Model of the big anti-submarine ship red Crimea. Red Caucasus (large anti-submarine ship). Name of elements and characteristics

The anti-submarine and anti-aircraft defense ship appeared in the plans of military shipbuilding in 1961, when the construction of missile cruisers project 58 was already in full swing (). Formally, the basis for the development of a new project, which received number 1134, was the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1180-510 of December 30, 1961. Shortly before the release of this decree, in the same December 1961, the Main Directorate of Shipbuilding (GUK) of the Navy ordered the Northern PKB to develop a project for an air defense-PLO ship, moreover, immediately from the stage of the technical design, bypassing the sketch, which indicated direct continuity project 1134towards project 58.

However, the circumstances that led to the appearance of the new ship were not simply a desire to "improve" project 58, especially since the lead ship of this type has not yet been built and tested. Nor was it a desire to "unite" projects 61 and 58 , as indicated in some (even authoritative) sources. True, such a version had a right to exist, but it appeared already on the basis of "similarity" project 1134 and on project 58, and on project 61, that is, de facto.

The practical development of nuclear power for submarines and the beginning of the deployment (abroad and in our country) of submarine strategic nuclear missile systems brought to the fore the already acute problem of anti-submarine warfare. In principle, this problem could be solved in several and, which is very important, uncontested ways. From the standpoint of today's vision, the role and place of surface ships in its solution were far from being paramount, but it seemed to the political leadership, especially not professionally trained, that anti-submarine ships should have priority in surface shipbuilding.

Another important circumstance was a subjective, but very significant factor, which first identified itself in our shipbuilding in the late 1950s, gained strength in the 1960s and firmly "saddled" shipbuilding and the fleet for the entire remaining Soviet period of their existence, namely - the dictate of the existing military-industrial complex in matters of military-technical policy. The fact is that the complex system of numerous state committees (ministries) and departments that ensure the construction of the fleet has not received a de facto single governing body capable of predicting, coordinating and managing the work of subordinate industries to achieve a common result. Formally, such a body existed in the country - the Commission under the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues (in everyday life - the military-industrial complex; not to be confused with another abbreviation that stands for he actually did not cope with the appointment. In practice, this led to the fact that numerous design bureaus and associations (especially rocket ones) developed their equipment in accordance only with general instructions "from above", according to their own programs, often not interested in what the organizations cooperating with them were doing. As a result, often not weapons were created "for ships", but "ships for weapons". We will return to this thesis later.

In this situation, the timing of the creation of weapons and equipment dictated the timing of the creation of the ship. Designers often faced a situation when, for example, a firing complex is not yet ready, control systems for it are in the initial stage of development, and a ship with approved tactical and technical elements (TTE) is already needed by the fleet, and it has to be "assembled" from what is. Such an improvisation gave rise to the construction of ships in small batches, and even in them the last ships often differed in their TTE very significantly.

There are more than enough examples of such "creativity" in the history of our shipbuilding of the so-called "stagnant" and "perestroika" periods. Here are some of them. In a series of 20 BODs project 61 managed to make five modifications: actually project 61, project 61 with radar MR-500 "Cleaver", project 61M, project 61MP, project 61E - not counting, of course, the export version 61ME for India. Each of the four nuclear-powered missile cruisers project 1144 ("Orlan") had such significant differences in armament that the lead "Admiral Ushakov" (formerly "Kirov") and the last - "Peter the Great" (former "Andropov") - can be considered different ships without enumeration. This practice also had its own ideological justification. One of the influential GUK admirals called it "modernization during construction" and sincerely considered it an objective need to introduce the fruits of "scientific and technological progress." However, the fact that, due to such quasi-progressive decisions, the fleet as a result became a "vinaigrette" of ships of various projects and "sub-variants", apparently did not bother the higher echelons.

Without these examples, it is difficult to understand the true background of the appearance of ships project 1134, who for the first time in the Soviet Navy also received a verbal code - "Berkut".

The numbers of the projects of military and civil ships and vessels, starting from the 1960s, were assigned according to the "hosted" unified document coding system and had no semantic meaning. Submarines after the war were initially assigned three-digit numbers, surface ships - two-, three-, four-, and finally, from the 1980s. - five-digit. If the project had significant differences from the basic one, then letters were added to the digital indexing, which had different semantic and arbitrary loads. For instance: project 61M - "modified", 61E - "experimental", and the same letter "E" with a different number could mean "export". Thus, there was no strict notation system. Moreover, the "senior" number has not yet said that the project is newer (although in most cases it was so). For instance, project 1124 "Younger" project 1134... For ease of reference and for use in open documents in the 1960s. ship projects began to be assigned verbal standard ciphers. For example, for large combat surface ships, as a rule, the names of birds are: "Berkut" ( project 1134), "Condor" ( project 1123), "Gyrfalcon" ( project 1143), "Petrel" ( project 1135) etc. For minesweepers, the names of precious stones. For small warships and boats, a strict system also did not exist. For example, a small anti-submarine ship on automatically guided hydrofoils (AUPK) project 1141 had the code "Falcon", and its contemporary - a small rocket ship at AUPK project 1240 - "Hurricane". In everyday life, a less convenient digital designation has become commonplace, rather than a verbal one. This happened, apparently, due to the fact that the project numbers were known to a wider circle of specialists who were used to operating with the numbers of previous projects that did not have cipher names.

Table 1

The main shipbuilding elements and characteristics of the RKR pr.58 and BOD pr.1134

Name of elements and characteristics

project 1134

Maximum length (Lnb.), M

Length at design waterline (Lkvl), m

Width at design waterline (Vkvl.), M

Draft (T), m

Depth amidships (H), m

General completeness coefficient, (b)

L: B ratio

B: T ratio

Initial metacentric height pr Dtot. (h), m

Sail area, (Sr), m3

Standard displacement (Dst.), T

Normal displacement (Dн.), T

Full displacement (Dtot.), T

* - according to the working project

table 2

Mass load sections

project 1134

Weight, t

Weight, t




Electrical equipment

Liquid cargo


Displacement reserve

Note... For Project 58, the mass load is given according to the working draft, for Project 1134 - according to the technical one with the M-11 "Storm" air defense system

The main purpose of the anti-submarine ship project 1134 ("Berkut") according to the tactical and technical assignment was: ensuring the combat activities of the submarine; protection of their sea communications from enemy air, surface and submarine forces; provision of PLO ships operating in remote areas of the sea (noteworthy is the unique style of formulating tasks both in terms of "military" terminology, and in their "concreteness" and "clarity" - author). Thus, from the purpose of the ship, the priority role of anti-aircraft (anti-aircraft) and anti-submarine weapons was clearly visible.

The main weapon of the ship was to be a new anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) M-11 "Storm". With its appearance project 1134 was largely indebted to him. The developers of the complex - VNII Altair (MSP), MKB Fakel (MAP), Design Bureau of the Bolshevik plant (MOP) - have not yet completed work on the previous M-1 Volna complex and have not actually started work on Storm ", Assured shipbuilders and representatives of the fleet that the complex will be ready in 1964-1965. Severnoye PKB, having started the technical project immediately after the issuance of the GUK order - in December 1961, completed it in mid-1962. Based on the promises of the SAM developers, it was assumed that the lead ship project 1134 will be handed over to the fleet in 1965. In fact, work on the complex actually began only in 1961, and ended with its acceptance into service only 8 years later - in 1969, which later became almost a typical situation in which the ship had to be armed with the wrong what was planned, but what was mass-produced. Even the postponement of the delivery date of the lead ship from 1965 to 1967 did not solve the problem. I had to adjust the project under the Volna air defense system, which was put into service in 1962 (on the missile cruiser project 58 "Grozny").

Chief designer of the project V.F. Anikiev (later - the head of the Nevsky design bureau and chief designer of the first domestic aircraft carrier project 11435) when designing the hull, initially took as a basis project 58, especially since the TTZ was directly ordered to make a new ship "in the hull of this project." This once again confirms the expressed doubt about the correctness of the version that project 1134, supposedly, was originally conceived as a "union" project 58 and project 61... "Berkut" was the first ship of VF Anikiev as chief designer.

