Beautiful nautical knots. Sea Knot "Eight. If there are four intersection points, it

Bowline ... (photo:

People unfamiliar with nautical terminology might think that the name "gazebo knot" comes from the verb "to converse" or from the noun "gazebo". In the nautical language, the name of this node comes from the "gazebo", but not from the usual, but from the sea gazebo, which is a small wooden board - a platform that serves to lift a person onto the mast or lower it overboard during painting or other works. This board with the help of cables is attached to the lifting cable with a special knot, which is called the arbor knot. Its second name is bowline. It comes from the English term "bowline", which means a tackle that pulls the windward side leech of the lower sail. This tackle is tied to the luff of the sail with a bowline knot, or simply a bowline.

This is one of the oldest and most amazing knots ever invented by man. Archaeologists testify that the gazebo knot was known to the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians as early as 3000 BC. The arbor knot, despite its amazing compactness, contains at the same time elements of a simple knot, a half-bayonet, weaving and straight knots. Elements of all these nodes in a certain combination give the gazebo node the right to be called universal. It is surprisingly easy to knit, even with a strong pull it never tightens "tightly", does not spoil the cable, never slides along the cable, does not untie itself and is easily untied when needed. The main purpose of the arbor unit is to tie a person with a rope under the armpits as a means of belay when climbing to a height, lowering overboard or in a smoky room during a fire on board. A gazebo can be inserted into the non-tightening loop of this knot.

The easiest way to knit. Always in life. the ability to quickly tie a bow tie around your waist can come in handy. You need to be able to do this with one hand with one continuous movement of the hand, in the dark, in 2 - 3 seconds. This is not at all difficult to learn.

Take the root end of the cable in your left hand, and with your right, draw the running end around your waist behind you. Take the running end in the right hand and, stepping back from its end about 10 centimeters, squeeze it in a fist. Take the root end in the left hand and extend the left hand forward. Now, having the root end of the cable slightly stretched, with the right hand with the running end clamped in it, go around the root end of the cable from top to bottom towards you and up from yourself. Try to make such a movement with the brush so that it does not completely fall into the loop. Next, wrap the running end around the stretched root end to the left, intercept it with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand. While pulling the right hand out of the loop, at the same time push the running end into the small loop. Holding the running end with your right hand, use the tape to pull the root end. After doing this several times in a row, you will learn how to tie a bow tie on yourself, in the dark or with your eyes closed. Imagine the following situation: you find yourself behind, by the side of a ship in the water, an end was thrown to you from the deck, along which you cannot climb up, because it is slippery. By tying a bow knot around your waist and moving the resulting loop in your armpit, you can ensure that you are safely hauled out of the water onto the deck. This magnificent knot has saved the lives of sailors more than once. To untie the bow knot, it is enough to slightly move the loop of the running end along the weakened root part of the cable.


Works the same as a simple bowline. It is used in cases when it is necessary to tie two loops at one end at once. For example, lifting a wounded person. Then the legs of the victim are threaded through the loops, and a half-bayonet is knitted with the root end around the chest under the armpits. then the person will not fall out anywhere, even if he is unconscious.

Eight knot.

"Eight" ... (photo:

This knot is considered classic. It forms the basis of one and a half dozen other, more complex nodes for various purposes. In the form in which it is shown here, this knot in the maritime business serves as an excellent stopper at the end of the cable so that the latter does not break out of the pulley of the block. In contrast to a simple knot, it does not spoil the cable even with strong traction and it can always be easily untied. To tie the figure eight, you need to wrap the running end of the cable around the root one and then pass it into the resulting loop, but not immediately, as in a simple knot, but first putting it behind yourself. This knot can be used for the rope handles of a wooden bucket or tub if the rope goes through the two holes on the protruding ends of the wooden rivets. In this case, having passed the rope through both holes, the rivets are tied at the ends from the outer sides in figure eight. Two eights can be used to securely attach the rope to the sled. To keep your hand from sliding off the end of the dog's leash, we recommend tying a figure eight. In addition, it serves well for attaching strings to the tuning pegs of violins, mandolin guitars, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

The figure eight knot is knitted very simply and can be done in a moment with one hand.

  1. Perform the first kalishka.
  2. Then pass the running end under the root.
  3. Pass it through the first pin and tighten the knot.

Dagger knot. Knot for tying two cables or ropes.

