P organization rationing and. Organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise. Theoretical foundations of labor organization

Year of issue : 2005

Genre : economy


Format : DjVu

Quality : Scanned pages

Number of pages: 320

Description : The subject of the discipline "Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise" is the study of the principles and methods of constructing labor processes, establishing labor standards for various categories of workers in various forms of organizing production, using various forms and systems of remuneration. The training manual reveals all areas of organization, regulation and remuneration of labor, taking into account the changes that have occurred in recent years in the economy and organization of production at industrial enterprises, as well as in theory and methodology.
This course provides for an integrated approach to the study of theoretical and practical problems of the organization and regulation of labor, forms and systems of its payment. This course is intended primarily for the preparation of students of economic universities and faculties. Therefore, the textbook "Organization, rationing and remuneration of labor at the enterprise" sets out not only the theoretical and methodological foundations, but also practical aspects of organizing, rationing and remuneration of labor for various categories of workers, and provides examples of practical solutions to specific problems.

Chapter 1. Methodological foundations of labor organization
1.1. Essence and content of labor organization
1.2. Tasks and directions of labor organization
1.3. Theoretical foundations of labor organization
Chapter 2 Division and cooperation of labor
2.1. The essence and significance of the division and cooperation of labor
2.2. Collective forms of labor organization
2.3. Combination of professions and functions
2.4. Multi-station service
2.5. Division of labor of managers, specialists and employees and forms of their cooperation
Chapter 3 Organization and maintenance of workplaces
3.1. Jobs, their types and requirements for the organization
3.2. Specialization and equipment of workplaces
3.3. Workplace layout
3.4. Organization of workplace services

3.5. Integrated design of the organization and maintenance of workplaces
Chapter 4 Certification and rationalization of workplaces
4.1. The essence, goals and objectives of certification and rationalization of jobs
4.2. Accounting, certification and rationalization of jobs
Chapter 5 The content of the labor process
5.1. The labor process, its content and requirements for the organization
5.2. Production operation as a separate part of the production process
Chapter 6 Labor methods and techniques
6.1. Labor methods and techniques: general provisions
6.2. Principles of motion economy
6.3. Rationalization of techniques and methods of work
Chapter 7 Working and rest conditions
7.1. Working conditions and factors that determine them
7.2. Evaluation of working conditions
7.3. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions
7.4. Modes of work and rest
Chapter 8 The content and objectives of labor rationing
8.1. The essence and content of labor rationing
8.2. Functions of labor rationing
8.3. Types of labor standards and their characteristics
8.4. The structure of a technically justified norm of time
Chapter 9 Studying the cost of working time
9.1. Classification of working hours
9.2. Methods for studying the cost of working time

  • 9.2.1. Working time photo
  • 9.2.2. self photography
  • 9.2.3. Timing
Chapter 10 Methodology for calculating labor standards
10.1. Analytical method of labor rationing
10.2. Microelement regulation of labor
10.3. Rationing methods used in foreign countries
Chapter 11 Regulatory materials for labor regulation
11.1. The essence and variety of regulatory materials
11.2. Basic requirements for regulatory materials
11.3. Methodological provisions for the development of regulatory materials
Chapter 12 Methodology for rationing certain types of work
12.1. Rationing of work on metal-cutting machines
12.2. Rationing of metalwork and assembly work
12.3. Calculation of the norm of piece time for assembly work performed on the conveyor
12.4. Labor rationing for multi-machine maintenance
12.5. Rationing of work on production lines of machining

12.6. Rationing of labor in the conditions of automated production
12.7. Rationing of work performed on machines with numerical control
12.8. Labor rationing in the conditions of flexible production systems (FPS)
12.9. Labor rationing during the period of mastering the production of new products
12.10. Features of rationing in the conditions of brigade labor organization
12.11. Rationing of labor of auxiliary workers
12.12. Rationing of work of managers, specialists and employees
Chapter 13 Organization of work on labor rationing at the enterprise
13.1. Work on the organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise
13.2. Assessment of the level and intensity of labor standards
13.3. Analysis of the state of labor organization at the enterprise
13.4. Analysis of the state of labor rationing
13.5. Implementation, replacement and revision of labor standards
13.6. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of measures to improve the organization and standardization of labor
Chapter 14 Material incentives for the work of employees of the enterprise

