Personnel management in the restaurant business. Methods of personnel management of the restaurant "Kalinka Modern technologies of personnel management in the restaurant business


The relevance of research... The restaurant business today occupies one of the leading places in the service sector and is not only one of the most profitable types of economic activity, but also one of the most risky.

In the struggle for the viability of the restaurant business, restaurateurs have to solve a number of problems. One of the most urgent is the problem of restaurant personnel management, since the availability of qualified and well-trained personnel is one of the most important components of the success of the restaurant business. Personnel management is an important sphere of life of any enterprise that can greatly increase its efficiency. The personnel management system ensures continuous improvement of methods of working with personnel using the achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience. (V. Danilova, 2007).

The essence of personnel management is to establish organizational-economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use (E. Agamirova, 2007).

Purpose of the study- studying the process of personnel management at public catering establishments.

Subject of study - KFC fast food restaurant personnel management system.

Object of study- KFC fast food restaurant.

Research objectives:

1. Consideration of the theoretical foundations of the personnel management system in public catering enterprises;

2. Acquaintance with the international network of fast food restaurants "KFC";

3. Study of the organization of the personnel management system of the fast food restaurant "KFC";

4. Consideration of the personnel certification process at KFC;

5. Consideration of the personnel motivation system at the enterprise;

Research methods- analysis of scientific - methodological literature and Internet sources, survey

The structure of the course work.The work is presented on 35 pages and consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature.

Characteristics of the illustrative material.There are four tables in the work.

Theoretical aspects of personnel management in the restaurant business

Personnel management system

Restaurant personnel management, as well as personnel management in other branches of business, has gone through several stages of development following economic and social changes in society.

The American engineer F. Taylor (1856-1915) is considered the founder of the school of scientific management. He stood at the origins of the creation of modern management. (O. Efimova, 2009).

The founders of the school of scientific management were based in their approaches on two principles.

The first is the principle of the vertical division of labor: the manager should be assigned the planning function, and the employee should be assigned the function of performing the assigned task.

The second principle is the principle of measuring labor. Its essence lies in the fact that using observations, measurements, logic and analysis, the administration can improve many manual labor operations, achieving their more efficient execution. Methods of scientific organization of labor made it possible to significantly reduce the costs of living labor, which contributed to a significant increase in the productivity of workers.

Considering the importance of practical application of the methods of scientific organization of labor, F. Taylor formulated new responsibilities of the administration on the basis of these methods:

1. Development of a scientific foundation for each individual action in all types of labor with the establishment of strict rules for each movement, improvement and standardization of all tools and working conditions;

2. Careful selection of workers, their subsequent training, education and development in order to obtain highly qualified workers;

3. Cooperation with workers in order to achieve compliance of all individual branches of production with the scientific principles previously developed by the administration, as well as the obligatory encouragement of workers for accelerated work and for the exact fulfillment of production tasks by them;

4. Equal distribution of labor and responsibility between the administration and the workers (the administration assumes those branches of labor for which it is best suited).

5. The main drawback of F. Taylor's system seems to be that in its original form it was designed for disciplined workers. Nevertheless, at the present stage of development of science and practice of personnel management, the principles of scientific management are still progressive and relevant. (I. Volkova, 2009).

It should be noted that at present there are no general approaches in management, and especially in the field of personnel management, there are only general management principles that give rise to various management systems with their own unique characteristics, since they take into account certain national values, peculiarities of psychology, mentality, etc. .d. Thus, Russian managers cannot use a ready-made management model, but must find their own ways and levers to apply theoretical knowledge and practical experience of different countries to create a full-fledged Russian personnel management system. Therefore, in recent years, an independent scientific direction has emerged in the Russian system of labor sciences - personnel management.

The concept of "personnel management" has two main aspects - functional and organizational.

Functionally, HR management includes the following essential elements:

Determination of a general strategy;

Planning the needs of the enterprise in personnel, taking into account the existing personnel;

Attraction, selection and assessment of personnel;

Professional development of personnel and their retraining;

Career promotion system (career management);

Release of personnel;

Construction and organization of work, including the definition of workplaces, functional and technological links between them, the content and sequence of work, working conditions;

Wages and Social Services Policy;

Personnel cost management.

Organizationally, personnel management covers all employees and all structural units in the enterprise that are responsible for working with personnel.

Thus, the goal of the personnel management policy of an enterprise or organization is to ensure timely updating and preservation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel and its development in accordance with the needs of the enterprise, the requirements of the current legislation and the state of the labor market.

