Topic: "Believe in yourself" (lesson with training elements). Exercise "I am strong - I am weak." The circumstances of my life - material for success

Training "Believe in yourself"

Self-confidence in any kind of activity takes place when a person’s self-esteem corresponds to his real capabilities. If self-esteem is higher (lower) than real opportunities, then self-confidence (self-doubt) takes place. Self-confidence can also become a sustainable quality of personality. Self-doubt and self-confidence are often associated with negative emotional experiences that disrupt the course of a person’s mental development.

purpose: contribute to gaining experience speaking in front of an audience, increasing self-esteem, developing the skill of confident behavior, self-knowledge.

materials: music player, disco music (moderate pace), crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

Wash Exercise

purpose: development of confidence in their body movements; overcoming the fear of speaking in front of an audience.

Time: 5 m.

Materials: music player, disco music (moderate tempo).


    We wash the laundry (starting position - legs in the 6th position, hands below, in front of them, clenched into fists): movements with hands up and down, legs perform a spring.

    Squeeze the laundry (starting position - legs are slightly apart, hands clenched into fists): turning the body to the right, body weight on the right leg, circular movements of the hands - wring; turning the body to the left, body weight on the left leg, circular movements of the hands - spin. Repeat the movement again.

    We hang the laundry (the starting position is half-sitting, hands along the body): legs move with straightening, hands rise up to the right; movement of legs with straightening, arms rise up to the left.

    We attach the linen (the initial position of the leg in the 6th position, hands on the belt): holding the left hand on the belt, raise the left hand upwards crosswise; holding the left hand on the belt, raise the right hand upwards crosswise.

    Fans (hot): movements of the palms of both hands in the direction of the body with a turn to the right; palms of both hands towards the body with a left turn.

    We wipe the sweat from the forehead (the initial position of the leg is in the 6th position, the arms are arbitrary): in turn, we draw along the forehead with our left and right hands.

    We wipe our legs and go into the house (starting position - legs on the 6th position, hands on the belt): movement with legs, as if they were wiped on the floor; two steps forward.

Primary activity

Exercise "I am strong - I am weak"

purpose: help group members distinguish confident behavior from uncertain, contribute to the development of self-confidence through role-playing.

Time: 10 m.

Materials: not required.

Procedure: Participants are divided into pairs and each stand opposite each other. The first participant in the pair extends his hand forward. The second participant in a pair tries to lower the partner's hand by clicking on it from above. The first participant in a pair should try to hold his hand, while saying loudly and decisively: "I am strong." Now we repeat the same thing, but the first participant in the pair says “I am weak”, saying this with the corresponding intonation, that is, quietly, sadly. Try to swap.


    When was it easier for you to hold your hand: in the first or second case?

    Why do you think?

    What feelings did you experience while doing this exercise?

    What effect did the phrases “I am strong”, “I am weak”, pronounced by you, have on the task?

5. Exercise “Figure I”

purpose: expand self-knowledge, self-knowledge.

Time: 30 m.

Materials: pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

Procedure: Taking pencils, or felt-tip pens, paper participants are located anywhere in the room. It is advisable that no one is sitting next to each other. On a piece of paper they have to draw their own image in allegorical form as they present themselves. For drawing, a certain time is given. For example, 10 minutes after which, however, you should not strictly demand completion of the drawing, you need to give each participant the opportunity to finish their drawing in a relaxed atmosphere.

Instructions to participants: “You can draw whatever you want. It can be a picture of nature, still life, abstraction, a fantasy world, an action-packed situation, something in the rebus style, in general, anything, but with what you associate, connect, explain, compare yourself, your life condition, your nature. ”

What qualities does this person have?

Is this a confident person or vice versa?

When they spoke about your drawing, what feelings did you experience?

Does everything expressed about this picture coincide with your qualities?

Additional Drawing Exercise

purpose: identify a tendency to insecurity.

Time: 30 m.

