Federal Service for Regulating the Alcohol Market. Connecting to EGAIS Retail Yejais

After the introduction of the EGAIS on retail trade enterprises, their interaction with alcohol suppliers will be built according to the following scheme.

  1. Manufacturer organization, importer or wholesaler products fixes consumable overhead in EGAIS. The volume of shipped products is reserved on the residues of the sender in the EGAIS.
  2. The recipient organization (retail organization) through its own accounting system or otherwise, through the universal transport module, the EGAIS (hereinafter referred to as IT) receives all the invoices sent to it.
  3. In case of consent, adopt products specified in the invoices, the organization confirms receipt. In case of detection of the actual shortage of products compared with the volumes specified in the electronic invoices, if the organization wishes to take such products, an act of discrepancies with a corrected amount is formed. The act through the UTM gets to the sender of products, while the sender may agree with the act. In this case, from the remnant of the sender will be written off only by the volume with the recipient. In the event of the disagreement of the sender with the act of discrepancies, it refuses the act and then the entire invoice refuses and the entire volume remains on the residues of the sender.

Jogis work in wholesale retail

  1. In case of detection of the actual excess of products compared to the volumes specified in the electronic invoices, if the organization wants to take such products, the recipient's organization confirms the invoice. For an excessive sender forms an additional invoice.
  2. In case of disagreement, adopt products specified in the invoices, the recipient's organization refuses the subsequent invoice. Refused products remain on the residues of the sender.
  3. Rosal accelerated processes all incoming documents and returns to the organization of the receipt for fixing the data in the EGAIS.

How will the egas will work in retail?

In accordance with the new legislation, the fact of selling each unit of alcoholic beverages should be recorded in the EGAIS system. Cashier must haveat the checkout 2D scanner that is capableread the necessary information from a special or excise stamp. After scanning it processed the IDGAIS cash module and the electronic digital signature is transmitted to the Rosal acceleration server. Thus, accounting is carried out in the "Online" mode.

To date, the system is installed and already works in some large retail chains, such as a magnet, Dixie and X5 RetailGroup - Perekrestok store.

Changes in the cashier

In connection with the introduction of the EGAIS in the usual sequence of personnel actions at the checkout, some changes will occur (only when selling alcohol products):

  1. The buyer brings products to cashiers, among which there is alcohol;
  2. Cashier reads EAN goods;
  3. When reading EAN alcoholic beverages on the cash register screen, a request appears "Scan SCC brands";
  4. With the help of a 2D scanner, the cashier reads the FSM / AM barcode;
  5. With successful reading, the FSM / AM product is added to the check, otherwise the sale of this product is canceled;
  6. If all the goods are entered in the check, the cashier presses the "Outcome" button;
  7. Cash control generates an XML file and sends it to the EGAIS (transport terminal);
  8. The transport terminal forms a receipt and returns it to the cashier;
  9. There is a check of the check with the stamp of alcoholic beverages;
  10. Buyer, considering QR code from a sliding of alcoholic beverages can check its legality;

What if the alcoholic goods do not break through?

If for some reason on the EGAIS ( Transport terminal) Does not send a receipt to the cashier, that is, does not confirm the legality of the products, the removal of alcohol products from the check is performed to complete the sale of the rest of the non-alcohol.

Why alcohol did not make his way into the check?

The main reasons for the fact that the unit of alcohol products does not break through, two:

The main reasons are the barcode not read:

  • nonconformity of the printed bar code GOST (low category readability);
  • abrasion of the surface of the brand during transportation;
  • curvature of the surface of the applied brand due to the features of the container;
  • applying for consumer packaging of decorative materials (conditional);
  • Combining several consumer packaging units into the group container (conditional);
  • Using souvenir packaging (conditional).

How to avoid problems with alcohol products at the checkout?

  1. Pay attention to the availability and quality of labeling alcoholic beverages;
  2. Gently handle alcohol products, not allowing damage or difficulty reading the brand;
  3. Work with proven suppliers;
  4. Check the legality of alcoholic beverages before it gets into the trading room.

