads to success. The organization operates mainly in the development of new products, improving services and preparation for future economic breakthroughs. The main task of management is to accelerate entrepreneurship, the promotion of creativity and activities in advanced bore. Adaptation to the external environment and innovation lead to the acquisition of new resources and increase profitability, the emphasis is raised on the foresee of the future, even some organizational anarchy is allowed. Brightly expressed installation on individuality, the risk and foresight of the future encourages.

The word "adhocracy" comes from the Latin expression aD HOC. (on the occasion) and determines some temporary, specialized, dynamic organizational unit. The main goal of adhocracy is to accelerate the adaptability, to ensure the flexibility and creative approach of workers to the case in situations for which uncertainty, ambiguity, are typical.

In the long run, the Organization is focused on rapid growth and gaining new resources. Success means the production or provision of unique and original products or services.

Using a systematic approach to the consideration of the phenomenon of the organization, it can be argued that organizations are primarily economic systems supported and serviced by the social part of its components. They are endowed not only by common features, but also specific features reflecting the functioning of each independent unit, which, in turn, the element of the system of higher level of organization. This gives reason to believe that the problems of the formation and implementation of the cultural model are solved differentially both on the macro level (on the scale of the country and regions) and on the micro-level (that is, at the level of specific organizations, taking into account the models of organizational culture and the corresponding development trends in them).

The main resource is the ability and potential of individual workers, which make up the effectiveness of such organizations. The organizational structure and control system are dynamic, change depending on the personnel alignment by functional positions.

However, it should be remembered that the data of the organization's typology "are ideal and presented in the form of a solid system." In reality, the organization cannot belong only to one type, adopting the entire complex of properties characterizing only this type. This causes a set of value orientations of the corresponding models of organizational cultures. Each organization must have the main characteristics of a type of one type that will dominate. But this does not interfere with other, side factors that attribute it simultaneously to another type of organizational device.

It is more likely to establish "system-forming" factors of the effectiveness of the organization's activities that pay special attention to. It is also necessary to concentrate efforts on measures to actualize them and, on the contrary, to identify the shortcomings and incorrect areas of the organization's activities in order to follow their subsequent adjustment.

Models of organizational crops and the main characteristics of the organizational device Clan culture

Very friendly job where people have a lot of people. Organizations are similar to large families. Leaders and heads of organizations are perceived as educators and, perhaps, even as parents. The organization keeps together thanks to devotion and tradition. High commitment of the organization. It focuses on the long-term benefit, personality improvement, attaches a high degree of collective cohesion and moral climate. Success is determined in terms of a good feeling for consumers and concerns about people. The organization encourages brigadier work, participation of people in business and consent.

Critically important moments.

Brigades management.

Roles leader.



Efficiency criteria.


Moral climate.

Development of human resources.

Theory of management.

Adhocratic culture

Dynamic entrepreneurial and creative place of work. People are ready to substitute their own neck and risk. Leaders are considered innovators who are ready to risk. The binding essence of the organization is the dedication to experimentation and innovation. Emphasizes the need for activity in the forefront. In the long run, the Organization focuses on the growth and acquiring new resources. Success means production, providing unique and new products or services. It is important to be the leader in the market of products or services. The organization encourages personal initiative and freedom.

Critically important moments.

Control of innovation.

Strategic management.

Continuous development management.

Roles leader.

Innovator. The personality is talented and creative, capable of foreseen changes. Leadership is based on the foresee of the best future and support in this. An innovation and adaptability to changing conditions are actively encouraged.

Seer. The person-oriented personality is concerned about where the organization is being focused on its capabilities and evaluating the likelihood of success. Sign of this leadership style is strategic planning and continuous improvement of current activities.

Efficiency criteria.

The result is in the forefront.


Theory of management.

An innovation lays new resources.

Hierarchical culture

Very formalized and structured job. What people do, manage the procedures. Leaders are proud that they are rationally thinking coordinators and organizers. It is critical to maintaining the smooth activity of the organization. The organization combines formal rules and official policies. Its long-term concerns will ensure the stability and indicators of the smooth operation of cost-effective operations. Success is determined in terms of reliability of supplies, smooth calendar cost graphs. Managing employees is characterized by a guarantee of employment and ensuring long-term predictability.

