Job description of a software engineer professional standard. Job description - Programmer. Specialization Differences

National Technological University (NTU) is an institution that provides services in the field of additional vocational education on the basis of a license issued by the Moscow Department of Education. We invite you to pass professional development according to the professional standard of the programmer  due to the increase in state requirements for the qualification of specialists in the field of communications, information and communication technologies.

Professional development according to the professional standard of the programmer

Professional Standard "Programmer"  No. 4, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 679n of November 18, 2013, establishes the qualifications necessary for the professional implementation of activities. This document is registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation under No. 30635 and is officially published.

It is carried out on the basis of secondary vocational education in order to expand their professional capabilities. Training is divided into short-term, thematic and long-term. The most common forms of training are full-time, part-time and distance learning.

Programmer training  may be aimed at the development of:

    methods and techniques of formalizing tasks;

    functionalization languages \u200b\u200bof functional specifications;

    notations of software products for graphical display of algorithms;

    algorithms for solving typical problems, areas and methods and applications, etc.

Based   professional standard programmer  Each specialist can outline for himself the directions in which it is necessary to tighten knowledge. During the training, students will get acquainted with the practical aspects of information and communication technologies. We pay special attention to current problems and current trends in the development of this industry.

Today, employers should reconsider the procedure for hiring new employees, certification of employees and the content of job descriptions. From July 1, 2016, the labor inspectorate may legally write fines if organizations do not apply professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in their work.

The advantages of studying at NTU and how to register programmers for advanced training

Advanced training for programmersconducted with the help of modern educational technologies. You can sign up for training by contacting us by phone or using the special application form on this site. If necessary, you can visit the National Technological University in person and be convinced of the high quality of the education provided.

Why you should choose us:

  • we offer a choice of more than 1,000 study programs;
  • our prices are lower than most offers in the market of additional professional education;
  • we provide you with the services of a personal manager and guarantee an impeccable quality of service;
  • training is carried out on the basis of modern material and technical base.
  • the level of the faculty of NTU is equal to the level of teachers of leading universities of the country.

Choose a distance course - Administrative support of the activity Anti-corruption measures in the implementation of the educational process Anti-terrorism activities in the educational organization Anti-terrorism security Audit / Internal audit Librarian. Library science. Library, reference, bibliographic and information services Accounting Accounting Budget policy Budget system Budget accounting / Economics, budgeting, accounting (budget) accounting and control Otolaryngologist State and municipal administration State and municipal finances State defense order Civil defense and emergency situations Defectology. Teacher-defectologist Diagnosis and correction of mental retardation in children. Protection of information, personal data and information security. Fine and decorative art. Pedagogy and teaching methodology Investment management / Investment director Inclusive (integrated) education of children with disabilities Information and communication technologies in the electronic information and educational environment HR management / Personnel inspector Clinical Psychology Contract system in the procurement of goods, works and services to ensure public and municipal needs / Management Correctional pedagogy and psychology Laboratory assistant. Laboratory analyzes, tests, measurements during training sessions in chemistry and biology Speech therapist. Psychological and pedagogical support of children with speech pathology Marketing and sales management Master of business administration Master of sports administration / Sports management Management in education Methodology of teaching political sciences Methodology of teaching economic disciplines Musical psychology and pedagogy. Technologies for the planning and implementation of music education, taking into account the requirements of oligophrenopedagogy and oligophrenopsychology. Education and development of children with intellectual disabilities in the context of the CSF implementation Organization of the procurement of goods, work, services by certain types of legal entities Organization of health care and public health Organization of measures for the prevention and work to counter extremism and terrorism Organization of effective activities for the provision of consumer credit Fundamentals of office work and secretarial work Fundamentals of engineering Domestic history and social studies. Design and implementation of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards; Occupational safety / Occupational safety for managers and specialists of organizations, members of labor protection committees (commissions) / Teacher (educator, methodologist, psychologist) of preschool education at the Federal State Educational Standards Pedagogy (teacher, methodologist, psychologist) elementary education at GEF NOO Pedagogue of further education / Educator of further education Teacher of further professional education Pedagogy and methodology of higher education at GEF HE Pedagog Ica and methods of teaching physical education / physical education instructor in the preschool, the DOE Pedagogy and Methods of Professional Education Pedagogy and Psychology. Organization and content of activities in the context of the implementation of GEF Pedagogical education (by industry) First aid / Emergency medical care First aid First aid / Training of employees in first aid skills Cook Fire safety / Fire safety minimum for managers and fire safety officers in the institution Applied pedagogy and psychology Inspection of supervisory bodies of educational institutions Industrial safety Anti-corruption in State and municipal management system Radiation safety Rehabilitation work in the social sphere Sanitary. Sanitary maintenance of chambers, specialized rooms, moving material objects and medical waste Social pedagogy and psychology Social work Specialist in internal control (internal controller) Specialist in operation of water intake structures Theory and teaching methods of the Belarusian Railways Theory and methods of teaching mathematics Theory and methods of teaching choreography Technosphere safety Management state and municipal property Management of state, municipal and corporate active procurement Human resources management Human resource management and project management Project management / Project management Financial management / Financial director Environmental safety / Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general business systems Economics and tourism and hotel management Economics and finance Economic security Procurement expert Electrical safety Energy saving and raising energy efficiency in organizations and institutions eniyah Jobs - Looking academic hours - - I have the academic hours - I have no hope for a discount from 40 to 71 ac. hours From 72 to 119 ac. hours From 120 to 250 ac. hours Over 250 ac. hours - Number of students - 1 2 3 4 5 or more - Assign qualification -