However, as the data on the weight and volume of new weapon systems (PU SAMS "Shtorm", KSU "Thunder", etc.), which, compared with the originally declared ones, have significantly increased (which later became almost a law), are being updated »In the case project 58 became impossible. During the design, an additional requirement appeared to increase the cruising range from 3500 to 5000 miles to ensure the possibility of escorting anti-submarine cruisers (helicopter carriers) project 1123 type "Condor" ("Moscow"). Note that in real life ships project 1134 this never happened: both helicopter carriers project 1123 all their lives they served in the Black Sea Fleet, and the BOD project 1134 - in the North and Pacific. This is one of the examples of the "systemic" approach in building the then fleet. Therefore, keeping the contours and theoretical drawing project 58, ship hull project 1134 represented its large-scale increase.

The main dimensions were the maximum possible construction in the closed slipway of the shipyard named after A.A. Zhdanov, on which it was planned to build new large anti-submarine ships (BOD) - so they began to be classified already during the construction ( table 1).

Comparative analysis of the enlarged weight load shows that in the new project, in comparison with the prototype, due to the use of a more rational system for recruiting the body, it was possible to reduce its relative weight (per unit volume - by 3%), to reduce the specific weight of electrical equipment (per kW) and the specific weight of systems (by 10%) due to the fact that electrical equipment and systems were adopted, mainly project 58, and the ship itself has grown significantly in size.

Architecturally BOD project 1134 differed from the prototype in a reduced silhouette, which was achieved by combining the chimneys of both machine and boiler rooms (MKO) and bringing it into one tower-like mast. As a result, it was possible to provide a better placement of the bow and stern air defense systems. Just like on ships project 58 passages to all rooms and combat posts were closed. The conning tower (GKP) was located under the upper deck. Some of the officers' cabins were located in the superstructure, which should have significantly improved the living conditions of the crew compared to project 58.

The main power plant almost entirely repeated the GEM RKR project 58... The differences consisted in the placement of the turbocharging units directly above the boilers, which significantly reduced the mass and length of the ducts, and in the increase in the steam output of the auxiliary boiler. As a result of the use of the power plant project 58 on a larger ship, the full speed it provided was reduced to 33 knots, and the specific fuel consumption at full speed increased from 845 to 915 kg / mile due to an increase in the number and power of auxiliary mechanisms.

The electrical power system of the ship (EESC) compared with that in project 58 It did not undergo significant changes, but due to the increase in the number of consumers (from 3718 to 4787 kW), it was necessary to add another 500 kW to each power plant and at the same time solve the problem of stable parallel operation of three generator sets at once. A fundamental innovation was the installation of an automatic control system for the EESK, which was previously absent on all ships.

Unlike RRC project 58 main on project 1134 anti-aircraft weapons became ( table 3). The ship was originally supposed to place two new M-11 "Storm" air defense systems with the "Thunder" control system and ammunition load of 18 anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM) V-611 for each complex. The M-11 complex differed most significantly from the previous M-1 "Volna" air defense system with a greater firing range: at low altitudes - up to 22 km, at high altitudes - up to 32 km, and at faster (up to 700 m / s) targets. For the M-1 complex, these characteristics were 15 km, 24 km and 600 m / s, respectively. However, these improvements are expensive: if the V-600 SAM weighed 985 kg, then the V-611 - twice as much (1844 kg). True, the more effective warhead of the latter weighed almost twice as much (126 kg versus 70 for the B-600). "Storm" was in our fleet the only "purely" naval complex, developed without unification with the air defense systems of the ground forces and air defense forces. For reasons already known, this air defense system did not get on the ship; in the process of detailed design it was necessary to adjust the project under the Volna air defense system.

The increase in the dimensions of the ship made it possible to accommodate a larger ammunition load for the V-600 SAM. At first it was supposed to achieve this by placing additional cellars on the upper deck with horizontal storage and loading of missiles, but later they found another, more competent solution: revolving under-deck vertical feed drums were changed to conveyors. Thus, on the BOD project 1134 there were 32 missiles for each launcher (PU) (64 in total, and on the ship project 58 - sixteen). In the future, the missiles were replaced by B-601, which differed in an extended engagement zone and the presence of a firing mode at sea targets. The system of conveyor supply of missiles to the launcher caused the change in the index of the latter to ZiF-102 (with revolving - ZiF-101).

Strike (anti-ship) missile system P-35 on the BOD project 1134 was adopted in a single configuration, but with two new paired hated PU KT-72. These launchers, of course, were lighter than the SM-70 on ships. project 58... In a marching way, they had a zero elevation angle, before firing, a fixed angle of 25 degrees was set. Rough guidance of missiles in the horizontal plane was carried out by maneuvering the ship. Initially, the project provided for the placement of a second ammunition load of four 4K-44 missiles, located in the cellars on the upper deck immediately in front of the launcher. However, they were later abandoned due to the required additional volumes, the duration of the reloading process, which dragged on for several hours, which was hardly realistic in combat conditions. Thus, the shock capabilities of the BOD project 1134 allowed to carry out only two two-rocket salvoes - against four four-rocket on the cruiser project 58, although the second salvo series on the latter could be carried out only a few hours after the first. Other differences are P-35 complexes installed on ships project 58 and project 1134, did not have among themselves, except for some changes in the "Binom" system firing control devices, dictated by the experience of their development on the lead ship project 58and a decrease in the number of missiles in a salvo.

Frankly, the P-35 complex was an almost complete analogy to the P-6 complex, which was developed simultaneously with the P-35 for submarines. project 651 and 675 the same design bureau V.N. Chelomey ( table 4).

Missile control systems, although they were developed by different research institutes, were also the same in terms of construction. The specificity was, mainly, that due to the low placement of the antenna post on the fence of the submarine cabin, the P-6 rocket, after a constant climb, had to dive at the target, for which an afterburner was provided in its main engine, which lengthened the rocket. It should be added that if a modified serial turbojet engine (designer S.A. Gavrilov) was used on the P-6, then a new engine was specially created for the P-35 in the design bureau of S.K. Tumansky. Otherwise, as can be seen from tab. 4, the P-6 complex was, on the whole, noticeably better than the P-35 complex and (with a more bulky and heavy rocket) more compact. However, for such a ship as a cruiser, this no longer played a significant role, especially since the ammunition consisted of only four anti-ship missiles.

If there was a clear justification for this, to put it mildly, disgrace, then it could only consist in the fact that the P-6 was designed for an underwater launch, and the P-35 was not. However, the P-6 did not have one, and the launch of the anti-ship missile system was also surfaced. This confirms the statement made earlier about the unlimited dictatorship of our domestic "missile barons" and about the absence of elementary control and management on the part of those bodies that were supposed to exercise them - that is, the "customers", of course. However, the latter never knew, and were not interested in what ships and in what quantity would be built for their "products", how these ships would be distributed among the fleets. The prevalence of the complexes actually turned out to be as follows. 16 submarines were built with the P-6 complex project 651 and 29 PLA project 675, that is, only for two theaters - the North and the Pacific - 45 units. On average, 22 boats per theater. With the P-35, 8 ships were built for all four theaters, on average, two per theater. As you can see, the strengthening of the striking power of the fleets at the expense of missile cruisers turned out to be scanty. For the sake of fairness, we can mention that the P-35 was adopted by the coastal missile and artillery troops (BRAV) under the code "Redoubt", but this does not change the essence of the matter: for the BRAV, the P-6 would also fit. The above example was needed rather not to show that the good slogan of the tireless "strengthening the country's defenses" often actually ruined it, but for a more complete understanding of the extremely complex, sometimes confusing and defying logic and common sense zigzags of our naval development. But if you take a different path - descriptive registration of facts, impartial enumeration of performance characteristics and technical characteristics, excluding completely human and subjective factors, critical analysis and conclusions - then there will never be any practical benefit from studying history (or rather, its falsification).

Artillery armament BOD project 1134 was adopted even weaker than on the RRC project 58: two two-gun 57-mm automatic anti-aircraft gun mounts (AU) AK-725 (ZiF-72) with radar control systems "Bars" (MR-103). Developed in 1958 AU AK-725 (chief designer P.A. Tyurin), put into service in 1962, provided a firing range of about 13 km. The height reach was 7 km, the rate of fire reached 360-400 rounds / min (both barrels). The 57-mm projectile weighing 2.8 kg had an initial speed of 1020 m / s and was supplied only with a shock fuse with a self-destruct, as a result of which the indicated ballistic ranges in practice were significantly lower. Each installation relied on 2200 rounds of ammunition. AU AK-725 was completely uninhabited, and the combat crew at the PUS consisted of eight gunners. A special feature of the AU was the first applied continuous interlayer water cooling of barrels during firing and tape feed. The ships project 1134 the first to receive the AK-725-MR-103 system. Later it was extended to ships project 1123, 1134A, 206M, 1124 , 1234 as well as some auxiliary ships and vessels.

