Atelier decoration. How to open a clothing repair studio. To know how to open an atelier, a business plan is required or is it only needed to approve a subsidy

Nowadays, the service of individual sewing clothes is quite popular. This business attracts many entrepreneurs with its small investments and relatively quick payback.

In a previous publication, we touched on this topic, talking about and. In this article, we will tell you how to open your own studio from scratch, how much money you need to organize a sewing business, and what are the payback periods.

Benefits of Sewing Business

  • Small investments. You can start your own sewing workshop business with just a few investments and a keen desire to fulfill your potential. This business is most suitable for people who have certain skills and have the skill of sewing and repairing clothes. But even if you are a complete zero in this field of activity, this does not prevent you from using this business idea;
  • The need for exclusive clothing. Today, people are very demanding of their appearance, including the choice of clothing. It is considered fashionable to have your own designer who sews clothes in individual sizes and in limited quantities. Therefore, custom-tailored clothing services are in demand, which means that it can be concluded that this business is profitable.

How to open a sewing business and what is needed for this?

Let's discuss what is needed in order to open an atelier for sewing and repairing clothes. It is worth noting that the sewing business is segmented, some open ateliers exclusively for sewing clothes, others prefer to repair products, and still others combine both. Therefore, first of all, you must decide on the direction.


This activity requires legal registration with the tax service. You can choose the substantive form: IP or LLC. I recommend that you focus on individual entrepreneurship to simplify accounting and tax accounting.

Room selection and rental

From the location of the studio will hang the number of orders. It is advisable to rent a place in a large shopping center. The plus is that in such places there is a constant concentration of people. After purchasing clothes, many people need sewing services (shorten, sew a thing a few centimeters). But, there are a few drawbacks. The first is the cost of rent, it is quite expensive to rent premises to novice entrepreneurs in luxury shopping centers. Secondly, it is competition. As a rule, similar ateliers already exist in many buildings, so you will have to try to get customers.

Video: How to open a sewing studio Do I need loans ???

Necessary area. At the initial stage, you do not need a large room, 10-20 square meters is enough. m. In this area you will have to fit a workplace for a seamstress and a fitting room for clients.

The rental price is quite different, it all depends on the city and place of rental. About a month, an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. m. it will cost you 15-50 thousand rubles.

Equipment purchase

The main equipment, of course, is a sewing machine, it should be multifunctional. You will also need a special cutting table and sewing accessories, such as scissors, needles, threads and more. The approximate cost of equipment for a sewing studio is from 20,000 rubles.

Staff for a sewing workshop

It is very important to correctly approach this nuance, the success of the whole business depends on the professionalism of your employees. This is especially important at the initial stage, when you just started to gain the trust of customers.

Requirements for studio workers. A person should be a professional in his field, that is, have the skills and experience in the clothing business, efficiently and quickly fulfill orders, be able to communicate with customers. Restraint and accuracy, punctuality and professional performance of work are the main criteria by which candidates should be selected for work.


I want to say right away that it is quite possible to find a good master who will work for a small salary. Therefore, look carefully, do not dwell on the first available option.

The average salary of a seamstress is approximately 15,000, plus allowances for additional work. You can find out the exact figure by analyzing the labor market in your city.

For a start, two seamstresses will be quite enough for you. They will be able to take orders and perform small amounts of work. Further, if there are many orders, you can hire additional staff.

Now let's calculate all the costs and profits that you can get by organizing your sewing business.

Video: Individual tailoring: a new niche or a failed idea?

One-time atelier expenses

Equipment for a sewing workshop. The cost of one sewing machine is from 20,000 rubles, respectively, you need at least two, it will cost from 40 thousand rubles. You will also need furniture - a cutting table and chairs, a mirror in the changing room and so on. The cost of all equipment from 50 thousand.