Critically important moments.

Coordination management.

The role of leadership.

the instructor. Person tracking details and knowing business. Technical well-informed expert. Leadership is based on information management. Documentation and information management are actively encouraged.

Coordinator. Personality deserving confidence, reliable, supporting structure and workflow. Based on its influence, engineering on the situation, the management of calendar graphs, distribution of appointments, placement of resources, etc. Actively encourage stability and control.

Efficiency criteria.



Smooth functioning.

Theory of management.

Market culture

The organization oriented organization, the main concern of which is to perform the task. People are purposeful and compete among themselves. Leaders are solid leaders and harsh competitors. They are not free and demanding. The organization binds the emphasis on the desire to win. Reputation and success are a common concern. Focus perspectives are configured to competitive, solving the tasks and achieving visible goals. Success is determined in terms of market penetration and market share. Competitive pricing and leadership in the market are important. The organization's style is a rigidly conducted line for competitiveness.

Critically important moments.

The role of leadership.

Fighter. The personality is aggressive and decisive, actively seeking to solve problems and achieve goals receiving energy in competitive situations. Achieving victory is the dominant goal, focus of attention - on external competitors and positions in the market.

Production Problems. Personality focused on thinking of tasks and decision-making solutions that seek resistant labor. Leadership is based on persistent and reasonable argument in favor of bringing the case to the end. Actively encourages productivity.

Efficiency criteria.

Market share.

Achieve goal.

Defeat competitors.

Theory of management.

Competition promotes productivity.

Diagnosis of organizational culture

The OPI tool is designed to evaluate the six key measurements of organizational culture.

1. The most important characteristics of the organization.

2. Total leadership style.

3. Management of employees.

4. Combining the essence of the organization.

5. Strategic goals of the organization.

6. Success criteria.

An employee of the organization can take part in the assessment. He is invited to express his opinion on the six dimensions listed above. An employee is filled with the following questionnaire (subject to filling recommendations).

Questionnaire. Measurement and diagnostics of organizational culture

Each of the six questions implies four options for answers. Distribute scores on a 100-point score scale between four options in the ratio, which most complies with your organization. The greatest number of points are the option that more than others fits your organization. For example, if, when answering the first question, you believe that the option A is very similar to your organization, and options B and C in something for it are equally characteristic, while the variant D is hardly peculiar to it, then give 55 points option a, 20 points B and C options and only 5 points option D. Be sure to make sure that when answering each question, the amount of points you have put up is 100. At the beginning of the questionnaire, you must write your job and the overall work experience in this organization.

Table 3.1. Profile

For each question there are four possible options reflecting the state of the organization. The test is provided to distribute 100 points between four options in the ratio in which they are present in the organization at the moment. Then you should repeat this operation, but the test, distributing 100 points, should be guided by the orientation for the future, reflect the ideal, in its view, the organization model. That is why there are two graphs for answers: "Now" and "I would like."

Then the average number of points given by each variant A, B, C, D in digital equivalent is calculated. (The sum of all points by option A for all six questions, divided into the number of questions, - 6; the same counting procedure for the remaining alternatives B, C and D.) This procedure is made twice: for the count of the answers "Now" and for the counts of answers "I would like to".

After that, on the following form, on scales with digital values, in accordance with the limiter variant (A, B, C, D), the points obtained after the aforementioned arithmetic calculations of the average number for each option (A, B, C, D) are noted (A, B, C, D) ( Fig. 3.3).

Subsequently, these points are connected by lines and acquire the shape of an incorrect quadrangle. Since the test indicates two counts of answers, the quadrangles should turn out two. To avoid the overlays of one quadrilateral on another point from the count of the answers "Now" should be combined with a solid line, and the points obtained during the processing of the responses of the answers "would like", - dotted line. Explicit differences in the direction and form of quadrangles will show how the real general state of affairs in the organization requires changes to how radical they should be in which plane should these changes lie. How does it become obvious?

The fact is that the vertices of quadrangles are in certain zones (A, B, C, D), which correspond to certain types of cultures. Each type of cultures are inherent in its characteristics: these are the types of leadership, and the criteria of efficiency, and the theory of management, and much more.

All of the above graphics procedures should be repeated for each of the six questions in the questionnaire test based on the initially obtained numbers when distributing 100 points into four options.

