Presentation for the lesson of literary reading "The Tale of Lost Time". Presentation on the topic "Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz. "The Tale of Lost Time"" Learning new material

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Getting to know the title of the section. Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time" (1 lesson) Grade 4 Prepared a presentation by the teacher primary school Shepel Oksana Vladimirovna St. Petersburg

Speech warm-up Riddles Without legs and without wings, it flies fast, You can’t catch up with it. (Time) We walk at night, we walk during the day, But we're not going anywhere. We beat regularly every hour, And you, friends, do not beat us. (Clock)


Decipher the full name of the author of the fairy tale 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 a b c d e 4 f h i j k l 3 m n o pr s 2 t u v x t h 1 w y y y y 6 , 5; 3, 5; 4, 5; 6, 5; 2.3; 3.4; 4.4 6.4;3, 1; 3.5; 3.3; 3.5; 3.4; 6, 2 1.1; 3.5; 1.5; 5.3; 5, 2 1.3; 1.5; 4, 4; 5, 4; 3.3; 4.3

Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz (1896 - 1958)

EVGENIY LVOVICH SCHWARTZ Born on October 9 (21), 1896 in Kazan in the family of a doctor. Schwartz's childhood passed in Maikop.

Lev Borisovich Schwartz - the father of the writer, a zemstvo doctor, sang beautifully, played the violin.

Maria Fedorovna Shelkova is the mother of the writer. Both father and mother adored the theater and participated in amateur performances themselves.

In 1914, Eugene entered the law faculty of the Moscow People's University, but after studying there for two years, he resolutely abandoned the profession of a lawyer, devoting his life to theatrical art and literature. In the spring of 1917 he was drafted into the army.

In 1921 he came to Petrograd as part of the Rostov theater troupe. For some time he worked as a secretary for Korney Chukovsky, and in 1923 he began to publish his feuilletons. Since 1924, Schwartz lived in Leningrad, worked at the State Publishing House under the direction of S. Ya. Marshak. He actively participated in the creation of popular children's magazines "Hedgehog" and "CHIZH".

He himself loved the wise fairy tales of H. Andersen and believed that a lot can be learned from a fairy tale.

"The Tale of Lost Time" - "a play for the puppet theater" in 3 acts - 1940. 1964 - The Tale of Lost Time - 1978 film adaptation. "The Tale of Lost Time" - cartoon.

Look at the star!

Vocabulary work Broad (beard) - wide and thick Kerosene lamp - (a kerosene stove with a wick - a lamp that illuminates with kerosene).

Dictionary work Hodiki - a small wall clock of a simplified device with weights). Floors, floors - the lower part of the clothes that open in front, for example, the floors of a jacket.

1. Although it is the longest, it is also the shortest in our world. 2. It flows quickly and slowly. 3. Without it, not a single thing happens in the world. 4. Time is our treasure, which we do not value and waste. 5. By saving time, we can become real creators, as we will have time to develop our personality. To understand what "The Tale of Lost Time" is about, let's find out what Schwartz wanted to say about this very time:

The writer wanted to tell us that people learn from their mistakes, sometimes the price for them is prohibitive. Therefore, it is worth considering your actions and doing useful, necessary things, without being scattered over trifles. It is extremely important to properly manage our time, otherwise we will never have time to do anything.

The result of the lesson - What section did you start studying? With the work of which writer did we get acquainted in the lesson? - What work have you read?

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Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz

“A fairy tale is the most ancient, most eternal, most secret meeting place of the human soul with the human. word."

Born in Kazan in the family of Lev Borisovich Schwartz and Maria Fedorovna Shelkova. Father studied at the Faculty of Medicine of Kazan University as a surgeon), mother graduated from obstetric courses


In the late 1910s, Eugene studied at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, but after studying there for two years, he resolutely abandoned the profession of a lawyer, devoting his life to theatrical art and literature.


In the spring of 1917 he was drafted into the army. In April 1917 he was in a reserve battalion in Tsaritsyn, from where he was to be transferred to a military school in Moscow.

He participated in Kornilov's "Ice Campaign", where, during the capture of Yekaterinodar, he received a concussion, the consequences of which, with a tremor of his hands, he suffered for the rest of his life.

After the army, he entered the university in Rostov-on-Don, where he began working in the Theater Workshop.

