Commercial guild wow. Historical predecessors of joint stock companies. Historical role of the securities market

The spirit of commerce, which sooner or later will take possession of every nation, is what is incompatible with war. Immanuel Kant

Trade Guild Crest


The Trade Guild is the youngest Guild in Numenor, founded by order of King Aldarion about 150 years ago.

The guild was created for two purposes.

First, to effectively manage the resources and industries of the island of Numenor itself, in order to ensure the ability to send expeditions to Middle-earth.

Secondly, in order to establish trade and economic relations with the peoples of Middle-earth, provide them with all kinds of assistance and peacefully lead them to the path of Light.

Over the years, the first task of the Guild was almost completely completed, and now its masters only maintain the established order.

But the achievement of the second goal is in full swing. The Guild's masters and students diligently bind the peoples inhabiting Middle-earth by trade unions, teach them how to resolve matters by peace, not war, and help the Ambassadorial Service to the best of their ability in establishing contacts with the Younger People.


The Trade Guild is a structure dedicated to a very wide range of tasks. This is the establishment of economic relations, and negotiation, and the search for new sources of prosperity for Middle-earth and Numenor, and systematization and analysis of the current situation, and optimization of any production processes.

The Trade Guild teaches broad thinking, a systems approach, and the ability to find points of mutual interest.

Each member of the guild, during his studies, learns both communication skills and the beginnings of logic, analysis, and effective management.

Each member of the guild is absolutely universal - he can, with varying degrees of efficiency, perform any of the tasks facing the Guild.


The Guild is headed by Keeper of the Keys.

Masters are involved in training students and guiding individual guild projects. Guild students learn and, as best they can, try to help the craftsmen in the implementation of projects.

A disciple becomes a full member of the guild when he successfully completes 3 tasks assigned to him by his Master. These are tasks for the ability to negotiate, make the right decisions and think analytically. After that, the student can pass the Test and join the guild.

All questions of the guild are decided by its Head and the Council of Masters. At Guild meetings, students have observer status. All operational decisions, when it is not possible to assemble the Council of Masters, are made by the Head of the Guild.


Permanent head of the Trade Guild, Keeper of the Keys - Farazkhor of the Forrostar clan (Ivan Kuzmin)

Guild Masters

  1. "Master of Numenor" - (Alveron)
  2. "Master of Middle-earth" - (Saruyoshi)
  3. (Thorgrim)
  4. (Chahlik)
  5. (Yarik)
  6. (Manasov M.D.)

MMORPG is a collective game by definition. In addition to temporary unions such as groups for completing quests and passing instances, players unite in permanent communities - guilds. Sooner or later, the question of whether to be nailed to any gang in an MMORPG becomes in front of every player. So is it worth it? For a beginner in the game, definitely - yes. Membership in a guild provides many advantages that can make the game process more enjoyable and comfortable. They can, because if you choose the wrong guild, you will find yourself in the position of a "black sheep" and there will be enough minuses.

Rewards related to the level of the guild and the player's reputation in the guild:

Legacy Armor (for characters level 1-85)
Required reputation level with guild: respect

Non-combat satellites and mounts

Reins of the Golden Lion /Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator
Player reputation level with the guild: exaltation
Guild level 25

Organizational and legal basis development of joint-stock companies was the experience of conducting joint business, which was developed in their centuries-old activities by various types of business associations that existed in many European countries.

The main predecessors of modern joint-stock companies are considered to be:

    medieval milling partnerships in France;

    mining partnerships in Germany;

    maritime partnerships;

    trade guilds and other similar associations.

Each of the medieval forms of association of entrepreneurs and their capitals has put in a common piggy bank a piece of that invaluable experience, on the basis of which, evolving, the modern structure of a joint-stock company appeared.

Historical role of the securities market

If various types of commercial partnerships gave birth to the organizational and legal foundations of the corporate structure, then the securities market proposed a mechanism for exchanging shares and shares for cash and vice versa, thereby creating conditions for the free circulation of private capital while simultaneously using them in the production process itself. The contradiction between production and circulation of capital was resolved thanks to the securities market, since capital was divided into capital, constantly employed in production, and into capital, constantly in the sphere of circulation.

The securities market itself developed from its simplest forms, which were the activities of bill markets, medieval bill fairs, and later - the emergence of professional intermediaries of the securities market and the first exchanges where transactions with goods and bills were made. The market for debt financial instruments and banking services, which had fully developed by that time, prepared the necessary conditions for the functioning of the stock market.

The securities market received its true development only as a stock market, that is, with the emergence of joint-stock companies based on the shares they issue.

Trade Guilds

Merchant guilds are considered to be one of the earliest origins of corporations. They laid the foundation for doing business together. In the merchant guilds, the process begins to work out relationships about the combination of personal labor and capital and how they are managed.

Commercial capital appears earlier than industrial capital, but it is precisely for this reason that the forms of combining commercial capital are the very first.

Trade guilds that emerged in the Middle Ages had various types and forms of organization:

    associations of merchants who had exclusive trade rights in a certain territory;

    associations of merchants to conduct joint business in trade with other states;

    associations of trade guilds (Hansa).