Since the ship project 1134 classified as "large anti-submarine", the main attention was supposed to be paid to anti-submarine weapons. However, by the beginning of the development of the project, there was no new weapon even "on paper" - the main efforts of the design bureau of this profile at that time focused on the development of such weapons for submarines. Therefore, according to the initial technical design, the "Berkut" was armed with exactly the same means as its predecessor: two three-pipe TA with a caliber of 533 mm and two RBU-6000 with 144 RSL ammunition. However, after the decision was made to abandon spare anti-ship missiles 4K-44, it became possible to slightly increase the anti-submarine ammunition, therefore, during the adjustment of the project, instead of three-pipe, five-pipe PTA-53-1134 with anti-submarine torpedoes "Raccoon-2" were placed on the ship. In addition, the ship was additionally armed with less long-range, but more powerful six-barreled RBU-1000 ("Smerch-3"). Suffice it to say that the RSB-10 used from RBU-1000 had four times the weight of explosives than the RSB-60 used from RBU-6000 ("Smerch-2"). The total stock was 48 RSL.

The main change in anti-submarine weapons "Berkut" in comparison with the RRC project 58 there was some improvement in hydroacoustic armament: to ensure the combat use of PLO weapons, the Titan (MG-312) all-round GAS and Vychegda (MG-311) target designation were installed on the ship. These stations, with favorable hydrology, had a range in the "ШП" (noise direction finding) mode of 8-10 km. But a cardinal step in the field of strengthening the anti-submarine capabilities of the ship was the provision of permanent basing on it of the ship's Ka-25 helicopter in anti-submarine or target designation (Ka-25PL or Ka-25Ts). The increased accommodation and displacement finally made it possible to place a hangar and not quite full-fledged support facilities, thanks to which the BOD project 1134 became the first domestic ship with a permanent base of a helicopter, for the armament of which 5 PLAT-1 torpedoes and 54 radio acoustic buoys (RGAB) were provided.

Table 3

Armament composition of the RKR pr.58 and BOD pr.1134


project 1134


2 X 4 PU PKRC P-35
(16 missiles)

2 X 2 PU PKRC P-35
(4 rockets)


1 X 2 PU SAM "Volna"
(16 missiles)

2 X 2 PU SAM "Volna"
(64 missiles)


2 X 2 76.2 mm AK-736

2 X 2 57 mm AK-725


2 X 12 RBU-6000
2 X 3 533 mm TA

2 X 12 RBU-6000
2 X 6 RBU-1000
2 X 5 533 mm TA

Table 4

Comparative performance characteristics of complexes P-6 and P-35 *

RCC characteristics

Flight range, km

Flight altitude, m

Flight speed, m / s

Warhead weight, kg

Starting weight, kg

Diameter of the circumscribed circle, m

* - data from the catalog "Arms of Russia", v.3. In brackets are data on the book "Weapons of the Russian Fleet" (St. Petersburg, 1996, p. 232)

Given the development experience project 58, two radars of various (finally) types were included in the main radio-technical armament of the ship. The new general detection station "Cleaver" (MP-500) solved the problem of lighting the air situation. The "Angara-A" radar was supposed to generate the initial data for firing the "Storm" air defense system. However, the development of this radar dragged on even longer than the creation of the air defense system itself. At the stage of the technical design, a three-coordinate version of the Angara radar (MP-310A) was developed. However, it turned out to be unsuitable for the Shtorm air defense system - work was not ensured at maximum ranges in height, there were great difficulties in developing the third coordinate (elevation). With the refusal to place the Shtorm air defense system, the issue disappeared by itself - for the Volna complex, the capabilities of the MR-310A radar were sufficient. Both radars were combined with state identification equipment "Nickel-KM" and "Chrom-KM". In addition to the indicated radio technical means, the ship (again for the first time) was armed with active jamming stations "Gurzuf A" and "Gurzuf B" (2 complexes), two PU passive jammers ZIF-121 (PK-2), jamming stations MRP-13-14 and MRP -15-16, stations RTR "Zaliv", as well as navigation radar "Volga".

From the very beginning (unlike the RRC project 58) all BOD project 1134 received a system for receiving external target designation for firing anti-ship missiles P-35 - "Success-U". To control the ship and the formation, a combined GKP-FKP-BIP equipped with electronic tablets, the Sea-U information interchange system and other necessary instrumental equipment was placed on the BOD. Communication facilities traditionally consisted of a “bulk set” for 20 channels. We had not yet grown to complexes.

If you evaluate the technical project 1134 established post-war criteria, it is nothing fundamentally new in comparison with project 58 did not contain. It was assumed that ships of this type would be built in a rather large series (at least 10 units at different factories), however, due to the fact that due to a number of these circumstances, the ship was late in its appearance by at least 2-3 years, these ships became as if a transitional, intermediate type to the new generation of the 1960s - 1970s. In fact by project 1134 built only 4 units. ( table 5) at the shipyard. A.A. Zhdanov (now - Severnaya Verf JSC).

Table 5

The main dates of the construction of the BPK pr. 1134

Name of the ship




on the water


into operation

"Admiral Zozulya"


"Vice-Admiral Drozd"


The names of large ships, as we can see, have already begun to reflect the anti-traditional disorder and lack of common sense, which later exploded in the 1970s and 1980s. It is interesting in this regard to note that the BPK "Vice-Admiral Drozd", which inherited its name from the guards destroyer ( project 7U) during the Great Patriotic War, and did not receive either the flag or the rank of the guard of his predecessor. The reason for this is very prosaic - it simply did not occur to anyone then, although on the ships under construction at the same time project 61 Such a tradition was nevertheless maintained: the guards BKK "Krasny Kavkaz", "Savvy" and "Krasny Krym". The crew of the VPK "Vice-Admiral Drozd" subsequently repeatedly applied for the conferment of a guard rank, but these appeals remained unanswered. The same story happened with the "Sevastopol" - apparently, no one remembered that its predecessor, the battleship, was the Red Banner. On the contrary, the BPK "Marshal Voroshilov" (the subsequent series of ships project 1134A) The Red Banner flag still received, despite the fact that the previous cruiser ( project 26) had a slightly different name - just "Voroshilov" * .

* - In the previous article about the history of the creation of missile cruisers pr.58 (), the author made an involuntary mistake, noting that the RRC "Varyag" was awarded the guards flag according to the tradition of its predecessor - the famous "grandfather", staffed by sailors of the Guards crew when re-enrolled in the lists of the Russian fleet ... As it was possible to clarify, the "Varyag" got the guards flag from "Smart", since the RRC was laid under this name. The question immediately arose, which has not yet received an answer: why, in this case, the head "Grozny" did not become the Red Banner as the successor to the name of the destroyer (pr. 7) of the Northern Fleet during the Great Patriotic War? - approx. ed.

Ship building technology project 1134 was generally similar to that for ships project 58... However, due to the large displacement, the BODs were launched to a lesser degree of readiness. Therefore, a number of installation work was complicated by the need to carry out afloat. The increase in the thickness of the sheets and the dimensions of the profiles of a number of structures led to a decrease in the dimensions of the sections, which increased the cost and duration of assembly. The estimated cost of the lead ship was about 32 million rubles, the third - about 26 million rubles.

Tests of the lead BOD "Admiral Zozulya" began in April 1967 in the Baltic and continued until December, ending in the White Sea. During the tests, as usual, the running and seaworthiness, unsinkability and survivability, weapons and weapons were checked. Firing missiles (in the telemetric version) of the P-35 complex was carried out both at the full (300 km) and at the minimum (30 km) range with single missiles and two-rocket salvoes from the installations of both sides at the target. The Volna air defense missile system fired off the B-600 combat missiles at parachute targets (dropped by an Il-28 bomber), at a large ship's shield and at a wave control boat. A total of 12 missiles were used, launched from each launcher and from each guide. AK-725 gun mounts fired at an air cone and at a towed naval shield. The distance to the air target was 2000 m, to the sea target - 3000 m. The torpedo weapon was tested with a single fire (one torpedo) at the submarine, moving at a speed of 6 knots, at a distance of 20 cab. Then they fired from RBU-1000 and RBU-6000 with six and twelve bomb volleys at a shield with a hydroacoustic reflector. Unlike surface tests of the helicopter on the RRC project 58... the program of its tests on the "Admiral Zozul" was extremely large-scale. We flew day and night, "on foot" and on the move, on calm water and when rolling. Landing approaches were carried out on different course angles. During the flights, the helicopter practiced torpedo and bombing, installation of the RGAB, drive and communication systems. The aircraft was tested on the aircraft equipment and systems to support the basing of the helicopter. The tests were successful and confirmed the design TTE, as well as the combat capabilities of the ship.

