Overview of edgebanding machines. Secrets of using PVC edgebands at the edgebanding stage Care and maintenance of the edgebanding machine

Everyone knows a fact that often occurs during edgebanding - this is the melting of the PVC edge, especially for edges up to 1 mm thick.

There is the problem of wavy formation on the 2 mm thick edges after scraping, edge delamination from the part, 0.4 mm roughness of the edges, whiteness of the edges and many more problems.

It is necessary to understand what the reason is in each specific case deeper than to blame everything on the quality of the edges.

So, first you should consider edgebanding process, namely, the reasons for the appearance of defects at this stage are detailed, we are talking about the use of exclusively PVC edges.

The process consists of several stages:



    Overhang milling



Bonding PVC edges.

Regardless of the type of machine, edge gluing is performed using glue - hot melt.

The likelihood of marriage at this stage is very high. In order to avoid problems, you must:

    Make the most suitable settings by trial and experiment

    Select a suitable hot melt adhesive, taking into account the type of machine and operating temperature

    Take into account the parameters of laminated chipboard (moisture, looseness)

The edge melts when glued.

If you also use a feed speed of 2 - 5 m / min, you should apply a more heat-resistant edge, and it should be borne in mind that the allowable temperatures stated by edge suppliers are reduced if the glue is applied directly to the tape, and not to the part. We recommend changing the working temperature of the glue pot.

After gluing the edges of 0.4 mm, the surface tuberosity appears:

A very common problem that is also not always related to the quality of the edges. As a rule, it consists in the wrong selection of glue - hot melt.

The fact is that the density of chipboard strongly affects the gluing process, and depending on this parameter, you need to choose the right glue - melt. Bumpiness on the surface appears at a low density of particle board with the simultaneous use of unfilled melts.

The problem can be corrected by applying the filled adhesive at an increased consumption. In this case, not only tuberosity will disappear, but also the strength of the gluing of surfaces will increase.

When gluing, an uneven surface is formed due to the indentation of the chipboard structure:

This problem can be easily solved. Just slide out the extra pinch rollers.

Too noticeable seam between the edge and the end face of the part.

When gluing PVC edges with a thickness of 1 mm, 1.8 mm, 2 mm or more, it is recommended to use unfilled melt glue, then the seam will be as thin and almost invisible, in addition, it is necessary to carefully select the tone of the glue to visually merge the glue seam of the edge and chipboard.

The edge is melted on curved parts.

This problem is also worth looking at in terms of the type of equipment used and the type of adhesive.

So, for example, for manual machines, when the part moves around a stationary adhesive unit, it is recommended to use melts with a wide temperature range.

For equipment with automatic feeding, when the workpiece moves around the glue unit at a constant speed of 10 - 30 m / min, adhesives with a small temperature range can be used. The use of polyurethane adhesives is recommended when the adhesive is manually moved around the product and the adhesive is applied directly to the edging tape.

Overhang milling, scraping.

After removing the overhangs, a wavy end remains on the edge.

This problem occurs when the tool (cutter knives) are dull or the rotation speed is insufficient for uniform removal.

Increase the rotational speed of the cutter and decrease the feed rate of the edge. The same can happen when scraping: a "wave" on the edge is formed if the scraper (knife) is not sharp enough.

Chips have formed at the edges of the edge.

Chips on the PVC edge after milling do not indicate that the edge material is very hard or that the chalk content is very high.

They may indicate that the rotational speed of the cutter is not set correctly and the knives need to be adjusted or sharpened. Perhaps the problem is both at the same time.


In order for the edge of the edge to be well polished, to remove all the remnants of chips, glue, etc., we recommend polishing along the radius with a cloth polishing wheel, applying a separating liquid to the surface of the chipboard.


Based on the above, we recommend that you do not immediately write off a bad edgebanding when changing a supplier.

In order to make sure that the edge is not suitable, you need to check its use in several modes / machines, check if the temperature, feed rate are set correctly, take into account the composition of the glue and much more.

Of course, the quality of the edges primarily affects the wrapping process, based on many years of experience in the supply of edgebands, we recommend that you base your choice of materials not only on cost, but also on other characteristics.

