Management of the quality of education at the university. The introduction of QMS in educational institutions of the Russian Federation - the principles of construction. Inside the school

An example does not teach anything until it is presented using theory. Without knowledge of the theory, copying a successfully operating company means incurring misfortune ... E. Deming About the seminar Purpose: To consider the basic concepts of creating a quality management system (QMS) in an educational institution (OS) Level: basic Audience: Directors of institutes, heads of departments of TSU

The content of the seminar Section The relevance of the development of quality management in education. 1.2 Existing QMS models used in educational institutions (OS). 1.3 Principles of quality management. Section Process approach to the management of OS. 2.2 Documentation of the QMS in the OS. “... quality is something that becomes deeply personal. This is the choice of a certain lifestyle, a way of interacting with others. This is not a river that you can wade. This is the ocean. If you don’t dive there and dive yourself, then you have no way to persuade the whole organization to jump there. That's why quality starts from the top, with the leaders of the organization. ”

The relevance of quality management in education 1. A real decline in the quality of training of specialists in Russian educational institutions (OS) in the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century. 2. Organization of a comprehensive assessment of the activities of public institutions, including an assessment of the quality assurance system of education. 3. Strengthening competition between educational institutions in the market of educational services and the labor market. 4. Toughening the requirements of consumers and stakeholders to educational services. 5. Russia's entry into the common European educational space (Bologna Declaration), which requires the unification of the processes of ensuring and guaranteeing the quality of educational services provided.

The main global trends in the field of quality management: Development of common criteria and standards for guaranteeing the quality of education in European countries as part of the Bologna process. Creation, development and harmonization of national systems of accreditation of educational programs in European countries. Development and implementation of QMS OU to ensure the quality of educational services. The transition from the procedures of external quality control of OS (based on national certification and accreditation systems) to the internal self-assessment of OS (based on QMS models).

Why do you need a QMS in an OS? The most popular answers to the question: To improve quality and productivity, To reduce costs, To increase competitiveness, To focus on consumers, To improve the production climate, To comply with laws, To protect the environment, QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

The most popular answers: For an elementary order in the “work” of divisions and in the interaction of structural divisions (in terms of maintaining documentation, fulfilling mandatory requirements, organizing work of services and divisions, etc.). To remove barriers between departments. For confidence in achieving your goals. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the OS. To increase customer satisfaction. To eliminate losses at the joints of the "functional". Why do you need a QMS in an OS?

Quality is the degree to which the inherent characteristics meet the requirements, which are understood as a need or expectation, established, anticipated or mandatory. The quality of education is a combination of its properties, which determines the ability to satisfy the requirements of interested parties. The educational process is the process that results in educational products Educational products are educational products. Basic concepts

Quality assurance - these are factors, conditions and resources that allow achieving quality goals. This is a teaching environment, material resources, staff abilities, preparedness and motivation of students, financial support, information services. The Bologna process is the process of integration and harmonization of higher education systems in Europe, with the goal of building a European Higher Education Area, in which students and university professors will actively participate in academic mobility and receive quick and proper recognition of their professional qualifications. Basic concepts

The organization’s activity management system is a system aimed at ensuring compliance of the actions taken with the organization’s established plans. Quality management system - a set of elements for the development of policies and goals in the field of quality and the achievement of these goals [GOST R ISO 9000: 2001]. The quality management system is a tool to achieve the organization’s goals. The goal is an ideal, mental anticipation of the result of the activity [Ozhegov's Dictionary]. Quality objectives - the goals that are being achieved or are being pursued [GOST R ISO 9000: 2001]. The scope of certification of the QMS in the educational institution is an educational service.

Existing QMS models in the OS 1. QMS model in accordance with the requirements of the standards of the ISO 9000: 2000 series (GOST R ISO).

4. QMS Consumer Requirements Consumer Satisfaction 5. Management responsibility 6. Resource management 8. Measurement, analysis and improvement 5.1 (4.1; 4.2) 5.2 (4.3) 5.3 (4.1) 5.4 (4.1; 4.2) 5.5 (4.1 ) 5.6 (4.1) 7.1 (4.2; 4.9; 4.10) 7.2 (4.3) 7.3 (4.4) 7.4 (4.6) 7.5 (4.7; 4.8; 4.9; 4.10; 4.12; 4.15; 4.19) 7.6 (4.11) 6.1 (4.1) 6.2 (4.1; 4.18) 6.3 (4.1; 4.9) 6.4 (4.9) 8.1 (4.10; 4.17; 4.20) 8.2 (4.9; 4.10; 4.17; 4.20) 8.3 (4.13) 8.4 (4.14; 4.20) 8.5 (4.1; 4.14) 4.1 (4.2) (4.2; 4.5) (4.5) (4.16) PRODUCT INPUT Existing QMS models in OS

Designation Content ISO 9004 (GOST R ISO 9004) Quality management systems. Recommendations for improving the activities of ISO 9001 (GOST R ISO 9001) Quality management systems. Requirements Describes the main provisions of the QMS and establishes the terminology for the QMS. Defines the requirements for the QMS for those cases when the organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products that meet the requirements of consumers and the mandatory requirements established for it, and is aimed at improving customer satisfaction. Contains recommendations that are considered to be effective, and the effectiveness of the QMS. The purpose of this standard is to improve the organization's activities, customer and other interested parties satisfaction. It contains guidelines for the audit (verification) of QMS and environmental protection ISO 9000 (GOST R ISO 9000) Quality Management Systems. ISO Guidelines and Glossary (GOST R ISO 19011) Guidelines for the verification of quality and environmental management systems COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF STANDARDS ISO 9000: 2000

Adaptation of the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 to the formation of ISO 9001: 2000 “Quality Management System. Requirements. " 1.IWA 2: 2003 “Quality Management System. Guidance on the application of ISO 9001: 2000 in education "; 2. GOST R ISO “Quality Management Systems. Educational Application Guidelines. ”

5. Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and its modifications for higher education. 6. Model of the Center for Higher Education Policy Research (CHEPS) of the University of Twente (Netherlands). 7. Model of the Association of Universities of the Netherlands (VSNU). 8. The Belgian-Dutch model (HBO Expert Group). 9. Model of the American National Quality Award “Baldrige National Quality Award” in the field of education. 10. Benchmarking model for Australian universities. Existing QMS models in OS

Choice of the QMS model in the OS All of the above QMS models are based on the basic principles of quality management, reflected in the standards of the ISO 9000: 2000 series. The organization itself chooses the QMS model. Criterion for choosing a model: QMS should ensure the achievement of goals and the implementation of the selected Shelter Policy in the field of quality


What gives the implementation of the principle: - to understand the current and future needs of consumers; - comply with the requirements of consumers; -Exceed Consumer Expectations. Thereby increasing his satisfaction! How to implement the principle: - Questionnaires or results of consumer surveys; - Indirect information (for example, gain / loss of regular customers, market share). - Implementation of the requirements of the CRP in educational and methodological documentation. 1. Targeting Consumers

2. Leading role of the leadership. Managers ensure the unity of the organization’s strategy, goals and activities. To implement this principle, the organization’s leadership should: by its own example demonstrate commitment to quality; Provide an atmosphere of trust; To initiate, recognize and encourage the contribution of people to the development of a quality management system; Maintain an open and honest relationship; Take care of staff training; Provide people with the necessary resources and freedom of action within the framework of the established responsibility; Set challenging goals and manage the achievement of these goals.