According to the test results, 20 prototypes of weapons, mechanisms and equipment were put into service. Among them are the "Binom" control system, launchers KT-72 and ZiF-102, lifts RSL, diesel generator ASDG-500/1 and much more.

At the same time, shortcomings were also noted, among which the most noticeable and, unfortunately, unrecoverable were unsatisfactory fire diagrams of the AK-725 AU and the ZiF-102 bow launcher, unsatisfactory operation of the GAS, the absence of a second navigation radar, etc. a crew of 30 officers, 20 warrant officers and 262 foremen and sailors, but then they were rejected. Nevertheless, in the process of operation, the staffing of the crew (and this became almost a law) increased significantly. For example, in 1982, 46 officers and 54 warrant officers served on the Admiral Zozulya BPK, which, of course, had a very negative effect on habitability.

As a result, the fleet was replenished with four more ocean surface ships. Three of them became part of the Northern Fleet and one - into the Pacific Fleet. Apparently, this decision was dictated by the previous distribution of "related" ships project 58 for "balancing the balance". True, in 1981 Sevastopol switched to KTOF. In 1983, "Vice-Admiral Drozd", and in 1990 - "Admiral Zozulya" received additional anti-aircraft weapons from two 30-mm AK-630M batteries, as well as the "Don-2" radar. It soon became clear that as anti-submarine ships these ships do not fully meet the existing requirements. With the introduction of a new classification of ships and vessels of the Navy (1975) ships project 1134 were classified as missile cruisers, although in this capacity they could hardly be considered as such. The period when new BODs were put into operation coincided with the deployment of combat service by our fleet in remote areas of the world's oceans. The new ships were used very intensively in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas and in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. NATO military experts immediately enlisted these ships in the class of URO cruisers, codenamed "Kresta". Service on ships project 1134 turned out to be a good school for many generations of our sailors and, which is very important, for combatant ship helicopter pilots. The latter especially distinguished themselves in 1972, when the BPK "Vice-Admiral Drozd" in a severe storm participated in providing assistance to the emergency nuclear submarine K-19, despite the design flaw - the low location of the runway for the helicopter.

Intensive exploitation and rather rare (far from planned) repairs and, and most importantly, the misfortunes that befell the country and its Armed Forces, did their job. Not having served a 25-year term, on May 28, 1990, the Sevastopol was withdrawn from the Navy, a month later it was followed by the Vladivostok, and a year later, in 1991, the Vice-Admiral Drozd, which sank while being towed to cutting. The name "Vladivostok" was soon transferred to the Pacific BOD project 1134-B, which bore the name "Tallinn" before. Oddly enough, but the oldest (lead) ship "Admiral Zozulya" remained a long-liver. This happened due to the fact that the ship managed to undergo a very long overhaul at the Kronstadt Marine Plant before the collapse of the USSR, after which it was almost immediately decommissioned - a very characteristic plot illustrating the true state of affairs in our long-suffering fleet.

The ships project 1134 it is difficult to attribute to the masterpieces of the domestic military shipbuilding, however, they marked the beginning of the subsequent large series of new BOD project 1134A and 1134B, on the basis of which, in turn, missile cruisers of the Atlant type ( project 1164,). It is important to mention again that the RRC project 1134 became the first surface ships of our fleet with a permanent helicopter base. In this respect, they can be safely called milestone.

Large anti-submarine ships of project 61 and 61 ME

Large anti-submarine ship (BOD) is a class of ships of the Soviet and Russian navies, introduced on May 19, 1966. In accordance with the name, the ships of the class are designed primarily to combat potential enemy submarines in the oceanic zone. In the navies of other countries, the class of large anti-submarine ships corresponds to the destroyer (DD). In the USSR, the BOD class included warships of special construction projects 61, 1134, 1134A, 1134B, 1135, 1155, 1155.1, as well as ships of projects 56-PLO and 57-A converted from other classes. For 2012, 11 ships of the "large anti-submarine ship" class (types 1134B (1), 61 (1), 1155 (8) and 1155.1 (1)) continue to carry out combat service in the Russian Navy.

Signs of BOD Komsomolets of Ukraine.

Large anti-submarine ship Komsomolets Ukrainy - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on December 31, 1960. and entered service on December 31, 1962. under the name " SKR-25 "... In October 1962. renamed to. November 23, 1964 was included in the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF). June 5-30, 1967 carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt, then as part of the 5th squadron of the Navy in 1970. took part in the maneuvers "Ocean". In 1981. from June 16 to July 01 participates in the Shield-82 exercises. In 1984. participates in the exercises "Ocean", and in 1985. in the exercises "Granit-85". Board numbers: 810 (1962), 296 (1963), 552 (1966), 521 (1969), 810 (1970), 182 (1972), 527 (1972), 538 (1974), 169 (1975), 709, 722 (1979), 712 (1981), 714 (1982), 713 (1983), 716 (1983), 710, 703 (1988), 715 (1990), 1701 (1993). Decommissioned: 1991

Signs of the BOD Red Caucasus.

Large anti-submarine ship Krasny Kavkaz - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on February 9, 1966. and entered service on September 25, 1967. and already on October 13, 1967. became a member of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF). Awarded the Guards Naval Flag, inherited from the cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet of the same name. In June 1967. and from January 1 to December 31, 1968. carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt. In the spring of 1970. participated in the maneuvers "Ocean". In October 1973. carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Syria. Board numbers: 521 (1967), 571 (1967), 186 (1973), 182 (1974), 531 (1975), 527, 151 (1977), 720 (1978), 729 (1978), 722 (1980), 720 (1981), 171 (1981), 710 (1981), 733 (1983), 702 (1984), 703 (1986), 707 (1987), 710 (1987), 729 (1991), 820 (1993), 179. Decommissioned: May 10, 1998. solemnly lowered the Guards St. Andrew's flag, which was raised the next day on the missile cruiser Moskva.

Signs of the BOD Red Crimea.

Large anti-submarine ship Red Crimea- built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on February 28, 1969. and entered service on October 15, 1970, and already on October 20, 1970. became part of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KChF) and June 30, 1970. Awarded the Guards Naval Flag inherited from the cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet of the same name. In May 1971. and February 1972. carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt. June 1, 1992 reclassified in the TFR and was enlisted in the 30th division of surface ships with tail number 814. Hull numbers: 521 (1967), 571 (1967), 186 (1973), 182 (1974), 531 (1975), 527, 151 (1977), 720 (1978), 729 (1978), 722 (1980), 720 (1981), 171 (1981), 710 (1981), 733 (1983), 702 (1984), 703 (1986), 707 (1987), 710 (1987), 729 (1991), 820 (1993), 179. Decommissioned: 1993.

BOD Signs Exemplary.

Large anti-submarine ship Model- built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on February 23, 1964, under the name " SKR-2 ", and entered service on September 29, 1965, and already on November 2, 1965. became a member of the Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet (DKBF). February 17, 1965 renamed to "Exemplary". In the spring of 1970. participated in the maneuvers "Ocean". From June 29 to July 10, 1970, carried out a combat mission to provide assistance to the armed forces of Egypt. Board numbers: 080 (1965), 501 (1966), 190 (1967), 564 (1967), 504 (1970), 501 (1971), 518 (1972), 501 (1974), 520 (1975), 514 ( 1976), 430 (1979), 425 (1982), 446 (1983), 433 (1985), 435 (1990). Decommissioned: 1993

Signs BOD Gifted.

Large anti-submarine ship Gifted- built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on September 11, 1964. and entered service on December 30, 1965, and already on January 11, 1966. joined the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). In 1966. became a member of a special expedition and made the transition from the Kola Bay to Vladivostok along the Northern Sea Route, where on October 8, 1966. became a member of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). Board numbers: 084 (1965), 049 (1966), 561 (1967), 054 (1967), 582 (1970), 143 (1976), 562 (1980), 583 (1981), 103 (1983), 583 ( 1984), 566 (1985), 108, 564, 587 (1991). Decommissioned: 1990

Signs of BOD Ognevoy.