It is considered one of the best knots for tying two large diameter cables. It is not very complex in its design and is very compact when tightened. It is most convenient to tie it if you first lay the running end of the cable in the form of a figure 8 on top of the root one. After that, thread the extended running end of the second cable into the loops, pass it under the middle intersection of the figure eight and bring it over the second intersection of the first cable. Next, the running end of the second cable must be passed under the root end of the first cable and inserted into the loop of the figure eight, as indicated by the arrow. When the knot is tightened, the two running ends of both cables stick out in opposite directions. The dagger knot is easy to untie if you loosen one of the outer loops.


Archaeological finds indicate that it was used by the Egyptians about three thousand years before our era. The ancient Greeks and Romans called him Nodus Hercules - the Herculean or Herculean knot, because the mythical hero Hercules tied the skin of the lion he had killed on his chest with it. The Romans used the straight knot to suture wounds and heal bone fractures. It consists of two semi-knots, sequentially tied one on top of the other in different directions. This is the usual easiest way to knit it. Sailors who have used this knot since ancient times to tie ropes use a different knitting method. Weavers who use a straight knot to tie broken threads of yarn knot it in their own way, in a special way convenient for them.

Under heavy loads on the tied cables, as well as when the cables get wet, the straight knot is tightly tightened. How is a straight (reef) knot untied, which is tightened so that it cannot be untied and will have to be cut. A straight knot, even when it is wet and tight, can be untied very easily, in 1 - 2 seconds.

Take ends A and B in your left hand, and ends C and D in your right hand. Pull them firmly in different directions and tighten the knot as tight as possible. After that, take the root end A in your left hand (so that it does not slip out of the hand, make a couple of stitches around the palm). Take the running end B in your right hand (you can also wind it around your palm.). Pull the ends sharply and strongly in different directions. Without letting go of end A from your left hand, with your right fist the rest of the knot, holding it with your thumb and forefinger. Pull root end A to the left - the knot is untied. The whole secret lies in the fact that when the ends A and B are jerked in different directions, the straight knot turns into two half-bayonets and completely loses all its properties. It also comes loose easily if you take the root end G in your right hand and pull the running end B firmly to the left. Only in this case, the end of G must then be pulled to the right, and the rest of the knot (half-bayonet) - to the left. Untie a straight knot in this way, remember that if you pulled the running end to the right, pull the root to the left and vice versa. When undoing a straight knot, one should not forget that with what force it was tightened, with the same force it is necessary to pull at one of its running ends.

Fishing bayonet, anchor knot.

A very reliable node.
One of the most critical applications of a knot in maritime business is tying an anchor rope to an anchor. For five thousand years of the existence of shipping, people for this purpose could not come up with a more reliable node than this one. Proven by centuries of experience in maritime practice, this knot is recognized by sailors of all countries as the most reliable for attaching a rope to the eye or to the anchor bracket. A fishing bayonet (or anchor knot) is somewhat similar to a simple bayonet with a hose. It differs from it in that the first of the two half-bayonets passes additionally inside a hose that wraps around the object. When using this knot for an anchor, it is always necessary to grab the running end with a grapple to the root end. In this case, even with a very strong pull, the fishing bayonet does not tighten and holds securely. It is fashionable to safely use it in all cases when working with cables, when they are subject to strong traction.

This knot is also called the scaffold or "hanging" knot. But despite this, it finds other uses in the maritime business. It is used when temporarily attaching a rope to objects floating in the water or when throwing and fastening a rope for any object on the shore. This knot has an advantage even over such a good knot as a noose with half-bayonets, in that the running end of the cable cannot slip out of the loop, and therefore the tightening noose is considered more reliable. On the sailboats, this knot was used to fasten the root ends of the marsa-sheets and marsa-git and other gear in cases where it was necessary to have these ends ready for recoil. To tie this knot, the cable is laid in the form of two loops of the same size. Both loops are surrounded several times with the running end of the cable, after which this end is passed into the loop facing the root of the cable, and, pulling out the extreme loop, is clamped in it. The tightening noose can always be easily untied by pulling on the root part of the cable. This grim knot can be used well in nautical affairs in two ways. Firstly, according to the scheme of its knitting, it is convenient to store the cable in the form of a compact coil. By making this knot without the loop at the running end of the drop end, you will get excellent weight. If it does not seem heavy enough to you, dip it in water before use.

