Su 33 80 tail number

The Su-33 is a carrier-based fighter that was developed and manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation. This model aircraft is the 4th generation of fighters, which were developed in the design bureau named after Sukhoi. This machine was manufactured under the strict guidance of the chief designer M.P. Simonov.

The history of the creation of the shipborne fighter Su-33

The new fighter was designed on the basis of the old model of the Su-27 fighter. The Su-33 fighter, according to the designers' plan, should have all the advantages of the previous version of the fighter. The customer of this machine was the command of the Russian Navy, headed by General Kuznetsov. He put forward requirements for a new fighter. He believed that the main task was that the machine could effectively destroy surface targets.

After taking into account all the requirements and improvements, the project of the new Su-33 was ready in the winter of 1985. At the beginning of 86, the assembly of the prototype was started at the Sukhoi design bureau. It was first made with a regular wing, not a folding one. The new model was assembled in 1987, the working name of the new aircraft was T-10K-1. In the same year in the summer new fighter made its first flight.

The aircraft was assembled from parts and assemblies that were developed in the experimental workshop of the bureau, and some parts were taken from the production model of the Su-27. Six months after the first takeoff, another model of the new aircraft... The second prototype already had a folding wing, as planned from the beginning. It also had a difference in plumage, since it was horizontal. The second model carried out the first lift off the ground in the winter of 1987, but in September 88th this model was wrecked due to a malfunction of the hydraulic system.

In October 1989, the aircraft carrier "Kuznetsov" was manufactured, which could receive fighters on its deck, but it was not yet fully equipped. It had a full range of aircraft takeoff and landing devices, but did not yet have a radar system. Fighter planes could only practice flights over the deck, but at a very low altitude, sometimes they touched the deck with their wheels. At the end of October 1989, it was decided to make the first landing of a Su-33 aircraft on the deck of the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier. The first landing was successful, and on the same day it was taken off from the deck. The pilot V. Pugachev was at the helm of the new fighter. All flight tests of the Su-33 fighter ended in November 1989.

Description of carrier-based fighter Su-33

This model is made as a longitudinal triplane, just like the Su-27. For landing on the deck of the ship, this machine has a brake hook, which is attached to the bottom of the central beam. The wing has a swept shape, it consists of three sections and two slotted flaps. To reduce the size of the aircraft on the deck of aircraft carriers, it is equipped with folding wings that rotate to an angle of 135 degrees, all wing turns are carried out by a hydraulic system.

This type of wing design significantly reduces the space occupied by the aircraft both in the hangar and on the deck. Due to the use of the aircraft in rather harsh climatic conditions the corrosion resistance of the structure has been increased. Also, the designers have thought over the protection of all on-board systems from temperature extremes and from humidity.

In the new Su-33, all the shortcomings that were in the previous model of the carrier-based fighter were taken into account. Firstly, the vertical tail height was significantly reduced, and a reinforced chassis was used, which allows for a more efficient landing on deck. Changes have also been made to the chassis. The wheels in this car are smaller than those of its predecessor. The front landing gear has a double wheel that can rotate 60 degrees. This turning of the wheels increased the maneuverability of the aircraft on the deck of the aircraft carrier. The pressure in the wheels of the fighter was also increased. At emergency situations an ejection seat is provided, it has also been improved compared to the Su-27. It helps the pilot to withstand heavy overloads during maneuvers.

Power plant Su-33

The carrier-based fighter of this model is equipped with two TRDDF AL-31K engines with a capacity of 13,300 kgf each. These models are two-circuit turbojet units with afterburners. An additional outboard fuel tank can be installed on the Su-33. This aircraft has the ability to refuel directly in the air, and the role of a tanker can be performed by another Su-33. In the air mode of refueling, the fighter can receive up to 6 tons of fuel.

The new fighter was equipped with better and more modern airborne equipment. The entire mechanical control system was eliminated, which was replaced by an automatic navigation complex, which provides control of all major systems. It provides for automatic adjustment of engine thrust, corrects the flight to a given point, and also an automatic landing is possible due to the use of the Resistor-K-42 system, which is installed on aircraft carriers.

Features of the operation of the Su-33 fighter

This aircraft has the ability to take off from decks of different takeoff run lengths. Standard aircraft carriers have three runways, the length of which is different: two of them are 105 meters, and another is 195 meters. The approach of the aircraft for landing is directed by a team of specialists on the bridge of the ship, it controls the trajectory and movement of the aircraft. After the plane touches the deck, it clings with its hook to the cable on the deck, which should stop the plane. With such a landing, the pilot experiences a great overload. After the plane touches the deck, the pilot should turn the engines to maximum power. This is done so that if the aerofinisher cable breaks or the hook is not hooked, the pilot has the opportunity to take off from the deck of the aircraft carrier and make a second landing attempt.

Features of carrier-based fighter Su-33

Despite the fact that the new Su-33 is based on the Su-27, it still has many advantages.

    Firstly, the quality of the wings during takeoff and landing was improved; this was achieved by increasing the wing area.

    For a safer and shorter takeoff of the aircraft, the thrust-armed vehicles were increased. Reinforced struts help the aircraft and the pilot to handle overloads more comfortably.

    The new navigation equipment ensures safe and accurate landing, has the ability to cooperate with the aircraft carrier equipment for a more accurate landing approach.

    Foldable wings allow more fighters to be carried aboard an aircraft carrier. And the protected parts of the aircraft will allow this aircraft to last much longer.

    The takeoff weight of the aircraft was increased to 33 tons, due to this it was possible to increase the mass of the combat load to 6.5 tons. The increased combat load made it possible to hang 12 air-to-air missiles and up to six R-73 missiles on one Su-33 fighter at once.

    The refueling system allows to increase the flight range, and the refueling bar is located in front of the pilot to the left of the cockpit. This allows you to more effectively control the refueling process.

Modernization of the Su-33

According to statistics, in October 2010, the Sukhoi Design Bureau began flight tests of a new modernized model of the Su-33 fighter. Unfortunately, there is still no data on what kind of innovations this model of the car has. Repair and modernization of carrier-based fighters is carried out regularly. Over the past two years, four Su-33s have undergone modernization, after which they were sent to Severomorsk. Repair and improvement of aircraft is carried out in Komsomolsk, since 2002 19 carrier-based fighters of this model have been modernized here. Today in the army Russian Federation are in combat service 22 carrier-based fighter this sample.

The Su-33 fighter was put into service in the summer of 1998. In total, 26 aircraft of this type were manufactured for the Russian Navy, but 4 aircraft were lost over the years of operation. Soon, these fighters will be replaced by more advanced and reliable MiG-29 aircraft. In the plans of the Russian military command in 2015, the Su-33 will be decommissioned.

At the beginning of 1940, the question of replenishing the Navy with such units as aircraft carriers arose. But it was possible to begin to implement this idea only after the end of the Second World War. The aircraft carrier fleet was decided to build on the basis of the already existing ship of Project 1143. In April 1978, it was already ready project documentation to create an aircraft carrier. It was assumed that Yak-41, Su-27K, Su-25K planes and a Ka-27 helicopter would land on the aircraft carrier.

