In what clothes you need to photograph a passport. What is photographed by a passport: on old and new. Requirements for photos to a biometric passport

In this article, we will try to describe in detail what should be a sample photo for foreign passports of a new (biometric for 10 years) and an old sample (for 5 years) to submit documents to the state bodies of the UFMS or Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.

You will learn not only the general characteristics and parameters of the photo, but also the permissible form of clothing; Requirements for the face; Is it possible to be photographed with glasses; how to make photos for a passport yourself; How to place a photo on the Public Services portal; which is unacceptable when photographing; And the examples of photos on a biometric passport and an old-sample passport.

I would like to note that, unfortunately, not in each photo studio know the requirements for photographs for foreign passports. Therefore, in order to avoid inaccuracies, additional trips to the UFMS to submit documents and unnecessary trouble, better if you with your photographer specify all the nuances.

1. Legend

Biometric passport (a new generation passport with built-in microchip, validity period: 10 years);

The passport of the old sample (64 series of the document, validity period: 5 years);

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation);

UFMS (Office of the Federal Migration Service).

2. General characteristics Photos

Photo size (width x height): 35 mm x 45 mm;

Black and white or color (for feeding in the Russian Foreign Ministry, color photos are required);

On matte paper;

In oval (for a biometric passport is also permissible without oval);

Light background in the photo;

The face is strictly in the face.

3. Number of photos

4 things. For a passport of an old sample;

2 pcs. For a passport of a new sample (biometric passport).


For the overseas passport of the old sample: 2 photos are glued on the questionnaires, and 2 others hand over with documents;

For biometric passport: 2 photos are applied to documents

Additional photos for biometric passport Made with the help of special equipment in the Department of the UFMS at the place of registration or registration. If this equipment has not been installed in your department, the inspector is obliged to send citizens to any nearby department of the UFMS, where they will take documents and take pictures on the biometric passport.

4. Clothing form

Free (for submitting documents for a passport to the Department of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation);

Business (for submitting documents for a passport to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation).

Picture better in monophonic clothes, and preferably not in white.

We draw your attention that, according to the rules, the photo in overalls is unsuitable and is not accepted!

5. Face requirements

The face in the photo should be without a headdress, regardless of its shape and type (cap, cap, hat, bandana, handkerchief, Nikab, and others).

Persons whose religious beliefs do not allow to be shown in people without hats, allowed to be photographed with a headdress (hijab), provided that it will not hide the eating faces;

The expression of the face being photographed should be neutral, without a facial expressing face distorting;

The face must be completely and evenly illuminated.

6. If you are constantly wearing glasses, You can be in the photo glasses for a passport, taking into account the following rules:

Glasses glasses must be clean and transparent (not toned),

Pupils and rainbow eye shells were clearly visible,

Right of the glasses should not cover the eyes,

Be photographed on the passport in the glasses from the Sun it is impossible!

Photos should be high quality. Pale, fuzzy or defective photos may not accept when submitting documents in the UFMS.

The image in the photo must match the applicant's appearance at the date of application.

If possible, the photo can be made independently, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account all the requirements described above.

7. Unacceptable

In children (even very small), the mouth should be closed, and the glance is directed into the lens, the position of the head is strictly frontal;

Headwear, Dark glasses, dressings, etc.
Bandages in the eyes are allowed only under the condition of medical purposes;

Using yellow, red, etc. Lighting should not distort the natural color of the skin. I will not allow the effect of "red eyes";

Photos taken by photo format for the general passport (in a square) or for a visa;

Photo in overalls;

Not high quality or defective photos;

Photo on glossy paper (for a passport of an old sample);

Old photos (made last year) or not appropriate applicant appearance;

8. How to make photos for a passport yourself and post on the portal of public services of the Russian Federation

Picture Requirements for a passport for download to the website of the State Service Such:

  1. file type Photos: JPEG;
  2. file size: 300 KB (maximum), 200 kb (minimum)
  3. photo size (width x height): 35 mm x 45 mm

In essence, nothing complicated, because in special programs to work with pictures (for example, Photoshop), you can make such a photo in 2-3 minutes.

Upon receipt of any identity card, a prerequisite is a photo. You can make a photo in any photo studio that has a relevant license. A somewhat different is the case with a foreign passport. It is necessary to take pictures on a passport in compliance with all necessary conditions, because this document will certify the person outside the native country. In 2019, there are two types of overseas passports, new and old generation. Requirements for photos for their design are somewhat different, the number of filled images is also different.

General requirements for photos on our passport are similar to parameters for any identity card:

  • A citizen must be without a headdress (with the exception of Hindzhab for Muslim Woman or Cups for Orthodox Judea).
  • If a person is constantly wearing glasses, the photo should be in glasses. Transparent windows without glare, darkening is not allowed.
  • The image should be strictly "Afas", the shoulders are also directed directly. Faces must be fully open.
  • Clothes monochromatic, light tones, but not white, uniforms are not allowed.
  • The face is calm, without emotions. Eyes should be clearly visible anyway. The line connecting the eyes should be strictly horizontal.
  • Background for a picture of light gray or light blue (other colors are not allowed).