- built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on May 31, 1963. and entered service on December 31, 1964, and already on January 21, 1965. joined the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (KBF). October 12, 1972 modernized according to project 61-M, after which it was transferred to the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). Board numbers: 083 (1965), 544 (1967), 480 (1971), 581 (1973), 299 (1977), 241 (1978), 296 (61MP), 433, 518, 622 (1984), 642 (1984 ), 602 (1989). Decommissioned: 1989

Large anti-submarine ship Brave.

Badges BOD Brave.

Large anti-submarine ship Brave - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on October 17, 1964. under the name "Eagle" and entered service on December 31, 1965, and was renamed to. January 25, 1965, entered the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF). June 5-30, 1967 carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt. He participated in the exercises in 1971. "Yug-71" and in 1970. "Ocean". On August 30, 1974, a severe fire broke out on the ship, as a result of a spontaneous launch of an anti-aircraft guided missile. Sank while towing. Board numbers: 393 (1965), 525, 523 (1968), 528 (1970), 197 (1971), 520 (1972), 184 (1972), 530 (1974). Decommissioned: 1974

Signs BOD Agile.

Large Anti-Submarine Ship Agile - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on February 29, 1972. under the name "SKR-37" and entered service on December 30, 1973, and was renamed to. January 22, 1965 became part of the Black Sea Fleet. In June 1967. and from January 1 to December 31, 1968. carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt. In 1974. modernized according to the project 61E.

In 1971. took part in the exercises "Yug. In October 1973 he performed a combat mission to provide assistance to the armed forces of Syria. Since 1982 he is a member of the 70th brigade of the 30th division of anti-submarine ships of the KChF. Board numbers: 027 (1964), 078 (1964) ), 383 (1964), 216, 653 (1966), 530 (1970), 374 (1971), 533 (1972), 535 (1973), 179 (1973), 190, 164 (1976), 175 (1976) , 707 (1978), 724 (1981), 707 (1984), 710 (1987), 713 (1990). Decommissioned: 1990.

Large anti-submarine ship Resolute.

Signs BOD Resolute.

Large anti-submarine ship Resolute - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on June 30, 1966. and entered service on December 30, 1967, and already on January 11, 1968. joined the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF). From 1 to 31 June 1967 and from April 1 to December 31, 1968. carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt. In 1970. took part in the maneuvers "Ocean". In 1989. decommissioned and mothballed. Further in 1996. sold for scrap. Board numbers: 529 (1967), 524 (1971), 529 (1972), 536 (1973), 196 (1973), 156 (1975), 159 (1977), 724 (1978), 720 (1978), 758 ( 1978), 705 (1984), 711 (1989), 708 (1990), 818 (1993). Decommissioned: 1996

Large anti-submarine ship Restrained - built as part of the 61-M project. Since June 28, 1977 to October 1, 1980 classified as large rocket ships. Launched on February 29, 1972. and entered service on December 30, 1973, and already on February 7, 1974. joined the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF).

In 1984. - participated in the "Ocean" exercises. Since 1987 is part of the 150th brigade of surface ships of the KChF (tail number 702), and after its disbandment in October 1990. - in the 30th division of the KCHF. Since January 1992 the ship was reclassified in the TFR and received the side number 804 and became part of the 30th surface ship division (DINK). Board numbers: 534 (1973), 173 (1975), 160 (1975), 254 (1978), 286 (1979), 288 (1979), 737, 734 (1983), 711 (1984), 705 (1986), 702 (1988), 804 (01.1992). Decommissioned: 2001

BOD signs Fast.

Large anti-submarine ship Fast - Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on February 26, 1971. and entered service on September 23, 1972, and already on October 31, 1972. became a member of the KChF.

October 5-24, 1973 carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt. In 1974. Together with anti-ship missiles "Leningrad" participates in the clearance of the Gulf of Suez, ensuring the safety of combat trawling. Board numbers: 537 (1972), 177 (1973), 533 (1973), 166 (1973), 173, 153 (1975), 191 (04.1975), 753 (1977), 733 (1978), 164 (1978), 729 (1982), 715 (1984), 702 (1987), 705 (1990), 805 (1992). Decommissioned: 1997

Signs BOD Glorious.

Large anti-submarine ship Glorious - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on April 24, 1965. and entered service on September 30, 1966, and already on October 17, 1966. became a member of the Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet (DKBF). From June 14 to July 29, 1972 carried out a combat mission to provide assistance to the armed forces of Egypt and Syria. In the period from 1973. to 1975 was on modernization according to project 61-M. Board numbers: 537 (1972), 177 (1973), 533 (1973), 166 (1973), 173, 153 (1975), 191 (04.1975), 753 (1977), 733 (1978), 164 (1978), 729 (1982), 715 (1984), 702 (1987), 705 (1990), 805 (1992). Decommissioned: 1997

Signs BOD Bold.

Large anti-submarine ship Brave - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on February 6, 1968. and entered service on December 27, 1969, and already on January 9, 1970. joined the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF). August 28, 1976 - Together with the Cruiser "Zhdanov" urgently comes to the area of \u200b\u200bcollision of our nuclear submarine K-22 "Krasnogvardeets" with the American frigate USS FF-1047 Voge. In 1977. modernized according to the project 61M. January 30, 1985 became a member of the Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet (DKBF). 19 January 1988 leased to the Polish Navy and renamed "Warszawa". On March 5, 1988 he was expelled from the USSR Navy. Board numbers: 531 (1969), 535 (1970), 358 (1970), 167 (1975), 173 (1976), 165 (1976), 171 (1977), 252 (1978), 257 (1978), 440 ( 1980), 739 (1981), 720 (1981), 702, 410 (1987), 724 (1988), 529 (61MP), 444 (61MP). Decommissioned: 1988

Signs BOD Sharp.

Large anti-submarine ship Sharp-witted - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on August 26, 1967. and entered service on September 25, 1969, and already on October 21, 1969. became a member of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF). February 19, 1987 delivered for repair, and then immediately for modernization, which together with the repair lasted 10 years. In 1997. entered service. In 2003. As part of a group of ships of the Black Sea Fleet, he participated in oceanic naval exercises in the Indian Ocean together with the Pacific Fleet and the Indian Navy, and in 2011. took part in the Russian-Italian naval exercises "Ionieks-2011" in the Mediterranean Sea. Board numbers: 537 (1969), 527 (1972), 534 (1974), 178 (1975), 152 (1977), 710 (1978), 701 (1980), 745 (1981), 178 (1985), 717 ( 1987), 714 (1990), 810 (1993), 715. Decommissioned: Serves to this day.

Signs BOD Savvy.

Large anti-submarine ship Smart - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on October 4, 1961. under the name "SKR-44" and March 21, 1963. was renamed to. It entered service on December 26, 1963, and on November 23, 1963. became part of the Black Sea Fleet (KCHF).

During the period of service, he wore the Guards Naval flag inherited from the destroyer of the same name, Project 7-U of the Black Sea Fleet. From 1 to 31 June 1967 and from January 1 to December 31, 1968, carried out a combat mission to assist the armed forces of Egypt. August 6, 1982 transferred to the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). Board numbers: 215 (1963), 374 (1963), 524 (1963), 078, 528 (1967), 536 (1968), 524 (1969), 871 (1969), 530 (1971), 532 (1972), 528 (1973), 179 (1974), 175 (1975), 717 (1981), 660 (1982), 632 (1985), 611 (1.05.1990), 604 (1992). Decommissioned: 1992

Signs BOD Able.

Large anti-submarine ship Able - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on April 11, 1970. and entered service on September 25, 1971, and already on October 27, 1971. became a member of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). In 1987. put for overhaul, where the life of the ship ended, then it was given to "Sevmorzavod" in payment of the Navy's debts to the enterprise. In 1993. dismantled the weapons and then sold it to India for metal. Board numbers: 522 (1971), 109 (1972), 102 (1975), 142 (1976), 547 (1978), 522 (1980), 544 (1982), 531 (1984), 505 (1985), 578 ( 1987). Decommissioned: 1993

Signs BOD Strict.

Large anti-submarine ship Strict - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on April 29, 1967. and entered service on December 24, 1968, and already on January 8, 1969. became a member of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF). Board numbers: 528 (1968), 564 (1971), 543 (1971), 504 (1974), 528 (1975), 100 (1977), 545 (1985), 504 (1989), 580 (1991). Decommissioned: 1993

BOD Signs Slender.