The main tasks that the personnel management system solves are:

Ensuring effective employment of personnel;

Creation of attractive and safe working conditions;

Organization of prerequisites for advanced training and professional growth of employees;

Development of measures and criteria for a fair assessment of the professional qualities of personnel in order to establish a decent wage in accordance with the dedication of each individual employee

Organization of optimal industrial relations for a simple and effective solution of labor problems;

Formation of a social environment for work and leisure of personnel.

When forming a personnel management strategy, it is necessary to take into account the provisions of the enterprise activity strategy adopted by its management, which implies:

Determination of the goals of personnel management.

When making decisions in the field of personnel management, both economic aspects (the adopted personnel management strategy) and the needs and interests of employees (decent wages, satisfactory working conditions, opportunities for the development and realization of employees' abilities, etc.) should be taken into account.

Formation of ideology and principles of personnel work.

Ensuring economic efficiency in the field of personnel management means the use of personnel to achieve the goals of the entrepreneurial activity of an enterprise with limited labor resources appropriate to the enterprise. Social efficiency is ensured by the implementation of a system of measures aimed at meeting the socio-economic expectations, needs and interests of the company's employees.

The functional structure of the personnel management service is determined by the nature and size of the organization, as well as the characteristics of the products (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.

The personnel management service may include such subdivisions as: personnel department, training department, labor and wages department, social development department and other social infrastructure departments, health and safety department, sociology laboratory, environmental protection department, legal department , department of labor organization, production and management. Each of the above departments solves its own goals and objectives. However, considering the general development of Russian business as the introduction of proven and time-tested western management technologies, it can be noted that in the restaurant business, solving issues related to management and personal management is most often the prerogative of top officials, executives-administrators, but not professional specialists. (A. Antsupov, 2008).

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Methods of personnel management of the restaurant "Kalinka"

The Kalinka restaurant uses the following personnel management methods: administrative, economic and socio-psychological.

Administrative methods are used in their work by the director and deputy director.

In particular, the following methods of exposure are used:

· Organizational - based on the action of approved internal regulations governing the activities of personnel. These include: the charter of the organization, organizational structure and staffing, regulations on divisions, collective agreement, job descriptions, internal regulations

· Administrative - expressed in the form of orders, orders, instructions, orders, instructions, instructions, labor rationing, coordination of work and control of execution are aimed at organizing a clear, correct, debugged and uninterrupted operation of production.

Production management - applies measures of material responsibility to employees, collecting from employees or withholding from their wages material damage that production has incurred (damage to inventory, violations, etc.), as well as disciplinary measures, announcing remarks, reprimands and others up to demotion and even dismissal.

Economic methods are used mainly by employees of the accounting department. Among the methods of economic influence on personnel in a restaurant, the main place is occupied by labor remuneration, which provides a connection between the results of labor and its process, reflects the number and complexity of labor of workers of various qualifications.

Methods of psychological influence are the most important components of psychological management methods. They summarize the necessary and legally permitted methods of psychological influence on personnel to coordinate the actions of employees in the process of joint production activities. The methods of psychological influence used at the enterprise include: suggestion, persuasion, involvement, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, censure, command, request, etc.

For personnel management, Kalinka uses mainly an organizational and administrative model based on coercion. Controlling influence has the form of directives, orders of commands. Orders are subject to strict and timely execution by those to whom they are addressed. Management impact is directed from top to bottom in the form of approved rules, directive plans, regulations, instructions, orders, orders. Feedbacks going from the bottom up contain mainly information about the execution of commands. This policy significantly reduces the activity and initiative of employees.

Despite the fact that the Tinkoff restaurant has been operating on the market for a long time, a number of problems in the field of personnel management can be identified. This is, first of all, a problem typical for the entire system of the restaurant business - staff turnover (Fig. 2). The figure shows the data on staff turnover for each quarter of 2009.

Fig. 2. Tinkoff restaurant staff turnover data for 2009

The diagram clearly shows that the main staff turnover occurs among service workers: 31 quitters in Q1, 38 in Q2, 34 in Q3, 32 in Q4.

After analyzing the monthly reports on the release of the staff of the restaurant "Tinkoff" for 2009, it was revealed that the turnover is most pronounced among the waiters.

Also, based on the analysis of monthly reports, it was found that the majority of employees leave in the first months of work.

