Service 1s stage. Electronic trading platforms "1C-ETP". Monitoring of trades and selection of auctions

Obtain an electronic signature certificate

To participate in the auction:

  • state order (44-FZ)
  • purchases under 223-FZ
  • sale of bankrupt property
  • commercial tenders
To work in government systems and electronic interaction with systems for marking and tracking goods:
  • Lesegais
  • EFRSFDUL (Fedresurs)
  • fCS portal
  • signature for registration of cash register according to 54-FZ
  • Rosobrnadzor
  • Disclosure systems

Simplified application procedure
An application for obtaining an electronic signature can be issued in the 1C program directly at the workplace. The details of the organization in the application are filled in automatically. The application can also be generated and sent on the website.

Assistance in sending an application
If the application is sent with an incomplete package of documents, the manager will contact you and add the necessary documents.

Elimination of errors
The application is fully verified at the service organization and at the Certification Center of ZAO Kaluga Astral (operator of the 1C-ETP service), which allows you to receive an electronic signature without actual data errors.

Accelerated information processing procedure
Application processing time - 1 day.

Automatic installation of electronic signature
After the partner processes the application, the certificate is automatically uploaded to the user's workplace.

Select auctions

The service searches for auctions at five federal sites under 44-FZ.

  • Intelligent selection - automatically compares the item positions from the 1C information base with the OKDP and OKPD codes, which allows you to choose exactly those auctions that suit you.
  • Templates - the ability to quickly repeat the search for previously saved settings.
  • E-mail notification of the publication of current auctions.

Terms of Use


Rate Price for 1 certificate
"1C-ETP. Basis FL" 450
"1C-ETP. OFD" 900
"1C-ETP. Basis" for use with additional extensions 1500
"1C-ETP. FCS" 1700
"1C-ETP. EGAIS" 2000
"1S-ETP. SMEV" 2000
"1C-ETP. Rosobrnadzor" 2000
"1C-ETP. Universal" 5000

Additional extensions

"1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFDUL and EFRSB" 500
"1C-ETP. Extension for the Information Disclosure System" 500
"1C-ETP. Extension for Alta-Soft" 1300
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP uTender" 2000
"1C-ETP. Expansion for the ETP State order" 2450
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Realization Center" 2450
"1C-ETP. Expansion for the ETP Regional trading platform" 3000
"1C-ETP. Extension for commercial ETP" 3000
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Gazprombank" 4000
"1C-ETP. Quick start" 1000
"1C-ETP. Extended license" 590

The cost of using the "Selection of auctions" functionality is included in the cost of the 1C-ETP product line.
The tariff "1C-ETP. Basis" may include all additional extensions, except for "1C-ETP. Extension for Alta Soft".
The tariff "1C-ETP. Universal" includes the following extensions free of charge:

  • "1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFDUL and EFRSB"
  • "1C-ETP. Extension for the Information Disclosure System"
  • "1C-ETP. Extension for ETP uTender"
  • "1C-ETP. Expansion for the ETP State order"
  • "1C-ETP. Extension for commercial ETP".

In the tariff "1C-ETP. Basis FL" you can include "1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFDUL and EFRSB".
Extension "1C-ETP. Extension for Alta Soft" only for the tariff "1C-ETP. FTS".
Additional extensions are available for all tariffs.

1C-ETP allows you to take part in online auctions on electronic trading platforms.

The service works in the 1C: Enterprise program using external processing and is available to registered users on the portal.

If you are interested in:

  • Where can budget organizations sell their products?
  • How to participate in tenders and auctions?
  • How to monitor new auctions for products of interest?
  • Where can I quickly get an electronic signature to participate in tenders?
  • How to get a bank guarantee to fulfill obligations under the contract and not withdraw your assets?

You will receive answers to these and many other questions when using 1C-ETP.

You can get an electronic signature (ES) directly in 1C: Enterprise by connecting external processing. This module is available free of charge.

Registration takes no more than 5 minutes.

The auction selection system works in different modes:

    Quick search

    Advanced Search

    Intelligent selection

That helps to quickly and efficiently find the right electronic platform suitable for your company for the sale or purchase of goods / services.

The auction log on the "History" tab keeps records of the viewed auctions.

The ability to confirm the terms of the contract, without involving the company's own current assets.

It is possible to issue a Bank Guarantee online, upon application in electronic form - without visiting the bank, pledge and surety. It is not required to open an additional current account.

Flexible tariff plans of the 1C-ETP service will help you choose the optimal set of necessary tools for working with trading platforms.

Send an application for connecting to the service and issuing an electronic signature or contact us for qualified assistance in connecting.