The seller must know that on the counter!

Reducing the risk of counterfeit products

The EGAIS system allows you to check the authenticity of alcoholic beverages not only at the time of sale at the checkout. By registering on the Rosalkogol Regulation website, the store owner may at any time check its goods.

This will require:

  • access to Personal Cabinet FS RAR;
  • (Modified under work with the system).

In this article we will try to highlight the theme of the Yegis, we will tell about the purpose of implementing the system, risks that are carrying enterprises in connection with its implementation, regulators and necessary preparation.

The system is an automated data system for state accounting and control over the turnover of alcoholic beverages (hereinafter AP), namely production, storage, delivery, export, wholesale and retail trade.

  1. Stores purchases wholesale alcohol products, such wholesale purchases are required in the system.
  2. The retail sale of beer, beer beverages, as well as cider, pouare and honeycomb, is not fixed in the system, and the rest of the alcohol products is fixed from July 01, 2017.

Who is responsible for the functioning of the system

In accordance with Article 5 of Federal Law No. 171 "On the state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products and the restriction of consumption (drinking) of alcoholic beverages" of November 22, 1995 and by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 522 of 25.05.2006 ., The responsibility for the work of the EGAIS system is Rosalkogol Regulation, and for the technical support of JSC "Centriform".

Who is obliged to connect

Direction Activity Fixation
Retail Organizations, _-present_products_piv_y_pivable drinks with a production capacity of more than 300 thousand decaliters per year production
Organizations manufacturing beer and beer beverages with a production capacity of less than 300 thousand decaliters per year Turnover
Wholesalers Organizations in procurement, storage and delivery of up turnover
Manufacturers Individual entrepreneurs and organizations engaged in purchasing only beer and beer beverages for the subsequent retail sale of such products fact procurement
Catering Organization, carrying out the retail sale of alcoholic beverages and beer (restaurants, bars, cafes, etc.) fact procurement
Organizations that carry out the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in urban settlements fact procurement
Retail from 7.17g.
Organizations that carry out the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in rural settlements fact procurement
Retail from 7.17g.

What you need to connect retail

A set of technical means - This is: a PC with a UM installed module and a special carrier with a CEP certificate recorded on it for a system and the RSA key.

Name Price
1 a computer
rAM of more than 2 GB, disk per 100 GB, a regular processor, Windows 7 Starter and above, by Java 8 and above
16 000 rub.
2 scanner_For_Stitel_Kod_pdf417. 1 500 rub.
3 jacarta crypto key with built-in Cryptoprodder PKI / GOST 2 500 rubles.
4 reinforced qualified electronic signature
a qualified electronic signature is used to sign the files transmitted to the EGAIS system: commodity overhead, acts, checks. The certificate is manufactured and issued to the authorized person of the organization.
included in the cost of a crypto key
5 cash register compatible with the system
The cash register (CCT) must be equipped with a clock configured for real area where this equipment is installed and is used (the letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-01-15 / 28072 dated 05.05.2017).
18 000 rub.
6 software UTM. Free at http://fsrar.ru/
7 sustainable Internet connection from 256 kbps / s MobyTernet

How many kits need for LLC and IP

For limited liability companies

  1. Technical means are purchased for each separable division of Yulhaving a unique bunch of Inn-checkp. In each such division should be used your separate kit technical means.
  2. These technical means must be used. at the implementation of the activities specified in the license On the wholesale or retail trade of alcoholic beverages.
  3. For organizations selling only beer, technical means are placed at the address of the registration of a separate division of Yulselling beer.

For individual entrepreneurs

  1. For IP, trading beer in retail, we need only one set of technical means.
  2. A set of technical means can be installed at any address Implementation of the activities of this individual entrepreneur.

Connect to system

You can connect to the system yourself, for this you need to register in the "Personal Account" on the site of the system http://egais.ru/, and the video instruction on the link http://egais.ru/instrukcii.