Materials: colored crayons, pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

Procedure: The pattern is sent in a circle. One of the participants begins to draw, the other continues, to add something and so on in a circle.

The drawing can be done with colored crayons, felt-tip pens, pencils ... The drawing is done on one album sheet as The theme is confidence building. With each subsequent addition, the space will decrease, which can confuse an unsure person, because he will “break” the drawing of another.

When analyzing the resulting picture, the artistic level of its implementation is not taken into account. It is primarily about the feelings of the subjects tested by complementing someone else's drawing, the difficity of the place where you can draw something of your own, the fear of spoiling what has already been painted ...


    Have you completed the drawing?

    If not then why?

    Is that exactly what you would like to add?

    If not then why?

    What exactly did you portray?

Exercise "I am a star"

purpose: Developing confident behavior skills.

Time: 20 m.

Materials: not required.

Procedure: The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a star that is significant for him and at the same time known to everyone present (Alla Pugacheva, President of Ukraine, fairy-tale character, literary hero, etc.). Then he conducts a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: pronounces a phrase or shows a gesture that characterizes his star). The remaining participants are trying to guess the name of "idol".


    Was it difficult for you to choose for yourself the role of a significant and famous star?

    What is similar between you and the chosen star?

    What feelings did you have during the presentation?

    Have you tried to show the star you have chosen so that it is clear to others?

    Where was it easier to show or guess?


Exercise "Wishes in a circle"

purpose: raise the general emotional mood and emphasize a friendly attitude towards each other.

Time: 5 m.

Materials: not required.

The facilitator invites group members to wish their neighbor something.

Questions for the whole training:

    Has your image of yourself changed?

    What experience did you get for yourself in this training today?

    What new have you learned about yourself?

    What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

KSU "Children's home of the city of Petropavlovsk"

Training for the development of pedagogical confidence

"Believe in yourself!"

petropavlovsk, 2017

Believe in yourself training

Purpose: development of the skill of confident behavior, self-knowledge, self-improvement, knowledge of one’s undetected potential.

Training Objectives:

    expand self-image;

    actualize and realize their strengths;

    help group members distinguish confident behavior from uncertain;

Materials:stimulus material, felt-tip pens, A4, casket

Number of participants:12

Training course

Warm up

Game "Draw your portrait". It is necessary to place the A4 sheet on the head and draw “your portrait” on the head. In doing so, perform the following actions:

Draw your head;

Draw your hair;

Draw your right eye;

Draw your left eye;

Draw eyelashes for each eye;

Draw a nose for yourself;

Draw your mouth;

Draw your right ear;

Draw your left ear;

Draw your neck, right shoulder, left shoulder, right hand, left hand, torso, legs.

Draw a watch on your right hand and a bracelet on your left. Also finish yourself a beautiful necklace on your neck. After completing the assignment, all participants share their impressions.

Exercise "Camomile of revelations." Phrases are written on the chamomile petals, you need to continue and complete the phrase. The statement must be sincere.

