How to find out the number of fixing the waybill in egais. Confirmation and verification of invoices in egais. Creation of a document "receipt of goods" on the basis of ttn from egais

The system provides not only the creation of consignment notes, but also the procedure for accepting the TTN by the parties, resending in the event of an error and filing a refusal. In addition, the system allows you to view delivery discrepancy statements and other documents directly related to the receipt of alcohol and other alcohol-containing goods in stores.

When is it needed?

Russia has established measures to control the circulation of alcohol-containing goods within the country. The EGAIS itself was initially introduced precisely with the aim of eradicating the phenomenon of counterfeit alcohol, which spread in the 90s.

Confirmation of invoices is one of the mandatory steps in the control of alcohol turnover: the alcohol supplier is obliged to send it to the TTN system, but only the recipient can indicate the legal purity of the supply, the quality of alcohol and other important things. It is he who makes up a confirmation, refusal or an act of discrepancy - the entire operation of the system depends on his feedback.

Confirmation of consignment notes in EGAIS is an obligation, not a right: the need for the procedure and the terms during which it needs to be carried out are regulated. Responsibility for non-compliance with Russian legislation on this issue is provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. 14.17.

How to confirm the TTN from the supplier: step by step instructions

Before starting the invoice confirmation procedure, the user must already have a personal account in the system. As a rule, registration does not cause difficulties for users due to the simplicity of the process.

However, a personal account will be needed to access information, and not to the work itself. At the moment, the official website of EGAIS only allows you to resend and receive other important information.

Confirmation of delivery exclusively via the website is not possible: it is necessary to download the program "Universal transport module (UTM)" from the site. This can be done in your personal account through the tab on the left "Transport module".

Attention! You can also work on any other software - provided that it is compatible with UTM (for example, the well-known program for accountants "1C: ITS").

As soon as the recipient has checked whether there is a discrepancy (for example, the delivery was less than what is needed on the invoice), if everything is in order, the process of confirming the invoice begins.

To accept the TTN, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions in the FSRAR UTM program:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to load the unconfirmed invoice received into the EGAIS into the program. To do this, you need to start on the tab "Receiving TTN from EGAIS".
  2. In the window that opens, enter the ten-digit identification number of the consignment note (as a rule, the supplier communicates it to the recipient), after which the document uploading process will begin.
  3. After loading the invoice into the program, you must press the button "Send an act of acceptance of the invoice"
  4. In the field “fsrar Sender ID, you must enter the ID code of the company that sent the products - the code is provided by the supplier.
  5. In the field "code of the act of acceptance of the invoice" you need to enter the number of the act. It can be seen on the physical version of the Act, or it can be drawn up immediately in the accounting program, if it has the functionality for creating acts.
  6. In the "Nomenclature" field, you need to enter the category to which the product belongs.
  7. Click on the "Send" button. After that, the act will go to the EGAIS system, and after checking it in the EGAIS personal account, it will be possible to see that the invoice is "confirmed".


For recipients whose warehouse is located within the city limits, the invoice must be confirmed within three working days from the moment the alcohol-containing goods arrive.

In turn, for recipients whose warehouse is located outside the city (including in rural areas), confirmation of the TTN is allowed within seven working days.

Attention! The terms during which the supplier and the recipient are required to enter information on the turnover in the EGAIS are established by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/15/2016 N 84n. The order differentiates between recipients of alcohol on the basis of the development of infrastructure in their area - accordingly, the terms are different.

Penalty for late entry into the system of information on turnover

What is the penalty for non-confirmation of the TTN on time? Violation of the Order of the Ministry of Finance entails rather severe penalties.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. 14.17, the maximum fine for violation of the order of circulation of alcohol-containing products is:

  • 200 thousand rubles for legal entities;
  • 15 thousand rubles for individuals.

In addition, according to Art. 25 of the Federal Law of 22.11.1995 No. 171-FZ, the detected illegal trade in alcohol must be suppressed by confiscating the found counterfeit.

When can you refuse TTN and how to do it?