Monthly expenses

  • Rental of premises - from 15 thousand rubles per month for a room of 20 square meters. m .;
  • Materials for sewing. Consumables, such as threads, needles, tools for sewing - from 5 thousand rubles a month;
  • Salary to seamstresses. If you have two employees, then about 20-30 thousand rubles or more will be spent on a monthly wage, depending on the rates in your city.

Profit from a sewing studio

Suppose you have an average number of orders per day 10. If you provide clothing repair services, the average check amount will be from 400 rubles.

As for the individual tailoring of clothes to order, here the cost of the service will be many times more expensive. It all depends on the complexity of the product and the prestige of the studio.

Therefore, by providing clothing repair services, your sewing workshop will bring you from 100 thousand rubles a month. If you take away the monthly costs, the net profit will be from 50 thousand rubles. Agree for a beginner, this is pretty good.

It can be concluded that the sewing business is a cost-effective business that will suit both a novice and an experienced entrepreneur.

A sewing workshop is the place where each of us can make an order for such types of services as sewing and repairing everyday, holiday or outerwear. Many sewing masters are interested in the question: how to open your own sewing studio? It is worth knowing that for each type of business everything is very individual, universal advice in this area does not exist.

If you have the abilities and a great desire to work in the field of public services, then this is not enough to start working and make a solid profit. To start a project at full capacity, you need to have the skills of a psychologist, competent coordinator, teacher and entrepreneur. If you add enterprise to all this, knowledge of tax legislation and the financial sphere - you are guaranteed success.

The competition in this market is quite large. Therefore, in order to distinguish favorably from competitors, the emphasis in work should be on quality and a non-standard approach to each client.

Specialists distinguish two types of such an enterprise:

  • a small studio in your own house or apartment;
  • studio in the premises rented.

Need for a sewing workshop business plan

If you have already decided what kind of business you will do, you need to carefully plan your work, i.e. write a business plan. This is a phased plan for the success of your future venture. If you do not draw up a document, the risk of failure will be too great.

This estimate is necessary for everyone: the one from whom you plan to borrow funds for the implementation of your plans (money depositors and bankers), and your future employees who want to know their prospects and assigned tasks. But the most important thing is that the entrepreneur himself needs a business plan for opening an atelier in order to carefully analyze his ideas and understand how vital and reasonable they are.

This document should describe the main points of the future enterprise, analyze the possible difficulties that you will encounter in your work, and describe possible solutions to them.

The objectives of this document are:

  • for external use - to present their business in the most favorable light to investors;
  • for internal use - in this case, the business plan is used as a management tool.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

Before you start implementing your plan to open an atelier, you need to analyze the market in your locality. This will help to understand how great competition is in this industry, whether your company will be successful in the city where you plan to conduct your business.

In addition, the analysis of errors and shortcomings in the work of competitors will help you. Only after that you will be able to understand what will be better for your business and what should be avoided. Inaccuracies and shortcomings in the work of competitors will tell you new, optimal solutions and marketing moves.

How to start a sewing business: registration and documents

It is worth knowing that this type of business is segmented. What does it mean? You can open a workshop only for sewing clothes, others only want to do repairs, but there are those who are willing to combine both. Therefore, you should immediately determine the direction of activity.

So, what do you need to open an atelier? This type of work must be registered legally in the tax service. The substantive form can be chosen in any of the options: or. In order to make accounting and tax accounting easier, it is better to dwell on individual entrepreneurship.

Selection of workers

Minimum staff   must consist of:

  • the person who will take the orders,
  • couturier designer
  • seamstresses.

The fashion designer will need to pay a good salary. At first it may not be affordable for you. Therefore, you can invite to work, for example, a student girl with no specific experience, but with a desire to work and acquire work skills in the specialty.

The sewing master must have extensive experience in this field. The receiver must be able to accurately take measurements.

People can be hired from among their friends or acquaintances or through agencies.

