Ship cruiser. Seven of the best missile cruisers of the Cold War. Belknap-class missile cruisers

The Russian Navy has 203 surface ships and 71 submarines, including 23 nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. Russia's defense capability at sea is provided by modern and powerful ships.

"Peter the Great"

The heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Peter the Great is the world's largest non-aircraft-carrying strike ship. Capable of destroying groups of enemy aircraft carriers. The only afloat cruiser of the famous Soviet project 1144 "Orlan". Built at the Baltic Shipyard and launched in 1989. Commissioned after 9 years.

For 16 years, the cruiser has covered 140,000 miles. The flagship of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, home port is Severomorsk.
With a width of 28.5 meters, it is 251 meters long. Full displacement of 25860 tons.
Two nuclear reactors with a capacity of 300 Megawatts, two boilers, turbines and gas turbine generators are capable of supplying energy to a city with a population of 200 thousand. It can reach speeds of up to 32 knots, the cruising range is not limited. The crew of 727 people can be autonomous for 60 days.
Armament: 20 SM-233 launchers with P-700 Granit cruise missiles, firing range - 700 km. Anti-aircraft complex "Rif" S-300F (96 vertical launch missiles). Anti-aircraft system "Kortik" with a stock of 128 missiles. Gun mount AK-130. Two anti-submarine missile and torpedo systems "Waterfall", anti-torpedo system "Udav-1M". RBU-12000 and RBU-1000 "Smerch-3" rocket launchers. Three Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters can be based on board.

"Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (project 11435). Built at the Black Sea shipyard, launched in 1985. He bore the names "Riga", "Leonid Brezhnev", "Tbilisi". Since 1991 it has become a member of the Northern Fleet. He served in the Mediterranean and took part in the rescue operation in the case of the Kursk sinking. In three years, according to the plan, it will be spent on modernization.
The length of the cruiser is 302.3 meters, the total displacement is 55,000 tons. The maximum speed is 29 knots. A crew of 1960 can be at sea for a month and a half.
Armament: 12 anti-ship missiles "Granit", 60 missiles "Udav-1", 24 air defense systems "Blade" (192 missiles) and "Kashtan" (256 missiles). It can carry 24 Ka-27 helicopters, 16 Yak-41M vertical takeoff supersonic aircraft and up to 12 Su-27K fighters.


"Moskva", guards missile cruiser. Multipurpose ship. Built at the shipyards of the 61 Communards plant in Nikolaev. It was originally called "Glory". Commissioned in 1983. The flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
Participated in the military conflict with Georgia, in 2014 he carried out the blockade of the Ukrainian Navy.
With a width of 20.8 meters, it has a length of 186.4 meters and a displacement of 11,490 tons. Maximum speed 32 knots. Cruising range up to 6000 nautical miles. The crew of 510 people can be in "autonomous" for a month.
Armament: 16 P-500 Basalt guns, two AK-130 gun mounts, six 6-barrel gun mounts AK-630, B-204 S-300F “Rif” air defense systems (64 missiles), Osa-MA air defense missile launchers (48 missiles), torpedo tubes, RBU-6000 rocket launchers, Ka-27 helicopter.
A copy of "Moscow" - the cruiser "Varyag" is the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.


The Dagestan patrol ship was commissioned in 2012. Built at the Zelenodolsk shipyard. In 2014 transferred to the Caspian Flotilla. This is the second ship of Project 11661K, the first - "Tatarstan" is the flagship of the Caspian fleet.
"Dagestan" has more powerful and modern weapons: the universal RK "Kalibr-NK", which can use several types of high-precision missiles (firing range is more than 300 km), ZRAK "Palma", AU AK-176M. Equipped with stealth technology.
With a width of 13.1 meters, "Dagestan" has a length of 102.2 meters, a displacement of 1900 tons. It can reach speeds of up to 28 knots. The crew of 120 people can be autonomous for 15 days.
Four more such ships were laid down at the shipyards.


The flagship of the Baltic Fleet, the destroyer Nastoichivy, was built at the Leningrad Shipyard named after Zhdanov and launched in 1991. Designed to destroy ground targets, anti-aircraft and anti-ship defense of formations.
With a width of 17.2 meters, it has a length of 156.5 meters and a displacement of 7940 tons. The crew of 296 people can sail without calling the port for up to 30 days.
The destroyer is carrying a KA-27 helicopter. Equipped with twin gun mounts AK-130/54, six-barreled AK-630 mounts, P-270 "Mosquito" mounts, six-barrel rocket launchers, two "Shtil" air defense systems and torpedo tubes.