Refusal to accept alcohol is a natural procedure, therefore EGAIS supports this functionality. In addition, the rejection procedure is implemented in such a way that it does not cause any particular difficulties for the recipient. A waiver is drawn up if:

  • The discrepancy between the delivery note and the actual delivery received is too great. For example, according to the consignment note, the recipient should have had 200 units of production, but received only 20. Then drawing up an act of discrepancy is not necessary, but a refusal can be issued instead.
  • The goods were not delivered at all by the supplier (even if the supplier warned about this or tries to explain what was happening by force majeure, the recipient still has the right to refuse).
  • The goods of inadequate quality are expired, there are no stamps on it indicating that the supplier has paid for excise taxes, the glass of the bottles is cracked, and so on.

To carry out the procedure, a transport module is still required: the personal account does not support the function of sending a refusal. With the help of a personal account, you can only track information on the invoice, as well as re-send them.

When using FSRAR UTM, the procedure is as follows:

  1. In the "Consignment notes" tab, find the recently received consignment note in EGAIS. To do this, it must be loaded from the automated system into the UTM.
  2. Find the correct waybill. At the bottom of the program there will be a button "Submit a refusal" next to the button on the acceptance of the document.
  3. In the "fsrar Sender ID" field, enter the ID code of the supplier company.
  4. In the field "code of the act of rejection of acceptance" you need to enter the number of the act. Information can be obtained from a physical document or from an electronic one - if the user has more advanced accounting programs at his disposal.
  5. In the "Nomenclature" field, you must specify the category of the supplied goods.
  6. Click on the "Send" button.

Reference. In the program itself, the reasons for the refusal do not need to be indicated anywhere. This is due to the fact that the reasons for the refusal are listed in the drawn up certificate of refusal - accordingly, when the document is checked by the system, a possible violation of the regulations will immediately be revealed.

If everything is entered correctly, you can later see the TTN status in your personal account: “Refused”. It means that the system has accepted the act and the supplier has received a corresponding notification.

How to re-send?

Unlike the previous paragraphs, re-sending invoices through your personal account on the EGAIS website is possible. Re-shipment means, in simple terms, a request to the supplier to issue a new waybill instead of the old one.

It is characteristic that the function of re-sending waybills is available only to recipients - suppliers cannot re-send the consignment note, since this could wreak havoc on the supply control process.

Re-shipment is done if a problem has arisen from the technical side of the matter:

  • The waybills are executed correctly, but EGAIS or the recipient's software for some reason does not display them.
  • When filling out the invoice, the recipient incorrectly indicated the nomenclature of the received products or the code of the acceptance / rejection act.
  • With other problems, nothing or little directly related to the delivery itself.

In some situations, a mistake could have been made on the part of the supplier, while EGAIS accepted the invoice as correctly drawn up.

In this case, a common practice is joint coordination between the parties, when the supplier asks the recipient to re-send the TTN for editing. This is not prohibited by law, so the procedure rather adds convenience to the parties, rather than diminishes them.

To resend the waybill through the EGAIS website, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Log in to the website.
  2. Click on the tab "Re-sending of waybills / acts" in the lower left part of the page.
  3. A window with several fields will appear. In the field "fsrar consignee ID" you need to enter the ID of the legal entity that accepts the products; as soon as the data has been entered, you need to click the button on the right "Check FSRAR_ID" - if an error is made somewhere, the system will indicate this.
  4. After checking in the field "Registration number of the TTN" you need to specify the ten-digit identification number of the consignment note sent for verification. It can be obtained either from the supplier of the products, or by mail indicated when registering for the service - in the so-called "Motion Registration Notice".
  5. The "I'm not a robot" button is designed to weed out the load on the site servers caused by bots, so the procedure cannot be continued without pressing the button.
  6. If everything was entered correctly, two new documents will be sent to the recipient's mail: the TTN itself and the Notification of registration of the TTN movement.

This concludes the process of re-sending the document.

The procedure for confirming or re-sending invoices almost always scares newcomers to accounting. However, an increasing number of measures on the part of the state to simplify control over the circulation of alcohol-containing goods every year only facilitate the procedure, so there is absolutely nothing to fear and worry about.

At first, informational readiness will help to prevent mistakes, and over time, the process will go "by itself", because in almost all cases, when working with EGAIS, you need to perform approximately the same actions.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

The virtual platform is designed to search for consignment notes and acts in the UTM.

Site features

In order to find out where the invoice or act is located in the document management system, you only need to know the identification number of the transport package that was assigned before shipment.

Also, the search can be carried out by the identifier of the consignment note. Thus, it is possible to obtain information about the date and time of the receipt of the document on the recipient's UTM, as well as to clarify its status in the EGAIS system.