It has long been considered one of the most reliable knots for tying cables of different thicknesses. They even tied anchor hemp ropes and mooring lines. Having eight weaves, a flat knot never tightens too much, does not creep or spoil the cable, since it does not have sharp bends, and the load on the cables is evenly distributed throughout the knot. After removing the load on the cable, this knot can be easily untied. The principle of a flat knot lies in its shape: it is really flat, and this makes it possible to choose the cables connected by it to the drums of the spiers and windlass, on the welsh of which its shape does not disturb the even imposition of subsequent slings.

In marine practice, there are two options for knitting this knot: a loose knot with tacking of its free running ends to the main ends or half-bayonets at their ends and without such a tack when the knot is tightened. A flat knot tied in the first way (in this form it is called a Josephine knot) on two cables of different thicknesses almost does not change its shape even with a very large thrust and is easily untied when the load is removed. The second method of knitting is used for tying cables thinner than anchor ropes and mooring lines, and the same or almost the same thickness. At the same time, it is recommended to first tighten the knotted flat knot by hand, so that it does not twist with a sharp pull. After that, when a load is given to the tied cable, the knot crawls and twists for some time, but, stopping, holds firmly. It is untied without much effort by sliding the loops around the root ends. As already mentioned, a flat knot has eight cable crossings and, it would seem that it can be tied in different ways, there are 256 different options for tying it. But practice shows that not every knot from this number, tied according to the principle of a flat knot (alternating intersection of opposite ends with under and above), will hold reliably. Ninety percent of them are unreliable, and some are even dangerous for tying cables designed for strong traction. Its principle depends on changing the sequence of intersection of the tied cables in a flat knot, and it is enough to slightly change this order, as the knot receives other negative qualities. Before applying this knot in practice for any responsible business, you must first remember its scheme exactly and tie the cables along it without any, even the most insignificant deviations. Only in this case the flat knot will serve you faithfully and will not let you down.

The art of knotting is actually useful not only for those who regularly sail on ships. It will be useful for any tourist to have in his arsenal a couple of such techniques, and at least for a more solid installation of a camping tent and fitting a rain awning to it. And how interesting this process is in itself! For those who wish to learn how to tie sea knots, schemes and methods are given in this article.

in our life

Knitting knots is one of the first things that humanity has learned in the course of its evolution. They fastened tools of labor, made the first snares and traps for hunting, as well as locks.

The very first ropes were strips of tree bark, vines, animal skins. They fastened the first clothes and the first bed. Gradually, people mastered weaving and were able to make ropes on their own, making them stronger and longer. Yes, and it was thanks to them that its main symbol, the flag, first ascended over the state.

Rope is a faithful companion of a person in travel, both sea and air. Using a rope without knotting is hard to imagine. These words have long been associated with each other. It was the sailors who became the first to start knitting sea knots, the schemes of which can be found in the textbooks on rigging.

Sea knots: history and knitting pattern

They are an integral part of human culture, it is difficult to imagine our world without them. New knots continue to be invented today, and each of them receives authorship, as an invention, and a patent.

Their genius lies in simplicity. They can be locking, quick-release, tightening and non-tightening. This art has been passed down from generation to generation. Thanks to the ropes, the first devices for floating on water appeared - rafts. The knot also has a mystical meaning - it is not just a method of fastening, but a talisman that protects its owner from harm.

The sailors of Northern Europe had a belief about three magic knots - correctly tied to the ship's gear, they kept them from wreck. There was even an untie ritual that was supposed to summon the wind.

In the heyday of seafaring, there were about 500 knots. Their names originate from the gear to which they were applied - for example, welding or boat. Today, knots are also identified with the country where it was invented - the Spanish bow knot or the Flemish loop.

The working ends of the cable, with which the knitting is carried out, are called running ends. They circle around the roots, which remain motionless. These ends are opposite to each other.

To this day, you can find ethnic groups that have not been touched by the benefits of civilization, and they still make weapons and snares for hunting and fishing using knotting.

Rope knots: their types and methods of knitting

You will need a rope that is not very thick and soft enough. Just like knitting, training is needed here. You won't remember much the first time, so each new node must be worked out several times. And of course, they need to be used in everyday life, otherwise they will quickly be erased from memory.

Yes, each of them has its own name. But do not focus too much on them, it is better to memorize the sequence of combinations. There are not many established names, and more often they depend on the source.

The simplest knot is knitted like this: at one end of the rope, a loop is made into which the running end is threaded. All. Its disadvantage is a decrease in the strength of the rope. An experienced angler or navigator will always cut or replace randomly tied simple knots.