Job description
  Job descriptions taking into account professional standards 2016-2017

Programmer job description sample

A sample job description is made taking into account the professional standard. Programmer

1. General Provisions

1.1. The programmer belongs to the category of professionals.

1.2. A person having:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) advanced training;

3) practical experience in software development for at least 6 months.

1.3. The programmer must know:

1) methods for automatic and automated software health checks;

2) the main types of diagnostic data and methods for their presentation;

3) languages, utilities and programming environments, and means of batch execution of procedures;

4) typical software metrics;

5) the main methods for measuring and evaluating software characteristics;

6) methods for creating and documenting test cases and test data sets;

7) rules, algorithms and technologies for creating test data sets;

8) requirements for the structure and storage formats of test data sets;

9) methods and means of verifying the operability of software;

10) environment for verifying the health and debugging software;

11) internal regulatory documents governing the procedure for documenting the results of software health checks;

12) methods and means of refactoring and optimizing program code;

13) programming languages \u200b\u200band development environments;

14) internal regulatory documents governing the requirements for the program code, the procedure for reflecting changes in the version control system;

15) internal regulatory documents governing the reflection of the results of refactoring and optimization in the collective knowledge base;

16) methods and techniques of debugging program code;

17) typical errors that occur during software development, and methods for their diagnosis and correction;

18) Internal labor regulations;

19) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

20) ……… (other requirements for the necessary knowledge)

1.4. The programmer must be able to:

1) write the program code of the procedures for verifying the operability of software in the selected programming language;

2) use the selected programming environment to develop procedures for verifying the operability of software in the selected programming language;

3) to develop and issue test cases to verify the functionality of the software;

4) develop procedures for generating test data sets with specified characteristics;

5) to prepare data sets used in the process of verifying the operability of software;

6) apply methods and means of verifying the operability of software;

7) interpret diagnostic data (logs, protocols, etc.);

8) analyze the values \u200b\u200bof the obtained characteristics of the software;

9) document the results of a software health check;

10) apply methods, tools for refactoring and optimization;

11) apply the tools of collective work on software code;

12) publish the results of refactoring and optimization in a collective knowledge base in the form of best practices;

13) use the version control system to register the changes made;

14) apply methods and techniques for debugging defective program code;

15) interpret error messages, warnings, records of technological logs that occur when the defective code is executed;

16) ……… (other skills)

1.5. The programmer in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) the Regulation on ……… (the name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulatory acts governing

job functions)

1.6. The programmer reports directly ……… (job title


1.7. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Checking the performance and refactoring of software code:

1) the development of procedures for verifying the performance and measuring the characteristics of software;

2) development of test data sets;

3) software health check;

4) refactoring and optimization of program code;

5) correction of defects recorded in the database of defects.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. The programmer performs the following duties:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function, the development of procedures for verifying the performance and measuring the characteristics of software:

1) develops procedures:

Checking the health of the software;

Collection of diagnostic data;

Measurement of required software features;

3.1.2. As part of the labor function, the development of test data sets:

1) prepares test data sets in accordance with the selected methodology;

2) evaluates and agrees the deadlines for the implementation of tasks.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function, software health check:

1) carries out a software health check based on the developed test data sets;

2) assess the compliance of the software with the required characteristics;

3) collects and analyzes the obtained results of the software operability check;

3.1.4. As part of the labor function, refactoring and optimization of program code:

1) analyzes the program code for compliance with the requirements for readability and performance;

2) makes changes to the program code and checks its performance;

3) evaluate and agree on the deadlines for the implementation of the tasks.