"Yury Dolgoruky"

The nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky (the first submarine of Project 955 Borey) was laid down in 1996 in Severodvinsk. Commissioned in 2013. Home port - Gadzhievo. It is part of the Northern Fleet.
The length of the boat is 170 meters, the underwater displacement is 24,000 tons. Maximum surface speed - 15 knots, underwater - 29 knots. The crew is 107 people. It can carry out combat duty for three months without entering the port.
Yuri Dolgoruky carries 16 Bulava ballistic missiles, is equipped with PHR 9R38 Igla, 533-mm torpedo tubes, and six REPS-324 Shlagbaum acoustic countermeasures. In the coming years, six more submarines of the same class will be built on the lines of Russia.


The multipurpose nuclear submarine Severodvinsk became the first submarine of the new Russian project 855 Yasen. The "quietest" submarine in the world. Built in Severodvinsk. In 2014 it became part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy. Home port - Zapadnaya Litsa.
With a width of 13.5 meters, it has a length of 119 meters, an underwater displacement of 13,800 tons,
The surface speed of "Severodvinsk" is 16 knots, the underwater speed is 31 knots. Navigation autonomy - 100 days, crew - 90 people.
It has a modern silent nuclear reactor of a new generation. The submarine is equipped with ten torpedo tubes, cruise missiles P-100 "Onyx", X-35, ZM-54E, ZM-54E1, ZM-14E. Carries strategic cruise missiles X-101 and can hit targets within a radius of up to 3000 kilometers. By 2020, Russia plans to build six more Yasen-class submarines.



(German Kreizer). Warship dispatched; into cruising.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.- Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


high-speed warships, adapted for long-distance navigation. In wartime, they are used to capture enemy transport and merchant ships, and in peacetime - to monitor smuggling.

Dictionary of foreign words that have become part of the Russian language - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


a military vessel sailing in all directions to watch the shores and to discourage smuggling; in wartime, he monitors enemy ships, preventing them from delivering provisions, guns, etc.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


goal. kruisser, it. Kreuzer. Cruising military ship.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(goal. kruiser) is a fast warship with powerful artillery and missile weapons, designed to destroy enemy ships and coastal facilities, for reconnaissance and patrol services, to cover convoys and assault forces (at sea crossing and during landing), etc.

New Dictionary of Foreign Words - by EdwART,, 2009 .


cruisers, pl. cruisers, cruisers, m. [goal. kruiser] (naval). Large high-speed military vessel. Mine cruiser.

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


and, pl. cruisers, s and cruisers, s, m. ( netherl. kruiser).
Large fast warship.
Cruising - related to cruiser, cruisers.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words L.P. Krysin.- M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "CRUISER" is in other dictionaries:

    CRUISER, cruiser, pl. cruisers cruisers, husband. (Dutch. kruiser) (naval). Large high-speed military vessel. Armored cruiser. Mine cruiser. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CRUISER, a warship that differs from battleships in greater lightness and speed, with a displacement of 7,500 to 21,000 tons. After the First World War, according to the arms limitation treaties, the caliber of guns on cruisers did not exceed 200 mm. ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Combat surface ship for naval combat, violation of enemy sea communications, etc. EdwART. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010 Cruiser is a large ship with strong artillery, torpedo weapons, has great speed and ... ...

    - (from the Dutch kruiser) combat ship. As a class of ships, cruisers appeared in the 60s. 19th century During World War II, they were divided into light and heavy. In the modern Navy there are missile cruisers, anti-submarine cruisers, etc. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CRUISER, well, pl. a, ov and ov, ov, husband. Large high-speed combat ship. Armored, anti-submarine, missile k. | adj. cruising, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sush., Number of synonyms: 3 Varangians (10) ship (101) raider (6) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trisha ... Synonym dictionary

    cruiser - cruiser, pl. cruisers, genus. cruisers and cruisers, cruisers. The pronunciation of [cruiser] is becoming obsolete ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    cruiser - a combat surface ship for naval combat, violation of enemy sea communications, etc. Appeared in the 60s and 70s of the 19th century. Until the middle of the 20th century, the main armament was tower artillery (6 9 guns of 203 280 mm caliber). ... ... Marine Biographical Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Cruiser (clipper). The cruiser "Aurora" ... Wikipedia

    - (Dutch kruiser, from kruisen to sail by sea, to cruise) a combat surface ship designed to fight against light forces of the enemy fleet, defend formations of warships and convoys, ensure the landing of amphibious assault forces, fire ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • The cruiser "Zabiyaka", S. D. Klimovsky. The cruiser "Zabiyaka" became the first special-purpose cruiser in the Russian fleet. At the same time - at the end of the 70s of the XIX century. - it was considered one of the fastest ships in the world. ...

