Opening of containers and retail sales for iiko. Egais system for alcohol sale: participants and procedure for connecting Egais for alcohol retail trade

In 2017, according to 54-FZ, the way of using cash registers has changed.

Now, for every sold product, you need to report to the Federal Tax Service, including for alcohol. This means that alcohol sellers will again have to modify cash registers or buy new ones.

the main thing

  • From March 31, 2017 sell alcohol, only with KKT.
  • From July 1, 2017, sell alcohol only with an online checkout.
  • Alcohol sellers in villages have been using the cashier since March, and they have been sending data to the EGAIS since July.
  • Catering uses an online cashier and reports to EGAIS for acceptance.

How laws intersect


The purpose of the law is to remove all counterfeit alcohol from the market.

Stores report to PAP for the sale and purchase of alcohol wholesale or retail. Thus, the state monitors alcohol from the moment of production to its sale to the customer in the store.

All information goes to EGAIS. The process is controlled by RosAlkogolRegulation.

You can use any cash register (even with EKLZ), the main thing is that it reads and prints a QR code.

The cash register is connected to the computer.

Information is transmitted to EGAIS during the acceptance of alcohol and during the retail sale of strong alcohol in stores.

Sales data is not transmitted:

  • Retailers of beer, cider, mead;
  • Catering.


The purpose of the law is to control tax evasion and make it impossible to work "in the gray".

Retail stores report each check to the Federal Tax Service.

All information goes to the tax office through the FDO. The process is controlled by the Federal Tax Service.

You can use the cashier only with a fiscal drive, EKLZ are canceled.

The checkout is directly connected to the Internet.

The information is transmitted to the fiscal data operator when selling any alcohol.

Both laws cover different topics and serve different purposes. You can fulfill the requirements of 54-FZ, but not transfer data to EGAIS, then you will be fined by PAP.

Conversely, if you fulfill the requirements of the EGAIS, but do not comply with 54-FZ, you will be fined by the tax authorities. So now alcohol sellers are controlled by two independent bodies.

How to sell alcohol

To comply with EGAIS

When you accept alcohol from a supplier, you send an invoice to EGAIS. It doesn't matter what you buy: beer, wine or vodka.

When you sell strong alcohol, you send data to EGAIS. You print a check with a QR code, with which the buyer can check the legality of the production and sale of alcohol.

If you sell cider, beer or mead at retail, you do not need to send data to EGAIS.

Foodservice also does not post information on the retail sale of any alcohol.

All data is stored in EGAIS. The state knows about every bottle that is produced and sold.

To comply with 54-FZ

When selling any alcohol, give the buyer a check and send an electronic copy of the OFD.

The check shows a QR code by which the client can check whether you have reported to the tax office for selling alcohol.

All data is stored by the OFD. At any time, the tax office can request and check them.

This applies to anything you sell: spirits, beer, cider, or mead.

This means that now you need to work with alcohol according to the following scheme:

  1. Accept a batch of alcohol from the seller - report to EGAIS.
  2. When a customer buys alcohol, you:
    • Send data to EGAIS, if it is wine, vodka, etc. (if you sell beer, you do not send anything to EGAIS);
    • You send data about the calculations of the OFD, no matter what you sell: vodka or beer on tap.
  3. Issue a check to the buyer:
    • If you sell beer, you print one QR code on the check, by which the buyer can check the data in the tax office;
    • If you sell strong alcohol, you print two QR codes on the check, by which the buyer can check the authenticity of alcohol and a tax report to the Federal Tax Service.
  4. All sent data is stored by the OFD and EGAIS.

When to switch to new checkouts

1 February 2017

It is no longer possible to register vehicles with ECLZ. If you want to buy a new cash register or your EKLZ has expired, you must go to the online cashier and report to the Federal Tax Service.

31 March 2017

All alcohol sellers must use CCP.

If you used to work for UTII or PSN and sold beer without a cash register, now you must use KKT. And since it is no longer possible to register cash registers with ECLZ, you must use an online cash register.

If you were selling alcohol and punching it on the KKT, but the EKLZ service life has not ended, you do not need to go to the online cashier yet.

Sellers of alcohol in rural areas and public catering have not yet transferred data on retail sales to EGAIS, but they must also use KKT.

1 july 2017

All alcohol sellers should go to online checkouts.

Rural alcohol sellers send retail sales data to EGAIS.

Example 1.

The grocery store sells alcohol and is already transmitting data to the EGAIS.