In 1921 he came to Petrograd as part of the Rostov theater troupe.

For some time, Schwartz worked as a secretary for Korney Chukovsky, and in 1923 he began to publish his feuilletons.

The world of fairy tales by E. Schwartz is unusual and diverse. We open his book and meet your peers: schoolchildren are looking for lost time that they once thoughtlessly spent.

In the fairy tales of E. Schwartz, we see Little Red Riding Hood, the Snow Queen, Cinderella. Known and unknown characters in unfamiliar fairy tales.

E. Schwartz mixes up time, includes new heroes in famous fairy tales, invents new scenes, and his characters seem to have come out of reality. Many fairy tales by E. Schwartz have been filmed.

The heroes of his fairy tales teach us. In the fairy tale by E. Schwartz "Cinderella", a new hero is remembered - a page boy, and the king turns to us and says: "No connections will make the leg small, the soul - big, and the heart - fair."

Fairy tales by E. Schwartz are needed by both adults and children. In his last fairy tale, "An Ordinary Miracle," the following words are heard: "A fairy tale is told not in order to hide, but in order to reveal, to say with all its might, at the top of its voice what you think."



“Thoughts can be nurtured. They can be made smarter. And from smart thoughts there will be smart right actions.

The presentation was prepared by Demyanova Olga Grigoryevna

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time"

Provide a deep understanding of the meaning of the text, awareness of the consequences of lost time, your experience, your inner world. To teach to be a man by influencing the imagination and feelings with p...

Presentation "The Tale of Lost Time" by E. Schwartz

The presentation contains illustrations for the fairy tale, which will help to better imagine the events taking place in it. (To the lesson "L ...

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Presentation on the topic "Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz. "The Tale of Lost Time" tells about the work of a Russian writer. A fairy tale about schoolchildren who did not want to do their homework, household chores on time and generally believed that they still had as much time as they wanted. And that's why one day they turned from children into old men and old women.

  1. ads fairytale heroes
  2. Puzzles
  3. Cause time - fun hour
  4. Kinigi E.L. Schwartz
  5. vocabulary work


    pptx (powerpoint)

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    Krugovykh L.V.






    • For the teacher to teach

slide 1

Krugovykh Lyubov Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, first qualification category Mou-Lopushskaya secondary school named after the writer N.M. Gribachev.

slide 2

Lesson topic: Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz. "Tale of Lost Time"

Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz.

"Tale of Lost Time"

slide 3

Announcements of fairy tale characters

  • I sell leeches. The price is negotiable.
  • Veterinary services with departure to any part of the world.
  • I'll take quitrent from everyone, even the devils.
  • security agency for permanent job 33 well-built employees are required.
  • slide 4


    no legs and
    without wings,
    flies fast,
    Don't overtake him.

    We walk at night, we walk during the day
    But we're not going anywhere.
    We strike regularly every hour,
    And you, friends, do not beat us.

    slide 5

    Cause time - fun hour

  • slide 6

    Books by E.L. Schwartz

  • Slide 7

    Slide 8

    Slide 9

  • Slide 10

    Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz. "Tale of Lost Time"

  • slide 11

    vocabulary work

    • bushy beard
    • Kerosene lamp
    • hodiki
    • Floor׳, po׳ly
  • View all slides


    Related reading lesson: “E.L. Schwartz. "Tale of Lost Time". Grade 4, EMC "School of Russia"

    Developed by: Krugovykh Lyubov Vladimirovna,primary school teacherMOU-Lopushskaya secondary schoolthem. N.M. Gribacheva,I sq. category

    Subject: E.L. Schwartz. "Tale of Lost Time"

    Target: acquaintance with the work of E.L. Schwartz.


    1. to acquaint students with the life and work of E.L. Schwartz;
    2. study the content of "Tales of Lost Time";
    3. develop the skill of fluent expressive reading;
    4. to teach children to take care of their time and the time of others, to value time;
    5. develop students' thinking, broaden their horizons.

    During the classes.

    Organizational moment.

    Checking homework.

    - Which of the fairy-tale characters could give such announcements?