3. Involvement of employees. Employees at all levels are the foundation and main wealth of the organization. Their full involvement (participation) makes it possible to use their abilities for the benefit of the organization. Employees, regardless of their position, are able to influence the organization's achievement of its goals. Through the involvement of people, the use of their skills and knowledge, the organization creates an environment in which people can provide or help the organization achieve their goals.

4. Process approach If you cannot describe what you are doing as a process, you do not know what you are doing. E. Deming Process - a set of interconnected or interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs. [GOST R ISO 9000: 2000] The desired result (goal) is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process. The work of the entire organization can be represented as a combination of various types of activities to transform the expectations and requirements of consumers into the products they need.

5. A systematic approach to management The identification, understanding and management of interacting processes as systems contribute to: the effectiveness of the organization; the effectiveness of the organization in achieving its goals. To implement this principle, the organization must: Identify the elements of the system as a whole, for which purpose, identify existing and additionally develop the necessary processes that affect the achievement of the organization's goals; Formalize the system in order to achieve the goal in the most efficient way; Understand the interdependencies between system processes; Continuously improve the system through measurement and evaluation.

Application of the principle of continuous improvement means: Continuous improvement of products, processes and systems, which becomes the task of everyone in the organization; Continuous improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of all processes without exception; Encouragement of improvement activities; The acquisition by all staff of the knowledge and training necessary for operating methods and tools for continuous improvement, such as: - methods for eliminating problems; - development of activities and setting goals to guide the work on improvements and track their implementation. 6. Continuous improvement

Effective decisions are made based on the analysis of data and information. From the leader of any rank in the organization is required to make decisions. And these decisions will affect how the organization achieves its goals. The application of the principle of "decision-making based on facts" means: Taking measurements, collecting data and information regarding goals; Checking data and information for their sufficient accuracy, reliability and how convenient it is to receive them; Analysis of data and information using suitable techniques; Understanding the value of applying appropriate statistical methods. 7. Factual decision making

An organization depends on its suppliers and vice versa. Establishing mutually beneficial relationships enhances the ability of both parties to create what is valuable. Application of the principle of “establishing mutually beneficial relations with suppliers” means: Establishing a situation of direct and open communication; The emergence of initiatives to jointly develop and improve products and processes; Collaboration in order to determine what the consumer wants; Exchange of information and participation in each other's future plans; Recognition of improvements and achievements in the work of the supplier. 8. Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers

1. Lack of support for the first head of the OS; 2. “Copying” the documentation of another organization; 3. Shifting on their subordinates their roles during the implementation of the QMS; 4. Shifting to consultants their roles in the project; 5. Dependence on consultants; 6. Excessive regulation of activities. Common mistakes when implementing QMS

The main results of the implementation of the QMS in the OS: - Facilitates the simplified passage of the accreditation procedures of the Institute by Rosobrnadzor; - Provides savings in material and time resources allocated for external examinations (licensing and accreditation); - Simplifies the passage of international accreditation of the Institute in the framework of the Bologna process; - Reduces training costs with a corresponding improvement in the quality of work, increased responsibility and executive discipline; - Provides QMS certification according to international standards, which improves the quality of international cooperation in all areas.

Component strategies 1. Mission - why our organization was created. 2. Vision - what should be our organization after a certain time. 2. Key success factors (KFU) - how to achieve the desired state. KFU - these are factors whose perfection is important for the survival of the organization. KFU - these are the factors most important for success. 3. Strategic goals - specific steps to achieve the desired state. 4. Tactical goals - detailing strategic goals. 5. Quality policy - what principles will we use when implementing our strategy. What does the introduction of QMS in OS give?

Developing an organization's vision Vision is an ideal representation of an organization as a leader, a guiding business philosophy, an ideal picture of the future of a company that it can achieve under favorable conditions. The vision (goals and objectives of the organization in general) should be formed and communicated to the staff. This is necessary so that the staff can see what its activities are aimed at, and thereby increase the effectiveness and efficiency of this activity. The vision should be developed for a specific period of implementation (3-5 years). The organization’s vision answers the question “What should be the organization in ... years”. What does the introduction of QMS in OS give?

Quality objectives should have the following attributes: 1. Objectives should be measurable and monitored. 2. The goals must be specific, that is, clearly defined and clearly understood by all participants. 3. Goals must be achievable, that is, the probability of their achievement should be high (more than 75%). 4. Goals should be result oriented, i.e. should be associated with achieving real improvement, and not just with increased efforts (benefits should exceed costs). 5. Goals should be limited in time, i.e. the start time and duration of work to achieve the goal should be determined. Goals are divided into strategic (more than 3 years), medium-term (1-3 years) and urgent (less than 1 year). 6. The process of achieving the goals should involve all personnel who are interested and associated with their achievement. Determination of measurable goals of the OS What is the implementation of the QMS in the OS?


Topic: “Quality Management Systems in Education”

1. Introduction 3

2. Features of the quality management system in educational

institutions 5

3. Indicators of the quality of education 7

4. Conclusion 10

5. References 11


Education is the most important area of \u200b\u200bsocial life. It is education that forms the intellectual, cultural, spiritual state of society.

The content of education and its orientation reflect educational programs and standards. State educational standards include federal and national-regional components. It determines the mandatory minimum of basic programs, the maximum educational load of students, requirements for the level of training of graduates and contain an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates regardless of ownership.

Educational institutions are a mass system that affects the economic situation in the country and its regions. In educational institutions, the transfer of knowledge, moral principles and customs of society is carried out.

The quality of education is determined primarily by the quality of the knowledge carrier (teachers, faculty), which transfers this knowledge through various methods to consumers. Depending on the methods used, consumers learn math, literature, chemistry and other subjects.

Scientific and technological progress leads to the emergence of new tools and objects of labor, new production and information technologies. Therefore, continuing education is required in order to obtain new knowledge and its application in consumer activities. In modern conditions, lifelong education is a real necessity.

The quality management system in education is based on the following principles:

Understanding and fulfilling educational requirements, taking into account the achievements of scientific and technological progress and international standards;

Customer orientation, fierce competition in the labor market requires the mobility and dynamism of the management system;

Continuous improvement of the educational process, taking into account the results of monitoring.

The vital activity of educational structures consists of three interrelated processes:

Obtaining resources;

Use of resources to achieve the goals of the organization;

The transfer of performance to the external environment.

When implementing the process approach to the quality management system in education, it is necessary to take into account the interaction scheme of various authorities, whose interests lie in the field of education.

Achievements of the theory and practice of quality management with full justification can be applied when creating a quality management system in educational institutions.

Features of a quality management system

in educational institutions

The quality management system is built taking into account general requirements and the type of educational institution. The status of an educational institution depends on the nature of its activities, level, and educational programs being implemented.