It is possible to take pictures on a passport in any photo sealing. Now an experienced photographer can take a photograph for a passport and independently. The only obstacle at the same time - the photo for a passport should be on a matte photograph of good quality.

For a passport on the old template, the snapshot is served on paper. A new passport is done with a digital photo.

Photos of the old template

The photo on the passport of the old sample is attached to the questionnaire and paste into the passport. Requirements for the quality of the picture and the quality of execution are quite high, because identification is carried out precisely by the photo of the owner, which reflects all the individual features of the person.

The filled questionnaire is made by four pictures printed on a matte photographic paper. Photos must have the following parameters:

  1. Photo size 35 mm x 45 mm.
  2. The person should take at least 29 mm x 34 mm on a total area, indenting the edge of at least 2 mm.
  3. The bottom of the photo is placed in the blurred seized.

In all regulatory documents it is indicated that the picture can be like black and white, and color, but the color is preferable.

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Requirements for photos to a biometric passport

Photo on the passport of a new sample is done using special equipment of the federal migration service. Specialists of the LUCM MIA will fulfill all the required parameters, so the applicant can not worry about this. If the documents are submitted in person, then you do not need to attach photos to the questionnaire.

With the development of online government services, an increasing number of citizens submit documents through a single portal. In this case, attaching a photograph file to the packet of documents is necessary.

Requirements for a picture on a document on a new template are not so high as the photo requirements on. It is explained by the fact that for the manufacture of the document it will be done in the UFMS, the 10-year period of the passport will make its changes to the appearance of the owner, and more biometric data can be used for identification.

Along with the general requirements for appearance, for the photo, which will be attached to the questionnaire, the following requirements are valid:

  1. The size of the photo should be in the proportions of 35 x 45.
  2. The magnitude of the file is not more than 300 KB and with a resolution of not lower than 450 pixels per inch.
  3. color in 24-bit, monochrome in 8-bit format, JPEG.
  4. Position of the head - anathery, the eye line should be strictly along the horizontal line.

When applying online, the snapshot file is attached to the documents at the very end of the fill in all forms. When submitting documents, two photos are personally attached to the application form, which most often may not be needed. The passport of a new sample is not very strict and serve more for storage in a personal case with a questionnaire, and not for the document itself.

Children's photo in passport

A photograph of a child on an old-sample passport is no different from an adult. Baby, so as not to upset the unfamiliar atmosphere, you can take pictures at home. Older children love to be photographed in humans.

Requirements for parameters remain common. Photo of children pasted into the parental passport are identifiers when crossing the border and should be quite clear. They can be both color and monochrome.

Somewhat more complicated with photographing a child to a new one. You can try to file a digital version online, but more often you have to come to the migration department.

As experts advise, for young children it is more convenient to make a document on the old template. A 14-year-old citizen is already needed its own passport is definitely, so you can already make a passport for more than 5 years - biometric. Unless of course departure abroad are planned frequent.

Photo image is considered an integral element of each identification of the document. An exception is not a foreign passport that requires a special list of conditions for the pictures to meet modern standards of international security. According to now applicable rules, persons who want to get a passport can choose 2 options for its provision. The first one is a document of the old species, which is issued for five years. The second is a biometric passport of a new sample, operating for ten years.

Photograph taking into account innovations for passports

Recently, the emerging do not have special distinctive features in their appearance. The main innovation is the envisaged internal microcircuit, which contains individual biometric data.

Photographs to this type of passport are made on specially prepared devices and contain exceptional biometric characteristics that are not identical and allowed to identify people with the greatest convenience, for example, data on the distance between pupils.

To obtain this document by absentia, you will need to fill the questionnaire to which the photo of the following content is applied:

  1. Size parameters 35 x 45 millimeters.
  2. Paper with matte coating.
  3. Completed in color.
  4. With a clearly shown face.
  5. Monochrome back background.

Note!To obtain an overseas passport, with full-time appeal, the provision of your pre-prepared photos will not be required. To date, most centers have been equipped with appliances that allow you to take pictures on site. After the photograph itself, your image is automatically printed on the claimed questionnaire and in the future this photo will consolidate you on a biometric passport. It will be applied under the lacquered coating using a special laser.

Recommendations for photos on a biometric passport

note! For its own awareness, it is necessary to contact or MFC to clarify the requirements for the preparation of a photograph in a predetermined date or equipment of these centers with special equipment and photographing in place.

  1. In total, you will need two photos, which will further be put on documents. If the face is under 18, then one.
  2. Use the same type, casual clothes.
  3. The emotional expression of the face is recommended to be neutral, that is, without facial expressions and in the presence of sufficient lighting.
  4. If you have a special permission from a doctor on wearing glasses, then they should not darken your eyes and pupils are obliged to be traced naturally.
  5. An image should be performed in a clear quality.