With a seamstress, it is necessary to conclude an agreement in which it is necessary to prescribe her financial responsibility. Since customers sometimes bring very expensive materials or products for repair, in some cases, an inexperienced specialist can ruin the goods. Therefore, he must know that he is responsible to the customer for the damaged thing.

Another important condition for the selection of personnel is that your future employees should be able to communicate with people and be decent.


Atelier services include the following:

  • tailoring;
  • repair and restoration of clothing.

It is worth knowing that this type of business is subject to seasonality. This will be especially noticeable if you plan to do only repair or sewing outerwear. Seasonality applies to those studios that work with knitwear or specialize in tailoring dresses, cloaks, coats and fur coats.

How to “untwist” an atelier?

After all the preparatory work has been completed, an advertising campaign of your production is necessary. This is best done a few weeks before opening.

  • putting up information leaflets on the advertising boards of your city;
  • ad on social networks and on local television;
  • distribution of invitations to mailboxes;
  • advertising in stores and malls.

Financial part: costs, profit, profitability of tailoring company

Estimated Costs   In the first year of the atelier's work with services such as sewing outerwear, workwear, uniforms for hotels and restaurants, and repairing of women's and men's clothes, they look as follows.

To implement the project you will need 2,300,000 rubles.

For the first 12 months of work, you can get income   in the amount of 3.5–4 million rubles, subsequent years it is planned to increase revenues by 20%.

Net profit from studio work   - 2 800 000 rubles. As you can see, the project pays off in 10 - 11 months. So we can talk about high profitability   studio as a business.

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Why is a business offering tailoring and clothing repair services becoming so popular? It's all about the prices that have developed on the market for such services. Their high marks, bring both professional and home workshops to the list of profitable occupations.

How to open an atelier? First you need to decide on his specialization: repair, sewing women’s, men’s or children’s clothes (of course, you can create several departments specializing in a variety of directions). You should also think about what audience your workshop will focus on: a rich clientele or the middle class?


There are three areas of service that your workshop can offer.

  • The first is repair.   Today it is the most popular option. Very often, customers are asked to fix minor problems: change the zipper, alter the buttons, adjust the length or size. It is this range of services that is in greatest demand. The downside is that it all costs a bit.
  • The second is sewing. Many people cannot find clothes in stores that suit their taste and shape. This is a fairly common problem, for the solution of which they turn to professionals. If your workshop will offer tailoring of dresses, coats, trousers of non-standard sizes, then it will earn great popularity among the part of the population who are used to finding something in the store - unrealistic.
  • Third - modeling and design. This niche is not yet fully occupied, so you have every opportunity to make money on it. This, of course, is the most difficult thing, requiring special skills, talent and imagination, therefore, you need to hire specialists who will create a unique wardrobe.

Room Standards

The off-road seat is an ideal option to open a tailoring atelier. As a rule, these are shopping centers, consumer services complexes, ground floors of multi-storey buildings, etc.

Start with a small area - only 50 m ?. But, if successful, do not give up the prospect of expansion. To do this, you can rent a neighboring room or apartment in a neighboring house, for example, so as not to lose your regular customers.

In any workshop there should be three types of premises:

  1. Reception:   changing rooms, fittings and fabrics;
  2. cutting and sewing workshop:   compartments for pre-cutting fabric processing and for ironing;
  3. Sanitary rooms:   pantries for storing facilities care products, toilets, staff room.

Necessary equipment

In order to open a clothing repair studio, you need to purchase special equipment. If you care about the image of the future enterprise, we advise you to buy new tools and machines, and not save on old ones.

So you will need:

  • Several overlocks;
  • cutting equipment;
  • installation with a steam iron;
  • loop semi-automatic;
  • ordinary mannequins;
  • steam mannequin;
  • improvised tools (needles, scissors, patterns, meter, etc.);
  • consumables (zippers, glue, threads, etc.).

In addition to technical equipment, take care of the presence of furniture for visitors, a cash register, fire extinguisher, lamps.