14.1. The essence of wages and incentive systems in a market economy
14.2. Functions of wages and principles of its organization
14.3. The system of organization of wages in the enterprise
14.4. Tariff system and its elements
14.5. Forms and systems of remuneration
14.6. Tariff-free wage system

  • 14.6.1. Remuneration system using point estimates of labor contribution
  • 14.6.2. Remuneration of labor based on the ratios in remuneration of different quality
  • 14.6.3. Payment system that ensures the application of the tariff rate of the 1st category at the level of the subsistence minimum
  • 14.6.4 Collective share system of remuneration
  • 14.6.5. The system of remuneration based on the assessment of the labor contribution of the employee to the overall results of the work of the team
14.7. Remuneration of managers, specialists and employees
14.8. Premium system
14.9. The mechanism of additional payments, allowances and compensations

Goals and objectives of the organization and regulation of labor

Labor organization is a set of technical, organizational, economic, ergonomic, physiological and psychological measures aimed at improving the efficiency of using

The organization of labor acts as a complex system for rationalizing the use by employees of the means and objects of labor, the interaction of workers among themselves. The fundamental principle is a certain order of labor operations and compliance with the sequence of the labor process. Taken together, the organization of labor directions to improve the socio-economic performance of the enterprise.

The technical basis of the organization of labor is the rationing of labor.

Labor rationing is the establishment of a measure of labor, or the minimum required time spent on performing certain work.

In order to effectively use the labor potential and improve the efficiency of business processes, enterprises are implementing measures to standardize labor activity in the main and auxiliary production processes.

The goals and objectives of the organization and regulation of labor are determined by the organizational and technical conditions in which labor activities are carried out at the enterprise.

The purpose of the organization and regulation of labor– creation of fair working conditions and a labor system that increase the efficiency of enterprises.

The tasks of organizing and rationing labor

Thus, this area of ​​economic work at the enterprise is focused on improving the cultural and technical level of employees, including raising the level of technical knowledge, developing professional skills, training, retraining and advanced training. This also includes ensuring sanitary and hygienic working conditions, work safety, and carrying out preventive measures.

From the point of view of the content of individual production processes, the organization and regulation of labor affects the following aspects:

  • Rational
  • Maintaining a certain level
  • Raise
  • Raise

With the independent organization of one's work, it is of paramount importance.

Thus, the organization and regulation of labor includes 7 elements.

Elements of organization and regulation of labor in the enterprise

Division of labor in the enterprise

The operational and functional division of labor allows organizing a labor process of varying complexity at the enterprise, depending on the nature of the products produced, in the following order:

  1. Definition of the ultimate goal;
  2. Formation of a list of production operations;
  3. Determination of the sequence of necessary labor operations;
  4. Separation of all labor operations between employees;
  5. Building an organizational structure for managing the production process;
  6. Adaptation of workplaces for the convenience of work;
  7. Organization of auxiliary works;
  8. Development of rational techniques and methods of work;
  9. Establishment of labor standards;
  10. Determination of forms of remuneration.

Thus, the division of labor can be represented by a system of related operations on which the organization of labor is based, and a set of subsystems "Workplace" is formed at the output.

The subsystem "Workplace" allows you to create finished products and provides the ability to monitor the performance of production operations.

Thus, the division of labor allows efficient use of .

Principles and methods of labor organization at the enterprise

In accordance with these principles, the following areas of work in this area are being implemented:

  • development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor;
  • improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces;
  • study of advanced methods and techniques of labor;
  • improving the training and advanced training of personnel;
  • improvement of labor rationing;
  • improvement of working conditions;
  • all-round development of man.

The implementation of the principles of labor organization is carried out using two methods:

  1. The empirical method is the introduction of various measures of labor organization into the practice of the enterprise by experimental means, the results of which are necessarily monitored and analyzed, or by using the experience of other enterprises or experienced skilled workers in similar labor operations.
  2. Scientific method - uses the economic laws of production development and is based on the results of the analysis of the current situation, the labor process, the cost of working time, specific measures are developed on the basis of calculations and economic justification of the proposed solutions for implementation in production.