In addition, you can find interesting consignment notes sent from the EGAIS manufacturer.

How to find an invoice

To find the TTN in the fsrar system, you need to know its WBRegId (identifier). Information about a document is obtained in the "Search by invoice identifier" tab. You must fill in the required form fields: enter the WBRegId of the invoice, indicate the fsrarid of the sender or recipient and enter the security code from the picture. When finished, press the "Request" button.

As a result of an automatic check of the entire database, the requested consignment note with all the information on it and related documents will appear.

Checking the TTN in EGAIS - the manufacturer will allow you to find information about the invoices sent through the system only starting from February 15, 2016. Documents that were sent before this date cannot be received from the system.

To search for the identification number of the transport package, you must first find out which number is assigned to the TTN sent to EGAIS by the manufacturer. It must be requested directly from the accountant of the respective company. After the information is received, you can find the waybill yourself through the system. To do this, you need the tab "Search waybill from EGAIS - manufacturer". A form will be displayed, where you should fill in the required fields: specify the number of fixing the TTN and fsrarid of the recipient. After entering all the data, you need to click on the "Request" button and wait for the system to respond.

To get information from check1, searching by the identification number of the transport package, you need to know some data - the id of the package from the "Transport" database. If the file is outgoing, you need to look among the UTM log files. If incoming, request a number from the counterparty. After the id is received, you need to go to the page The search will be carried out in the "Search by transport package identifier" tab. You will need to fill in the required fields in the same way as in the previous cases. As the sender's idfsrar, you need to specify the company identification number in the PAP system. After completing the filling of the data, you need to enter the number from the picture and click "Request".

After a while, the search results will appear on the screen. The report will contain information about when the TTN was sent to the UTM. And then to EGAIS. And you can also find out when and what documents were sent in response to the TTN from EGAIS

No invoices found. What to do?

It may happen that TTN have disappeared from the UTM system or have not been received from it. This happens due to 1C failures and when reinstalling UTM. To solve these problems, you can try to check the location of the waybill, request to re-send it from the system, or contact FSRAR.

To use any of the options, you need to know your idfsrar. This is the 12-digit number found on the envelope of the JaCarta kit. In addition, it can also be taken from the program. This information is contained in the PKI section. Another place where the required identification number is located is the UTM system itself. You need to go to the "Certificates" section.

The invoice number, which you also need to know, can be requested from the supplier. Alternatively, it may be in an email received from.

Having found out these basic data, you can proceed to receive invoices that did not reach. Their repeated request is carried out through the EGAIS website - After passing the check, entering the pin code and choosing a certificate, you need to select the "Re-sending invoices" section. A form will appear on the screen, you need to fill in all its fields, check the accuracy of the data and click on the "Send" button.

To find out where the invoice is located, you must follow the steps listed in the instructions in the previous section.
If the problem cannot be solved and you need to contact FSRAR, you should use the "Contacts" section on the website or FSRAR. There are several possibilities for feedback: fill out the feedback form and send it, write an e-mail, call the support service.

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To confirm the receipt of alcoholic beverages through EGAIS, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the "EGAIS" tab and open the "Consignment notes" page.

Step 2. Click on the button "Download TTN from EGAIS". The download may take some time (usually 5-10 minutes). By default, the service requests TTN automatically, every 5 minutes. To see the received TTN, refresh the page.

Step 3. After loading, invoices will appear in the table. Newly received invoices will have the status "Received from EGAIS". Click on the invoice to open it.

Step 4.If there are no discrepancies and you want to accept the goods for the remainder (capitalize to the warehouse), click the "Send acceptance certificate" button.

Step 5.If there is a discrepancy between the actual quantity and the quantity on the invoice, click "There are discrepancies".

Step 6. The column "Actual quantity" appears. Specify the actual quantity (1), if it differs from the quantity in the document (by default it is equal to the quantity in the document), click on the "Send a statement of discrepancies" button (2) to confirm or refuse the invoice entirely. After that, the invoice can be closed. (4) A purchase confirmation will be sent to the EGAIS system.

Each TTN has two types of statuses:

  • The "Status" column shows the newly arrived invoices, as well as the version of the sent act (Act of discrepancies, Act of confirmation or Refusal of the invoice).
  • The column "Ovet from EGAIS" displays a response from EGAIS.

This article answers the questions:

How to work with EGAIS?