3.1.5. As part of the labor function, the correction of defects recorded in the database of defects:

1) reproduces defects recorded in the database of defects;

2) establish the causes of defects;

3) makes changes to the program code to eliminate identified defects;

4) evaluate and agree on the deadlines for the implementation of tasks.

3.1.6. As part of the performance of his labor functions, he carries out the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

3.1.7. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

The programmer has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Ask your immediate supervisor for clarification and clarification on these instructions issued to tasks.

4.3. Request on behalf of the immediate supervisor and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the order.

4.4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the leadership regarding the functions performed by him, with the documents defining his rights and duties in his current position, criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals for the organization of labor for consideration by its immediate supervisor as part of its labor functions.

4.6. Participate in the discussion of issues related to job responsibilities.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The programmer is held accountable:

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties stipulated by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the applicable administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final Provisions

6.1. This job description is developed on the basis of the Professional Programmer standard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 N 679н, taking into account .......... (details of local regulatory acts of the organization)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out when applying for a job (before signing the employment contract).

The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description is confirmed .......... (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this manual (in the job familiarization journal); in a copy of the job description stored by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ……… (other final clauses).

For the staff involved in the development or debugging of software, a professional standard programmer has been developed. It clearly stipulates what are the functional responsibilities of programmers in an institution or company. In addition, the professional standard provides a complete list of criteria that must be met by an employee responsible for the performance of computer equipment.

Programmer's professional standard: what is its content

In the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 18.11.2013, No. 679н, basic working standards for programmers were announced, allowing them to qualify their level and classify the list of functional responsibilities.

The regulatory document includes the following subsections:

  • General information.
  • Description of the types of work.
  • Analysis of functional responsibilities.
  • Imprint about the developers.

In chapter General informationintroduces the concept of the specifics of work, and also lists the nature of economic activity. In addition, this section indicates the purpose of the employee in this position.

In chapter Species descriptions  works  summarized information about the functionality of the employee. Moreover, each duty is described as detailed as possible. Each qualification level, according to the contents of this section, corresponds to a specific code.

In chapter Functional Analysis  expanding information about the responsibilities of the programmer. And here is a detailed list of criteria for the post.

In chapter Output  developers  information about all the personalities who submitted to the Ministry of Labor a professional standard of a software engineer is reflected.

The professional standard provides the basis for a rational distribution of responsibilities between employees. In addition, with the help of this document, the distribution of functional responsibilities becomes more reasoned and logical.

A rigorous study by the Ministry staff on this issue is explained by the fact that at the present time the fundamental importance for the proper conduct of business at the company and at any production is given to the software itself.

Only a specialist of a high qualification category that meets the standard approved by the Ministry can eliminate software failures or generate a new program to optimize production or personnel tasks.

Thus, the total control of the management over the implementation of the functionality by employees directly related to the maintenance of the software is dictated by production necessity.

Professional criteria applied, according to the professional standard of a programmer, to different positions

Any functional responsibility of the programmer must comply with the list of job titles. Qualification criteria, according to this provision, are presented to someone specifically from the staff, but not to the position as a whole. This led to the fact that in the professional standard for different posts their functional responsibilities are defined.

In particular, the list indicates the following:

  1. Junior programmer (or technician-programmer).  When applying for this position, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence of the received secondary vocational education. It is advisable to know the basic principles of programming and own computer literacy at the user level.
  2. Programmer.  Mandatory is the availability of secondary vocational education. Upon assuming the position, it is necessary to confirm professional experience within six months in the field of adjustment and software development.
  3. Senior programmer (or software engineer).  Secondary vocational education, with documentary evidence, is mandatory, and presence in the profession should be from 12 months.
  4. Lead Programmer (or Lead Software Engineer).  Must present a diploma of higher education upon taking office. With a presence in this professional industry, experience should be three years.

Compliance with these criteria is mandatory for management when hiring employees.

Their functional responsibility will be to ensure the smooth operation of software, the formation of communication systems and ways of storing corporate information. Therefore, the lack of proper experience or a document on specialized education is an indisputable circumstance for refusal when applying for a job.