In April 1984, MMZ Pendant began the development, construction and testing of the Su-27K shipborne fighter. He provided support for the fleet in all weather conditions. He could climb 27 km, which made it possible to fight anti-submarine defense helicopters, transport workers, radio reconnaissance aircraft; the aircraft was used to escort shore-based aircraft. In the summer of 1987, the first prototype was ready for flight.

After the first flights, it turned out that flight characteristics worsened, but some modifications of the wing and PGO made it possible to achieve a decrease in the approach speed. In 1989, the first stage of the test was carried out. The plane was run in on a regular runway. In November 1989, the first aircraft landed on deck.

TO December 1990, all LCI tests of the aircraft were completed, during which the main technical, flight-tactical and combat characteristics... In March 1991, state tests began, which lasted until 1994. At this time, 24 serial Su-27Ks had already been built. The next step in the development of the famous Su was the construction of a newer modification of the Su-33.

This aircraft has already been built according to the integrated aerodynamic scheme and supplemented by the front horizontal tail. It was foldable to save space. The front empennage made it possible to increase the bearing properties of the airframe and improve performance at high angles of attack. The wings are trapezoidal, with an extension near the fuselage, smoothly merging into the body. To save space, the wings are foldable.

Su-33 aircraft inside

Two AL-31F bypass afterburners were installed. The aircraft can also refuel in the air. If the UPAZ-1 system is installed, then it itself is capable of refueling other aircraft in the air. Navigation system PNK-10 provides the calculation of coordinates in space, allows you to automatically correct the coordinates based on data from satellites. Onboard radar allows you to warn of scanning enemy aircraft. The aircraft uses the SPO-15LM radiation warning system. Active jamming stations are used on the wings.

The Su-33 became the first domestic production aircraft capable of landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier. The aircraft is the most powerful and long-range ship-based fighter in the world.

The aircraft of the SU-33UB type is a combat training vehicle, which is equipped with jet engines... The aircraft was designed specifically for carrier-based carrier-based aircraft. This aircraft belongs to the fourth generation of fighters.

Features of the SU-33UB aircraft

The most important feature of this device can be considered the location of the pilots. No training vehicle has a shoulder-to-shoulder arrangement of pilots. But precisely because of this placement of pilots, control is carried out more efficiently and synchronously, which is very important when landing on the deck of a ship. An innovation can be called the fact that the pilots get to the cockpit through the niche of the front landing gear on a special ladder.

If we compare the design of this aircraft with the Su-33 model, then there are also many differences. Firstly, the keels of the SU-33UB machine were increased, as well as the area of ​​the wings and tail of the machine. The wings were folded in such a way that they had the same width as the plumage of the apparatus. This led to the fact that this vehicle began to require more space in the ship's hangar.

A special feature is the cross-section of the front part of the hull, since it is made completely round, this can be explained by the shape of the "Zhuk" -type radar station. The position of the "Visor" system was also changed, which was fixed along the axes of symmetry.

The history of the creation and testing of the Su-33UB fighter

The Su-33UB type apparatus is a deep modification of the Su-33 aircraft, which was used for aircraft carriers. The year 1989 can be considered the beginning of the creation of a new machine. It was then that the Sukhoi design bureau began the project of a training machine, which was planned to be used to train combat shipbuilders. When designing, it was almost immediately decided to make a tandem machine. This decision was made due to the fact that a machine with such an arrangement of pilots can perform tasks more efficiently and quickly.

The new prototype was built at an aircraft plant in Komsomolsk, but the final layout of the systems was completed in Moscow.

For the first time, the Su-33UB aircraft took off from the runway in the spring of 1999 at the Zhukovsky airfield. The characteristics of this aircraft are significantly superior to foreign counterparts, for example, aircraft such as the F-14D and Boeing F / A-18E / F.

The basis for the success of the Su-33UB aircraft can be considered a new on-board complex, which allows for a variety of military operations. In addition, all equipment is designed specifically for use in marine environments. As for this model of the fighter, it has excellent characteristics when landing and taking off from ground airfields with fairly short runways.

Design features of the Su-33UB aircraft

The hull layout is thought out as an integral triplane, which is distinguished by excellent aerodynamic qualities. If we compare the aerodynamics of this aircraft with the aerodynamics of the Su-33, the new aircraft has 10% higher performance. By improving aerodynamic qualities, it was possible to reduce fuel consumption by 20%.

In the design of this machine, a large number of composite materials were used, but the main parts were still made from aluminum alloys. So, from aluminum alloys the wings of the aircraft were manufactured, which significantly increases their survivability in combat conditions. In addition, this design is quite lightweight, but reliable. The use of light alloys and composite materials made it possible to reduce the total weight of the vehicle to the weight of single-seat fighters. The aircraft used a large number of armored barriers, which increase the survivability of the aircraft.

Power point the aircraft is represented by two engines of the TRDDF model, but with further modification they can be replaced with newer and more efficient installations. The PTB system is located under the wing of the aircraft. This fighter model has the ability to refuel in the air.

The roll and pitch of the aircraft is controlled by a new automatic system type EDSU. It is capable of monitoring all aerodynamic surfaces, flaperons, flaps, tail feathers, as well as controlling the operation of engines. Due to this equipment, balancing time is shortened and the lifting force of the machine is significantly increased.

The first Russian-made fighter that was equipped with an oxygen generation system in the cockpit was the Su-33UB aircraft. This system provides the cockpit with nitrogen, this has significantly reduced the dependence of the aircraft on ground handling.

As for the avionics, which the aircraft is equipped with, it meets the requirements of the 5th and 6th generation. The system is much lighter and lighter in size and weight than previous versions, while still being able to perform more functions with less time. The aircraft has a multi-channel complex that monitors all systems and provides pilots with complete information about the air situation.

To detect the enemy, the Su-33UB aircraft is equipped with thermal imagers and laser rangefinders, which can detect the target and indicate the distance to it.

Another positive design feature is the use of a "dark cockpit" system in the cockpit. In the Su-33UB type machine, the number of governing bodies was reduced, which made it possible to simplify the control of the training machine. The cockpit is equipped with color displays, which provide complete information about the operation of the systems and the state around the aircraft. A sighting indicator system on the windshield of the aircraft was also designed. As for the maintenance of the device, it has become much easier in comparison with previous versions of fighters.

The Su-33UB class fighter was produced in only one copy. At first it was planned to deliver this project for serial production. There was even an order from the Chinese Air Force for 40 vehicles, but they soon canceled their order, which led to the closure of the project.

Russian carrier-based aviation is small. However, she has already managed to prove her combat effectiveness and the ability to effectively solve combat missions. Its basis is the Su-33 multipurpose fighter, developed in the 80s on the basis of the famous Su-27 aircraft.

The designers, who had no experience in creating carrier-based aircraft, managed to create an excellent fighter that does not lose its combat qualities even after 30 years. He survived the difficult post-Soviet years, allowed to preserve the experience of operating such aircraft, demonstrated shock capabilities, and continues to modernize. The Su-33 has undoubtedly become an outstanding achievement in the aircraft industry.

History of creation

The firstborn of Soviet carrier-based aircraft was the Yak-38. These stormtroopers vertical takeoff based on aircraft-carrying cruisers of the "Kiev" type. They turned out to be not very successful - the lack of an onboard radar, a small combat radius and a high accident rate led to the beginning of the removal of the Yaks from service back in the 80s. But the accumulated operating experience was still positive and allowed us to start designing the next generation of carrier-based aircraft, taking into account the mistakes.

