Preparation for the show of short-haired hamsters. Short-haired hamster show preparation Hamster show

Preparing for the show of short-haired hamsters

Short-haired hamsters are selected for the show according to the following parameters:

absence of birth defects and diseases;

good physique;

correct head shape;

round eyes;

correct position of the ears;

short and shiny coat.

Having chosen an animal suitable for the exhibition, you need to carefully look if it has incorrectly colored individual hairs: if there are many of them, then we can say with confidence that the hamster will not pass the preliminary selection and will be excluded from participation in the main show.

Both long-haired and short-haired hamsters must be trained to sit quietly on a smooth surface for several minutes.

It is best to wash your pet with a special shampoo in warm water. The owner needs to thoroughly rinse the fur of the animal, and then, after gently blotting it with a soft cloth, dry it with a hair dryer. Immediately before the exhibition, you can treat the hamster's fur with special cosmetics for animals sold in pet stores. This treatment will add extra shine to your hamster's coat.

About a week before the show, you can start trimming - removing dead hairs.

This procedure must be carried out very carefully: grabbing the animal's hair between the thumb and the surface of the fine comb, you must carefully guide the comb in the direction from the head to the back of the hamster's body. After finishing trimming, the animal must be bathed.

On the day of the show, be sure to check the claws of the animal and, if necessary, trim them. We must not forget about the show cage, which must be brought into proper form before the hamster is planted in it.

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09/11/2016, 11:00

Demonstrating their pets at shows and exhibitions is the prerogative not only of owners of cats and dogs. Exhibitions are no less popular among the owners of these adorable rodents. What do judges evaluate at such exhibitions? What does it take for your pet to take a prize? As with all animals, it's all about standards.

Exhibition standards were formed many years ago as a result of painstaking work of experts. They describe the appearance and behavior of an "ideal" animal. The first clubs in Europe and the USA were founded in the middle of the last century, at the same time work on the standards began. The standards describe the fur, color and character of the animals. After breeding a new breed, animals are studied for several years, and only then the development of standards begins. Most of the exhibitions are held in accordance with the British Hamster Association standards.

So what do the judges pay attention to? To understand this, you need to familiarize yourself with the breed standards. For example, standards are divided into 6 categories:

Type (25 points) Is the physique of a hamster. The body of the animal should be wide and dense, there should be a soft line from nose to tail. It is important that the hamster has a proportionate physique; the head should be wide and short, with a rounded muzzle.

Fur (20 points) - the fur of the animal should be soft and thick. In short-haired breeds, the fur should be even over the entire surface of the body. In long-haired hamsters, the sex of the animal is taken into account: males have longer fur than females. In any case, the fur should be clean, free from dirt and tangles.

Size (10 points) - when it comes to the size of a hamster, the principle "the more the better" always works. The length of the animal is taken into account, not its weight. Therefore, the ideal rodent will be large, but not thick, dense, with large bones. Female Syrian hamsters are usually larger than males, so judges take into account the sex of the animal.

Hamster condition (10 points) - This category evaluates the general health of the animal, its care, as well as the temperament of the hamster. If the hamster's fur is dirty and dull, the weight is not correct, or the animal has traces of any trauma, the glasses are removed. In addition, points are deducted if the hamster bites, shows aggression and does not allow himself to be pulled. Usually, judges take into account the animal's stress from the unfamiliar environment and make several careful attempts to grab the hamster. The standards state: "the hamster must be in good physical shape, vigorous and tame, given in the hands." Apart from this, there are no official criteria for temperament.

Eyes and ears (5 points) - the hamster's ears should be rounded, without folds and creases. The eyes should be large and stand out on the face.

Color (30 points) - there are more than 40 standardized colors and their variations for different breeds of hamsters. Each variety of color and pattern has a separate, very detailed description. The judge evaluates the compliance of the hamster's color with the standard and awards a certain number of points.

A small instruction on the participation of hamsters in the exhibition

1. You need to sign up for the exhibition.

You can find out about the place and time of the exhibition by looking for an advertisement in magazines and newspapers or by looking at the schedule of exhibitions (for example, on our website). There will also be the organizers' phones, by calling them you can get the necessary information. To fill out the application, you need to know the type, age, color, type of coat and pattern of the hamster, if you cannot figure out the color - it is possible to register for the "color determination" at the exhibition by the expert himself. Payment for participation - as a rule, this amount includes space at the exhibition and expertise.

2. Get a veterinary reference.

There will be a veterinarian at the exhibition - and he needs to present a veterinary certificate for your little animal. A certificate can be obtained from your local veterinary clinic. I recommend that you call there in advance and find out the conditions for obtaining a certificate. Everywhere you need to show the hamster to the doctor, in some places they require you to pass tests - they must be taken in a week.

If you have any problems getting help, please contact the organizers. Sometimes a veterinary examination can be passed directly at the exhibition, and there you have paid for it. You also need to find out about this from the organizers.

3. Get together and prepare the hamster.

So, why are points taken off at exhibitions? The first is that you cannot fix it yourself. These are the length of the nose, the size and set of the ears and eyes, the curvature of the tail and other deviations from the standard. And second, what you can fix and improve.


  • Excessive fullness or exhaustion: i.e. the hamster should not be very, very thick, but bones should not stick out in all directions; feed him right;
  • Sheared hair: if you have a long-haired hamster, then by summer (and not by summer either) you may want to cut it - to make the home more comfortable; if you are grooming your hamster - forget about exhibitions until it grows over - the longer the hair of the d / w homa, the better;
  • Bald patches, bald patches, wounds: you can expose such a hamster, but they will be fined decently, try to cure it before the exhibition;
  • I do not recommend dyeing a hamster if it seemed to you that he had a “wrong spot” with a white speck - for this it will be removed from the examination.