    1. I differ from others in that ...

    3. I am happy because ...

    4. It makes me happy when ...

    5. Annoying me ...

    8. I am offended when ...

    9. I love myself because ...

    10. I want to ...

    14. Friends value me for ...

    15. My life credo ...

    18. The world around me seems to me ...

Theoretical part

Today we will try to understand our features, learn how to use our resources and knowing them to influence various events in our lives.
And first I want to tell you a parable.
Once a flock of mice gathered for a sad meeting. “All of us are spread rot. Everyone is trying to lime us. You can’t live like that anymore. What to do?" they wailed. Suddenly, one of the mice said: “I know! You need to ask Owl. He is a famous and wise strategist!” And the whole crowd went to the owl. They surrounded the owl and asked: - "What should we do? We are defenseless, and everyone can offend us! ” Eagle owl thoughtfully raised his eyes and said: - - “It's very simple: you need to become a hedgehog.” The mice were delighted and rushed back with enthusiastic cries: - "Yes, yes! Of course! Everything is so simple, we ourselves could think of it! You just need to become hedgehogs!" Suddenly one mouse stopped and stared at the ground, puzzled. “Yes ...” he said thoughtfully, “… I thought: how are we going to become hedgehogs?” - “Exactly, exactly! shouted the mice. “And really, how do we become hedgehogs?” Let's go back to the owl, ask him. ” And the whole flock turned around, like a large steamboat, and rushed back to the Owl. - "Eagle owl, but how do we become hedgehogs?" the mice asked again. “Well,” said Filin thoughtfully and proudly, “it's up to you.” I am a strategist. And how to become hedgehogs is already a technology. ”
- What did the eagle owl mean when talking about technology?
How can you change without changing yourself fundamentally?

Participants Answers
- Indeed, in order to be a successful person in any field of activity you do not need to change yourself beyond recognition, we cannot become someone else, but we can learn to use the resource that is laid down in us, and then everyone can succeed.
What do you think this resource is?
Participants Answers
- This resource is self-confidence, that’s what we’ll talk about today!
Main part
- What is self-confidence, what do you think? Who is a confident person?

Practical task: think of associations for the word "confidence."
- Confident man - This is a person full of calm consciousness of his strength, his abilities, capable of decisive action, inspiring confidence and disposing of those around him. Confident people live a full life and do not allow fears and doubts to control themselves. They do an excellent job with their emotions and always think positively. These skills play a huge role in their life, since it is the brain that determines the behavior of a person, his actions and whether a person can feel truly happy
“To be confident is to trust yourself and to believe in yourself.” Ralph Emerson

Practical task: You need to make a psychological portrait of a confident person according to the following plan:

What does it look like?
- What is he thinking?
- What does he say?
- How does it work?

There are 7 behaviors of confident people. Start developing these qualities in yourself right now!

Posture and body position

Posture and body position reflect a person’s mood and degree of self-confidence. Therefore, observing a large group of people from the side, one can easily point to a self-confident person: he feels inner strength and knows how to influence others with the help of posture and body position. Such a person stands firmly in one place (does not go back and forth, does not shift from one foot to another) and always maintains eye contact with the interlocutor.

They often smile around.

They do not criticize or condemn others.

A self-confident person does not waste time gossiping and criticizing other people, but rather, always supports his friends and treats them with understanding and kindness. He is always very careful in his words and actions. That is why many people want to communicate with such a person.

People who are truly confident in themselves do not meddle in the lives of others - they are focused on achieving their goals and overcoming various difficulties.

They are sociable

Many people often lack the determination to start a conversation with a stranger. However, a self-confident person can easily start a conversation, because he believes that a new acquaintance is a new opportunity, and it can bring something good to his life. Such an attitude towards others really gives self-confident people new opportunities, for example, someone from new acquaintances can help with work or with opening a business.

Start developing communication skills - so you can overcome your fears and get rid of stress.

They are not afraid that they will look silly

Do you often do extraordinary things? Are you afraid that if you do something strange or unusual, you will look stupid in the eyes of others? Try to get rid of these fears and be more confident in yourself, because it is confidence that allows people to feel quite comfortable (without tension and excitement), even when something goes wrong and they appear to others in a bad light. It is important to understand that in life there will be many situations in which you may look stupid. However, no ridicule will not be able to unbalance a self-confident person or make him doubt himself.

When a confident person gets into an awkward situation, he tries to get out of it with the least loss, and humor is a great way to do this. The ability to turn everything as a joke is a very important quality for a confident person, because it is really difficult to stay positive when you look stupid.

They can easily compliment or compliment.

One of the main signs of a confident person is the ability to compliment easily, rather than reluctantly. And you need to develop this skill in yourself! When you see, for example, that your colleague did a good job, tell him about it! Give compliments as often as possible, and there can be any reason! The main thing is that compliments come from the heart. Be sincere with your interlocutor. Confident people are very attentive to those around them: they know how to accurately notice the strengths of a person, then to compliment him - thereby they help people to believe in themselves.

