Timiryazev biological museum flower exhibitions

Throughout the summer, the Biological Museum hosts exhibitions of garden plants from the "Flowers of our gardens" series.

Irises and peonies, lilacs and chubushniki, lilies and phloxes replace each other in accordance with the month of the summer season.

Both advanced and classic varieties are presented at the exhibitions, you can order or purchase a plant for your site.

Exhibitions of primroses and dwarf irises have already passed, but there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

Exhibitions in the Biological Museum are held together with the Moscow Flower Growers Club and Private Collectors

Upcoming flower exhibitions at the Biological Museum:

Hosta - "queen of shady gardens". Gardeners choose these graceful and beautiful plants for their spectacular appearance, a huge variety of species, shapes and sizes.

Astilbe look good on their own for 3-5 pieces of the same variety, creating a large color spot. They go well with plants from similar ecological groups, that is, demanding on moisture and soil fertility.

Hosts and other decorative deciduous plants (in cooperation with the Moscow Flower Growers club, section "Decorative deciduous plants") July 27 - 29

Lilia exhibition (in cooperation with the Moscow Flower Growers club, Lilies section) July 19-21 and 27-28.

The lily growers of the Moscow Flower growers club will bring lilies from their garden plots, blooming at different times.

Early varieties of lilies can be seen on July 19-21. Basically, these are Asian hybrids, both registered and promising seedlings. There will be LA hybrids blooming at this time and early OT hybrids.

On June 27-28, the most unusual lilies will be presented: the newest OT hybrids, including the best terry OT hybrid for today EXOTIC SAN, LOO, LO, as well as some orientals.
Not everyone understands the varieties of lilies, but everyone is able to appreciate the beauty and wonderful aroma of this flower.

A summer cottage landscape would be incomplete without bright phlox hats of various colors. The palette of a modern landscape designer includes not only traditional crimson, violet, blue tones, but also unexpected colors for this type.

In addition, phlox go well with other perennials: astilbe, heuchera, irises, daylilies, daisies, primroses, low spireas.

All plants are grown in the suburbs and adjacent areas. At the exhibitions, you can purchase planting material and get comprehensive professional advice on horticultural crops.

We are waiting for gardeners, landscape designers and flower lovers!

Flower Shows

Daylilies (together with the Moscow Flower Growers club, the Daylilies section) July 27 - 28, August 2 - 3

Is it the same geranium? Pelargoniums of the world (in cooperation with the Pelargonium Lovers Club) September 8 - 10

Autumn flowers (in cooperation with the Moscow Flower Growers club, section "Basics of decorative floriculture") September 14 - 15

Opening hours of exhibitions: on the opening day from 11:00, then according to the "Museum working hours"
Entrance - according to the entrance ticket to the museum.

Flower fairs

Exhibition-fair of the club's collectors. (in cooperation with the Moscow Flower Growers club) May 11 - 12 and 18 - 19, June 29 - 30, August 10 - 11 and 24 - 25.

Exhibition-fair of collectors of the club "Peonies and other plants" (together with the club "Flower growers of Moscow") September 7 - 8, September 21 - 22.

Opening hours of the fairs: the first day from 9:00 to 20:00, the second day from 12:00 to 20:00
Free admission.

Schedule of flower exhibitions of the Moscow Florists club for the season'2018. Exhibitions will be held at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev, in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on Vorobyovy Gory and in the "Aptekarsky Ogorod", as well as on Novinsky Boulevard, 22.

Thematic exhibitions
Club "Flower growers of Moscow" 2018

Information from the site http: // tsvetovody-moskvy.rf/vistavki.html

Exhibitions within the framework of the project "Flowers of Our Gardens"
at the State Biological Museum. K. A. Timiryazeva

April 25-26 First flowers of spring
May 15 Primulas, daffodils, tulips
May 16-17 Exhibition-fair of the club's collectors
May 22 May flowers and garden orchids
May 23-24 Exhibition-fair of the club's collectors
May 30-31 Lilac, tree peonies and earliest peonies
May 30-31 Early irises. Dwarfs
May 30-31 Siebold primroses
June 6-7 Early peonies
6-7 June Exhibition-fair of collectors of the club
June 13-14 Medium flowering peonies
June 13-14 Rainbow on the ground. Bearded irises
June 20-21 Late flowering peonies
June 20-21 Late blooming irises: bearded and Siberian irises
June 27-28 Late peonies, marchons lilies and other plants
June 27-28 Beardless irises: hana-shobu (Japanese), spuria, late Siberian *
July 3-4 Roses
3-5 July Hosts
July 18-19 Lilies. Asian hybrids
July 18-19 Daylilies
July 24-25 Early phlox
July 24-26 Hosts and other decorative leafy plants
1-2 August Daylilies
August 1-2 Lilies of late flowering
August 8-9 Phlox
August 15-16 Hydrangeas
5-6, 12-13 September Exhibitions-fairs "Peonies and other plants"
September 19-20 Autumn flowers
September 26-27 Exhibition-fair of the club's collectors

Exhibition opening hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - from 10-00 to 18-00, Thursday - from 12-00 to 21-00
Opening of exhibitions on the first day at 11 o'clock. Exhibitions Irises, Peonies and Roses open at 12 noon.
The entrance to the museum closes in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition

Trade fairs work:
The first day is from 9-00 to 20-00. Second day from 12 to 20-00
Admission to trade fairs is free.

Museum address : st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15. Inquiries by phone: 8-903-732-00-13, 8-499-252-36-81

- to the metro station "Ul. 1905 Goda ", then walk along the street. Krasnaya Presnya to st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, turn left and walk to house number 15
- to the metro stations "Barrikadnaya" or "Krasnopresnenskaya", then on foot along the street. Krasnaya Presnya to st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, turn right to
house No. 15 or take 3 stops by bus 116 (stop opposite the entrance to the zoo from the side of the Barrikadnaya metro station).