"1C-ETP. State order " 4 450 18
"1C-ETP. B2B " 3 450 171
"1C-ETP. Commercial" 5 450 220
"1C-ETP. Advanced " 6 450 178
"1C-ETP. Universal" 8 450 229
"1C-ETP. EGAIS " 2 000
"1C-ETP. Basis "for use with additional extensions 2 450 123
"FABRICANT" tariff 3 450 123
"1C-ETP. Basis FL " 450
Additional extensions
"1C-ETP. Extension for the FCS portal " 800
"1C-ETP. Expansion for EIAS FST RF " 800
"1C-ETP. Expansion for ETP TEK-Torg section of OJSC NK Rosneft " 2 400
"1C-ETP. Expansion for ETP Gazprombank " 4 000
"1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFDUL " 500

The development of electronic trading platforms (ETP) has transformed procurement through electronic bidding and tenders into a massive way of organizing interaction between the seller and the buyer. In 2014, about 3 million tenders were held only on public procurement sites.

There are several dozen ETPs of different types:

  • Sites for organizing purchases in accordance with the Federal Law of April 5. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (public procurement)
  • Commercial trading platforms included in the AETP association
  • Platforms on the B2B-Center technological platform
  • Group of sites "Fabricant", etc.

To participate in the work of each of these ETPs as an organizer of an auction or a participant, an enterprise needs an electronic signature certificate. Different types of ETP have special requirements for the content of the certificate and the rules for its registration on the electronic platform. Therefore, enterprises often use different certificates, depending on which ETP they are involved in. To obtain each certificate, you need to fill out an application, prepare the necessary documents and contact the certificate issuance point of one of the certification centers accredited on the relevant ETP.

In the 1C program:

1C-ETP (licenses for 12 months):

Name Price, rub.)
"1C-ETP. State order" 4 450 ₽
"1C-ETP. B2B" 3 750 ₽
"1C-ETP. Commercial" 5 750 ₽
"1C-ETP. Extended" 6 450 ₽
"1C-ETP. Universal" 8 450 ₽
"1C-ETP. Factory" 3 450 ₽
"1C-ETP. EGAIS" 2 000 ₽
"1C-ETP. OFD" 900 ₽
"1S-ETP. SMEV" 2 000 ₽
"1C-ETP. Rosreestr" 2 000 ₽
"1C-ETP. Rosobrnadzor" 2 000 ₽
"1C-ETP. Basis" for use with additional extensions 2 450 ₽
"1C-ETP. Basis FL" 450 ₽
Additional extensions
"1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFDUL" 500 ₽
"1C-ETP. Extension for the EIAS FST RF" 800 ₽
"1C-ETP. Extension for the FCS portal" 800 ₽
"1C-ETP. Expansion for the ETP TEK-Torg section of OAO NK Rosneft" 2 400 ₽
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Gazprombank" 4 000 ₽
"1C-ETP. Extension for Information Disclosure Systems" 500 ₽

The listed products are sold only through regular 1C partners.

Additional 1C-ETP extensions can be ordered only simultaneously with the "1C-ETP" "B2B", "Commercial", "Extended", "Universal" and "Basis" products. When a certain extension is added to the product, the end user has the opportunity to use the certificate on the corresponding electronic portals and sites. One or more additional extensions can be added to the listed products. The product "1C-ETP. Basis" is sold with only one or several additional extensions.

Working with 1C-ETP is supported in the following configuration releases on the 1C: Enterprise technological platform version 8.3.4 and higher:

A 1C user who has paid for the purchase of a product from the "1C-ETP" line receives from BRG external processing for the corresponding 1C configuration, installs it independently or with the help of BRG, and gets access to all the above capabilities of the 1C-ETP product.

Features of 1C-ETP products

Registration of an electronic signature certificate for work on the ETP

External processing of 1C-ETP for programs of the 1C: Enterprise 8 system, as well as the online portal, include the "Electronic Signature Creation Wizard", which provides automated generation and sending of an application for issuing a certificate. The details of the company and the responsible employee from the corresponding directories of the 1C information base are automatically included in the filled out application form, making the filling process as convenient as possible. The "Wizard for creating an electronic signature" has a convenient form for attaching the documents necessary for registering a certificate at the certification center of JSC "Kaluga Astral", "OGRN 1024001434049).

The process of obtaining a certificate must be started by the user no later than 12 months from the date of purchase of the license. The regulated time for processing an application for a certificate is 1 day. After processing the application, the certificate is automatically installed at the user's workplace on the key carrier, on which the private key container was previously created when the application was generated. In accordance with section 10 clause 10.1.7. "Regulations of the certification center", can be used protected media designed to store key information, certified by FSTEC for information technology security requirements. Users are advised to contact service partners to purchase key media.

To start working on the electronic trading platform after receiving the certificate, the end User must be accredited at the platform in accordance with the instructions (instructions for accreditation are posted on each electronic trading platform).

A 1C user can issue any number of qualified certificates for participation in electronic trading for his organization using 1C-ETP. Each of the "1C-ETP" products: "Government order", "B2B", "Commercial", "Extended", "Universal" and "Basis" gives the right to issue 1 certificate. The certificate is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. If it is necessary to renew the certificates, the user needs to re-purchase the required number of the corresponding products of the 1C-ETP line through a partner.