The essence of the EGAIS system is that each manufacturer or seller of alcohol, wholesale or retail, should make data on its work.

Thus, ideally, the state will be able to monitor the turnover of alcohol and it is enough to simply catch the counterfeit products in the market - and it has become more recently, as a result of a sharp increase in excise on alcohol.

Connection order

1. Purchase a certificate of qualified electronic signature GOST (CEP) and a special carrier.

The CEP certificate is recorded on a hardware crypto key (Jacarata SE or Ructen EDS 2.0) - a certified key medium, a special USB device designed to create, secure storage and use of KEP keys. The required number of CEP certificates is determined by the number of separate divisions of the organization that implements alcohol products, including beer and beer drinks. For each separate unit, having a unique Bunch of Inn-CPT, a separate CEP certificate is ordered. Individual entrepreneurs who implement beer and beer drinks are enough to order one CEP certificate.

2. Get on the website egais.ru certificate for installing a secure connection with the EGAIS (RSA key).

This certificate is issued for free, it is necessary for organizing the safe connection and identification of the organization in the system.

To make an RSA key you need:

Enter personal account of the organization on the portal Egas Egais.ru using the previously obtained CEP certificate.

Select the "Get key" in the side menu. On the page that opens can be viewed by the activities of your organization.

Select from the list, the place of activity for which a specific hardware key is intended and click the "Shape Key" button. At the same time, the required RSA key will be formed on a special carrier.

3. Get on the website egais.ru distribution of the program "Universal Transport Module" (UTM) and its description.

This software module is needed to interact with the EGAIS, it refers to the Software (software) of the EGAIS and is distributed free of charge.

To obtain a Distribution, UTM is necessary

Go to your personal account on the website egais.ru and go to the "Transport Module" section. "

Get a distribution on the UT by the appropriate link and install it on a dedicated computer

After receiving the distribution, you can install and configure the UTM, configure the information interaction between the accounting solution used and the UTM.

Additionally for retail stores - up to 07/01/2016

Contact your cash desktop to bring it in accordance with the "Technical Requirements" of the Utm Module

By retail sale of alcoholic beverages, up to July 1, 2017, it is also necessary to contact the supplier of the cash software used to bring it in compliance with the specifications.

Use of the system

Jogis is carried out in electronic form using software. Rosal accelerated or authorized customs authority, using software, implement information in the EGAIS and the direction of the organization, an agricultural producer or an individual entrepreneur in electronic form on information and telecommunication networks to confirm the fixation of information or notification of the refusal of fixation.

Order work of sellers

1. Fixing sales to the consumer

The introduction of the EGAIS will entail a number of changes in the usual work of the staff of the retail store, first of all - the cashier. The sale of marked alcoholic beverages in the store will be implemented as follows:

  1. The buyer brings products to cashiers, among which there are labeled alcohol products.
  2. The cashier reads the linear bar code EAN-13 of each purchased product.
  3. If this code refers to alcohol products, the cash register will require the cashier to scan the two-dimensional dashed PDF-417 C FSM / AM, applied to alcohol products. Using the 2D scanner, the cashier reads this code.
  4. If you successfully read the two-dimensional bar code with FSM / AM goods (alcohol products) added to the check, otherwise the sale of this product is canceled.
  5. When all the goods are entered in the check, the cashier clicks the "Outcome" button.
  6. Cash software generates an XML file containing information about the selling alcohol products, and sends it to the EGAIS (UTM).
  7. Utm forms a receipt and returns it to the cashier.
  8. There is a check of the check with the print on it QR-code an up.
  9. Buyer, considering QR code from a check, can check the legality of the AP.

1. Fixation of wholesale purchases of alcohol for sale end consumeryu

After the introduction of the system on retail trade enterprises, their interaction with alcohol suppliers will be built according to the following scheme:

1. Sender products(Manufacturer, Importer or Wholesaler) Fixes Consumables in EGAIS . The volume of shipped products is reserved on the residues of the sender in the system.