Flower exhibitions in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "Pharmaceutical garden"

May 17-18 Primrose and May flowers
July 26-27 Daylilies
July 28-29 Lilies
3-4 August Phlox
August 10-11 Hosts

Flower exhibitions in the Pharmaceutical Garden are open to the public :
the first day from 12-00 to 20-00, the second day from 10-00 to 20-00
Help by phone: 8-916-560-03-33
Address : Mira prospect, 26, building 1
Directions: Metro Prospekt Mira (circular line), then 5-7 minutes walk towards the Garden Ring


After a long winter, with the first spring rays of the sun, the long-awaited decorations of our gardens - Primroses - appear. The exhibition "First Flowers of Spring" invites you to get acquainted with early plants and flowers from the gardens of Moscow collectors. In spring, snowdrops, crocuses, erantises, hellebores, lumbago, liverwort, adonis, pushkinia, chionodox, scilla, muscari and many other spring plants surprise and delight us with their beauty.

The opening of the season is always fraught with many pleasant surprises. There are also surprises awaiting you at our first exhibition. You can see and purchase many rare and interesting plants at the first spring exhibition, which opens the anniversary season of the Club's thematic exhibitions.

Exhibition working hours: April 24 from 10-00 to 18-00, April 25 from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.


Primrose or Primrose according to the Old Norse sagas are the keys of the goddess of fertility Freya, with which she opens spring.

By visiting our exhibition of primroses, you will not only discover spring, but also all the variety of species and forms, and all the bright rainbow of colors and shades collected in these beautiful colors.

The exhibition will feature varietal lines of primroses of various types, both foreign firms and the achievements of the breeders of our club. In addition to primroses, the exhibition will showcase the latest varieties of tulips, daffodils and other early spring flowers.

The exhibition will also present the most interesting and rare varieties of daffodils and tulips, we will introduce you to a variety of shapes and colors, share our cultivation experience.

The copies you like can be purchased or ordered from collectors. As always at our exhibitions, each visitor can receive professional advice on agricultural technology.

The exhibition is held at the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Exhibition working hours: May 15 from 10-00 to 18-00, May 16 from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.

Spring exhibitions and fairs of the club's collectors

May 15-16

At the exhibitions and fairs of the Moscow Flower growers club, visitors can get acquainted with the varietal variety of decorative perennials that grow in the gardens of the club's collectors. Every florist at least once in his life faced problems associated with the acquisition of low-quality planting material, re-grading and other troubles that complicate the life of the grower so much. Club collectors present exclusively varietal planting material from their gardens at their fairs. Each plant has its own registered address in the club member's garden. This gives a guarantee of its quality, since each member of the club values \u200b\u200bhis name.

Hosts and astilbes, heucheras and geraniums, echinacea and phlox, hellebores and ferns, primroses from our gardens - to yours. The exhibitions will feature lilacs, conifers, hydrangeas, blueberries and other shrubs, potted martagon lilies and much more, left over from club orders.

May 10-12 - Primrose and flowers of May in the Pharmaceutical Garden

What could be more beautiful than the spring awakening of nature? Every florist or just a person who understands and loves nature will agree - the spring sun, the appearance of green foliage, flowers pleases and cheers up. The desire to get closer to nature, to plunge into its smell, color, natural desire and desire of man.

The Moscow Flower Growers Club will provide an opportunity for all lovers of primroses to enjoy a meeting with the first spring perennial plants in the building of the Aptekarsky Ogorod branch of the Moscow State University Botanical Garden.

Members of the club will prepare a large collection of different species and varieties of Primulas for the show. There will be presented such primroses as: Primula polyanthus, Primula stemless, Primula auricular and other unfamiliar and rare species. Also, members of the club are always happy to share information, their experience and skill in growing and breeding primroses. At the exhibition, you will also see the achievements of Russian breeders, new modern Primula varieties of domestic selection.

The exposition will be complemented by other little-known, interesting, rare plants for the garden, such as: Horny Goat Weed, Anemones, Anemonella, Trilliums, Bulbous plants.
We are sure that a meeting with our plants will leave a bright, unforgettable impression in the soul of every grower. We are waiting for all enthusiastic people at the Primula exhibition of the Moscow Flower Growers Club.

The exhibition is held at the Branch of the Botanical Garden of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "Pharmaceutical garden" at the address: Prospect Mira, house 26, building 1

May 22-23 - May Flowers and Garden Orchids

The exhibition is held at the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Exhibition working hours: May 22 from 10-00 to 18-00, May 23 from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.

May 29-30 - Lilac, tree peonies and earliest peonies

Every spring we are waiting for a new miracle. And it happens during the flowering of lilacs. At the lilac exhibition, the collectors of our club will exhibit their best collectible varietal lilacs of world and domestic selection. You can see outstanding varieties of V. Lemoine, L. Kolesnikov and other breeders.

Along with lilacs, very early varieties of herbaceous peonies will be exhibited, which bloom at the same time as lilacs, and are practically unknown to the public, because by the timing of flowering they rarely get to specialized exhibitions of peonies.

A separate exposition will traditionally be dedicated to tree-like peonies. Mostly domestic selection. We are proud that every year Marianna Sergeevna Uspenskaya, curator of the collection of tree peonies of the Moscow State University Botanical Garden on Sparrow Hills, takes part in the exhibition, exhibiting her world-famous varieties and new seedlings. Each flower is unique and inimitable. Get acquainted with the collection of Uspenskaya M.S. help our exhibitions and excursions conducted during the flowering of peonies at the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University.

The exhibition is held at the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Exhibition working hours: May 29 from 12-00 to 18-00, May 30 from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.


The exhibition is held at the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Exhibition working hours: May 30 from 10-00 to 18-00, May 31 from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.