EKLZ was changed at the end of 2016.

Example 2.

The cafe operates on UTII, sells beer on tap and does not use the cashier.

Since after February 1, 2017, the cash register with EKLZ is no longer registered, the owner is obliged to purchase an online cash register.

Example 3.

A grocery store is located in a village with 3000 inhabitants.

The store already reports to EGAIS for the acceptance of alcohol, but not yet for the sale. The EKLZ expired in April 2017. The store owner must set up an online cash register after the EKLZ has been handed over.

Equipment for EGAIS and 54-FZ

What is needed for EGAIS

  • Checkout that can connect to a computer.
  • A printer that prints receipts with a QR code.
  • QR code scanner to read data from bottles.
  • Computer with UTM installed and connected to the Internet. The computer transmits all data to EGAIS.
  • Crypto key on a USB flash drive that is inserted into the computer. It encrypts and signs all data.

What is needed for 54-FZ

Cashier, which:

  • prints a QR code;
  • has a fiscal drive that signs all documents (analogue of EKLZ);
  • connects directly to the Internet;
  • transfers all data to the OFD via the Internet.

How the cash desk works with EGAIS

  1. The cashier breaks the bottle of alcohol.
  2. A check arrives at the computer.
  3. The crypto key signs the check.
  4. The computer sends the check to the printer and to EGAIS.
  5. The printer prints a receipt with a QR code.

How the cash desk works with 54-FZ

  1. The cashier punches the goods.
  2. The cash register sends the check to the fiscal drive.
  3. The drive signs the check.
  4. The checkout prints a check and sends an electronic copy of it to the OFD.

Where to get an online cashier with the support of EGAIS


Not all KKTs that support EGAIS can be upgraded to an online checkout. Check with your CCP manufacturer for details.

How does EGAIS reflect information and deliveries of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products made to recipients who are not EGAIS participants within the framework of subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2.1 of Article 8 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ of 22.11.1995?

In accordance with paragraph eight of clause 2 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on restricting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products" (hereinafter - the Law) equipment for accounting for the volume of turnover and (or) use for own needs of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products must be equipped with technical means for recording and transmitting information on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in the EGAIS.

At the same time, the requirement specified in paragraph eight of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Law does not apply to accounting for the volume of purchases of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in order to use them as raw materials or auxiliary material in the production of non-alcohol-containing products or for technical purposes or other purposes not related to with the production and (or) circulation (except for the purchase) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2.1 of Article 8 of the Law).

Thus, organizations that purchase ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in order to use them as raw materials or auxiliary materials in the production of non-alcohol-containing products or for technical purposes or other purposes not related to production and (or) circulation (except for the purchase) ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products are exempted from the obligation to submit information about such turnover to EGAIS.

In turn, suppliers of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, when delivering to recipients who do not have a license and are not members of the EGAIS, after the information about the shipment of such products is recorded in the EGAIS (UTM), receive a corresponding notification (receipt). Based on this receipt, the corresponding quantity of the shipped products is written off from the supplier's balance sheet. In this case, on the part of the buyer, additional confirmation in EGAIS of information on the receipt of products is not required.

Question: When is it necessary to install the EGAIS software?

Answer: organizations engaged in the circulation and (or) retail sale of alcoholic beverages (including catering organizations), as well as individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the current legislation, are obliged to record information in the EGAIS starting from January 1, 2016.

A detailed list of activities, the nature of information transmitted to the EGAIS, as well as the terms of entry into force of individual obligations are posted on the official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie at.

Question: How to get and connect to the EGAIS software?

Answer:organizations engaged in the circulation and (or) retail sale of alcoholic beverages (including catering organizations), as well as individual entrepreneurs, transfer information to the EGAIS using a specially developed universal transport module (UTM).

In order to debug the mechanisms for working with UTM in the process of alcoholic beverages turnover, it is currently possible to connect to EGAIS in test mode until January 1, 2016.

Installation of UTM can be carried out independently without contacting Rosalkogolregulirovanie or the territorial bodies of Rosalkogolregulirovanie through a personal account on the specialized portal

Detailed video instructions with the registration procedure in the personal account and the installation of the UTM for transferring information to the EGAIS are available at\u003d8.

Question: What technical means should an organization have to be able to connect to the EGAIS?

