The franchise of the distance learning training center ANO "Specialist" includes. Teaching and Education Franchises Preschool and Primary Education Franchises

This directory contains educational franchises. All offers are divided into subcategories. Choose a suitable direction and study the objects. There is sure to be an educational franchise here that will suit you.

Franchise training center, school or courses: all offers here

Use our handy filters to find the right education franchise. They are located above the objects:

  • Customize financial performance: specify the desired amount of profit and investment
  • Choose the franchises created by "Altera Invest"
  • Find royalty-free or flat-rate offers
  • If you have tangible assets, choose a franchise without equipment or premises

Liked franchises educational services add to Favorites. To quickly compare two objects, use the Compare button. The franchise cards contain the terms of cooperation, financial indicators and reviews of the franchisee. Additional information ask the franchise curator. Its number is under the franchise description.

Educational Franchise: Low-Cost Options

Franchises in the field of education differ in areas of activity, format and volume of investments.

You will find franchises in the online catalog that require minimum investment... They pay off in a couple of months. Take a look at the ballet school and business school offers. This is a low competition business.

Profitable direction - franchise of educational services for children

The biggest the target audience preschool franchises and additional education for kids. Investments in the opening will pay off in 6-12 months. The franchisor will transfer his unique methods and recommendations for starting a business.

Interested in a franchise? Call or leave a request on the site!

Sergey Portyanko

Director of LLC "Ecological conductor"

We live in an age of information overload and lack of time. Hello. My name is Sergei Portyanko, I am the director of Ecological Guide LLC. We ... Read more

We live in an age of information overload and lack of time. Hello. My name is Sergei Portyanko, I am the director of Ecological Guide LLC. We are engaged in the preparation of environmental documentation and environmental support. By the nature of our activity, we were faced with the need to train our clients on environmental safety and waste. In search of a partner, we worked with several training centers, but as a result we opted for ANO "Specialist". Why? Because this organization solves the two posed problems that I have voiced. It is very convenient to study on the platform of ANO "Specialist", everything is structured there. There is only useful information, which is not for show. By receiving information, the leader can make the right decisions about the problems on which he is trained. Of course, these are people, these are ANO employees who help us work with our clients. We get all the information we need. Of course, this is the platform and the Specialist's pricing policy is very pleasantly surprised. Prices have been reduced since the new year, although we have been working since 2018. We highly recommend everyone to work with this organization and consider them leaders in the market. distance learning... thanks

Ekaterina Mironova

Clarity, efficiency, constant control, transparency in relationships and convenient system distance learning - all this is an ANO training center ... Read more

Clarity, efficiency, constant control, transparency in relationships and a convenient distance learning system - all this is the training center of ANO "Specialist". My acquaintance began in 2014. It was then that we tested the distance learning system for our employees for the first time. Today we have built a mutually beneficial, convenient, comfortable mutually beneficial relationship.

Panin V.N.

General manager OJSC ITC "Prometey"

Distance learning is very practical, affordable and effective. There are the necessary resources for training, the ability to communicate with managers. Thank you ... Read completely

Distance learning is very practical, affordable and effective. There are the necessary resources for training, the ability to communicate with managers. Thanks to the organizers distance courses ANO "Specialist" for the provided training opportunity, for detailed training material.

Fateev A.A.

Director of UF LLC AP "Gazprom Avia"

UF LLC AP "Gazprom Avia" expresses its deep gratitude for the prompt work in conducting distance learning under the programs "Providing ... Read more

UF LLC AP "Gazprom Avia" expresses its deep gratitude for the prompt work in conducting distance learning under the programs "Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general economic management systems" and " Professional training persons for the right to work with wastes of I-IV hazard class ". Distance learning is a huge plus. The material in the lectures is very accessible and competently presented. I would also like to note the promptness in sending documents and the attractive cost of training.

Turnover: 900 000 ₽

Pupil-locations: 250

The skills that allowed Alexander and Christina to achieve such indicators:

  1. sales experience in phone calls and face-to-face meetings
  2. communication skills and confidence in making controversial decisions
  3. a thorough approach to quality control of education.