How to capitalize beer, alcoholic beverages, alcohol?

How to work with beer, alcoholic beverages, alcohol?

How to add alcohol to the warehouse?

Consignment notes (TTN) received from EGAIS are located in the magazine EGAIS consignment notes (incoming) (section NSIServiceExchange with EGAIS, Procurement).

Receiving TTN

There are two ways to download TTN from EGAIS:

  1. With "manual" and automatic exchange with EGAIS.
  2. Using the EGAIS identifier.

You can get the TTN by manually initiating an exchange with EGAIS. To do this, go to the log (section NSIServiceExchange with EGAIS, Procurement) and press the button Make an exchange.

Loading TTN using the EGAIS identifier

Each TTN in EGAIS has a unique identifier. It is transmitted from the supplier to the buyer during data exchange.

If the identifier is known, then it can be used to restore (load) the TTN.

For this in the magazine EGAIS consignment notes (incoming) go to the menu Yet and choose a team Request TTN by identifier... In the dialog box that opens, enter the TTN identifier and click Request.

After receiving a response from EGAIS, TTN will appear in the current journal.

The resulting document should:

  1. Compare shippers and consignees.
  2. Compare the nomenclature with alcoholic beverages from EGAIS.
  3. Compare producers and importers of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Check the goods for excise stamps.
  5. Confirm the document in EGAIS or refuse it.

Items 1, 2, 3 (comparison of reference books) are performed only in the absence of a previously performed comparison of elements.

Comparison of directories

In the document form, data on the consignor and consignee are located on the tab The main... A hyperlink is a sign of the need for comparison with IB data Matching failed.

If the consignor or consignee is a third-party organization or its own, but accounting for it is maintained in another information base (IB), then it should be compared with an element of the directory Contractors... Own organization, for which accounting is kept in the current IS, is compared with the element of the directory The organization.

Information about alcoholic beverages is on the tab Products.

An indication of the need to compare alcoholic beverages with a reference book Nomenclature is the inscription Not matched.

To synchronize data with IB, click the button Compare classifiers in the head of the document.

A workplace will open, in it you must specify which nomenclature this product corresponds to.

If for current products the importer or manufacturer is not matched with the reference book Contractors (), the program will offer to do it.

More about using the workplace Comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature can be found in the section "Information on EGAIS alcoholic beverages (comparison of the nomenclature)".

Selection and verification of alcoholic beverages

Basic verification algorithm

If alcohol is labeled, then to verify the actual availability of alcoholic beverages with the data obtained from EGAIS, it follows in the form of a document EGAIS consignment note (incoming) on the bookmark Products run command Check alcoholic beverages.

A dialog box will open. The window will display a "tree" of products and packages. The check status of all items is Not tested.

Products received without packaging are displayed in the list in a group with an icon. To check for availability, the user just needs to start scanning the existing excise stamps in the current dialog box. The status of checked items will change to In stock.

If the position is not found or it is difficult to identify its location, you must set the status value Postponed... In the absence of products - Is absent.

Products received in packaging are displayed in a group with an icon. The scanning of barcodes of the contents of the packages is carried out according to the so-called “three peaks” rule, where the user:


If the package is not in the IB, then the program will offer to create it.

If the answer is yes, a new package will be created and the content check will be positioned on it.

  1. After completing the content check, the scanner reads the packaging barcode.

The packaging icon changes to. Checking the contents of this package is now complete.

Working with incorrect invoice content

If, during the inspection, a discrepancy with the TTN data on the products received is found, then it should be determined how to reflect the location of the contents: leave it where it was found, or move it to the package specified in the received document.

If incorrect content is detected, leave it where found

When choosing an option leave where found, the program moves the production to the current location of the read AM / FSM.

In this mode the user in the window sequentially through the list reads the barcodes of products and packages with a scanner. The program determines how a given product is listed, and in case of discrepancy, it requires the scanner to read the barcode of the package in which it is listed or leave it unchanged.

Once the user selects the product, it will automatically move to its destination.

If incorrect content is detected, Move to packaging where it should be

User in window Checking the received products sequentially through the list, the scanner reads the barcodes of products and packages. If the location of the product does not correspond to the document, the program will offer to read the packaging barcode according to the document data or leave everything unchanged. If you select the option without changes, the program will display a message stating that the product has been found.

If agreed, the product location status will take the value Postponed.