Answer:for the possibility of UTM functioning in the process of transferring information to EGAIS, the technical means of organizations engaged in the circulation and (or) retail sale of alcoholic beverages (including catering organizations), as well as individual entrepreneurs, must have the following characteristics:

Equipment type and components

Parameters and characteristics

Hardware - Data Exchange Workstation


32-bit @ 1.9 GHz or higher

2 GB or more

Network Controller

Ethernet controller, 100/1000 Mbps, RJ45 connector

Disk drive

The total volume is not less than 50 Gb

Cryptographic hardware

Hardware crypto key


Operating system

Windows 7 Starter and higher

System-wide software

Java 8 and up

EGAIS software

Issued by Rosalkogolregulirovanie on a gratuitous basis and installed independently. No additional software installation required

Organization's accounting program

Should be able to generate a file of the established format for sending to EGAIS

Question: What information and at what point should be transferred to EGAIS?

Answer: the list of information transmitted to EGAIS using UTM, as well as the mechanisms for working with the system in the process of circulation of alcoholic beverages, are given in the Technical Documentation for organizations engaged in the circulation and (or) retail sale of alcoholic beverages (including catering organizations), as well as individual entrepreneurs located in their personal account on the specialized portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie

The list of necessary information and the timing of fixing information in the EGAIS are reflected in the draft regulatory legal acts posted on the website (

Question: How to reflect retail sales of beer, beer drinks, cider, Poiret and mead in EGAIS?

Answer: retail beer sales, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead at EGAIS not required.

In terms of reflection the fact of purchase beer, beer drinks, cider, Poiret and mead, you need to connect to EGAIS using UTM.

Question: Is it necessary to reflect retail sales of alcoholic beverages in public catering organizations in EGAIS?

Answer: in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation accounting for volumes retail alcoholic beverages in organizations catering in EGAIS not required.

In terms of reflection the fact of purchase alcoholic beverages must be connected to the EGAIS using UTM.

Question: Is it possible to transfer information to EGAIS for all separate subdivisions carrying out activities from one workstation?

Answer:in accordance with the draft Requirements for technical means of recording and transferring information on the volume of production and turnover of alcoholic beverages into a unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, if the organization has separate subdivisions - the organization's software and hardware, transmitting information to EGAIS, must be installed, transmit information and be located within each separate subdivision.

In this regard, the use of one workstation with an installed UTM for transmitting information to several places of activity is not possible.

Question: Is it possible for an individual entrepreneur to install the EGAIS software at home or is it necessary to install UTM in each store of an individual entrepreneur?

Answer: for individual entrepreneurs who purchase beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead for the subsequent retail sale of such products, it is possible to install one workstation for exchanging data with the installed UTM, regardless of the number of locations.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie does not impose requirements on the location of such a workstation for data exchange with an established UTM for individual entrepreneurs.

Question: Is it necessary to install several workstations with installed UTM in one separate division carrying out several types of activities and (or) having several licenses?

Answer:in each separate subdivision, one UTM is installed, regardless of the number of licenses and types of activities carried out by these separate subdivisions.

Question: What electronic signature is used to work with EGAIS? Do I need to receive it for each separate subdivision or for the whole organization?

Answer:Rosalkogolregulirovanie accepts an enhanced qualified electronic signature (UKEP) issued by any certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, which complies with the requirements of the Federal Law of 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature".

UKEP should be installed on each separate division of the organization.

Individual entrepreneurs can use one UKEP for all places of business.

Question: How can you add a counterparty to EGAIS that is not a retail licensee or a licensee of Rosalkogolregulirovanie? What to do if the EGAIS directory contains false information or the organization has disappeared from the EGAIS directory?

The entry of the counterparty into the EGAIS directories is carried out at various levels, depending on the activities carried out and the availability of appropriate licenses.

Reference information on organizations engaged in the production and (or) circulation (including retail sale) of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic (except for beer, beer drinks, cider, Poiret and mead) and alcohol-containing products is automatically synchronized with the information of the State Consolidated Register issued , suspended and canceled licenses for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

In case of revealing in the EGAIS directory inaccurate information regarding organizations engaged in retail sale of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to contact the authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which exercises the authority to issue retail licenses.

Reference information on counterparties or their separate divisions that are not licensees of Rosalkogolregulirovanie or the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can be added independently through the mechanism in the personal account on the specialized portal of Rosalkogolregulirovaniya

A detailed video instruction on working with EGAIS reference books, including on the mechanisms for adding a counterparty, is posted on the specialized portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie at\u003d7.