Frankly speaking, industrial equipment for sewing is more expensive than conventional machines for home use, but the quality of tailoring and the speed here are several times higher. All equipment will cost about $ 5,000, but if we are talking about serial sewing of clothes, then, of course, you will need to use several units more, so the costs will be about $ 25,000.

When buying cars, pay attention to the number of operations that it performs. The minimum requirement is 20 operations. Such equipment will cost you from $ 600 to $ 3,500.

To open an atelier for tailoring or repairing clothes, you need to hire specialists in this field, because they are the key to your success. As many experts advise, you need to hire those employees who are interested in the high-quality performance of their obligations.

A seamstress may not have an education, because the main thing is a certificate of special courses. But the presence of practical experience is the most important requirement, because a person must not only be able to work with the machine, but also know the subtleties of work, be able to calculate various nuances.

For starters, you can hire 4-5 seamstresses for a trial period of half a month. If potential employees will do their job well during this period, you can hire them for permanent employment.

Additional staff - cleaner and accountant. As a rule, they do not conclude an employment contract with such employees, but only a contract or contract for periodic services.

The monthly payment of each seamstress is approximately 12,000 - 18,000 rubles, the cleaner receives about 5,000 rubles, the accountant - 8,000 rubles. The salary of the cleaner and accountant is low due to their part-time employment.

Your expenses

Let's look at all the points:

  1. Room rental:   from 10,000 to 15,000 rudders per month. The higher the status of the building in which you intend to rent the area, the higher the amount of rent. For example, the highest fees will be in shopping centers;
  2. purchase of equipment:   sewing machines from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles per unit, mannequins, lighting fixtures, furniture for visitors, mirrors, overlocks, a steam generator - within 100,000 rubles;
  3. expendable materials:   tools, threads, scissors, fabrics, equipment repair in case of breakdown - within 10,000 rubles;
  4. wage:   a seamstress - 12,000 - 18,000 rubles (you will have 4-5 of them), a cleaner - 5,000 rubles, an accountant - 8,000 rubles.

Total amount: about 500,000 rubles.

What documents and permissions do you need to get? First, you go to the tax office and register your workshop as an individual business - IP, or LLC. We advise you to choose the IP, because in this case it will be several times easier for you to keep accounting and tax records.

After that, you select the OKVED codes:

  1. Main code: the provision of personal services to the public;
  2. additional codes: sewing clothes - basic, special, other; manufacturing accessories and repairing damaged wardrobe items.

You must also register with a pension fund, obtain a permit to start operations (Rospotrebnadzor), and a permit from the state fire inspectorate.

Potential risks

  • Risk 1: no good specialists. This is the most common type of risk. Many owners today complain that it’s almost impossible to find good masters, because there are not so many representatives of the so-called “Soviet school”. But the new “Russian school” as such does not exist in principle.
  • Risk 2: dead seasons. So in the field of sewing and repairing wardrobe items most often called summer and January. New Year holidays end in the second half of January. Since many church holidays fall during this time, potential clients travel around the country (to relatives and friends, on vacation, etc.) and remember that they need to sew or repair something only by the end of the second month of winter. But the so-called “passive” summer begins almost immediately after the May holidays and comes to life closer to the beginning of the new school year - the second half of August.
  • Risk 3: it is impossible to find out about the reason for leaving customers. Reducing the number of customers indicates a poor quality of service. But, the problem is that you cannot know exactly why the regular customer left.
  • Risk 4: format hostages during a crisis. This is the name of the workers and owners of the studio, offering tailoring of designer clothes. If you choose a clientele with high incomes, you a priori program yourself to work with people with incomes that are much higher than average, so during the crisis you will not be able to quickly switch to tailoring cheap items. This means that you will only lose revenue from this.