Exhibitions "IRISES - 2019. Rainbow on Earth"

May 29-30 - Early irises. Dwarfs
June 5-6 - Irises interlude
June 11-13 - Rainbow on the ground. Bearded irises
June 19-20 - Late blooming irises: bearded and Siberian irises
July 3-4 - Beardless irises: hana-shobu (Japanese) *, spuria and others

"Oh, gentle iris, you again

You give me the happiness of contemplation

Hope, the secret of parting

And the abyss of abyss of memory,

And life is the extension of a dream. "

S. Loktev

We are planning exhibitions to show the whole variety of irises, their flowering from early spring to the height of spring - dwarfs that delight us with their delicate beauty when daffodils and tulips are blooming. And with the onset of summer, interludes bloom, bordering and graceful beauties - tall beards striking with their super shape with ruffled or lace petals and colors of all rainbow colors sparkling with diamond shine and such expressive, multi-colored beards

At exhibitions you can always see new varieties of Russian and foreign breeders, discuss them, get any advice on the conditions of growing and design of irises. On a separate stand, varieties of selection of members of our section will be shown.

Siberian irises are the most practical and reliable crop for cold, not too favorable for floriculture regions of Russia. In flower beds, Siberian irises behave like friendly neighbors, it is easy for them to pick up companions. These irises have a very decorative foliage that retains their attractiveness throughout the season, and their flowers on high peduncles flutter like multicolored butterflies in the air.

We judge at every show to determine the best varieties in different groups of irises. Visitors to the exhibition will be able to take part in voting for the Audience Award and purchase planting material.

ah, 15.

Exhibition opening hours

Exhibitions "PIONS - 2019"

June 5-6 - Early peonies
June 12-13 - Peonies of medium flowering
June 19-20 - Late flowering peonies
June 26-27 - Late peonies, martagon lilies and other plants

Dear lovers of peonies! Opening very soon 50th exhibition season of the "Peonies" section of the Moscow Flower Growers Club... In addition to the annual exposition of peony varieties grown in the gardens of the Moscow Region, we have prepared for you other interesting events and surprises.

It has already become a tradition that this exhibition opens the exhibition season of peonies, a holiday that we are looking forward to. The earliest peonies are unique in everything from flowering skips. These are various interspecific hybrids, which, in most cases, do not have such lush double shapes and sizes as traditional milk-flowered peonies, but have unusually bright, unusual saturated pure colors: lilac, coral, cream, yellow, black-red, magenta, alo -red. These peonies bloom in the first decade of June and decorate the garden with their multicolored flowers at the beginning of June, when the bulbs and lilacs have already faded, and perennials and classic peonies have not yet begun to bloom. These peonies in the garden will give you unforgettable delight and joy.

At this exhibition you will find the widest variety of varieties of both late interspecific hybrids and classic peonies, the richest palette of colors and aromas. At the exhibitions there is a rare chance to see the novelties of the world selection for the first time exhibited, for the first time very rare varieties that our collectors receive from leading foreign nurseries.

At our exhibitions within the project "Domestic Peonies" we will pay special attention to the exhibited varieties of the Soviet period. One of the important directions of our project is the search, restoration and preservation of domestic varieties of peonies. Some varieties have survived in very small quantities in collections, and we try to preserve these varieties as much as possible and popularize them at our exhibitions. They will be presented at the "Rare Russian Peonies" stand. Unfortunately, some varieties are irretrievably lost, many are in doubt. We will exhibit varieties that have lost their names, and together with experts and exhibition visitors, we will make attempts to restore and preserve some of our varieties.

There will also be presented new varieties of peonies from modern selection of non-breeders and seedlings of the section members. The expert commission determines the best seedlings, they are exhibited at the stand with the winners in the nominations.

This exhibition presents classic peonies, intraspecific milk-flowered hybrids. These peonies amaze the imagination with subtle shades of the most delicate colors, large terry forms and a variety of aromas. Special attention is paid to peonies with a Japanese flower shape, which have their admirers and are irreplaceable in the landscape. For convenience, they are exhibited at a separate stand.

At this exhibition also within the framework of the project "Domestic Peonies" rare and modern varieties, as well as seedlings of our collectors are exhibited.

4th exhibition: 27-28 june Late peonies, martagons lilies and other plants. (club-wide exhibition)

By the timing of flowering at this time, it is possible to see the latest varieties of peonies. Weather conditions often make adjustments not only in the calendar of our exhibitions, and can shift the flowering dates of many varieties. So in 2017, at the final exhibition, it was possible to see varieties of medium flowering periods of Ito hybrids and lactic-flowered peonies. In the cool and rainy season of 2017, intersectional hybrids (AIDs) proved to be excellent and were recognized as the best in several nominations at once and became the leader of the final show.

We have prepared interesting events for the visitors of the exhibition !!!

All current events for each exhibition will be in the ad at the entrance and in the announcements before the exhibition.

Dear flower growers, the following events will be held for you at the exhibition:

  1. Master classes and consultations from collectors on varieties and agricultural technology. The value of such lectures is that the audience will be offered a display of the discussed varieties in the form of living exhibits, they will have the opportunity to ask questions and get advice on growing peonies.

  2. Varietal planting material of peonies with a closed root system in containers from collectors.

  3. The varieties of peonies you like can be ordered from collectors for the fall.

  4. Book table. On sale at exhibitions Catalog of varieties of peonies (description of more than 900 varieties and 200 photos), compiled from the collections of Club members, Bulletins No. 1-3 of the section Peonies, a print issue of the magazine "Flower" on peonies, etc.

  5. Traditional lottery, the main prizes of which will be varietal peonies in containers from collectors, other highly decorative plants in containers and garden souvenirs.

  6. On the day of the exhibition closing, all visitors attending the exhibition half an hour before closing will be given free bouquets - exhibits of peonies.