Initially, the basis of the air group of the new projected aircraft carrier was to be made up of attack aircraft based on the Su-24. The Sukhoi Design Bureau, however, proposed starting the development of a carrier-based aircraft based on the promising Su-27 fighter.

The first projects of the Su-27K (as the fighter was then designated) provided for takeoff using catapults, but already in 1981 it was decided that the future aircraft carrier would not be equipped with catapults. This presented the constructors with new problem- the need to ensure the takeoff of a heavy fighter from a springboard.

In 1982, tests began at the Crimean Saki airfield, equipped with a training springboard.

So far, the T-103 aircraft (a prototype of the Su-27) has participated in them. And the decree on the beginning of the development of the future Su-33 was issued only in 1984.

The prototype T-1025 was not yet a "real" Su-33. It was a serial "twenty-seventh", equipped, in particular, with a reinforced chassis and a landing hook. It was tested during 1984 until it crashed due to a malfunction in November. The pilot successfully ejected. The next prototype, assembled in 1986, was distinguished by the presence of a front horizontal tail, it was supposed to be installed on all Su-33s. Finally, folding wings appeared on the T-10K2 aircraft.

In the fall of 1989, an aircraft-carrying cruiser, called at that time "Tbilisi", entered the sea. Test flights of the Su-27K and MiG-29K began immediately. And on November 1, the Su-33 under the control of Viktor Pugachev landed on an aircraft carrier for the first time. The next day, the fighter took off for the first time from a real deck ramp. In the same 1989, the serial production of aircraft began.


Su-33 is a twin-engine aircraft of normal aerodynamic design, with a two-fin tail unit. One of the main engineering features of the Su-33, which distinguishes it from the Su-27, is the forward horizontal tail. It appeared so that the aircraft, weighted in comparison with the original model, was able to maintain longitudinal stability, especially at low speeds.

An unexpected side effect of the VGO installation was an increase in lift.

After that, the front empennage appeared on the modernized Su-27 machines. Other differences were a reinforced chassis and an increase in mass, both of the aircraft itself and of its combat load. In addition to such an obvious difference as the presence of folding wings, their mechanization has also changed.

The radar complex RLPK-27K, equipped with a Doppler radar, is located behind the nose cone of the fighter. There is also an optical-electronic sighting system OEPS-27K, which includes a heat direction finder, a laser range finder and a ballistic computer. The sealed cockpit of the Su-33 is located in the head of the fuselage, behind the compartment with the radar antenna and the sighting system blocks. Pilot's seat - ejection, model K-Z6DM. It is equipped with a radio beacon and an emergency reserve.

The electronic equipment was placed under the cockpit and in the compartment behind the cockpit. In the space behind the cockpit there is also the gun ammunition. The cannon itself is located in the right wing overhang. The left inflow is reserved for other units.

Two turbojet engines of the AL-31F3 brand differ from standard units by the presence of a special thrust mode. It is necessary so that a fighter can take off from a springboard even with a full combat load. Engine nacelles are located under the aircraft body and belong to the aft fuselage.

The engine is started by gas turbine starters.

The air intakes are adjustable with movable panels. During takeoff and landing, each air intake is automatically covered by a protective titanium panel.

The front fuel tank is located in the middle part of the fuselage above the engine air intakes, the rear one is in the central fuselage beam behind the equipment compartment. The total capacity of the tanks is 12100 liters of kerosene. For refueling in the air, the aircraft is equipped with a retractable fuel receiver rod. And when the suspended unit UPAZ-1K is installed, the Su-33 itself can perform the function of a tanker. As a camouflage, the Su-33 usually uses a tricolor of gray-blue shades.


The collapse of the USSR led to the curtailment of the aircraft carrier fleet construction program, and the Admiral Kuznetsov remained the only ship of its kind in Russia. Accordingly, the production of Su-33 fighters has also decreased. However, they decided to abandon the MiG-29K altogether.

In the first half of the 90s, the aircraft slowly passed state tests, were demonstrated at parades and exhibitions, and in 1995, together with Kuznetsov, they went on a military campaign for the first time. Official adoption, however, took place only in 1998. Of the 26 aircraft produced, 10 are based on the aircraft carrier, the rest became part of the 279 fighter regiment. Northern Fleet.

Since 2002, the fighters have been modernized to the Su-33M standard.

At the same time, new engines with an increased resource are installed, navigation and sighting systems are being modernized. The Su-33 was baptized by fire in 2016 in Syria. Aircraft from the air group "Admiral Kuznetsov" attacked the ground forces of the terrorists.

Armament Su-33

The built-in armament of the fighter is a 30mm GSh-30-1 automatic cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition. High-explosive incendiary shells are used to destroy air and unarmored ground targets. Armor-piercing shells can be used to combat lightly armored vehicles. The rate of fire reaches 1500 rounds per minute. A unique feature of the cannon is the water vaporizing barrel cooling.

To combat air targets, the fighter can carry up to eight R-27 medium-range missiles. The launch range of the latest missile modifications reaches 110 km, maximum speed pursued goal - 3500 km / h. Another option for combat loading is up to six short-range R-73 missiles with a launch range of up to 40 km.

To defeat ground targets and provide fire support to friendly troops, the Su-33 can carry up to 80 unguided 80mm S-8 missiles (in blocks of 20 missiles), or up to 20 122mm S-13 missiles (in blocks of five missiles), or 4 missiles S-25 caliber 266mm.

The power of the warhead of the S-25 missiles makes it possible to destroy runways and field fortifications.

The fighter delivers bombing strikes using free-fall bombs, usually high-explosive bombs. 500 kg bombs can be suspended in up to 8 pieces, 100 kg - up to 32. Finally, the armament complex includes Mosquito or Onyx anti-ship missiles.

Tactical and technical characteristics in comparison with analogues

Let's compare the performance characteristics of the Su-33 with some similar aircraft. For clarity, let's take the F-14 air defense fighter that has already been removed from service (with an eye on which the Su-33 was created), the current main US carrier-based aircraft F / A-18 and the promising F-35С.

Su-33F-14 TomcatF / A-18 Super HornetF-35С Lightning II
Practical ceiling, km17000 16150 15240 18200
Maximum speed, km / h2300 2485 1915 1930
Flight range, km3000 2960 2003 2520
6500 6500 8000 9100

So, the domestic car was practically not inferior to the F-14, but the F / A-18, yielding Russian aircraft in flight performance, surpassed it in armament power. It should be borne in mind that the “Super Hornet” was originally conceived as a multipurpose aircraft with the ability to be used as a strike aircraft. And in size and weight, it is smaller than the Su-33, and smaller than the F-14, which it replaced.

But the F-35 received not only a larger combat radius, but also an even more powerful missile and bomb armament. At the same time, the new fighter-bomber does not have a built-in cannon; it is installed in a suspended container. To date, only one squadron undergoing training is armed with F-35 aircraft. Interestingly, the Su-33, in contrast to the same F-14, was created on the basis of the existing "land" fighter project.

In the 2010s, the Su-33's "monopoly" was somewhat shaken.

The MiG-29K returned to carrier-based aviation, the development of which was abandoned in the 90s. But India became interested in MiG, and thanks to Indian orders, the designers managed not only to complete the creation of the aircraft, but also to modernize it. Now the Russian fleet also drew attention to it.