To identify the reasons for the dismissal of contact personnel, a questionnaire was developed, which includes a number of questions:

1. Low wages.

2. Dissatisfaction with the mode and working conditions.

3. Lack of social guarantees.

4. Lack of adaptation system.

5. Lack of prospects for professional growth.

6. Dissatisfaction with the attitude of the company's management towards employees in general.

7. Misconception about work.

8. The remoteness of work from the place of residence.

9. Difficulties in relationships with the team.

10. Did not pass certification.

11. Lack of stability.

12. Inability to combine work with study.

13. Other reasons.

Upon dismissal, each employee was asked to fill out a questionnaire - to put a mark in front of the reason that made him quit. When analyzing these questionnaires, it was revealed that the main reasons for dismissal were:

Lack of career prospects - 65%;

Lack of an adaptation system - 34%;

Dissatisfaction with the mode and working conditions - 7%;

Misconception about work - 5%;

Distance between work and place of residence - 4%;

Not passed certification - 4%;

Difficulties in relationships with the team - 1%.

It is also worth noting that 21% of the respondents in the item "Other reasons" indicated that "it became uninteresting to work."

It is easy to see that basically all of the above reasons relate, first of all, to the competence of the personnel management service. And this indicates another problem in the restaurant personnel management system - insufficient efficiency of the personnel management service (Table 3).

Table 3.

Disadvantages of the personnel management system in the restaurant "Tinkoff"

Disadvantage characteristic

1. System structure

Insufficient clarity of the distribution of functional responsibilities in the field of personnel management between the personnel manager and heads of departments.

Lack of participation of the HR manager in the process of adaptation, training, and career planning of employees.

2. Recruitment

A standard pattern for interviewing job seekers (especially for the position of a waiter).

Insufficient attention to the personal characteristics of applicants (ability to perform certain functions, character traits, especially attention and memory, etc.), which largely determines the success of the performance of official duties and interaction with others.

3. Personnel training and development system

Ineffectiveness of activities to create an external reserve, since from the moment the applicant is included in the reserve and his hiring, a rather long period of time passes and the required applicant has already been employed in another organization.

The opportunity for qualitative (personal) growth of employees is not used, which implies the creation of opportunities for the manifestation of initiative and the development of the abilities of each individual employee enrolled in the internal reserve. That is, there is no development of programs for the career growth of employees

4. Labor motivation

Lack of programs for non-material incentives for employees, namely the development of loyalty, "emotional attachment" to the organization.

Thus, the existing personnel management system in a restaurant is missing a very important element that ensures the effectiveness of the system - the so-called "human factor". The restaurant management uses a "technical" approach to personnel management. The result is ensured due to the strict compliance of personnel with technical (functional) characteristics (qualification level, age, length of service, education) and the use of control at all stages of the personnel management system.

Problems- Work in the restaurant business is perceived by staff as temporary. Some young people think: how long can you work in the catering industry? You won't be able to make a career there anyway. As a result, they achieve some temporary goal - for example, accumulate money to pay for their studies, and leave.

Youth. Very often young girls and boys are required to work in a restaurant as not only waiters, but also administrators. Lack of necessary life experience, lack of a serious approach, lack of maturity - sometimes give rise to problems of personnel management.

A frequent occurrence for a restaurant is that people with an unsettled life, with an unsettled life go to an establishment of a low and middle class. High-class institutions, for example, may require people with higher education or extensive work experience, and they hesitate to offer their candidacy there. Young people who have not been able to get higher education often go to work in the restaurant industry. As a result, from the unsettled life, from the fact that at the end of the month you have to pay for a rented apartment, that there are problems with parents at home, and so on, the waiter's mood falls, which means that his service is no longer up to par.

People who have no principles, moral norms and notions of honesty and decency can get a job in public catering. They go there for easy money.

In Russia, the prestige of the profession of a waiter, hostess, and bartender is still in doubt. If working as a manager is prestigious, then working as a waiter can be perceived as humiliating, both by the employee himself and by his friends and relatives. The memory of "servants and servants" is still alive in our country.

Lack of professional education. Finding a professionally trained and good manager, waiter, bartender is hard. And in the field of restaurant business, personnel training is very important. This must be taken into account when recruiting and designing an internship program.

Experienced employees who come after having worked for a long time in another institution. Although their experience and professionalism may not be in doubt, they usually do not settle down in a new place of work, because they have already developed their own rules, their own code and their own habits in the restaurant business. It is difficult to retrain, especially if the current institution is below the level of the previous place of work. These difficulties in recruiting staff exist, but this does not mean that one should fall into pessimism. Knowing about HR problems, we can do our best to reduce their severity. Especially in our power to reduce staff turnover, which greatly affects the work of the entire enterprise.


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