  7. Our exhibitions are always glad to have invited friends. This is the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory! The motto of the Garden "" Our garden is common, its benefits are common and common occupation "is the best reflection of our common love for peonies.

As always, flower arrangements with peonies made by our wonderful and talented arrangers will become the decoration of all our exhibitions.

An unforgettable peony blossom holiday is ahead! We are waiting for you at our exhibitions. Follow our publications!

Traditionally, our section will take part in the lilac exhibition. This fragrant duet you can see May 29-30. Lilac, tree and earliest peonies.

Exhibitions are held at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazeva on the street Malaya Gruzinskah, 15.

Exhibition opening hours: on Wednesday from 12-00 to 18-00, on Thursday from 12-00 to 21-00.

July 2-3 - Exhibition "ROSES-2019"

Every year, the section "Roses" gathers at an exhibition in the Biological Museum. Timiryazev. There we showcase our achievements: roses from our gardens. It should be understood that these roses were grown in conditions of risky farming, in the regions closest to Moscow: Moscow, Kaluga, Vladimir, Smolensk.

How much work and care is invested in these flowers, only a true lover of roses can know. We would very much like to please fans of roses with good expositions this year.

Within the framework of the exhibition, it is planned, as always, to hold consultations on growing roses.

We are looking forward to rose growers, both advanced and beginners.

The exhibition is held at the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Exhibition working hours: July 2 from 12-00 to 20-00, July 3 - from 10-00 to 18-00. Museum ticket offices close 30 minutes before the end of the exhibition.

July 3-4 - Beardless Irises: hana-shobu (Japanese) *, spuria, pseudats and others

The flowers of the iris spuria are graceful and graceful; they remind many of them of outlandish orchids. The great advantage of spuria irises is the life span of the flower. Unlike bearded irises, one spuria flower lives for up to one week, and the whole bloom stretches for several weeks.

Simultaneously with the latest Siberian irises, at the turn of June and July, the first khana-shobu - Japanese irises - bloom. These are touching and graceful, then powerful, huge, like flying saucers, they are perceived so far as exotic. However, interest in these noble plants is growing rapidly, because now there are enough varieties obtained in middle latitudes and well adapted to our conditions. So the blooming of irises: spuria, Japanese and pseudates colorfully continues the summer "iris symphony", begun in spring with bearded irises.

Within the framework of the exhibition the first exhibition of Japanese irises of selection Kaulen Maria Eliseevna will take place.

Exhibitions are held at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazeva on the street Malaya Gruzinskah, 15.

Exhibition opening hours: on Wednesday from 12-00 to 18-00, on Thursday from 12-00 to 21-00.

Exhibitions "HOSTS - 2019"

July 2-4 - Hosts

July 23-25 - Hosts and other decorative deciduous plants

Annual exhibition Hosts from 2 to 4 July.

Hosta is an extremely popular plant. Florists show great interest in this culture for its variety of colors, unpretentiousness and durability. At the exhibition "Hosts 2019" you can see the richest host collections, more than 200 varieties, a great variety of species, shapes and sizes,

time-tested, popular, valuable and sophisticated, the novelties of which will be presented for the first time. Everyone will receive advice on the proper care and cultivation of plants, on the combination of culture in garden design, and will also be able to purchase high-quality planting material from private collectors' gardens.

Events at the exhibition:

July 3 at 14 o'clock - master class "Modern trends in host breeding", read by TN Kolokolenkova.

We invite you to the exhibition "Hosts and other decorative deciduous plants" from 23 to 25 July.

The exhibition will present the latest collections of plants and achievements of world breeding in Europe, America, Japan, adapted for central Russia.

Visitors will get acquainted with the variety of ornamental plants, variegated forms and rare garden crops.

Hosts, Ferns, Astilbes, Geykhera, Cereals and Herbs will surprise you with their color and shape. Our collectors will consult on agricultural technology and share their experience on how to make your garden bright and elegant all season.

Events at the exhibition:

July 24 at 14:00 - a master class on the topic: "Choosing the optimal planting site for hosts, depending on the characteristics of the variety", reads TN Kolokolenkova

Exhibitions are held at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazeva.

Exhibition opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday - from 10-00 to 18-00 hours. Thursday - from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.

Exhibitions "LILY Lilies - 2019"

July 20-21 - Daylilies in the Pharmaceutical Garden

July 24-25 - Daylilies in the museum

July 31 - August 1 - Daylilies in the museum

"Daylily is a flower of joy,
You touch it - sorrow will be carried away.
Every petal withers with sunset
But, nevertheless, Krasodnev was not called him for nothing ... "

Svetlana Ugryumova

July is the traditional time for exhibitions of daylilies, because it is during this period that the peak of flowering of modern hybrids begins in the Moscow region. In the gardens of our collectors grow a wide variety of daylilies - exquisite UFo and exotic spiders, daylilies with simple flowers and double, plain and with intricate patterns, tall and short, with large flowers and miniature.

Modern hybrids have long gained popularity all over the world. Bred in America, they have been acclimatized in our difficult climatic conditions and are confidently gaining their place in Russian gardens. The exhibits of the exhibition are the best of the best, fully showing their gardening qualities in the Moscow region. Daylilies today are a very fashionable perennial, and even a novice florist can grow such beauty. You can talk about them endlessly, but it is better to see these delightful flowers with your own eyes at our exhibitions once. Everyone will find something interesting. For the first time, beginners will discover the wonderful world of daylilies with its exciting variety of shapes and colors, and “advanced” daylily lovers will be able to appreciate the new products of American selection.

For exhibition visitors:

* Master classes, lectures and consultations from collectors on varieties, agricultural techniques and the use of daylilies in garden design.

* Sale of varietal planting material from our collections (only at exhibitions in the Museum).

* Ability to order your favorite varieties from the collectors of our section.