So, in order not to spoil the product / part at the edge banding stage, it is necessary:

    Choose a reliable partner for edgebanding supplies

    Pay attention to how long the importer is on the market

    How many suppliers / factories does the importer have (to avoid quality differences from batch to batch).

We offer to solve your problems at the edge banding stage.

You will be able, without reconfiguring the equipment, to use the "LUX" edge, save without loss in quality, using the "STANDARD" PVC edge. ().

We are happy to solve all arising problems, and in case of a color change in the warehouse program / in production, we accept the return in full.

We will be glad to become for you not just a supplier of edging materials, but a reliable partner who seeks to help develop your business.

Nowadays, in the Russian furniture industry there are almost no people left who do not know what the unit for preliminary milling of the edges of parts (pre-jointing) is and where it is located in the edge banding machine. However, few people still understand what its application gives to the consumer. Perhaps that is why we again and again hear wishes to make an offer for a machine without pre-jointing. And among those who have already bought a machine with this device, there are those who simply turn off the pre-cutters. Therefore, I consider it necessary to once again talk about what primer is and what it gives.

What is pre-jointing?

The unit for pre-milling the edges of the parts before they are veneered is often referred to for short as the unit for pre-jointing or simply “jointing”. The origin of the German word is Fügeaggregat. The task of this operation is to remove a layer of material from the edge of the part to form a straight and even surface on which the edging material is glued.

To avoid damage to the already lined perpendicular edges (Fig. 1), it is equipped with two milling cutters rotating in opposite directions. The milling cutter starts machining with counter rotation, "pressing" the material at the beginning of the workpiece. At the exit, a passing cutter works, preventing the edge material from tearing off at the end of the part.

The design of the planing cutters takes into account the fact that the slabs to be processed have veneered faces. In order to avoid chipping, the cutting forces must be directed towards the inside of the part. This is ensured by the location of the cutters at a slight angle to the vertical. Moreover, the inclination of the upper and lower incisors has a different direction - the pattern of the cutting elements resembles the letter V.

To ensure maximum tool life, diamond cutters are usually used. Although it should be remembered that when processing natural wood (joinery, door panels, etc.), heads with special steel cutters should be used - a diamond is not suitable in this case.

Pre-jointing and / or high-quality cutting?

Many furniture makers believe that it performs only one function - to correct defects in cutting panel materials. From this, some conclude that it is enough to improve the quality of cutting and the need for jointing will disappear. But this is far from the case.

On the one hand, pre-milling can not eliminate all the problems associated with cutting, and it is necessary to improve the quality of sawing in any case. On the other hand, pre-jointing allows you to solve a much wider range of tasks. But first things first.

Defects arising during sawing include: chips on the faces, the so-called "step" from the scoring saw, the non-perpendicularity of the sides of the workpiece, the non-perpendicularity of the edge relative to the face, the non-straightness of the edges (due to the "banana cut" or internal stresses in the material).

Pre-milling copes with the "step" from the scoring saw, chips, with a slight slope of the edge to the face. But the rest of the problems are more complicated. Pre-jointing cannot correct the absence of a right angle between adjacent edges. A part with convex arcuate edges cannot be correctly aligned along a guide fence, and therefore processed with high quality. With concave edges, correct locating is only possible if their length is less than the length of the guide fence.

By the way, even with the highest quality cutting, the "step" from the scoring saw still remains. It may be minimal, barely perceptible, but it cannot be completely eliminated. This, in fact, is the essence of using a scoring saw - the width of its cut must necessarily be greater than the cut of the main saw. And this means that after facing the edges, the glue seam on the lower face (where the trimming left a mark) will be more noticeable. And only priming can eliminate this difference.

Problems arise not only after cutting

Chips and minor damage to the boards can occur not only during cutting, but also during storage, moving parts between operations, stacking and loading into the machine. "Loose" slabs with a thin fragile facing are especially easily damaged. Namely, 90% of Russian furniture factories work with this material. Only preliminary milling can guarantee that the line of joint between the face and the edging material is perfect.

Even during a slight pause between cutting and edge banding operations, dust accumulates on the workpieces, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of adhesion of the edging material. In addition, dust from parts gets onto the glue roller and contributes to the formation of carbon deposits. Pre-milling the parts allows you to "clean" the edges a couple of seconds before applying glue to them, which solves this problem.