2. Recipient products (Retail Store or Other Wholesaler) gets all the invoices sent to it through a universal transport module (UTM).

The recipient agrees to accept products.

In this case, the recipient confirms the receipt.

The actual shortage of products was found compared to the volumes specified in the electronic invoicesThe following options are possible here:

  • If the recipient wants to take such products, an act of discrepancies with a corrected amount is formed. The act through the Utm hits the sender and in Yegais.
  • If the sender agrees with the act of discrepancies, only agreed with the recipient will be written off from his balance.
  • If the sender does not agree with the act of discrepancies, he refuses the act and then the entire invoice refuses and the entire volume remains on the extents of the sender.

The actual excess of products was found compared to the volumes specified in the electronic invoicesHere, again, options are possible:

  • If the recipient wants to take such products, it confirms the invoice. For an excessive sender forms an additional invoice.
  • If the recipient does not agree to take the products indicated in the invoices, it refuses the subsequent invoice. Refused products remain on the residues of the sender.

4. All invoices, acts, as well as confirmation / failures are recorded in the EGAIS storage. FSRAR processes all entering documents and returns to the sender of the receipt for fixing the data in the EGAIS.

According to the manufacturer's allegations, the EGAIS allows:

  1. ensure the completeness and accuracy of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products; with the possibility of detailing to the subject of the Russian Federation, the manufacturer, the species, product names, fortresses, the volume, the correctness of the accrual of excise;
  2. ensure that the import of alcohol and alcohol imports with the control of the accrual excise taxation;
  3. ensure the accounting of federal special brands and excise;
  4. carry out an analysis of the state and trends in the development of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol products in the territory of the Russian Federation and its regions;
  5. make it difficult to sell counterfeit products by checking the accompanying documents certifying the legality of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Also, it is also provided that:

  • software and hardware organizations carrying out these activities using equipment to account for the volume of turnover (with the exception of imports) of marked alcohol products must be read from federal special marks and (or) excise stamps of information about such products specified in paragraph 3.1 of Article 12 Federal Law of 11/22/1995 №171 FZ "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on restricting consumption (drinking) of alcoholic beverages", as well as receiving and transmitting information about the turnover (with the exception of imports) of such products;
  • software and hardware organizations carrying out these activities using equipment for accounting for the volume of ethyl alcohol, alcohol-containing products, beer and beer beverages, cider, pouare, honeycomb, as well as individual entrepreneurs who purchase beer and beer beverages, centers, pouare, Mercuffs for the subsequent retail sale of such products must ensure the reception and transmission of information on the turnover of such products.

System Legislation

1. Federal Law No. 171

1.1. The basic law in the field of production and turnover of alcohol and alcohol production is the Federal Law No. 171-FZ of 22.11.1995 "On the state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and the restriction of consumption (drinking) of alcoholic beverages" .

2. Government Decisions (PP)

2.1. PP of the Russian Federation № 1459 dated December 29, 2015 "On the functioning of a unified state automated information system for the accounting volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products"

2.2. PP on labeling of alcoholic beverages:

  • PP of the Russian Federation № 785 dated December 21, 2005 "On the marking of alcoholic beverages by federal special - brands"
  • PP of the Russian Federation № 866 dated December 31, 2005 "On the labeling of alcoholic products with excise stamps"

2.3. PP of the Russian Federation № 864 dated December 31, 2005 "On the certificate of commodity consignment card on ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products and about amending some decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation"