The management of the institution as an organization of the social sphere, along with other aspects of management, includes a quality management system. The educational institution focuses on consumers of educational services, so the quality management system should:

Contribute to improving the quality of educational services;

Determine the sequence and interaction of educational services;

Ensure the effectiveness of processes;

Provide resource and information support for processes;

Monitor educational processes;

Allow to identify deviations of the achieved results from the planned ones and constantly improve educational processes.

The following principles apply to the quality management system:

Customer focus;

Taking into account the situation in the educational services market;

Accounting for the situation on the labor market;

Leadership leadership;

Continuous improvement of the institution, etc.

The objectives of the educational institution are to satisfy the needs of the state and society in skilled workers. The leader develops the organization's policies and strategic goals; participates in projects to improve, search for new educational technologies, determine the life cycle of educational services, develop new services. It should be borne in mind that an educational institution is a complex educational system.

To manage a system means to ensure its purposeful behavior in a changing environment, which is achieved by proper organization and development. Systems differ in their goals.

Planning is a statement of the problem, forecasting, setting goals, developing a strategy, determining the conditions and means of achieving goals. The functioning of the system is ensured by regulation, which includes accounting and control. In the planning process, decisions are made, then conditions are created for its implementation, and the system begins to function. However, under the influence of internal and external factors, deviations from the intended goals may occur. Regulation is aimed at neutralizing the causes of deviations and ensuring the desired course of development of the system.

The education process consists of operations related to the preparation and implementation of classes for relevant educational programs.

The process management includes: drawing up schedules, setting standards for specific labor intensity for the implementation of the elements of academic work (lecturing, guiding term papers and dissertations, etc.), quality control of teaching, etc.

When forming a quality management system, it is necessary to take into account the emergence of new non-traditional teaching technologies that are used in the so-called open education.

Education Quality Indicators

Based on the approach to understanding the quality of education, the following blocks of quality indicators can be distinguished.

1. The quality of the teaching staff.

2. The state of the material and technical base of the educational institution.

3. Motivation of the teaching staff.

4. The quality of the curriculum.

5. The quality of students.

6. The quality of knowledge.

7. The quality of infrastructure.

8. Innovative leadership activity.

9. Introduction of process innovations.

10. Demand for graduates.

11. Competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

12. Achievements of graduates.

The key figure in the educational process is the teacher.

The question arises, how to determine the quality of the teacher. This question is the key answer to it will determine the content of education, the quality of curricula, teaching methods, the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market and other components of the quality of education. At the same time, the teacher not only transfers knowledge, but also forms the personality of the student, his worldview and spirituality. Therefore, the quality of the teacher is a comprehensive concept that includes:

Level of competence - knowledge and experience in a specific field of science and practice;

Need and ability to engage in teaching activities;

Observation - the ability to notice the essential, characteristic features of students;

The ability to establish contacts with the external and internal environment;

Fame, etc.

The level of competency of a teacher is determined by basic education, subsequent self-education, the presence of a degree and title; experience of pedagogical work; practical experience in a specific field.

Of course, the quality of education depends on staff motivation. Teachers should have an appropriate social status, which will ensure the attractiveness of teaching.

The quality of training programs is manifested not only in accordance with educational standards in the field of a particular academic discipline, but also in the innovative component.

At the center of the educational process is the consumer of knowledge - the student. It is for him that lectures are given, textbooks are written, and new educational technologies are developed. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about the quality of the student. The student is the material that should be turned into the end result of the educational process. The quality of a student can be characterized using the following indicators: computer knowledge, desire to learn, intelligence, spirituality, giftedness, memory, discipline, observation, career planning.

The quality of knowledge is determined by their fundamental nature, depth and relevance in work after graduation.

All of these indicators are not quantifiable and can be calculated as alternative indicators, as well as by point estimates.

Achievements of graduates can be determined on the basis of monitoring their career, which requires feedback from graduates to the educational institution. Traditional alumni meetings and questionnaires are useful.

Since most indicators of the quality of education cannot have a quantitative characteristic, obtaining summary quality indicators for blocks of indicators and generalizing estimates is possible using qualimetry.


The quality of education can be considered as a multidimensional concept. It is advisable to approach the disclosure of this concept from the perspective of the process approach adopted in the development of the quality system in order to increase customer satisfaction by fulfilling their requirements.

The quality of education is the demand for acquired knowledge in specific conditions and places of their application to achieve a specific goal and improve the quality of life.

The process approach means the continuity of management, the sequence and interconnection of individual educational processes within their system, as well as their combination and interaction.

Of particular importance in the quality management system is the leadership of senior management. The head of the educational institution must be a specialist in a specific field of science and practice. It is this that largely forms the competitiveness of the educational institution.

The quality management system is integrated, focused on modern information technologies, using the achievements of management theory and practice. Its effectiveness can be evaluated using quantitative and qualitative indicators.

List of references

1. Galeev V.I. Quality systems and market. - M .. Kolos, 2007

2. Gludkin O.P. General quality management - M .: Radio and communications, 2006

3. International standard ISO 9000: 2000. Quality Management Systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary

4. International standard ISO 9004: 2000. Quality Management Systems. Performance Improvement Recommendations

5. Kruglov M.G. et al. Management of quality systems - M .: IPK ed.standardov, 2005

6. Pletneva N.O. Practical guide on the implementation of the quality system. Quality Management Methods - 2001 - No. 9

7. Ilyenkova S.D. Quality Management - UNITY-DANA, 2006

8. Shvets V.E. Quality management in the system of modern management - Standards and quality. - 2008 - No. 6

9. Glichev A.V. What is quality? - M .: Economics, 2000

The quality management system is a relatively new phenomenon in Russian education. Perhaps for this reason, practitioners of STRs are ambiguous. Some consider it a useful innovation that has a positive effect on the quality of education, while others see only one benefit - improving workflow. So is it worth spending time, intellect and money on QMS?

With this question, the editors turned to Tamara RUSINA, the chief specialist of the Russian Register - Moscow Inspection company.

Tamara Vasilyevna, explain what models of a quality management system can be used in professional educational institutions of Russia?

As a basis for creating a pan-European educational space, the standards and directives of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Europe (ENQA), which define the basic requirements for the quality system of an educational institution, have been adopted. There is a model created in 2000 by the member countries of the Bologna Agreement and named after this association - the ENQA model. It is based on the principles and requirements of ISO 9000 series of standards. In the countries that signed the Bologna Declaration, membership in the association is open to all education quality control agencies, and therefore to Russian ones.

You can use the IWA model, which is based on the international standard ISO / IWA 2: 2007 “Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001: 2000 in education”. Based on this standard, the state standard GOST R 52614.2-2006 “Quality Management Systems. Guidelines for the application of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 in the field of education. ” The developer of the IWA 2: 2007 standard is one of the ISO committees, namely the Technical Management Board / Social responsibility, which is responsible for standardization in the social sphere.

Suitable for educational institutions is the TQM (Total Quality Management) model, which is based on the methods of universal quality management, harmonized with the principles and requirements of ISO 9000 series.

But one of the most common is the quality management model based on the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008. It is recognized by the international community.