Both methods have equal rights to use and can be used by enterprises in combination. In specific cases, the choice of method is carried out depending on the content of the labor process, the specifics of the production site and the list of tasks that are supposed to be solved.

The main provisions of labor rationing

Justification of labor standards includes technical, operational and resulting justification.

  1. The technical justification is used for the correct placement of workers.
  2. Operational rationale is used to determine the sequence of operations.
  3. The resulting rationale means the need to identify slack and explore best practices by comparing them to the current characteristics of the workflow and individual operations.

The scientific substantiation of the norms is the basis of labor rationing.

The concept of labor rationing in the enterprise

Labor rationing allows you to properly organize labor processes, regulate the implementation of basic production operations, form the procedure for performing auxiliary work and determine the regulation of rest time. As a result, the organization of the labor process makes it possible to identify reserves of working time, introduce new technologies into labor activity, use the experience of other enterprises and improve.

Types of labor costs

The organization and regulation of labor at the enterprise is based on three types of labor costs that can be technically substantiated.

Types of labor costs

Norms of time represent the time period required to produce a unit of product, service or perform a specific job. Also used to determine the time it takes to complete a particular operation.

Time norms include all categories of working hours that are required under normal conditions. Determined by the formula:

Hv \u003d Tpz + To + Tv + Tobs + Todd.l.n.

Hb - the norm of time

Tp - time for preparatory operations

That is the main time

Tz - time for final operations

TV - auxiliary time

Tobs - time for maintenance of the workplace

Thoth - time for regulated breaks and rest

The norms of time change within the framework of the organization of labor, depending on the conditions of production and economic processes at the enterprise.

Production rates are calculated as the number of units of products that need to be manufactured for a certain period of time, hour, shift.

The most commonly used rate of output per shift, which is calculated by the formula:

Hvyr = Tcm / Hv

Nvyr - production rate

Tcm - shift duration

Hb - the norm of time

Workplace maintenance rate is defined as the amount of labor resources (i.e., the number of workers of the appropriate qualifications), which is necessary for the most complete use of the production capabilities of the machine, the mechanism to perform the given work at the set time.

Depending on the nature of the application and the goals of labor rationing, enterprises apply several types of norms, which are classified according to different criteria.

Labor regulation requirements

Labor rationing methods

In the practice of economic activity of enterprises, 3 methods of labor rationing are used:

  1. Analytical method - the calculation of the norm is based on a thorough analysis of the production capabilities of the workplace, the technological process, individual operations and the constituent elements of the labor process.
  2. Statistical method - the norm is established on the basis of the results of numerous measurements, during which the same labor operation or a set of such operations is performed.
  3. Empirical method - the norm is established on the basis of the results of experiments and experiments, the purpose of which is to find the best option for performing labor operations.

The analytical method, in turn, has two varieties:

  • Analytical-calculative method - the operational time is determined by calculations. With this method, the constituent elements of the norm of time are determined by the chain according to the corresponding calculations.
  • Analytical research method - operational time is determined on the basis of the results of special observations. The constituent elements of the norm of time are determined in the course of observations.

Labor rationing is carried out differentially by the elements of the norms and labor operations, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of calculating specific norms of labor costs due to the full consideration of all factors that affect the labor process.

Main ways of labor regulation:

  • experimental studies of operating modes;
  • timing and photo timing of production operations;
  • minute-by-minute fixation of the labor process;
  • photo of the working day;
  • physiological research;
  • study of workplace ergonomics;
  • system analysis of the workplace.

Data processing is carried out using statistical methods (first of all, correlation-regression analysis) and graphic-analytical method.

The methodological foundations of the organization of labor, the processes of its division and cooperation, issues of organization, maintenance, certification and rationalization of jobs are considered. The content of the labor process, methods and techniques of labor are analyzed. Much attention is paid to labor rationing, in particular the methodology for calculating labor standards. The systems of labor stimulation are described. Numerous practical examples are given. For students, graduate students and university professors, as well as for economists, accountants, managers.