3. Orders of Rosalkogol Regulation

  1. Order No. 33N dated 12.05.2010 "On approval of a list of information on marked alcohol products applied to federal special stamps and readable using the technical means of a unified state automated information system for accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, as well as application format specified information "
  2. Order No. 43N dated July 01, 2010 "On approval of a list of information contained in a unified state automated information system for accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products provided by organizations carrying out production and (or) turnover (with the exception of retail) ethyl Alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. "
  3. Order No. 191 of 12.07.2012 "On approval of samples, a list of details and elements of protection of federal special brands"
  4. Order No. 193 dated 08/01/2013 "On approval of the administrative regulations for the Federal Service for Regulating the Alcohol Market of the State Service for the conduct of a unified state automated information system for accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products"
  5. Order No. 149 dated 05.21.2014 "On approval of applications for fixation applications in a single state automated information system for accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products of information about the organization carrying out production and (or) turnover (with the exception of retail) ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products, products, on the volume of production and turnover of products, on documents that are allowed and accompanying production and turnover of products, confirmation of fixation and notifications of refusal to fix these information, as well as the form and procedure for filling in requests for the provision of organizations The information contained in the Unified State Automated Information System of Accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products, and certificates provided by the territorial bodies of the Federal Alcoholic Market Regulatory Service on the basis of these owls "
  6. Order No. 231 of August 23, 2012 "On the procedure for filling in declarations on the volume of production, turnover and (or) use of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, on the use of production capacity"
  7. Order No. 164 of 19.06.2015 "On the form of the magazine accounting for the volume of retail sale of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and the order of its fill."
  8. Order No. 414 of 03.12.2015 "On approval of applications for fixation applications in a unified state automated information system for accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products of information about the organization, carrying out production and (or) turnover (with the exception of retail) ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products, products, on the volume of production and turnover of products, on documents that are allowed and accompanying production and turnover of products, confirmation of fixation and notifications of refusal to fix these information, as well as the form and procedure for filling in requests for the provision of organizations The information contained in the Unified State Automated Information System of Accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products, and certificates provided by the territorial bodies of the Federal Alcoholic Market Regulatory Service on the basis of these owls. "

Responsibility for the lack of connection to the system

For a violation of the procedure for fixing information in the EGAIS and (or) nonconnect to the system, it is possible to attract in administrative responsibility under Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Code and the imposition of a fine:

  • for IP and officials of organizations - from 10,000 rubles to 15 000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles.

History of Yejais ( brief certificate)

The main functional destination of the EGAIS system is to ensure the information and technological support of the tasks recorded in the Federal Law No. 171 of the Federal Law No. 171 of November 22, 1995 "On the state regulation of production and the turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products".

Since 2005, the system has been implemented for mandatory use by enterprises working with wholesale parties of alcohol-containing products.

In 2012, Rosal acceleration declared the need to apply the EGAIS product in the retail trade of alcoholic beverages. The developer of the system was the chief research and development center of the Federal Tax Service.

The retail program for connecting to the EGAIS is necessary for legal alcohol sales on trade facilities. It requires access to the Internet, software and the presence of an electronic digital device on the object. The program is valid on 01/01/2016 (only purchases is reflected).


From January 1, 2016, all business participants engaged in alcohol trade are required to report on the product balance (including catering points) through the Zhisa sales control program

This requires registration in the EGAIS system, which can be performed directly on the Internet. And from 01.07.2016, the retail trade turnover of vodka is also subject to a report. This measure is introduced to eliminate the shadow turnover of alcohol.

In practice, it has already led to additional problems for entrepreneurs. Absolutely all stores must connect to the system to perform the following actions:

  1. Confirm reception (paper and electronic invoice must match);
  2. Proceed for an act of discrepancies (if the actual number of those specified in documents and brought bottles differ);
  3. Submit a report on the number of alcoholic beverages sold;
  4. Write off the goods that are not subject to implementation for various reasons.

Full transition to the EGAIS to certify the fact of the purchase of all points that implement strong alcohol in cities is defined by July 1, 2016, for villages, villages (agricultural settlements) - until July 1, 2017, for Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea - until July 1, 2018 . It is possible to easily implement vodka and similar drinks after this date in a specific region, if you have access to an automated system in the store.