Fig. 3.3. Template for building graphic results for measuring and diagnosing an organizational culture profile

This study will allow you to carry out a detailed analysis for each of the six most important characteristic features of a particular organization. It will also provide an opportunity to understand what special attention should be paid to, which requires a speedy change, and will allow you to compare the current situation with the desired ideal model. At the same time, it is possible in the shortest possible time to find the necessary tools and methods for reorganization for each direction.

For example, according to the results of the analysis, you can get the following graphic image (Fig. 3.4). (The actual state is indicated by a solid line; desired - dotted.)

Fig. 3.4. Graphic image of an organizational culture profile

As we see, the peaks of the corners are located immediately in two squares, which indicates a slope towards the hierarchical model of the intra-coronting device and at the same time about the same bias towards the market model.

When conducting an explanatory interview, the employee filling out the questionnaire indicated the following characteristics of the company.

Very formalized and structured job. What people do, manage the procedures. It is critical to maintaining the smooth activity of the organization. The organization combines formal rules and official policies. Its long-term concerns will ensure the stability and indicators of the smooth operation of cost-effective operations. Reputation and success are a common concern. Focus perspectives are configured to competitive, solving the tasks and achieving visible goals. Success is determined in terms of market penetration and market share. Competitive pricing and leadership in the market are important. The organization's style is a rigidly conducted line for competitiveness.

Critically important moments.

Control system control.

Management of competitiveness.

Stimulating the activity of hired workers.

Consumer service management.

The role of leadership.

Fighter. Personality is aggressive and decisive. Leadership is based on information management. Documentation and information management are actively encouraged. Achieving victory is the dominant goal, focus of attention - on external competitors and positions in the market. Control and productivity are actively encouraged. Based on its influence, engineering on the situation, the management of calendar graphs, distribution of appointments, placement of resources, etc.

Efficiency criteria.


Smooth functioning.

Market share.

Defeat competitors.

Theory of management.

Control promotes profitability.

At the same time, according to this employee, the following combination of the main organizational strategies and characteristics of the organizational device, with the prevailing model of the clan culture can be more effective.

Very friendly job where people have a lot in common. The organization is more like a family. The leader and the head of the organization are perceived as educators and, perhaps, even as parents. The organization keeps together thanks to devotion and tradition. High commitment of the organization. It focuses on the long-term benefit, personality improvement, attaches a high degree of collective cohesion and moral climate. Success is determined in terms of a good feeling for consumers and concerns about people. The organization encourages brigadier work, participation of people in business and consent.

Critically important moments.

Brigades management.

Interpersonal relationship management.

Managing the improvement of others.

Management of culture development.

Stimulating the activity of hired workers.

Roles leader.

Accomplice. Personality, focused on people and processes, stepping conflicts and engaged in the search for consensus. Leadership is based on the involvement of people in making decisions and solve problems. Actively encourages participation in business and openness.

Mentor. Personality caring and expressing participation that understands others and manifests care of the needs of individuals. Leadership is based on mutual respect and trust. Actively encourages the following moral principles and dedication.

Efficiency criteria.


Moral climate.

Smooth functioning.


Theory of management.

Participation strengthens loyalty.

The remaining characteristics and explanations of the example of graphic image depends on the purposes that the interpreter pursues. The number of such characteristics may be significant, as will be seen from the final description of the practical significance of the study using the OCAI technology.

Thus, based on the personal data, you can build a graphic image that characterizes the state of affairs in the organization as a whole. You can also build graphic images reflecting the main key factors of an internal organizational device for six key dimensions: the most important characteristics of the organization, the overall style of leadership, managing employees, the binding essence of the organization, the strategic goals of the organization, the criteria of success.

At the same time, practical instructions for manuals for cultural profiles are presented in the form of an affirmative characteristics of the process of manual management. Characteristics should reflect the skills and skills to the degree in which it will be acceptable to the specifics of your organization and which will be configured to the graphic image you can meet.

Adhocratic skills

Control of innovation. The basis: Encouraging individuals to innovation, expanding opportunities, creative growth and suggestion of new ideas without any extra difficulty.

Encouraging other employees of their division to generate new ideas and methods.

Assistance to others in obtaining the resources necessary to implement their innovative ideas.