The smaller size and weight of the MiG allows the size of the air group to be increased. But this does not mean that the Su-33 will leave the scene. With a larger combat radius and more powerful weapons, it will remain as a strike aircraft.

Video about the SU-33 in the game

The latest best military aircraft of the Air Force of Russia and the world photos, pictures, videos about the value of a fighter aircraft as a combat means capable of providing "air supremacy" was recognized by the military circles of all states by the spring of 1916. This required the creation of a special combat aircraft superior to all others in speed, maneuverability, altitude and the use of offensive small arms. In November 1915, the Nieuport II Webe biplanes entered the front. It is the first aircraft built in France to be used for air combat.

The most modern domestic military aircraft in Russia and the world owe their appearance to the popularization and development of aviation in Russia, which was facilitated by the flights of Russian pilots M. Efimov, N. Popov, G. Alekhnovich, A. Shiukov, B. Rossiyskiy, S. Utochkin. The first domestic machines of designers J. Gakkel, I. Sikorsky, D. Grigorovich, V. Slesarev, I. Steglau began to appear. In 1913 the heavy aircraft "Russian Knight" made its maiden flight. But one cannot but recall the first creator of the plane in the world - Captain 1st Rank Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.

Soviet military aircraft of the USSR of the Great Patriotic War sought to hit the enemy troops, his communications and other objects in the rear with air strikes, which led to the creation of bombers capable of carrying large bomb loads over considerable distances. The variety of combat missions for bombing enemy forces in the tactical and operational depth of the fronts led to the understanding that their performance should be commensurate with the tactical and technical capabilities of a particular aircraft. Therefore, the design teams had to solve the issue of specialization of bombers, which led to the emergence of several classes of these machines.

Types and classification, the latest models of military aircraft in Russia and the world. It was obvious that it would take time to create a specialized fighter plane, so the first step in this direction was an attempt to arm existing aircraft with offensive small arms. The movable machine-gun installations, which began to equip the aircraft, required excessive efforts from the pilots, since controlling the machine in maneuverable combat and simultaneously firing from an unstable weapon reduced the effectiveness of firing. The use of a two-seater aircraft as a fighter, where one of the crew members played the role of a gunner, also created certain problems, because the increase in weight and drag of the machine led to a decrease in its flight qualities.

What are the airplanes. In our years, aviation has made a big qualitative leap, expressed in a significant increase in flight speed. This was facilitated by progress in the field of aerodynamics, the creation of new, more powerful engines, structural materials, and electronic equipment. computerization of calculation methods, etc. Supersonic speeds became the main flight modes of fighters. However, the race for speed also had its negative sides - the take-off and landing characteristics and maneuverability of the aircraft sharply deteriorated. During these years, the level of aircraft construction reached such a value that it turned out to be possible to start creating aircraft with a variable sweep wing.

Combat aircraft of Russia for a further increase in the flight speeds of jet fighters exceeding the speed of sound, it was necessary to increase their power-to-weight ratio, increase the specific characteristics of turbojet engines, and also improve the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft. For this purpose, engines with an axial compressor were developed, which had smaller frontal dimensions, higher efficiency and better weight characteristics. For a significant increase in thrust, and, consequently, flight speed, afterburners were introduced into the engine design. Improving the aerodynamic forms of aircraft consisted in the use of a wing and tail with large sweep angles (in the transition to thin triangular wings), as well as supersonic air intakes.

Array (=> Aircraft, Aircraft [~ TAGS] => Aircraft, Aircraft => 91787 [~ ID] => 91787 => Carrier-based Su-33 fighter: overview, [~ NAME] => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, flight performance => 1 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 1 => 104 [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 104 =>

"Admiral Kuznetsov" and Su-33

Airplane advantages

Other features

Fighter-bomb carrier

Flight performance

Length - 21 m.

Height - 5.7 m. R

wingspan - 14.7 m.

The basis of the SU-33 chassis is 5.9 m.

Chassis trail - 4.44 m.

Engine weight - 1.5 tons.

Takeoff run - 105 meters.

Su-33: weapons overview

URVV - up to 10 pieces.

URVP - two pieces.

Flight accidents

Plane today


Interesting fact

Aircraft and culture

Source: [~ DETAIL_TEXT] =>

Eleven years have passed since the first takeoff of the Su-33 until it was put into service two years before the beginning of the 21st century. Developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the model of the fourth-generation carrier-based fighter, nicknamed in NATO "Strike to the Flank" (Flanker-D), had better characteristics compared to the MiG-29K in service in terms of greater carrying capacity and flight range. Also, the aircraft could refuel in the air and, due to the suspended container with fuel, refuel other Russian military aircraft.

Why was it created? The main purpose for which the Su-33 carrier-based fighter was created is control airspace around the mother ship and "work" on enemy surface targets. The wings and tail are foldable so that the fighter takes up as little space as possible on the ship. Its automatically engaging air intakes make it possible to achieve speeds twice the speed of sound.

"Admiral Kuznetsov" and Su-33

That was the name of the aircraft carrier. In the fall of 1989, the Su-33 carrier-based fighter (at that time called the Su-27K) performed its premier launch (and successfully aerofinished on its deck) from the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov (hereinafter referred to as TAKR AK). Which is named after the commander of the Soviet Navy from 1939 to 1955 (with a short break) - 14 years.

Russian military aircraft - SU-27K and Su-33 - were designed and created for the project of creating heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers with an eye on the possible construction of aircraft carriers. But the collapse of the USSR did not allow these plans to come true. In the naval forces of Russia there is only one ship of this kind - the aircraft carrier "AK".

Airplane advantages

Compared to the Su-27, the Su-33 is better armed (more space for weapon pods) and more efficiently "works" on the sea surface. After upgrading the model to 33M:

The engine resource has increased - up to one and a half thousand flights.

The GLONASS navigation system appeared.

The "bombing" of surface targets, including guided missiles, has become more accurate.

Equipment has been installed to warn of the "capture" of a fighter by a radar beam.

The arsenal of weapons for attacking enemy ships was expanded. Now it can take part and URVP - guided missiles of the "air-to-surface" type.

Other features

The Su-33 has (in addition to the above-mentioned features) an upgraded AL-31F-M1 engine, wing inflow, and instead of a braking parachute - a landing hook equipped with a special alarm for the “AK” aircraft landing command. Armament on the fighter is located on twelve pylons, 8 of which are fixed under the wings, and the rest - on the body of the heavy fighter. In combat with airplanes and helicopters, cannons and missiles are used, both close-range (unguided) and guided - homing to "heat" and a radar. When attacking surface targets, a cannon, unguided bombs of various weights (automatic, high-precision aiming) and anti-ship guided missiles can also be used.

Fighter-bomb carrier

The highly maneuverable and high-speed heavy fighter Su-33, if necessary, is very quickly and easily reformatted into a roomy bomb carrier. If you exclude or severely restrict missile armament, then on its pendants and beam holders (both single and multi-lock), it is capable of carrying and dropping onto the ship (and with a high degree of probability to hit it) 4 tons of FAB-500 bombs or 7 tons of FAB-250. Unfortunately, the Su-33 ammunition does not include smart bombs. But when upgrading it to 33M, the sight for bombing was significantly improved.