Your income

Is it profitable to open an atelier? Let's count. If the average number of orders per day will vary between 8-15 pieces, and the average cost will be 300 - 400 rubles, then per day you can earn from 2,400 to 6,000 rubles. It should be borne in mind that the cost of services directly depends on the fabric, type of clothing, as well as its size.

In principle, ateliers that have been operating for several years and have acquired a stable client base, but accept new customers, earn from 13,000 to 15,000 rubles a day. At first, your amount will be significantly less. But, the skill of your seamstresses and the quality of work can soon bring you to a level of 10,000 - 13,000 rubles a day.

Earn a good reputation, and then they will turn to you!

Opening of an atelier for repair and tailoring. Is it profitable and what is needed for this?

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Can a woman raise her own business on her own? How to open a successfully developing, promising sewing studio, and make it competitive in a provincial town?

Our interlocutor - Svetlana Nikolaevna Antonova, the owner of her own, will tell about this and not only sewing studio "Christina"located on the main street of the city of Usman.

- Hello Svetlana. Tell us how it all began?

I did not study at any specialized educational institution as a seamstress, tailor, designer of clothes and other professions related to sewing. It just came time, back in school, when I wanted to do it. So I started to sew and sew for the past 20 years.

At first, I sewed on ready-made patterns, then, the popular magazine “Burda” came out, and I already took something from there, learned something on my own.

- How did you decide to open your own atelier for sewing and repairing clothes?

I worked for many years at a local garment factory as a lay-out model and learned a lot there. Then I got a job at the Victoria L sewing factory, but already as a designer of clothes. The time has come, and I realized that it was time to open my own business.

- How to open an atelier for tailoring from scratch? Where did you start?

Sewing studio, a business that requires a significant investment. To begin with, I decided to take an increased subsidy from the state to support business - 300,000 rubles.

It is very important to note here that this was the first year when not only beginning entrepreneurs under 30 could get this money, but also those over 30. And I got into this wave very successfully.

- Here, if possible, in more detail. What documents did you collect to receive the subsidy? I know that for such a high amount, a very big competition. Need to present a detailed business plan for a sewing atelier?

  - Indeed, I had to:

  • Register with the employment center as unemployed;
  • Register status of individual entrepreneur;
  • Create clearly tailored clothing tailoring and repair;
  • Submit all these documents to the district administration for approval of receipt of funds.

- To know how to open an atelier, is a business plan required or is it needed only to approve the subsidy?

Of course, the program implies many nuances that every novice entrepreneur should know. Otherwise, the business is simply doomed. This is a kind of cheat sheet, a hint on how to run your business so as not to burn out.

  For example, a worker helped me sort out the following issues:

  • What kind of room is required to open an atelier conceived by me;
  • How many people need to be hired in order to process the estimated number of orders;
  • Agree, in each region, different situations. It happens that a dozen workers will be recruited in the studio, and they will sit idle for a couple of weeks, wait until they bring some trousers to them to hem. And there is a demand such that these 10 people are not enough. That is, it is also very difficult to calculate;
  • Code of regulatory laws, requirements for premises;
  • Competitiveness analysis, since in our city there are about 3-4 sewing workshops;
  • Calculation of funds and expenses required for launch;
  • Approximate terms for which I will pay back the invested money and I can develop my business.

- Did you download the ready-made business plan of the studio for tailoring clothes in the form of a template, on the Internet, or contacted a consulting agency for data processing?

Neither one nor the other. For a long time I carefully studied on the Internet how to correctly draw up a work program, consulted with specialists in this field.

I drafted the draft business plan myself, as I had already approximately presented the main figures of my expenses and knew exactly in which direction we would develop. Then, I took my draft to the analyst and he, in turn, processed it into a ready-made, working business plan.

In the studio “Kristina” from the city of Usman real professionals work in their field

- Did you receive a subsidy? What did you spend on?

Oh sure. I got the money. Spent on the purchase of equipment, sewing machines.

- Did you buy equipment “from hand” or in a store?