It is simply impossible to imagine the production of furniture today without an edgebanding machine. The need to purchase it arises sooner or later for everyone who seeks to improve the quality of products, focusing on business development. The most popular are edgebanding machines of the continuous type, which are chosen by buyers not only on the basis of technical characteristics, but also on the reliability of the machine. It is simply impossible to disagree with the fact that any machine can serve faithfully, provided it is properly maintained.

Any advice given in an adequate manner will always be appreciated, so let's try to lay out the basics of proper machine maintenance.

  • The first thing to always pay close attention to is the power cables and protective devices when damaged, which can protect both the machine and the operator. This is due to the fact that a damaged cable can disable the overwhelming number of electrical components, which will require urgent restoration repair.
  • Eliminate, if possible, phase imbalance of the supply voltage. If there is a risk of voltage surges in the shops where the machine is used, then it is better to install stabilizers and filters that give some protection in this situation.
  • Always carefully monitor and control the quality of compressed air and strictly prevent oil, water or dust particles from the compressor and pneumatic system installed in the shop. Such circumstances are practically guaranteed to reduce the life of air reducers, pneumatic valves and cylinder cups.

Rapidly wearing parts of the machine and their replacement.

It's not a secret for anyone that even the machine, which is the standard of reliability, has its "Achilles' heels", therefore, replacement of such parts, made on time, will always prolong the life of the equipment. Let's take a closer look:

  • Always after work, it is necessary to clean both the workplace and the machine itself, as well as lubricate the units and parts that are recommended by the manufacturer. Another feature in this case is the use of only a lubricant recommended by the manufacturer or one that has already been tested in action and no problems arose during its application.
  • Almost all manufacturers prefer to install sealed joints and assemblies on their machines, which prevents the ingress of dust and dirt. Most people prefer to clean the machine with compressed air, but it is better not to do this, since under high pressure the chance of foreign bodies getting into protected places is slightly higher. It is preferable to choose brushes here.
  • It is not necessary to release the clamping beam from above with force, it is enough to do this just as much as it will be enough to accurately position the workpiece on the work table or conveyor. If this is neglected, wear of the pressure rollers from above, overloading of the motor, wear of the soft clips and stretching of the conveyor chain are inevitable. All this will lead to replacement and, therefore, extra costs.
  • Especially carefully monitor the condition of the pneumatic cylinders and gearboxes, since through their fault those machine units that are responsible for processing the workpieces can be damaged.
  • Accurately set the heating temperature and choose the right adhesive composition for the edge, based on the performance of the machine. If you use low-quality glue, then contamination of the glue station is inevitable, and this may be followed by the cost of replacing consumables.
  • When replacing spare parts, give preference to originals.
  • To work on the machine, allow only those personnel who have been previously instructed and are sufficiently competent in operating such equipment.
  • Important! If you notice any abnormalities in the operation of the machine, but do not know the reason for this, it is best to consult with the manufacturer or supplier of the equipment.
  • Time for thorough machine maintenance should never be neglected.


Trust the maintenance of the machine only to those personnel who are really interested in it, as they will worry about the common cause and strive to do their job at a high level. If a specialist who maintains the machine is really competent, then in about 75-80% of cases he will be able to prevent damage to parts and assemblies of the machine. Yes, if you use a machine in production that falls under the classification of a light series, then you should not expect high performance from it, driving in two shifts, or even more, since this will definitely not benefit it.

our company "X-Profile" offers only certified equipment that will serve you for a long period of time faithfully. Should any problems occur, our highly qualified staff will always answer any questions.

Vega offers high quality equipment for the production of furniture from scratch. In our catalog you can choose a complete set of equipment to perform any operation in production with high quality and quickly, including edge processing. Our edgebanding machines are reliable lines and machining centers that can work reliably and for a long time for you.

You will not surprise the modern consumer with cheap furniture, and the choice is diverse today, so buyers are looking not only for affordable furniture, but also high-quality. Furniture industries of various sizes have to switch to new technologies and purchase high-tech equipment, otherwise the production will become unprofitable.