If there is a recipient in the EGAIS directories with the correct details (TIN, KPP, actual address, etc.), it is possible to use any corresponding entry in the EGAIS directories.

In the absence of the consignee of the product in the EGAIS reference books, it is necessary to add the counterparty using the functionality implemented in the personal account on the specialized portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie http: // egais .ru /.

Question: What regulatory legal acts govern the functioning of the EGAIS in the field of circulation and retail sale of alcoholic beverages?

Answer:obligations to record information in EGAIS by organizations engaged in the circulation and (or) retail sale of alcoholic beverages (including catering organizations), as well as individual entrepreneurs, come into force starting from January 1, 2016.

The legal basis for the turnover of alcoholic beverages is established by Federal Law No. 171-FZ of 22.11.1995 "On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products and on Restricting the Consumption (Drinking) of Alcoholic Products" (hereinafter - the Federal Law).

The rules for the functioning of the EGAIS were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2006 N 522 "On the functioning of the unified state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" and are applied in the part that does not contradict the Federal Law.

At the same time, the regulatory framework is being modernized. Draft regulatory legal acts undergoing approval procedures within Rosalkogolregulirovanie are posted on the specialized portal

Regulatory legal acts undergoing public discussion and other procedures necessary for their adoption are posted on the official website for posting information on the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts by federal executive authorities and the results of their public discussion

Question: How to fix the initial balances of alcoholic beverages as of January 1, 2016?

Answer:Remains of alcoholic beverages should be entered into the EGAIS system only by organizations that wholesale alcoholic beverages. There is no need to enter the remains of alcoholic beverages into the EGAIS system by organizations that retail alcoholic beverages.

Leftoversalcoholic beverages in stock as of January 1, 2016 must be recorded in the EGAIS system before the shipment of alcoholic beverages by:

Receipt of an invoice from the sender of the product and confirmation of the receipt of it by the recipient;

Balance statements with blotted scanning of each bottle, pasted over with a federal special or excise stamp;

Balance sheet entries in terms of volume, in terms of products that are not pasted over with a federal special or excise stamp (beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead).

Question: How to fix the revealed discrepancies in the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) when accepting alcoholic beverages in the wholesale and retail links from producers and importers of alcoholic beverages ?

Answer: In the event that the quantity of the products delivered upon the fact is less than the quantity indicated in the consignment note (hereinafter referred to as TTN) and the recipient of the product wishes to accept such product, then the recipient of the TTN forms the "Act of discrepancy" (clause 1.9.3 of the Technical documentation for the universal transport module), which indicates only the actually delivered quantity of products. At the same time, the supplier of products in the EGAIS software of manufacturers and importers must form a new version of the document "Information on shipment", which indicates the amount of actually delivered products. If the quantity of products specified by the recipient in the "Act of discrepancy" coincides with the quantity of products in the new version of the "Information on shipment" created by the supplier of products, this document will be recorded in EGAIS automatically.

In the event that the recipient of the product may refuse TTN... Then the supplier of products in the EGAIS software of manufacturers and importers must create a new version of the document "Information on shipment", in which to indicate the amount of actually delivered products.

If the recipient of the product accepted TTN, then the further movement of products to the supplier is reflected by creating returnable TTNs. Or the supplier needs to create a new Shipment Information document with the missing quantity of products.

Question: How can the revealed discrepancies be recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) when accepting alcoholic beverages at the wholesale and retail level from an organization that wholesale alcoholic beverages?

Answer:In the event that the quantity of the products delivered upon the fact is less than the quantity indicated in the consignment note (hereinafter referred to as TTN) and the recipient of the product wishes to accept such product, then the recipient of the TTN forms the "Act of discrepancy" (clause 1.9.3 of the Technical documentation for the universal transport module), which indicates only the actually delivered quantity of products. In turn, the supplier of products must confirm this "Act of discrepancy".

If the recipient of the product does not wish to accept such product,then the recipient of the product must refuse the TTN.

When if the quantity of products delivered in fact is greater than the quantity specified in the consignment note, then the supplier needs to create a new TTN with the missing quantity of products or the supplier needs to create a new TTN if the recipient refuses.

When if during acceptance and transfer of alcoholic beverages by the recipient re-grade detected (inconsistency of the delivered products with the names specified in the accompanying documents) the recipient of the products must refuse the TTN, and the supplier must create a new TTN with the actual name of the delivered products.

Question: How to reflect products that were sold before 01/01/2016?