They always respond with compliments with a smile

Many people do not like when they receive compliments, and try to avoid this by all possible means. Such behavior means that a person lacks self-confidence. If you ignore compliments or, for example, try to change the subject, then you can offend the person who praised you. Remember that self-confident people feel quite comfortable when they receive compliments. They respond to pleasant words with a sincere smile - this behavior indicates good manners and friendliness towards the interlocutor. Therefore, if you want to become more confident in yourself, then show respect to the one who gives you a compliment, and be softer. If you do not know what to say at this moment, then just say "thank you."

Self-test "Ladder".Participants are invited to draw a ladder of 10 steps. The instruction is given: "Draw yourself on the step where you think you are now."

After everyone has drawn, the facilitator reports the key to this technique:

    1-4 step - self-esteem is underestimated

    5-7 step - self-esteem is adequate

    8-10 step - self-esteem is overstated

Exercise "The Giant"(aimed at enhancing group members and increasing their self-esteem).

The psychologist invites everyone to become a circle and says the following text: “Imagine yourself as giants. Spread your shoulders, look around. Below are small midgets, and each of you is a huge man - a giant. Feeling strong? Good! Lean over and pick up one of the little men, examine them. Feel like a big man, and they are small. ”

Psychologist: What is this exercise about? What did you experience while doing this exercise? What is it for?

Psychologist: What do you think are the main signs of an insecure person? What prevents an insecure person from making this or that decision, or performing some action?

Answer:fear, fear, stress, excitement, lack of faith in oneself and one's strengths, complexes, doubt, low self-esteem, etc.

Practical task: On the contour of a person, you need to indicate in which part of the body fear, stress, excitement, etc. can hide.

Warm up. The projective technique of "Self-Portrait".
Participants are invited to draw on a clean piece of paper a large oval representing the face of the person who is painting. After that, teachers are encouraged to depict:
- instead of eyes - what they like to look at;
- instead of a nose - that they like to smell;
- instead of mouth - what they like to pronounce;
- instead of ears - what they like to listen to;
- instead of hair - what they most often think about.
Upon completion of the work, those present analyze their own drawings, making a conclusion about the state of their own psychological health; Harmonious attitude to yourself and to the world.

Exercise "But you ..."

    Instruction manual : please sign a blank sheet of paper, writing your name and surname on the top ... Think and write below any quality of your personality that you consider negative, bad ... Pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right ... On the received sheet, write “but” under poor quality, and then the positive quality of this person ... (the exercise continues until the sheets return to their owners.)

    Look at your sheet and read everything written by other participants. Someone will see in the list those qualities that he already has, and he knows this for sure. But for sure you will find those that you didn’t even know about, - these are your resources. Each of you has everything that a confident person needs. Save these sheets. In moments when it will be difficult for you, just look into them and remember that you have everything to solve any problem, and you are able to solve it.

Practical task: Develop an action plan to build confidence.

Practical task: It is necessary to indicate what develops confidence in a person (which can be achieved by a self-confident and self-reliant person).

Daily Recipe Exercise

    Instruction Work in groups. Participants are invited to listen to the “every day recipe”, to analyze its components and their impact on humans. Then, by analogy, invent and present your recipe to the audience, arguing its usefulness.

    Material for the exercise "Recipe for every day"

Affirmations are self-hypnosis formulas that help a person tune his mind to a positive wave. With their help, you can speed up the process of fulfilling desires. The main thing is to follow certain rules for the compilation and application of these magic formulas. How do affirmations work?

Affirmations work on the principle of substitution. At a certain point in time, the mind can hold only one single thought, so the essence of affirmations is to fill and hold in your mind thoughts that reinforce your desire.

