Search for VKontakte products. VKontakte products: how to arrange a showcase without leaving the social network? Disadvantages of VKontakte products

In this lesson I will tell you about such a trick as vKontakte products, with which you can open an online store in the community. This opportunity is provided for all groups and public pages that trade using a social network. You can connect the service regardless of the number of participants, and only managers can place products in the new section.

Thus, based on this option, you can safely open online store VKontakte... The main page always displays the last 3 added products.

In order to connect the product service, go to the "Community Management" section.

On the "Information" tab, move the page down a bit and select the "Included" setting next to the "Products" item.

Here you can immediately add important information:

  • Specify delivery region - you can add several countries or cities;
  • Enable or disable the ability to leave comments to the goods;
  • Select store currency - Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Kazakhstani tenge, euro or US dollar;
  • Contact for communication - this is the user's personal page through which you will accept orders. The page must be among the leaders of the community so that it can be selected from the drop-down list;
  • Store Description - wiki page with a detailed description of your store, terms of payment and delivery, as well as other important information. This link will be automatically attached to each of the products.

After you have saved all the changes made, a special block with products appears on the community home page.

By clicking on the heading "Products" or on the link "Show all products", you can open a complete list of products. Here in the upper right corner there is a special link "Add product", through which you can add a new offer to your store.

  • Title and Description... Both of these fields will be included in the search;
  • Main photo and up to 4 additional... When uploading the main photo, you will need to specify a square-shaped thumbnail. Uploaded photos must have at least 400 and no more than 7000 points on each side, and you cannot use photos with one side several times larger than the other;
  • Category - you must specify one of the product categories from the list. This is necessary to place your proposals in a single VKontakte directory;
  • Selection - with this option you can sort all the products more accurately. This field appears only when creating the collection itself, which we will talk about below;
  • Price - we indicate the price;
  • Item not available - using this checkbox you can show that it is out of stock now. In this case, it is placed in a special tab "Inaccessible goods".

At the end, we press the button "Create product".

This is how the final view of the card looks like.

Now let's take a look at the Product Selections section. Using this option, you can independently specify the category of goods within the community and group similar ones accordingly. To create a collection, go to the Collections tab and click the Create Collection link in the upper right corner.

In a new window, you will need to specify the title of the collection and upload its cover. Also, here it can be made the main collection of the community and it will always be displayed first in the list.

There are 3 ways to add a new product to a selection. You can specify it when you create it, when you edit it, and also from the collection page. It will be possible to specify it in the new "Selection" list that appears, which I wrote about earlier. Thus, when editing, you can move products from one category to another, unfortunately, it can only be in one collection at a time.

After creating a collection, it can of course be edited or deleted. You can do this inside the collection.

You also have the option to edit individual products. To do this, hover the mouse cursor over the offer image and click on the pencil icon that appears. You can change any data.

You can also search in the "Products" section. When you click on the "Options" link, you will be able to specify the price range, as well as sort by added date or price.

For the convenience of the owner, a link to the product about which they write to you will be automatically attached to such a message.

Also, you can temporarily disable the "Products" service in the community settings. All settings and product cards will not be deleted, but simply will no longer be displayed.

If the user opens any of the offers via a direct link, it will be indicated that he is temporarily unavailable. It will also be impossible to contact the seller. You can get everything back at any time by enabling them in the community settings.

That's all, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments below. The material uses the group's suggestions

How VKontakte products work

Vkontakte products are a showcase of products, which displays the names, images of the product and its cost. Users can view the product catalog, after which they can learn more about a specific product by selecting it from the list. When you select a product, an additional window opens with extended information about the product: description, additional images, and a button for contacting the group administrator.

How to enable VKontakte products

To connect Vkontakte products, you need to go to a group or a public page, select "community management" in the menu and find the item "Products" in the "Information" tab. At the time of this writing, this item is the bottom of the list.

It is necessary to change the mode from "disabled" to "enabled", after which additional settings will appear:

Disadvantages of VKontakte products

At the moment, among the shortcomings for leaders of groups and communities, we can note the inability to select several administrators or group managers to respond to purchase requests from users, so far only one of the group administrators can answer questions and orders.

There is no way to make an order and pay online, you need to contact the group administrator, who, in turn, may be absent and it will take time to process the order before he goes to the page and reads the message.

Should I use Vkontakte products?

Vkontakte products are a new opportunity to attract potential customers and an additional sales market. Of course, sales on the social network were carried out before, for this, photo albums were created with images of goods and their cost, but now, with the appearance of a showcase, sales in VK have reached a new, more convenient level.

There is a considerable number of people for whom the Internet begins Vkontakte, and it ends on it, so the opportunity to offer your services in this social network in a convenient format will help you find new potential customers, as well as increase the loyalty of previous ones.

A positive factor is the fact that VKontakte products are a new format and a new section, which in turn will attract new curious customers who will want to try out the new product.

Anyone who sells consumer products online should definitely use the new section. You need to start right now to offer your goods and services in a new section and create an online store based on Vkontakte. The sooner you start using it, the more knowledge base you will get and the more competitive advantages you will have. Do not forget that the existing shortcomings will be eliminated over time, and the section itself will acquire new functions.