Answer: In order to form correct balances, products sold before 01.01.2016 can be written off using the document "write-off certificate".

Question: How to record the arrival of alcoholic beverages in the EGAIS?

Answer:organizations engaged in the circulation of alcoholic beverages, as well as individual entrepreneurs, register expenditure TTNs in the EGAIS. The volume of shipped products is reserved on the balances of the sender in EGAIS.

The recipient organization of alcoholic beverages (organizations engaged in the wholesale and retail sale of alcoholic beverages (including catering organizations), as well as individual entrepreneurs) through its own accounting system, or in another way, through the UTM EGAIS, receives all items sent to the address of the place of implementation of the TTN ...

If the consignee agrees to accept the products specified in the TTN, the organization confirms receipt. In case of detection of an actual shortage of products in comparison with the volumes indicated in the electronic invoices, if the organization wishes to accept such products, an act of discrepancy with the corrected quantity is formed. The act goes through the UTM to the sender of the product, while the sender can agree with the act. In this case, only the amount agreed with the recipient will be debited from the balance of the sender. If the sender disagrees with the act of discrepancy, he refuses the act and then the entire TTN refuses and the entire volume remains on the balances of the sender.

In the event that an actual surplus of products is found in comparison with the volumes indicated in the electronic TTN, if the organization wishes to accept such products, the recipient organization confirms the TTN. For the excess amount, the sender forms an additional TTN.

In case of disagreement to accept the products specified in the TTN, the recipient organization refuses the received invoice. Rejected products remain on the sender's balances.

Rosalkogolregulirovanie processes all incoming documents and, through the UTM, returns to the organization receipts for fixing data in EGAIS.

Question: What accounting systems can be used to work with UTM and what are the requirements for them?

Answer: to work with UTM, it is possible to use any available (including independently developed) system capable of transmitting information through UTM in accordance with the format presented in the technical requirements for UTM (

Question: Should a journal of retail sales of alcohol be kept and what technical means are needed to keep it in electronic form?

Answer: keeping a journal of retail sales of alcoholic beverages is established by order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated June 19, 2015 No. 164 "On the form of a journal for recording the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and the procedure for filling it out." This order comes into force on January 1, 2016.

The accounting log can be kept manually, as well as using any hardware and software.

In the case of using the technical means of EGAIS, the possibility of automatic generation of the Accounting Log is implemented through the Personal Account (

Question: Is it possible to postpone the connection to the EGAIS until July 1, 2016 for organizations engaged in the production and circulation of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead, and individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead for the purpose of subsequent retail sale of such products?

Answer:connection to EGAIS must be carried out:

- for organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead with a production capacity of more than 300 thousand decalitres per year from October 1, 2015;

- for organizations engaged in the production of beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead with a production capacity of less than 300 thousand decalitres per year from January 1, 2016;

- for organizations engaged in the import and circulation of beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead from January 1, 2016

Until July 1, 2016, it is possible to transfer information not in full by the above organizations to EGAIS in the event of a technological failure.

Question: What are the requirements for storage facilities for the installation of EGAIS?

Answer:The operating conditions of the technical means (TS) of the EGAIS, determined by the Technical conditions in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products in terms of equipping the main technological equipment for the production of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, as well as equipment for recording the volume of turnover and (or ) the use for own needs of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products by technical means of recording and transferring information on the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products into a single state automated information system for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, approved by order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated February 20, 2012 No. 31 (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Conditions), do not establish requirements for the premises for the placement of the TS EGAIS.

Question: Is it necessary to undergo operator training to work with EGAIS?

Answer:Due to the fact that UTM assumes integration with existing software and technical means of the organization - the need for advanced training or undergoing any other training for the personnel of the organization that carries out the wholesale and (or) retail turnover of alcoholic beverages, the organization determines and conducts independently.

Obtaining a certificate of completion of the professional course preparation on the operation of the UTM EGAIS software on the person operating it not required.

Question: How to find out if the counterparty has connected to the EGAIS system?

Answer: Every week, a list of organizations connected to EGAIS in XML format is posted in the Personal Account on the official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie on the Internet https: //service.egais .ru.

Question: What cash registers or fiscal printers are suitable for working with EGAIS?

Answer: By order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated December 3, 2015 No. 413, the format for submitting applications for fixing information in EGAIS was approved. If the approved format is observed when using cash registers, Rosalkogolregulirovanie does not present additional requirements for cash registers.