Application for a bank guarantee

The functionality allows you to generate a minimum package of documents for submitting an application in automatic mode based on data from the 1C information base. This shortens the time for processing the application and simplifies the collection of the package of documents for the bank.

Sending a package of documents for obtaining a bank guarantee is carried out remotely in electronic form on the portal. Further processing of applications, including the transmission of applications to partner banks, is provided by the financial broker TRIUMPH ESTATE JSC (OGRN 1127746030411). The bank does not require the user of 1C-ETP to personally visit the bank's office to obtain a bank guarantee.

1C-ETP provides a significant reduction in the time required for obtaining a bank guarantee:

  • if the answer is positive, within 24 hours from the moment of filing the application, the client receives a bank guarantee in electronic form and is registered in the Register of Bank Guarantees
  • within 3 working days, the original of the bank guarantee is delivered by the bank courier to the client's hands, regardless of the client's location

The application sent from the "Bank Guarantees" functionality of the 1C-ETP product meets the requirements of the bank and the procedure for checking the credit quality and reliability of the supplier (scoring). This quality increases the likelihood of receiving a positive decision and increases the speed of making a decision on the application.

Conditions for issuing a bank guarantee:

  • maximum one-time guarantee amount - 120 million rubles
  • the cost of the bank guarantee is 2-10% of the amount of the collateral
  • maximum warranty period 2 years 1 month
  • minimum commission - 10,000 rubles
  • pledge, surety - not provided
  • opening a current account with the bank issuing the guarantee is not required
  • guarantees are issued by commercial partner banks of the RTS-Tender ETP
What is the difference between 1C-ETP: Bank guarantee from
Standard Bank Guarantee 1C-ETP: Bank guarantee
No additional fees -
Without opening a bank account -
Without collateral and surety -
The ability to remotely receive Bank guarantees -
Minimum and maximum percentage 3%-10% 2%-7%

Monitoring of trades and selection of auctions

The intelligent selection function uses the contents of the Nomenclature reference book of the 1C infobase and compares it with the OKDP and OKPD codes. Information about the nomenclature allows the program to select those auctions that correspond to the types of products and services produced by the enterprise user of 1C-ETP, i.e. fit the client.

1C-ETP allows you to generate arbitrary requests for the selection of auctions and save the search details in the form of a request template for re-searching for trades in the direction of interest to the client. Kaluga Astral CJSC (OGRN 1024001434049) processes requests for the selection of auctions on electronic trading platforms.

Server software 1C-ETP remembers the user's preferences for the selection of auctions, monitors and sends e-mail notifications to the client about the publication of current auctions as they appear on the corresponding ETP.

License agreement and payment for software products

Products of the 1C-ETP line are sold under license agreements. If a long-term license agreement for PP 1C has been previously concluded between the partner and the user, then the product can be purchased under such a valid agreement on the basis of the act of acceptance and transfer of rights to the software product.

Technical support for 1C-ETP products

Also, for questions about working with 1C-ETP services in 1C programs, you can contact the 1C-ETP technical support service through the following channels:

  • via 1C-Bukhfon, "Support for 1C-ETP" service
  • single free federal number 8-800-700-86-68, ext. 21

1C-ETP is a WEB service for obtaining an electronic signature for individuals and legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as for participating in auctions and auctions with a bank guarantee.

An electronic signature is used to solve the following tasks:

Participation in electronic trading as a Supplier:

  • 8 federal trading floors ("1C-ETP. Basis" + "1C-ETP. State order" / ("1C-ETP. Universal")
  • Commercial trading platforms ("1C-ETP. Basis" + "1C-ETP. Commercial ETP" / "1C-ETP. Universal")

Works on portals, in state information systems, in systems of legally significant electronic document management:

  • Federal Customs Service ("1C-ETP. FCS")
  • Rosobrnadzor ("1C-ETP. Rosobrnadzor")
  • The system of interdepartmental information interaction ("1C-ETP. SMEV")
  • Others ("1C-ETP. Universal")
  • Registration of cash registers ("1C-ETP. OFD")

Methods for providing an electronic signature

Personal account

External processing for typical 1C configurations

The cost of 1C-ETP licenses for a period of 12 months:


Price for 1 certificate, rub.


"1C-ETP. Basis" for use with additional extensions




"1C-ETP. Rosobrnadzor"

"1C-ETP. Universal"

Additional extensions

"1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFDUL and EFRSB"

"1C-ETP. Extension for the Information Disclosure System"

"1C-ETP. Extension for Alta-Soft"

"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP uTender"

"1C-ETP. Expansion for the ETP State order"

"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Realization Center"

"1C-ETP. Expansion for the ETP Regional trading platform"


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