Flight performance

Piloting is carried out by one person.

Length - 21 m.

Height - 5.7 m. R

wingspan - 14.7 m.

Width (with retracted wings) - 7.4 m.

The wing area is 67.8 square meters. WITH

sludge acting on the wing (standard) - 383 kg / m.

The force acting on the wing (maximum) - 486 kg / m.

The basis of the SU-33 chassis is 5.9 m.

Chassis trail - 4.44 m.

Weight (unloaded) - 19.6 tons.

Weight (with standard refueling and ammunition) - 30 tons.

Weight (maximum takeoff) - 33 tons.

Fuel weight (standard filling) - 5.4 tons.

Fuel weight (maximum filling) - 9.4 tons.

The volume of fuel tanks is 1 cubic meter.

Weight (landing standard) - 22.4 tons.

Weight (highest landing) - 26 tons.

Traction (standard) - 76.6 kg / m

Traction (forced) - 125 kg / m.

Traction (modernized) - 135 kg / m.

Engine weight - 1.5 tons.

Maximum speed (landing) - up to 250 kilometers per hour.

Maximum speed (at zenith) - 2300 kilometers per hour.

The maximum flight range (near the surface) is up to 1000 kilometers.

The maximum flight range (at the zenith) is up to 3000 kilometers.

Loitering time (distance up to 255 kilometers) - 2 hours.

Flight altitude (maximum) - 17 kilometers.

Thrust-to-weight ratio (standard, afterburner) - 0.96.

Thrust-to-weight ratio (maximum, afterburner) - 0.76.

Takeoff run - 105 meters.

Landing run - 90 meters.

Su-33: weapons overview

The Su-33 is the air defense of the mother ship. It is based on the aircraft carrier "KA" and "land airfields", has the following weapons (in the largest configuration, weight - up to 6.5 tons) and protective equipment:

Single-barrel cannon (30 mm, 150 rounds).

Nodes for hanging weapons - ten pieces.

URVV - up to 10 pieces.

URVP - two pieces.

Unguided rockets ( different types and weight categories) - up to four, twenty or up to eighty pieces.

Bombs (of different types and weight categories) - 8 (half a ton), 28 (quarter ton) or 32 (centner) pieces.

System for detecting "capture" by a radar device - 1 piece.

Helmet target designation system - one piece.

Optoelectronic detection system - one piece (has no analogues).

Antenna (angle of visibility at the zenith) - ± 50 °.

Antenna (angle of visibility by bearing) - ± 60 °.

Air target detection range (collision course) - 100 km.

The detection range of a heat-contrast air target (collision course) is forty kilometers.

The detection range of an air target (in pursuit) is 40 km.

The detection range of a heat-contrast air target (in pursuit) is 100 kilometers.

The number of simultaneously captured targets is ten.

Flight accidents

Su-33 is a reliable aircraft. For thirty years, only eight accidents occurred, and in fact four, since the rest occurred during test flights and "fine-tuning" of the aircraft before it was put into service. And of the remaining four, in two cases there was a break in the cable, which slows down the Su-33 carrier-based fighter (shipborne equipment), and in the other two, there was an error in piloting:

Autumn 1988. During the first test flight, the prototype of the aircraft was lost (failure of hydraulic systems). The test pilot ejected.

Summer 1991. Prototype lost (control system failure). The test pilot ejected.

Winter 1994. An error in piloting led to the death of the fighter. The test pilot ejected.

Summer 1996. After taking off in inclement weather, the pilot lost control and crashed together with the plane. The pilot was killed.

Spring 2000. Control system failure, Su-33 crashed. The pilot ejected.

Summer 2001. During an air show near the city of Pskov, after performing aerobatics, the plane fell slightly short of the landing strip and caught fire during a hard landing. The ace pilot was killed.

Autumn 2005. Sank during a landing maneuver (the brake cable was cut off). The pilot ejected. Winter 2016. A flight accident similar to the previous one with the same consequences.

Plane today

The Su-33 aircraft is based on the aircraft carrier "AK" (10 units) and at the airfield of the naval aviation of the Northern Fleet of Russia (12 units). Thus, taking into account the lost (4 units) in various flight accidents, 26 multipurpose all-weather fighters were serially assembled. These fighters, along with ground-based air defense systems, provide air defense for the Kola zone of the Russian Arctic.


In the summer of 2013, on the territory of an aircraft plant (Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk region) a monument to the carrier-based fighter Su-33 was unveiled. Until the middle of the last decade of the last century, the aircraft was produced at this plant, and in this century it has undergone modernization.

The fighter depicted on the monument was assigned side number 70, under which Major General Timur Apakidze performed at the air show near Pskov and died trying to save the plane.

Interesting fact

The story of this aircraft does not end there. He took part in hostilities. In the fall of 2016, the Su-33, as part of the air group of the aircraft carrier "AK", attacked terrorists and rebels in the provinces of Idlib and Homs (Syria).

Aircraft and culture

At the moment, you can "fly" the Su-33 in the Digital Combat Simulator flight simulator. Model 33 has a sophisticated weapon system and flight physics. You can also "test" the carrier-based fighter in the sixth part of the Ace Kombat game.

In addition, this fighter can be found in the anime "Evangelion". There, he serves as a carrier-based fighter for the United Nations fleet.