    3 SLIDE.

    • I sell leeches. The price is negotiable. (Duremar)
    • Veterinary services with departure to any part of the world. (Aibolit)
    • I'll take quitrent from everyone, even the devils. (Balda)
    • The security agency is looking for 33 well-built employees for a permanent job. (Chernomor)

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

    We have finished the topic "Literary Tales" and are moving on to a new one. Which one then? You try to guess yourself.

    4 SLIDE.

    Read the riddles and guess them.

    It has no legs and no wings,
    flies fast,
    Don't overtake him. (Time)

    We walk at night, we walk during the day
    But we're not going anywhere.
    We strike regularly every hour,
    And you, friends, do not beat us. (Clock)

    Think and tell me how the guessing words can be interconnected?

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    5 SLIDE.

    Business time - fun hour.

    How do you understand the meaning of the proverb, which is the title of the new section?
    -What should be the work in this section? How do you think?
    -And today we will get acquainted with the life and work of E.L. Schwartz and read his “Tale of Lost Time”.

    Learning new material.

    but)Acquaintance with the life and work of Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz.

    Portrait of E.L. Schwartz with dates of life on the board.

    Evgeny Schwartz grew up in the small southern town of Maykop. His father, a zemstvo doctor, sang beautifully and played the violin. “It’s as if he came down from the pages of a Chekhov’s story,” Yevgeny’s friends said about him. To match the husband was the wife. Eugene's parents adored the theater and participated in amateur performances themselves.

    Much attention in the family was given to the upbringing of children. Mother read aloud to them a lot. First, of course, fairy tales. And Zhenya was terribly afraid that everything would end badly. If, for example, he refused to eat, his mother began to tell him a fairy tale in which all the characters found themselves in a hopeless situation. “Eat up! - his mother told him, - otherwise everyone will drown. And the boy ate.

    In Maikop at that time there were many intellectuals, there was a wonderful theater and a library. Here, young Schwartz made friends who remained his friends for life. Here he firmly decided to become a "novelist". So little Zhenya answered his mother’s question “who do you want to be?”, Forgetting the word “writer”.

    In 1913 he left for Moscow to study. Eugene enters the law faculty of the Shanyavsky People's University. But legal sciences interest him much less than Moscow theaters. A year later, he transferred to the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. But soon he gives up jurisprudence, which is of little interest to him, and enters the Rostov Theater Workshop. (Eugene ended up in Rostov during the civil war.) He works in the workshop and the Student Theater of Small Forms, in the theater - as an entertainer. In between numbers, he performed lively, funny scenes that he wrote himself. And soon a small workshop with its unusual repertoire attracted the attention of the press, and in the fall of 1921 the theater was called to Petrograd and transformed into the Literary Theater, but here it did not last long: there were few spectators. And the authorities did not encourage the repertoire. The theater collapsed, and its actors dispersed in all directions. Yevgeny Schwartz spent his entire subsequent life in Petrograd-Leningrad. At first he played in small Petrograd theaters, then he entered the secretaries of K. I. Chukovsky. But, having ceased to be an actor, he did not immediately become a writer. As he himself admitted later, "approached ... to literature on tiptoe ...".

    In the literary environment, he was known as an "oral writer" - an excellent storyteller, the author of humorous poems "for the occasion", a brilliant improviser. Schwartz's friends had no doubt that he would become a writer. But he did not dare and did not dare to write something for publication. And only in the summer of 1923, while in the Donbass (his parents now lived there, and Evgeny came to them for the summer), he published a number of feuilletons in the All-Russian Kochegarka newspaper (under pseudonyms, most often Shchur).

    6-9 SLIDES.

    Yevgeny Lvovich himself considered the “Story of the Old Balalaika” to be the beginning of his creative path, which was published in 1924 in the July issue of the children's almanac “Sparrow” after returning from the Donbass.

    In 1925, "The Story of the Old Balalaika" was published as a separate edition. Since then, small children's books by E. Schwartz have “went” one after another - in verse and prose: “The War of Petrushka and Styopka-Rash”, “Camp”, “Balls”, etc. (Schwartz prints works for children under his last name) . Poems and stories by Yevgeny Schwartz are readily published by all children's magazines and almanacs of Leningrad: "Sparrow" (since 1925 - "New Robinson"), "Soviet guys", "October" and, of course, "Hedgehog" ("monthly magazine" ) and "Chizh" ("an extremely interesting magazine"), in these two magazines he not only publishes, but also collaborates. And in 1929, the Leningrad Theater for Young Spectators staged the first play by E. Schwartz "Underwood".