The presented list is far from exhaustive, it is constantly growing thanks to the initiative of various organizations and communities, whose professional interests include quality assurance in the educational sphere. For example, at the initiative of the Moscow Department of Education, the Moscow standard for education quality is being developed. There are already criteria, but so far there are no indicators (they are in the development process).

And what is a typical QMS model developed by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation? What are its advantages?

The leading universities of Russia took part in the development of this model, and the principles and requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2000 and the principles of the Bologna process were based on. Every year, according to the criteria of this model, a competition "Intra-university systems for ensuring the quality of training of specialists" is held. The model is good for everyone, but it does not contain the word “management”, and this seemingly “trifle” does not allow it to be accredited as internationally recognized.

- Which of the available models, in your opinion, are most suitable for colleges and technical schools?

An educational institution - both top and middle level - can choose any model, the benefit is that they are all voluntary. But in conditions of limited resources (extra money and time, as a rule, it doesn’t happen) it is most optimal to use a quality management model based on the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2008 standard. It is based on the provisions, principles and requirements of ISO 9000 series, is one of the most common and recognized by the international community.

Why exactly ISO 9000 series standards?

Firstly, they are international, and their development took into account the best world experience in the field of quality management. Educational institutions using this model will be competitive in terms of promoting their services on the Russian market and attractive to international partners, which contributes to the export of education, the development of scientific ties, and provides academic and professional mobility.

Secondly, these standards are universal, their requirements are general and suitable for enterprises of any industry and service organizations, including the education system.

Thirdly, almost all the basic models of quality guarantees discussed above that are used in the field of education are harmonized with the requirements of the ISO 9000 series of standards.

Fourthly, it becomes possible to conduct an independent examination of the implemented quality system for compliance with these standards, and after that - certification (including international). I emphasize: consumers trust certificates of conformity issued by competent and independent certification bodies and are a confirmation of quality.

There is an opinion that quality management systems are mainly configured to formalize management and greatly increase document flow. How sound is this view? What does the introduction of the QMS of administration, educators, and graduates in general give?

Two questions, both important.

Firstly, the effectiveness of the quality management system really depends largely on how well it is documented. But document development is not an end in itself. Documents are needed in order to determine management and development methods, to create criteria for checking the management system. They help to increase the effectiveness of the organization. ISO 9001: 2008 requires minimal documentation. The organization determines the depth of the process description and the volume of work instructions. And that means that it creates the bureaucracy itself, by its own efforts.

A detailed description is required only when risks may arise during the implementation of the processes. The main thing for the educational institution is not a huge amount of papers, but the creation of a clear system of interaction at the horizontal level, the definition of requirements for the processes and the distribution of responsibilities and authorities. The value of the QMS is not in the documents, but in the actions.

Secondly, the quality of work is one of the main success factors of an educational organization. QMS allows you to achieve a quality that will satisfy all interested parties. I will outline only some of the results expected from the implementation of this system:

  • competitiveness and image of the educational institution, as well as the quality of services will increase;
  • tasks that the university or colleges solve will be clearly focused on the interests of consumers;
  • more efficiently distributed internal resources, responsibilities and powers of staff;
  • a real vision of the achieved results and process parameters will appear;
  • it will be possible to monitor and track improvements;
  • during the development of educational-methodical complexes, conducting classes and testing knowledge, carefully thought-out and documented procedures will be used;
  • unproductive expenditures of time and labor for solving many organizational issues will decrease;
  • document management and management activities will be systematized.

Systematization is the last but not the least. Here are pictures that clearly illustrate the result of systematization: how it was and how it became (Fig. 1).

Picture 1.

Suppose that an educational institution decided to develop and implement a quality management system. What needs to be done for this?

I draw attention to a prerequisite: the decision on the organization of work on the implementation of the QMS is made by the head of the institution. An effective system can be created only when the leadership of the educational institution is aware of its advantages, becomes its convinced supporter and transfers its conviction to all employees. And it will be remembered that the QMS is not a one-time action
   vie, but a condition requiring the maintenance of resources: material, intellectual, temporary. This is perhaps the main thing.

The development and implementation of QMS in an educational institution can be divided into stages.

The first stage is organizational. An order is issued on the establishment of a QMS, which appoints a representative of the quality manual and a project manager responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining the system in working condition, approving the project programs and the composition of the working group for its implementation.

Note: the head of the educational institution makes strategic decisions on the development and implementation of the QMS and is responsible for them. The operational management of the implementation of the system rests with the representative of the quality manual, who can also be appointed the head of the working group.

It is important that everyone involved in the development of the project is trained in the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2008 standard and in the methods for creating a QMS. The working group draws up a plan, which is approved by the head of the educational institution. It includes the following types of work:

  • development of the policy and goals of the educational institution in the field of quality;
  • development (clarification) of the structure of the QMS;
  • determination of the list of processes and their interaction;
  • determination (clarification) of the powers of officials and their responsibility for the QMS;
  • development of a matrix of the distribution of powers and responsibility for the QMS;
  • training of officials and personnel involved in the development and implementation of the QMS.

The second stage is a comprehensive analysis of the existing model (practice) of educational services management. The main objects of analysis are:

  • organizational structure of an educational institution;
  • activities of quality assurance units,
  • regulations on units and job descriptions, which establish responsibility and authority.

It also determines which documents can be used or need to be developed to create a new system.

After analyzing the practice, a conceptual model of the QMS of the educational institution is developed.

The third stage is devoted to the preparation of one of the main elements of the functioning of the system - documentation. The policy and goals of the educational institution in the field of quality, quality guidelines, basic procedures, QMS process regulations are documented.

The fourth stage is the testing and implementation of the system. It includes the introduction of the developed documents, the analysis of the QMS by the management and other procedures. At this stage, all personnel of the educational institution should be familiarized with the documentation and trained to work in the new conditions.

The fifth stage is certification for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008. Ideally, the QMS should work for at least three months before applying for certification.

The certification process consists of a preliminary audit, which assesses the degree of readiness of the quality management system for certification, and the main certification audit. The gap between them may not exceed six months.

In general, the process of developing, implementing and preparing for certification of the QMS of an educational institution lasts from several months to a year.

If a quality management system has already been implemented and certified, how often will you have to confirm its compliance with standards?

The certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9011: 2008 has a validity period of three years, then recertification is carried out. A new certificate is also issued for three years. In addition, an annual supervisory audit of the quality management system is provided.
   Certification is not a one-time action, but an unlimited state. She is forever.

Are there any factors that may cause failure in the development and implementation of a quality management system? What would you like to warn leaders who decided to create a QMS in their educational institution?

Firstly, I would like to say that you can not formally relate to the project on the implementation of the QMS. Secondly, the latent resistance of employees of an educational institution can expect managers. You have to be prepared for this. Also, the experience of certification of a large number of educational institutions shows that there are other risks that can reduce the efforts to implement QMS to nothing. These include:

  • insufficient qualifications of project participants;
  • insufficient allocation of resources for the project;
  • the lack of the necessary educational aids and recommendations in the educational institution on the implementation of the principles of quality management;
  • loss of communication with enterprises and, as a result, conducting training in isolation from the needs of today.