A cruiser is a class of surface combat ships that can perform various tasks autonomously, independently of the main fleet. Recently, this has been supplanted by the combined units of the fleet, consisting of several units, and ships focused on a specific type of operation (mainly on complex resistance to air, land and sea types of enemy equipment). The cruisers are currently used by the Russian, US and Peruvian navies.

general information

The development of the military fleet began in the days of the Russian Empire. Other countries in this regard also tried to keep up. This is especially true for the USA, France, Germany, Japan and Great Britain. The cruiser is one of the constituent units of the army, which ensures the sovereignty of the state and its protection from enemy encroachments. The ships of the flotilla not only provide control of the water border, but also provide support to the land part of it.

A lot of tasks are assigned to the Navy. Among them:

  1. Ensuring the security of the country.
  2. Support for various humanitarian and research campaigns that do not contradict the interests of the state.
  3. Conducting internal and joint exercises.

In connection with such a different orientation, the ships are divided into ranks depending on their main purpose. Classes of ships, in turn, are subdivided into subcategories. The difference between them lies in the type of power plant, displacement, purpose, availability of additional features. In Russia, there are four ranks of ships, the highest of which is the first. Let's first consider the features, brief characteristics and purpose of the cruisers.

Historical moments

The concept of "cruiser" came into wide use in the seventeenth century. In those days, this term meant an autonomously acting floating vehicle. The name was more aimed at defining the purpose of the ship than its structure. The ships themselves were small, and possessed speed and maneuverability. They were used for reconnaissance, transmission of information, individual action in the protection of territories and military conflicts.

Already in the 18th century, a cruiser is a frigate that, along with its compact dimensions, has a high speed. Artillery weapons are placed on it. This category also includes corvettes, brigs, sloops and some other modifications of floating facilities.

Battle cruiser: the basics

Such ships belong to the category of heavy surface ships. Their appearance was the result of a special naval conference held in Washington. Representatives of the British who have in their arsenal powerful, effective and very expensive analogues of the Hawkins type, after an attempt to change the parameters of the cruisers by the representatives of the conference, insisted on the adoption of certain restrictions in this matter. As a result, the requirements for battlecruisers included a maximum displacement of up to 10 tons and a weapon caliber of no more than 203 millimeters.

In 1936, a new treaty was signed with the participation of the United States, Great Britain and France. According to him, the construction of heavy ships was prohibited until 1942. In this regard, the battle cruiser began to have weakened armament, a lower displacement and a lower price. This applies predominantly to York, County and Surrey specimens.

They tried to build similar ships and in the Kronstadt type ships were capable of carrying artillery weapons of 305 mm caliber, and were also equipped with reinforced armor. Two cruisers were laid down in 1939, but with the outbreak of war their construction was suspended.

Nuclear powered ships

The nuclear cruiser in the USSR was represented by four units of the project number 58 ("Grozny"). They were laid down as destroyers, but in 1977 they were retrained into missile ships. In addition, in the period from 1970 to 1990, six nuclear-powered icebreakers "Arktika" were developed, most of which remained in the project or were partially re-equipped for other types.

The cruiser "Slava" became one of the ships that received limited serial production. One copy took about four years to build. The new generation of the Soviet fleet is designed for maneuvers in open ocean waters. Their main purpose is to confront attack aircraft carrier teams, amphibious vehicles, to fight various types of convoys and force support on land and water.

Characteristics of the Slava surface combat ship:

  • length / width / draft - 187/19 / 7.5 meters;
  • power plant - gas turbine engines;
  • the ship is equipped with a platform for placing surface-to-surface launchers;
  • armament - surface artillery, torpedoes against submarines, anti-aircraft guns and machine guns, the possibility of basing a military helicopter.