Cheboksary- a city with a low average salary and a population of about 450,000 people.
Franchisee- Dmitry and Maria.

Specificity of the city:

  • relatively poor region, as a result of which quality training is not available to all schoolchildren
  • medium competition in the form of several centers and a large number of tutors
  • lack of centers with high-quality preparation for exams with division of groups into levels

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 1,000,000 ₽

Pupil-locations: 270

The skills that allowed Dmitry and Maria to achieve such indicators:

  1. teaching experience and knowledge of the weaknesses of the education system
  2. attentive and accurate work with potential clients
  3. a thorough approach to quality control of education

Lobnya- a small and quite distant from Moscow city of the Moscow region with a population of 60,000.
Franchisee- Alsou.

Good day!

The decision did not come immediately. At first, I monitored the franchise market as a whole, in parallel being interested in what is happening in the field of education. My specialty is a math teacher, but I never worked at school. At the beginning of her career, she got into sales and developed in this direction. I have experience of working as a sales manager in the Moscow office of a regional IT company, has grown to executive director... Then for 10 years she was a professional mother, at the same time she studied mathematics with her eldest daughter and the children of her acquaintances.

It's time to think about your employment outside the home. There was a clear understanding that I didn't want to be a hired employee and get stuck in Moscow traffic jams. It is only logical that, given my management experience As a sales manager and math tutor, I couldn't get past the continuing education franchises.

Why did I choose Hodograph? The answer is simple: during the first contacts with my current partners, I saw a very simple steps to achieve the goal. The instructions that they gave me before the conclusion of the contract allowed me to analyze the CA market in the city. Already at the second meeting, we spoke in detail. It seemed to me that with such an approach to the regulations, I would not need to think about how to implement the project, and I would spend all my strength on the process itself. Intuition did not disappoint me. We have been cooperating for a year now. And I am still convinced that no matter what question arises, I can always get qualified and prompt help from colleagues. The team is young and very positive. They are always ahead of the curve. I have a clear feeling that I am under reliable wing.

My life has now acquired completely different colors in terms of professional implementation... I myself set the pace, time and place of work.

And I also have a feeling that my team and I are doing a good deed.

Thank you Godograph, I hope together we will become the coolest network in Russia!

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 2,000,000 ₽

Pupil-locations: 320

The skills that allowed Alsou to achieve such indicators:

  1. excellent knowledge of the peculiarities of your city;
  2. optimism and charisma;
  3. talent for public speaking;
  4. understanding of the peculiarities of the psychology of adolescents.

Nizhnevartovsk- a city of 250 thousand people.
Franchisee- Helena.

Good day! My name is Elena, I am from Nizhnevartovsk. I bought the franchise of the Godograph Center in May 2017. I myself have been working as a teacher at the university for 13 years, and before acquiring the franchise, I additionally did tutoring with high school students - preparing for the Unified State Exam and the OGE (mathematics). I received an offer to purchase the "Godograph" franchise by e-mail from the founder of the website for preparation for the Unified State Exam and OGE "Dunno". This proposal attracted me. I began to search the Internet for reviews of this franchise, even in social networks found the head of one of the branches of the center "Godograf" and asked for a real review of the purchase of the franchise. The feedback was positive, they said that the franchise helps a lot, only you have to work very hard. I was ready to work hard.

It was difficult at first - finding a room, performing at parenting meetings, first call, first client, finding instructors (hardest of all). But there was constant support from the Center. A manager was attached to me - a very pleasant and responsive girl, ready to help at any time. A complete package of materials was provided. Immediately after the conclusion of the contract was sent step by step plan work. In September - October, very useful webinars were held, after which you get such a boost of optimism that you are ready to move mountains. If any questions arose, they didn't have to wait long for an answer. The recoupment of all costs for launching the Center and buying a franchise was already in the 5th month of work.

I believe that I made the right choice by purchasing the Godograph Center franchise. I have my own business and work that is enjoyable. I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the Godograf center, Sterlyadkin Andrey, for his useful webinars, as well as to my manager Nadezhda, who is always ready to help, prompt, direct. Next year I want the Center to become the best and largest in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, so that the students go not to tutors, but to the training center. And I think it will be so!