Rules for working with Yegas when selling alcohol retail:

  • Availability of software installed on the object device;
  • A 2D scanner connected to a computer and a cash register;
  • Access to the global network required to exchange information with the regulatory authority;
  • Printing a check with a two-dimensional barcode (QR code).

The latter is necessary so that the buyer can independently verify the authenticity of alcohol, considering encrypted information from a piece of paper. To perform a task on a smartphone, you must synchronize several devices: the retail sales accounting system, connecting to the EGAIS, Internet.

This calculation is only approximate, because additional costs will be required: Trading sellers, consumables for technology and much more.

For the implementation of alcohol bypassing a new order, that is, not through the EGAIS system, from July 1, 2016, large fines will be applied: up to 15,000 rubles - for directors and managers, IP, 150.000-200.000 rubles. - for companies.

Criticism system:

  1. Uniformity. All stores selling alcohol must connect to Frsar, however turnover and the possibilities of points, for example, in large cities and in rural settlements is greatly different.
  2. Access to the Internet. In many regions of Russia, problems with the stability of connecting to the global network, not everywhere there is the possibility of its cheap installation (if the store is away from telephone and cable networks).
  3. Horregious. As the above calculation shows, compliance with the requirements of legislation will cost a round sum.

Who should connect to Egas?

The system is required for sellers of all alcoholic beverages, with the exception of beer beverages, honeycomb, beer, pouare and cider. Any other alcohol products from July 1, 2016 cannot be sold without using the system, which is written above. This tool should be appreciated both legal entities and entrepreneurs, regardless of the number of stores.

As for the catering points, they must record the fact of purchase of alcoholic beverages, but this can be done without additional equipment - only registration in the system and Internet access will be required. Therefore, cafes and restaurants should not experience special difficulties from innovation.

Some programs (for example, a solution from the company "My Warehouse") allow some time (up to 3 days) to carry out sales of alcohol even in the absence of the Internet. As soon as access to the global network appears, the information about the realized bottles will go into the global network.


So, the sellers did not leave the selection: if they do not accept the rules of the game and the transition to high-tech rails to the designated dates will have to go from the market. But already now we can say that it will be far from time to cope with the task. Experts predict no disappearance, and the brown flourishing of the shadow market.

EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System) is a database containing detailed information about all alcohol products manufactured and implemented in the territory of the Russian Federation. Rosal accelerated regulation is responsible for the functioning of this system (Art. 5 of the Federal Law No. 171 of 11/22/1995, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 522 of 25.05.2006) and the Centralform (provision of technical part).

Almost all participants in the turnover of alcohol products should be connected to the EGAIS. The main task of the system is the absolute control from the time of the production of alcohol, the supply of products to the implementation points and the final consumer.

Do I need to connect an egas for selling beer in 2018?

noteThat retail sale of beer, beer beverages, as well as cider, poare and honeycomb, is not fixed in Egas. At the same time, Ltd. and IP engaged in these activities are required to connect to the system to confirm the purchase (fact of receipt) of products for subsequent implementation.

What time ago and who can connect to the EGAIS

Form of doing business Kind of activity What is fixed in Egas The term of joining EGAIS
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in cities, urban settlements (rural settlements and villages) Confirmation of the fact of purchase 01.01.2016
Ltd Confirmation of the fact of sale 01.07.2016
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the provision of catering services Confirmation of the fact of purchase 01.01.2016
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in urban settlements in the Republic of Crimea or city Sevastopol Confirmation of the fact of purchase 01.07.2016
Ltd Confirmation of the fact of sale 01.01.2016
IP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, pouare, honeycomb for subsequent retail sale Confirmation of the fact of purchase 01.01.2016
IP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, Poire, Medovukha for subsequent retail sale in urban settlements of the Republic of Crimea or city Sevastopol Confirmation of the fact of purchase 01.01.2017
IP Purchase of beer (beer drinks), cider, pouare, honeycomb for subsequent retail sale in rural settlements of the Republic of Crimea or city Sevastopol Confirmation of the fact of purchase 01.01.2018
Ltd Retail sale of alcoholic beverages in rural settlements of the Republic of Crimea or city Sevastopol Confirmation of the fact of purchase 01.07.2016
Ltd Confirmation of the fact of sale 01.01.2018