Lightweight modifications

The light cruiser sparked an increase in interest in the early thirties of the last century. There were several reasons for this:

  1. It was easier to comply with interstate agreements on the armed equipment of the vessel.
  2. The ship became more maneuverable and faster, which made it possible to use it for highly specialized missions.
  3. The cost of building one unit has dropped significantly.

The military fleet of the Soviet Union was replenished with cruisers of project 26. The ships were designed with the participation of Italian specialists, they are distinguished by powerful weapons and good speed. The disadvantages include a short cruising range, a low level of booking and poor seaworthiness. In the forties of the twentieth century, on the basis of these prototypes, several cruisers of Project 68 were created, distinguished by enhanced protective and seaworthy performance.

Ships of the Russian Navy

The modern Russian fleet is a reliable and developing industry. In 2014, the Navy received five new ships, three submarines and several dozen boats for various purposes. In addition, projects with strategic missile weapons are being developed and created.

The surface forces are based on:

  • destination;
  • battle cruisers;
  • military destroyers, as well as various modifications of boats, support and support equipment.

In addition, the fleet will be replenished with modernized reserve units. Among them are two dozen submarines, anti-submarine ships and destroyers.

What will be modernized?

It is planned to improve the TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov". The Granit launchers will be dismantled from it, which will increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe aircraft hangar to 4500 square meters. Armament will be strengthened by anti-aircraft complexes using medium-range charges.

The ships named after the admirals: "Nakhimov", "Ushakov", "Lazarev" will also undergo modernization. "Peter the Great" is a heavy cruiser, which is also planned to be transformed by 2020. Updates will mainly affect the installation of the latest armed, reconnaissance and radar systems.

In addition, the plans for improvement include boats of projects No. 877, 971, 945 ("Halibut", "Pike", "Barracuda", "Condor"). Presumably, they will be equipped with modern anti-aircraft systems and missiles. By and large, these will be universal combat ships focused on confronting enemy ground, air and sea forces.

Ship "Vasily Bykov"

The types of cruisers in this series are designed for patrolling the economic zone, protecting the territorial water border, protecting against pirate intrusions, environmental monitoring, as well as rescuing and searching for damaged ships. In addition, this cruiser is capable of performing the following tasks:

  1. Guard and escort merchant or military vessels.
  2. Complete patrol and rescue mission.
  3. Used as a medical aid.

In the next five years, 12 modifications are expected to arrive. This cruiser is a ship named after the hero of the USSR, Rear Admiral V. Bykov.


The design of the progressive aircraft carrier began in 2005. According to plans, the ship in 2017 was supposed to take a place in the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation. However, during the construction process, conditions and requirements were regularly changed, which led to a delay in the process. In 2013, a model presented by the Krylov State Scientific Center and the Nevsky Design Bureau was demonstrated.

The designers announced the existence of three projects, the price of each of which after implementation will be about 130 billion rubles. The approximate construction period of the samples is 10 years.

The new ships will have the following features:

  1. Have a displacement of at least 80 thousand tons.
  2. Equip with four catapults and a pair of trampolines.
  3. Equip with several lifts.
  4. Be able to accommodate several amphibious vehicles as well as assault helicopters.

In addition, it is planned to install a radar system on these ships, similar to the improved analogue "Mars-Passat", as well as accompanying systems and other types of radars.

The history of cruisers shows that these ships have been in demand in the fleet for several centuries. Modern ships can perform a variety of military missions, as well as provide significant assistance in eliminating disasters and accidents.

The Russian fleet, despite all the difficulties, remains in leading positions among the navies of the world powers. It is planned to create the newest ships with the highest characteristics. Many project parameters are kept secret. However, several modifications are known to be in development. Among them:

  • Guard vessels for distant sea spaces (project No. 11356).
  • The newest frigates for the Black Sea.
  • Destroyer "Leader".
  • Aircraft carrier designed by KGNTs IMDS-2013.

All developments are equipped with the latest generation equipment and weapons and can compete on equal terms with the most famous foreign counterparts.

Hello to all the readers and subscribers of our online gaming blog. The Gamebizclub team is in touch and today we will tell you about the best ships in World of Warships. These combat vehicles are a dream come true not only for beginners, but also for experienced players. In this review, we will analyze in detail both premium ships and representatives of the main branches of development. It is quite possible that today you can find the ship of your dreams among them.