For the efficient operation of modern production, based on the use of sophisticated equipment and technologies, characterized by a large number of intra-production communications and information flows in the field of management, a clear organization of the labor process, progressive norms and standards, effective systems of material incentives for highly productive labor as the basis of not only the organization of labor on workplaces, but also planning, organization of production processes and production management. Compliance with the forms of labor organization, the quality of its regulation and the availability of effective material incentives corresponding to the level of development of technology and technology, as well as the level of social economic relations, are the main conditions for achieving high production efficiency. Being an important part of the organization of the production process, the organization and remuneration of labor as an independent area of ​​economic work at the enterprise has a special content, scope of research and methods for studying human production activities. The science of labor organization, which arose at the junction of many scientific disciplines, is based on the use of mathematics, physiology and psychology of labor, and the social aspects of labor activity. This allows, on the one hand, a comprehensive approach to the choice of optimal options for human interaction with technical means of production, on the other hand, dividing complex phenomena into simple ones, comprehensively studying them and, by modeling, finding the most effective solutions. Thus, all decisions in the field of labor organization are made on the basis of a comprehensive analysis, accurate accounting, scientifically based methods.
Under the conditions of a market economy, there is an objective need to increase the role of organizing and rationing labor, to more closely link the results of labor with its material incentives. In a market economy, there is not and cannot be an effective wage system without a high level of labor rationing. Labor for pay is, first of all, an assessment of labor costs and labor results from the standpoint of their compliance with labor standards. The low quality of labor rationing means a decrease in the level of organization of labor and production, therefore, a decrease in labor productivity and a decrease in material interest in work. With the emergence of enterprises of various forms of ownership, the expansion of their rights, the effectiveness of their activities and the wages of employees directly depend on the effective use of production factors. And this can be achieved only by using modern methods of organizing and rationing labor and adequate forms and systems of remuneration. This is the most expedient way, which does not require significant costs. In practice, the reduction in labor costs, as a rule, provides a simultaneous reduction in unit costs. As a result, a reduction in the cost of production is achieved even at enterprises with a low share of wages in its composition. For this, it is necessary that the organization and regulation of labor fully fulfill their functions. Therefore, when establishing labor standards, first of all, such organizational and technical conditions should be taken into account that ensure the effective use of equipment, technology and working time.
The subject of the discipline "Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise" is the study of the principles and methods of constructing labor processes, establishing labor standards for various categories of workers in various forms of organizing production, using various forms and systems of remuneration. The training manual reveals all areas of organization, regulation and remuneration of labor, taking into account the changes that have occurred in recent years in the economy and organization of production at industrial enterprises, as well as in theory and methodology. This course provides for an integrated approach to the study of theoretical and practical problems of the organization and regulation of labor, forms and systems of its payment. This course is intended primarily for the preparation of students of economic universities and faculties. Therefore, it sets out not only the theoretical and methodological foundations, but also practical aspects of organizing, rationing and remuneration of various categories of workers, and provides examples of practical solutions to specific problems.

Name: Organization of rationing and wages at the enterprise.

The methodological foundations of the organization of labor, the processes of its division and cooperation, issues of organization, maintenance, certification and rationalization of jobs are considered. The content of the labor process, methods and techniques of labor are analyzed. Much attention is paid to labor rationing, in particular the methodology for calculating labor standards. The systems of labor stimulation are described. Numerous practical examples are given.