    But Yevgeny Schwartz is known not only as a children's writer, but also as a playwright and screenwriter (Cinderella, Don Quixote, The Snow Queen, etc.). Despite the fact that Schwartz loved and understood children, as few adults do, and never abandoned children's literature, he also wrote "adult" plays. Many of them are based on ready-made plots, for example, he very often used the fairy tales of H. H. Andersen for plays that became very famous.

    Many years have passed since Yevgeny Schwartz passed away, times have changed, people have changed, and Schwartz's plays do not leave the stage. And not only in Russia.

    10 SLIDE.

    Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz. "Tale of Lost Time"

    b) Acquaintance with a fairy tale.

    11 SLIDE.

    Vocabulary work.

    • bushy beard (wide and thick)
    • Kerosene lamp (a lamp that illuminates with kerosene)
    • hodiki (a small wall clock of a simplified device with weights)
    • Floor׳, po׳ly (lower part of a front-opening garment, such as the hems of a jacket)

    Reading a fairy tale by a teacher and trained students.

    What do you think can happen to a person who spends his time senselessly, mediocrely, who simply loses it?

    And here is what happened to the children, primary school students, from The Tale of Lost Time by Evgeny Schwartz.

    A conversation on primary perception.

    What feelings did the behavior of the guys arouse in you?

    Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

    Tell me, what section did you start studying?
    What writer's work did you get acquainted with at the lesson?
    -What work of E.L. Schwartz was read at the lesson?
    -What did the lesson teach you?
    -What made you think?

    Summary of a reading lesson in grade 4

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    Slides captions:

    "Once upon a time there was a storyteller" ABOUT THE LIFE AND WORK OF YEVGENY SCHWARTZ.

    Dear children, the clock warned us about the beginning of the lesson. At each lesson, we feel that the most precious thing for the student and the teacher is ... that's right, time! Let's not waste a minute. Today we will get acquainted with the work of E. Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time”. And we will devote our lesson to the writer and his unusually interesting and instructive essay.

    So, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, or rather, in the city of Kazan, a long time ago, in 1896, a child was born. And no one guessed that it was on this day, October 21, that the storyteller was born - a magician who lived among people under the name Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz. Even during his lifetime, the storyteller was called one of the best playwrights of the century, and after his death, his name became a symbol of childhood, kindness and love. So, our fairy tale - the true story of the good Wizard continues. Zhenya's father is Lev Borisovich, one of the old zemstvo doctors. He was a gifted person: he sang beautifully, played the violin well, performed in the theater. Zhenya's mother, Maria Fedorovna, was also an excellent actress. It is no coincidence that love for the theater lived in the heart of the boy. But a fairy tale quickly affects, but things are not done quickly. Parents and young Schwartz

    If there is a person who thinks that he is not familiar with the work of Yevgeny Lvovich Schwartz, it is not worth any work to convince him. It is enough just to say the magic words: "Snip-snap-snurre, purre-bazelurre!", and he will exclaim: "Yes, this is Andersen's Snow Queen!" That's how it is, but not quite ... The fact is that in the fairy tale of the great Dane there are no "purre-baselurre", just as there is no image of the storyteller pronouncing these words in The Snow Queen. There is no gloomy Advisor there with the second catchphrase that he "a) will take revenge, b) will soon take revenge and c) will take terrible revenge."

    Let's continue to delve further into your subconscious ... "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning", "What a fabulous disgusting!" ... Do not rush to attribute these idioms Charles Perrault, in HIS "Cinderella" this is not in sight. The thing is that, remembering both "Cinderella" and "The Snow Queen", you first of all remember not books, but "the most important of the arts" - cinema. But few people remember that both wonderful films were shot exactly according to the scripts of Yevgeny Schwartz, who significantly transformed, or rather, enriched the classic plots. "The Tale of Lost Time" about juvenile slobs who turned into old people. This is no longer a "remake", but the most that neither is Schwartz's own work. Like the "Ordinary Miracle" and "Kill the Dragon", which, thanks to the director Mark Zakharov, are known to almost everyone.