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 350 000 ₽

Pupil-locations: 100

The skills that allowed Elena to achieve such indicators:

  1. serious work experience in the field of education;
  2. hard work and ability to work in multitasking mode;
  3. striving not only to make money, but also to benefit customers.

Tools and workflow:

Elena came to this business from the field of education, so we were confident that everything would be in order with the quality of classes and teachers, our main (and Elena's) tasks were attracting clients and further productive work with them.

When, thanks to her perseverance and curiosity (as well as webinars, franchise materials and manager's support), Elena figured out sales scripts and other nuances of organizational work, the center in Nizhnevartovsk began to grow and develop. Eventually recoupment of the project was achieved for 5 months of work which we consider to be an excellent indicator. Elena has many new global plans for the next year, and we are absolutely sure that they will be implemented and that in the second year the center will become even larger and stronger!

Komsomolsk-on-Amur- a city in the Khabarovsk Territory with a population of 250 thousand.
Franchisee- Irina.

Center results (November 2019):

Turnover: 420 000 ₽

Pupil-locations: 120

The skills that allowed Irina to achieve such indicators:

  1. perseverance, hard work and courage;
  2. teaching experience and understanding of the format of the USE and OGE;
  3. the ability to find an approach to people.

Today, even the most negligent parent knows: the sooner you take up the education of a child, the more intelligent, talented and competitive he will become in the future. This is especially clearly understood by officials, top managers and executives. large companies... They were convinced by their own example how important the development of a child from a young age is and what advantages he can get among classmates, and in the future among comrades, colleagues and competitors in business.

And therefore, even despite the economic instability, a modern and responsible mother is ready to invest in her child not only time and energy, but also money.

Consequently, business in the field of education is a more than promising niche. But it should be understood that given market every year it is getting closer - today parents have a large selection of specialized schools and centers different directions who are ready to tackle the education of their beloved child. If there are large players in the market, you need to seriously think about what kind of business in this area will be highly competitive, profitable and long-term.

We will tell you about 5 niches in the field of children's education, the prospects of which you can see for yourself.

Private or public kindergarten?

Sooner or later, each parent is faced with the question of which kindergarten to send the baby to - public or private. And every year more and more moms and dads make a choice in favor of a private institution. This is not surprising, they know firsthand, in order to get into a budget kindergarten, you need to stand in line almost from the very birth of the child. And the effectiveness of such a pastime for children remains in doubt.

Whether it's a private matter Kindergarten, in which you can be confident for the safety, care and development of your child. Only the above points impose certain responsibilities on the entrepreneur, who needs to take care of everything in advance: select personnel, develop training methods and not forget about food and security. But when correct organization business, the business promises to pay off in full.

There is no need to worry about the profitability and prospects of the niche - the high birth rate growth will not leave you without small clients. Average investment required to open a private kindergarten or center preschool development, - 1 million rubles.

Why are children's sports centers popular?

Modern sports centers are not the kind of public school "hobby groups" we are used to. The conditions and opportunities for children of the 21st century are much better and wider than they were 10 years ago. Since then, the situation has changed a lot, largely thanks to successful private sports centers, which, by the way, also present children's franchises on the market.

What place do these schools occupy in the market?

It should be noted that the “sports” business has settled down comfortably and occupied a vacant niche, taking over a significant part of the audience. Firstly, private schools will teach children to play a ball or run long races from the age of 3, while the “circles” provide classes only for schoolchildren. To this you can say that there are professional children's sports clubs that recruit babies as soon as they have learned to stand confidently on their feet. Yes, such clubs do exist, but only a few get into them - children undergo a strict selection process, as a result of which most of them are eliminated. Yes, and not everyone can afford to pay for classes with a professional trainer with all their might. Therefore, for most children and parents, a private sports school is the ideal option.

As for the direction of activity of such a school, cities with a small population should focus on the mass, most popular sports such as football, volleyball or swimming. It is worth paying attention to children's franchises in this area. And entrepreneurs with a million-plus population can afford to open a rugby or snowboarding school - here you will have the opportunity to find your audience. At the opening sports school it will take an average of 800 thousand rubles.