You can start practicing knitting skills with a figure eight. It does not reduce strength and is easily untied. The practical value is to limit the movement of the rope. The figure eight is an element of other more complex nodes.

If you need to connect two ropes, tie a straight (or reef) knot. To increase the reliability and strength at the running ends, you need to make eights. When knitting, two ropes are crossed twice in succession. One of the free ends folds in half to form a bow. If the number of running revolutions is made more, it will turn out to be knitted on stretched cables.

Extra nakida and turnovers can not only ruin everything, but also make a completely different one from one node. Therefore, when knitting, pay close attention to the directions of the turn.


Straight or reef is included in 24 major maritime nodes. Why are they called that? It is believed that they are most commonly used in navigation, and it was with them that everything began. In this classification, the straight and reef knots are two knots, although the principle of their mating is absolutely the same. Eight and surgical (or double straight) also belong here.

In cases where it is necessary to tie the ends of two ropes, knit a flat knot or bayonet. Its distinctive feature is symmetry. Knitting technology: one of the ends is folded in a loop, the other end is wrapped around in the same way, the ends are pulled together, stretched through. They must be intertwined one through the other.

One of the most commonly used in rigging is the weld knot. The running end is brought into the loop with the same loop. Tighten it around an object, otherwise it will not tighten.

Separately, such units of the "bayonet" type are distinguished. This is a straight line, with two hoses, with an overhang and a fishing one. The first is used for high quality mooring. The technology of its knitting has already been described above. Here everything is the same, only the rope is first wrapped around the pier. To reduce the wear of the cable, a bayonet with two hoses was invented. In this case, the rope is wrapped twice around the shaft. The bayonet has an additional loop. This is done for even greater reliability. Fisherman differs from the knot with two hoops in that the additional loop is knitted, and not just thrown over. It is he who is used for the anchor.

In order to firmly tie the cable on something, another rope or rope, they knit the running end, which is carried around the object, carried over the root end. The second hose is knitted in the opposite direction.

There are also assemblies called a retractable bayonet, buoypinny knot, double arbor and simple arbor, noose, masthead, double eight, locking, towing and boat. There is also called It does not tighten at all and is used to secure the lines. Outwardly, it looks like an intricate weaving.

The most famous

The main quality of marine knots is reliability, as well as simplicity and the ability to do it with only one hand. Simplicity seems out of place here, but in fact, intricate nautical knots are knitted really quickly and easily thanks to a well-proven technology.

The 15 popular nautical knots include the already familiar figure eight, straight and flat, a double-headed bayonet, a fishing bayonet, locking and reef knots, as well as a stranglehold, a tightening noose, a Portuguese bowline, an improved dagger knot, a Flemish loop and a Flemish knot.

Why exactly are they included in this classification? They are widely used not only in maritime business, now they are irreplaceable, for example, for climbers. Imagine that you urgently need to throw a lasso with a secure knot on a rock or quickly wrap a rope around your waist with one hand so that you can be pulled out of a place that is difficult for other people to reach.

Enough theory

Now you know what exactly sea knots are. Drawings, knitting patterns of some of them, namely those that may be applicable in everyday life, are indicated below.

Use a regular clothesline and chair for training. First, just do the simplest. To do this, you need to throw the rope over the crossbar and carry one end through the resulting loop.

And here is how the Flemish knot is knitted, one of the simplest and most popular. It will be useful for you to securely fasten two ropes together.

At the end of one rope, make a loose figure eight, and now take the running end and carry it, as if overlapping, over the root. Now you need to stretch it through the leftmost ring. If you are interested in how other sea knots fit, you can find schemes of two more in this article.

We knit a double arbor knot

This skill can be very useful to you in life, because it is used to create reliable support for the leg, when building hanging gazebos or scaffolding, and it is also useful for creating an emergency lifting mechanism. The picture shows, the scheme is painted below.

Make an open loop in the middle of the rope. Now you need to fold it closed and thread the end of the first through it. Circle the extended loop around the entire knot to the very root ends. Tighten.

Let's try to tie a Portuguese bowline

If suddenly a difficult situation occurs in your life when you have to lift a wounded person, this knot can be very useful. Its purpose is to create two loops in which you can put your feet. The root end is then knitted with a half-bayonet under the armpits, so that the fastening is as reliable as possible for a person who is unconscious.

Make two circular loops on both sides.

Pass lead ends around them. Make a simple knot and pull it to the side. Remember that it does not tighten too much. Drag the center loop through the body of the knot.