The risk is those who believe that it is necessary to create a quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2008, while in fact a management system for achieving the goals of an educational institution should be built taking into account the requirements of this standard. Otherwise, the QMS will be decorative, created only on paper with the aim of obtaining and presenting a certificate during external audits. This will lie on the shoulders of the staff with a heavy load that will have to be "dragged" from the audit
   to audit.

It is pointless to entrust the creation of a management system of an educational institution only to the QMS manager or consultant, it is necessary that all personnel actively participate in this, and the leader should be the leader.

And finally, I will give a parable. At the construction of the cathedral in Chartres, they asked three people who rolled wheelbarrows with stones, what are they doing? The first muttered: “A heavy wheelbarrow, it’s a hell of a damn.” The second said: “I make bread for my family.” And the third answered with pride: "I am building the Chartres Cathedral."

The development, implementation, certification and maintenance of the quality management system of an educational institution requires time and considerable effort. But everything will work out if you approach the matter with the attitude that the person building the cathedral had.

In conclusion, it would be interesting to know how many educational institutions of middle management have certificates of compliance with the requirements of the standards of a particular model?

I do not have statistics, but I can say that more than 160 leading and successful educational institutions and training centers of Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries of the former USSR made their choice in favor of the Certification Association “Russian Register”. Among them are many institutions of open source software. For example, teacher training college No. 5, technology No. 14, building No. 12 in Moscow, medical - in Kazan, service and tourism - in Kaliningrad, Gazprom technical school in Novy Urengoy.


This article addresses the issue of the quality of training of specialists in universities and the creation of an effective management system of university management based on quality. The authors consider the issue of the quality of education at a university using the example of JSC Financial Academy. The effectiveness of the functioning of the quality management system in the academy, as well as the quality management system allows to involve the entire teaching staff, all structural units and students, which helps to ensure high results in educational and scientific activities. The social, financial and economic direction of the Academy has been established. The administrative and economic structure works effectively. The management of education and its quality at the academy systematically covers: forecasting, planning, organization, motivation, accounting, analysis, state assessment and taking administrative and stimulating measures to consistently improve the final results in the training of future specialists. JSC “Financial Academy” creates conditions that provide the required level of training and quality management of education.







educational activities





1. Adler Yu.P. People first. Then everything else // Quality Management. - 2009. - No. 3 (27). - S. 30–32.

2. Voronin G.P. A future without quality is not the future // Standards and Quality. - 2009. - No. 8. - S. 4–7.

3. Soloviev V.I. The role of senior management in quality management // Standards and quality. - 2009. - No. 8. - P. 88–91.

4. Soloviev V.I. What impedes our progress / Almaty International Forum on Quality. Sat materials. - Alma-Ata, 2006. - S. 146–148.

5. URL: V.P. Soloviev, A.I. Kochetov, E.Yu. Silence, E.V. Plotnikova. Higher education quality management systems.

In modern conditions, the quality of training determines the fate of universities. Kazakhstani universities have entered the path of competition, both for the market of suppliers and for the market of consumers of their products.

A university cannot work effectively in all areas without a well-organized administrative structure.

The creation of an effective university management system based on quality and, along with it, an integrated system of lifelong learning for students in the field of quality has significantly improved the level of training of graduates and their competitiveness in the labor market.

For the successful management of the university and its functioning, the administration must direct and manage in a transparent way. Success can be achieved as a result of the implementation and maintenance of a quality management system designed to continuously improve performance, taking into account the needs of all interested parties. Education management includes quality management along with other aspects of management.

Quality, like any process in the socio-economic system, should not be formed spontaneously. This is a controlled process, and it is necessary to think about the problems of effective management. Quality management cannot be carried out on a purely administrative basis. It requires the wide participation of all educators. And for this it is necessary that the goals of this department and the positive result for each participant in the functioning of the educational organization be understood. Quality management is not an additional burden, but the organization of work corresponding to quality, its technology. Quality management should facilitate the activity, and not complicate it. This is the main difficulty of the quality management system and the essence of its design and formation.

We will consider this issue using the example of JSC Financial Academy. In this regard, the Academy creates conditions that provide the required level of training and quality management of education.

Since its foundation (2009), the Academy has been working on the creation of a quality management system. So, the Academy received a Certificate of Conformity of the quality of educational services to the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2009 “Quality Management Systems” (dated February 13, 2014 under No. 0023104). The Academic Council of the Academy considered a plan for the creation and implementation of a quality management system based on ISO-9000 International Standards and approved it. Since that time, this work has taken on a focused character.

The Academy passed two inspection audits for compliance with the requirements of the standard ST RK ISO 9001-2009 and received the conclusion that the developed structure of the Academy confirmed the quality of the management system. A certified audit “Environmental Management System” was also held and received a certificate of compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 14001-2006 “Environmental Management System. Requirements and application guidelines. ”

In order to comply with the requirements of the QMS, an internal audit is systematically conducted. During the audit, an audit program is drawn up, an audit schedule in accordance with the documented procedure “Internal Audit”. In order to continuously improve the quality management system, improvement plans and corrective action plans have been developed.

To effectively maintain the QMS, a seminar has been planned and held to train internal auditors among the Academy staff. So on March 26, 2016, a seminar was held on the topic: “Implementation, certification and functioning of the environmental management system in the organization” in the amount of 45 academic hours.

In the period from May 19-20, 2016 a seminar was held on the theme: “International business management rules based on international standards ISO 9000, taking into account the transition to ISO 1901: 2015” EUROASIA MS LLP. Lecturer Solovyov Vladimir Ivanovich - Director General of the confirmation body of the management system "EUROASIA", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of KAMK and NIA RK, expert auditor of the GTSD RK, leading auditor of IRCA, QuaIity Austria, EVROCERT.

The seminar was organized in order to provide undergraduate and graduate students with the basics of knowledge of system management-ISO 1901: 2015. Graduates go into a great life, where they will be able to skillfully solve problems and through the introduction of a management system can improve the development of the organization and solve problems. The teaching staff of the Academy is improving curricula and programs, expanding the profile of training in existing specialties, etc. But these events, with all their obvious expediency and necessity, are, as a rule, fragmented, often bear the inevitable imprint of a narrowly professional approach, as they are developed by teachers with a stereotype of solving educational and methodical problems that has developed over decades. The role of the faculty of the Academy is to create a system of continuing education in the field of quality and ensure its effective functioning. This system should be based on the continuity of knowledge. Each teacher conducting classes in his discipline is considered as a consumer for teachers of the previous cycle of disciplines, and as a supplier for teachers of subsequent cycles of disciplines. Thus, the team of teachers faces the challenge of applying a scientific approach to the formation of curricula and programs of disciplines. The Academy staff directs its activities to the training system - to the end result, to the quality management of educational processes. The analysis of the educational process showed that the specifics of the university are determined by its main activity - educational, the main task of the team is to educate and train specialists who are competitive in the labor market. Therefore, in order to organize and conduct joint work to improve the quality of training of specialists, JSC “Financial Academy” and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan developed a joint “Plan of interaction between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC“ Financial Academy ”, which is updated annually, which provides for:

  • development, coordination and approval of educational programs, catalogs of elective disciplines, topics of dissertations and master's theses in the field of specialties;
  • development and approval of the internship schedule for teaching staff;
  • coordination and approval of the work plan for dual training of specialists;
  • organization and implementation of production practices of students;
  • employment of graduates;
  • attracting experienced professionals - practitioners to conduct classes, etc.