Preface. 7
Chapter 1. Methodological foundations of labor organization
1.1. Essence and content of labor organization. nine
1.2. Tasks and directions of labor organization. 13
1.3. Theoretical foundations of labor organization. 15
Chapter 2. Division and cooperation of labor
2.1. The essence and significance of the division and cooperation of labor. 19
2.2. Collective forms of labor organization. 24
2.3. Combination of professions and functions. 27
2.4. Multi-station service. 29
2.5. Division of labor of managers, specialists and employees and forms of their cooperation. 37
Chapter 3. Organization and maintenance of workplaces
3.1. Jobs, their types and requirements for the organization. 41
3.2. Specialization and equipment of workplaces. 43
3.3. Workplace planning. 46
3.4. Organization of workplace services. fifty
3.5. Integrated design of the organization and maintenance of jobs. 55
Chapter 4. Certification and rationalization of jobs
4.1. The essence, goals and objectives of certification and rationalization of jobs. 70
4.2. Accounting, certification and rationalization of jobs. 76
Chapter 5. The content of the labor process
5.1. The labor process, its content and requirements for the organization. 79
5.2. Production operation as a separate part of the production process. 83
Chapter 6
6.1. Methods and techniques of work: general provisions. 86
6.2. Principles of economy of motions. 87
6.3. Rationalization of techniques and methods of work. 89
Chapter 7. Conditions of work and rest
7.1. Working conditions and factors that determine them. 94
7.2. Evaluation of working conditions. 95
7.3. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions. 98
7.4. Modes of work and rest. 105
Chapter 8
8.1. The essence and content of labor rationing. 113
8.2. Functions of labor rationing. 116
8.3. Types of labor standards and their characteristics. 119
8.4. The structure of a technically justified norm of time. 121
Chapter 9
9.1. Classification of the cost of working time. 124
9.2. Methods for studying the cost of working time. 129
9.2.1. Photo of working hours. 129
9.2.2. Self-photography. 147
9.2.3. Timing. 148
Chapter 10
10.1. Analytical method of labor rationing. 158
10.2. Microelement regulation of labor. 161
10.3. Rationing methods used in foreign countries. 175
Chapter 11
11.1. The essence and variety of normative materials. 182
11.2. Basic requirements for regulatory materials. 185
11.3. Methodological provisions for the development of regulatory materials. 186
Chapter 12
12.1. Rationing of work on metal-cutting machines. 193
12.2. Rationing of metalwork and assembly work. 197
12.3. Calculation of the norm of piece time for assembly work performed on the conveyor. 202
12.4. Rationing of labor in multi-machine maintenance. 206
12.5. Rationing of work on production lines of machining. 210
12.6. Rationing of labor in conditions of automated production. 216
12.7. Rationing of work performed on machines with numerical control. 219
12.8. Rationing of labor in conditions of flexible production systems (FPS). 223
12.9. Rationing of labor in the period of mastering the production of new products. 226
12.10. Peculiarities of rationing in conditions of brigade labor organization. 229
12.11. Rationing of labor of auxiliary workers. 230
12.12. Rationing of labor of managers, specialists and employees. 235
Chapter 13
13.1. Work on the organization and regulation of labor in the enterprise. 242
13.2. Assessment of the level and intensity of labor standards. 247
13.3. Analysis of the state of labor organization at the enterprise. 251
13.4. Analysis of the state of labor rationing. 253
13.5. Implementation, replacement and revision of labor standards. 259
13.6. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of measures to improve the organization and regulation of labor. 261
Chapter 14
14.1. The essence of wages and incentive systems in a market economy. 270
14.2. Functions of wages and principles of its organization. 273
14.3. The system of organization of wages in the enterprise. 275
14.4. Tariff system and its elements. 276
14.5. Forms and systems of remuneration. 280
14.6. Tariff-free wage system. 287
14.6.1. The system of remuneration with the use of point estimates of the labor contribution. 288
14.6.2. Remuneration of labor based on the ratios in remuneration of different quality. 292
14.6.3. A payment system that ensures the application of the tariff rate of the 1st category at the level of the subsistence minimum. 295
14.6.4 Collective share system of remuneration. 297
14.6.5. The system of remuneration based on the assessment of the employee's labor contribution to the overall results of the work of the team. 299
14.7. Remuneration of managers, specialists and employees. 302
14.8. Premium system. 306
14.9. The mechanism of additional payments, allowances and compensations. 310

The essence and significance of the division and cooperation of labor.
Modern production is characterized by the isolation of individual processes and works, which makes it possible to specialize tools and workers, shorten the production cycle, and increase labor productivity. However, the labor of all those working at enterprises is collective labor. Its results depend on the extent to which the necessary quantitative and qualitative proportions are observed in the distribution of labor among individual links of production and jobs and the cooperation of the labor of individual performers and primary production teams.

Separation of processes and works implies, first of all, the division of labor. Under the division of labor in the enterprise is understood the differentiation of the activities of those working in the process of joint labor, as well as their specialization in the performance of a certain part of the joint work.

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