So you learned how to knit some sea knots. It is impossible to reflect all diagrams and figures within the framework of one article, therefore, those who are very interested are advised to study specialized reviews or textbooks.

Knowing how to knot is very important in many areas of activity. In particular, travelers and climbers cannot do without knowledge of this skill. But in everyday life this skill can come to your aid more than once. To learn how to tie sea knots, you need only a little patience and a bit of perseverance.

How to tie a sea knot?

Today there are many different options for sea knots (about five hundred). In this article, we will show you how to tie a simple sea figure eight knot. Use a rope made from natural materials, it should be soft enough and not very thick. This instruction uses a thick rope with a key at the end for clarity. Always keep an eye on the end of this double rope when tying. Having memorized the sequence of actions, you can quickly learn how to tie this sea knot.

So let's get started!

1. First of all, connect the rope in half.

2. Then take the double end, make a circle and fold it under the longest piece of rope.

3 ... Now take the two ends of the rope on the opposite side and fold them under the double end.

5. Slide them into the hole in the first bend and tighten the knot.

Our knot is ready! Practice tying the sea knot "figure eight" several more times, without instructions, until you memorize all the actions.

Do you know how to tie a sea knot? Or ordinary nodules? When there is a string at hand, the hands themselves reach to tie the knot.

The oldest knots started to be tied in Finland. It was a very long time ago, when people still dressed in animal skins and lived in caves. Instead of ropes, they used flexible branches of plants or thin vines.

Over time, having learned to tie knots of different shapes, people came up with the knotted letter. Of course, such letters were very short. And not everyone could understand them, because they were sacred letters.

Knots began to be used in witchcraft rites. For example, the ancient Greeks had a "Herculean knot". It was tied with a special spell and worn around the neck for good luck.

Gordian knot. Legend

There are many fairy tales and legends about the knots. One of the legends says that King Gordius ruled in the Greek city of Phrygia. He ordered in the temple of Zeus to hang one very clever knot. The oracle of the temple predicted that the one who can untie the knot of King Gordius will rule the world! Many daredevils came to the temple and tried to unravel the puzzle, but no one succeeded. And then one day Alexander the Great came to the temple of Zeus. He was interested in looking at the famous riddle. Since his character was impatient, with a decisive blow of the battle sword, Alexander cut the Gordian knot! Of course, he did not become the ruler of the whole world, but he managed to conquer and conquer a lot of countries and peoples. Since then, the expression “to cut the Gordian knot” has meant solving a very difficult riddle.

But Alexander the Great was also an excellent sailor. All sorts of clever knots began to be used in the maritime business.


Sailors have perfected knotting techniques, making sure that all knotted quickly and easily, but held firmly and securely. On a ship during a sea swing and a storm - this is very important, the life of the whole team depends on it. This is how the name "sea knot" was born.

Sailors have come up with knots that tighten and become stronger the more load falls on them.

Some nodes even got their own name, which speaks of node assignment:

And these are only the most interesting ones! In truth, there are over 250 knots!

The sailors liked the word “knot” so much that they began to measure the speed of the ship at sea, the speed of the wind and the distance to the nearest land in knots.

How to tie a figure eight

Let's try to tie a real sea knot together! We will tie the figure eight. This is one of the simplest and strongest knots.

You will need a medium length string (ask your dad) and a lot of attention and patience.

Now do everything according to the instructions:

  1. Place the end of the rope so that a loop forms.
  2. Now put the rope under the main end, wrap it around.
  3. To complete the knot, pass the end of the rope through the loop.

Every day, each of us is faced with such a concept as a knot. The process of tying a man's tie or a woman's scarf, sports laces is associated with this word. In everyday life, in nature, in the country, as well as during hunting and fishing, this concept is simply irreplaceable.

There are many types and forms of how to tie a knot, for example in nature, connecting logs or when strengthening a tent. All types of nodes have their own names and their practical purpose.

The technique of knitting special knots, which received the name - sea knots, became important in the formation of the navy. In those days, the navy needed strong for work, as well as not difficult to manufacture units, where bulky and unnecessary parts and elements were completely excluded.


A distinctive feature of sea knots is knitting and rope pulling techniques, as a result of which the rope tension increases, which gives reliability to the knot fastening.

At rest, or rather with a weakened position of the cable, the clamp of the hinges of the marine knot is released. With this approach, the knot can be easily untied.