Large anti-submarine ship Slender - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched on July 28, 1965. and entered service on December 15, 1966, and already on December 30, 1966. joined the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). September 04, 1967 A fire broke out on the K-3 submarine - the MB-52 tugboat, the Beshtau rescuer, the Stroyny large anti-submarine ship and the Zheleznyakov cruiser were sent to help. Since 1975 to 1981 was on modernization in Nikolaev and on November 6, 1980. included in the project 61-MP. In 1984. participated in the exercises "Ocean". January 15, 1985 went into combat service in the Mediterranean Sea, the tasks of which were carried out jointly with the aircraft carrier "Kiev", RKR "Vice-Admiral Drozd", BOD "Marshal Tymoshenko", and the destroyer Sovremenny. From August 28 to September 26, 1988 supervised NATO exercises Tim Work 88 in the Norwegian Sea. Board numbers: 382 (1966), 545 (1967), 525 (1970), 557 (1975), 734 (1977), 610 (1981), 640 (08.1984), 642 ?, 619 (1987), 660 (1990) ... Decommissioned: 1990

Large anti-submarine ship Guarding.

BOD signs Guarding.

Large anti-submarine ship Guarding - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships.
The badge is dedicated to 3 projects of the "Guarding" destroyers
The first destroyer would have been sunk by the Japanese fleet during the Russian-Japanese outburst of 1905-1907. In 1911, the feat of the crew was immortalized in a bronze composition against the background of a cross - it consists of two sailors: one with an effort opens the porthole, from which water gushes, and the other - kingstones, which was installed in Alexander Park.
The second destroyer was killed in an unequal battle with Nazi aviation.
The third ship that began to bear this name was the BOD 61 project. Launched on February 20, 1966. and entered service on December 21, 1966, and already on January 7, 1967. became a member of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF).
Board numbers: 504 (1966), 580 (1967), 504 (1971), 585 (1973), 140 (1976), 563 (1980), 565 (1982), 580 (1986), 150, 624. Decommissioned: 1993 ...

BOD signs Solid.

Large anti-submarine ship Solid - built within the framework of the 61ME project. Launched on March 12, 1983. and entered service on December 30, 1985, and already on December 30, 1985. became a member of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet (KCHF). On April 21, 1986 she became a member of the Indian Navy - destroyer Ranvir.Board numbers: 724 (1985).

Large anti-submarine ship Smart.

Signs BOD Smyshlyy.

Large anti-submarine ship Clever - built within the framework of project 61. Until May 19, 1966. and from June 1, 1992. classified as patrol ships. Launched

October 22, 1966 and entered service on September 27, 1968, and already on October 21, 1968. joined the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). Took part in the "Ocean" maneuvers in 1970 In 1975. took part in the operational-strategic exercise "Ocean-75". In 1975 - 1977, it was modernized according to the 61-MP project.

Since 1978 is part of the 120th brigade of missile ships, carries out combat service in the Atlantic. Together with TARKR "Kirov", BOD "Admiral Isakov" and "Stroyny" took part in the exercises "North-81" in 1981. IN1986 - a long-distance cruise in the Mediterranean Sea as part of (KUG) BOD "Ognevoy" and RK "Vice-Admiral Drozd".

Board numbers 525 (1968), 297 (1969), 552 (1971), 587 (1974), 291 (1976), 296 (1977), 337 (1978), 317 (1979), 614 (1980), 648 (1981 ), 614 (1987), 635 (1988), 644 (05.1990). Decommissioned: 1993

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Red Caucasus"
Service: USSR USSR
Class and type of vessel Large anti-submarine ship
Organization the USSR
Manufacturer Shipyard named after 61 Communards (Nikolaev)
Construction started July 18
Launched June 15th
Commissioned September 25
Withdrawn from the fleet 1st of May
Status cut into metal
Main characteristics
Displacement 3400 (standard)
4300 (full)
Length 131.96 m (at design waterline)
143.95 m (largest)
Width 13.99 m (at design waterline)
15.78 m (largest)
Draft 4.47 m (average)
Engines GTU
Power 46 800 (according to other sources 72 000) l. from.
Travel speed 30.24 knots (full)
34-35 knots (maximum)
Sailing range 1,520 miles at 33 knots
2700 (according to other sources - 3500) miles at 18 knots
Swimming autonomy 10 days (in terms of provisions)
Crew 266 people (including 22 officers)
Radar weapons 2 radar detection VTS and NTs MR-310
2 MR-105 artillery fire control radars
Electronic weapons GAS circular view "Titan"
Flak 2x2 76 mm AU AK-726
Rocket armament 2x2 PU SAM "Volna"
Anti-submarine weapons 2x12 213 mm RBU-6000 (192 RGB-60)
2x6 305 mm RBU-1000 (48 RSB-10)
Mine torpedo armament 1x5 533 mm TA PTA-53-61
Aviation group 1 Ka-25 helicopter, no hangar.

"Red Caucasus" - Soviet large anti-submarine ship of project 61.


He was in the Mediterranean during the Arab-Israeli conflicts in 1967 and 1973 and provided assistance to the Arab countries.

From March to September 1983 underwent a major overhaul in the city of Nikolaev at the plant. 61 communards.

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An excerpt characterizing the Red Caucasus (large anti-submarine ship)

- It hurts.
- Your honor, to the general. They are standing in the hut here, - said the fireworks, going up to Tushin.
- Now, my dear.
Tushin got up and, buttoning his greatcoat and recovering, walked away from the fire ...
Not far from the fire of the artillerymen, in a hut prepared for him, sat Prince Bagration at dinner, talking with some of the chiefs of the units who had gathered at his place. There was an old man with half-closed eyes, greedily gnawing at a lamb bone, and a twenty-two-year-old flawless general, flushed from a glass of vodka and dinner, and a staff officer with a personalized ring, and Zherkov, restlessly looking around everyone, and Prince Andrey, pale and with pursed lips eyes.
In the hut there was a French banner that had been taken in the corner, and the auditor with a naive face felt the fabric of the banner and shook his head in bewilderment, perhaps because he was really interested in the look of the banner, and maybe because it was hard for him hungry to look at lunch, for which he did not get the appliance. In a nearby hut there was a French colonel taken prisoner by dragoons. Our officers crowded around him, examining him. Prince Bagration thanked individual chiefs and asked about the details of the case and about the losses. The regimental commander, who introduced himself at Braunau, reported to the prince that as soon as the case began, he retreated from the forest, gathered the woodcutters and, letting them pass by him, with two battalions, stabbed and overthrew the French.
- As I saw, Your Excellency, that the first battalion was upset, I stood on the road and thought: "I will let these pass and meet with battle fire"; and did so.
The regimental commander wanted so much to do this, so he regretted that he had not had time to do this, that it seemed to him that all this was for sure. Even, maybe, it really was? Was it possible to make out in this confusion what was and what was not?
- And I must note, your Excellency, - he continued, recalling Dolokhov's conversation with Kutuzov and his last meeting with the demoted one, - that the private, demoted Dolokhov, before my eyes, took a French officer prisoner and especially distinguished himself.
- Here I saw, your Excellency, the attack of the Pavlograd people, - anxiously looking around, Zherkov intervened, who did not see the hussars that day, but only heard about them from the infantry officer. - Crumpled two squares, Your Excellency.
Some smiled at Zherkov's words, as they always expected a joke from him; but, noticing that what he was saying also leaned towards the glory of our weapons and the present day, they took a serious expression, although many knew very well that what Zherkov was saying was a lie, not based on anything. Prince Bagration turned to the old colonel.
- Thank you all, gentlemen, all units acted heroically: infantry, cavalry and artillery. How are the two guns left in the center? He asked, looking for someone with his eyes. (Prince Bagration did not ask about the guns of the left flank; he already knew that all the guns were thrown there at the very beginning of the case.) “I think I asked you,” he turned to the officer on duty at the headquarters.
- One was hit, - the officer on duty answered, - and the other, I cannot understand; I myself was there all the time and gave orders and had just left ... It was hot, it was true, ”he added modestly.



Project 61 - 19 units



Laid down




Nikolaev, Shipyard No. 445 named after 61 Communards (from 1962 Shipyard named after 61 Communards) - 14 units


from 9.10.1962 - Komsomolets of Ukraine


from 21.03.1963 - Savvy


from 1.10.1964 - Agile


from 1.10.1964 - Brave


Red Caucasus






Red Crimea



Shipyard named after A.A. Zhdanov - 5 units


from 1.10.1964 - Ognevoy


from 17.02.1965 - Exemplary




Project 61M - 1 unit

Until 19.05.1966 and from 1.06.1992 they were classified as patrol ships.
Project 61M, 61MP from 06/28/1977 to 10/01/1980 were classified as large missile ships.