Free opportunity to express and offer a new idea; Assistance in bringing the idea to the result.

Regular nomination of new creative ideas relating to processes, products or procedures for its organization.

Creating a medium in which the experimentation and creative approach to the case is rewarded.

Strategic management. Basis: bring to the attention of information about the prospects and support for implementing them.

Disclaimed violence of achievements in the future.

Constant reinforcement and bringing to the general information of the vision of future team members.

Help employees in the vision of prospects, given and potential opportunities, and probable problems.

Development of a clear strategy for assistance to its division in the case of successful implementation of general vision.

Impact on the imagination and emotional attitude of others when it comes to the vision of the future.

Continuous development management. The basis: Orientation of employees in their production activities for continuous improvement, flexibility and productive identity change.

Permanent work on improving the processes that are used to achieve the desired results and goals.

Facilitating the establishment of the climate of the continuous improvement of each division.

Encouraging each employee in a division to constantly improve or update everything with what they are dealing with.

Encouraging all hired workers to constantly improve in the performance of their work.

Help employees of their division in motion towards improving all aspects of their lives, and not just those related to work.

Market skills

Management of competitiveness. The basis: support for the ability to rivalry and aggressive orientation to exemplate activities achieved by competitors.

The formulation of ambitious goals that encourage subordinates to achieve performance indicators exceeding standard.

Strengthening competition sensations to help members of their units perform tasks at a higher level than members of other units.

The prompting of members of the team to achieve competitive performance indicators at the level of world-class level in the provision of services or product production.

The conviction is that all the actions of the labor collective are focused on the best customer service.

Eliminating and eliminating the climate of aggressiveness and energy voltage in its division.

Stimulating the activity of hired workers. The basis: motivation and inspiring impact on people in order to maintain their activity, the formation of the desire to make additional efforts and the desire to work vigorously.

Motivation and inspiration of team members so that they do work better.

Persistent motivation to intensive and hard work and high productivity.

Emphasing the powers of the team members to speed up the climate of the overall interest, which charges the energy of each employee.

Implementation of continuous monitoring of the strengths and weaknesses of the best manifestations of competitiveness in the organization and providing employees with information on the nature of the observations.

The creation of a climate of encouraging the desire of individuals to achieve higher performance indicators than the general, determined by the requirements of competition.

Consumer service management. The basis: Support for customer service, involve them in the company's business and anticipation of consumer expectations.

The presence of permanent or frequent personal contacts with internal or external consumers.

Ensuring the confidence that the leadership is able to assess how well customer expectations are satisfied.

Increased competition in each unit, encouraging others to provide services or produce products that will surprise or delight consumers in what exceeds their expectations.

Ensuring a permanent collection by every division of information on the needs and preferences of consumers.

Involvement consumers in the process of planning and evaluating the work of units.

Clan skills

Brigades management. The basis: support for effective, cohesive, smooth operation using brigadier work, providing high performance performance.

Organization of people in cohesive, loyal brigade.

Ensuring effective distribution of information and solving problems in each unit.

Creating conditions in which the improvement and participation of employees in decision-making are encouraged and rewarded.

Ensuring the confidence that inside each unit is given sufficient attention to both the fulfillment of tasks and interpersonal relationships.

When managing a group of employees, the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation and the positive resolution of conflicts between its members.

Interpersonal relationship management. The basis: Support for effective interpersonal relationships, including feedback, listening to people's opinions and resolution of interpersonal conflicts.

Employees of the division must share their problems with direct leaders. And those, in turn, should strive to support their submarines.

Subordinates must have constant feedback with management and be informed about the opinion of management on their work. Giving a negative assessment of the work of employees, management motivates their improvement, and does not cause a defensive reaction or angry.

The managers should listen carefully to workers when they are divided by their ideas, even if the leadership is not according to them.

Creating an atmosphere of trust and openness, a demonstration of understanding the point of view of individual people who come to management with their problems or care.

Managing the improvement of others. Basis: assistance to employees in improving their activities, expand the scope of competence and gaining favorable opportunities for personal development.

Regular promotion of subordinates to improving their management skills to achieve higher indicators.

Ensuring the confidence that in each division of employees are favorable opportunities for growth and personal improvement.