Any seller wants their product to be sold. Various methods are used to improve sales, one of which is selling through social networks. And why not, especially if it's free. On VKontakte, you can create your own community or group, and with their help advertise your goods, and agree on a sale there. This article will discuss how to add products to the VK group.

VKontakte products: we arrange a showcase in a group.

If you want to promote your product through the social network VKontakte, then this article is for you, here we will tell you how to set up and create your own showcase with goods in VK.

Turn on the display of VK products.

And so, we already have a group in which we want to place our goods. First, we need to enable them. To do this, go to the group, click “Actions” (button in the form), and select “Community Management”.

Next, we need to go to “Sections”. Find “Products” in the list and change the value to “Included”.

Also, after you turn on the products in VK, additional settings will appear:

Here you can set up delivery regions, product comments, store currency, contact details and store description.

Add the product to the VK group.

After we have included the products, on the main page of the group we will have an item “Add product”.

Click “Add Product”. We will be asked to select product categories, title, description, photos and cost. Everything seems to be clear here.

After we click “Create product”, our product will appear on the main page of the VK group, if we click on it, we will see the following:

In order to add another product, you need to go to the product page by clicking on the inscription "Products".

Then we press the button “Add product”

Editing the product in VK.

Everything is quite simple here. Hover the cursor over the product we are interested in, a pencil mark appears, click on it and make the necessary changes.

We create a selection (category) of goods in VK.

You can also create separate categories for a specific group of products. This is true when you have a large assortment of various products. To do this, go to the products again and select "Create a selection" from above.

Next, enter the name of the collection and select the cover, click create.

After creating a collection, we need to put down the belonging to this collection in the necessary products. For example, I created a collection of "Services". If we go into editing a product or create a new one, then we will have an item "Collections", where we select the one we need.

If you have checked the box “This is the main collection of the community”, then the products from this collection will be displayed on the main page of the group.

Now, by going to the selection, we will see our products.

We remove the product from the VK group

In order to delete an unwanted product, you need to go to the product (do not edit, but just click on the product), select the "More" item and click "Delete".

If you need to remove all products, you can simply disable them in the settings.

Anna Koneva

For the buyer:

  • You don't need to go to other sites to select a product.
  • Easy to contact the seller.
  • You can also leave a review after purchase.

For the seller:

  • Easier than starting a store from scratch. You don't have to buy a domain and take care of hosting.
  • Social proof works: likes and number of subscribers. If there are 2,000 subscribers on the store page on the social network, it immediately inspires confidence. And some unknown site on the Internet - no.
  • It is easier to attract buyers from the same social network to an online store page on a social network than to a third-party website.

  1. In a regular online store, you can make a purchase at any time: on weekends, at night. On VKontakte, the buyer writes to the seller and waits for an answer. In order not to lose the client, specify additional contacts (mail, messenger). Write at what time you answer, and when it is better not to wait for an answer. And respond to requests as soon as possible.
  1. Describe in detail about delivery and payment: what methods of payment, what delivery options, how much does the delivery cost, is a return possible. So you will avoid unnecessary questions and save time for yourself and your customers.
  1. If you are tech-savvy and your product catalog is huge, use API "VKontakte" and upload products in bulk. But if it comes to that, it might make sense to create a full-fledged online store.

Create an application

Another way to sell VKontakte is to create a store app. It looks like one site is inserted into another.

The application works as a full-fledged online store: buyers place an order and pay on their own, all sales and customer data is saved (and can be synchronized with accounting software). Plus, an online store website is automatically created with the application, which can work by itself.

If you already have a website with an online store, create your own application (entrust this to a programmer). To help section for developers and application store placement rules.

If there is no online store, use ready-made solutions:

Online store constructor. For VKontakte, Ecwid has its own application, which is configured separately for each client. As a result, you don't need to create a new application per se. To use the service:

  1. Go to application page "VKontakte" and click the Install Application button.
  2. Select (or create) a store page to which you want to connect the application.
  3. Enter your e-mail, password and click "Create store".

  1. Copy the link (it will be the application of your online store "VKontakte") and add it on the "Links" tab on the store page.

  1. Click "Add link", in the window that opens, create a short description of the type "Our VKontakte store". Done, app added.
  2. Go to it from the community page.

  1. Fill in the fields with a description of the store and the seller (requirement of VKontakte, this information will be visible at the very bottom on the application page) and save.
  2. Click the "Store Management" button. You will be taken to the control panel, where you need to add products and descriptions, select payment and delivery methods (use).

The finished product application looks like this:

An online store is automatically created on the Ecwid domain of the form (the numbers are the store ID, you will have different ones). It can be used alone and bind to your own domain.

Cost: up to 10 products are free for an unlimited period, then - from 790 rubles per month (if paid for a year - 659 rubles per month).


CMS for creating websites and online stores. To sell VKontakte, you need to create a separate application using the Shop-Script service.

  1. Register a new account and confirm registration (an email will be sent with a link). You will have a website with a technical address such as (characters up to the point “w160404-849” during registration can be replaced with any name). If necessary, you can bind to your own domain.
  2. Go to the control panel (backend) and fill the online store with goods. Use the setup instructions and help.
    1. Register an online store account, confirm using the link in the letter. A website with the address is automatically created (instead of “shop” there will be a name that you yourself think of).
    2. Set up your store and fill it with products (see


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