Information security - why it is so important to hire a competent programmer in accordance with the professional standard

First of all, a programmer must be a comprehensively competent person. Profession means not only knowledge of the classical foundations studied in a professional secondary or higher school.

Computer technologies are constantly being improved, concretized, adapting to the realities of technical evolution. In this regard, the programmer is instructed to systematically monitor innovative technologies in this field and introduce them into the production process.

In addition, incoming global updates to existing software nodes must also be used and adapted to local professional conditions. Good skills are honed over the years. A competent programmer, without waiting for an official order from the administration, can independently study the market offers in this area, as well as changes in regulatory and regulatory decisions.

Particularly important is the high level of qualification of the programmer involved in the implementation of work to ensure the information security of the company. Proprietary technologies, financial transactions, personal data of management and everything that constitutes a trade secret is the subject of active attention of competitors.

It is well known that cloud technology is gaining in popularity. They constitute a certain comfort, but differ in vulnerability. The database (including information on the movement of financial flows) needs high professional service.

In addition, if the company’s profiling information is stored on hard drives, then only a professional programmer who meets the criteria of a professional standard of a software engineer can ensure data security. No random people are taken to this position, even if they own the main programs.

Protecting information security is half the success of a manufacturing or business. If this labor function is entrusted to a person who is not competent or without proper experience, then the information can be not only stolen, but also maliciously damaged.

Functional responsibilities of the programmer according to the professional standard

According to the professional standard of the software technician, the employee responsible for software development is charged with four main labor functions.

Based on them, the employee is responsible:

  • for the examination of program code;
  • for elimination of the smallest failures in its functioning;
  • for the development of new program code (if such a need arose in production);
  • for the development of corporate requirements for software (these requirements should be specified for personnel at different levels);
  • for software design.

According to the professional standard, the employee must be able to integrate software modules and carry out high-quality verification of the proposed product.

New products are constantly appearing in the digital technology market. In this regard, a qualified programmer must be able to update them.

Programmer Functional Card

The map includes the following works:

Professional standard for working with personnel: unification and algorithmization

When hiring a programmer, the employer in his own interests should check how the job applicant meets the qualification requirements. When drawing up the staffing, the uniformity of requirements for all programmers is taken into account.

Developers of professional standard programmer: 1C, MESI. The standard is recommended for use by employers and those responsible for the selection of personnel. This is a convenient tool for personnel policy. Its advantages are that it allows you to automate management processes. Its use makes job descriptions as intelligible and accessible as possible.

  Introduced for employees whose main area of \u200b\u200bactivity is software development. What functions a programmer can perform in a company and what requirements he must meet, we will consider in our article.

  Description of a professional programmer standard

For specialists involved in software development, the professional standard was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 679n of November 18, 2013. The document consists of 4 sections:

With the help of this professional standard, the employer will be able to correctly distribute the functions between employees related to software development, and correctly name their positions.

Do not know your rights?

  Job titles in the professional standard and qualification requirements for them

In the professional standard, for each generalized function of the programmer, a list of possible job titles is assigned. In this case, as a general rule, qualification requirements are presented not to the position in general, but to a specific employee who performs a separate generalized function. In this regard, in the professional standard for the programmer, each generalized function corresponds to different job titles and requirements:

  • junior programmer and technician-programmer can have a secondary vocational education with a complete lack of work experience;
  • a programmer, too, can only have a secondary professional education, but he must work at least 6 months in the field of software development before taking this position;
  • senior programmer and software engineer must already have higher education and practical experience in their field for at least a year;
  • a leading programmer and a leading software engineer must already have a university degree, supplemented by work experience of 3 years or more.

Work functions assigned to the programmer

A specialist in the field of software development can perform 4 generalized labor functions, assuming that he can answer:

  • for the development and debugging of program code;
  • checking the health of the code and its refactoring;
  • integration of software modules and verification of software product releases;
  • development of software requirements;
  • software design.

For each of the listed generalized functions, several are specified, in the description of which there are sections that give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe labor actions performed by the employee, as well as the skills and knowledge that are required of him.

In conclusion, it remains to say that the professional standard developed for programmers should be used in the preparation of staffing and job descriptions. Entrusting the employee with the performance of a particular function, the employer must not only choose the name of the position from those proposed in the professional standard, but also check whether the employee meets the qualification requirements necessary for its implementation.


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