Source: => html [~ DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => html => Eleven years have passed since the first takeoff of the Su-33 until it was put into service two years before the beginning of the XXI century. Developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the model of the fourth-generation carrier-based fighter, nicknamed in NATO "Strike to the Flank" (Flanker-D), had better characteristics compared to the MiG-29K in service in terms of greater carrying capacity and flight range. Also, the aircraft could refuel in the air and, due to the suspended container with fuel, refuel other Russian military aircraft. [~ PREVIEW_TEXT] => Eleven years have passed since the first takeoff of the Su-33 until it was put into service two years before the beginning of the XXI century. Developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the model of the fourth-generation carrier-based fighter, nicknamed in NATO "Strike to the Flank" (Flanker-D), had better characteristics compared to the MiG-29K in service in terms of greater carrying capacity and flight range. Also, the aircraft could refuel in the air and, due to the suspended container with fuel, refuel other Russian military aircraft. => text [~ PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~ DETAIL_PICTURE] => => 07/10/2018 09:05:03 [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 07/10/2018 09:05:03 => 07/10/2018 [~ ACTIVE_FROM ] => 10.07.2018 => / news / [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => / news / => / news / 104/91787 / [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => / news / 104/91787 / => / [~ LANG_DIR] = > / => palubnyy_istrebitel_su_33_obzor_letno_tekhnicheskie_kharakteristiki [~ CODE] => palubnyy_istrebitel_su_33_obzor_letno_tekhnicheskie_kharakteristiki => 91787 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 91787 => news [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => news => news [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => news => clothes_news_s1 [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] = > clothes_news_s1 => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => => 07/10/2018 => Array (=> Su-33 carrier-based fighter: overview, performance characteristics => Su-33 carrier-based fighter: overview, flight performance characteristics => Eleven years have passed since the first takeoff of the Su-33 until it was put into service two years before the beginning of the 21st century. The second generation, nicknamed the Flanker-D in NATO, had better characteristics compared to the MiG-29K in service in terms of greater carrying capacity and flight range. Also, the aircraft could refuel in the air and, due to the suspended container with fuel, refuel other Russian military aircraft. => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => Eleven years have passed since the first takeoff Su-33 before it was put into service two years before the beginning of the XXI century. Developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the model of the fourth-generation carrier-based fighter, nicknamed in NATO "Strike to the Flank" (Flanker-D), had better characteristics compared to the MiG-29K in service in terms of greater carrying capacity and flight range. Also, the aircraft could refuel in the air and, due to the suspended container with fuel, refuel other Russian military aircraft. => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, flight performance => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => deck-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => deck-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => deck-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics => Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, flight performance) => Array (=> Aircraft, Aviation) => Array () => Array (=> 1 [ ~ ID] => 1 => 15.02.2016 17:09:48 [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 15.02.2016 17:09:48 => news [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => news => s1 [~ LID] => s1 => news [~ CODE] => news => Press center [~ NAME] => Press center => Y [~ ACTIVE] => Y => 500 [~ SORT] => 500 => / news / [ ~ LIS T_PAGE_URL] => / news / => # SITE_DIR # / news / # SECTION_ID # / # ELEMENT_ID # / [~ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => # SITE_DIR # / news / # SECTION_ID # / # ELEMENT_ID # / => # SITE_DIR # / news / # SECTION_ID # / [~ SECTION_PAGE_URL] => # SITE_DIR # / news / # SECTION_ID # / => [~ PICTURE] => => [~ DESCRIPTION] => => text [~ DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text => 24 [~ RSS_TTL] => 24 => Y [~ RSS_ACTIVE] => Y => N [~ RSS_FILE_ACTIVE] => N => 0 [~ RSS_FILE_LIMIT] => 0 => 0 [~ RSS_FILE_DAYS] => 0 => N [~ RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE] => N => clothes_news_s1 [~ XML_ID] => clothes_news_s1 => [~ TMP_ID] => => Y [~ INDEX_ELEMENT] => Y => Y [~ INDEX_SECTION] => Y => N [~ WORKFLOW] => N => N [~ BIZPROC] => N => L [~ SECTION_CHOOSER] => L => [~ LIST_MODE] => => S [~ RIGHTS_MODE] => S => N [~ SECTION_PROPERTY] => N => N [~ PROPERTY_INDEX] => N => 1 [~ VERSION] => 1 => 0 [~ LAST_CONV_ELEMENT] => 0 => [~ SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => => [~ EDIT_FILE_BEFORE] => = > [~ EDIT_FILE_AFTER] => => Sections [~ SECTIONS_NAME] => Sections => Section [~ SECTION_NAME] => Section => News [~ ELEMENTS_NAME] => News => News [~ ELEMENT_NAME] => News => [~ CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] => => clothes_news_s1 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => clothes_news_s1 => / [~ LANG_DIR] => / => [~ SERVER_NAME] => => Array (=> Array (=> Array (=> 104 [~ ID] => 104 => 2015-11-25 18:37:33 [~ TIMESTAMP_X] => 2015-11-25 18:37:33 => 2 [~ MODIFIED_BY] => 2 => 2015-07-17 14: 13:03 [~ DATE_CREATE] => 2015-07-17 14:13:03 => 1 [~ CREATED_BY] => 1 => 1 [~ IBLOCK_ID] => 1 => [~ IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Y [~ ACTIVE] => Y => Y [~ GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y => 5 [~ SORT] => 5 => Interesting articles[~ NAME] => Interesting articles => [~ PICTURE] => => 9 [~ LEFT_MARGIN] => 9 => 10 [~ RIGHT_MARGIN] => 10 => 1 [~ DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 => [~ DESCRIPTION] => => text [~ DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => text => INTERESTING ARTICLES [~ SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => INTERESTING ARTICLES => [~ CODE] => => 104 [~ XML_ID] => 104 => [~ TMP_ID] => => [~ DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~ SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => => / news / [~ LIST_PAGE_URL] => / news / => / news / 104 / [~ SECTION_PAGE_URL] => / news / 104 / => news [~ IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => news => news [~ IBLOCK_CODE] => news => clothes_news_s1 [~ IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => clothes_news_s1 => 104 [~ EXTERNAL_ID] => 104 => Array (=> Interesting articles => interesting articles => => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => interesting articles => => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => Interesting articles => Interesting articles)))) => / news / 104 /)

Carrier-based fighter Su-33: overview, performance characteristics

Eleven years have passed since the first takeoff of the Su-33 until it was put into service two years before the beginning of the 21st century. Developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the model of the fourth-generation carrier-based fighter, nicknamed in NATO "Strike to the Flank" (Flanker-D), had better characteristics compared to the MiG-29K in service in terms of greater carrying capacity and flight range. Also, the aircraft could refuel in the air and, due to the suspended container with fuel, refuel other Russian military aircraft.

Why was it created? The main purpose for which the Su-33 carrier-based fighter was created is to control the airspace around the mother ship and "work" on enemy surface targets. The wings and tail are made to fold down so that the fighter takes up as little space as possible on the ship. Its automatically engaging air intakes make it possible to achieve speeds twice the speed of sound.

"Admiral Kuznetsov" and Su-33

That was the name of the aircraft carrier. In the fall of 1989, the Su-33 carrier-based fighter (at that time called the Su-27K) performed its premier launch (and successfully aerofinished on its deck) from the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov (hereinafter referred to as TAKR AK). Which is named after the commander of the Soviet Navy from 1939 to 1955 (with a short break) - 14 years.

Russian military aircraft - SU-27K and Su-33 - were designed and created for the project of creating heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers with an eye on the possible construction of aircraft carriers. But the collapse of the USSR did not allow these plans to come true. In the naval forces of Russia there is only one ship of this kind - the aircraft carrier "AK".

Airplane advantages

Compared to the Su-27, the Su-33 is better armed (more space for weapon pods) and more efficiently "works" on the sea surface. After upgrading the model to 33M:

The engine resource has increased - up to one and a half thousand flights.

The GLONASS navigation system appeared.

The "bombing" of surface targets, including guided missiles, has become more accurate.

Equipment has been installed to warn of the "capture" of a fighter by a radar beam.

The arsenal of weapons for attacking enemy ships was expanded. Now it can take part and URVP - guided missiles of the "air-to-surface" type.

Other features

The Su-33 has (in addition to the above-mentioned features) an upgraded AL-31F-M1 engine, wing inflow, and instead of a braking parachute - a landing hook equipped with a special alarm for the “AK” aircraft landing command. Armament on the fighter is located on twelve pylons, 8 of which are fixed under the wings, and the rest - on the body of the heavy fighter. In combat with airplanes and helicopters, cannons and missiles are used, both close-range (unguided) and guided - homing to "heat" and a radar. When attacking surface targets, a cannon, unguided bombs of various weights (automatic, high-precision aiming) and anti-ship guided missiles can also be used.

Fighter-bomb carrier

The highly maneuverable and high-speed heavy fighter Su-33, if necessary, is very quickly and easily reformatted into a roomy bomb carrier. If we exclude or severely restrict missile armament, then on its suspensions and beam holders (both single and multi-lock), it is capable of carrying and dropping onto the ship (and with a high degree of probability to hit it) 4 tons of FAB-500 bombs or 7 tons FAB-250. Unfortunately, the Su-33 ammunition does not include smart bombs. But when upgrading it to 33M, the sight for bombing was significantly improved.