Tactical and technical data

Displacement, t:
standard:3465 (with no. 754, 1705 - 3550, project 61M - 4010)
complete:4315 (with no. 754, 1705 - 4510, project 61M - 4975)
Dimensions, m:
length:144 (Project 61M - 146.2)
draft:4.47 (from building No. 754, 1705 - draft 4.57 m, Project 61M - 4.87 m)
Full speed, knots:35.5 (Project 61M - 32)
Navigation range:3500 miles (18 knots), 3100 miles (24 knots), 2000 miles (30 knots), 1520 miles (34 knots) (Project 61M - 4640 miles (18 knots))
Autonomy, days:10 (Project 61M - 25)
Power point:2x36000 hp GTA M-3 (from building No. 755, 1707 - GTA M-3R, from building No. 1710 - GTA M-3A, project 61M - GTA M-3B), 2 fixed pitch propellers, 4 GTG GTU-6 600 kW , 2 DG DG-200 / P 200 kW each
Armament:4x1 launcher KT-15M-BRK SCRC "Termit" (4 SCR P-15M (4K51)) - SU "Coral-NK" (Project 61M)
2x2 PU ZIF-101 SAM M-1 "Volna" (32 V-600 (4K90) SAMs) - 2 SU 4R90 "Yatagan" (Project 61M - 2x2 PU ZIF-101 SAM M-1 "Volna-M" (32 SAM V-601 (4K91)) - 2 SU 4R90P "Yatagan II")
2x2 76 mm AK-726 (2400 rounds) - 2 MR-105 "Turret" fire control systems
4x6 30 mm AK-630M (12,000 rounds) - 2 MR-123 Vympel-A fire control systems (Project 61M)
2x1 45 mm 21KM - Komsomolets Ukrainy, Agile, Restrained, Fast (removed in 1980), Glorious, Sharp
1x5 533 mm PTA-53-61 (5 torpedoes 53-57, SET-53) - PTS "Typhon-61" (from No.1713 - 1x5 533 mm PTA-53-1123 / 2 (5 torpedoes SET-65) , Project 61M - PTS "Typhon-61M")
2x12 RBU-6000 "Smerch-2" (192 RSB-60) - PUSB "Tempest" (Project 61M - 96 RSB-60 - PUSB "Tempest-61M")
2x6 RBU-1000 "Smerch-3" (48 RSL-60) - not on Project 61M
22 mines IGDM-500 or 14 min KAM or 18 min KB Krab or 16 min KSM or 14 min Serpey
Acoustic guard BOKA-DU
RWY for Ka-25 helicopter
RTV:2 general detection radar MR-300 "Angara" (with production number 754, 1705 general detection radar MP-500 "Cleaver", general detection radar MP-310 "Angara-A"), navigation radar "Don" (with production number 1708 - 2 navigation radars "Volga"), electronic warfare radar "Krab-11" (installed on SKR-2 during operation), radar electronic warfare "Krab-12" (installed on SKR-2 during operation), radar electronic warfare MR-262 "Fence" (SKR-2, 44), radar electronic warfare MP-401 "Start" (pr. 61M), radar RTR "Bizan-4B", radar RTR MRP-13-14 (not at factory No. 1701), radar RTR MRP-15-16 "Zaliv" (project 61M), state identification equipment: 2 interrogators "Nickel-KM" (from serial No. 1708 - 4 interrogators "Nickel-KM"), 2 transponders "Chrom-KM", radio direction finder ARP-50R, SJSC MGK-335 "Platina" (project 61M), SAS MG-312 "Titan" (No 753, 1702 - MG-312E "Titan", No 1712 - MG-312I "Titan" , not on Project 61M), GAS MG-311 "Vychegda" (not on Project 61M), OGAS VGS-2 "Oka-M" (Project 61M), GAS underwater communication MG-26 "Host" (not on No. 1701), GAS for receiving signals from hydroacoustic buoys MG-409P (project 61M), station for detecting radiation wake of the submarine MI-110R ( with production number 1707, on the others they were installed during operation), a station for detecting a thermal wake of the submarine MI-110K (from production number 1707, on the others they were installed during operation), BIUS "Tablet-61", control system with weapons "Remote- 61M "
Electronic warfare PK-16 (4 PU KL-101) - 128 rounds AZ-TST-60, AZ-TSP-60UM (since 1991), AZ-TSTM-60U (since 1994) (Project 61M)
Crew, people:266 (22 officers, 18 warrant officers) (from 1974 - 269 (25 officers, 18 warrant officers), Project 61M - 320 (29 officers, 42 warrant officers))

General form

Project modernization

Project 61MP - 5 units: Shipyard named after V.I. A.A. Zhdanov - Glorious 6.08.1973-30.09.1975, Smyshlyoniy 22.11.1972-25.12.74, SKR-31 10.02.1971-29.12.1973, Nikolaev Shipyard named after 61 Communards - Slim 28.12.1975-30.09.1975, Brave 11.12. 1972-30.12.1974. Brought to the level of Project 61M. GTA were replaced by M-3E, GTG by GTU-6A (Smyshlyoniy - GTU-6M2). Brave, Slender, Smart - PTA-52-1123 / 2, Glorious, SKR-31 - PTA-53-61. On SKR-31 2 general detection radars MR-300 "Angara" were left: in 1982 they were replaced by MR-310 "Angara-A" and MR-500 "Kliver" 1.02.1980-3.12.1982. On Slavnoye, the PK-16 electronic warfare system was not installed. On the Bold OGAS VGS-2 "Oka-M". On 1 unit of the Black Sea Fleet OGAS MG-349 "Ros-K"
Project 61E - 1 unit: Agile 23.03.1974-5.11.1976 in Shipyard named after 61 Kommunard, Nikolaev. 3810/4750 t, draft 4.65 m, 1 * 1 PU ZS90 SAM M-22 "Uragan" (24 SAMs 9M38, 9M38V1A, 9M38UDR) - 3R-90 control system instead of M-1 "Volna" air defense system, MR general detection radar -710 "Fregat-M" and general detection radar MR-310 "Angara-A" instead of MR-300 "Angara", radar electronic warfare MP-401 "Start", control system with weapons "Panel-61KE" instead of "Panel-61M", complex electronic warfare PK-16 (PU KL-101) - rounds AZ-TST-60, 296 people (25 officers, 40 warrant officers), 25 days
Project 01090 - 1 unit: Sharp-witted in Sevastopol "Sevmorzavod" named after S. Ordzhonikidze 19.02.1987-1995. The stern AK-726, RBU-1000, helicopter runways were removed, the non-acoustic detection complex MNK-300 "Kaira", the navigation radar MR-212 "Vaygach" instead of 2 navigation radars "Volga", the electronic warfare complex PK-10 "Bold" (4 launchers KT-216) - shots AZ-SO-50, AZ-SR-50, AZ-SOM-50, AZ-SK-50, AZ-SMZ-50, electronic warfare PK-16 (4 PU KL-101) - shots AZ-TST-60, AZ-TSP-60UM, AZ-TSTM-60U. In 2002, 2 * 4 launchers KT-184 missile launchers 3K24 "Uran" (8 missile launchers 3M24) were added. Then added 2 navigation radar MR-231
Project 01091 - 0 + 1 unit: Able in Sevastopol "Sevmorzavod" named after S. Ordzhonikidze from 30.07.1987. The stern AK-726, the runway for the Ka-25 helicopter was removed. For testing means of non-acoustic detection of submarines
Since 1968, the M-1 "Volna" air defense missile system has been modernized into the "Volna-M" (V-601 (4K91) SAM): Krasny Kavkaz, Oryol in 1969, Smetlivy, SKR-25 05/23/1977 - 08/7/1978
Since 1976, the Volna-11 air defense system has been modernized into the Volna-P: SKR-25. Since 1979 SU 4R90 "Yatagan" has been modernized into 4R90P "Yatagan II"
SAM "Volna-M" is being modernized in "Volna-N" (SAM V-601M): Sharp in 1984
SAM "Volna-N" is being modernized into "Volna-11" (SAM V-611)
Since 1976, the Volna-11 air defense system has been modernized into the Volna-P: SKR-25
Since 1973, the "Typhon-61" control system has been replaced by the Ladoga control system (torpedoes 53-65K, SET-65)
On Savvy 1.10.1976-28.11.1978, Gifted in 1978-03.1980 2 general detection radars MR-300 "Angara" were replaced by radar general detection MR-310 "Angara-A"
The 2nd navigation radar "Don" has been added to No.751-755, 1701-1707
At No.751-755, 1701-1707 2 "Don" navigation radars were replaced by 2 "Volga" navigation radars (No 1707 - 1 "Volga" navigation radar)
2 interrogators "Nickel-KM" were added to the office # 751-755, 1701-1707
On Savvy 1.10.1976-28.11.1978, Gifted in 1978-03.1980 GAS MG-312E "Titan" was replaced by GAS MG-312I "Titan"
Anti-sabotage OGAS MG-7 "Bracelet" has been installed since 1977 (except for the production number 1703, 1704)
In 1977-79 the station for detecting the radiation wake of the submarine MI-110R, the station for detecting the thermal wake of the submarine MI-110K were replaced by the station for detecting the thermal wake of the submarine MI-110KM
An electronic warfare complex PK-2 (PU ZIF-121) was installed at Skorom - shots AZ-TST-41, AZ-PTST-41, AZ-TSP-47, AZ-TST-47, AZ-TSTV-47, AZ-TSO- 47 (from 1985), AZ-TSR-47 (from 1991) - SU "Tertsia"
Since 1987, the PK-16 electronic warfare system (PU KL-101) has been installed - shots AZ-TST-60, AZ-TSP-60UM (since 1991), AZ-TSTM-60U (since 1994)
Since 1987, the electronic warfare complex PK-10 "Brave" (PU KT-216) has been installed - shots AZ-SO-50, AZ-SR-50, AZ-SOM-50 (since 1989), AZ-SK-50 (since 1991) , AZ-SMZ-50 (since 1993)
Non-realized updatings of the project: Project 61A, Project 61K, Project 61bis