We can safely say that the most ingenious and durable knots were invented by sailors. They often resorted to using ropes, so at the time of the heyday of the sailing fleet, about 500 types of knots could be counted.

Each knot name was derived from the name of the gear where they were used. This is clearly seen in examples - boat, barrel, Turkish knot, as well as a number of other options.

Each knot includes several components, namely the root and running ends, if they are present, a knot, a loop (open or closed), an overhang or a hose is knitted.

The overhang is a turnover of a specific object with the exception of crossing the ends. The hose is characterized as a full girth of the object, including crossing of opposite ends.

Scope and types

Marine knots are widely used in various fields of activity. They are indispensable for tying boats and light anchors, for lifting cargo, for fastening cables, for harnesses and gazebos, as well as for lowering various objects from a height, for fastening several poles when building a hut or a wigwam.

The specified method of fastening is in demand when traveling, during construction activities, fishing, hiking and in the navy.

As practice shows, the following types of sea knots are often used for fishing:

"Flemish loop"

With it, the wobbler is attached to the ring on the front of the scapula and the leash of the board.

"Blind, double loop"

This type of knot is intended for fixing the wobbler on a mono line.


The knot helps secure the carabiners and swivel.

"Fishing loop"

Formed for a leash when needed to connect to the main line. Common name "loop to loop"

To fasten the hooks, the following types of knitting are used:


Its strength is 92%. Suitable for hooks with rings.

"Loop loop"

Durability over 90%. Suitable for spatula hooks.


Durability over 90%.

Marine knots used as a line connector:


It is a loop with which the wobbler is tied and attached.

"Double fishing"

It is used as a connection of lines of different diameters.

Marine knots used for rigging:

"Double blind loop"

Marine knots (locking):


The assembly is designed for a sliding float.

Rope knots:


Designed to tie a non-tightening noose. The main application is anchor rope.


Applied when the vessel stops at the berth

Variety of sea knots


Used to fasten and connect cables of equal diameter. When sufficiently strong loads on the connected cables are involved, this type of knot is able to tighten tightly. To prevent such contraction, a wooden plank is used.


It is necessary when attaching the lining of ship covers, as well as when connecting the running ends of the cables.


Used on the ends of gearto prevent them from falling out of blocks.

Flat knot

Used when connecting cables different diameters.

Simple bayonet

The knot is required to secure the mooring lines to the berths.

Used in situations where cables need to be tiedwhere one of them contains a thimble.


This type of fastening is widely used when you need to feed the necessary tools, buckets and various items on the mast, overboard, at the time of the necessary work.

This method is used to secure the safety cableclasping the belt of a person who is performing work on the mast or overboard.

How to increase your fish catch?

For 7 years of active fishing hobby I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator... This pheromone supplement attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the "Hungry fish" bite activator.
  2. Enhancement the sensitivity of the tackle. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific tackle type.
  3. Bait based pheromones.

How to knit correctly?

  1. To properly tie a specific knot, you must first study the main types of common sea knots.
  2. Become familiar with basic concepts such as running end and root end.
  3. Study the scheme for tying a specific knot.
  4. Constant training. Inexperienced people who rarely tie knots often forget the technique of its implementation, so only in practice can you learn how to form a knot.
  5. Knitting is individual because the same knot can be tied in a variety of ways.

To make a knot correctly, you need to know it and be able to knit it quickly - two main rules. It does not matter in what way a particular node was formed, the most important thing is the result.

Consider the step-by-step knitting of a stopper knot used when fishing with a sliding float:

  1. We choose a thread, the length of which should be at least 25 cm.It is not recommended to use fishing line for fishing, an ordinary thick thread is best suited.
  2. Fold the thread in half and place it next to the fishing line. The distance should not be equal. It is imperative that the length of one side should not exceed 5 cm.
  3. Then we wrap the longest end of the thread around the fishing line and the small end.
  4. We make up to 5 turns, and then we thread the long end into the resulting loop.
  5. .Smoothly, without a sharp stop, tighten the thread and get a knot. It is recommended to wet the knot before final tightening. Then tighten well. Advice: when creating such a node, you cannot use fishing line. This will damage the second line.
  6. Once you've finished tightening the knot, remove the excess thread, leaving a few cm of excess on each side.

Marine knots are of great practical importance. With their help, it is possible to perform various actions aimed at strengthening structures, it becomes possible to connect and connect several elements, to ensure and guarantee reliability and safety when carrying out various types of work.


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