In this article, you will learn:


One of the main directions of shipbuilding in the United States in the 20th century was the creation of heavy ships with impressive air defense. In terms of firepower, American warships of that time were many times superior to their "classmates" of other nations. However, with all this, they significantly lagged behind the Japanese in terms of torpedo armament.

  • Cruisers

St. Louis (III level) - is popular not only among beginners, but also among experienced gamers. The combination of firepower and solid armor makes this cruiser arguably the best ship at its level. Along the sides, as many as 14 sixteen-inch guns and 18 guns of 76 mm caliber are installed, providing continuous firing. In terms of HP, Saint Louis can be compared to single-tier battleships. The disadvantages include the fact that there is almost no air defense on the ship. In addition, this cruiser is quite vulnerable to shrapnel shells from battleships. Nevertheless, even taking into account all the shortcomings of St. Louis, we advise you to swing this ship at level 3.

Omaha (Tier V) - for gamers who unlock the 5th level of the American cruiser tech tree, Omaha becomes a "pioneer" in several ways. It will delight players with a gun turret and an aircraft catapult for the reconnaissance aircraft on board. The cruiser is the leader in its class in terms of firing range. And the presence of torpedo weapons gives him a significant advantage in close combat. Omaha is ideal for silver farming. With relatively cheap content, it allows you to earn up to 200,000 per battle, even without a premium account.

Cleveland (Tier VI) - this type of cruiser is considered the most widespread in the history of the fleet. The ship has four gun turrets, in which all of its guns are concentrated. This design allows for aimed shooting at one specific target on the side. The main advantage of Cleveland is the incredibly powerful air defense for this level, which makes it the main threat to enemy aircraft.

Atlanta (Tier VII) - This premium cruiser has a special place in the line of elite ships of the American Navy. 16 incredibly fast-firing 127-caliber twin cannons pour heavy fire on opponents, smashing everything that is not protected by a dense layer of armor to pieces. And his torpedo tubes can present a very unpleasant surprise to gape battleships. The greatest efficiency in Atlanta can be achieved in squadron combat.

Des Moines (Tier X) - 9 eight-inch cannons, making 10 volleys per minute, are the hallmark of this ship. Not surprisingly, with such weapons, he can easily send enemy ships to the bottom. In duels, this cruiser has no equal. However, like other members of this class, it should stay away from enemy battleships.

  • Destroyers

Farragut (Tier VI) is a worthy destroyer class with excellent driving characteristics and powerful weapons. Success in a direct collision is assured to him if a sufficiently light ship acts as an enemy. Still, in terms of armor, it is significantly inferior to single-tier cruisers and battleships. It is also worth noting that this destroyer's air defense is good at shooting down enemy planes. And with a sufficient amount of ingenuity and skillful use of torpedoes in close combat, it can also be used to fight heavier enemy ships.

Sims (Tier VII) - Despite its lightness, this premium destroyer can fight off not only ships of its class, but also armored cruisers. astounding speed, impressive artillery and first-class agility are three reasons why the American destroyer Sims is worth purchasing.

  • Battleships

North Carolina (Tier VIII) - This masterpiece of American shipbuilding does not have the best armor for its class, however, due to this, it demonstrates amazing mobility. In the right hands, the battleship North Carolina is becoming an almost universal warship. Powerful air defense and impressive armament allows him to effectively destroy enemy cruisers, battleships and aircraft. The only thing his captain should fear is air raids and coordinated group attacks.

Montana (Tier X) - the battleship is interesting primarily because in reality the project for its creation was never implemented. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the developers from the Wargaming studio from giving him life in the vastness of the World of Warships game universe. In terms of characteristics, it may well compete with a similar Japanese battleship Yamato. Montana's leisurely speed is more than compensated for by impenetrable armor and first-class armament, represented by four triple 406 mm mounts.

  • Aircraft carriers

Independence (Tier VI) - unlike the aircraft carriers of the previous tiers, this ship guarantees a fairly comfortable gameplay. Its improved handling characteristics and a significantly increased aircraft quality compared to its predecessors allows players to realize the full potential of this class. Decent speed and powerful AA defenses allow the aircraft carrier to successfully evade enemy attacks. The Independence would be even more enjoyable to play with more versatile weapons on board. But due to their small size, their number is reduced to two. Thus, the ship is hardly suitable for close combat. But he doesn't need it.