Question: What is the algorithm for the cashier's actions when selling alcoholic beverages?

Answer: When selling alcoholic beverages, the cash register software must determine that the product belongs to the group "Alcoholic beverages". Then the cashier must read the barcode from the federal special or excise stamp with a scanner. After successful scanning, the data on the closing of the check are automatically transferred to EGAIS in accordance with the approved format. The universal transport module returns to the cash register program the data that is printed on the receipt in the form of a QR code. The check is closed.

The cash register software will block the sale if the universal transport module returned the data to the cash register program, about the absence of fixing information in the EGAIS.

Question: What liability is provided for the circulation of alcoholic beverages without fixing information in the EGAIS?

Answer:Article 26 of the Federal Law of 22.11.1995 No. 171-FZ established that alcoholic beverages turnover, information about which is not recorded in the EGAIS, prohibited.

In accordance with article 25 of the Federal Law of 22.11.1995 No. 171-FZ alcoholic beverages subject to seizure from illegal traffic without fixing and transferring information to EGAIS.

Violation of the accounting procedure for alcoholic beverages entails administrative liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Question: Can an organization carry out the movement of alcoholic beverages between separate divisions (from one to another)? What documents should be used for this transfer? Need for confirmation in EGAIS?

Answer: According to paragraph 16 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ of 22.11.1995 "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the circulation of alcoholic products means the purchase (including import), supplies (including export), storage, transportation and retail sale, which are covered by the Law.

The transfer of alcoholic beverages from one separate division of an organization to another separate division of an organization carrying out a licensed type of activity and specified in licenses is carried out only if there are documents established by Article 10.2 of the Law.

In this connection, information about the turnover of alcoholic beverages, in this case about internal movement, between separate divisions must be recorded in the EGAIS system.

Question: Is it possible to equip only one cash register out of several working in one store with an alcohol scanner and only through it to punch a receipt on the sold alcoholic products?


Question: is the equipment for fixing the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the EGAIS subject to certification?

Answer: Certification of equipment for fixing retail sales of alcoholic beverages in EGAIS is not required.

Question: Are there detailed user instructions for the system and how will it be maintained?

Answer: Due to the fact that UTM assumes integration with existing software and hardware of the organization, the organization determines the user instructions for working with its own accounting system independently. The organization maintains its own accounting system on its own.

Technical documentation for the EGAIS universal transport module is located in your personal account on the portal http: // egais .ru

Question: What to do if EGAIS stops working or fails?

Answer:Currently, the dates for fixing data in EGAIS are set with a margin of time, which allows you to eliminate technical failures without stopping commercial activity.

Question: What cash registers or fiscal printers are suitable for working with EGAIS? Is it possible to reprogram previously used cash registers or is it necessary to purchase new equipment?

Answer: Order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated December 3, 2015 No. 413 approved the format for submitting applications for fixing information in EGAIS. If the approved format is observed when using cash registers, Rosalkogolregulirovanie does not present additional requirements for cash registers.

The organization has the opportunity to use the existing cash registers, if additional logic is implemented in their work in accordance with the technical documentation for the universal transport module.

Question: In what format and with what frequency is it necessary to transfer information to EGAIS?

Answer: The format for submitting applications for fixing information in EGAIS was approved by order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie dated 03.12.2015 No. 413. The draft order establishing the procedure and deadlines for submitting applications for fixing information in EGAIS is undergoing an approval procedure within Rosalkogolregulirovanie and is posted on the specialized portal / npa.

Question: How to fill out the Register of the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products on paper?

Answer: A sample of filling out the Journal for recording the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products on paper. (xlsx, 0.016Mb)

All fields are required.

EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System) is a database that contains detailed information about all alcoholic beverages produced and sold in the Russian Federation. Rosalkogolregulirovanie (Article 5 of the Federal Law No. 171 of 22.11.1995, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 522 of 25.05.2006) and CenterInform (providing the technical part) are responsible for the functioning of this system.

Almost all participants in the turnover of alcoholic beverages should be connected to EGAIS. The main task of the system is absolute control from the moment of alcohol production, delivery of products to points of sale and sale to the end consumer.

Do I need to connect EGAIS to sell beer in 2018?

notethat retail sales of beer, beer drinks, as well as cider, poiret and mead are not recorded in the EGAIS. At the same time, LLC and individual entrepreneurs engaged in these activities are required to connect to the system to confirm the purchase (fact of receipt) of products for subsequent sale.