If the former were created mostly to obtain monopoly rights to conduct trade operations in controlled territories, for the latter, the need for unification was dictated by the risks and difficulties that merchants had to face during the long movements of trade caravans. There was no way to cope alone with the dangers that lay in wait for them. Therefore, joint activities were aimed at protecting goods in transit and in places of their storage, pursuing a single pricing policy and establishing uniform rules for trade by members of the guild.

The guilds of traders did not participate in trade deals and did not conduct trade on their own. Their total costs were covered by membership fees contributed by the participants. The foreign trade trade guilds had common property in the form of warehouses or representative offices, but at the same time there was no total capital yet and each of the participants conducted business at his own expense, at his own peril and risk. In some cases, guild members were collectively responsible for the obligations of its individual members. The Trade Guild is an association that in almost all countries had the same management structure, represented by a leader and a council from among the members of the guild, which decided the most important issues, organized general meetings of the members of the guild.

Merchant guilds as merchant associations are not a prototype joint stock companies because they were more a union of merchants than a legally independent organization.

The trading guilds are the basis on which the first colonial companies subsequently emerge, which are already the direct predecessors of joint-stock companies.

Guild "Guardians" opens a set of players.

The guild is focused on the current raids of heroic difficulty in the format of 10 and 25 players.

Raid time:

  • 25ka - Wednesday, Thursday, Monday 20.30 Moscow time - 23.00 (24.00) Moscow time. On the development of a new raid, a mandatory visit IN TIME all 3 days, on the farm 1-2 days.
  • 10ka - for the most skilled players (because 10 is hardcore), in 13-15 ppl, depending on the boss. Time is discussed separately.

Current Guild Progress:

  • PMSh 10 and 25 heroic 6/6
  • SS 10 and 25 heroic 6/6
  • TVV 10 and 25 heroic 4/4
  • PG 25 about 6/12

The task of the guild is to quickly close content, while having a good time. The guild does not strive to become the first on the server at any cost. This is due to the lack of experience of most of the raiders in Pandas. And the fact that people work (some in shift - which is also possible).

We also actively participate in the pvp life of the server. In addition to the standard battlegrounds and arena, evening trips around Moscow time to the Alliance capitals in Pandaria and the Old World. Gatherings in Discord, achiffs and other suffering of WoW.


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  • Knowing your own spec and understanding that there is always a place for improvement.
  • The desire to learn something new and the time for it.
  • Listen to what you are told and react immediately. If you are told to run, or change target, you run, or change target. Immediately. Not after the cast. Not after something else. Straightaway. And don't care what you got. Or passed BL. The dead do not damage / heal.
  • You need to know all the tactics for the nearest bosses in the little things. Better knowledge of tactics - fewer wipes for stupidity. Try to find out as much information as possible.The Pandaria raids are 5 years old. The information is in open source. For example and
  • The ability to speak when you need it - microphone. Raid in Discord.
  • Punctuality. The beginning of the raid means exactly the beginning of the raid, and not the beginning of the gathering. Therefore, please be online and ready to clean the trash in at least 10 minutes. Appreciate others and their time.
  • If you are in a raid every other time and dump after two months, nobody needs you. Yes, there are force majeure situations. Yes, I understand that sometimes you want to take a walk. Some work shifts.
  • Always be ready for substitutions (the composition of a 25 pp raid is 35-40 players).

Useful addons:

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  • DBM / BigWigs - Nobody will announce the main abilities of the bosses. For this, there are add-ons with inscriptions in the middle of the screen, voice acting and timers for boss abilities.
  • Very useful vesch, as they say, for advanced raiders. For example, the environment of the huge number of possibilities of this addon can be seen raid CDs of other raid members (and not only saves).

Loot distribution:

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We have a consul loot. The priority is always the usefulness for the raid, and not any friends / relatives / lovers and other crap that only interferes with progress. I always try to distribute loot as it is best for the progress of the guild, and not for someone else separately. For more progress = more top quality gear for everyone.Priorities for stable players (not necessarily verified for months). For players who survive until the end of the battle, observe tactics and give out hp / dps according to their gear. Also, guidelines for the general situation are statics - healers, tanks, dd: who is clearly not dressed for the nearest bosses / raids.


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  • Srach between guild members. If there are any problems, they can be solved without messing around in personal correspondence or on a separate Discord channel.
  • Bargaining within the guild. If you need craft gear, or whatever, then provide reagents and they will do it for you, if possible.
  • Everything that is not prohibited, oddly enough, is allowed.

And now, after so many horrors, a little positive. We can explain where to farm 20k gold + per week and various reagents of prof. We have a wizard class for all server newbies. Even if you are a professional off - the server has its own nuances.

I understand that players with up-to-date Pandaria heroic experience in the off are an exception. Therefore, there will be help - for those who want to develop themselves.

On Saturdays from 15.00 Moscow time there will be raids with allied guilds in Throne of Thunder of difficulty 25 rev / ger.

We recruit everyone who wants heals and damage dealers, even those who have just come to the server, if you are focused on progress and want to develop, or are already top raiders from the Lich, other Pandas servers or the official WoW server. Dressing and teaching very interested people is not a problem. But no one will babysit and drive you.

Guild is not The educational center... We are already looking for people / orcs with the skills of knowledge of specs / tactics. Or those who are able to study it all on their own in a short time.

Write in the game Vidgri, Murmurrmiau, Kolkraft, Molochko, Hayk, Valnunakh, Smeared.


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