Midway (Tier X) - This ship can be called the first and, in fact, the last "aircraft carrier of the line" of the United States Navy. Its armored flight deck can even withstand a bomb attack. And on board, the ship carries one of the most numerous aircraft groups represented in WoWS. Add to this good running characteristics and reliable armor, and you have an almost ideal vehicle for destroying enemy ships.


The shipbuilders of the Land of the Rising Sun were distinguished by rather original thinking. Having borrowed the best ideas from American and European colleagues, they were able to successfully combine them with their own developments and create a number of warships, unique in their characteristics.

  • Cruisers

Kuma (IV level) is a ship that rightfully deserves the title of one of the most controversial in the game. With impressive armament for this level, high rate of fire and impeccable running characteristics, it has a number of significant disadvantages that have to be reckoned with. Among them are insufficiently powerful air defense and low range indicators. In general, we can say that Kuma is an amateur ship. Although, this fact does not prevent him from remaining one of the most popular cruisers among WoWS players.

Yubari (Tier IV) is a premium light cruiser that can cause a lot of trouble for aircraft carrier commanders. It has 16 anti-aircraft guns on board, which pose a serious threat to enemy aircraft. With an incredibly high speed of up to 35 knots, it has excellent maneuverability, which negates any attempts by the enemy to strike back. And for those who still doubt the combat potential of Yubari, we would like to remind you that this cruiser is equipped with the most powerful torpedoes of 610 mm caliber among ships of its level.

Mogami (Tier VIII) - this cruiser can give a worthy rebuff not only to similar ships, but also to ships of higher tiers. The presence of 15 rapid-fire 155 mm guns allows him to pour destructive heavy fire on opponents. Moreover, in the top-end configuration, the caliber can be increased. However, the rate of fire will decrease slightly. It is also worth noting that, like any cruiser that was born in Japan, Mogami has torpedo tubes in its design that allow it to successfully attack heavy ships.

Atago (Tier VIII) is another premium Japanese ship that combines agility, toughness and incredible combat power. This cruiser is a real gift for all fans of tactical improvisation. The versatility inherent in all ships of this class has been maximized. According to the indicators of "vitality" Atago will leave behind any classmate. And a speed of 35 knots allows him to move almost on a par with destroyers. Well, high-precision 203 mm guns and powerful torpedo armament act as the cherry on the cake.

  • Destroyers

Minekaze (Tier V) - it would seem that this ship is no different from other destroyers of the Japanese branch. It has the whole set of shortcomings inherent in this line: thin armor, clumsy turrets, not the largest main caliber. However, Minekaze has several key advantages that allow it to compete for the title of one of the most popular ships in World of Warships. Due to its amazing speed, it becomes almost elusive to enemies. And powerful torpedo armament turns Minekaze into a serious enemy for all ships.

Shimakaze (lvl X) is a destroyer capable of taking first place in terms of combat power among all ships in the game. In his arsenal there are three five-tube torpedo tubes equipped with the legendary Long Lance torpedoes. And improved boilers with high steam rates allow this destroyer to reach speeds of up to 39 knots.

  • Battleships

Ishizuchi (Tier IV), a premium battleship named after the highest mountain in western Japan, deserves special attention due to its unique design. On board it is very conveniently located five gun turrets, providing accurate and effective shooting. And thanks to lightweight armor, Ishizuchi develops an incredible speed for a battleship - up to 28 knots.

Fuso (Tier VI) - playing on this ship gives you the opportunity to feel the full power of Japanese battleships. It is equipped with six cannon turrets for a total of 12 cannons. With such powerful weapons combined with impenetrable armor, Fuso can fight on equal terms with even superior battleships.

The Yamato (Tier X) is the largest and most impressive ship of the line in the history of shipbuilding. A huge advantage over opponents gives it the most powerful artillery in the game, represented by 480 caliber guns, and the most reliable side armor, which protects the battleship from enemy attacks at long and medium distances.

  • Aircraft carriers

Zuiho (Tier V) is one of the lightest ships of this class, with an extensive air wing and deadly combat equipment. The weak defense of this Japanese aircraft carrier is fully compensated for by its excellent handling characteristics.