In the shop. All machines and machines we have are new. You could buy used, now a lot of ads can be found on the Internet, in newspapers. But then spending a ton of money on their repair + losing orders due to equipment downtime is somehow impractical.

- Did you have enough money from the subsidy for opening an atelier?

Of course no. It is only said loudly - "now, we have received these 300,000 rubles." Of course, this was not enough even for basic needs. We bought fabrics, equipment, accessories, threads and much more.

Photo of related products sold in the Christina sewing shop

- How much money did it take to open an atelier?

Initially, about a million rubles were spent. This is when you consider that I started with my accumulated fittings. If it were still required to buy it, too - 2,000,000, it would have definitely gone.

- How did you find the room? Did you buy it or rent it with the right to purchase?

I do not think that in Usmani, there is a practice of leasing with the right to purchase. I initially decided that I would buy the building, as I understood that rent would cost me a significant overpayment.

Of course, it was possible, as well-known business women write in many magazines - “here, I started to sew somewhere at home or in the basement, first by myself, then I hired another 1 seamstress ...

The first floor of the building in which we are located was sold as ordinary residential premises. I also had to collect documents in order to transfer it from housing to non-residential, as required by law. With all the decoration, the building cost me a little more than a million rubles.

Creative approach and creativity highlight the products of the studio Christina

- There are many similar ateliers in the city. How did you make your business competitive in these conditions?

To begin with, we carefully studied what our competitors are offering and created in our studio a lot of advantages, for example:

  • Other workshops offer a limited range of services - this is either just sewing, creating any specific models, designing, repairing. One or two items from this list. We decided to combine everything at once - we sew clothes according to ready-made templates, customer’s sketches or offer our own, repair things, make any kind of clothes - from work clothes to elegant wedding dresses;
  • We only have showcases in which the goods are presented, which can also be ordered from us, for example, spectacular sofa cushions;
  • There is a showcase with inexpensive quality goods, for young craftswomen - beads, threads, locks, buttons;
  • We also make original gift souvenirs, paintings, applications, kanzashi.

- I saw in your window a very interesting reticule. Are they also made by themselves?

Yes, we make bags according to our own drawings and can also be purchased. They are in great demand, as they are original, and we can make an exclusive handbag in an ensemble with a suit, which, you see, is important for every woman.

- Tell us, have you already paid for your business? He began to generate income?

How can I tell you ... I have a room purchased with a mortgage. The atelier is only 2 years old and I still pay the loan, of course.

In this sense, business pays off, as you said, many people rent premises, and I own them. There is profit, of course, but so far, at the moment, almost all of it is going to expand the business, for example, the purchase of consumables - accessories, threads.

Video about another owner of a sewing studio

- I heard about your masters, many positive reviews. Your studio, despite the fact that it is still relatively young, is considered one of the best in the city of Usman

Well, at least we’re not sitting without work. We, including me, have 5 masters. There are a lot of orders and they are the most diverse - for example, recently, we sewed to order a gorgeous wedding dress.

- What would you like to wish, advise, to beginning entrepreneurs who are still just wondering - how to open an atelier for repairing clothes and sewing them?

I would like to wish patience. It is necessary to stock up with an unprecedented amount of patience and wait for more than one year until their business begins to pay off. 2 years is a minimum.

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For my business, it will only be 2 years in the summer, and although we are developing steadily, there has been no significant profit so that I can afford to buy an expensive car or apartment in the center of Moscow, of course, not yet.

At the same time, I’m at work all the time. This is an everyday, painstaking work. During the day I do sewing, and at night I make crafts, gift souvenirs. Nothing comes easy.

Moreover, success again depends on the region. Before you begin, you should carefully study the needs of the population, market saturation, conduct an analysis of competitiveness, evaluate their own strengths and patience.

“Heard you want to open a needlework school?”

Yes, we, the girls-masters, dream of opening a small school in which everyone could learn sewing skills, decoupage, kanzashi technique.