* On the second day of the exhibition, half an hour before closing, bouquets - exhibits of the exhibition will be distributed free of charge. As you know, the daylily flower blooms for only one day, but the buds on the peduncle will open for several more days, delighting you with their beauty.

Come to our exhibitions and you will plunge into the world of beauty and harmony. Our exhibitions are an opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and make new friends. The opportunity to see with your own eyes all the beauty of daylilies and learn a lot of useful and interesting things, so to speak, first-hand. And of course, our exhibitions are always a celebration of the soul, a colorful and bright event of the Moscow summer. We look forward to meeting you.

Please note that the exhibitions will be held at two sites - in the Museum. Timiryazev and at the Branch of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden".

July 20-21 - "Daylilies" in the Apothecary Garden (Prospect Mira, house 26, building 1)


July 20 at 13 o'clock - Master class "Agrotechnics of daylilies". The victorious V. will talk about how to create optimal conditions for growing daylilies and achieve high-quality flowering.

July 21 at 13:00 - Master class "Agrotechnics of daylilies". Kamysheva N.I. will share her secrets to help you grow healthy plants and achieve quality flowering.

July 20 and 21 - all day Consultation

July 24-25 - "Daylilies" at the Museum. Timiryazeva (Malaya Gruzinskaya St., 15)


July 24 at 13:00 - Lecture "Daylilies in landscape design". Evstegneeva S.M. will share his experience of creating the most decorative combinations in mixborders from daylilies and other perennials. Tells about the partners of daylilies when planting.

July 24 and 25 - all day of the Consultation on agricultural technology, assortment and answers to visitors' questions.

July 24 and 25 - "Flower fantasies from the Japanese polymer clay DECO". Within the framework of our exhibition you have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the works of a member of our section Svetlana Druzhinina. She is an experienced florist. In the summer, she grows flowers in the garden, and in the winter, clay flowers bloom. The beauty of fresh flowers is fleeting and short-lived, and I really want to prolong it ... And man-made flowers will never fade and can become both an interior decoration and an original unforgettable gift. Svetlana is a certified instructor of the DECO Academy and will be happy to talk about her work.

July 25 from 20.45 o'clock - distribution of flowers to visitors. As you know, the daylily flower blooms for only one day, but the numerous buds on the peduncles will continue to bloom already in your home, prolonging the feeling of the holiday.

Exhibition working hours:July 24 - from 12-00 to 18-00, July 25 - from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.

July 31 - August 1 - "Daylilies" in the Museum named after Timiryazev (Malaya Gruzinskaya st., 15)


July 31 and August 1 - all day of the Consultation on agricultural technology, assortment and answers to visitors' questions.

August 1 at 13:00 - Lecture "Diseases and pests of daylilies". Gorskaya O.S. will tell about the main diseases of daylilies, about the methods of their treatment and prevention.

Exhibition working hours: July 31 - from 12-00 to 18-00, August 1 - from 12-00 to 21-00. Museum ticket offices close in 30 minutes. before the exhibition closes.

Exhibitions "LILIES - 2019"

July 17-18 - Lilies. Asian hybrids in the museum

July 27-28 - Lilies in the Pharmaceutical Garden

August 7-8 - Lilies of late blooming in the museum

Lilies are one of the most famous and widespread ornamental plants. It is difficult to find a personal plot wherever they grow.

The variety of species allowed us to create hybrids that meet the requirements of the most discerning collector and simple flower lover. This allows them to be used in any style of garden.

Lily today has many faces. Lily flowers, 3 to 25 cm in diameter, looking up, to the side or down, are collected in a racemose inflorescence and contain from 1 to 50 flowers, and by color you can find any color and shade except blue. The lily has many fans, whose requirements for this culture are often diametrically opposed. Someone likes the flowers to be the largest and brightest, while others are the opposite. Now among flower growers, small-flowered varieties of turban are very popular. But OT-hybrids (Oriental-Tubular) always find their fans. In this group, varieties with large fragrant flowers and original colors were obtained: white, yellow, red, crimson, two-color, etc. The aroma of OT hybrids is more delicate than that of the parents, and the stems are powerful and strong. In addition, this group of lilies feels great in our climatic zone.

The most widespread are Asian hybrids. They are valued for a number of qualities: winter hardiness, unpretentiousness to climatic conditions and soils, ease of reproduction. These lilies are especially distinguished by a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

In order not to "get lost" and understand the variety of lilies, we hold our own exhibitions. Here you can see lilies of various groups and sections, get acquainted with new products. We are ready to answer any questions about the assortment and cultivation techniques. Visitors to the exhibition will have the opportunity to purchase planting material or place an order, as well as take part in the voting for the variety that will receive the "Audience Choice Award".

All exhibitions will be judged to determine the best exhibits.

July 17-18 - "Lilies Asian hybrids" at the Museum named after Timiryazev (Malaya Gruzinskaya St., 15)

At this exhibition you can see lilies of average flowering period: Asian and LA hybrids, species and seedlings of members of our section. Asian hybrids of breeders will be presented: Holland, America, Latvia, Russian lilies from Michurinsk and V.M. Chuchin's varieties.

Exhibition working hours: July 17 - from 11.00 to 18.00, July 18 - from 12-00 to 21 hours. The ticket office closes 30 minutes before the exhibition closes.

July 27-28 - "Lilies" in the Pharmaceutical Garden (Prospect Mira, house 26, building 1)

OT and LA hybrids will be presented, as well as Asian, Oriental, tubular and Orleans.

Exhibition working hours: July 27 - from 12-00 to 21-00 hours, on July 28 from 12-00 to 21-00 hours.

July 31 - August 1 "Lilies of late flowering" at the Museum named after Timiryazev (Malaya Gruzinskaya st., 15)

Exhibition working hours: July 31 - from 11:00 to 18:00, August 1 - from 12:00 to 21:00. The ticket office closes 30 minutes before the exhibition closes.