Zuikaku (Tier VIII) - six aviation groups on board, atypical speed for this class and amazing maneuverability make this aircraft carrier the worst enemy of armored battleships. Even the most powerful AA defenses are sometimes unable to overcome the Zuikaku shockwave.

the USSR

The main distinguishing feature of the Soviet line of ships in WoWS will be the absence of aircraft carriers. According to archival data, during the declared historical period, the USSR did not have ships of this class. To date, the game has fully implemented the branch of Soviet destroyers. And among them, the following specimens deserve special attention:

Wrathful (Tier V) is a fast and agile destroyer with almost a cruising caliber. It will appeal to fans of destroying enemy citadels and hunting enemy cruisers. In an open confrontation with identical ships of other nations, "Wrathful" takes an advantageous position thanks to the presence of four 130 caliber guns on board. And in terms of speed, it is inferior, perhaps, to the nimble Japanese Minekaze.

Thundering (Tier V) is a premium ship that has already won the recognition of players during the open beta test. She carries on board one of the most destructive guns by the standards of a destroyer: 130-mm cannons can successfully attack not only light enemy ships, but also impregnable battleships. Another undoubted plus of the "Thundering" is the 8-kilometer range of torpedoes at a 7-kilometer distance of the ship's detection.

Kiev (Tier VII) - it is distinguished from other destroyers of the USSR branch by enhanced artillery, almost maximum speed and the presence of five-tube torpedo tubes on board. The ship is equipped with 130-mm guns, standard for Soviet models. However, it is not the caliber that matters, but the quantity: three pairs of guns located in three turrets.

Our review will be incomplete if we disregard the most outstanding representatives of the cruiser and battleship classes presented in the Soviet branch:

Aurora (III level) - the legendary cruiser, created under the tsarist regime, fully reveals its combat potential in squadron combat. This premium ship is armed with 14 152 caliber guns, relentlessly destroying enemy destroyers and light cruisers with waves of high-explosive shells. And thanks to the increased profitability of the Aurora in loans, the owners of the cruiser can accelerate their development and movement along the upgrade tree.

Murmansk (Tier V) is another premium Soviet ship with powerful artillery and impressive torpedo armament. High speed and maneuverability, combined with a decent reserve of HP, makes players take a closer look at the cruiser Murmansk. The main disadvantages of the ship are weak armor, a vulnerable citadel and a high degree of visibility.

Emperor Nicholas I (IV level) - the last word in the construction of battleships of the Russian Empire. Unfortunately, the revolutionary events of 1917 did not allow this first-class battleship to enter service. However, the creators of WoWS gave him a chance to compete for the title of favorite among the "classmates". "Emperor Nicholas I" can show itself perfectly even in confrontation with more advanced opponents due to its excellent armor and optimal positioning of gun turrets.


The introduction of the German development branch into the game began with the appearance of the cruiser line. According to the developers, the amazing survivability and rate of fire of the guns will be the highlight of the ships of this nation. How true these statements are, we can judge by the example of the best representatives of the German fleet available in WoWS at the moment:

Königsberg (V level) - one of the brightest stars of the German branch. This is a versatile cruiser that makes the perfect second line fighter. It opens up unlimited tactical potential for players through a beneficial combination of excellent artillery and good driving characteristics. And four three-pipe torpedo tubes, located on both sides of the ship, are ready to attack opponents from a distance of 6 km.

Admiral Hipper (Tier VIII) is a German cruiser that will give odds to many ships of this class. Its precise and long-range guns guarantee effective shooting even at extreme distances. The Admiral Hipper will not be an easy target for enemies, as his armor is able to withstand even very aggressive attacks. This king of ranged duels will show itself perfectly in close combat. Although its torpedo tubes cannot be compared in terms of damage to similar Japanese ones, their firepower is nevertheless quite enough to give a decent rebuff to the enemy.

The Hindenburg (Tier X) is an imposing ship with solid artillery, including 12 203. The main trump card of this cruiser is its amazing firing range - up to 17.8 km. Among other things, the Hindenburg is one of the most tenacious representatives of its class. A clever German reservation system protects the ship in close-range battles.


It is impossible to single out the best ship among those offered by the World of Warships game. Each class and nation has its own pros and cons. And each individual player gives preference to those ships that are most harmoniously combined with his style of play. And therefore, any assessment will be deliberately subjective.

We hope that our recommendations will help you navigate the variety of options and select the most preferable for yourself. And our article will help you to increase the efficiency of the game and improve your results -. That's all for today, everyone bye and see you soon.


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