Features of furniture production

In Russia, mainly two types of materials are used for furniture production - various types of particleboard and MDF. These are ready-made slabs that are produced in factories and come in many colors, since they can be revetted with veneer, self-adhesive film, and polymer plastics.

Buying such boards, furniture manufacturers are faced with the task of cutting them and facing the edges, i.e. edges. Edgebanding equipment is expensive machines with complex "stuffing", in the choice of which you simply cannot be mistaken, so it is worth considering them more carefully and closely.

What is edge banding machine

On the edge banding machine, you can close the sides of the workpieces with a special edge material. It can be different in thickness, width and other parameters (up to 3 mm in thickness and up to 25 mm in thickness of the layer itself). Most often, veneer, strips, impregnated paper, and acrylic are used as edging material. Recently, coiled aluminum for edge processing has also appeared.

It is worth starting from the choice of edging material. By choosing it, you can choose the machine more accurately and not be mistaken. If there is only one material, you will not need to equip the equipment with special units, and if there are several, then you should take care of the choice of additional equipment in advance.

Edgebanding machines are of two types: single-sided and double-sided. They can work with straight edges. Curved edges are processed on complex machining centers equipped with special units.

At the beginning of their journey, many furniture manufacturers acquire not the most powerful edge processing machine, and when expanding, they have to buy another and another, and a third. A situation arises when a separate edging workshop appears in production, in which many workers work.

Thus, the purchase at the beginning of the production of a powerful productive machine will save both on wages for new workers, and on the shop floor, and on the cost of excess equipment. After all, the main thing in production is high-performance, high-quality and reliable equipment that can guarantee growth and expansion without costs.

Machines, as a rule, are equipped with various units required to perform a variety of operations, while the workpiece makes one pass through the machine. Auxiliary units and parts are not the main ones, and in principle they can not be bought in order not to spend money and save money, however, it is highly likely that you will not only have to send coated parts for revision, but also create jobs for their processing.

Edgebander device

The machine has basic and additional units that are necessary for work. The main ones are:

  • formatting unit (pre-jointing);
  • node for supplying edging material;
  • glue station;
  • clamping unit;
  • trimming unit;
  • milling units for removing overhangs;
  • cycle
  • polishing unit;
  • grooving unit;
  • spray system.

The formatting unit on the facing machine is a saw segment and a crusher assembled on a spindle. The saw sets the size and the grinder sets the stock. This knot is paired with a jointing. It is necessary to obtain the exact size and geometry of all furniture parts. The result is a regular rectangle.

Pre-jointing is an operation during which defects are removed on a part. These can be chips, irregularities after the scoring saw when cutting, etc. Pre-jointing allows you to use less glue in the future, to get a thin seam.

There is a special unit for feeding the edging material on the machine. Depending on the type of material, this unit can be equipped with micro-teeth, a bar without them, etc. The equipment of the machine with a knife also differs depending on the power of the machine. If it is designed for thin edging, then the knife will no longer cope with other edges, for example, plastic. The machines also issue different allowances for length. It is worth noting that the larger the production volume, the greater the edge overrun may be, as the stock increases.

A special feature of the machine is the presence of a magazine for quick changeover. It allows you to change the edging material by color or size.

The glue station on the machines can be made in the form of a tray (possibly removable for quickly changing the glue) or in the form of a cartridge. The glue is either spread over the edging material from the roller or squeezed out of the cartridge nozzles.

The sizing system can also be combined - it is a cross between a tray and a cartridge, i.e. there is both. The glue is heated in nozzles, and from the container is applied to the part.

One of the most important elements of an edgebander is the clamping mechanism. Very often they do not pay attention to it when choosing a machine, but the final quality of furniture parts depends on it. The strength of the joining of the edging material and the workpiece depends precisely on the clamping unit. It is good if the machine is equipped with several rows of rollers that provide a long pressure until the glue hardens.

The device that affects the overall performance of the machine is the end assembly. It removes the remnants of the edge from the ends of the workpiece. The workpiece fits to a special saw, and in the process of its movement cuts off excess pieces. Then the saw slide comes back to "wait" for the next part. Sensors regulate the operation of the unit, plus there is a device that determines the size of a suitable workpiece at the beginning of the machine (processing line). From this sensor, the computer reads information and transmits data to various devices at the time of processing. It is also important that the saws have an adjustable swing angle, as the adjacent edge must not be damaged.