Exhibitions "FLOXY - 2019"

July 18-19 - Early phlox in the Apothecary Garden

July 31 – August 1 - Phloxes at the Museum

August 7-8 - Phloxes at the Museum

“They are like masterpieces to me

great masters of art.

And, in my opinion, they have no equal.

Phlox always create a unique

colors in any garden,

bewitched with their special magic "

Yu.A. Reprev.

And today phlox is still the most popular and beloved flower with a lot of fans. Many, having come to our exhibitions for the first time, are already looking forward to the onset of the next season to see something new and unusual. Where else can you get such pleasure from the splendor of blooming phlox.

"Museum in the arms of phloxes" - exhibitions of phloxes - one of the brightest and most significant events of the summer season 2019. They coincide this year with the anniversary of Yuri Andreevich Reprev, a famous Russian breeder, creator of many wonderful varieties of phlox. Yuri Andreyevich's whole life is filled with love for phlox, which he generously shares with connoisseurs of this culture. Its varieties have long won the love and recognition of many phlox lovers and have become multiple winners of our exhibitions: Zhukovsky - the winner of 26 exhibitions, "Golubaya Otrada" and "Radomir" - 22 exhibitions. In almost every garden in Russia you can find Yu.A. Repreva. At the exhibition in the museum there will be presented a separate exposition of varieties called "Waltz of the Phlox Reprew". Of course, all eminent guests will arrive at Waltz - "Gray Lady" with "Rival", "Katenka - Katyusha" with "Renoir", "Russian" with "Secret", "Blue Otrada" with "Magician" and many others. A special photo stand will tell you about the biography of the hero of the day and his phloxes.

Domestic varieties of phlox of Russian breeders are a matter of special pride. At the exhibition you will see classic and historical varieties - especially reverent attitude towards them, as well as interesting novelties of our club members. And the name of the variety? Have you ever wondered how difficult it is for a breeder to name a phlox. What's in his name? Romance and drama, joy and sadness, memory of someone, faith and hope. You will have a rare opportunity to offer your name to a new phlox. If the author likes it, you will receive a well-deserved reward.

Enjoy the best varieties, mark the variety you like (one or more). If your opinion coincides with the opinion of the competition committee, we will give you a free visit to one of our open classes.

Phlox conquers our senses and hearts thanks to its delicate aroma and abundant flowering. They are good not only on their own, but also in decorating a garden with companion plants, they perfectly play in a team with astilbe, geycher, daylily, chamomile or low spirea. As usual, our exhibitions will be decorated with delightful compositions by Lina Matsuk. In the old days, all of us were looking forward to the appearance of the "Vestnik Tsvetovoda", with its exquisite bouquets on the covers. And today it is her compositions that will tell you how phloxes can participate in the art of garden design.

Each exhibition has its own program: master classes, acquaintance with the exhibited phloxes, which we call “excursions around the exhibition”, a quiz on the topic “Do you know phloxes by Yu.A. Repreva ”, for the correct answer to three questions - one of the best phloxes of Yuri Andreevich, if you're lucky, maybe from the hands of the master himself.

By the 85th anniversary of the Moscow Flower Club, together with the editorial staff of the Flower magazine, they are announcing a competition on the theme “A Story of Your Favorite Phlox” for residents of Russia and Belarus. Send your stories to the editorial office and to the Club's mail [email protected] .. The winners will receive awards from the Club and the magazine, in the prize fund are collectible phloxes. Summing up the results of the competition on August 1 at our phlox exhibition.

Phloxes can be purchased at exhibitions in the museum or ordered by members of the section. Come, we are always glad to have guests.

July 18-19 - Early phlox in the Pharmaceutical Garden, Prospect Mira, 26.

July 18. The beginning is at 13-00. Consultations and answers to questions. Shevlyakova O.B.

July 18. The beginning is at 15-00. Announcement of new phlox breeding in the Moscow Flower Growers Club. G.V. Kruglova

July 19. The beginning is at 13-00. Answers to questions on phlox agricultural technology. Bogdanova S.V.

The exhibition is open from 12-00 to 21-00.

July 31 - August 1 - Phloxes at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev.

PROGRAM OF EVENTS at the exhibition.

July 31st. The beginning is at 12-30. Quiz “Do you know phloxes Yu.A. Repreva ". Yakusheva I.V.

July 31 - August 1, the competition " Your name is phlox. " Summing up the results of the competitionAugust 7 at 12-00.

August 1. The beginning is at 12-30. Master Class Dorokhovoy Elena Mikhailovna "The subtleties of phlox agrotechnics, disease prevention".

Your attention will be offered brochure "Phloxes in our gardens". This is a reference publication of a small format, which systematizes the vast experience of growing phlox, provides comprehensive information about modern drugs for protection and prevention, describes the best varieties - the winners of our exhibitions.

August 1. The beginning is at 15-00. Summing up the results of the competition "Story about your favorite phlox" and "Choosing the best phlox", Gedeiko L.I.

Opening hours of the exhibition: July 31 from 11 to 18 hours, August 1 from 12 to 21 hours.

August 7-8 - Phlox at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev.

PROGRAM OF EVENTS at the exhibition.

August 7. The beginning is at 12-00. Summing up competition "Your name is phlox". Message " Novelties of modern Moscow breeders "otv. G.V. Kruglova

August 7. The beginning is at 17-00. Master Class Minervina Elena Ivanovna "My secrets of growing phlox".Prepare your questions, Elena Ivanovna will be happy to answer them.

8 August. The beginning is at 12-30. Master Class Yarygina Larisa Viktorovna "Historical aspects of phlox breeding in Russia".