- What are your plans for the future?

Pay back a loan and begin to slowly expand production. I am sure that even in such a small town as Usman there are enough prospects for this.

If you want to open a mini-atelier for repairing clothes, then, of course, you must have sewing skills. Best if you have received a special education. Although today, the basics of cutting and sewing can be learned on courses, and even independently. The main thing is that you are not one or one for whom it is difficult to sew even a button, and such people, says the heroine of our article, the experienced tailor and owner of the mini-studio Lyubov Domracheva, are often met.

Love for this matter is also important, because it is known that the skill of a seamstress or tailor requires patience and perseverance. Are you ready to do this every day for many hours? You should also consider the difference between tailors and seamstresses. A tailor is one who knows how to cut, make drawings and make patterns. Therefore, he better understands how things are sewn, and can offer more options for repair and tailoring. A seamstress, as a rule, does not have such a high qualification.

Lyubov Domracheva

For four years I studied at the Lyceum, mastered the basics of cutting, sewing, designing there, learned to understand the fabrics. It is good for an atelier to be able to sew both outerwear and light clothing. Although many dwell only on light clothing, because it is difficult to work with furs and leather, but I undertake. The creative component is important in our work. Creativity is even needed in the repair: there are many options, how can I plug a hole in my jacket, which is the best? Sometimes other masters send their clients to me with the words: "She will figure out how to do this."

Also, to create a mini-atelier, you need to have an artistic taste and desire to improve, learn new fashion trends, see what is best for the client, be able to advise, choose the fabric, style.

How to evaluate a potential market, demand? There is always a demand for clothing repair studio services, even in the smallest towns and poorer areas.

Repair shop services are especially in demand in turbulent times from an economic point of view. People aged and pensioners do not dare to afford new clothes, so they carry it to the alteration in the studio: to whom the length should be shortened in a modern fashion, to whom to redo the collar. But you need to be prepared for the whims of customers.

One grandfather brought a jacket - sackcloth, pork leather, fur from Soviet times. First I wanted to insert a zipper, then shorten it, then sew on my pockets. He spent about 2 thousand rubles on this, he could add another thousand and buy himself a new jacket, but ... a thing to my heart, dear, still paternal.

How can you get around competitors and attract people? At first, the heroine of our article says, only by dumping, to cut prices - then the people will go. And the prices in the mini-atelier today are very different: in the outlying areas from 20 rubles for sewing a button or sewing a small hole (they bring such a thing!), Up to 5-6 thousand rubles, if a fur coat is needed to be remade. In areas where renting premises is more expensive, the cost of services will be 2-3 times higher.

Lyubov Domracheva

owner of a mini-atelier for clothing repair

At first, I would advise opening a clothing repair studio. Because it takes a lot of time to sew clothes: take measurements, pick up a model, fabric, accessories, make patterns, then numerous try-ons, whims of a client who wants to remake one or the other ... And what will the atelier live all this time ? If you want to start making money from the first day, then it is better to do repairs. In addition, the tailoring atelier needs more people (at least three people), more cars - which means more initial investments.

If you open a mini-atelier for repairing clothes, be prepared that a variety of customers will come to you. Sometimes even schoolchildren come to our heroine, who were given the task of stitching an apron at labor lessons. Adolescents come in, who now and then breaks the lightning on the jacket. Senior citizens are the most frequent visitors. Young women come in to shorten, alter dresses, skirts, trousers. And do not think that rich people do not repair their clothes - there are such clients.

Investment size

Personal experience

When I opened two years ago, I had only 20 thousand rubles. I bought one sewing machine for 10 thousand, brought two of my machines from my house, an iron and paid a rent of 5 thousand rubles.

There is also the opportunity to receive financial assistance for starting a business through the labor exchange. In Kazan, after the approval of the business plan, the state gives out 120 thousand rubles (excluding taxes), and the requirements are such that within two years you do not have the right to close, and you also need to submit reports periodically. With the money you can buy more expensive cars, as well as consumables (threads, needles, etc.).