But there are little tricks before and during the show.

If the color of your hamster contains yellow and brown colors (and these are almost all colors) - give him a piece of carrot two or three days before the show. This will brighten the color.

On the evening before the show - give the hamster a lot of different food, necessarily - fruits and vegetables. Because at the exhibition, only a piece of wet food can be placed in the cage. And if you put something very, very tasty that the hamster has not seen for a long time ... The result is cheeks stuffed with food, which does not give an expert the opportunity to assess the width of the hamster's shoulders, the outline of the body.

What else do you need to bring with you to the exhibition?

For the hamster: cage or show box, cage filler, toothbrush, talcum powder, some food (fruits or vegetables), hamster papers (if any).

For the owner: comfortable clothes - you have to spend the whole day at the exhibition; food - again, all day at the exhibition, something to do besides looking around - a book, for example; and .. willingness to answer many different questions that visitors to the exhibition will surely ask you.

Learn more about outfitting your hamster.

Cell... You can take the cage in which the homa lives in your home. But keep in mind that it is large, bulky - it is difficult to transport it. You can purchase a carrier that is convenient for the exhibition. The basic requirements - ideally, if the carrier is made of plastic - the filler does not spill out, does not blow on the hamster, do not poke a finger into it. An exhibition cage should have a convenient door - it is better if the roof is removed completely, sometimes it is difficult for the owner himself to get the resisting hamster out of the small door. The size of the cage is so that the hamster is comfortable to spend all day in it.

Do you have a long-haired homa? The following tips are for you. Instead of sawdust, put wood filler or soft paper in the cage - the sawdust will get entangled in the homina's fur, it is difficult to comb them out, and you need to bring a clean hamster for examination.

Toothbrush... Even if the hamster is clean, it must be combed before the examination. This is done with a clean toothbrush.

Most interesting: if your hamster has a sticky oily coat (often behind and between the ears) - use talcum powder! Lightly brush and fluff up the stuck together area. Be sure to comb out the talcum powder completely - its grains can also serve as a reason for a fine (although it is quite difficult to notice talcum powder on wool).

4. Exhibition.

So, you recorded the hamster, received the veterinary certificate, got together, prepared the hamster.

On day X, you need to drive up to the exhibition site early in the morning and register. The sooner you arrive, the better. For example, if you were told “the check-in time is from 9 to 10 in the morning” - feel free to go to 9. The first reason - you can accidentally stay at home (find out that you forgot something important), you can not get on any bus and wait half an hour for the next one .. In general, this will help you not to be late. The second reason - at about 10 am there will be a queue for registration and veterinary inspection, sometimes - a long queue. The third reason is that the earlier you arrive, the greater the choice of where you can sit.

Veterinary inspection is often carried out at exhibitions - even if you have a certificate. All animals must be shown at the veterinary inspection. After veterinary inspection - for registration. No pets are required upon registration. You will be asked for a receipt for payment of participation, and you will be given numbers for each animal and catalog. After registration, your main task will be to hang the numbers of the animals. Those. each cage must have the number of the animal sitting in it, the numbers can be found in the catalog (if you have a lot of animals). These numbers will call you for examination.

5. Expertise.

Follow the announced numbers. If you hear that your turn is coming, prepare the homa (comb, for example). Bring your hamster to an expert yourself - but there are different ways. The expert may require a hamster in a carrier, from where he will get it on his own, or perhaps he will have to carry it in his hands - in this case it is convenient to have a "bowl" so as not to wrinkle the animal that has just been combed. You can stand next to the expert - on the other side of the table, without blocking the light, and most importantly - in silence. Those. if you were asked a question - answer, commenting on the same actions is prohibited. Let me give you an example: an expert dictates to an assistant a fine for thinness - and immediately the owner's comment "But she just gave birth" or "But he was sick recently." All this is of absolutely no interest to the expert. the condition of the hamster on the day of the show is evaluated, and not what it is in principle.

If the animal is not in a show condition - either do not show it, or suffer fines.

Listen to an expert, he can make a bunch of interesting and useful comments. Please note that some "penalty" points can be corrected for the next exhibition.

After the examination, you are free again, this time until the award ceremony. You can take part in contests, get prizes for them - in addition to prizes for winning.

I have been resting after it for a week! I did it for two months, and now I opened it.
Thanks to those who came to the opening in the distant distances of Gorki-8! Love you!

And for those who have not been there, an exhibition with delivery.

Meet my main assistants, Natashechka and Nadechka. With Nadya, we mastered this entire exposition - 108 pictures! And then we decorated 3 trees with angels and balls!

Some are fortunate enough to have a hamster in their audio guides.

The one who arrived before everyone else also took part in the design and hanging! And he managed to buy all the best!
Guys, thanks! And your fragrant bouquet lived with me for 8 days!

Elegant ladies and gentlemen arrived with bouquets.

Music was playing.

And there were dances

And gourmet treats

The people were having fun! A ridiculous exhibition! :-)

The people were arriving. All their own.

I met everyone.

And she kissed.

And again

Conducted a study - from what part the girls eat hamsters, and from what part the boys.

The music never stopped.

Kolya is happy with the familiar notes.

Impossibly slim from her gingerbreads, Natasha provided us with a treat in the form of edible hamsters.

Angels on Christmas trees and around.

I don't know when and where my next exhibition will open :-) But I love meeting you so much. Let's do it more often!

I propose to meet next Sunday at the Anderson cafe on Chekhovskaya (Passionate 4) from 11-12 o'clock. Someone wanted to meet on business, about buying calendars and postcards, I can give a ride to a few angels. Anyone who wants to meet, please check in this post.

P.S: Marina with tulips, where did you disappear so quickly?


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