8 August. The beginning is at 19-00. Master Class Igor Matveev, member of the section, curator of the phlox collection of the Moscow State University Botanical Garden “Reproduction of phlox. Peculiarities of cuttings in spring, summer and autumn ”.You will get the opportunity to make cuttings of interesting varieties of phlox yourself and purchase his autographed book.

Opening hours of the exhibition: August 7 from 11:00 to 18:00, August 8 from 12:00 to 21:00. The ticket office closes 30 minutes before the end of the exhibition.

Exhibition-fairs "Irises and other plants"

August 21-22 and August 28-29

The second half of August is the time to divide and plant the magnificent irises. This is the most favorable time to come to the club and replenish your collection with irises. World novelties and old proven varieties that have long been loved by flower growers. Outstanding domestic varieties rarely found on the flower market. All this and much more awaits you at our fairs at the end of August.

Exhibitions-fairs in the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Working hours of exhibitions and fairs:the first day from 9-00 to 20-00, the second day from 12 to 20-00

Admission to trade fairs is free.

Exhibition-fair of collectors of the club "Peonies and other plants"
September 4-5

Exhibitions-fairs in the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Admission to trade fairs is free.

September 11-12 -
"Autumn time - the charm of the eyes ..."

“Autumn flowers, you are bright and beautiful,
And your solemn attire is magnificent.
The last flowers are so wondrous
You involuntarily stop your gaze ... "

A huge number of autumn flowers bloom at this time of the year. And every year, thanks to new products, the number of plants and varieties is growing. It will be possible to admire the magnificent hydrangeas, taste the aroma and charm of cimicifugi, see the lacy mountaineers, burnets and basilis. And, as usual, Korean chrysanthemums will be presented, striking with their abundance and variety of varieties. In general, the exhibition always amazes with the variety of the presented material: in addition to autumn asters and crockworms, there will be presented geleniums, birchwoods, miscanthus, Perovskii, budleias, clematis, phlox, dahlias, sedums and anemones.

We try to decorate the exhibition with original compositions. During the exhibition, master classes will be held on drawing up bouquets and a composition of autumn flowers and plants. Section members will answer all your questions. We wait! We are sure you will like it!

The exhibition is held at the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Ticket sales stop 30 minutes before the end of the exhibition.

Trade fairs
"Peonies and other plants"
September 18-19, September 25-26

September is the time to buy peonies. Collectors of the club will offer you the most interesting, tested and adapted to the conditions of the Moscow region peonies from their gardens. What could be better than targeted planting material. Each plant purchased at the club's exhibitions and fairs has its own registration in the collectors' gardens. In addition to peonies at fairs, as always, you can please yourself with a variety of planting material: from dwarf bulbous and mountainous plants to luxurious shrubs.

Exhibitions-fairs in the State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazeva.

Working hours of exhibitions and fairs: the first day from 9-00 to 20-00, the second day from 12 to 20-00

Admission to trade fairs is free.

holding our exhibitions
and operating mode

Exhibitions at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazeva

Exhibition opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - from 10 to 18, Thursday - from 12 to 21.
Opening of exhibitions on the first day at 11 o'clock. Exhibitions Irises, Peonies, Roses and Daylilies open at 12 noon.
The entrance to the museum closes in 30 minutes. before the end of the exhibition.

Trade fairs work:the first day from 9 to 20, the second day from 12 to 20.

Admission to trade fairs is free.

Museum address: st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15.
Inquiries by phone: 8-903-732-00-13, 8-499-252-36-81


To the metro station Ul. 1905, then walk along the street. Krasnaya Presnya to st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, turn left and walk to house number 15,
- to the metro stations Barrikadnaya or Krasnopresnenskaya, then walk along the street. Krasnaya Presnya to st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, turn right to house number 15 or take 3 stops by bus 116 (stop opposite the entrance to the zoo from the side of the Barrikadnaya metro station on B. Gruzinskaya street)

Exhibitions at the Branch of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
"Pharmaceutical garden"

May 10-12 - May primroses and flowers
July 18-19 - Phlox
July 20-21 - Daylilies
July 27-28 - Lilies

Flower exhibitions are open to the public:from 12 to 21 hours.

Address: Mira prospect, 26, building 1

The Timiryazev State Biological Museum was founded in 1922 and is located in the former estate of the collector and philanthropist Pyotr Ivanovich Shchukin.

The founder of the museum, Boris Mikhailovich Zavadovsky, is an academician, a prominent specialist in the field of physiology, endocrinology and biology. He came up with not just a unique problem-thematic museum. He decided to make it interactive. And it was an incredibly cutting edge idea for the early 20th century. The exposition presents all sections of biology. There is no such museum anywhere else - neither in Moscow, nor in Russia.

The expositions and collections are unusually diverse: excellent taxidermy and unique preparations for developmental anomalies, paleontology and botany, animal painting and plastic anthropological reconstructions, dioramas and biogroups, sea shells and dummies of mushrooms. Visitors can, like in an anatomical theater, take a journey into the mysterious depths of the human body.

Today, the museum's funds include more than 90,000 items: anthropological reconstructions, mollusk shells, botanical exhibits, zoological collections of naturalists, wet preparations for anomalies of embryological development, and much more. There is a greenhouse - a live green exposition, in which there are over 228 species and varieties of plants: tropical, endangered, predatory plants. Every year the museum holds about 50 exhibitions, including exhibitions of lovers of cacti, orchids, houseplants, as well as the Moscow Flower Growers club.

One of them was the exhibition "Fifty Shades of Pink" - the most famous and successful Japanese photographer - Katsuhisa Ogawa. This year marks half a century of his creative activity. And for the past twenty years, the whole world has been trying to distinguish Ogawa roses from real flowers. It all started in 1997, when, using computer technology, the artist managed to create a blue rose. It was so similar to the natural one that the master presented his creation to his wife. And since then, Ogawa has continued to photograph regal flowers and transfer the image onto special washi paper. Printing on such paper gives the viewer the feeling of viewing the herbarium. It never turns yellow and does not distort the original colors. It seems that the rose is about to come to life, and the sense of smell is already trying to hear a subtle and recognizable aroma.