    How strange that Yevgeny Schwartz lived in the 20th century. It seemed that he could be friends with Andersen or the Brothers Grimm. And he chose for himself a time when they were especially afraid of fairy tales. In the mid-20s, it was believed that fairy tales make it difficult for a child to comprehend a new world. Therefore, all children's literature was under suspicion. And creating your own fairy-tale world was almost madness.

    “It is not bound by credibility, but there is more truth,” - this is how Schwartz himself explained his commitment to the fairy tale genre. Talking about wizards, princesses, talking cats, Schwartz expressed his thoughts about justice, happiness, love, good and evil. “Fancy colors burn, And, no matter how wise the head, You still believe the fairy tale, The fairy tale is always right”

    "Light soul" "I lived my life wrong, Evasively, barely breathing, And now - shamefully youthful My crafty soul. Peers turned to stone, And how not to turn to stone, when There is no living place on the body, There is no hope for rest. And I'm still in pain I run away, Yes, I lie to myself that I am in paradise. I keep playing the pipe, Yes, I sing songs quietly. I will reproach and not heed. Everything is so. But I know for sure: Not without reason You were sent to earth, my light soul. (E. Schwartz)

    “There are things in the world that are made only for children: squeakers, skipping ropes, horses ... Other things are made only for adults: tanks, bombs, spirits and cigarettes. However, it is difficult to determine for whom the sun, the sea, blooming lilacs, berries, fruits exist ..? Probably for everyone! ... So it is with dramaturgy. Fairy tales and plays by Yevgeny Schwartz ... have the same fate as flowers, sea surf and other gifts of nature: everyone loves them, regardless of age, ”wrote director Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov about the works of Yevgeny Schwartz. And this is an ordinary miracle. Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov - director of the Comedy Theater, who opened "adult fairy tales" by Schwartz.

    The earthly life of the storyteller ended on January 15, 1958. But the story of his life continues. His stories are watched by both children and adults. They are still relevant. And at the same time truly human. In my opinion, the pun was a success ... What do you think? "God's command" Yevgeny Schwartz fulfilled.

    One day, in broad daylight, four wizards appeared on the street of a small town. Evil old men have long wanted to regain their former strength and youth. But for this they need to find people who are wasting their time. Luck smiled at them in the face of four careless schoolchildren. Children and old people changed places for a while. And what started here! Schoolchildren were forced to hide from everyone for a while in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the city, because they could not appear to their parents as hunched, bearded old men! Wizards, meanwhile, had fun at school in the guise of their victims. And only on a certain day and hour did time turn back again ...

    The main idea of ​​the fairy tale: “... you remember: a person who wastes time in vain does not notice how he is getting old.” What other advice does the writer give? – “... sometimes it’s better to spend a little time in order to save it later”

    Choose those character traits that help you achieve your goal: WARM-UP FOR THE CURIOSIS - purposefulness - independence - suggestibility - perseverance - perseverance - discipline - courage - willpower - distraction - indecision - determination - stubbornness - restraint - lack of restraint - cowardice - lack of will Purposefulness Willpower Discipline

    don't rush - don't wait for a quick result - believe in success - believe that everything can be learned - support friends in difficult times - don't give up - don't quit what you started WARM-UP FOR THE CURRIOUS Mark the 5 most important actions aimed at achieving your goal: - be persistent - do not give in to failure or difficulties - do not lose heart - do not be shy to ask for help - be decisive - do not get upset at failure, mistake

    Choose the proverbs suitable for the fairy tale: - Every day has its own care. - Hurry up and make people laugh. - On desire - there is patience. - Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds. - The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do. - Without business to live - only to smoke the sky. - Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils. - It's good to walk after work. - Work time, leisure hour. WARM-UP FOR THE CURIOUS

    Remember folk proverbs and sayings about time. - Time does not wait. - Everything has its time. - You can't turn back time ... - Business - time, fun - an hour. WARM-UP FOR THE CURIOUS

    If you agree with the statements, put 1, if you do not agree, put 0 1. Children wasting time in vain turned into old people. 2. Evil wizards counted the time on the calculator. 3. The house of wizards was lit by a kerosene lamp. 4. A person who wastes time in vain does not notice how he is aging. 5. When the arrows began to spin, the wizards could no longer interfere with the children. Answers: 1 0 1 1 1. WARM-UP FOR THE CURIOUS


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