Imagine a glass of muddy water.
You take this glass and put it under the tap, turn on the water and start pouring clean water into it. Turbid water begins to pour over the edges, and clean water enters the glass. Over time, all the muddy water will be replaced by clean.

The same thing happens in a person’s head. Now the brain (glass) is filled with thoughts and beliefs to the brim. When you work out a new affirmation, it replaces the old one. But replacement does not occur immediately, but over time. The stronger the affirmation that you want to replace, the more time and effort you will have to spend to complete the replacement.

The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself with mentally positive thoughts that contribute to achieving the desired result.

  • Love yourself for who you are, inimitable!

    The time has come to do what you constantly put off!

    All your desires and dreams come true - believe it!

    My thoughts help me to be realized in life.

    The circumstances of my life are material for success.

    I benefit from any situation.

    My life is a path of creative disclosure.

    You already have everything you need for success, it is “Everything” - you yourself!

Exercise "Trickle"

Participants line up in two lines, stand opposite each other, forming a corridor.

Instruction manual: “Now I will lead a man with closed eyes along the corridor. As you move, you will have to whisper in his ear the words that are written on your card. You need to speak in the right and left ear at the same time. ”

You are weak!

You are unsure!

You won’t succeed!

You speak quietly!

You are incapable!

It's really boring with you!

You are cheerful!

You can do a lot!

You are brave and confident!

It's nice to talk with you!

You are beautiful!

Can I trust you!

The final part of the training "Who am I" exercise

It is proposed to honestly and frankly end the sentences:

    I'm proud of myself when I ...

    I am a pretty person because ...

    I have two such wonderful qualities ...

    One of the best things I've done in my life

Thanks for your attention! Good luck to everyone!

    I differ from others in that ...

    2. My biggest problem is ...

    3. I am happy because ...

    4. It makes me happy when ...

    5. Annoying me ...

    6. I don’t like myself because ...

    7. My best quality is ...

    8. I am offended when ...

    9. I love myself because ...

    10. I want to ...

    11. When I graduate ...

    12. If I were a wizard ...

    13. I would like to change ...

    14. Friends value me for ...

    15. My life credo ...

    16. I cannot forgive a person if he ...

    17. In people, I value most ...

    18. The world around me seems to me ...

    19. Sometimes people don’t understand me, because ...

    20. I feel ashamed when ...

You are weak!

You are unsure!

You won’t succeed!

You speak quietly!

You are incapable!

It's really boring with you!

You are cheerful!

You can do a lot!

You are brave and confident!

It's nice to talk with you!

You are beautiful!

Can I trust you!

    it is “Everything” - you yourself!

    Love yourself the way you are - unique!

    The time has come to do what you constantly put off!

    All your desires and dreams come true - believe it!

    My thoughts help me to be realized in life.

    The circumstances of my life are material for success.

    I benefit from any situation.

    My life is a path of creative disclosure.

    You already have everything you need for success,it is “Everything” - you yourself!

    Love yourself the way you are - unique!

    The time has come to do what you constantly put off!

    All your desires and dreams come true - believe it!

    My thoughts help me to be realized in life.

    The circumstances of my life are material for success.

    I benefit from any situation.

    My life is a path of creative disclosure.

    You already have everything you need for success,it is “Everything” - you yourself!

“A recipe for every day”

    1. We take a day and cleanse it of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, indifference.

    2. Add three full (with the top) tablespoons of optimism.

    3. A large handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance.

    4. And, finally, a pinch of politeness and decency in relation to all.

    5. The whole mixture is filled with love on top.

    6. The finished dish is decorated with flower petals of kindness and attention.

    7. Serve daily with a garnish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm the heart and soul.

“A recipe for every day”

    1. We take a day and cleanse it of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, indifference.

    2. Add three full (with the top) tablespoons of optimism.

    3. A large handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance.

    4. And, finally, a pinch of politeness and decency in relation to all.

    5. The whole mixture is filled with love on top.

    6. The finished dish is decorated with flower petals of kindness and attention.

    7. Serve daily with a garnish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm the heart and soul.

“A recipe for every day”

    1. We take a day and cleanse it of envy, hatred, grief, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, indifference.