When and to whom to connect to EGAIS

Business form Kind of activity What is recorded in EGAIS Term of joining EGAIS
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in cities, urban settlements (rural settlements and villages) Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016
Ltd Confirmation of the fact of sale 01.07.2016
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the provision of catering services Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in urban settlements in the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.07.2016
Ltd Confirmation of the fact of sale 01.01.2016
SP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, poiret, mead for subsequent retail sale Procurement confirmation 01.01.2016
SP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, poiret, mead for subsequent retail sale in urban settlements of the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.01.2017
SP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, poiret, mead for subsequent retail sale in rural settlements of the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.01.2018
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in rural settlements of the Republic of Crimea or the city of Sevastopol Procurement confirmation 01.07.2016
Ltd Confirmation of the fact of sale 01.01.2018

What is needed to connect EGAIS in retail

To install EGAIS, retail sellers of alcoholic beverages will need the following:

  • computer (at least 2 GB of RAM, a disk drive of at least 50 GB, a 32-bit processor with a frequency of 2.0 GHz, Windows 7 Starter and above, Java 8 and above);
  • scanner for reading barcodes PDF417;
  • jaCarta crypto-key with built-in PKI / GOST crypto-provider;
  • enhanced qualified electronic signature;
  • cash register compatible with EGAIS;
  • eGAIS UTM software (available for free download in your personal account on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website);
  • stable internet connection from 256 kbps.

How to connect EGAIS for retail sale of alcohol

The EGAIS connection procedure can be conditionally divided into 3 stages:

1. Write an electronic signature certificate to the JaCarta crypto-key.

The key is necessary to protect information transmitted to the EGAIS, and it is also used directly to connect to the system. With the help of a crypto-key, documents are assigned an electronic signature and they become legally binding.

2. Register in your personal account on the site and generate an RSA key.

The procedure is as follows:

  • on the website, select the section "Enter your personal account";
  • click "Read the conditions and check their implementation";
  • after successful verification, click "Go to your personal account";
  • enter the Jacarta pin code and select "Show certificates";
  • if everything is successful, a personal account opens, in which the corresponding electronic signature certificate is visible;
  • click on the certificate and select "Get key";
  • in the window that opens, the places of business will be listed, you must select a specific point of sale for which the key will be valid.

3. Install a free UTM (Universal Transport Module) and configure (modify) the adapted information system.

To install the UTM, in your personal account, click on the "Transport module" and enter an e-mail, which will receive a link to download the module.

Detailed video instructions for installing and getting started with EGAIS are available.

How much does it cost to connect to EGAIS

Estimated cost estimate for connection to the system:

note, at the request of Rosalkogolregulirovanie, to work with EGAIS, each outlet with a separate checkpoint must have a separate JaCarta crypto key with an electronic signature certificate recorded on it. If several points of sale with the same checkpoint operate at the same address, there may be one key.

How does EGAIS work

In practice, the work of EGAIS looks like this:

  • the supplier or manufacturer sells alcohol to the buyer (retailer) and draws up the corresponding invoices, the fact of sale is recorded in the EGAIS;
  • the buyer receives invoices for alcohol from EGAIS through UTM and verifies the amount of alcoholic products supplied to him, based on the results of the reconciliation, a notification is sent (in case of discrepancies, the buyer has the right to refuse the goods and send an act of discrepancy);
  • the retailer starts selling the goods, with each sale the cashier scans the barcode located on the bottle (the code contains the encrypted date and time of production, manufacturer's name, license information);
  • if the barcode is successfully read, the product will be added to the cashier's receipt, and the installed software will generate an xml file and transfer it to the UTM, which will generate a receipt and return it to the cashier;
  • after the check is closed, a QR code is printed, it is transferred to the buyer along with the check (the received code can be scanned and go to the EGAIS website for detailed information about the purchased alcoholic beverage).

Responsibility for not connecting to EGAIS

Administrative responsibility

For violation of the procedure for recording information in the Unified State Automated Information System and (or) non-connection to the system, it is possible to bring administrative responsibility under Article 14.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and impose a fine:

  • for individual entrepreneurs and officials of organizations - from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles.

Deprivation (cancellation) of a license

If an individual entrepreneur or LLC continues to ignore the need to connect to the EGAIS and comply with the established requirements for working with the system, this may result in the revocation of the license, and therefore the inability to engage in relevant activities. Cancellation of the license, in this case, occurs only on the basis of a court decision.