The milling unit is used to remove excess edge overhangs along the workpieces. It also shapes the part if it is necessary to glue a thick edge. Two cutters on both sides cut off the unnecessary edge portions at the top and bottom. The angle of the cutters can be adjusted to smooth two surfaces: the edge and the part.

If a thick edge is used in production, then there is a need to mill the joint of its two parts. For this, there is a profile milling unit. He is also able to process a radius edge on parts. The profile of the part is rolled with a copy roller, then it is processed.

A profile knife or radius scraper removes defects after milling. The fact is that after processing with a milling cutter, a wave is formed, which will be removed by the cycle. Some OEMs also remove glue residues with a flat scraper. After such processing, the edge of the edge turns white, which can also be called a defect. To remove it, a thermal edge alignment unit is used. It melts part of the edge, darkening its color and, as it were, restoring it.

The polishing and sanding unit is required for the finishing of the edge and part. They remove minor defects, glue that has come out, etc. Leading manufacturers equip the polishing unit with a device not only for rotary movements, but also for reciprocating movements, in order to improve the quality of processing and make the wear of the unit (fabric wheels) even.

The sanding operation is carried out for further facing the edge with solid wood or veneer.

To create grooves in workpieces, the machine is equipped with a groove unit. To prevent glue or chips from sticking to the workpieces, a release fluid is used, which is sprayed with an anti-adhesive system. The system for heating the workpieces allows you to heat the edge in the cold season so that the glue does not freeze on it. Thus, the quality of the adhesion is maintained.

Setting up all nodes on the machine can be done manually or automatically. The first option is simpler and cheaper, but requires the participation of qualified operators. The second is more expensive, but more functional, as it allows you to diagnose errors and malfunctions.

Quality edgebanding machines are always equipped with a route control that monitors the position of the part and its size. The final result and the accuracy of each operation depend on these parameters. It is better when there is a size reading system at the entrance that transmits data to a computer and includes one or another node. There are fewer sensors on the machine, which means that the likelihood of their failure is also reduced.

The bed on which all the units are attached can be of different lengths, and some manufacturers also sell their machines with free space on the bed so that another unit can be installed there. The bed must not accept vibrations from assemblies.

An important element of the machine system is the feeding of the workpieces. The parts are pressed against the conveyor belt using a V-belt or rollers. If the feed rate is high, a belt is preferable.

What to look for when choosing a machine

When choosing an edge banding machine, it is important not to make a mistake. The equipment is not cheap, it must perform many operations, complete the processing of parts, while maintaining their quality and appearance.

What should you pay attention to? For example, if you settled on computer-controlled equipment, do not forget that its elements are sensitive to voltage surges in the network. Network failures can damage machine controllers. To prevent this from happening, install a voltage regulator. As a rule, the installation of a stabilizer is a prerequisite for the manufacturer's warranty service.

Also, the machine is selected according to performance, and in order to calculate it, you need to know many parameters: feed rate, distance between parts, number of parts, their dimensions, range of edging material.

The productivity of the equipment is directly affected by the feed rate of the workpieces. The higher it is, the higher the productivity. Plus, it is worth taking into account the distance that can be between the workpieces during the passage. The shorter the distance, the higher the productivity. This parameter is especially important if the machine will mainly process small parts.

Machine changeover times also affect productivity, but this is up to the operator. There are models of machine tools with programmable controllers, thanks to which the equipment changeover is faster. If you plan to work with slabs of different thickness and different edging materials in production, you should think about models of CNC machines or buying several machines for certain types of slabs in order to maintain the speed of production.

Finally, I would like to say that before buying, you need to consider several models of machine tools, compare them, consult with specialists, see the equipment in operation in order to find your best option.

You can look at all the presented equipment for woodworking, we also offer you to familiarize yourself with large-format printers for printing on wood, chipboard, MDF and other materials.