The collection of roses of the outstanding Japanese man is about four hundred works. The exhibition at the Timiryazev Museum presents fifty of the best. Fifty roses frozen in bloom. And although, as the people say - “all copies are worse than the original,” the skill of the Japanese photographer Katsuhisa Ogawa is worth seeing.

Vladimir Sabadash.

Photo by Yuri Pokrovsky.

Exhibition "PE in DNA"

Thanks to the invitation of bloggers by the museum staff, we were the first visitors!
This exhibition will now function in a permanent format, and with ordinary tickets to the museum (by the way, Muscovites, you know that from September 1, all children with cards for admission to school (Moskvenok or social cards) can go to it and 169 more Moscow museums is free?). You can just go in and see, you can go with a guided tour.
It is located a little on the outskirts, in two very small rooms opposite each other through a corridor, the passage there goes separately from the entrance to the main halls of the museum.
In the corridor there are beautiful illustrations by Oleg Dobrovolsky for the book by Alexander Panchin "The Sum of Biotechnology".

I liked the museum staff very much!
We were greeted with an unusually friendly and very friendly attitude. The author, head of the exhibition department, Yulia Vadimovna Shubina, presented the exhibition and conducted the first excursion around it (I think she will be pleased if I mention that she is an Honorary Worker of Culture of the city of Moscow).

First, the museum staff was faced with the question of how to exhibit the collection of the museum's deformities. Many visitors with weak nerves (there were no such among us) were frightened when they saw them in the public domain. And then the idea was born to place these deformities in a “closed” exposition, building around everything related to the cause of their occurrence - that is, to highlight and explain genetic mutations.
And at the same time to show that mutations are not always ugliness, that this is a natural process of evolution.
As a result, we got an exposition, built in such a way that after passing the exhibition, we passed the school and even partly university course in genetics :)
The museum in general, as I understand it, specializes in educational activities, it illustrates the school course in biology as we took it (they say, now the methodology has been changed for the worse), and this exhibition was no exception.

The tour begins.
Constructor of nature: everything is made of a limited number of bricks, all the diversity of living things is encoded with just four nucleotide bases that form a double helix of DNA.
Everything is very clearly and easily stated.
Showcases are filled with visual material: skeletons, stuffed animals, photographs and even toys, accompanied by beautiful information signs. You can read everything yourself and sort it out even without the guide's explanations.
There are folding test cards on the wall, and you can immediately test your knowledge of genetics.
An unusually interesting story is told about the regulator genes: HOX genes. They determine what exactly, where and when will begin to form from the "working" genes.
Where: if you transplant the HOX gene that makes the mouse eye develop into the paw of a fruit fly, then an eye will grow on the paw. But not a mouse - no, where does a fly get genetic information, how does a mouse eye work? - and fly, faceted.
Regulatory genes determine when genes are turned on. In the sea urchin, they begin to work early and work for a long time, and in the sea star - late and not for long, therefore the sea urchin is hard, has a shell of their calcium, and in the sea star only small calcium needles.
Gene the Hedgehog Sonic, named after the video game, determines the formation of the edge parts of the body. Another regulatory gene that determines the presence of limbs, and since it is turned off in snakes, they have no legs.
And in the depths of the windows, under the showcase, hide "creepy" mutants, in which some of these regulatory genes have malfunctioned: a kitten and a pig are cyclops.
We pass to the opposite room to continue the excursion.
It's time to talk more about mutations.
One variant of mutations defines Nature's Palette - a variety of colors and patterns.
Man has mastered the selection of these genes well, for example, to change the color of future fur coats.
The next showcase is devoted to the number of genes in organisms.
A possible variant of mutations is polyproduction, duplication of the genome. And this does not always lead to negative consequences. Often this simply leads to a greater resistance of the organism to harm. This is especially true for plants. There are no patterns here. For conifers, polyploidy has led to a variety of species and to drought resistance, for horseshoe crabs, nothing in life has changed at all :)
But sometimes mutations are evil.
There is a mysterious wardrobe in the room.
Very mysterious. We look into the crack.
And when it was opened - there it is!
Siamese twin calves.
Nearby is a large display case, which shows an interesting film about the history of the study of mutations.
But it turned out that this showcase had a secret!
If you click on the button below, the screen turns off, turns into ordinary glass, and behind it is the notorious collection of "freaks" of the museum, from which it all began! :)))

The next part of the exposition is dedicated to a person. And it starts with a selfie booth with a mutant.
Outside booth with enticing décor. And inside is a mirror. Because the mutant is you.
Each of us carries about 70 mutations, most often harmless.
All subsequent exposition about the human genome is located on rotating boards, with information on both sides.
Lots of interesting information, and finally we get to self-examination of our own genome.
We look at ourselves in the mirror and examine our genes: is the dominant recessive?
Test # 1: Does the hair grow toe on the forehead?
Test # 2: Are your earlobes pressed against your head?
Test # 3: can you bend your thumb?
Test # 4: straight or curly hair?
Well, at the same time, we are clarifying whether brunettes can have blond children.
The tour is over.

But suddenly we were in for a surprise.
We were invited to a game-lesson.
We return again to the first hall.
The lesson was led by Zhanna Andreevna Antipushina, candidate of biological sciences, employee of the scientific exposition department of ecology and physiology.
A wonderful, cheerful and very passionate young woman. How she played with the children!
We were divided into two teams: "dad" and "mom", we were given a pair of chromosomes to each team, then we chose the dominant and recessive features inherent in these parents (eye color, earlobe increment, diastema (gap between the front incisors) and blood types ).
And they began to design the resulting children.
It was very funny. And it is very visual and informative.


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