After reading the excise stamp at its location in the document, the location status will take on the value In stock... The products will be located in the place specified by the document.

Test results

To reset the results of the current check and carry out a second one, go to the submenu Yet select team Start check again.

To save intermediate results - in the submenu Yet select team Save intermediate test results.

After completing the check, press the button Verification completed... If the list of checked items contains items with the status Not tested, Postponed, then a dialog box will appear asking you to determine the status of unchecked items.

Depending on the selected answer, the statuses Not tested will be replaced by Is absent or In stock.

Re-labeling of packages

At the end of the check, in case of any deviation of the actual quantity of products in the packages from the contents of the invoice, a message will appear on the need to re-label the packages.

Lines with these packages will be marked with the phrase “re-labeling required”. For user convenience, they can be filtered with the command establish selection.

To re-label the package, press the button Label packaging (). The program will suggest a new barcode. The user can define the barcode generation settings on his own and print it out with a button Barcode Label Printing.

After pressing the button Done the package will be assigned a new barcode.

Features of inspection of piece (marked) and batch products

In the terminology of FSRAR, piece-by-piece (labeled) products are alcoholic beverages, the production or import of which was recorded individually or for which the digital identifiers were linked.

In other words, alcoholic beverages in the invoice being checked are contained with AM / FSM and may be listed in packages.

In the window Checking the received products piece products are displayed in the form of a tree of packages and their contents with barcodes.

Lot products - alcoholic beverages (produced / imported before 07/01/2018), the production or import of which was not counted by the piece. Shipped without AM / FSM indication.

This product in the window Verification of received alcoholic beverages displayed on a separate tab - Partynaya.

There is AM / FSM in TTN

Validation of labeled products is performed by scanning barcodes. Status Not tested changes to In stock.

There is no AM / FSM in the TTN. Accept products by the piece

A situation is possible when the products came to the TTN as a batch, the enterprise ships them piece by piece.

Lot products should be converted into piece goods, since shipment of a piece lot without specifying all digital identifiers (AM / FSM) is not allowed.

To transfer a batch to a piece, you should:

  • when checking, scan AM / FSM alcoholic beverages and barcodes on packages;
  • confirm receipt of alcoholic beverages;
  • put AM / FSM on the balance in register No. 3.

When placing labeled products on the balance sheet, for the convenience of further logistics and shipment, it is possible to sort them by packages.

AM / FSM scanning of alcoholic beverages and packaging barcodes occurs on the tab Labeled... If the package is not in the IB, then the program will offer to create it.

If the answer is yes, a new package will be created and the content check will be positioned on it. After that, you need to scan the barcodes or AM / FSM content. When scanning brands, products with the corresponding quantity will be transferred from the bookmark Partynaya to bookmark Labeled.

The status of these objects will be Was not listed, since the supplier did not indicate them in the invoice.

After finishing scanning, press Verification completed and in the form of a document EGAIS consignment note (incoming) team confirm receipt transfer to EGAIS.

After the status of the document EGAIS consignment note (incoming) will change from For confirmation (transferred to UTM) on the Confirmed, you should go to the document journal EGAIS balance sheet acts (section NSIServiceExchange with EGAIS, Stock) to the bookmark For registration (register number 3) and Draw up an act.

The document form will open The act of putting on the balance sheet of EGAIS... Switch Put on balance will be automatically set to Register No. 3.

Bookmark Products will be filled in automatically

The document should be transferred to EGAIS.

There is no AM / FSM in the TTN. Accept products by lot

Products for which there are no excise stamps in the TTN can be accepted as batch. As for the batch production, the supplier can separately transfer the AM / FSM set. In this case, the number of products without brands should be indicated in the field Fact the corresponding line with alcoholic products on the tab Partynaya in the window Verification of received alcoholic beverages... For the rest, scan the available AM \u200b\u200b/ FSM.

After confirmation in EGAIS of the document EGAIS consignment note (incoming) batch products must be transferred to register No. 2 with a document Transfer to register No. 2 EGAIS (section NSIServiceExchange with EGAIS).

Confirmation in the EGAIS system of invoices accompanying the supply of alcoholic beverages, beer and beer drinks is one of the stages of the EGAIS implementation, which has been in effect for several months. Confirmation and transmission of relevant information to the system is a set of procedures that must be carried out by an entrepreneur selling alcohol products.