Flight performance

Piloting is carried out by one person.

Length - 21 m.

Height - 5.7 m. R

wingspan - 14.7 m.

Width (with retracted wings) - 7.4 m.

The wing area is 67.8 square meters. WITH

sludge acting on the wing (standard) - 383 kg / m.

The force acting on the wing (maximum) - 486 kg / m.

The basis of the SU-33 chassis is 5.9 m.

Chassis trail - 4.44 m.

Weight (unloaded) - 19.6 tons.

Weight (with standard refueling and ammunition) - 30 tons.

Weight (maximum takeoff) - 33 tons.

Fuel weight (standard filling) - 5.4 tons.

Fuel weight (maximum filling) - 9.4 tons.

The volume of fuel tanks is 1 cubic meter.

Weight (landing standard) - 22.4 tons.

Weight (highest landing) - 26 tons.

Traction (standard) - 76.6 kg / m

Traction (forced) - 125 kg / m.

Traction (modernized) - 135 kg / m.

Engine weight - 1.5 tons.

Maximum speed (landing) - up to 250 kilometers per hour.

Maximum speed (at zenith) - 2300 kilometers per hour.

The maximum flight range (near the surface) is up to 1000 kilometers.

The maximum flight range (at the zenith) is up to 3000 kilometers.

Loitering time (distance up to 255 kilometers) - 2 hours.

Flight altitude (maximum) - 17 kilometers.

Thrust-to-weight ratio (standard, afterburner) - 0.96.

Thrust-to-weight ratio (maximum, afterburner) - 0.76.

Takeoff run - 105 meters.

Landing run - 90 meters.

Su-33: weapons overview

The Su-33 is the air defense of the mother ship. It is based on the aircraft carrier "KA" and "land airfields", has the following weapons (in the largest configuration, weight - up to 6.5 tons) and protective equipment:

Single-barrel cannon (30 mm, 150 rounds).

Nodes for hanging weapons - ten pieces.

URVV - up to 10 pieces.

URVP - two pieces.

Unguided rockets (of different types and weight categories) - up to four, twenty or up to eighty pieces.

Bombs (of different types and weight categories) - 8 (half a ton), 28 (quarter ton) or 32 (centner) pieces.

System for detecting "capture" by a radar device - 1 piece.

Helmet target designation system - one piece.

Optoelectronic detection system - one piece (has no analogues).

Antenna (angle of visibility at the zenith) - ± 50 °.

Antenna (angle of visibility by bearing) - ± 60 °.

Air target detection range (collision course) - 100 km.

The detection range of a heat-contrast air target (collision course) is forty kilometers.

The detection range of an air target (in pursuit) is 40 km.

The detection range of a heat-contrast air target (in pursuit) is 100 kilometers.

The number of simultaneously captured targets is ten.

Flight accidents

Su-33 is a reliable aircraft. For thirty years, only eight accidents occurred, and in fact four, since the rest occurred during test flights and "fine-tuning" of the aircraft before it was put into service. And of the remaining four, in two cases there was a break in the cable, which slows down the Su-33 carrier-based fighter (shipborne equipment), and in the other two, there was an error in piloting:

Autumn 1988. During the first test flight, the prototype of the aircraft was lost (failure of hydraulic systems). The test pilot ejected.

Summer 1991. Prototype lost (control system failure). The test pilot ejected.

Winter 1994. An error in piloting led to the death of the fighter. The test pilot ejected.

Summer 1996. After taking off in inclement weather, the pilot lost control and crashed together with the plane. The pilot was killed.

Spring 2000. Control system failure, Su-33 crashed. The pilot ejected.

Summer 2001. During an air show near the city of Pskov, after performing aerobatics, the plane fell slightly short of the landing strip and caught fire during a hard landing. The ace pilot was killed.

Autumn 2005. Sank during a landing maneuver (the brake cable was cut off). The pilot ejected. Winter 2016. A flight accident similar to the previous one with the same consequences.

Plane today

The Su-33 aircraft is based on the aircraft carrier "AK" (10 units) and at the airfield of the naval aviation of the Northern Fleet of Russia (12 units). Thus, taking into account the lost (4 units) in various flight accidents, 26 multipurpose all-weather fighters were serially assembled. These fighters, along with ground-based air defense systems, provide air defense for the Kola zone of the Russian Arctic.


In the summer of 2013, a monument to the Su-33 carrier-based fighter was unveiled on the territory of the aircraft plant (Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory). Until the middle of the last decade of the last century, the aircraft was produced at this plant, and in this century it has undergone modernization.

The fighter depicted on the monument was assigned side number 70, under which Major General Timur Apakidze performed at the air show near Pskov and died trying to save the plane.

Interesting fact

The story of this aircraft does not end there. He took part in hostilities. In the fall of 2016, the Su-33, as part of the air group of the aircraft carrier "AK", attacked terrorists and rebels in the provinces of Idlib and Homs (Syria).

Aircraft and culture

At the moment, you can "fly" the Su-33 in the Digital Combat Simulator flight simulator. Model 33 has a sophisticated weapon system and flight physics. You can also "test" the carrier-based fighter in the sixth part of the Ace Kombat game.

In addition, this fighter can be found in the anime "Evangelion". There, he serves as a carrier-based fighter for the United Nations fleet.

The Su-33 is a carrier-based fighter that was developed and manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation. This aircraft model is the 4th generation of fighters, which were developed at the Sukhoi Design Bureau. This machine was manufactured under the supervision of the chief designer Mikhail Petrovich Simonov.

The new fighter was designed on the basis of the Su-27 fighter model. The Su-33 fighter, according to the designers' plan, should have all the advantages of the previous version of the fighter.

At the beginning of 1940, the question of replenishing the Navy with such units as aircraft carriers arose. But it was possible to begin to implement this idea only after the end of the Second World War. The customer of this machine was the command of the Russian Navy, led by Admiral Nikolay Gerasimovich Kuznetsov... He put forward requirements for a new fighter. He believed that the main task was that the machine could effectively destroy surface targets.

After taking into account all the requirements and improvements, the project of the new Su-33 was ready in the winter of 1985. At the beginning of 86, the assembly of the prototype was started at the Sukhoi design bureau. It was first made with a regular wing, not a folding one. The new model was assembled in 1987, the working name of the new aircraft was T-10K-1. In the summer of the same year, the new fighter made its maiden flight.

The aircraft was assembled from parts and assemblies that were developed in the experimental workshop of the bureau, and some parts were taken from the production model of the Su-27. Six months after the first takeoff, another model of the new aircraft was manufactured. The second prototype already had a folding wing, as planned from the beginning. It also had a difference in plumage, since it was horizontal. The second model carried out the first lift off the ground in the winter of 1987, but in September 88th this model was wrecked due to a malfunction of the hydraulic system.

In October 1989 was manufactured the aircraft carrier "Admiral Flota of the Soviet Union Kznetsuov", which could take fighters to its deck, but it was not yet fully staffed.