Any furniture maker, sooner or later, is faced with the fact that the edge falls off on the finished product. This happens mainly when a number of factors are not observed. The quality of edge gluing depends on: the correct choice of hot melt adhesive, the correct setting of the machine, compliance with the application conditions, high-quality edging material. When choosing an adhesive, it is necessary to take into account the feed rate of the workpiece on the machine and the density of the hot melt adhesive (the degree of filling of the adhesive). According to the feed rate of the workpiece, the machines can be conditionally divided into low-speed with manual feed of the workpiece (up to 8m / min) and high-speed machines (from 8m / min and above). The principle applies here: the higher the feed rate, the higher the working temperature of the hot melt adhesive and vice versa. This is due to the fact that the glue must remain liquid from its application to the edge until the edge is pressed against the workpiece. On low-speed machines, this period is longer than on high-speed machines, which means that the time at which the glue remains liquid must be longer. The time at which the hot melt adhesive remains liquid and ready to be glued is called open time. For low speed machines, the open time must be long. The increase in open time is achieved by lowering the melting temperature of the hot melt adhesive. So: to work on low-speed machines with manual feed of the workpiece, it is recommended to work with low-temperature adhesives, the working temperature of which is 120-160 C. For work on high-speed (pass-through) machines - high-temperature adhesives 180-210 C. 180 C, such adhesives are suitable for machine tools with a speed of 8 to 14-18 m / min. When choosing glue, many, trying to reduce the cost of the product, focus on a low price per kilogram of glue. Reducing the cost of hot melt glue is achieved by adding fillers to the glue composition. With an increase in the proportion of fillers, the density of the glue (g / cm3) increases, it has a decisive effect on the consumption of glue. In practice, it is calculated that the consumption of pure glue (density 1.00-1.03 g / cm3) is ~ 150 g / m2. One kilogram of such glue can be used to glue 250 linear meters of 25mm thick edge. And the consumption of the filled glue (1.35g / cm3) is ~ 250g / m2. One kilogram of filled glue can be used to glue 160 linear meters of 25mm thick edging. So, using the same amount of hot melt glue, you can glue the edges 65% more with clean (unfilled) glue. Accordingly, the cost of the glued running meter in the product is reduced. Pure glue has a number of advantages: improved wettability, as a result of increased adhesion, transparent, thin, invisible glue seam. Bonding of edging material in various colors and decorations - without changing the hot melt adhesive. Reduced consumption - due to low density, optimal in terms of costs. Unfortunately, furniture manufacturers very often have to work with poor quality wood-based panels: very loose and porous. In such cases, you may encounter the problem of over-consumption of pure glue (to fill a large number of pores). It is in such cases that it is advisable to use filled adhesives, where cheap fillers fill the pores. The German company JOWAT, founded back in 1919, supplies the Russian market with the following hot melt adhesives: low-temperature for machine tools with manual feed of workpieces and processing of curved surfaces Jowaterm 282.20 (filled glue (1.35 g / cm3) with an operating temperature of 120-160 C) and Jovatherm 282.40 (pure glue (1.03 g / cm3), T 120-160C) Jovatherm 282.30 (1.31g / cm3, T 160-180C) and Jovatherm 282.70 (1.45 g / cm3, T 170-190C) for medium-speed automatic machines for working on automatic high-speed equipment - unfilled Jovatherm 280.30 (1.03 g / cm3, T180-200C), low-filled Jovatherm 280.50 (1.10g / cm3, T 180-200 C), Jovatherm 284.00 (1.45 g / cm3, T 190-210 C), Jovatherm 288.90 (1.50 g / cm3, T 190-210 C) for softforming Jovatherm 288.70 (1.45 g / cm3, T 180-200C) for Holz-Her machines glue melt in cartridges Jovatherm 286.60 (1.3 g / cm3, T 180-200C) and Jovatherm pure 286.30 (1.03 g / cm3, T 180-200C) a wide variety of hot melt glue colors - beige, brown, black, white. In 2010, Follmann launched its own production of hot melt adhesives. Filled low-temperature glue Folcomelt 1542 (1.3 g / cm3, T-140-160 C) for work on machines with a low feed rate. Folcomelt 1750 (1.48 g / cm3, T-180-200 C) for medium-speed machines Low-filled hot melt adhesive Folcomelt 1756 (1.11 g / cm3, T-180-210 C) and Folcomelt 1749 (1.45 g / cm3, T - 190-210 C) for high-speed machine tools.


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