Distribution by fleets

Bf: Exemplary, Ognevoy (from 12.10.1971 SF), Glorious
Black Sea Fleet: Komsomolets of Ukraine, Red Caucasus, Red Crimea, Brave, Agile, Resolute, Restrained, Fast, Courageous (from 30.01.1985 Bf), Sharp-witted, Savvy (from 06/08/1982 SF)
SF: Gifted (from 8.10.1966 Pacific Fleet), Smart, Slender
Pacific Fleet: Capable (from 29.10.1992 Black Sea Fleet), Guarding, Strict

Board numbers

Komsomolets of Ukraine: 810 (1962), 296 (1963), 552 (1966), 810 (1970), 521 (1971), 182 (1972), 527 (1972), 538 (1973?), 169 (1975), 709 , 722 (1979), 712 (1981), 714 (1982), 713 (1983), 716 (1983), 710, 703 (1986), 715 (1990), 1701 (1993)
Red Caucasus: 521 (1967), 571 (1967), 383 (1967), 186 (1973), 531 (1975), 527, 151 (1977), 720 (1978), 729 (1978), 722 (1980), 720 (1981), 171 (1981), 710 (1981), 733 (1983), 702 (1984), 707 (1987), 710 (1987), 729 (1991), 820 (1993), 179
Red Crimea: 538 (1971), 536 (1971), 532 (1973), 540 (1973), 182 (1974), 186 (1975), 181 (1975), 530 (1976), 154 (1977), 151 ( 1977), 191 (1978), 720 (1978), 711 (1981), 710 (1984), 713 (1984), 729 (1985), 715 (1988), 703 (1.05.1990), 814 (04.1993)
Exemplary: 080 (1965), 501 (1966), 190 (1967), 564 (1967), 504 (1969), 501 (1971), 518 (1972), 501 (1974), 520 (1975), 514 (1976) ), 430 (1978), 446 (1981), 425 (1982), 433 (1985), 435 (1990)
Ognevoy: 083 (1965), 544 (1967), 480 (1971), 581 (1973), 291 (1975), 299 (1975), 241 (1978), 296 (61MP), 433, 518, 622 (1984) , 642 (1984), 602 (1989)
Gifted: 084 (1965), 089 (1965), 049 (1966), 561 (1967), 054, 570 (1970), 562 (1970), 108, 143 (1976), 103 (1978), 583 (1981) , 566 (1985), 564, 587 (1991)
Brave: 393 (1965), 525, 523 (1968), 528 (1970), 197 (1971), 520 (1972), 184 (1972), 532 (1973), 530 (1974)
Agile: 027 (1964), 078 (1964), 383 (1964), 296 (1964), 216, 653 (1966), 540 (1969), 530 (1970), 374 (1971), 533 (1972), 535 (1973), 179 (1973), 190, 164 (1975), 175 (1976), 707 (1978), 724 (1981), 707 (1984), 710 (1987), 713 (1990)
Resolute: 529 (1967), 381 (1967?), 368 (1971?), 524 (1971), 534 ?, 529 (1972), 536 (1973), 196 (1973), 156 (1975), 159 (1977 ), 724 (1978), 720 (1978), 758 (1978), 722 (1981), 705 (1984), 711 (1989), 708 (1990), 818 (1993)
Low-key: 534 (1973), 173 (1975), 160 (1975), 254 (1978), 288 (1979), 286 (1979), 737 (1983), 734 (1983), 711 (1984), 705 (1986 ), 706 ?, 702 (1.05.1990), 804 (04.1993)
Speedy: 537 (1972), 177 (1973), 533 (1973), 166 (1973), 191 (04.1975), 153 (1975), 173 (1977), 753 (1977), 733 (1978), 164 (1978 ), 729 (1981), 715 (1984), 702 (1987), 705 (1990), 805 (1992)
Glorious: 653 (1966), 161 (1968), 515 (1968), 506 (1970), 244 (1972), 505 (1972), 229, 503 (1977), 177 (1978), 373 (1978), 340 (1979), 462 (1981), 487 (1985), 483 (1987), 480 (1989), 340 (1989), 449 (1989), 348 (project 61MP)
Bold: 531 (1969), 535 (1970), 358 (1970), 370 (1970), 529 (1974), 167 (1975), 166? (1975), 173 (1976), 165 (1976), 171 ( 1977), 257 (1978), 252 (1978), 440 (1980), 739 (1981), 720 (1981), 702, 410 (1987), 724 (1988), 444 (Project 61MP)
Sharp-witted: 537 (1969), 527 (1972), 534 (1974), 178 (1975), 152 (1977), 710 (1978), 701 (1980), 745 (1981), 715, 178 (1985), 717 (1987), 714 (1990), 810 (1993), 870 (01.2016)
Smyshlyony: 525 (1968), 297 (1969), 552 (1970), 297 (1972), 587 (1974), 556 (1976), 291 (1976), 296 (1977), 337 (1978), 317 (1979) ), 614 (1980), 648 (1981), 635 (1985), 614 (1987), 644 (05.1990)
Savvy: 215 (1963), 374 (1963), 524 (1963), 078 (1964), 535 (1967), 528 (1967), 536 (1967), 871 (1968), 524 (1969), 530 (1971) ), 532 (1972), 528 (1973), 179 (1974), 175 (1975), 717 (1981), 660 (1982), 632 (1985), 611 (1.05.1990), 604 (1992)
Able: 522 (1971), 561 (1972), 109 (07/10/1973), 102 (1975), 564 (1975), 544 (04.1975), 142 (1976), 547 (1978), 527, 522 (1980) , 544 (1982), 531 (1984), 505 (1985), 578 (1987)
Guarding: 504 (1966), 580 (1967), 504 (1971), 585 (1973), 140 (1975), 150 (1976), 563 (1980), 565 (1982), 580 (1986), 624
Strict: 528 (1968), 564 (1971), 543 (1971), 107 (1973), 504 (1974), 528 (1975), 141? (1977?), 100 (1977), 574 (1985), 545 (1985), 504 (1989), 580 (1991)
Slender: 382 (1966), 545 (1967), 525 (1970), 557 (1972), 550, 734 (1977), 610 (1981), 640 (08.1984), 642 ?, 619 (1987), 660 (1990 )


1974 - Brave (30.08 sank after an explosion and fire in the aft cellar of a missile defense system near Sevastopol)
1989 - Fire (25.04)
1990 - Gifted (19.04), Slender (12.04), Agile (21.08)
1991 - Glorious (24.06), Komsomolets of Ukraine (24.06)
1992 - Savvy (3.07)
1993 - Red Crimea (24.06), Smart (22.02), Able (20.11), Guarding (30.06), Strict (30.06), Exemplary (30.06)
1996 - Decisive (8.07)
1997 - Fast (17.07)
1998 - Red Caucasus (16.03)
2001 - Discreet (3.05)


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