The effectiveness of the educational activities of the Academy is closely related to the effectiveness of research carried out at the university. It is scientific activity that enables the faculty to continuously improve and replenish their professional knowledge and practical experience. These areas are developing fruitfully with the competent use of information technology. The social, financial and economic direction of the Academy has been established. The administrative structure is working effectively. The faculty of the Academy develop and publish educational and methodical and scientific literature, provide consulting and information services and additional educational services. University professors and teachers are carriers of not only knowledge, but also a common culture. Therefore, the second important feature of the academy is precisely the quality of the teaching staff, assessed, for example, by the presence of scientific schools in the university, for it is precisely participation in their work that makes a significant contribution to the formation of a specialist who meets modern requirements. Professors and teachers conducting research work are direct producers of the “products” of the university. It depends on them whether the students will study with pleasure (that is, it is with pleasure that they will fulfill the requirements regulated by the State Educational Standard), will the most “advanced” students fulfill the special additional requirements that are formed by teachers and researchers who attract them to their work scientific schools. So successfully operates the scientific school of Yanovskaya O.A. "School of the theory, methodology and practice of financial and economic research of the national and world economy." An effective system of managing the academy on the basis of quality and, along with it, an integrated system of continuous training of students in the field of quality, significantly increased the level of training of graduates and their competitiveness in the labor market. The main problems that arise when creating a university-based management system based on quality: lack of understanding of the role of students - students; the difficulty of determining consumers of university products and identifying their requirements.

Thus, the role of the teaching staff at the university is extremely high, because its intelligence, professionalism, scientific potential and ability to interest, establish contact, find the optimal measure of relations with students largely determine students' motivation to study.

Currently, the quality problem is being introduced into the minds of managers of enterprises, organizations, firms, companies. So, this problem should first of all enter the minds of young specialists. This should be their philosophy. That is why plans for continuing education in the field of quality have already been developed in many specialties. These are not only independent disciplines in quality management, certification, standardization and metrology. In each discipline, economic, technological, methodological issues are considered from the standpoint of ensuring, achieving and improving quality. The Academy has moved from an informative learning system to a problematic one, which is based on independent work of students under the guidance of teachers. The role of the teacher is changing: he becomes a mentor and consultant. Its most important task is to motivate students to learn and work independently. Therefore, another feature of educational activities at the academy is that it is necessary to create the opportunity for students to work intensively, because without this it is impossible to become a full-fledged specialist. As part of the quality concept, some ideas about how to conduct training are also developed. Observations show that traditional lectures and seminars often do not fully achieve their goals. In many cases, it is the team (brigade, group) form of organization of the educational process that carries the charge of additional efficiency that has already been lost in classical forms. In addition, team training helps people prepare for this kind of teamwork after graduation.

Quality management is based on documentation in which all processes (procedures) are described (documented), as well as the actions of process participants to achieve the required level of quality.

According to the modern version of the ISO-9000 standard, the quality system is interpreted as a quality management system, which consists of three subsystems: a quality management system, a quality assurance system and a quality confirmation system.

The department of quality management system together with the Educational-methodical department developed a “Methodical instruction” in the following areas:

  • The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of the regulations on the unit and job description (the form of the work plan of the faculty, department, research, educational work, the form of the annual report on educational-methodical and research work);
  • The structure, content, development procedure and approval of the educational-methodical complex (CMD) in the field of specialty training (syllabus form, all forms of the title page);
  • Design, development of educational services, management of educational and organizational processes (the form of a working curriculum, the schedule of the educational process, the academic calendar, staffing of the teaching staff of the department, etc.);
  • Management of the educational process (report form on educational work, the form of a curator's journal);

The staff of the Academy is committed to ensuring the quality of training.

Technological and regulatory normative documentation forms the foundation of the entire quality management system, therefore it must be constantly brought into line with modern requirements. The documentation of the quality management system includes: a quality management policy, a quality manual for areas of activity, academy standards, methodological instructions for areas of activity, and a number of others. The quality confirmation system should include: regularly conducted self-assessment by the Teaching and Methodological Department according to certain criteria; surveys of employees, graduate students, consumers; determination of the level of mastering by students of academic disciplines; state certification of graduates.

The quality management system at the academy is effective, since all participants in the educational process are united by a common goal to achieve a high level of specialist training. The ideology of quality management, eight fundamental principles, which formed the basis of the International Standards ISO-9000 (9001, 9004) version 2000, were introduced and operate at the Academy.

The staff of the Academy comprehension of university activities and the above problems from the standpoint of the criteria of International Standards allows:

  • to develop modern normative and working documentation for all areas of activity;
  • eliminate duplication of procedures;
  • create a control system based on quality plans;
  • increase the efficiency of the organizational structure;
  • clearly distribute the powers and responsibilities of all levels of leadership;
  • clearly articulate goals and highlight key processes;
  • manage resources more efficiently.

And most importantly, the introduction of a management system in the academy on the basis of quality makes it possible to involve the entire team, including students, in ensuring high results in educational and scientific activities. The basis for managing the quality of education at the academy was the teaching, teaching, research, educational and public activities of the faculty and active classes with students in classrooms, classrooms, computer classes on the Internet, aimed at educating and training highly qualified specialists with high ideological, moral and other human qualities, competent competitive and in demand in the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond escape.

JSC "Financial Academy" has the best balance of educational, methodological, research, educational and social activities with a modernized material and technical base and infrastructure, highly qualified personnel, faculty, managerial and support staff, managers in accordance with the requirements of the law and the Presidential Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050 ".

The management of education and its quality at the university systematically covers: forecasting, planning, organization, motivation, accounting, analysis, assessing the condition and taking administrative and stimulating measures to consistently improve the final results of the creative work of students and trainers in the future educational process. It is necessary to rationally use the educational, scientific, laboratory and service facilities in educational buildings, social facilities, housing and sports facilities, material and other assets, and in accordance with its charter.

The teaching staff of the university focuses on the preparation of competent, competitive and sought-after bachelors, masters, in accordance with the objectives of the Kazakhstan-2050 strategy. Thus, for the science-based management of the quality of education at the academy there are real opportunities that must be fully utilized effectively to solve the problems of the Kazakhstan-2050 strategy. The manual is based on experience, which shows that the effectiveness and efficiency of the QMS is significantly improved when the main focus is not only on the independent functions performed by various departments and officials, but also on interfunctional processes that combine individual functions into systems (flows) aimed on the end results of the organization. The effectiveness of the functioning of the QMS of the Academy is ensured, the staff is trained in the basics of quality management and has decent personal qualities - such as:

  • the ability to learn and independently acquire knowledge in order to constantly improve the level of education, competencies and the development of the ability to innovate in solving problems associated with the challenges of the modern market;
  • the ability to perform quality work using the PDCA cycle;
  • the ability to set priority goals and achieve them;
  • quick adaptation to changing working conditions;
  • high responsibility and self-discipline;
  • critical self-assessment of activities and the ability to evaluate processes within their competence and the organization as a whole;
  • the ability to build high-quality (correct) relationships (production, business, corporate, family, interpersonal);
  • ability to work in a team, knowledge of the culture of debating and opposing, the ability to forgive other people's mistakes, not defeat counterparts, but to find mutually beneficial solutions to production problems, to refrain from any destructive and unproductive actions;
  • ability to communicate with “difficult” people;
  • ability to timely feedback on issues to be resolved.