It had a full range of aircraft takeoff and landing devices, but did not yet have a radar system. Fighter planes could only practice flights over the deck, but at a very low altitude, sometimes they touched the deck with their wheels. At the end of October 1989, it was decided to make the first landing of a Su-33 aircraft on the deck of the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier. The first landing was successful, and on the same day it was taken off from the deck. A tester was at the helm of the new fighter Victor Georgievich Pugachev.

All flight tests of the Su-33 fighter ended in November 1989.

Description of carrier-based fighter Su-33

This model is made as a longitudinal triplane, just like the Su-27.

For landing on the deck of the ship, this machine has a brake hook, which is attached to the bottom of the central beam.

The wing has a swept shape, it consists of three sections and two slotted flaps. To reduce the size of the aircraft on the deck of aircraft carriers, it is equipped with folding wings that rotate to an angle of 135 degrees, all wing turns are carried out by a hydraulic system.

This type of wing design significantly reduces the space occupied by the aircraft both in the hangar and on the deck.

Due to the use of the aircraft in rather harsh climatic conditions, the corrosion resistance of the structure was increased. Also, the designers have thought over the protection of all on-board systems from temperature extremes and from humidity.

In the new Su-33, all the shortcomings that were in the previous model of the carrier-based fighter were taken into account. Firstly, the vertical tail height was significantly reduced, and a reinforced chassis was used, which allows for a more efficient landing on deck. Changes have also been made to the chassis. The wheels in this car are smaller than those of its predecessor. The front landing gear has a double wheel that can rotate 60 degrees. This turning of the wheels increased the maneuverability of the aircraft on the deck of the aircraft carrier. The pressure in the wheels of the fighter was also increased. In emergency situations, an ejection seat is provided, it has also been improved compared to the Su-27

It helps the pilot to withstand heavy overloads during maneuvers.

Power plant Su-33

The carrier-based fighter of this model is equipped with two TRDDF AL-31K engines with a capacity of 13,300 kgf each.

These models are two-circuit turbojet units with afterburners. An additional outboard fuel tank can be installed on the Su-33. This aircraft has the ability to refuel directly in the air, and the role of a tanker can be performed by another Su-33. In the air mode of refueling, the fighter can receive up to 6 tons of fuel.

The new fighter was equipped with better and more modern airborne equipment. The entire mechanical control system was eliminated, which was replaced by an automatic navigation complex, which provides control of all major systems. It provides for automatic adjustment of engine thrust, corrects the flight to a given point, and also an automatic landing is possible due to the use of the Resistor-K-42 system, which is installed on aircraft carriers.

Features of the operation of the Su-33 fighter

This aircraft has the ability to take off from decks of different takeoff run lengths. Standard aircraft carriers have three runways, the length of which is different: two of them are 105 meters, and another is 195 meters. The approach of the aircraft for landing is directed by a team of specialists on the bridge of the ship, it controls the trajectory and movement of the aircraft. After the plane touches the deck, it clings with its hook to the cable on the deck, which should stop the plane. With such a landing, the pilot experiences a great overload. After the plane touches the deck, the pilot should turn the engines to maximum power. This is done so that if the aerofinisher cable breaks or the hook is not hooked, the pilot has the opportunity to take off from the deck of the aircraft carrier and make a second landing attempt.

Features of carrier-based fighter Su-33

Despite the fact that the new Su-33 is based on the Su-27, it still has many advantages.

· Firstly, the quality of the wings during takeoff and landing was improved, this could be achieved by increasing the wing area.

· For a safer and shorter takeoff of the aircraft, the thrust-armed vehicles were increased. Reinforced struts help the aircraft and the pilot to handle overloads more comfortably.

· New navigation equipment ensures safe and accurate landing, has the ability to cooperate with aircraft carrier equipment for a more accurate landing approach.

· Foldable wings allow more fighters to be carried aboard an aircraft carrier. And the protected parts of the aircraft will allow this aircraft to last much longer.

· The takeoff weight of the aircraft was increased to 33 tons, due to this it was possible to increase the mass of the combat load to 6.5 tons. The increased combat load made it possible to hang 12 air-to-air missiles and up to six R-73 missiles on one Su-33 fighter at once.

The refueling system allows to increase the flight range, and the refueling bar is located in front of the pilot to the left of the cockpit. This allows you to more effectively control the refueling process.

Modernization of the Su-33

According to statistics, in October 2010, the Sukhoi Design Bureau began flight tests of a new modernized model of the Su-33 fighter. Unfortunately, there is still no data on what kind of innovations this model of the car has. Repair and modernization of carrier-based fighters is carried out regularly. Over the past two years, four Su-33s have undergone modernization, after which they were sent to Severomorsk. Repair and improvement of aircraft is carried out in Komsomolsk, since 2002 19 carrier-based fighters of this model have been modernized here. To date, 22 carrier-based fighters of this type are in combat service in the army of the Russian Federation.

The Su-33 fighter was put into service in the summer of 1998. In total, 26 aircraft of this type were manufactured for the Russian Navy, but 4 aircraft were lost over the years of operation.

The aircraft carrier fleet was decided to build on the basis of an existing ship project 1143.

In April 1978, the design documentation for the creation of an aircraft carrier was already ready. It was assumed that Yak-41, Su-27K, Su-25K planes and a Ka-27 helicopter would land on the aircraft carrier.

In April 1984, MMZ Kulon began the development, construction and testing of the Su-27K shipborne fighter. He provided support for the fleet in all weather conditions. He could climb 17 km, which made it possible to fight helicopters

anti-submarine defense, transport workers, radio reconnaissance aircraft; the aircraft was used to escort shore-based aircraft. In the summer of 1987, the first prototype was ready for flight.

After the first flights, it turned out that the flight characteristics had deteriorated, but some modifications of the wing and PGO made it possible to achieve a decrease in the approach speed. In 1989, the first stage of the test was carried out. The plane was run in on a regular runway. In November 1989, the first aircraft landed on deck.

By December 1990, all LCI tests of the aircraft were completed, during which the main technical, tactical and combat characteristics were determined. In March 1991, state tests began, which lasted until 1994. At this time, 24 serial Su-27Ks had already been built. The next step in the development of the famous Su was the construction of a newer modification of the Su-33.

This aircraft has already been built according to the integrated aerodynamic scheme and supplemented by the front horizontal tail. It was foldable to save space. The front empennage made it possible to increase the bearing properties of the airframe and improve performance at high angles of attack. The wings are trapezoidal, with an extension near the fuselage, smoothly merging into the body. To save space, the wings are foldable.

Technical characteristics of the SU-33K

With folded wing: 7.40 m

With suspended rockets at the tips: 14.948 m

With stabilizers folded: 7.40 m

Wing area: 67.84 m²

Wing aspect ratio: 3.48

Wing constriction ratio: 3.76

Normal takeoff weight:

With partial filling: 26000 kg

With a full charge: 29940 kg

Maximum takeoff weight: 33000 kg

Fuel weight: 9400 kg

Basic filling option: 5350 kg

Volume of fuel tanks: 12100 l

Normal landing weight: 22400 kg

Limit landing weight: 26000 kg

· Engine:

Maximum: 2 × 7670 kgf (74.5 kN)

Engine weight: 1520 kg

Flight characteristics

· Landing speed: 235-250 km / h

· Range of flight:

Near the ground: 1000 km

At altitude: 3000 km

Duration of patrol at a distance of 250 km: 2 hours


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