    2. Add three full (with the top) tablespoons of optimism.

    3. A large handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance.

    4. And, finally, a pinch of politeness and decency in relation to all.

    5. The whole mixture is filled with love on top.

    6. The finished dish is decorated with flower petals of kindness and attention.

    7. Serve daily with a garnish of warm words and heartfelt smiles that warm the heart and soul.

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the confidence-building training “Believe in yourself!”, Which will take place on 10.10.2017 at 15.00 in a puppet theater.

Psychologists of the orphanage

Tatyana Bondareva
Topic: “Believe in yourself” (lesson with training elements)


Increasing teenagers' responsibility for their own behavior, the development of self-awareness, self-regulation and the ability to plan actions.

Personal development qualities: self-esteem, confidence in one’s abilities, ability to manage one’s own behavior and take an active life position, receive and provide support to others.


Enrich the forms of communication between adolescents and peers;

To form a need for self-realization in adolescents;

To teach adolescents to uphold and defend their point of view;

To develop a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in adolescents.

Methods and techniques of work:

Psychological exercises and games,

Mini - lectures and discussions (preliminary work,

Subject - role-playing games,

Situation modeling

Group discussions and brainstorming (preliminary work,

Discussion of specific life situations,

Reflection of various conditions

Building positive models behavior and t. d.

1.1. Introductory part. The adoption of the rules of group work.

"Introduce your name".

1.3. An exercise Uninhabited Island.

1.4. A game "My universe".

1.6. Conclusion: Applause in a circle.

1.1. Introductory part. Group Policy Adoption work:

The presenter voices the main points to which the participants make additions:

What happens in a group should not negatively affect relationships,

You can’t humiliate and insult,

You can’t use foul language

Contact each other only by name,

Speak only one at a time, if you want to speak, you need to raise your hand,

Note trainers are not discussed,

You cannot leave a group without permission.

The course of the lesson.

We have to set off on an exciting journey on our own ship. This is our ship and it depends only on us where and how we will sail. After the qualifying round, the team accepted the best sailors of the coast. First team meeting we need become acquainted:

1.2. Main part. Exercise - Activator "Introduce your name"

purpose: The implementation of emotional warming up.

The host invites participants to introduce themselves as silent film actors using facial expressions and gestures. You can imagine not only your name, but also your appearance, dress, lead myself. The main thing is that it be recognizable.

So we met, now hit the road. The day passed unnoticed. Already twilight. A ship far on the high seas. Suddenly an icy gusty wind came in, lightning flashed, and thunder struck. A storm is raging ... When we woke up, we realized that we were on a desert island.

1.3. An exercise Uninhabited Island

purpose: the formation of the ability to take an assessment myself from.

On a desert island, there is only one task - to survive. And you can survive only next to people who know how to do something, have wonderful personal qualities. Each of the participants should choose two partners and explain their choice. The same guys can be selected several times.

I want to tell you: that I would take all the guys with me to the island, because - all of them are extraordinary and have a huge number of wonderful human qualities.

1.4. A game "My universe".

In the evening, when all affairs and worries are over, when there is a place to sleep and we go to bed, stars are visible through the cracks in the roof of our hut. Offer closer to the stars. I'll give out "Formats" for sketching, in the center of the sheet you need to draw the sun and in the center of the solar circle write a large letter "I. Then from this "I AM"- the center of your universe must be drawn lines to the stars and planets. Each ray is the answer to my questions.