Personnel with such qualities are more likely to be able to create the necessary production and business relationships that contribute to the adoption of high-quality management decisions that ensure high efficiency of the processes at the minimum cost of all types of resources (human, material, etc.). All this should begin to work on creating a new quality of corporate culture in the organization based on the continuous improvement of quality management and staff skills. And of course, a quality management system will be effective if all participants in the educational process are united by a common goal to achieve a high level of specialist training. University professors and teachers are carriers of not only knowledge, but also a common culture. The role of the faculty in the university is extremely high, because its intelligence, professionalism, scientific potential and ability to interest, establish contact, find the optimal measure of relationships with students largely determines the motivation of students to study. And most importantly, the introduction of a management system of management at the university on the basis of quality allows us to involve the entire team, including students, in ensuring high results in educational and scientific activities.

Bibliographic reference

  Yanovskaya O.A., Shakulikova G.T., Imangozhina O.Z. EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE UNIVERSITY // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2016. - No. 8. - S. 38-42;
  URL:\u003d10350 (accessed September 16, 2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the Academy of Natural Sciences publishing house

At present, 346 state and 112 non-state universities are training specialists in engineering and technology in Russia. More than 1.3 million students are studying in engineering areas and specialties. The problem of the quality of training of specialists is central to the issue of their demand for the national economy and international recognition of Russian degrees and qualifications. It is directly related to the content of education and technology for the implementation of educational programs.

Innovative engineering education is now being developed all over the world, aimed at developing specialists in the field of engineering and technology not only certain knowledge and skills, but also special competencies focused on the ability to put them into practice, in real life, when creating new competitive products.

World universities are improving educational programs and curricula. Already in the first year of study, students are shown the relationship of the proposed teaching material with their future engineering activities, the prospects for technical, technological, economic and social development of society. New content, as well as problem-oriented methods and project-organized teaching technologies in engineering education allow us to provide its new content, based on a set of competencies, including fundamental and technical knowledge, the ability to analyze and solve problems using an interdisciplinary approach, knowledge of project management methods, readiness for communications and teamwork.

One of the directions of the development of the Bologna process in Europe is the formation of common approaches to ensuring and assessing the quality of higher education. It is assumed that the quality of training of specialists in higher educational institutions is ensured by two main components - the quality of the content of educational programs and the quality of management at the university.

Quality management at a university

Currently, most models of the quality management of education and scientific research in foreign and Russian universities are based on the assessment method, which involves statistical processing of the results. However, the global trend is the transition to models that comply with the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) and the requirements of international quality standards ISO 9000: 2000 (International Organization for Standardization, ISO).

The TQM concept assumes that the university has clearly and clearly formulated missions and strategic goals that are developed as a result of comprehensive studies of the needs of the external environment in the main products of the university. Universal quality management focuses on a process approach to the activities of universities, uses a number of specific, quite complex, but very effective methods and tools for quality management. The TQM concept has recently become very popular in European universities.

The approach to the construction of a quality management system (QMS), based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9000: 2000, involves a demonstration of the university's ability to produce products that satisfy the consumer, and his requests are regularly monitored and studied. In accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO 9001: 2000, the main goal of the university should be to increase customer satisfaction - the individual, society and the state in educational services, the training of specialists, scientific products, etc.

Today, the issue of applicability of the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2000 to universities is rather sharply debated in Russian and foreign higher schools. There are different points of view. The most balanced and constructive point of view seems to be about the selective use of the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2000 standard in universities, bearing in mind their educational activities.

The requirements of the ISO 9001: 2000 standard in universities are applicable mainly to the training of specialists for professional activities as a more regulated process. They are not suitable for education in the broad sense of the word as a process of personality formation.

Recently, those universities that are developing their entrepreneurial innovative activities and are striving to gain new and more solid positions in the markets of educational services and high-tech products have recently focused on the ISO 9000: 2000 standard.

The current version of the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2000 is based on the principles of universal quality management, the foundation of which was laid by E. Deming. The philosophy of universal quality management is such that all problems in the management of the organization are considered from the point of view of the system. According to TQM logic, any organization, including a university, works as well as its QMS is good.

The ISO 9001: 2000 standard is “a standardized philosophy of quality whose mission is to organize thinking in a certain way.” However, the requirements of the standard must be adapted "to university soil."

The requirements of the standard ISO 9001: 2000 do not apply to the content of the activities of scientists and teachers of higher educational institutions, they only streamline the processes of their activities. The ISO 9001: 2000 standard does not apply to the structure and content of scientific research and educational programs, methodologies and technologies used in scientific and educational processes. The ISO 9001: 2000 standard does not work in the classroom, where the teacher takes advantage of the academic freedom granted to him to realize his scientific and methodological potential, and the pedagogical abilities of the teacher and teacher.

The basis of the QMS of the university in accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO 9001: 2000 is:

The Quality Manual, the main document of the system, describes the main processes and subprocesses. Actions are governed by documented procedures, and individual tasks are described in the Work Instructions. The Quality Guide, when describing processes and subprocesses, usually answers the questions: "What?" and for what?".

The Documented Procedures provide a detailed description of the actions within the process or subprocess with answers to the questions: “Who?”, “What?”, “Where?” and when?". The Work Instructions contain tasks for performing specific work in the performance of certain actions and answers to the questions "What?" And How?".

At the base of the pyramid of processes and documentation of the QMS of the university are the so-called Quality Records, which are documented evidence of the registration of tasks, production of actions, implementation of sub-processes and basic processes at the university.

The structure of the model in accordance with the standard ISO 9001: 2000 includes four groups of processes: management processes, business processes of production, service processes, processes of measurement, analysis and improvement.

The QMS documentation can be presented in any form and on any medium. The development of documentation should not be an end in itself, its task is to add value to the quality management system. The basic principle of managing documentation and records of quality is the principle - the right document at the right time!

The application of the ISO 9001: 2000 standard to the university’s quality management system is a serious innovation. Creating a QMS is a task that requires innovative approaches to its solution. Work begins in a "flat team" together with a consulting company on the formation of a Quality Policy and a description of the main processes in the university.

The next stage is the training and motivation of the university staff, the training of quality representatives, managers and auditors. It is important that each employee understands his role, responsibility and authority within the QMS of the university. A prerequisite is the involvement of students as the main consumers of educational services.

Based on standard documented procedures, processes in the structural divisions of the university are described, powers and responsibilities are distinguished, indicators of process efficiency are identified, and forms for data registration are developed.