What is needed to connect an egas in retail

To install the egas, retailers of alcohol products will be required as follows:

  • computer (RAM of at least 2 GB, a disk drive of at least 50 GB, a 32-bit processor with a frequency of 2.0 GHz, Windows 7 STARTER and higher, on Java 8 and higher);
  • scanner for reading barcodes PDF417;
  • jacarta crypto key with built-in cryptoproder PKI / GOST;
  • reinforced qualified electronic signature;
  • cash register compatible with jeep;
  • software EGAIS UTM (available for free download in the Personal Account on the Rosalkogol Regulation website);
  • sustainable Internet connection from 256 kbps.

How to connect an egas for retail alcohol

The EGAIS connection procedure can be divided into 3 stages:

1. Write on the Jacarta Crypto key of the electronic signature certificate.

The key is necessary to protect information transmitted to the EGAIS, as well as it is used directly to connect to the system. With the help of a crypto key, the documents are assigned an electronic signature and they acquire legal force.

2. Register in the Personal Account on the site and run the RSA key generation.

The procedure for such:

  • on the website egais.ru, choose the section "Log in to the Personal Account";
  • click "Get acquainted with the conditions and check their execution";
  • after successful verification, click "Go to the Personal Account";
  • we introduce the Jacarta PIN and select "Show Certificates";
  • if everything is successful - your personal account opens, in which the appropriate electronic signature certificate is visible;
  • click on the certificate and choose "Get the key";
  • in the window that opens, the activities will be listed, you must select a specific point of sales for which the key will act.

3. Install a free TEM (universal transport module) and configure (refine) an adapted information system.

To install the UTM, you click on the "transport module" in your personal account and enter the e-mail, which will come to download the module.

Detailed video instructions for installation and start working with EGAIS are available.

How much is it worth connecting to the egas

Approximate estimate estimates for connecting to the system:

noteAt the request of Rosalkogol regulation to work with the EGAIS In each trading point with a separate checkpoint, there should be a separate Jacarta Crypta key with an electronic signature certificate recorded on it. If one address acts several sales points with the same gearbox, the key may be one.

How egas works

In practice, the work of the EGAIS looks like this:

  • the supplier or manufacturer sells the buyer (retail seller) alcohol and draws up the appropriate overheads, the fact of sales is fixed in the EGAIS;
  • the buyer receives false alcohol from the YEGAIS through the Ut. and checks with the number of alcohol products supplied by him, according to the results of the reconciliation, the notification is sent (in the event of no signulations, the buyer has the right to refuse the goods and direct the discrepancy act);
  • the retail seller starts selling the goods, each sale, the cashier scans the barcode located on the bottle (in the code the date and time of production, the name of the manufacturer, license information) are encrypted;
  • if the barcode is read successfully - the goods will be added to the cash receipt, and the installed software will generate an XML file and transmit it to the UTM, which will form a receipt and return it to the cashier;
  • after closing the check, the QR code is printed, it is transmitted to the buyer along with the check (the received code can be scanned and go to the EGAIS website for details on the acquired alcoholic beverage).

Responsibility for nonconnecting to EGAIS

Administrative responsibility

For a violation of the procedure for fixing information in the EGAIS and (or) nonconnect to the system, it is possible to attract in administrative responsibility under Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Code and the imposition of a fine:

  • for IP and officials of organizations - from 10,000 rubles to 15 000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles.

License (cancellation) license

If IP or Ltd. will continue to ignore the need to connect to the EGAIS and compliance with the established requirements for working with the system - this may end up with a license, and therefore the inability to engage in relevant activities. Cancellation of the license, in this case, occurs only on the basis of a court decision.


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