Make money in foreign languages

If they give to sports as soon as the baby has learned to walk, then teach foreign language- as soon as he said the first word. Experts are confident in early age the child can easily master several languages ​​at the same time.

This indisputable fact is used with pleasure by entrepreneurs, opening linguistic schools for the smallest. There are many of them today, so here it is worth thinking about what would be wiser - to launch the center on your own or to work in partnership with an existing company that will bring you loyal customers.

Minimum start-up capital at the launch of your own school will be at least 600 thousand rubles. If we talk about a children's franchise, taking into account the lump-sum contribution, this amount will be higher.

New trend - speed reading and memory development

Teaching speed reading and memory development is one of the most recent methods of training a child's mental abilities and creativity. Accordingly, there are still few centers specializing in this activity, and with proper business organization, entrepreneurs have great chances to become leaders in this niche.

It is worth saying that not all parents are aware of the existence of such centers yet, so keep in mind that at first you will need to invest in advertising. However, already the first students who have tested the effective methodology on themselves and have received real results will launch word of mouth in your city.

For the operation of such a center, a special teaching method is required, therefore, if you want to enter this niche, it is most reasonable to open a speed reading school for a children's franchise. The franchisor will not only teach you how to do business competently, but will also provide all methodological materials. Opening your own speed reading school will cost 300-400 thousand rubles. The cost of a children's franchise varies from 350 to 900 thousand rubles.

How to teach children to plan?

A distinctive among all the variety of childcare facilities is the craft school. Here, the child will not be taught to read, write or score a goal, but after class he will know how to hold an ax or a needle, hammer in a nail, he will be able to independently make a toy out of wood or sew clothes. In short, the child not only masters the craft, but also learns the taste of work.

Yes, craft schools are not so popular, but the secret of success lies in the right choice location. Such a service will be appropriate and in demand in shopping and entertainment centers. Moreover, not only small children, but also adults like to saw and plan - often the father or mother together with the baby enthusiastically make something.

As you already understood, a craft school may offer, on the one hand, a course of study, and on the other, a one-time visit. The format of the business will completely depend on the wishes of the owner. The investments required to launch a craft school will be at least 600 thousand rubles. There are no well-known children's franchises in this area on the market yet, on the other hand, you have a chance to be the first to create such a network.

As you can see, there are really a lot of business opportunities in education today. Moreover, you can start your own business both independently and through the children's franchise of an already well-known brand. Which path to choose is up to you. One thing is for sure children's education- one of the most reliable and promising niches today.

Demand educational programs growing every year. People understand that the most profitable investment is an investment in knowledge. That is why a knowledge business is a profitable business.

Knowledge as a business area

Buy ready business, namely the franchise training center- a wise decision. There are a lot of educational courses now and it is sometimes very difficult to cope with the competition at the opening stage. By purchasing a ready-made brand, you get a package of services that will undoubtedly help you to emerge in difficult competitive conditions. The profitability of such a business is quite high - more than 30%, it will pay off quickly, on average from 6 months to a year. The monthly turnover of the center is from 100 to 1 million rubles.

How to start an activity in this area?

To get started, purchase a training franchise. Explore the catalog and find an educational destination that interests you and which is less in demand in your area. Read all the conditions and discuss the nuances with the seller personally. Calculate your financial capabilities.

Now the most important thing is main factor the success of your business are educators. Your success will be based on them. You will attract students with interesting innovations in education, programs, courses, and so on. Typically, these unique developments the fanchiser already has it and he will definitely give them to you. But you will have to hire a team, and here you need to approach the matter with special care. On average, you will need 3 to 6 teachers. You can pay for labor on a piece-rate basis, so you can save a little.

Ask the seller if it is possible to rent premises on the basis of existing ones educational institutions, for example colleges, universities and so on. Most often, the cost of renting classes there is lower than in detached premises.

Franchising educational and development centers for children

Children's educational and development centers are very popular now among parents. It is not always possible to attach your child to a kindergarten, and in order to keep up with their peers, children are taken to classes in such centers. This is another plus for you to purchase an education franchise. Parents have heard well-known brands of developmental schools and they trust these names. Therefore, choose what you can afford and be sure that your investment will pay off very soon.


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