A developing university quality management system is being built, which allows you to effectively manage processes, actions and tasks at all levels. Internal audit allows you to assess the degree of readiness of the structural units of the university to work efficiently in accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO 9001: 2000.

The first step is an audit of the documentation. The second stage is an audit of management processes, including documentation management processes, as well as the overall structure of the QMS of the university. The potential for improvement identified during the audit is the basis of the corrective action program. The third stage is a certification audit. Is he needed? Certification of QMS, in itself, cannot provide an improvement in the quality of work of a university. It just shows partners in the external environment that the university is functioning efficiently, providing a stable and high quality product and service.

According to The ISO Survey of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Certificates, about 5,000 educational institutions were certified in 2001, including nearly 600 educational institutions with a certificate of compliance with the QMS requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2000.

The main argument in favor of QMS certification at the university is: “You spent a lot of effort on creating the system and paid a high price for its certification. You will never refuse it!” Firstly, you will not do this for economic and moral reasons, and secondly, you will not be allowed to do this annual external supervisory audits by the issuing organization.

Thus, the university will be forced to continuously develop and improve its quality management system, stably produce high-quality products and win the competition. He will be doomed to prosperity!

The quality of educational programs

The concept of ISO is that the requirements of the standard for organization management supplement the requirements for the quality of the products themselves. The main products of the university are knowledge, skills, methodological culture and comprehensive training of specialists for self-realization in society.

These university products are the result of the provision of educational services in the process of implementing educational programs. Therefore, the latter should also be evaluated and accredited not only by the state, but also by society and reputable international organizations. In many developed countries, there is a two-stage system for the recognition of engineering qualifications. The first step is the recognition of educational programs through the procedure for their accreditation. The second step is the recognition of the professional qualifications of engineers through their certification and registration.

Such a system is implemented in each country by national non-governmental professional organizations - engineering councils, which usually include accreditation bodies for educational programs and certification of specialists: ABET (USA), ECUK (Great Britain), CCPE (Canada), IEAust (Australia) etc. The international recognition of engineering qualifications is also provided in two stages: by concluding agreements aimed at the mutual recognition of educational programs (Washington Accord, 1989) and agreements on the mutual recognition of national registration systems for professional engineers (Engineers Mobility Forum, 1997; APEC Engi-neering Register, 2000).

Most European countries do not yet have accreditation systems for engineering education programs. However, the activities of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI) for the registration of professional engineers are known.

In Russia, the national system of social and professional accreditation of educational programs in the field of engineering and technology is currently developing as a result of the activities of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as international organizations.

The RF Law "On Education" dated 10.07.1992, as amended on 07.07.2003, determines that "the competence of state educational management bodies shall be obligatory ... state accreditation of educational institutions, the promotion of their public accreditation" (Clause 5, Article 37) and clarifies that "Educational institutions may receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international public educational, scientific and industrial structures" (Article 25).

The Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" dated 08/22/1996 as amended on 07/07/2003 explains that "... Public accreditation is the recognition of the level of activity of a higher educational institution that meets the criteria and requirements of relevant public educational, professional, scientific and industrial organizations "(Article 8).

AEER's activities are aimed at international recognition of Russian engineering programs through Russia's entry into the Washington Agreement and active participation in the formation of a pan-European accreditation system in the framework of the Bologna process in conjunction with organizations such as FEANI, SEFI, European Standing Observatory for the Engeneering Profession and Education (ESOEPE) , European Network for Quality of Higher Enginee-ring Education for Industry (ENQHEEI), and other entities.

The international recognition of educational programs and engineering qualifications is based on a comparison and agreement of the quality criteria for training specialists and accreditation and certification procedures in different countries.

In accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Association of Engineering Education of Russia dated October 21, 2002, AEER developed and agreed upon with international organizations criteria and procedures for publicly-professional accreditation of educational programs in the field of engineering and technology. The AEER Accreditation Center (AC) ( has been created, the Accreditation Council has been formed, as well as commissions for groups of specialists in the field of engineering and technology, experts from science, industry and higher education have been trained and certified.

In 2003, the AEER AC accredited 12 educational bachelor's programs in 6 technical universities with the participation of representatives of the countries members of the Washington Agreement and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. For five years, bachelor's degree programs in engineering and technology are accredited at Altai State Technical University. I. I. Polzunova (Altai State Technical University) -552900 "Technology, equipment and automation of machine-building production", Krasnoyarsk State Technical University (KSTU) - 552500 "Radio Engineering", Taganrog State Radio Engineering University (TGRU) - 552800 "Computer Science and Computer Engineering" and 550700 Electronics and Microelectronics, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI) - 550200 Automation and Control, 550700 Electronics and Microelectronics, 552800 Informatics and Computing, and 553400 Biomedits Indian Engineering ", Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) - 550700" Electronics and Microelectronics "and 552800" Computer Science and Computer Engineering ", Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) - 552800" Computer Science and Computer Technology "and 551300" Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics, Electrotechnology "

The results of public accreditation were reported by the Association of Engineering Education of Russia at the International Engineering Meeting-2003 (Rotorua, New Zeland, 2003) and sent to various Russian and international organizations. For 2004, AEER AC has applications for public-professional accreditation of about three dozen educational programs from leading technical universities such as MIREA, MPEI, MISIS, and other leading engineering universities.

Over the next five years, AEER will accept applications for public-professional accreditation of the best bachelor's, graduate and master's degree programs in engineering and technology at Russian universities (but not more than 5-10% of the total number of engineering programs).

The international recognition of accredited AEER programs will serve as an incentive for the integration of the Russian system of engineering education with the world educational system, including as part of the Bologna process in Europe. In 2004-2005 AEER together with a number of European engineering organizations (FEANI, SEFI, ESOEPE, ENQHEEI) and national accrediting organizations such as CTI (France), EC (UK), ASIIN (Germany), CoPY (Italy), IEI (Ireland), OE ( Portugal) within the framework of SOCRATES / TEMPUS programs, will implement the EUR-ACE project to develop the foundations for creating a unified accreditation system for engineering programs in Europe. The project results are planned to be reported in 2005 in Bergen (Norway) at the next meeting of the Ministers of Education of the countries participating in the Bologna process.

In order to promote international recognition of the results of intellectual activity of Russian universities in 2002, the Fund for the Promotion of International Accreditation and Certification in the Field of Education and High Technology (MASS Foundation) was established in Russia. The founders of the fund were the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Association of Technical Universities and the Association for Engineering Education of Russia.

The main objective of the MASS Foundation is to promote the creation and international certification of quality management systems, accreditation of educational programs of Russian universities, certification of teachers of higher education and specialists with higher professional education.


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15. Bernard R.-F., Boev O. V., Chuchalin A. I., Pivovarov Yu. L. European Projects on Quality of Higher Engineering Education // Bachelors of Engineering and Technology: Training and Employment: Tr. International Symp., June 17-18, 2004, Moscow. Tomsk: Publ. TPU S. 21-24.


   © Yu. P. Pokholkov, A.I. Chuchalin, 2004


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