1. My favorite occupation…

2. My favorite color ...

3. My favorite animal ...

4. My beloved friend ...

5. My favorite sound ...

6. My favorite smell ...

7. My favorite game ...

8. My favorite clothes ...

9. My favorite music ...

10. My favorite time of the year ...

11. What I like to do more than anything ...

12. The place where I like to be more than anything else ...

13. My favorite singer or band ...

14. My favorite heroes ...

15. I feel u the ability to ...

16. The man whom I admire more than anything else ...

17. Best of all I can ...

18. I know I can ...

19. I am confident because ...

Congratulations, Star Map each shows: we all have many opportunities, many things that make each of us unique, and that which is common to all of us.

1.5. Final part. Relaxation.

1.6. Finish: Applause in a circle.

The topic of self-confidence in one degree or another excites each of us. We all want to have the gift of persuasion, the ability to defend our interests, with dignity to resolve conflicts, set ourselves the highest goals and achieve them.

The BASIC METHOD of WORK at our training is Art Therapy.

In art therapy, you are given the opportunity to look at your work in the mirror. You draw or sculpt, dance or compose fairy tales, your creativity will be exactly what you are at a given time. The works you have created sometimes suggest non-standard and effective solutions to difficult life situations.

The keynote of all tasks is your feelings and sensations, your condition. The healing effect comes from the creative act itself. Each exercise, removing masks and clamps, returns you to the essence, to the roots, to the heart, to the root causes, which helps to feel confidence in yourself and in your abilities.


Art training will be useful to you if you:

  • interested in your own development and are interested in a new
  • strive to expand your inner potential
  • want to understand life's difficulties and problematic relationships
  • realize new perspectives and goals


You will be able to acquire skills such as:

  • Confident Relationship with Others
  • Direct and open expression of one’s own opinion without looking at others
  • Ability to refuse and say no when necessary
  • Openness in the expression of feelings and desires
  • Confident performance in front of an audience

Our program also has interesting excursions. Traveling and art therapy will restore your inner balance. You will be able to feel your property value, gain confidence in your abilities and find an internal resource.


  • Creative workshops of Svetlana Veremeytseva
  • Cinema therapy of Irina Krank

Cost of participation 26,000 rubles. For regular participants 20% discount (23 500 rubles).

INCLUDED IN THE COST: training program, accommodation (without meals), excursions.





I'm in my eyes and in the eyes of others

What I want and can be

My confidence and my body

Work with Inner Critic

My confidence is my potential



Our trainers are practitioners, professionals in their field. This means that all the knowledge, methods and techniques that we offer are tested by us on our own experience. Along with this, our coaches are attentive to group dynamics; The psychological comfort of each participant and the mood of the group is the subject of our close attention and care.

Each of us has our own special and unique path. He is individual and not like the others. Nature in everyone laid an intuitive understanding of what we need for development and health. The main thing is to find your personality, listen to yourself and understand why certain events occur in our lives. We believe in the value of individuality, and believe that inner harmony, as well as states of joy, fulfillment and meaning, are of paramount importance in human life. Psychology is a return to oneself. And each has its own WAY - this is the road along which we go, meeting, communicating, helping each other.

Training "Just believe in yourself."

Teacher psychologist SSHIOSD

Shakirova Malika Shaimardanovna


    To open and realize your views and habits (self-improvement, self-study, self-knowledge).

    Improving self-confidence, willpower

    Determining the cohesion of children

    Gather additional information from the training participants

    Reducing the level of tension, anxiety and the knowledge of their undetected potential.

    Training Rule:

    “Here and Now” - it is important that the processes, thoughts and feelings and feelings that arise in the group at the moment are understood. Thus, participants are taught to focus on themselves and what is happening around them at present. The way a person manifests himself “here and now” shows how he behaves.

    “Sincerity and openness” - Do not lie or pretend. It is necessary to ensure that members of the group do not lie and do not hypocrite. A sign of a strong and healthy personality is a certain openness to others of their feelings according to the pod of what is happening. This is the basis of effective interpersonal interaction. Each member of the group should feel protected and have the right to open up to one degree or another to the extent that he considers necessary.