What is EGAIS and what is it for

The EGAIS system is a unified information system for controlling the trade of alcoholic beverages in Russia. This system collects absolutely all information about alcohol produced in the country (alcoholic beverages, beer and beer drinks), about products imported from abroad, about any movements and movements, about each bottle of alcohol sold.

The EGAIS system has been implemented since 2015, it happened in stages, in three stages.

1. Producers of alcohol and beer transmit information to EGAIS. This is already happening since 2015

2. From 1 January 2016 everyone who is involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages and beer is obliged to transfer information about the procurement of products to EGAIS.

This obligation applies to all participants in the alcohol retail, from network players to individual entrepreneurs selling beer on tap. This stage can be conditionally called "Invoice confirmation".

It happens as follows. The seller (entrepreneur) receives another delivery of alcoholic beverages and beer. Any delivery is accompanied by documents - waybills, consignment notes.

The entrepreneur (seller) is obliged to first verify the actual delivery with what is indicated in the invoices, and, if correct, convey to EGAIS information that he confirms the invoices from the supplier.

If the data differs - one thing in the invoice, but in fact another - then an act of data discrepancy is transmitted to the EGAIS.

Try the product accounting program, which implements 100% support from EGAIS for the sale of alcohol and the transfer of all necessary information to Rosalkoregulirovanie.

3. From 1 July 2016 the next stage of EGAIS is "Procurement Confirmation". Anyone who sells alcoholic beverages must not only report what they have purchased and in what volume through confirmation of invoices, but also confirm sales.

Sales confirmation does not apply to those who sell beer on tap - they only continue to confirm purchases.

Sales confirmation is done as follows: each bottle of alcohol has a special barcode. Each point of sale at the checkout has a special scanner for these barcodes.

Reading information from the bottle during the sale at the checkout, the information is immediately transmitted to EGAIS through the scanner.

Now, in all stores, at all cash registers there are special cash registers that print receipts with a QR code (Cash register software compatible with EGAIS). And each buyer, having read this QR code, can at any time receive information about the purchased bottle of alcohol: when and at which plant the drink was produced, whether the manufacturer has a license, the terms and conditions of product storage, as well as other information.

For those who, in violation of the law, continue to work without connecting to the EGAIS, serious sanctions have been introduced. The fine for individual entrepreneurs and store directors is 10-15 thousand rubles, for legal entities, LLCs, stores - 150-200 thousand rubles.

Confirmation of waybills in EGAIS

How to confirm the invoice in EGAIS - for this there is a certain procedure for interaction between the entrepreneur and the system. Instead of an entrepreneur, it can be one of the managers or other employees of the store.

Terms of confirmation of invoices in EGAIS - within 3 days after each regular delivery. This is if the supplier's warehouse is located within the city. If the sales and warehouse are located in rural areas, then the terms of confirmation of invoices in the EGAIS are within 7 days.

Confirmation takes place in your personal account. To do this, you need to go to your EGAIS personal account. Communication takes place according to the scheme: EGAIS - UTM - working in your store.

To confirm invoices in EGAIS, you must perform the following steps:

  1. The first thing to do in order to confirm the invoices in the EGAIS is to recalculate the actual quantity and range of products supplied.

    Then compare with what, firstly, is indicated in the electronic invoice that came to you from the supplier through EGAIS.

    Secondly, it is necessary to compare the fact with the data in the paper waybills that physically accompany the delivery.

  2. If the actual delivery converges with the electronic waybill, then an act of acceptance of the waybill is sent to EGAIS. This is the confirmation of the invoice, the confirmation of delivery. After that, the product can be sold.

    In the EGAIS system, after you have accepted the delivery (confirmed the invoice), the quantity and delivery amount is debited from the supplier's account and credited to your account.

    For grocery store owners, the Business.Ru team has developed a special product accounting program. The cost is only 500 rubles / month. Maintain the cashier, work with EGAIS, form purchases based on sales analytics.

  3. If for some reason you refuse to accept the goods, for example, you didn’t send what you ordered, a big mix that doesn’t suit you. Either the dishes were broken during transportation, then to EGAIS you transfer an act of refusal to accept invoices.

    That is, you do not confirm the delivery note, you return the delivered goods to the supplier.

  4. If the actual delivery differs from the one indicated in the electronic invoice, for example, some products were sent more or less than you ordered, then you send the supplier a discrepancy statement, in which you indicate the actual delivery data.


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