After the implementation of EGAIS at retail trade enterprises, their interaction with suppliers of alcoholic beverages will be based on the following scheme.

  1. The manufacturing organization, importer or wholesaler of products records the consignment notes in the EGAIS. The volume of shipped products is reserved on the balances of the sender in EGAIS.
  2. The recipient organization (retail organization) through its own accounting system or otherwise through the Universal Transport Module EGAIS (hereinafter - UTM) receives all the invoices sent to it.
  3. In case of agreement to accept the products specified in the invoices, the organization confirms receipt. In case of detection of an actual shortage of products in comparison with the volumes indicated in the electronic invoices, if the organization wishes to accept such products, an act of discrepancy with the corrected quantity is formed. The act goes through the UTM to the sender of the product, while the sender can agree with the act. In this case, only the amount agreed with the recipient will be debited from the balance of the sender. If the sender does not agree with the act of discrepancies, he refuses the act and then the entire invoice is refused and the entire volume remains on the balances of the sender.

EGAIS work in the wholesale-retail link

  1. If an actual surplus of products is found in comparison with the volumes indicated in the electronic invoices, if the organization wants to accept such products, the recipient organization confirms the invoice. The sender forms an additional waybill for the excess quantity.
  2. In case of disagreement to accept the products specified in the invoices, the recipient organization refuses the received invoice. Rejected products remain on the sender's balances.
  3. Rosalkogolregulirovanie processes all incoming documents and, through the UTM, returns to the organization receipts for fixing data in EGAIS.

How will EGAIS work in retail?

In accordance with the new legislation, the fact of the sale of each unit of alcoholic beverages must be recorded in the EGAIS system. The cashier must haveat the checkout 2D scanner that is capable ofread the necessary information from the special or excise stamp. After scanning, she processed by the cash register module of EGAIS and with an electronic digital signature is transferred to the server of Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Thus, accounting is carried out online.

To date, the system has been installed and is already operating in several large retail chains such as Magnit, Dixy and X5 RetailGroup - Perekrestok store.

Changes in the work of the cashier

In connection with the introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System, in the usual sequence of actions of the staff at the checkout, some changes will occur (only when selling alcoholic beverages):

  1. The buyer brings to the checkout products, among which there is alcohol;
  2. The cashier reads the EAN of the item;
  3. When reading the EAN of alcoholic beverages, the request "Scan the barcode of the brand" appears on the cash register screen;
  4. With the help of a 2D scanner, the cashier reads the FSM / AM barcode;
  5. If the FSM / AM barcode is successfully read, the product is added to the check, otherwise the sale of this product is canceled;
  6. If all the goods are included in the check, the cashier clicks the "Total" button;
  7. The cash register software generates an xml file and sends it to the EGAIS software (Transport Terminal);
  8. Transport Terminal generates a receipt and returns it to the cashier;
  9. The receipt is closed with the print of the slip of alcoholic beverages;
  10. The buyer, having read the QR code from the slip of alcoholic beverages, can check its legality;

What if the alcoholic product doesn't break through?

If for some reason the EGAIS ( Transport Terminal) does not send a receipt to the cashier, that is, does not confirm the legality of the product, alcoholic beverages are removed from the check to complete the sale of the rest of the non-alcoholic product.

Why didn't alcohol make its way to the check?

There are two main reasons why a unit of alcoholic beverages does not break through:

The main reasons why the barcode cannot be read:

  • inconsistency of the applied barcode with GOST (low readability category);
  • abrasion of the surface of the mark during transportation;
  • curvature of the surface of the applied mark due to the characteristics of the container;
  • applying decorative materials to consumer packaging (conventionally);
  • Combining several units of consumer packaging into group containers (conditionally);
  • Use of souvenir packaging (conditionally).

How to avoid problems with alcoholic beverages at the checkout?

  1. Pay attention to the presence and quality of labeling of alcoholic beverages;
  2. Handle alcoholic products carefully, avoiding damage or difficulty in reading the stamp;
  3. Work with trusted suppliers;
  4. Check the legality of alcoholic beverages before they enter the trading floor.

The seller needs to know what's on the counter!

Reducing the risk of counterfeit products entering the sales area

The EGAIS system allows you to verify the authenticity of alcoholic beverages not only at the time of sale at the checkout. By registering on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website, the store owner can check his goods at any time.

This will require:

  • access to the personal account of the FS RAR;
  • (modified to work with the system).


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