    "I AM"- in the group it is forbidden to use reasoning such as: "Everyone has such an opinion ....", "We think so ...". All statements must be constructed using the "I". Thus, we teach a person to take responsibility and accept himself for who he is.

    "Activity" - The group should not have passive observers. If the group members refuse to participate in the processing of skills and behaviors, but it is worth paying attention to discussing their motivation for the goals of attending the training.

    "Confidentiality" - everything that is said in the group regarding the participants must remain within the group. This is a natural ethical requirement, which is a condition for creating an atmosphere of psychological security and self-disclosure.

5 minutes are allowed to discuss the rules. When the rules are adopted, the host pronounces the word “I promise!”, The band members too.

The psychological attitude. An exercise: " Cheerful ball ».

Purpose: warm-up, development of the ability to speak and listen to compliments.

Let's start today with the game. Throwing this ball to each other in turn, we will talk about the unconditional advantages, strengths of the one to whom the ball throws. We will be careful that everyone visits the ball.

Exercise: Intonation

Purpose: correction of isolation.

On small pieces of paper, the group writes the name of any feeling, emotion. Then the sheets are collected, shuffled and handed out again. Now the group decides which phrase, line from the verse, to take on the basis of further actions. After that, the participants take turns pronouncing this phrase with intonation corresponding to the feeling that is written on their piece of paper. The remaining members of the group guess with what intonation the phrase was pronounced.

Exercise: "Training emotional stability."

Purpose: exercise on the development of perseverance, concentration, the acquisition of experiences in improving the emotional state.

Instructions: Participants are divided into pairs and sit facing each other, as close as possible. The exercise is performed in three stages:

Psychologist: "Tune in to peace and quiet in your soul and your body." After the emotional stability at the previous stage the task was formed, it becomes more complicated: now you will sit motionless but with your eyes open. At the same time, you look into the eyes of your partner and try to keep your calm. After these preparatory exercises in each pair, one of the participants chooses the role of a coach. The trainer's task is to make laugh or somehow shake the emotional balance. Then the exercise continues, it is important that the coach again repeats what unsettled his partner. Repeated repetition forms resistance to this irritant.

Exercise: “I am what I am”, ART therapy.

Purpose: to promote the development of more objective self-esteem among participants.

Instructions: Participants draw themselves so that no one sees. After that, the drawings are collected and mixed. An exchange of impressions is made for each figure.

Exercise: "But ...".

Goal: reduce frustration or stress. Search for possible ways to resolve it.

    The psychologist suggests that each participant in the game briefly describe on a piece of paper any unfulfilled desire, any actual stressful or conflict situation that is currently unresolved or remembered as intractable (anonymity of authorship is allowed).

    Then the psychologist collects all the sheets, mixes them up and offers the participants the following discussion procedure:

    Each written situation is read out to the group and the participants should bring as many arguments as possible to the fact that this situation is not at all intractable, but simple, funny or even profitable with the help of connectives like: “But ...”, “It could have been worse! "," Not really wanted, because ... "or" It's great, because now ... ";

    After all the situations have been read out and all possible options for dealing with them have been expressed, the coach suggests discussing the results of the game and the real help that each participant received for himself.

Exercise: "I love ... I can ... I want ...".

Purpose: a positive attitude, the development of a sense of empathy, increased self-esteem.

Instructions: Passing the ball in a circle, end the phrase "I love ..", then "I want ...", and finally "I can ...".

Analysis: “Was it difficult to talk about yourself? How did you feel when you talked about yourself? ”

Exercise: “WISH AROUND”

Purpose: raise the general emotional mood and emphasize a friendly attitude towards each other.
The group members are invited to wish their neighbor something.

Questions for the whole training:
1. Has your image of yourself changed?
2. What experience did you get for yourself at this training today?
3. What new things did you learn about yourself?
4. What conclusions did you draw for yourself?


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