Video - photo on passport with your own hands

Restrictions on photos on a biometric passport

Embassies of countries came to joint agreements regarding some characteristics of the photo. In the presence of a number of invalid elements, a biometric passport will be considered invalid:

  1. Exclude a headdress. However, if it is part of your religious affiliation, the bodies are required to go for concessions.
  2. Unvented use of uniform (police, medical clothing).
  3. Ban on the effect of "red eyes".
  4. Without the use of decisive.
  5. Clearly directed into the lens look and without inclination.
  6. If you are photographing a young child, it should work out on an image with open eyes, on a light background, with a straight direction.

Documents in electronic form

If you have decided that you wish to take a photo through a photo sealing or studio, then employees of the organization for the provision of services can move the resulting photo to any removable media.

For proper paperwork, the following conditions will be followed:

  1. The file size should be in the framework of no more than 300 KB and at least 200 kb.
  2. In JPEG format.
  3. 3.5 per 4.5 millimeter.
  4. The photograph resolution cannot be less than DPI (pixels).

Note!But the best option will still use the services of a narrowly specialized profile and take a photo in a biometric cockpit. In each department, the UFMS is assumed to have special equipment for performing this function.

Stamp Passport of the Old Sample

This type of passport, in contrast to the new, is valid for a much smaller period - 5 years. But it is drawn up in a shorter period and will allow you to significantly save time. The difference consists in the number of pictures provided. For a passport of an old sample, they will need 3 pieces, two of which should be attached to the questionnaire, and one will fix on the first page of your future passport.

RequirementsTheir characteristics
The sizeThe ratio of the width to the length should be equal to 35 to 45 millimeters
Paper materialIts basis should be matte
ColorAllowed both non-colored and photographs made in black and white colors.
RegistrationAt the bottom of the photo should be provided with blurred oval
numberPresence of three copies
BackgroundMust be performed in light shades
FaceThis main part of the photo is obliged to be well viewed and directed directly to the lens.

All other general requirements for hats, shape of clothing, use of points and so on, which were used to the biometric passport, it should be observed in the preparation of the passport of an old sample.

Attention!The photo should not be chances, shadows, uneven light and other flaws.

Preparation of photos yourself

A photograph at home can be done only if there is a good digital camera and computer or laptop, which will be a means of editing an image.

It is worth keeping a few conditions so that the relevant services take your picture:

  1. The image should work on a white background. It can be a bright wall, cloth or specially prepared sheet.
  2. Properly prepared lighting, which would allow to save an image from unwanted shadows, distortion and overlap.
  3. High resolution photo. Most modern cameras have no problems with regard to this shooting properties.
  4. Does not damage moderate use of retouching. When it is excessive use, the photo may not accept.
  5. After preparing the photo in electronic form, use the printer to print it.

All other characteristics are relative to size, material and colors were described above and must also be observed without exception. When following all the steps and tips, no problems with obtaining a foreign passport as a new and old sample should not occur.

The standard package of documents required for registration of a passport is included 4 photos.

They must comply with certain standards, otherwise in the issuance of the document the applicant may be denied. How to make a photo for a passport so that the documents be taken for consideration?
In order to do everything correctly, you need to remember about certain standards. Registration of a foreign passport will be held without problems if you familiarize yourself with the requirements for personal photographs that are presented to citizens of Russia. All of them are contained in the technical requirements created by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the requirements for passports of an old and new sample are the same, except for some points.
Personal photography of a Russian citizen on a passport can be black and white (old-sample document) or color (for a biometric passport). Its size must be 37x47 mm (+ 2mm), and after cutting for intoxins, its size should be 35x45 mm.
The photo should be done only in the Fassalfish, and the printout should be made only on the matte photograph. If you make up a biometric passport, then the photo can be made in oval or without it. If you submit documents to design a passport of an old sample, then the photo should have the blurred oval at the bottom.
The presence of hats, accessories covering the face (glasses, dressings, etc.), except those who have a confirmed medical prescription. Clothes are better to choose not very dark, the back background in the photo should be light, monophonic.
Please note that the questionnaire can be submitted in electronic form, which is considered a more convenient way, because you do not have to expose much. But it is necessary to serve it with the downloaded photo, so in the photoabeel you can ask you to throw you a digital photo option to the flash drive. Before making a photo on a passport, you need to warn the photographer in advance in the photo sealing about what purpose you take a photo shoot - an experienced specialist knows exactly what the standards should fit the photo in paper and digital form.
By the way the services of the photographer you will have to use only if you make up an old-sample passport. For a biometric passport, photographs make specialists of the UFMS bodies on special equipment.
We draw up a passport of a child - childcare requirements.
How to take a picture of a child to a passport so that there are no problems with obtaining a document? Let's immediately say that they do not differ from the photos that are made for adult applicants. If you are going to make a passport for a child who has not reached 14 years old, please note that the photo needs to be provided in any case, even if the baby is only a few months. For young children, it is recommended to make passports of an old sample, since their validity period is only 5 years, and not 10 years, like a biometric passport.

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