Delegation of powers subordinate to the imposition of responsibility in order to provide favorable opportunities for their growth and personal improvement.

Active training of employees to promotion up the organization's official staircase.

Facilitating the establishment of a working atmosphere in which employees, regardless of their official position, learn from each other and help each other to improve.

Hierarchical skills

Management of culture development. The basis: assistance to employees in the formation of a submission of prospects, how to make it best to tune in to work in the company, what are culture and standards in the organization.

Ensuring the situation in which the policies, values \u200b\u200band goals of the organization are clear to all employees.

Ensuring an understanding by employees of how their work relates to the work of other employees of comedy.

Providing employees to employees to acquire experience contributing to their socialization and entry into the culture of the organization.

Achieving a clear understanding of the members of each unit of what the manual specifically wants from them.

The establishment in each division of the rituals of commemoration and awarding, supporting values \u200b\u200band the culture of the organization.

Control system control. The basis: Maintaining confidence that monitoring systems, procedures, measurement tools are at the proper level and ensure constant monitoring of processes and performance indicators.

Accusable control of how every unit is coping with the case.

Confidence in the regularity of reporting and estimates in each division.

Establishing a control system that ensures confidence in the consistency of quality, service level, costs and productivity in the division.

Regular coordination of work with managers of various divisions of the organization.

Using the measurement system that ensures constant monitoring of processes and results.

Coordination management. Basis: Strengthening coordination both within the organization and outside it - with external organizations or managers, providing information from those who are outside the organization.

Interpretation and simplification of complex information so that it is available and could be used by the entire organization.

The use of rational system analysis of management solutions (for example, a logical analysis of the components of the problems) to reduce the complexity in request.

Distribution of information outside the functional boundaries of the organization to simplify coordination.

Support for the official collection system and ensure response to information that occurs in other divisions of the organization.

The initiation and creation of multifunctional or target brigades that focus on important organizational tasks.

Practical significance Diagnosis and measurement of organizational culture on OCAI technology can be described as follows.

1. The study conducted on six key areas reflects the real state of affairs in the organization. When comparing the results obtained immediately become obvious discrepancies in the position of the company's leadership with the opinion of managers, as well as with a point of view of ordinary members of the team against the expected and desired pathways and the scale of reorganization. As the practice of holding such studies shows, despite the similarity in the views and a single understanding of what the organization should strive for, the graphical expression of the research results is obtained in most cases different, and in some cases this difference may even shock.

2. If the results obtained are for a collective discussion, the debates will help to identify the problems not previously discussed in the team, the difference in the views of individual employees. At the general meeting of all members of the team, you should develop a single point of view, a general understanding of the situation and graphically display the perfect model. And it is this ideal model that should be the goal of the work of the labor collective. The collective discussion of the results of this study will help:

To develop a single, the most agreed point of view on what is happening processes in the organization;

Note goals for the nearest and distant future;

Develop a strategic action plan to implement the necessary changes;

Identify concrete deadlines and appoint responsible for the introduction of innovations and reorganization;

Develop the appropriate system for monitoring tasks.

3. The main thing is that this study will help employees:

Learn to put specific organizational issues;

Raise the question of the resources of the organization;

Will give the opportunity to work in the team;

Will help more clearly understand the purpose and values \u200b\u200bof the organization;

Develop a general management strategy;

Stimulate the need to acquire new knowledge;

It will provide an opportunity to show leadership and intellectual abilities to each employee, despite its status.

4. Comparison of the results obtained during the study among the governing staff and in the labor team will provide an opportunity:

Identify the basic needs of personnel, as well as elements of personnel management strategy, which for one or another do not suit employees;

Formulate - with the help of the identified needs of personnel and not satisfying his moments - a list of organizational issues that require additional decoding and explanations for the labor collective;

Identify management zones that require increased attention and greater level of competence;

Compare the correlation of the organizational culture profile and the actual management style;

Develop, based on the identified and obvious causes of conflicts in the team, the necessary methods of resolving these conflicts;

Work out a clear strategy of management behavior to implement the necessary changes;

Determine the dependence of the personal value system from the organizational.

However, the implementation of this study cannot give a holistic and reliable idea of \u200b\u200bwhich measures are required to be taken by the management of the Organization in order to increase its efficiency and efficiency of its team.

Let us turn to the next step.


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