Rent in remote areas of Kazan now costs 500 rubles per 1 sq.m., in areas with developed infrastructure - 1000 rubles per 1 sq.m. The minimum room for an atelier is 3 by 3 meters. But keep in mind that the smaller the room, the less cars you can put in it, so it’s best to have 10-12 squares: the visitor trying on a thing will also feel comfortable here.

First of all, you will need to buy one industrial machine (it costs about 20 thousand rubles), one overlock (also about 20 thousand rubles) and one household machine for zigzags and loops (up to 10 thousand rubles).

If you want to work with furs and leather, then you can also buy cars for them in the future (used ones will be cheaper). A sewing machine for knitted materials is very useful, the industrial version costs about 70 thousand rubles.

So, the minimum investment in the opening of a mini-studio for the repair of clothing is 50 thousand rubles. This is taking into account the fact that you bring a table, iron, lamps for lighting from home.

Lyubov Domracheva

owner of a mini-atelier for clothing repair

The first month I worked only on rent, while there were no clients. If possible - you can give out business cards, post ads. But word of mouth works best. If you prove yourself a good master from the very beginning, if you don’t refuse, do it quickly and on time, then people will come to you.

What are the current costs of this business? If you work alone, then most of the money goes to rent. Consumables (threads, needles, trouser braid, zippers, doublerin) are purchased every six months or a year, and a little 2-3 thousand rubles are spent on them in wholesale warehouses. If you have employees, then add to the costs of 10-15 thousand rubles of salary per person.

Step-by-step instruction

Although a mini-atelier is a small business, it also has relationships with suppliers. Having learned about your existence, traders of various accessories, fabrics, zippers and so on can come to you. You can negotiate with them and periodically buy the necessary goods. You can also establish cooperation with wholesale stores and stores.

Promotion and development of any business in the service sector, and a mini-studio is no exception, depends on the quality of work and the integrity of its contractor.

The mini-studio is quite suitable for working alone, but if you feel strong and have many customers, you can hire more employees. For example, our heroine has an assistant. You can search for employees through friends, through work sites and classified sites. Immediately understand how qualified a specialist came for an interview is difficult.

Personal experience

One girl told me that she also opened an atelier, but she did not succeed. I thought: that means a person knows how to sew well. But it turned out that the person overestimated herself too much, she could not do basic things.

Be prepared for the fact that very few young people tend to work in the studio. Today, this profession is not attractive to young people. Specialized lyceums produce seamstresses and tailors, but most of them do not work in their specialty.

Lyubov Domracheva

owner of a mini-atelier for clothing repair

One woman worked for me, and it happened that she was doing something wrong, but didn’t want to redo it and said: “Customers still don’t know how it should be right!” I do not agree with this approach. The client sees everything. Once, my employee did a lining on a fur coat, everything worked out well, I checked, but the client immediately realized that it was not me who did it.

How to organize the work? You can take orders and work at least every day, if you have the strength and time. Of course, such a schedule is convenient when two people work.

Where is better to open? It is clear that for a successful work mini-ateliers need to be opened in places with high traffic. Nearby there should be many outlets, a market, a shopping center, hairdressers and so on. Atelier should be near residential buildings - so that people would be comfortable to go out of the house. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you open in the malls, rent a room on the ground floor of a high-rise building or occupy a trailer, it is important that people can easily find you there.

There are no special requirements for the room. Proceed from ergonomics and your own ideas about convenience. Well, of course, remember that the first impression you make on a client plays a big role.


To get started, you need to register an IP. All registration costs will amount to about 2 thousand rubles, the time for registration will take about a week. It’s best to open up as an individual entrepreneur and pay tax on imputed income (about 28 thousand rubles per year if you work alone).

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open


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